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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1939, p. 7

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r' T - THURSDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 1939 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHoNE 663 Mr. Tog Callan, Montreal, is hplidaying at home. Miss Louise Wilson is visitlng fi½eds in Toronto. Miss Marion Dudley is holiday- ing at Port Credit. Miss Gwendolyn White, Toron- to, is vlsiting Miss Jean Living. M. George Weekes, Ottawa, is visitlng with Mr. Alan Osborne. Mrs. H. R. Campbell and Shir- ley have been visiting ini Toronto. Mrs. J. Hoidge, Toronto, is visitlng her cousin, Mrs. J. Wight. Miss Dorothy Lochead, Owen Sound, visited Miss Ruby Hobbs. Messrs John and Fred Neal are on a motor trip to Boston, Mass. AUGUST IS' WA<ITIME' Marr's Jewelry Phone 463. Bowmanviile Miss Dingman is visiting heu sister, Mus. 'Brust, Rochester, N. Y. Mis. Edna Ashton, Boston, Mass., visited ber aunt, Miss E. Spîy. Miss Nellie Pattinson, Toronto, hs visiting Mr. and Mis. Jas. Pat- tinson. Miss Reta Bennett is holidaying with ber sister, Mis. S. H. French, Toronto. Miss B. J. Galbraith is visiting Mrs. Bernard Mitchell in St. Catharines. Miss Mary Cowan is visitinig with ber aunt, Mis. Je!! McDon- ald in Detroit. Mn. and Mis. C. H. Papineau, Toronto, visited ber father, Mi. H. Lathiope. Dr. and Mis. W. H. Birks have retuîned from holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Mis. W. Black and Miss Lois Bailey, Toronto, visited at Mr. Owen Fagan's. Mis. J. H. Needham is visiting, ber son, Mi. Cedric Needham, Camillus, NY. Miss Winnie Lancaster is spend- ing ber vacation with ber parents at Port Granby. Miss Mytle Edgerton, Detroit, is visiting with Mi. and Mis. J. Living and family. Miss Florence Bush, Napance, is visiting Mi. and Mis. Grant Norris, Silver St. Mis. E. Boss, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. S. Leggott. Mr. and Mis. A. E. Summers have been holidaying at Wapoos, Prince Edwaîd County. Miss Flora Galbraith basne- tunned home from holidayins witb fîiends in Toronto. Mus. G. W. 'Bidell, Toronto, is OUR DEEPEST APPRECIATION On behaif of Bowrnanville Rotary Club, the heartiest than]Igs of the officers and rnyself goes out toa ai persans who by theàr attendance and ganerasity at Rotary Fair laut night, ore by their assistance in any capacity, contributed some- tbing toward rnald.g the Carnival a great suc- cees. W e again assure the general public that the funds received will be held in trust by vu and used to benefit and assist unfortunate crip.pled children and for othe worthy causes. We hope yau enjoyed the fair and wll corne again next year. igned on behalf of Bowirmanville Rotary Club 3. R. BTUTT, President. Grocery Speclals WHICH MEAN MONEY SAVED FOR YOU Paimolive Soap................... 2 bars Il "SALADR TU Black1- lb. 34c . Pound Sc No. 2 Fine Sifted Peas ...................... tin loc Alymer Catsup .................. bottie 15C Crunchie sweet Pickles, 19 Oz bot 20C 27 oz. bot. 25C Comfort Soap ................... 4 bars Ise New Ciover ý4ls 0 Honey 2 Ibs 23e bs 0 Insect Killer 8 OZ. 16 Dz. 29c 47c L2 PKGS.2 . 32 oz. 75c PKG. I __ IL& FOR 3041 Hein. Vinegar, for plckllng & table,* gai. soc Pure.i. o Lard....................... .lO HARRY ALLIN Phone 367 - 368 GROQER Bowrnanville PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO visiting her daughter, Mis. H. R. Bowmanville Beach ToE Campbell, Concession St. 1___ r Mr. and Mrs. S. Leggott are (CofltinueId from Page '1) H holidaying with Mr. and Mis. J .' J op ueeTrs alW McFdyn,~olinwadnd May M. and Mrs. Walter 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin, John W alm y,Tont.e and Barbara are spendimg their WaaseynoonoiG vacaion t Lke Npissng. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Butler and 1 vactio atLak Niissng. Beverley Ann, Mr. and Mis. A. 1 Miss Sheila Fitchett, Montreal, Marth and June.. Toronto, with 1 is vlsiting ber grandfather, Mr~. Mr. and Mis. A. Green. n William Painton, Westmont. Mi. and Mrs. Roy Cormack and wl Mr. anld Mrs. Chas. D. Searle Betty and Miss Bell Gordon, To- at and Norma have been holidaying ronto, Mrs. Myrtie Bailey, Picton, ]j at Lake Scugog for a month. Miss Edith Leighton, Bloomnfield,, lI Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Trebilcock, with Dr. J. P. and Mis. Millen. ' Toronto, spent Sunday with his Mrs. W. Moran, Bruce and Lent mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. ore, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cb Reeve G. A. and Mis. Edmond- M. C. Smith. stone, Miss Dingman and Mr5. Mr. and Mis. Stuait Gratten,Ri Brust spent the holiday in Ot- Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ste- La tawa. wart, Jr., Toronto, with Mr. and M Mrs. Walter Foley, Maple Mis. A. H. Peacock. at Fyvie Cot- Grove, spent last weekend with tage. an her grand-daughter, Mrs. Bert Ms .B we,'iss E. Sweet,) Colwell. Mrs. Paul Godon and Joyce, To: Ja Miss Violet Osborne, Wellesley ronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. GOwer Ri Hospital, Toronto, is home for and Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. C. M three weeks' vacation -wîth her Blanchard, Mn. and Mrs. H. OrP- Mý parents. wood, and Mr. and Mis. H. Day, th Mr. and Mis. J. Black and Oshawa ith Mr. and Mis. J.p tdaughter Mary, Toronto, were Baîker at TcoaCotae Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Geo. Ni 9J. A. Gunn. Patterson and, Norman, Toronto, 1 Miss Ruth Averend, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Street at 1o who is holidaying at Newcastle Wene Verfus. W Beach~ was guest of Miss Ruth Mr. and Mis. A. Eqlwards and Di Hutchinson. Frank, Toronto, with his mother, Misses Jean Spry and Grace Mrs. A. Edwards. T Rundle have returned from hol- Recent Visitors with Mrs. R. H idaying at Moore's Lake, Halibur- Hughes of Leaside Cottage were: tn District. Mr. Lloyd Shaw, Miss Ida Ban- D Mr. andivlrs. Wrightson Wight, deli, and Miss Audrey Hughes, K Mrs. Jas. Wight and, Mrs. G. Toronto, Mrs. F. E. Bé.mes, Teddy, Tý Phare visited Mr. Fred Wight, Ross and Audrey, Sprnia. P, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Luttrel andS Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cale and Ann, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mis. Donald spent the weekend at Edwin Luttreli at Halzcott Cot- P Little Hawk Lake in the Halibur- tage. t eton district. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham and Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs.-S Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKinnon, R. H. Bice at Itsootsus. i 'Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. B. McNichol and Joan,l G 3Geo. W. Grahami. Toronto, are bolidayng at their jVý Misses Madeline and Marjorie cottage Cylant Phore. Weekend Jones,. Toronto, spent. Sunday visitors were Mr. Ian McTavish, a: 9with their parents, Mayor and Bill Matheson, Bob Laughlen and L, Mis. R. O. Jones. Jack Brown, Toronto.E Mrs. Geo. W. James and Wil- Mr. L. Lloyd, Mr. and Mis. J. b liam were in Gaît, Friday, attend- Greenwood, Mi. and Mis. J. '1 ing the funeral of Mrs. aS. C. Roche, Mis. Daisy Wilkinson and a Weaver of Toronto. Joan, and Mr. J. A. Atkinson, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. L. Ji Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Harnden McElroy at Camp Cosy.1 and sons, Doug and Billy have Mi. and Mrs. A. G. House, Jean- h been holidaying at West Lake, netta and Dawn, Toronto, are ' Prince Edward County. holidaying at Sandhuist Cottage. Bey. W. P. Rogers, B.A., is Weekend visitors were Mi. and supplying the pulpit of King St. Mis. S. Gillard and Mn. and Mrs. United Church, Oshawa, during T. Hanks, Toronto. their minister's holidays. Dr. Angus McLeod, Dr. Laura ;V Bey. W. A. and Mis. Bunner Arthur and Miss Helen Anderson, e and Miss Vivian are holidaying at thein son's, Mr. Kelvin Bun- wedding in Kingston. This week a ner's, near St. Catharines. tbey are holidaying witb Mi. andt Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples Mis. G. W. Garner at Balsam , and daughters Elizabeth and Joan, Lake. Toronto, are holidaying at her Mi. and Mis Herbert A. Van mother's, Mis. W. A. Spargo. Nest, Betty Jean and King, Phil- Mr. and Mrs. J .H. Jobnston adephia,, Pa., Mi. and Mis. L. M. and Eleanor and Giandpa George Keith, Toronto, visited their Lunney are enjoSFing a holiday numerous relatives ini Durham, at Caesarea on Lake Scugog. County on Sunday and took tea Mrs. John Luxton and grandson wîth their cousins, Mr. and Mis. Murray Cain have returned home Geo. W. James. atter spending an enjoyable week Mi. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns en-< at a cottage at Buckborn Lake. tertained. sixteen of thein fellow Mr. and Mrs. William Slemon cottagers fromn Washago Bay, and son Alan, Winnipeg, Mis. W. Lake Scugog Friday. The guests A. Brownf, Toronto, spent the made a tour of the buildings and weekend at Mi. William Trewin's. grounds at the Training School, Mi. and Mis. S. G. Chartran, then enjoyed a pîcnic tea, served Florence and Doris have returned by Mis. Cairns at Juiy. Lodge. 1 from a pleasant holiday witb ber Past Presidents F. F. Morrisz brother, Mr. G. Wood, Lansing, and.Geo. W. James representedi Mich. 1 Bowmanville Rotary Club at To- Mi. and Mrs. W. R. Strike and ronto Rotary Club on Friday son Allan haye returned from an when Walter D. Head, Presidenti enjoyable holiday at the Kagama of Rotary International, was the Club in the Laurentian, Mountains guest of bonor and spoke on of Quebec. "What Is This Thing Called Mr. G. F. Jamieson spent an Rotary?" extended weekend at Lake Che- Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. mong. His wife who had been Robt. Crowther, Eligin St., were: visiting ber sister, Mrs. Upper, Mrs. Dunn of Aberdeen, Scotland, returned home witb him. Mr 4nd rs. James Cunningham [k M. Rot. . Dy, Mnage ofand daughter Ruby, Mr. and Mis. Mr. obt E.DyeMangerofBeg. Taylor, Mi. and Ms-s. Jack Dome Mines, Mrs. Dye and Ro- Rae, Miss Lillian Cunningham, al bert Jr., Timmins, Mr. and Mis. of Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Walter George Miller, Toronto, weîe Crowther, Newcastle. guests of Mis. M. J. Hutchinson. When you retire there is no Mi. and Mis. J. Cook, Sarnia, town in Ontario that can offer Mi. and Mis. C. C. Cook, Brant- you better advantages than Bow- ,ford, who have been on a motor manville, splendid schools and trip to Quebec, spent the weekend churches, business men of integ- with Mi. and Mis. Neil Yellow- rity with fine stocks and 10w lees. prices. See page 2, 'hext week's Mis. S. James and Mis. A. M. Statesman - 3 acre orchard and Garrie of Jacksonville, Florida, new comfortable home for sale. mother and sister of Mis. T. A. 33-1i Partridge are visiting with the The marniage is announced of latter at ber home on Concession Doris Lillian Wade, daughter of Street. Mr. and Mis. Edward Wade of 'Mis. John James, Mis. Clarence Ebenezer, to Walter William Cole, Hayes, Mis. L. Guy, Columbus, son of Mi. and Mis. F. J. Cole of Mi. Ed. James, Oshawa, and Mr. Bowmanville. Marriage took. place Bert James, D troit, Mîch., were at Columbus Parsonage on April in town TuZday calling On 28th. Bey. Wyle officiated. The Dr. and Mis. B. Stanley, Osh- awa, with Mi. and Mis. G. M. Jacobs. Mis. J. Kimball and Mus. Dar- win Bickell, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mirs. A. L. Daîch at Cbetwyn Villa. Mi. and Mrs. 4.itor Petbick, Mr. and Mis. Alex Stewart, Mr. and Mis. Guy Luttreil and Ann, Tor-onto, witb Mr. and Mis. Guy Pethick at Mayfaiu Cottage. Teddy Clarke, Bowmanville, has béen camping with Boss Wright, Mr. and Mis. E. Gingell and Joan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. L. H. Pearn. Mi. Hugh McKeen, Miss Dor- othy McKeen, Mu. Harold Wotten, and Miss Lorraine Davie, Toron- ta, with Mr. and Mus. Charles Davie at Sunny Nook Cottage. Ms-. T. Fisher, Toronto, is bol- idaying with bis family at the Beach. Mu. Frank Harrison. Miss M011Y Harrison, Mu. Van Dorn, To- ronto, Mr. and Mus. Will Cole and Susan, Leskard, with Mis. W. Cole at Coleraine Cottage. Mn. and Mus. A. M. McDonald, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. H. Hages-man. Miss Carol Cherry bas îetuuned !rom a visit in Toronto. Mi. P. Cherry, Toronto, is en- joying bolidays with bis family here. Wedding Purdy - Hall -A veîy pîetty wedding took place at the home o! Mi. and Mis. William P. Hall, Bowmanvllle, August l2th, when their youngei daughteu, Hilda MacBetb, be- came 'the bride o! Mi. Cliffoîd Charles Purdy, son o! Mi. and Mis. C. B. Purdy, Bowmanville. Bey. W. Franklin Banister per- fos-med the ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by ber father, woue a white taffeta dress with long, full skis-t and caîuied a bouquet o! pink Sweetheaut roses and white sweet peas. She was at- tended by ber sister, Mis. Thomas Har-vey, who woîe a dress o! pastel os-chid net oves- taffeta Dronto, with Dr. and Mis. P. E. eland. Mrn. and Mis. H. Newton, Mis. Jones and Sylvia, Toronto, !th Mi. and Mis. A. Liptrap. Mri. and Mis. A. Jacovi, Miss ace Carter, Toronto, with Mi. id Mis. C. 'W. Matbews at Idy- vyld. Mri. Don Newton, Mis. Jesse ide and Donald, Toronto, Mi. id Mis. Frank Hobbs, Lansing, Ith Mi. and Mis. James Glenday SGlen-Doug Cottage. N'iss Eleanor Wight, Bowman- Ile, with Miss Jean Pattinson. be Childs and James Crombie, 'wmanville, are staying at thein bttage Casino on Broadway. Mus. Gladys Muir, Mi. and Mis. ilei and Mi. and Mis. M. K. awson, Toronto, with Mr. and rs. W. J. Dunn at Besty Nook. Mr. and Mis. H. Trevail, Mi. d Mis. T. Dobby and family, r. and Mis. G. Coîden, Mi. S. ckson, Si., Mi. and Mis. B. ,dgely, Toronto, with Mi. and rs. Sam Jackson. Mr. and Mis. Harry Buir and r. Jim Crawford, Toronto, bro- ier o! John Crawford, hockey layer witb the Boston Bruins, sited with Mi. andi Mis. F. M. ixon at Oîm-A-Nook. Mr. and Mis. Morgan Cîock- :rd, Toronto, with Mn. and Mis. Villiam McCartney at Happy )aze Cottage. Mn. and Mis. Charles Agnew, ionto, visited Mi. and Mis. J. 1Fox at Chequers on the Cove. Mi. and Mis. John Jolliff e, Miss )orotby Glover, Miss Jean Mac- Cenzie, Mi. and Mis. C. McIveî, 7oronto, and Miss Belle King, leterboro, with Mi. Bill Berry at îndlands. Mi. Clifford P. Robbins of the 3rovincial Higbways Department, 'ith Mis. W. D. Fox at Cove Cot- ;ge. Mis. L. Sutherland, Mi. Russel ;utherland, Miss Doîothy. War- ig, Mi. and Mis. S. Gage, Miss arace Sutherland, Toronto, wîth lis. A. Myeîs at Bunny Burro. Mi. and Mis. H. Stvens, Mr. ind Mis. I. Hippier, Katherine, Lorraine and Eleanor, Miss A. Beatty, Mi. and Mis. John Smith, lis. H. Holstead, Jack, Keith and 'belma, Toronto, are holidaying it Gale Cottage. Miss. Sadie Hoît, Mi. Bill Mc- Kay, Mr. William McKay, Si.. Miss G. Gilbam, Miss Leone Gil- harn Mn. and Mis. D. Stewart Toronto, Mr. and Mis. R. S. Hard- ig, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis W. Fox at Daisy Dell. Mr. Jack Carlton, Manager ol the Oasis, bas ietuinedj from. bb well earned vacation at the Sev. ern River. Mr. and Mis. S. Huston, Donalc and Sam, Toronto, are staying ai theur cottage Casa Cova. Weekenc 'isitoîs were Mi. and Mis. H-arn3 Bright, Lillian, Ethel and May Toronto. Mi. and Mis. W. Mclntosh Ronald and Kenneth, Mis. Ini Mlurray, Toronto, and Mi. anc ilis. E. C. Robinson, Fienichman' Bay, with Mr. and Mis. A. Mc Intosh at Meîîimac Cottage. 1Mu. and Mis. J-. H. Gledbir rames Norris, Pat, Boss an Charles Truniphouis, Toronto, ar holidaying at Boss Hill CottagE Weekend visitoîs wene Mr. an mis. J. H. Norris and Mis. 1« ['rumphotsi, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. J. W. Bichmonc Jimmy and Hugh, Mi. and Mrt WT. Logan and Bill: Peteubono, M and Mis. R. A. Madely, Toiontc s'ith Mis. W. Donald at Donald C.ottage. Mis. B.' Donn, Toronto, with M and Mis. J. Caîmichael at Alv irove. Mi. and Mis. Fred Van Winkli Allin, Raymond and Harold, Ta ronto, with Mi. and Mus. J. M Attwell. Mn. and Mis. Tom Shehan, Hel en and Charles, and Mi. Gu Snow, Toronto, with Mi. an Nuis. B. C. Englisb at Lorrain Cottage. EAST SIDE T. H. Everson, Oshawa. bit toucby in telling their age. The many friends *o! Mi. C. Mi. Seldon bas been in the con- W. Soucb, Hampton, wlll be fidential service of the Massey pleased to know that he bas ar- family for over 50 years. One of iived home from the Private bis hobbies ls photognapby and Patients' Pavilion, Toronto, and among the many interesting and is progîessing veîy favoîably beautiful photos be showed us aften his critical operation. was one taken of bimself at the Dr. and Mis. Harold Fox and Chicago Woild's Pair in 1893, Betty, Washington, D.C, vislted taken by the sanie camera he ber father, Mi. F. H. Joness and still uses and gets such excellent Meon Satuiday they attended a results.ý and carried a bouquet of Tea roses 1 stable D. P. Morris occupies, op- posite the Public School. Since the death o! Mis. Rehdeî, be bas llved with bis son, Ernie. His giandcblldien numuen four- teen, and in addition, be is proud ta, state that be bas four great- - grandchildîen. When asked about Bowman- ville's gîowth with the times, be said that it is no biggeî than when be came 37 years ago, and would not be surpiised ta see that the population today is some- wbat smaller than in those past years. The many offices Mi. Bebdeî bas beld include Chairman o! Bowmanville Chamber of Com- merce 1911-12; in 1911 he and J. H. H. Jury, also a member of the C. o! C., jouineyed ta Montreal ta negotiate with C.N.R. off ic- ia]s îegaîding the bianch line to the Goodyear Plant which had only recently been establisbed at tbat time. For over seven years be was Chairman of the Hospital Board and for three yeaîs be was a member o! the Town Council. In addition ta these offices he bas been a Sunday Scbool teacher and officer -foi 46 yeaîs. He is a member o! the Official Board and Property Committee o! Tîinity United Church. He join- cd the chuîcb at 18 years o! age and bas thus been a member fou 67 yeaîs. For some time be bas not attended cburch services ne- gulaîly, but hears many mnspiiing sermons over the radio whicb, he says, is one of the gîeatest in- ventions ever ta corne fuom the mind of man. Since being îelieved o! business Sresponsibilities he spends mucb time resting and reading. Fou many years he was a regular at- tendant at the Canadian National jExhibition. It is. inteîesting ta note that the Bebdeî family is becomidng cl vcny scarce in the woîld. Only a few people with that name are still le! t, being scatteîed sparsely in different countries. Ail o! theni, bowever, oiiginated in the little town in Denmark where Mr. Rebder was boin. a Bwmnvillecitizens wish this gentleman contînued healtb and ahappiness and trust he will con- tinue ta spîead sunsbine and good cheer tbroughout the community that he bas adopted and whicb be bas seîved as one o! its fincst and most public spiîited citizens. ILowest Prices1 tdM!DICATfl ui and mauve sweet peas. The flow- er girl was little foui-year-old Joyce Purdy, the biidegroom's niece wbo wore a yellow taffeta dîess and carried a nosegay of yellow roses and small blue del- phiniums. Mu. Jack Purdy, th*e gioom's brotber, was best man. The wedding music was played by Mn. Thomas Harvey, wbo sang "At Dawn," during the signing of the register and later Miss Mar- garet MacBeth, cousin of the bride, sang "Because." After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was seived to about 35 guests. The rooms weie tastefully decorated in pink and white, with pink gladioli and white bydiangea and a profusion of pastel floweîs. The bride's gift was a gold wrist watch and the gioom's a gold signet ring. Cablegranis witb congratula- tions weîe received fîom relatives in Edînburgh, and froni Mis. Clark Bell and Ian, Glasgow, Scotland. The happy couple lef t amid showers of confetti, on a motor trip thiough Western Ontario. Christian Rehder <Contlnued from Page 1) Read Down A.M. 9.00 BOWMAKVILLE 9.10 HAMPTON - 9.20 ENNIBK11-TEN 9.30 BURKETON - 9.45 BLACKSTOCK 10.00 NESTLETON- 10.10 YELVERTON- 10.25 JANETVILLE 11.00 LINDSAY -- Read Up Pare - - 1.00 a.rn. $1.50 - !12.50 a.rn. 1.45 - 12.40 arn. 1.40 ---12.30 arn. 1.25 -12.15 a.rn. 1.00 12 - 2 id'ght. .80 - -11.50 p.rn. .60 - -11.35 Pmr. .40 - -11.00 p.m.. - FOR INFORMATION PHONE - LINDSAY 506 - BOWMANVIOLLE 2666 - OSHAWA 2283 Patrons Using Oui Busses May' Leave Their Cars in Parking Space at Kawartha Map les or at Our Garage In Bowmanvilie Free of Charge. Long Sault Mi. and Mis. Haiiy Fraser, Misses Mamaon and Jessie at Mi. J. Ball's, Leskard. Mi. and Mis. Robert Sums and Mi. and Mis. C. Bradley with Mn. and Mis. P. Bathgate, Bow- manville. Mis. Art Stoe and son Bobbie, Toronto, at Mr. H. Murphy's. Mi. Henry Wood at Mn. J. Mc- Roberts'. Mi. and Mis. F. O. Smith, Bow- manville, Mi. and Mis. F. G. C. Coolcs. Mis. Robeit Sums,, Si., Oshawa, Mis. Fr-ank Alexander, Bowman- ville, with Mi. and Mis. R. Suns. Church service was fairly well atended Sunday evening. Bey. W. A. Maîcb pîeacbed a fine sermon on "Contentment." NOTICE Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed tram August 23ud ta 2M hinclusive. Prescriptions CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring your prescriptions to us you tan be confident of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately filled with the purest ingredients. Let Us Cali For Your Prescription, Fi It Z -MZ171 1 And Deliver It. Phone 792 Our Ba by Department Excels lu this department we A1DIVIS carry everything for baby's A~DIVLD needs. 'Have the baby welgh- ed without charge and see ail the iatest baby goods. Phillin 's Baby Boap 5c 13PEIAL,-100 Sise Free With 35o Bize. Bath for 33o KIPGin Pablurn - - - 45o Johnstan's Baby Special 45o Value - - 390 Johnson's Baby OUl 5Oc L. B. T. Powder 25e-0Oc Baby Tooth Boushes 10o Biderdown Puff s - 25e 12 KINDS , for - 25c HEINZ JUNIOR 700DB 2 for -23e For babies 18 montlu & over You Get Wbat You Pay For When You PHONF. OUR STORE Bach Telephone Order In Acourately Filed With The Right Brand and Site at the Riglit Price Prompt Service On Each Order _______es lex McGreffor UNITED CIGAR BTORE Prescripti one a Speclaity AGENOY Phone 792 Bowmanviiie REDUCED FARES TRAVEL TORONTO and LINDSAY EXHIBITION SPECIALS BY CARTON COACH LUNES Comfortable Up-to-date Busses Going Daily From Auguat 28th RIDE ON THE BUS AND) AVOID WORRYING ABOUT DRIVING IN HEAVY TRAFFIC OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY PROM August 28 te Sept 9 (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIE) Leave Read Dow Arrive Return A.w Read Up Fare 7.00 KAWARTHA MAPLES- - - 1.35 $2.25 7.10 JANETVILLZ - - - 1.25 2.15 2.20 TELVERTON - - - - 1.15 2.00 7.30 NEBTLETON - - - - 1.05 1.90 7.40 BLACKBTOCK - - - - 12.55 1.80 7.50 BURKZTON -- - - - - 12.45 1.70 7.55 ENNISILLE N--- - 12.35 1.60 8.00 HAMPTON - - - - 12.25 1.50 8.20 BOWMANVILLE - - - - 12.15 1.40 10.00 TORONTO Exhibition - Lv. 10.45 p.m. OHILDRZN - - - HALl JPARE PARES INCLUDE EXHIBITION ADMISSION Bus Takes Passengers Right on to Exhibition Groundsansd Stays There Ail Day for the Convenience of Passengers LINDSAY EXHIBITION, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 14, 15,, 16 (STANDARD TIME) us 3-q

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