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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1939, p. 9

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PAGE NUl .THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO T RO ENO NEWS__ PHONE tOl c Mr. sud Mis. R.E. Logan visit- Miss Kate McKay is back oh c cd in Tweed. duty at E. E. Patteisan's store. t Miss Mary Sisson, Tarante, Mis. A. Cliapmsu is lavlng 1er o spent 'the weekend liene. veisudah repaiied. a Mr. sud Mis. Rusk and family A swarm cf becs created a dis- d have moved eut cf tewn. turbance by the fiax mil Wed-n Mis. George Seymour is wait- nesday merning. 'g iug on Mi. Noble, Wyrene. Mis. M. Morley and daugliter,h Mis. H. Best lias retunned fram Toronto, were guests cf Mi. and c a holiday trip. Mis. E. J. Hamm. f( Mi. Frank Nicholson, Chatham, Dr. sud Mis. Manning sudm visited Mis. J. E. Ridhards. family have retuîned from a visit0 *Mr. Water Slierwin visited lis in NarteernuOntario. s brete at Roseneath. Mn. Harper <éarscadden sud lis Master KeitI Branton, New- mether, Keudal, vislted Mis. Jas.b castie, visited Mi. O. W. Scott. Tamblyn.h Miss Marian Dickson attended a Mis. McPhersen sud Mis. * picnic t Presqu'ille, Tuesday. Smith are visiting friends in Te- s There wil be 'no campfire ser- renta.0 vice at Keane's Frîday niglit. Miss Deretey Tapson is gcingh Mi. Aiisen Cowsu, Toronto is te train as a nurse at Bawmmn- on hoiidays. ville Hospital.e Mis. L. A. Dent is able te be Congratulations te Gardon Wat- t * around again. son who passed an exam which i Miss Mae Glenule visited lu enables hlm te open a garage. Tenante. Miss Margaret Roy puipeses f Mi. Ed. Davey visited at entering the course at GuephIt Bewdley. fer dietitisus.a Mis. Embley spent Friday iu Newtonvilie Men's Club leld9 enjayabie picnic at Cobourgd Mi. D. M. Lockwoed, Pickering, Saturday. was lu town Saturday. A number fîam lere attended.f the funeral cf Mis. Fred Green at Mis. W. S. Roy and Margaret Bewmauville. l visited in Tarante. Mi Thomas Morton and Miss Master Henry Leaman is visit- LuàMroBtay iie i* nToot.Mi. and Mis. Ed. Morton. Mr. ernn Sundes, oroto, Farestny won tee first game Ms Helen Orr,Clarksol, visited ;ith East SideBwmanvile M. and Ms. J.. Mner at-Besanhe15fadillse sc odi', Conratulatons Mrdand y- . Mrsc cled s. outet igîtsMadd Mr. sud Mis. ewiin Seymou K)ou n vllae Jearremauing er a enge Mr. sudoMis.,HarclAwdndsud.lioliday M.andl Trnte vlsite Mn.and is.LTalh ad daugî Troter Mi. as. ad. Eges Ba estan, Mss. L. . arton an is tedParteopeBudwl gv cnFairkOeli200 Bemshaa, caled o cent ndOrneJ. Comunty Patrksn.and tMis. H.amillsfPa , Sudda, ini desnt Cnain. Mi. yD an oHammin at preset e 1 Mn. A. Biawn Seced igadcond ad tMa rcEgnSeymaurack sud tetergslut Perarac f and soaon, Tvisited isd hMis. wuý,ithlis reE. 1J. Hream. fra oge Mr. and Ms. A.Haun desd i. isesLecr Wod Btt VeanSauTorndeo, iss elenr.ndCieglsudDcTay adsan spent Mis.Chas. Atnp e. BosLae. tenwekrs. L. ut teeTon andtMiss MorssHope Bnd Pik i, shaco- aKulcg Lowae, aiîbern. wert gnueroncf Misss Ktleenrksud rYong nMrs Hud. ilson.udr Grade am i s. we.Mr nt u mmpatian ulseg but- MssonMr.ilsBrown sud R.cod. is eut ran aoirche opratiak-n ~ aduters aere weknd gairsts ws fon, steeeM r. cfandumr. cf i. hssMs.H . Eisi. M. Hadms.Sadsnsu M. and Ms.J A. Sades r isuyet ernWvsitdliepar Marret, St. CaîrsMis evied ents, Misund abenFuier, n. sud, Mi . Mdne theac. eekeatter th emaipsn cot e M.and ofMisesR.aC. Rosb-ado YounMessis THusMcdson ud sud aceGby ejaeda npta Taasnowsatt ndh e Petr Meesrson bo ndR D soratar ud rata h ra god Miss ther uter eefed eted fortealo tmr vacMratin B.H.A ils r.mmeand M . . nd Lsnande Mi. Lna Wtrs.J.Aneerad Bowmsuvie, visitedhi. ar- is Larake NSJ. is visiing isud leF.t. aebbs. Rbr ulr Mi. as.T.Murrvs. RonD. Heep te atertor eneyd vsi ongatuatens edtris D Tomasndoay frm fends afPLeer- dayrr. bow airsoandguept vertee week- astea roJackieiMere nerend. R obM.adMs vacatiao m Bruof mis.lJadEMg.eson enterue Mrs.LinaWateman Medor cfBoCavn, MrsBedMatnsd Mis. ________________________Mr._ Grey cf.orot. Mrs.Chas T. ille. Dr. sDi. Woer sud Malcelm Congatultios toMrs.D TnanteM. sJi. Mau Trinte Nobe wo eleraed er irh- aBaers u e, Sber aeweic- guy.estfi.ndMs de MaTeS 0F DcgTeererMrndMi: wentan peraionfor eeeRaline la boendiwnslu Ktes tuiesdayildan his tosils.and repooort Ic s.imRevin Mi.and ML. Taylr and daulter, Evorn, Brstend Ms. LMJ ar- Bakr mdanvilwcecent viitaise wiet ofMi. ud MisrHs. Mlodn. Mis.sJ.oesis expectcd te. demnstr aitopungat ere ext COnedfRIaMdEub en d veetigof teW onsalinestue est beome an Kinstonart usiold soluion f Gilett Pue F and prepotseisi and inut. Ly.Itct iltHO truhgrae meng L.Teeyleadu pcni BvleLe, osa, satu.J.arc * bouses sanitary tod add Miss iasawekelJcn oAnglica sous po U p ns, tkes he ld, wIda, T esday, ad Angli cî wiutce hrcndMbreokH tedayson Keep a tin lways haudJ.AithaugI m s of ranteckt ______________________ ntrtany Faingat tBewmn- jýj ned fr hrd ubbng nd eviean c s tecuimednynting *~~' ocrIIbOKb -T whet'ou Luse ar e lube.thanna chaala- ~~~~... kpe o st- ec frui at, and sodo solainsclaa nd dlefts Puetrclakepbace n Hcwever andeinstedtie. ti. cit tait tho ug..h rae mn h ceue in cle oed ain tiki.Sed fout-afseive s ekwrteT friccopyta tandrd rand Blue, M. adeMis.hT.wisaudo f T1OUSranitarY ndOnte mla eut cf t.iroensAnldaugtn scous pos an pan, tae Isabelh Iae, tue Cnlis eanly in Septmiberl to ORONO WINS SOFBALL TROP NY After much discussion due ta certain players misunderstanding the way the play-offs were ta be cornducted it was fmnally decided this week thiat Orano should have the saftball traphy this year, and on the same night (Monday) Osh- awa was granted secodid place by defauit, as Forestry players were nat ail present an time for the game. In spite cf the fact that Osha,ýra had been granted the game be- cause cf Farestry's dilatory habit, four innings and part cf the fifth were played of what proved to-be one cf the best games of the set- sonl. Middleton pitched magnificent bail and was aided greatiy by his side-kick "Wink" Winter. Forestry went ta bat first and secured one run in the first thraugh Winter, none ini the sec- ond, two in the third thraugh Middieton and Ogden and none in the fourth. Oshawa was blank- ed in the first twa, secured twa in the third and were again blanked in the fourth. In the fifth Forestry secured five runs, two cf them homers thraugh Ross Wood and Major, and were stili going when the game was called on acceunt cf darkness. Oshawa therefore did net go ta bat this innings. Allisan Ccwan, Toronta, effic-.- fentiy acted as umpire and gave excellent satisfactian. Pick-Up Team Shows OronWs Ab!%"t Orena shewed their rare ability at bail Friday night when seven Orene players plus twa chjîdren defeated Farestry team cf nine regular members 18-4. Oniy four and a frjctien inn- ings were played befolle darkness descended. Orana- went ta bat first with Pewers pitching and Clough catching fer battery. Fer- estry had three pitchers, Middle- tan, Wood and Neale, whiie Mid- dieten and Major teck turns at catching. Harry Mercer did the duties cf umpire. SCOUT NEWS Twenty-faur were present at the Scout meeting, Monday night. Bob Cooper secured his First Aid test, and Swedish drill was start- ed. Each patral is ta make its own caleurs this week and have them fer next Manday. George Walters, and Howard Myles obtained their First Aid tests Aug. l4th. The boys are progressing real fast, and Mr. Mellar has every reason te be preud cf them. <Trhursday) for Ottawa, where he wiil be ln charge cf Dr. West's small animal hespital. Rev. Cecil Aflin, U.S.A., was speaker at Park St. Church Sun- day marning. He deait with wis- dem and its value and was mucli appreciated. Cecil was an aid Orena bey and lis friends were glad ta weicome him back. His brether, Harold cf Newcastle, as- sisted in the choir. A splendid duet was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ross (nee Lenera Willlamsen) whe have been on an extensive motar trip inciuding the Wcrd's Fair and cressing by Ivy Lea Bridge, ar- rived in the village Friday. On their retuin they teck Miss Aima Cutteil with them fer a holiday at their cottage. The funeral taok place here Wednesday cf Mrs. Charmes K. Broughten, 775 St. Clair West, Toronto. Deceased Was Gladys, the daughter cf the iate Mi. and Mis. Thomas Doncaster. Left te meuin her icss are her serrawing husband and twe daughters, Dorethy <Mis. Duff) and Miss Muriel Breughton. Interment was made in Orana Cemetery. Mr. John Gibsen cf Orena, is an uncle cf deceased. Car Overturns, Three Hurt When the car in which they were riding turned cempleteiy aver, John Ormisten, Hampton, and Marris and Glen Orr, sustain- ed cuts and bruises Aug. l8tli. The accident occurred east cf Kedren. cerner cf his car cellided with a sauthbound car driven by Ansen Balsam cf Hampton. Report Girls' Cou Given At Women' miss Jean* Clemence gave a moat iuteiesting repart cf te Girls' Confenence at Guelpli, at tee Orona Women's Institute meeting, Friday. The theme cf te 1939 Girls' Cenference at thc Ontaio Agri- cultural Coilege was "The Home sud Family Living." Thîcuglieut the three days' programme, the foui hundned and fonty-six dele- gates wene made more aware of the prcbiems and possibilities cf f amily 11f e sud the gii's respon- sibility in the lame. Mudli cf tee programme bore directly on thîs theme, as tee ad- dress by Miss Clarke, Superin- tendent cf Wamen's Institutes on "The Girl lu the Family"l; the panel discussion by six conference delegates and three membens ai the Women's Institute staff ar, "fLiving With Our Family"; aise Miss Ethel Cliapman's address, "Reading fer the Family." Seme cf the highligîts cf tee conference net se directly related te f1imily living weîe Dr. Taylar's illustrat- ed lecture, ",Hew Plants Behave in Nature," Dr. Reaman's dis- cussion cf "Fears sud Plobias' and Mr. Donald McLean's ad- diess, "The Rural Communit3 Faces tee Future." With this leadership tee con- ference delegates censidered per. sonal, home sud camxuunity pre, blems, and, as we watcled thi busy pendils at each session, wE knew these questions weuld bt discussed laten inmany famil3 and cammunity greups. Macdonald Institute students under the direction cf the staff cantributed lu vanieus ways t( tee success cf the conference. Tht panel discussien by the Seniors "Wliat We Eat, We Are," emplia sized diet fer health, and whex tee discussion was thrawn opez te ail, tee intelligent questions o the delegates weîe as intelligentl, answered by the students. "'Wha Shall My Wardiabe Be" wa capably played by Junior stu dents. The physical education ne view was, as usual, particularli well dane, wite a grace sud peisi net developed by the oid type e: physical exercise. Here we woulc like te gratefuily acknowledge tli excellent co-epenatian cf tee cal lege staff thîcuglout tee confer ence. The visits ta different de partments sud tee exhibits hl Macdonald Institute gave te, delegates a glimpse cf what i avallabie te its students sud t, itee rural public. During tee three days cf colleg 111e tee girls lived, under res! dence rules iatifled by teeir owi students' ceuncil, sud at ail time couducted themselves se well te teey were complimented by Di Christie wlio îemarked teat teer must be as msuy fine moter back home. At tee closing banquet, M Reek, Deputy Ministen cf Agri culture for Ontario, was tee gues speaker. He advised tee girls t assist in tee movement fan hem beautification sud also spoke c tee oppertunity wlicl w01e have in their erganizations fa forming pubic opinion. Frem tee time cf ncgistratio: and Miss Cnuickshsuk's addies cf welccme te tee final partin from new friends, tee days wcr fiiled wltli happy experiences su challenges te tee girls. 1 Anoteer feature cf tee prograr was tee demnonstratien -cf thi maklug of tes biscuits by Bett tRowe. Explaining tee way su deing thie werk at tee same tim, she ended by teiling cf varicu ways tee biscuits could be varie( A bag cf W. H. Rawe's flour wa given as a prize for tee pense wite tee lucky number, wliicl on being diawu by wee Lucili Lynch, turned eut ta be Mr Morley, a visiter at Mis. E. Hamm's. It was decided te send $1.00 z jpart of the tee convention eii -penses. Mis. Roipli wite Mr Chapman as assistant were ai pointed to look after tee Leadeî slip Course for yeung peopli Mis. Richardson and Mis. 1 Dean wee put lu charge of th scîcol fair boatli on Sept. 12t] and Mis. Harold Allen, and whc ever she wanted te assist he: was put in charge cf tee Institut exhibit at Orene Fair. It wE decided te pay one-haîf cf Mib Ciemence's expenses at tee côr fereuce. Mis. Hamm acted E secretary lu tee absence cf Mir Allen, Mis. H. Dean gave the fir anciai statement. Mis. W. ( ference At Guelph Ys Institute Meeting a DIM AND DISTANT e-HAPPENINGS Front The Orono News August 2Oth, 1914 Report cf Orene Public Schaai: eJr. IV ta Sr. IV-Floyd Cutteil, Robert Mcffatt. Sr. III te Jr. IV- Olive Richards, Rama Marraw, Allin Hall, Ona Myles and Annie Winter (equal), Kenneth Hall, Willie Reid. Jr. III ta Sr. III- Andrew Samenville, Percy Lunn, Ada Reid, Gea. Skelding, Hilda eGarnsby, Rallie White. Sr. II te Jr. III-Harvey Winter, Pierpent Armnstrong, Mary Skelding, Mary Somnerville, Rasaline Pailard, eFrank Seymour, Jim. Gilfillan, eTheresa Darch and Wesley Wood < equal). Jr. II ta Sr. II-Ednali 1Stutt, Kennetl Gamsby, Allie 0Wood, Edward Eben. Bock I ta 3Jr. II-Mary *Davey, Catherine eHall, Lizzie Lintan, Francis Awde, eGeorge Lunn, Roy Carnisli, yThelma Martin, Harold Lunn. Re- .commended-Daris Frenchi. Pri- emer ta Bcok 1-Clifford Winter, Elsie White, John McCrae, Char- lie Knox, Norman Winteî, Edna Graham. A. M. Rowe, Principal, yB. P. Walsli, Assistant. C.N.R. passengen service is nowý running te Ottawa. Edsan Keats, an eld Clarke bey, L srunning an the Great Lakes ,express between Winnipeg and *Fort William as parleur car cen- y ductar. Chas. Shaîpe, an aid Clarke Union bey, a guard at SThunder Bay Industrial Farm at fýFart William, met Ed. the ether to day and writes that he is icaking Lefine. Thomas Ccwan returned hoame fnom a business trip ta the North SWest. At Kindlersiey, Sask., lie ýn met R. C. Cowan with whem. he :fvisited. [y Miss Lillian Stanley, Tarante, at is a guest cf Miss Olga Hecper. is Mr. Peate, Las Angeles, Cal., is - ripiting lis brather, Mr. Frank -Peate. ýy Mis. and Miss Wihattam ieft fer ieMaesejaw, Sask., te visit lier 3f daugliter. Starkville - Recent Visiters: Inspecter A. A. LnMartin and wife, Brighiton, Mi. ýeand Mrs. H. Barrawcleugh, Wes- 'a ieyvilie, and ather friends visîted toat àMrs. John McKay's. .. Mr. and ge M. Ross Hallawell at Mi. and >Mis. E. White's, Elizabethville. . & Miss Phyllis Gîlmen at Cameren. rn The Misses Mercer, Elizabeth- *t ville, with Mrs. Sidney Hallowell. I.* 'Mi. John Stone, Orene, at Mi. reFrank Stene's. .. Mis. Roy Me- es Kay, Hamilton, with Mis. Raipli SBaugen. .. Mi. and Mis. Lew I.Hailowell and family, Misses. Nerma and Beuiah Hallaweil, i-Mrs. S. G. Hallewell and Mis. ýstWm. Savery were supper 'guests towith Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Yule at of Oshawa, on Sunday... MisB enHallewell witli Mrs. C. Reid cf r r H.B G li as purchased )na new cern binder. ss We were quite interested in ail igthe Agriculturai Editerials lu iast ge week's Statesman, especially the -i article written by Mi. M. H. Staples. nM Shilel people will held Sunday he services at 10 a.m. until end cf .d t Rev. J. McLachlan delivered a efine sermon last Sunday marning. us Every one sheuid try and be pre- d.sent te hear these fine sermons, . s remembering the time will came :n ta us ail when we ca'nt go ta hchurcli. What acceunt will we e give for aur net gcîng? J. Eyesight Education ,P- Efficiency H. C.H.Tuck 1, OptometrLst Eyesight r, Specia!'ist (e Disney flldg. iss <epp. P. 0.) ,- ________ as Number 95 rs. n- If we ccuid apply theery in C.every case, we wauid be impelled rta say that the power cf accamn- .e ~ ~ ~ ~ A- maate-wicides iins THE DIM LANTERN <ContIn ued tram page 3) I can warship . .. I shau't look beyeud that.. "Love'ta Judy and Bob, and te kiddies. And a kîss ai two fer my owu Janey." Jane, havig read tee letter, laid it down wite a sense cf utter forloinness. Evans sud Eloise Harper! Towne sud lis Ade- laide! A Christmas costume bail! Evans smnging for EditI Towue! Evans' own letters tald Ici littie. They were dca letters, giv- ing 1cr uews cf Sleiweod, full cf kindness and sympathy, full indced cf a certain spiritual stîeugtl - that helped lin utIc leuvy days. But le lad sketched very iighly lis owu activities. - He lad perlups hesîtated te let Ici kuow that le couid be happy witeaut Ici. But Evans was net happy. He dld tIc things le lad mapped eut fer himself, but lie cauid net de tlem liglt-leartedly as thc Boy lad doue. For haw cauld le be light-hearted with Jane uway? He lad moments cf laneliuess se intense that they aimast sub- merged lim. Evans frequentiy played a whimsicai game with the aid scarecrow. He went aften and leaned over the fence that shut lu the frezen field. He lunted up uew clotees and hung teem an tIc slaking figure - an everceat and a seft hat. It seemed a charitable thing ta ciathe him wite warmth. In due time semeane stole the overcat, sud Evans fauud tIc poar thing stripped. It gave him a sense cf sliock ta find twa cressed sticks wlcre once lad been tee semblsuce of a. man. But le tried again. This time with au aid bathrebe aud a dis- reputabie cap. "It will keep you warm until spring, aid clap-"' The scarccraw and lis sartanai changes became a mutter cf mucl discussion ameng the Negrees. Since Evans' visits wcre necturnai the wheie thing lad an effect cf mystery until the bathrebe pie- claimed its awner. "Mist' Evans dane weh' dut e'vy day," aid Mary taid Mis. Fellette. "Whuffer le dîess up dat ai' sca'craw in de field'?" Old Mary explained, and that nigît Mis. Fallette said ta 1er son, "The dankies are getting superstitions. Did yau realiy de His sember eyes wcre liglted for* a moment. "It's just a whîm cf mine, Mumsîe. I lad a sert cf feiiaw feeling-" "Haw queer?" "Net as qucer as yau migît tlink." He went back ta lis boek. Na one but Jane shauld know the trute. And se le played tee game. Werking lu Ils office, dancing wite Edite sud Baldy, chumming witl tee beys, dressing up te scarccrcw. It seemed semetimes a desperate game - there were haurs lu whicl le wrestled with doubts. Ceuld le ever get back? Ceuld le? There were times when it seemed le could not. TIene 1weîe ulgîts when le did net; sleep. Hours teat le spent an lis knees.. Se the December days sped, and it was just a week befare Christ- mas that Evans read tee folaw- 1iug lu lis lîttie book: "Dined wite tee Prestans. Taid fateer's hum stôiy. - Great lit. Petomac fiez- en aven. Skated in tee moonligît 1wite Florence Presten. - Great stunt - home ta hot clocclate." Once mare tee Potomac was frozen over. Florence Preston was married. But le mustn't let -te thing pass. Thc yeung boy Evans 1wculd have tingled wite thc tecugît cf that frozen river. It was uftcr dinner, sud Evans was in lis raem. He Iunted up ,Baldy. "Look Icre, aid chup, there's skating an tee river. Cun't we take Ssudy sud Arthur witl us and lave su heur an two of it? Yeur car will de tee tick."1 Baldy laid dawn lis beak. I have ne philanthrapies on a night like teis. Meoniiglt. I'11 take you sud the boys sud teen lil go sud get Edite Tewue." He was au lis feet. "Ill callIci up ncw-1 The small beys were îupturaus and riataus aver tee plan. Wlien they readled tee ice, and Evans' lame leg tereatened ta' be a hindrance, the ycungsters teck bim betweeu tlem, and awuy teey sailed in tIc miraculaus werld- thee musketeers cf geod feilow- slip and fun. Buldy having breugît EditI, Sput an Ici skates, and teey flew Saway like birds. Slic was ahlu i wnanr white waai - witli white Clarke Union Recent Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Heber SoucI and Eiieen, Mis. H. Baiey, Mis. Alex Watson accam- psuied by Mi. and Mis. C. Bll- lngs and family spent Tuesday with Miss Mamie Archer, Port Hope. .. Miss Ada Hollingswartli lias ieturned te aur section.. Miss Joan Rickaby, Toronto, who las been. halidaying with lier cousin, Miss Eiieen Seudli las retunned home. . Mis. S. Morgan, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. S. D.1 Soudl's.'. . Mi. sud Mis. Cliarles« Reesor and family, Markham, at- 1er mothen's, Mis. Geo. Cain..i Messrs Bob and Bill Kent, Osh- awa, visited at H. J. Soudli's. Mn. Alex Watsen lias purdhased Dedge car from W. J. Chllis, Bewmanville. We extend oui sympatliy te the Sherwin family in the death of their sister, Mis. Fred Green cf Bowmanviile. Newtonville Recent Visitoîs: Mi. and Mis. Lanson Milîsan and Dereen wlte Mn. and Mis. Wellington Adams, Lake Shore. . . Mis. John Coudh, Helen and Bill with Mr. and Mis. Dick Gunneli, Hamiltn. .. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Stapietan and Mr. and Mis. Cecil Robinson at Peterboro Fair. .. Mi. Rcbt. - Martin, Lake Shore, wite lis daughter, Mis. Gea. J. Stapieton. Miss Eisie Wallace lu Muskcka. Mis. Willis Jones, Bud sud Fae witli 1er mather, Mis. D. Merrili, Waikwortl. Bud remain- ed for a visit. .. Mi. and Mis. S. R. Jones, Mis. Henry Jenes, Mis. G. W. Joues, Mi. Melville Joues and Mr. sud Mis. Wiliis Jones and Fae wite Mi. and Mis. George Griffin, Omemee. Men's Club held a picnlc at Cobourg Park, Saturday. Girls cf the seftbail team are home fram hoijdaying at Lake Scugeg. Mis. W. J. Clemence, Newcastle, kindly entertaiued the W.I. at lier ioveiy home. Ral caîl was responded te with a "Use for Heney" aud the pragramn was as failows: a taik an "Heuey", Mis. Chas. Hanceck; a talk on "Bees", Mis. Nerman Rickard; repart au District Annual Meeting at Oreno, Mis. Gardon Martin; plana duet, Mis. Gordon Martin sud Joyce Martin. A leaf centest. A deliglit- fulli lunch was served by Mis. Ciemeuce and lier graup. A vote cf thanks was extended te Mis. Ciemence by Mis. Frank Gilmen. Misses Annie Nesbitt has gene te Taronte fer the fail tem i miliineiy. Hampton Recent Visitais: Miss Madeline Truil, Toronto, spent tee weekend at her lame... Lewis Truil wlte Peterbere relatives. .. Misses Eileen Wray sud Jean Auteistie weîe guests cf Mi. sud Mis. E. E. Staples at Enuiskillen. . . Mr. R. Virtue, Oshawa, wite Mn. and Mis. A. E. Billett... Mis. H. Cisyton wite ber sister lu Osh- awa... Miss Yvonne Williams, Solina, wite Mi. and Mis. Silas Williams. .. Mr. Clarke Stevens, Enniskillen, witl Mi. sud Mis. Bert Stevens and Mis. E. Stevens. ..Mis. C. Johns sud Miss Nancy Jolis enjayed a trip ta Thousand Islands. .. Mis. A. Cole, Bew- manville, and Miss Eva Souch, Enniskiilen, wite Mr. sud Mis. C. W. Seuch... Miss Reta Kersiake visited relatives in Tenant... Miss Eleanbi Heyes, Toronto, Mr. sud Mis. W. D. McLaughliu, Osh- awa, wlte Mi. sud Mis. Jae Chap- man. .. Mi. sud Mis. Elmer îBoyd, Tarante, at Mis. E. Stevens'. ..Mis. Somerville, Cherrywoed, wite Miss Lulu Reynolds sud Mi. and Mis. J. R. Reynolds.. Misses Betty sud Helen Rogers witl relatives at Whitby. . . Mr. sud Mis. B. Mutten and Betty with erenmoteen lu Oshawa.. Mr. T. Wray and Mis. W. G. Deidge wite their aunt, Mis. Emma Bennett, Bewmsuville. An inteîesting sud exciting game cf football was played ln tee park Monday evening betweeu Hampton sud Zicu resuiting lu a 'goal for each. A large cîewd was present. Rev. and Mis. W. Rackham and family have îetuîned fremn their hlaidays and a faiily goad cen- gregatien greeted our pastar Sunday evening wha were pleas- ed te have hlm back lu lis pulpit.. L Sincere sympathy cf the cem- munity is extended te Mis. C. Private Patients' Pavillon, To- ente, Thursday and is pîogressing favourably. Mr. and Mis. H. E. Cale have impîoved their residence with a large enciesed verandali. Seme cf aur citizens attended Peterbore Fair. Cadnius Visitors: Miss Birdie Gibsan, Taronte. witb Mr.- and Mrs. Edizar Gibsan .. Mrs. Payne with ber neice Mrs. George Jr--ison. .. Mviss Ckace Goody. with Mrs. W. Fallis. Congzratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson an the arrivai cf a voting son. Mrs. Ed. Batten. Dai;aId and Bobbie. at Mrs. Russell Brawn's. Mr. Arthur Wonnacatt is in St. Michael's Hosp)ital, Tarante where he underwent an operatien te straiiten bis lez which was braken last winter and had net healed Dra- verlv. Miss Helen VanCamp. Black- stock. with Miss Bessie Edgerton. W. A. teok charize of the Sundav service here. The service wias beld bv Mrs. J. E. Elliott. with Miss Leah McQuade at the arizan. Mrs. Mil- tan. Gray gave an insp)irinir talk an "Be stili and knaw that thou art God." Mr. Harry Philo) taught the Tem- nerance Lessan ta the Aduit Bible Class. Misdt Annie Meuntjay. Mxs. R. Slemon. Lloyd and Gordon. with Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Elliett. Cadmus W. A. was held on Tues- day afternaen at the boeeof Mis. Marwaod McKee. witb a gaaod at- tendance. It was tbe rezular uission- ary oaram and Mrs. Fred Daye's zave the bible readinir 'and Mrs. Cecil Fergruson the devatianal talk. Plans were made fer a .Roast Goose SuDr'er. The nroram was in charge cf Mrs. Geerize Fawler and consist- ed of readinizs by Mrs. W. D. Fer- izuson. Mrs. Galbraith and Mzs. Cecil Ferizusan. An interestinir cantest was out on bv Miss Helen Fowler the onrze winner beinir Mrs. W. D. Fer- zuson. Mr. Glen Gibsen bas zene on a trie te Saskatchewan an bis mater cycle. So1lixia Recent Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Jee Reynolds aud-family, Toronto, at Mi. Jack Reynolds'. . . Mis. Douglas McLaughlin, Lorraine, Mavis and Glen, Oshawa, at lier brothen's, Mi. Harold Pascee's.. Mr. Gardon Collins, Collingwoed, with Mr. George Wenny. . . Mis. Leslie Snowden, Maple Greve, at Mr. Thas Bakes'. .. Miss Jean Leachi at lier lame in Taunton. ..Mi. and Mis. Livingstone Mil- ler sud Cliffard are hlidaying at the Thousand Islands. . . Mn. Russel Balgon, Port Peniy, at lame. .. Mr. sud Mis. George Awde, Drayton, Mi. and Mis. Blake Awde sud Jean, Windsor Mrs. Annie Lsugmaid, Oshawa, -at Mr. Arthur Moie's. .. Miss frene Bragg, Toronto, Miss Mai- jory Coudh, Bawmanvhile, at Mr. Jack Bakers'. .. Mr. and Mis. William Bruinmel and Howard, Mis. William Bligît, Columbus, at Mi. Walter Parrincler's. .. Mr. and Mis. Evenett Elliett, Mary and Barbara, Oshawa, Mr. A. E. Heys, Taranto, Mr. and Mis. Jee Chap- man, Hampton, at Mis. R. J. McKessock's. .. Mr. and Mis. I. Law, Miss Ina and Mr. Gordon Law, Whitby, Mr. and Mis. Chas. White and f amily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Fred Stevens and f ar- fly, Maple Grove, Miss Marion Tink, Hampton, at Mr. Geo. White's. Our commuuity was saddened Sunday evening at tee sudden passing cf Mr. Charles Blanchard. Oui heartfelt sympatey is ex- tended ta tee bereaved onesb Sevenal membeis of the Hon- ticultural Society wite, their famn- illes visîted tee beautiful gaidens of Mi. R. S. McLaughlia, Osh- awa, last Tuesday evening. We extend congratulations te Mi. and Mis. Norman Graham whose manniage teck place at Pickering, Satunday afternoon. Mis. Graham was faimenly Miss Ethel Bray wlo taugît foi a time at Bakers' scal. Mr. and Mis. A. L. Pascae wene guests at tee wedding. Messrs George sud Wesley Werry enteitained a number cf frieuds at a coin sud weiner ioast. A number fnom hene attended Peterbera Fair last week. Most men are industi'ial from TRY UT THE "SALADA" WAY Infuse 6 h*4plng teuspoons 09 Sulade BlacTe. ln a plat of (rah, boillng water. Alter 6 minutes strain liquid Into 2-quart container1 iwhlle hot, add 1 toi136 cupo of ugir and luise of 2 leuons, stalned, sir until ugei hdlusoIvidj, Ailcontainer wlth cold water. Do flot eilow toi to cool before addlng cold water or liquld will become cloudy. Serve wlth chlpped le. The above moaes 7 tell glisses.

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