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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESIIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THIURSDAY,AUUTlH,99 Lineups: Front Street -Me- bumfped the Pepsi-Cola team aut frarn where it is caught? Incident- Unitd Church W.M.L mi'.mu veen If; Brough cf; Calmer 3b-;of the way and then on Monday ally, I arn buying f ish as freshFo J-ames lb; H. Hooper c; Harrison riksan Boqes wr pathetic against the Good n -__a_____ sI ogh cho FrLedr 2b; Rnudle rf; Richards ss and yuear. In this latter contest the adjs scepya ogt~U S P O R ~ N E ~1~J~ Wight p. nY NELSON OSBORNIE boys were battling themselves it in Halifax. Halifax people payshalfredrsf Pes-Cl-owead Bte _____________ as weil as the rubbermen while hlgh prices for everything they TheaMalscol flanry s oftyEX U aCiQ N S PR ES ;Little cf; Piper 3b; Moore If; the Çi00dyears went alaflg at an eat -even fish. tfe Wc Un ited Chur ocnadaO __________________Osbornie lb; Halliman 2b; Hunt Bowrnanvile has just -corne even tread and acoepted the oferwilthelnit he troLde' . Canada and Knlght rf; Rundle and Horne thrugh a hectlc week of b4seball breaks with dignified cairni. Lvrwl eh nteOtroLde' W ss ; Semple p. and it looks as if they were in II * II Liver is anc of aur rnast valu- Cailege, Whitby, under. auspices FotStreet 013 511 3-14 15 5 for anather. Front Street made Because of the Rayais' gaine on able meats and shauld be given of the Bay of Quinte CanferenceGONDAS Royals D f a s a aJ no s9 5 PpiC 201 001 0- 4 5 6th ployoffs, austing Pepsi-Cola Thhusfbllby actabt cidenad dle.Cl Branch from August 28 to Sept- DAILY SPEME15 O2 ____in____________do eretfie sfbl osaet ohcide n dls a-ember 1, inclusive. TUNLMT4Sdy ha I preseasn do e showng fn spirit in cailing off ves liver has thc best flavar, but A pedi rgri asbe slated ta finish in second place. the Secand gaine of this Goad- thr r aypal h ie Aandidfogr c etsre eek, TCESn0 OTAE At Oshiawa Park On Saturday asBeach Ail Stars Godyasl a ial sedbn ay ea rc-ot Street sars until a hraemnypolwolk ra dfrteeti ek, TC I _______ ht scn b h ltr ae TeRua eau as ta use' lamb's liver. Beef liver and thc Canference Branch cor- rusadaddt hi ed s Defrat Townl'$ B t agressive White Rose sud o also postponed their games until la just as good for us, biut has dially invites ta this Schaal for Excursion tcesgo nTuit (Froin Oshawa Times) rusadaddtthrlas At Softmall Saturday bourg bow out to Port Hope who next week. nat qulte as mlld a flavar. It is Leaders ail who are interested in Parler and Sadr leigor Playing anc of their warst Uiey went alang, ______mc here for Uic firut gaine of*** the clhcapest of ail. Liver used Uic Missianary Porme of the aiso avalilbeo amn fsih gaines this scasan, Oshawa Jun- Kthn ihtahtws The ~Bah Al Star mde r Ui aasnTursdy<ody. Wlth Ace Richards back on the to besoakcc1before cooking but church ad ocey ndwh i h r pSaeffSplspisc lors lost 9-5 decision ta Bowia- nly Oshawa batter ta get mare eea 'i Courtice, defcnding chaps in the mound after missg the eod nutrîtionists advisc against this. ta stud seit adwh ', prer or sleeping ca accommodation ville Intermediates at Aeadatanacslt.AnyMMfe aw n eague Ay iSt as thk e d Rura Leae re tadintte gme0sUcseisSacn qcc-in Uic frying pan In bacon fat. educatian and Uic Study Books A.rthur Ont ritog n. PakOhaa a Strdyafer talog rpl a ictac.Fo asd otSa3trd6y ight asUy dsa~ra trc ge d ota Uc hwuuanetadoocokneircsiptcuseea siaay OUeS-ices io oig i Pr nn.Bowmanvile, Rickard and Os- sthe aut a 13 tagrouds.icta with Salem who wHIl meet Pro- Courtice tcarn an Saturday night The main Uing ta watch is.Uic chasen for 1939 and '40., 0: eacayh ah nnte oviafr te heeigtroutet roianheOntrnoLaia' lllg. Outhit and Otlye4 while Siemon and ClvîlleRaRocanUcnudfrUi truly is out of breath trying ta dence in Uic finals. A bad first ate heat as tao hot a temperature Whitby, is an ideal meeting-place,SOPVR-tM îmtftik, Bawmanviile was ful value for cach had twa of the best. Beach, compiling a record of 1 epil Genenrhc Slmsordwllmk telve oghadSOusoptiofa ruin Uic victary on Saturday, out- Defensiveiy, aside fromt Os- strikeouts, his team mates slug-ainn'ing irn which Sle iniscford wiil me Ucoolie tough anpraviding conifortable moims and baoth going dremnn-atPt all Osbornunsorpdile finis forthenry. Saie cheksolake pa brownexcellent meals, and with ample Arthur, Ont. rurnOtat playin n uhting Uicns- bon'sfinptcing, the Bw e Osh-bornefo five runs in the WhreUcRaasplyn on Caurtice. After that bad start, Uic liver in a Ilittle fat, with or açcomrnadation for large meetings weat; aloto hcoI1 SuSt infield had a very bad day, with with eight nifty putouts, Bagneil front. And ta suin it ail up in a short which hâd adminited a shut- water, and sinmer sîawîy for an l dUi * g MeMc.adwtincorc Kitchen and Shestowski, twa us- etn haif of them. Up ta that point in the fray, right-to-the-point sentence. Baw- aut ta Salemn carlier in Uic week, !iaur. Thicken the gravy. Liver paal provnde a fnte varit fme- ually reliables, boUi having saine Score by inmings: Uic teams had battled on fairly manville is stil getting Uic dirty adhpohsopnol tba.i sulysrvdwt cte reationa finpp artun ty o e were ly bls, ghtl eth ther s wanv 110201 00-9 5 6 hndiaed by pthOrsuort. Thr1gend f Uicstick froin Uic league. However, sterling support be- bacon ar fried oniona uipriclr rm gn cast ly obleshl ettUic Otrshwanie2102 010-9 1 4 5 evnitperms wiioosbpor .e Twondshort wceks aga Uic league hind the grand hurling of Rich- Droi-Cookies le stffine is yeringscpatic- Out in Uic autfield, ground bails The Sunimary latter allowed only anc more1 hit agreed ta let Cobourg and Part ards produce1 Uic win. On Tues- Not very many wamen go ta ularl ieilding asuch.WîL- canaia Palc roled ot xtr-baesand takcn Runs batted in--Slcnian, Cai- than Roacli but he gave up five Hope p4stpone Uic opening gaine day, Petersan had trimmed Salemn Uic trouble of ralling out caokies known lat eaders asfMBayw.oL aroed atetra-bses loe ilRcad2 sonKnwaiks ta anc by Roach. af their semi-finai series fram Smyth,0pastpresidentaadBayUofthe________________________ ail-round, Uicpe y Mcky oah nhamsayterolokd ileRikad , sbmn, en, h a 0 iiRcad ~ i hs as ycther ake ice- Quinte Brandi; Mms. C. R. Cars- very weak defensively, wt a McLaughlin, Kitchen, Muller 3, Atil yMce oc n audyt cnsa.Ta mound, Salemn shauld t*c Uice bax coakies and cut teini scs caddcn, Whitby; Misa Mabel Car- maniski failing ta get past Uic 3b hits--McMullen, Kitchen. Sac- a bad errar gave the Beach two serles was cleaned up In two titie althaugh it wrnl be a grand or Uiey inake dip-coo ices nmi n is eTni e es second inning while Daug. Furcy rifices-Roach, McLaughlin. Stol- runs in Uic first, and Uicy addcd straight gaines, which means Utcheris tisatoat fUr Sa iylke dta haves. en llanrs isH.NT. Thopan, itby ies was hit bard and often, ai ei n bases-Roach 2, Kitchen 2, anc aci i eoda a],mnmma n.Nvrtheless, event and because of Uic bard- well-shaped as possible. If a also on the staff, being well- Bownianviile players but anc get- Wilson 2, Yourth, out and a single by Street. Red when Bowmanville asks for UcbitahUcfet an a enicsmn soni sdfrtekow sSceayo iac ting at least anc bit. Struck aut by-Romanski 1 Fur- Hoe arc ntefrtrndaeo i pnn an ftecancelled. The seies will licyda-caokics, you wil get raunder adCrsinSeadhpa i Dave Osborne was i nice ey 8, Osborne 7. Bases on' bails for Bwavlcb obigfnl ab e akfonWd open on Tuesday. cookies, than if Uicé ordinarY Dominion Board, Taranto. forin far Uic visitors and even off - Romanski, Furcy 4, 0s- and advancing an wild pîtches. nesday ta Saturday because afc Uioghhedi fotovr-cer hm-bone1.Le t n ass-owaf- wowalks and a triple b the Rotary Fair, Uiey arc given *C* shapcd« spaon is used, as Uic Organized spart under Uic sefhestuirgitecdseenvll 1, shwa7 Inigspic- Crombie scared twa for Uic Bea- Uiecocld shaulder and informed ytbt:Ryi a otobemauigsoniei 5nal leadership of Mrs. R. M. Scy- ineUic tir SURie thesbst thatetvis vailand12,n sshutwn ng fainiOshwapJunirswinnrund in sape.hIfIawantiors inor ofuCatraqui, s in vfy cap- strikeouts, allowed anly six scat- cd by-Romanski 1, Furey 8, Os- ches ifinhl gaine 0f seaton an Saturday. pcrfectlynshaped drapscakesomf our fe adsand Ui i vr cap- tcrcd bits and issucd only anc lone barne 9 un f-Romanski 3thUicTown could da was sacre once move on apace.fiaginofssnonStry.pfet hpddopcksorblhnsadterceto wa]. Bwmaviie some t. F Rey , sonï.Htïf-a ae acrd nîct]y Final record for Rayais, playcd company use, I use Uic smallest wiil be wcll taken care of. On ruiis in Uic first frame, addcd Romanski 5, Furcy 19, Osbornc 6. thc mcd hcadcd first sackcr had If it were flot for paper re- 6,wnilst4ted1..Forszdmfntnsad akape-Wedncsday evcning, August 30, singletons in Uic second and third Winning pitcher -Osborne of anc Uird of Uic Tawn's hits. Red strictions, we know a short cight Plose i, H ao sboitrne and t roue.butten wa arc usumoryMiss ivae Moigl, ir ess Uicth and fourth and were neyer behind Bowmanvillc. Losing pitcher - Hloapcr's second double, a single letter word which fully contains Withcridge losing in that order. ready ta spend extra turne and sekr at any turne. Oshawa crept up ta Ramanskî of Oshawa. Hit by pît- by McKnight and Moore's triple aur contcmpt for Uic abave rul- . Tex Rickard praving ta be a care for aur parties. Roasting seakhe igfo iv osx wtin a5-scr in tef ifUi cher-Wilson by Osbornc. Wild -put the Town within anc run of ing. Not only bas the local tcam fiine dlean up bitter... Tony Mc- develos flavor ad cisne r. uh sin AIO but Bowmanville kcpt nicking pitch-Osborne, Ramanski. Pass- Uic leaders in Uic faurth but Uiat been given Uic business ail year Ilveen ready ta don a uniform nuts and if instead of adding UicMs Hg D. Taylor, the repre- CN T ed bll-rayckRicard Smth ws a clse s tey ot.but Uiey will continue ta be band- again and be insurance. .. Ca- nuts ta Uic batter for drap cakes, sentative ta the Madras Inter- _______________________2. Balk-Romanski. Earncd runs Loose play and a dlean steal cd Uic works until'Uic finish oni bourg Intermediates allowcd ta, you sîxrinkle thein on top, yau national Conference last Déeci- Ef ISM T vuoe --Bowmanille 7, Oshawa 4. of home by James gave Uic Town Uic bottoin of Uic league for drap back into "B"' playdawns will find it makes a better tasting ber, will be Uic speaker. ,&fE 111I. V Umpires - R. Fair, Oshawa, its fifth run in Uic scventh whilc umpteen ycars. according ta O.B.A. bulletin. .. coakie. A haif-cup of nuts arc Every delegate attending Uic plate; Large of Bawmanville. a hamer by Hub Hooper finishcd I* * * Newcastle and 'Sunderland i smewhat lost in Uic coakies, but schaol will be assured of Uic fin- 0 Nobody lvsagoc.Bti Time of gamc-2 hrs., 30 mnins. Uings aff in Uic cighth. - Not only is this ruling a flag- saine class... O.B.A. antics bard- if. thcy are sprinkled an top,- est study course and everyonc your bowelarntreur"yur Lineups: Beach-Street If; M. rant about tumn on Uic part of the cm ta understand than ravings of whcrc Uiey are aIl in evidence, wiil profit largely froin Uic cx- bound ta elma.Cnoncn * ~~Roach ss; Depew rf; Tighe 2b; league executive, but it is an a sparts writcr says Canfucius. .. thcy look rigbt lavish. perlence. The dates arc August stipation isotncucbyade Firat Sem! Final Came Hutchinson lb; Rice 3b; Crombie imposition on Uic Rayals. The Fruit Cookies 28 ta September 1. Further in- that lacka bs " aycrio * ~ .. s... . c; R. Roach p; Bird cf. teain finishmng first, is supposed formation 'rcgarding registration fooda dan'tcaeeugraiefo Wo By .Gouodyers Town-Bagnell ss; Janies lb; ta receive Uic breaks as a reward. W h . cup brown sugar may be obtained froin Miss Mar- thc bowels akc ha okn * Deféat Front Street A. Osborne p; Colwell 2b; R. Here is our reward. We are forccd Hnfts For nomeuoules½ cup butter garet Hutchison, Box 220, Bow- rhythmîicay.Cipcrny LHaopcr and H. Hooper c; D. Piper ta play on an off might. At present Wrltten for Thec Statesman 1 cup raisins avle R OA .and Calmer 3b; Brough cf; 'R. aur treasurer ta out buying marce cuBcappa alutomavilebKlog'AL-RNhpatfri ______________ The Goodyear mushball teain McKnight rf; Moore If. mcd ink, and yet, Bowmanviile, a½ teaspoon soda________aafbukrmstatecrgs rcturned ta its early season farm Beach 212 015 20-13 10 1 Saturday tawrn wben it reachesi JESSIIE ALLEN BROWN 3/ cup mixed peal, finely eut bowel mavrets n ALD Ilda l¾h hni lse u on0120I- lyf ie ilnthv n cups flour Sumimer Warnlngs is a rich sucifNtuesita TIE T RE a21 ta 8 victary over Front St. Saturday date in Uic finals, unless Teach Thcm to Swlm 2 cggs____ tinal tanic, iannB.Aotti iHA R aynth itgtinen itflthedTotnTwn 01 20 11 6 o3npayaf t a, illnot avan c ___he____f ie ot ho rambte ndsgran ann sgashvebe u Snil IlLeague semi-finals. . Lots of foal men «ccange then t l outu owvrad h beaten eggs. Sift in Uic up by Uihec-lalUi League of Can- every day;dikleyofwtt BOWMANVILLE Led by Ai Osborne Uic Rubber- single bliss far matrimonial blis- wbîîc Uiey may be able totk rwigec'ume sapl lu n soda and add Uic rais- ada in Uic hope of reducing Uic With "regum "hbt a'lt 11mcn went into a lcad in the first ters. . ur measure in Uic committcc ing. The papers tel us, in Uic ins and peel. Mix wcll and drap number of preventable dcaths 6f acw persan. Thurs. - Fni. - Sat. !ramne and after an eigbt u al ominfuouoffvyérmjrt fcsehttepro b spoonsful ona buttercd sheet. suminer vacatianista. in Uic second, coasted Uic rcst ofs ey have failcd ta have Uic last could nat swim. The mator car Spriaklc the chopped auts over First, there is Uic resumptian of AUG. 17- 18- 19 Uic way. Besides pitching ih aontedaod Thsya sgvgmrepploprui-heo. Bakeinamdrtlth C bit bail, Osborne led Uic sluggcrs Casg t d c tint mpaign omec î ast by hitting safcly on cach of bis tey have anather chance. Can tics ta bathe and wc need ta make hot aven of 375 degmees. Sunier ta cxtend a knowledgc of si tip t Ucplte Hs irtA.nd Uicy do it this time? a marc conccrted effort ta tcach Cornflake Maccaroons artificial respiration and ta un- twa blows wcre good for the cir- * * *cyero, i a vn aung, o t 2 cgg wbites press upon those in charge af cuit and he aiso had a double i IIu YIb Personally, yaur correspondent swim. oeiesee 1srn cup sugar suppasedly drowaed persans ta b%4 is assortinent. By believes Uicy wilI came dloser ta swimmer drawns but it ta Uice cx- 1 teaspoan sait continue efforts, for hours if nec- (: H TUCa. turning Uic trick, than Uiey--have ception. To 0 1 tcaspaon vanilla cssary. On the mound Osborne bandcd ...saCafaor some time, but whca the final many childrcn 4 cups comflakes Then, there have been Uiche coighin ac ininfou ft besl-.eoera couat ta taken, Uic Rayais clan do not learn ta i cup cocoanut Leagues maay warnings against cd bnine innout ofut bahle by yerih stiSÛR be on top. Wc say "can be" swinu because % cup sbopped walnuts Uic use of raw milk. e mslouofti oeb ysgt because it dcpends, an wbther their mothers 2 tabiespoons melted butter Ia addition, at this scason it is ) starting a double killing. .SpecWcist Uic players want ta win. For sev- are frightcncd Beat Uic egg whites until stiff pointed out that eVery care shauld ~. Y lase bt Uceswo eamforturde. Disney BIdg. eral wecks, Uic members of Uic ta bave thein -and add Uic sugar gradually, be takita ceWure Uic utmost ofer bttheirweatromn-..........d teain have been staying away learn. This at- beating after eacb addition. Add antatio by Uic buraing of wastc , in anc fterwrtprom OP P - froin practice wîth annaying e- titude needs ta sait and vanilla. Fold in Uic corn- with care lest Uic fire spread. No - ances. Froin Uic timnc that Um-___ guîarity. That ta Uic best way ýta be cbanged sa lksadccaute d hewsemtra hudb e pe Tweedle asscrted bis author- Nubr91oegie.10ht mtesfae n aoaute d i at mtra hudb loe Nme_ 94*os* *asee.that mthermclted butter. Drap by spoonsful ta reacli Uic waters of spring, ty ygvn Bruht teIIII*seta hi on a buttered tin, making Uic river or lake. - l~ ~ ~ ~ eudra sp.Teiedte ta tretr Perhaps Uic patient bas been If these Rayais of ours want ta children ler acaro bu h ieyu Pio v hudb vie beude sel Te file oadvised ta postpoac having Uic buckle dawn ta seriaus playing ta swin f or wn finishcd as Uicy do nat in- and summer living q u a r t e r s " ICI bustle and Uic outfield were ee wante ntlsregh sad BRAofgh s nythythi wnpo caught enjoying farty wîiks to ea e corrhctcd niosrnth t ad nd wtofightasPnoyt He teironw. po-t eeAlen crease much in size. Sprinkle the screened against flics and mosquu- jI~tIO1 reaind. bae kownUtaad-kao bowta igb, Prt opetecian Mot imiecbapped auts over thein and bake tacs. Ail food, of course, shauld aftea. pe collectcd Urcc bits vice ta be given ta ncw mothers. and Tommy Pointer will take thecu roafwnings ac- flshr n oul in a modemately slow aven of be screencd, and if possible r-madeMio)Y kXë sLouslossmi srguo' g j txfor Uic lasers, including a homer Ta i very foalisb advicc, even count in Uirce straight. What if Uic cu rafew ene ftfhe adct Fuld 325 degrees. frigerated. with Uic sacks fully populated. falacy. The correct glasses, and Rayais bave a fcw outfieldcrs try- sibervcna tle fUicvicemclubds ________________________________________ taped ff thee .uaglasses arc often neccssarily iag ta loak like infielders. Theyswm vna tteSricclb Osbornecopdof he u changcd at this periad, by remav- play with Uic samne bail and Uiey and wamen's organizations should 5055W eu1N.hlhCqoeUalIas ithe first farbas eaop. mg Uicaccammadative strain and swing a bat in Uic saine way. aim ta tcach every child in Uic CM nomd . Dh..âi@W hEIIUND GOULP" ncih*n piin-Ui e- assisting the eye muscles and What if we arc short af players conr a as im hret SIIIII pr y h LIm. _ N0 / o- nd cmbtraced ariplgine yc- nerves, assist Uic patient ta mc- and wbat if Withcrîdge, anc of water within rcach af almat cv- wcll, homers by McKnight and gain' Uic physical strength marc aur twa pitchers ta ailing with a ery carnmunity and there are ShrtSleltdSujct adOsone adubebyPie adquickly. broken blood vessel in bis leg? many youag mcn and wornn Shot elUtd ubesingesbonadl by Pip oo er and Office workers and thase wbo We have yct ta field aur strang- capable of teaching and supervis- good accompanY!ng Program smgdwasdby o e ooncratwad work overtime find these symp- est teain and yet who finisbcd on ing. I notice that Mr. Corson says Wocsowrfrpanguthe strangitw. toms noticcable pr esa gilag a top of Uic league. Bring an yaur Uic easicst and bcst way ta Icama of omeedy feature.acs fpaigotesrn. breakdawn or due ta weakncss Tommy Pointer, and bring a to swim is by the use of watcr- Lincups: Front Street-Masan befare rccavcry in conditions stretcher with you. ýwings. Mathers, pmotect your MatineeSatra 2.30 3b, p, cf; Rundie If, cf, rf; Wise- abave-mcntioned or in any de- * II * children by teaching thein ta man, rf, p; James lb; H. Hooper clime or sickncss. The schedule for the lyon swim. If you cannat swini you XRO N c; Brougb cf, and Mcllvccn If; lad w___________Il_________---_____________1__ Mo.-Tus ed n igtpad 2b. Cale batted strength is not normal find their ini Port Hope at 3.15 and back next atiantigtatvead andWibt~> n inh.schaol work quite an effort and Wcdncsday at 5.30. people can leara ta do. AUG. 21 - 22 - 23 for MeIlvecu in m * * eplpf'Pr A One-Day Bus iness B ln aà W à 0 wAM1 WM potent stick for the winners, get- qucly e a r raube that bie uscd ta bie. Given stcady sun-up I was walccncc by the ting a borner, double and two * ,, .Pî fetvaslcssefspe support, we wagcr that the On- souad of thc mackcrcl boats go- wilsinleswhiic Brough and James fever. coas, colle, upset stomnch, coastipa. tarios will not get mare than ing out. Then arounci four0 0 Is»«mt o«t sbjecs folowcd up with three bits cach. tdon simple croup, indigestion and t,ýebin three ruas off cither of the Bow- 0'clock wc wauid sec thein corne$ ~psot14b progrAm Piper 11H61a1itgrn 1to-ls manvilleltwirlers. ialt1er thdr day's fishing. The- slas fr he epss.Free of stupefyla druga and eplates. Easy*** point is that had that mackcrel sim frUi epi.te takte as caody. Veadhrâes. Ana. Umun.* Xondmy aMd Wcd- Two errors and a double by lyst's report hn evei tbox. Get a oka today. Doing their best ta trim the beca advcrtiscd any ather day un Park Osborne sent twa Pepsi Cola Sckness se elles strikes ln the Ioieàt.2nt. Rayais will be twa athîctes who thc wcck, I wouid have baugbt 31147 80 y runners aver thc plate in the first Mony back Il 3yOu DotflOtue0d. farmerly worc Bawrnanville tag- it just thc samne. I paid 22 cents with a twa-basc errar, a passcd gery. Sbiany Moise, the cvcrgreen a pound for the mackcrcl fillets *0 - l b lMbw j bail açd an infleld out giving oldstcr and Bill Brunt af New. and thc fishemman probably gat Frot Sree an conte inUicgopopt castle, arc the lads and Uiey will 2 or 3 cents a pouad. If the deal- Ila U1WBYscoi81 fIs second. Ia thc third, Bough trip- auI MLV bear watching. Brunt is pitching ers cauld sprcad their business Md Mt&<,,a~a led, Clmer singled, James doubl- fine bail aad ta aIso a dangeraus over the weck instcad of con- ed ndan rrr pôplle Fon batter. Moise can look warse on centrating on a anc-day businessT h luit 10 tliu ftrOOD r ,,,,' etreet into a iead Uicy neyer îast. ane play and better on the next their overhcad wauld be lcss and-D Pedran anerr o prlcinteoet ayn eknw hycol elchae.poprAA Colulas within anc mun but five OMOM wu l * advcrttaing could do this. Any- runs in the fourth by thc Clerks The in-and-aut Frant Street how, isn't it great that modern ~ ut thc game on ice. Wight and mao n.wwmmsp- «m ý cew wcrc in tUdr usual farm refrigeration allows us to have Volmer had homers in Uis spurge. thUis past weck. Thursday tbcy realy frcsb fisb, sa maay miles

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