THURSDAY, AUGUST 17TH-, 1939 THEr CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE S. IX the President. Mrs. Keith express-B 4- ity in general held their annual Ca n sec her pleasure at being able ta LeliFAA B aCEIstocf picrnic at Orono Park Thursday. vstamong her many aid fri- OPESTOC Weather was ideal and a very Mi. and Mrs. Henshaw and ends. Mrs. Ernest Thomas, form- Recent Visitors: Mis. J. W. Recent Visitara:i&s. -Norton enJaybale aiternoon was spent in babe, Caesarea, have rnoved ta erly head of Schadol of Dramatic Balson at Mr. Leslie Hosldns', Van Camp and children, Llstowel, bail games, races andi contests, the faim owned by the late Geo. Expression, University of Saska- Tharnton's Corners... Mrs. N. with Mr. and Ifis. N. A. Van wlth a bountiful lunchean of Felils, just north of the church. taon, very ably presented the de- MacIvor and Joan, Hamilton, Mis. Camp. .. Miss Doris . Heasllp, goodies. Miss Helen Brown, Omemee, is votional periad. Mis. J. L. Best Fred Flintoff, Oshawa, Mis. G. Toronto, with Mi. arid Mis. Wal- Sympathy is extended ta Mr. visiting hei', aunt, Mis. Russel favared with a piano solo "«Abide Flintoff and childien, Orona, at lace Malow.. . Mis. J. A. Me- and Mvis. R. Shortt in the loss of Brown. With MVe"; Mis. Thomas gave a Mr. J. W. Balson's. ... Miss Emily Aithur, Jessie and Betty in Strat- their barn and live stock by fire Mr. and Mis. R. E. Cooke; Ver& splendid outline of the Life Of Killen, Toronto, Miss Annie Kil- frd.. Miss Marlon Sheer, wil- on Sunday evening. Mr. anàd Mis. and Ernie who have been holiday- Robet Louie Stevenson, at the len, Oshawa, at Mi. Rabt. Kil- fîid and Miss Mildied Mils, Shortt and fanmily were away at ing at Mis. Bîown's have retuin- close of which Mis. Keith sang len's. . Mi. and Mis. Robt. Kil- Scugog Island, wlth Miss Anne the time and the origin of tire is ed ta Toronto. -dhe Requiem" with Mis. Cecil len and family, Mi. M. Nemis, Thomso... Miss Susie Van unknown. Oagmnfrom here attended Worden, as accampanist; Mis. Mis. Wes. Cameron, Jack and Camp is at Oak Lake Summer Salem friends were griived ta the Black Pieceptaiy celebration Best played and sang a maedley of Joyce, Mi. and Mis. M. Knapp, holatnigaLdesplarofheet fMs.W . at Blackstack, Aug. l2th. sacred pieces which was much Helen and Ruby, North Oshawa, Training Cours... Miss Jean Yeo, of Bowmanville. Deepest Mis JhnHuteran Jckeappecatdaswasal te ro at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. .. Malcolm, Nestleton, with Miss sympathy is extenddt i e Toronto, Mi. Jlm Cooke, Moon- gram thiaughout. Mis. R. Peaice Miss Bernice Staintan, Peterboro, Veina McNally... Mi. and Mis. and f amily. stane, Mi. Gardon Vance, Mis. and Mis. A. J. Gay voiced the at Mi. A. T. Stainton's... Mi. . Hubert Gardiner and Russel of Salem friends who remember Lila and Miss Helen Vance and sentiments of the ladies by mov- and Mis. A. T. Stainton, Misses Mount Pleasant, Mi. Ronald Rev. I., Snell as a young man on Mi. Bill Davis visited et Mi. ing a hearty vote of thanks to Bernice and Eîleen Staintan, Mi. Mills, Detroit, at Mi. and Mis. the Tyrone Circuit were sorry ta George Fowler's. aur guests. Lunch was seived on Lloyd Stamnton at Browning Mervin Grâham's. .. Mi. and note his death in Monday's To- ____________ the lawn by the group in charge Island... Mi. and Mrs. J. W. Mis. Percy Jobb and Jean, Oshi- ronto paper. ta about f ifty ladies and gentle- Balson and family, Miss Ethel awa, with Mi. and Mis. J. Jobb. Sympathy is extended ta Mis. Ebenezermen. Wilkins, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis.iuNR E.. Miss Edna Thompson, Brpok- Lewings who is ili in the Bow- _____________ Anson Balson and family, Mi. and New patterns la Engljsh lin, with 'Mi. and Mis hs. manvile Hospital. Recent Visitais: Mis. Denison BMis. Reford Cameron and fani- Dlnnerware: Boilyhock, Sma Venning... Mi. and mis. Ross anrd Mrs. Garrett, Toronto, at Mi. Burketon ily, Miss Florence Lander, Mi. Mist, Maytlme and Winder- Curtis and childi-en, Cobourg, F. W.Rundl's...Mis. alteiand Mis. Fred Cameron and more. Speclal Items or ern- Mi. and Mis. Gardon Stiong andEn ik le Fnd. n cidiwihM. Recent Vistais: Mi.aWdlMis Helen, Mr. and Mis. Leslie War- plete services for 4, 6, 8 and childien with Mis: Robt. Bruce. n ikle Snidei atnBocaygden.'. . Mis. L. vantVkanburg withren, Bernice and Alvin- Mi. and j?', whlch eau be built opat ..Mi. and Mis. Percy Van Camp____ W. G. Rundle and Miss ElsieMis.eTracypGraspe, and fadiMysatyour eonvenîenee. Very attrac- and childien with Mi. and Ms . Rcn iios Mis, O.y W. G RudieandMis Elie ke hr prens, i. nd is.J. Geneva Park... Mi. and Mis. tive designs, very attractive Wright. .. Miss Marlon Stinsan, Rent isas:Ms Ma with Mi. and Mis. Herman Grey, Curren. .. Mis. J. Dait, Enniskiî PFoster Snowden, Kedron, at Mir. ries Oshawa, with Mi. and MrIs. R. Woodley, Saskatoon, Sask., with Hamilton. .. Miss Marjoiy Down len, with her daughei, Mis. Gea. Russell Rbbins'... Mr. and Mis. Stinson...Mi. and Mis. Gillies, her grandxnother, Mis. John San- with Mi. and Mis. Sydney Venton Rahm. .. Mi. and Mis. Ed. Alt. Ayre, Lloyd and Boyd at A wlde choie Of iftâ, SOu'. Richmnond Hil, wlth Mi. Donald ders and aunt, Mis. Thea. Siemnon. attE. H ota . r and ElenH rsn Coughill et Niagara-on-the-Lake. Peterboro. .. Mis. J. W. Mc- vonirs ad novolties. Gillie... Mi. and Mis. yl, Master Keith McGiII iii Ta- B. ollnd nd ilenHaristn, Mi..andand HMis. hTeH.aseWoithC NalTedtenMasterow Mis.. W SC.l rotayloîhisaattended. il Misses Ruby and Joan Heyho, and Audrey, St. Thomas, with the trousseau tee toi Miss Ethel Ms m o n obe et. r n r.Wle k Toronto, Miss Joan Beauchamp, fîiends here.. M . anyd . i. nd is.. . is.Wm.CaxandBobI, t Mi. and Mrs. Carter's, Con- Long Island, N.Y., with Mi. adeland ndfnBr WnpeayT.tacinn atMi. aHe ret hno.IWBrooklin, with Mi. and Mis, C. sVco.....Mi. and Mis. W. Veale, Mis. Jack Beauchamp.. . Mis. with Mi. and Mis. J. McLaughlin. Sano',Hnsil.Sa. ___ Toronto, at Mi. A. B. Oke's.. Allie Shantz, Rochester, et the. . Mi. end Mis. T. Bre<2k and Mis. MiAit Ayre , shntsvglhis Mi. and Mis. A. Sharpe and Mi. Pearce home. . Misses Eileen and McKachinie, Winnipeg, in Toron- Mr._______________________ m Derry Day at Blackstoek and Mis. W. Sanderson attended AuryBacapi oot.t.sheep et Peterboro Fair. the tuneral of -Way Kent, Paris. Audiey BAne icksm inTrndtiso.a.e tehm M. Fire destioyed the home of Mi. invited friends with even number The 251st anniveisary of the .Mr. 1Rarry Spencely,, Sudbury, Allie Woiden, Oshawa, Mis. Z. WAmeetheeo!M. and Mis. Herb Flintat! on Satur- af boys, ta a werner roatMn Relief o! Deiry was heid et t Mr. A. Sharpes... Mi. and Davies, Toronto, Mis. Genney, and Mis. Aidied with a good et- day. Neighbours helped save sanie day evenlng. Games were en-e Blackstack Aug. 12th. A go0d Mis. F. Sandersan, Detzdait, et Mis. Philadeiphia, et the Worden tendance Thursday evening. Mis. o! the tuiniture but it is a terrible onthrsaias a n n waer- number o! lodges and bandsaet- C. Vrtue's... Mis. T. McGilI, Mi. home... Mis. Frank Thonipsan, W. Avis resigiied as secietary and mistoitune ta befai l ederiy peo- mon espaeived ad at tended inciuding:- Millbiook and is. R. MoGil et Mi. F. Mc- Taunton, Mis. Jesse Arnott and Mis. Moffatt was eppointed ta l ieM.adMs eo ev.bnMlbol ogBnrf ..Ms ikn Bernice, Maxwell's, Miss Lila take her place. The ladies have pieylikeMand is. Fainto . .W . Fiusn Tw ad, MilioeLodgeancfrofdGllsToo ta. . . i. Wil- Osoie ndMi. lae kewihpurchased a rug toi the church.Teitndabdagr. took up the Sunday Schooi lesson Lde ite !Fakod son, wife o! thelaeRvH.W- Ms.on n Mer BlakikinsnPotA neetn iormwsgvn Mis. Retard Cameron and Mis. very acceptably onSudywt Frankford Lodge, Kiik!ield band kinsan, and littie son, Lindsay, Hop. e nDckno, otAnd lurn w aied by is. Russel Stainton celebreted their teadr ebi.Specy iemuicand Lodge, Norwood band and Rev. H. and Mis. Staintan and Soervcso Sunday were cn Hoskin and her gioup. A vote of biithdays together et Mis. Stain- was tuinished by Mi. Arlon Hall, Lodge, Peterboro band and Lodge, boys, Guelph, et Mi. E. C. Ash- ducted by Mi. W. C. Ferguson, thanks wes extended ta, the ton's on Aug. llth. Miss Audrey Hall oni the violin Baktc adasse yJn ... i n i.F rso Bomavllaste etaRev. hostess. and viola, accompanrîed by Miss etviile, and Biackstock Lodge and - GrAce Ann et Mi. Robt. BW . nill sthend Ms t re Mi. Water Avis has purchased Muriel Hall on the plana, also with members from Pontypool, Piestans... Mi. and Mis. Robt. W. CdaySmaithianear Raglan.W are sn iOm Misses Louise and Marlon Foiey, Toronto and Oshawa taking part. Preston with Mi. and Mis. F. Mc-' taking a month's hldy amna aln eaesrYS ln Pearl and Lenore Colacutt and Atter the parade, speeches by Gill, Toronta. .. Mi. and* Mis. W.M.S. met Aug. loth et the ta lose Mi. and Mis. Avis and poie______o h A-Rsel rfinadfmiywt home of Mis. Frank Woîden with f amily from aur neighbourhood RcetVsai:M.nd i. Muriel Hall sang "The Old Rug- pocation ent embers ofinthe As-r.selGf and fJ.AamsLowit Graup 3 in charge. Meeting open- but wish them every success in Don Vandeihoot, Mi. and Mis. ged eCoss"accamo tpianobyMi. socitn renjoyeveediigte Mi..andMi. J. AdamsLngn ed with e short reading given by their new home. Charle Erb and son C. D., Roch- Orlon Hall viola, and Miss Audrey on P. Devitt was chaiman. Speak- Annie,.Beaverton, Mi. and Mis. Piesident Mis. A. J. Gay. Mis. Mi. and Mis. E. F. Sandeison, ester, N.Y., et Mi. E. R. Taylor's on vialin, ta the delight ot ail. ers included Laftts Reid, G.P.M. E. O. Pethick, Toronto, Mi. and Leslie M. Keith, Toronto, who, Detroit, Mis. J. Sandeisan, TY and with other relatives. .. Mis. Next Sundey Mi. Blake Stevens of B.A., Toronto; Ruâsel Nesbitt, Mis. Robt. Thomas and Bobbie, brought her severai kind friends rone, Mi. Harvey Spenceiy, Sud- H. Ashlee, Mis. Gomme and Mi. o! Saline, will take up the lesson,- K.C. Taronta; Rev. A. W. March, Niegara Fells, et Mi. S. R. Peth- wha provided the devational. and bury, Miss Irene Sharpe, Toronto, Keith Breakey, Toronta, with Mi. more speciai music. Hope ta see Ty'rone, and Rev. E. P. Wood. It ick's. .. Miss Audrey McLeugh- program. She was introduced by - et Mis. Chalmers Sandeison's. and Mis. Ernest Hockday... Mi. another good tuinout. School was decided to hold the celebra- lin, Union, with Miss Isabelle and Mis. Jack Reynolds and tamn- staits. et 1 p.m. Standard Time. tian et Bancroft next year. Rahm. . Miss Audrey Grahanm, iiy with Mis. Halfacie, Kendal. . _________ A good hardbeil game taok Courtice, with Mis. C. B... c Miss Jessie Heys, Toronto, with place at the park between Yel- Miss Laina Rahm with Miss Jean Mis. R. J. McKessock... Miss ~ *J vertan and Nestleton with the Cochrane, Bowmanville... Mr.v Muriel Baker, R.N, Nichoîls Hos- LLflIL latter winning 16-8. end Mis. W. A. Siemon and Alan,M COME TO pital, Peterboro, at~ home...Vsi:s. A girls' sottball game between Winnipeg, Dr. Grant Tiewin, Mis. Messrs Bo>b and Jim Smalesan eetVsor:M.nd r. Courtice and Bethany proved Wm. Tiewin, Bowmanviile, Mis. @Wesley Werry and Miss Fanny H. Weir and family, Ottawa, et ver . eetn ihCutc W .BiTrna aldo Smeies et Bright. .. Mi. and Mis. Mi. T. Bowman's. .. Miss Helen Winnflg 9-7. Mi. and Mis. H. Annis. .. Mis. Burney Hooey and Barbare, Nest- Smith, Oshawa, with her cousin, A dance in the Armnouries in Esther Stevens, Hampton, with Stevens'... Mi. and Mis. Allan Stevens, Miss Elle Stevens, Osh- chestra, Oshawa, supplying the P. Elford, Toronto, and Mis. H. Belson, Lavent, et Mi. A. J. Bal- awa, Mi. and Mis. Hiram, Davis, music concluded the celebration. Elford, Bowmenville, with Miss son's. Miss Ileen Balson hes re- Cecil end Isobel, London, et Mi. E. Souch. .. Mi. and Mis. C. F. W EDNESDAY, AUG. 23 turned home aîter -spencing a A.ý Prescatt's. .. Mr. and Mis. T. Coates, Floride, Mis. G. McKei- month et Kingston and Lavant. Whillier and Mi. Robt. Stinson et Haydon nan, Rochester, and Mi. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. John Stevens, Mis. H, Stinson's. .. Mi. Fred Frank La Belle, Buffelo, with Mis. M4iss Doris and Master Harold Ashton, Taronto, Mi. J. Ashton, C. Buigmaster. .. Miss Doiothy Stevens, Maple Grave, Mis. Chas. Detroit, et Mis. G. Ormiston 'ï Recent Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Wright, Tyrone, Miss Vivian rudWhite and family, Oshawa, Miss Mi. and Mis. J. Seigison, mmir. H. Gay and !amily, Oshawa, et Wright, Leamington, with Mi. Gaines of siH and chance. Dancing, ]0n Kathleen Tink, Hampton, Mi. Hewson, Toronto, Miss Argue, Mi. C. Garrerd's. .. Mi. J. Gra- and Mis. Wm. Wright... Mis. E. and square taOrn1e Wagar 's and Meiry- and Mis. Chailetan McBride and Peterboro, et Mis. J. Stinson's. hem, Oshawa, et Mis. D. Gra- Burgmester et Dr. end Mis. L. Orhsrsfamily, Peterboro, et Mi. Gea. . . Mi. and Mis. A. L. Pascoe, ha. . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. B.,- Williams', Ceesarea... Mi. niakersOrhsa. White's. .. Mi. Fred Tucker, Mis. New Jersey, and Mis. Living- Dobson and Sanda Mis. W. Ridge and Mis. I. Reesor and Mis. W. Russel Charletan, Mis. Leslie stone, Bowmanville, et Mi. M. and Mis. Couch, 'toronta, et Mi. Souley, Markham, Mi. and Mis. Bowen, Misses Vivian and Elean- Semis'.. . Mi. and Mis. Harold J. Wright's. .. Mi. and Mis. Bll Russell Wright, Tyrone, with.Mi. or Bowen, Miss PhyUlis Obein, Oryistan, Mis. G. Ormistan and Grant, Toronto, et Mi. A. Mc- and Mis. Wm. Wright. .. Master MAKE IT A NIGHT OF <lOY Fredeîickton, Ohio, et Mi. John Frank et Biooklin. .. Miss Veina Neil's. .. Mis. Osborne Oni, Ronald Rahm with Master Jîm _________________________________ Kivell's. .. Misses Jean and Ormistan, Oshawa, et Mi. H. Glenn and Charlotte, Larder Lake, McLaughlin, Union... Mis. H. Myrtie Hardy, Peterboro, et Mi. Smith's. .. Mi. and Mis. Hoskin Mi. and Mis. R. Ormistan, Enni- Avery, Mis. D. Mason and Ger- Lseac Hardy's. .. Mi. and Mis. Smith and tamily et Mi. W. skillen, et Mi. L. Ashtan's. . . -aidine, Woodstack, with Mis. Wm. ..roeesUsed To Improve Orono Harvey Hanrs and Billy, Mi. and Smith's, Whitby. Mi. and Mis. H. Aninis,' Eiiuiskil- Oke... Mi. and Mis. Russel Procedslen, et Mis. S. Trewin's... Misses Gardon with Mis. Mundey, Sid- Mis. A. L. Pascoe with Brooklin Mi. Frank McMullen under- Frede and Viola Bradley holiday- ney... Dr. and Mis. Clarke Dor- CommnityPark frienda. .. Mi. and Mis. Walter went e nase and throat aperation ing in Haliburtn... Mi.'and lanid and daughters, Mis. Lillan Cm uiyParrinder nd Evelyn et Mi. L. in Wellesey Hospital, Toronto. Mis. R. Games nd family, Mi. Relph 0 with Mi. and Mis. J. -1Beil's, Taunton. .. Mi. George. The mnembers of the Woman's and Mis H. McComb and tamily, Darlend. .. Mi. and Mis. Wm. ________________________________________Toronto. .. Mi. and Mis. Ralph Associetion hed e treat toi their Mi. and Mis. A. Lewrie and tam- Marri and Muriel, Mi. Reginaid Davis et Mi. Walter Nesbitt's, August meeting when Mis. Thos. iiy, Mr. and Mis. A. Jones and Weeiing with Mi. and Mis. G. Brooklin ... Mi. George Hogarth Bowman enteîteined them et an temiiy, Toronto, Miss Isabelle Clemence, Staynei, and Rev. and -in Torontoa. .. Mi. Rascae Baker, outdooî meeting and picnic et and Mi. Ian Stevenson, Grimsby, Mis. M. Ferguson, Wasego. St. Marys, with Mi. and Mis. W. Geneva Park near Columbus et Mis. E. Mountjoy's. .. Mi. E. Baker... Mi. and Mis. Leslie which is in charge o! Mi. and Slemon, Mi. M. Siemon, Lloyd Keih ad Mss aryGromsMis. Howard Grass, daughtei and Gardon et Mis. C. Johns', ToeitoendMissandMaryGHromsand son-in-lew o! Mis. Bowmen. Hampton. DroW's Van Nest and tamily, Philadephia, Thirty ladies attended as well as Mis. A. McNeil attended the____ E XI I I NMi. and Mis. Sam Brooks and a nuniber of childien wha en- Grant-Moore wedding in Toron- Mis. Dwight Brown with her t O amily, Piovidenpe, Mi. and Mis. joyed the swimming tank, the ta Satuiday. daughter, Mis. Walter Farrow. Jack Short, Mi. and Mis. Chas. pines and the ice-cream provided Church service next Sunday et Mi. Geo. Stephenson is in Sud- Osborne and tamily, Ebenezer, by Mis. Bowmen. President Mis. 2.30 p.m. bury working. Mis. T. Bragg, Bowmanville, et A. W. Pîescatt welcomed every- W. A. met Thursdey et the home Mis. Henry Reichrath and babe Mi. S. E. Weîry's. one and conducted the openîng of Mis. E. Bradley with President with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Mis. J. T. Rundle is under the exercises which consisted of e Mis. C. Garrerd in cbeige. Bible Oea. Law. Mis. Law is improv- Doctoî's care. prayer by Rev. H. Leckey. Con- reading was given by Miss Audrey ing sîowîy. SEI tests under the direction o! Mis. Thompsan and devotional by Miss Ms alHto n i n Thursdey with about 60 present. Refreshmesns and instructive. charge of Mis. Bradley: Piano Mis. R. Graham. All epot ajoly tie. efrshmntsweîe seîved on solo, Miss Jean Crossman; re- Mis.. Moses Heerd stayed with Reduced return rates (including admission> direct « M.H .Tn n o odtbe ne the cedaîs and ever- citation, Miss Shirley Garrard; lier grandchildren over the week- to the grounds, commenclng Priday, Aug. 25th ta four o! their. purebred - Holsteins greens and were deliciaus and vocal solo, Miss Marie Ashiton; end whule their parents, Mi. and Saturda.y, Sept. 9th, 1939 ta a Pennsylvanie buyer. abundant. . Will Ashtan mav- readings by Mis. M. Hobbs and Mis. Clint Brown were awey. ____________ ed a vote o! thanks ta gioup 4, Mis. A. Reed; vocal duet by Jean Mis. Roy Branch, Pauline and EATERN DAYIGET SAVING TIME supervised by Mis. Hoskin Smith, Crossman and Marie Ashton. Russell et Verona. who provided and served thei Lunch was served and a social Mis. Cliftord Brown in Bow-, M-lX M 1Wi_ _ _ _rcdnfR Camp, as e i4e. . ..-Master ' - Word's FairiniflNew York havina - "T' e Greate t Gain in Lie " ore Donald Morris, Town, has been heU a fine triiri. was the subJect a! Rev. A. W. The manv fiiends bere ai. Mis. visiting Master Bobby Stevens. Service et Shioh Sundav was held Marchs fine discaurse Sunday. William Yeo. Bowmanville were C O L L A C U T T Master Jerry Morris is now visit- in the moîninir. awiniz ta the decor-. A large crowd attended the sorry ta hear of her passinireand ex- ing Bobby. ation service in Newtonville. bu t pa- game between Courtice tend heaitfelt svma)athv ta Mr. Yeo AIEMiss Louise Foley enterteined the sciviceq in Shilob will be held et and Salem so!tball teamis et the and fauiilv in terbraeet COU R aama1uo a number of young people Thurs- the usuel bour in the afteînoon in Cieam o! Barley Saturday even- Mis. BroUie. Toronto. visited ber day evening. the future. lng. The game was very claseiy auizhter. Mis. . R. Revnolds. Miss Jean Stevens enterteined Rev. T. McLachlan has retuineci contested, Salem winning 4-3. Somie time during Fridav niuiht the girls baIl team and a few fîom bis holidevs, Salem W.A., S.S. and commun- the Sallv Ren tee raom wes broken into and a auantitv of choco late bars.' We see Louise Goodman is siort- candv. grum and, cigarettes taken. ingz a new car. Also somne cash f rom the tilt which Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore. To- was discovered next morniaw on the ronto. spent the week end with Mr- izround at the back of the buildiniz and Mrs. Harrv Holwell. where an entrance had been mrade bv Miss Elsie Moore. Toronto. soent slashiniz the window scren. Part of a week's holiday with Miss Dorothv the stolen zoods has been recoeved. . HolweIl. ;BETTER BAKING BY CARTER EEvery week we offer two baked goods specials that zeem to draw wefl with our many custom- ers. We take special pains with these itemn and produce them for you at the lowest price possible. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Oriental Spice Cake.............. 300 A Rare Treat Coconut Cr.amn Pie ............... 250 Deep and Creamy Try our lunch room the next time you are up town. You'Ul find the service good, the food excellent. THE CARTER FAMILY Buy From Your Bowmanville Baker Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations FINAL' CLEARANCE Summrer Dresses., 1 Dosenh to choose from at ridiculouoly low prices. Xany of them leis than haif price. $ooUp Prices Sla'shed On AUl Gents' and Ladies' Beachwear Including' Slacks, Shorts Ilalters, Etc. Tlore will b. plenty of warm weatber during the n e xt month. Rostock your beach wardrole wlth little cost. Las' Rip Swfm Suits Priced To $2.95 for $L75 CDUCH JOHNSTON& CRYDERMAN lPhono 886 LMTDBuwmanvfll t, '1' k 'J 1 COWLIN ELSFo u Arid Serves You WeIl When we test your eyes you are assur'ed entire saLtisac., tion in fit, qmhlty, otyle and price. Drmine $1.09 Hinds' Neet Shampoo Nozzemna Orearn and ]enilatory I5C - 33C Creain Badana =rea 59C - 9»C tow 89C 49e 54c - S»e KERSLAKE', SWEET NbVA KELP TABLETO PIORLE UMTURE provide vitainins and esuen- for cucumbers and beets tial minerais 1 Galon 35c 79e - $1.39 - $2Z79 Bathing Caps 19-29-39 Sun Glasses 15-25-39 DO UT UP AMY LoNGURW1Y White Shoe Oleaners - - - 15 -25 R E Bunburn Oint.. 25-50 HR' EU Flashlights, complete .E cdctdI sOS 'with batteries st.Piation, m .85 - 1.25- 1.45- 1.75 foLr1 11Onty 230 Pu. Fà Penlites ---690em E T mEDS LT1 Vacuumn Bot. 29c Lunch Kits -69o ITILX8DZVELOPED 83o Noxzenia - - - 59o PREZ Fellows Syrup -- 870 Save 10oeon each fin- 1 Lb. Absorbent -- 29o ished film. Try aur ex- Pinkhaan'sCoampound - 87o pert wooek.1 6 Gillette Bladea -25o We Guarantee Our Spices Fresh and Ful Flavored Cassia Buds, os. - 5c Whole Cloves, oz. 5- C Celery- Seed, oz,. 5cSeWhole AUspice 50 S Lump Aluin, 2 oz. - 5oc Cinnaxuon, az. 5o S 69.5 P. R .COWLINU, rflm.b. nAnID cllr