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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1939, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 Mr. Blatberwick is supplying at the C.N.R. station while Mr. P. Hare is on vacation. He is board- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. walton's. Rev. H. L. Partridge, Coiborne, who preacbed in United Cburch on Sunday morning was guest of Mr. Thomas Moffat for din- ner. Carl Fisher and Brenton Rick- ard have made their plans to leave for New York and the World's Pair on Thursday. We are sorry to report the death RO.YAL ITREATRIE BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.i A.UG. 24- 25-26 : U0j4irLlIUWO LI aDike weW S --~~O - Matin. Saturdm.y 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUG. 28 -29 -30 HENIE* POWER t\ SECOND VALLEE OVEm Matines Mon. and Wed. 2.30 p.m. AUl Programs wifl in- clude short selected sub- jeots, news or comedies. Patronize the theatre that pirovidaes confort and fine vrogTamB. At the Royal the weather lu alwayu cool and fresh and seats are comfortable. Viisit us this afternoon or tbbi evening. an Sunday ai Mrs. H. C. Houston ot Newcstle-ou-toe-lake. She was wife af Mr. H. C. Houston, Impeniol Bank Supervisar, To- onta, and toey bave been occupy- ing "Tintru," since June. She was also the sister-in-law ai Mn. and Mme. A. S. Houston, Toronto, wbo are summoing at their own cottage near the lake. Rcv. D. R. Dewducy canducted funemal ser- vice in St. George's Çhumcb, Tues- day morning. Mm. J. C. Hancock bas bad toc bock part ai bis bouse tom dawn and a ucw modern two-storcy addition built4 This was iormemly toc Lockbart home. -Mr. Walter Crowthem bas had bis bouse emaodellcd and muade inta an attractive double dwell- ing. Contractar Martincîl, Kendal, was in charge. Miss Luzanne Dean, Media, Penn., wbo bas been spending a monto wito Mms. W. H. ChaplinI and Miss Mary, returued hame Monday. Mrs. Hitcbman wbo bas boon visiting ber daugbtcr, Mrs. Chas. Rogerson, mturned ta Ottawa. Girl friencis aifXMiss Vema Cut- 1er, bride-ta-be, tendered ber a misclaneaus sbowcn at toc homo ai M. and Mrs. Wm. Henning on Tuosday eveuing. The 1200 feet of local film. shawlr in the Communitv Hall last Fridav evening. wiIl be iziven a rericat show- ingr this Fridav eveninz. August 25. bv suecial reauest of the nublic: also shorts. comics and other features. Admission 25c and 15c. Dancingz af- terwards. Mm. J. Lemmon, Assistant Attor- ney-Genemal ai toc State ai Missauri, and Mms. Leumon ai St. Louis, accompanied by hem motb- c, Mi. Horal Pbillips ai Rotan, Texas, (nee Flamenco O'Leamy) visited friends in Orona and New- castle. Thcy weme parkod in Oshawa at the Farrow home eady ta alight wben they were cmshed into by no 1cms a persou- age than Mr. Charles Davis whicb necessitatod a stop-aven in Osh- awa ai two days for mpairs. It is same tweuty years sinco Mrs. Pbillips mode ber last trip ta Canada. Their visit ta Omano Forest Station was a evelation ta them ai sixteen yoars' devol- apmcnt as tois womk bas boom taken up in toc United States in rocent yoors. Mms. Norman Rick- ard and Mms. Kemueto Wcry cntertained them and Mr. Orme Gamsby ai Orano, ta dinner at Kurv Inn. Mr. and Mms. J. H. Jase, lu toc face ai keen campetitiom, wcro succcssiul in winuing thre irst prizos, tbmee seonds and two thirds on tocir glads ot toc Con- adian Gladiali Shaw in Stratiord. Debarred iroru shawing again i the Novice Class, having won iive iirsts t Owen Sound last yoar, toey had taotr tocir exhibite tois year in toc Amateur Class, wbicb is o step up iom toc Novice but a stop belaw the Proiessional. Misses Mary and Marianoe Toma spont last week in Belleville visit- mng tocin umle and aunt, Mr. and Mms. Eric Toms. Misses Gwendolyn and Joan Taoms, Belle- ville, are now visiting at Mm. and Mms. H. J. Toms' and Mm. Jas. Toms'. Mm. and Mms. Walter Walrnsloy, Toranto, in company wito Mm. and Mrs. W. Fowler and Master Bernard Joncs, Bowmanvle, e- ewod old acquointancoships bemo and called on Mr. and Mms. Jas. Brancb, Mr. and Mms. Wallace Halmes and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mm. Austin Turner is naw hav- ing bis homo and bans wimed by Mr. H. S. Brittom. Austin is anc ai the South Clarke formons wbo is an entrant in the farm li- pravomeut comptition irjaugurat- cd this year by toc Durham Central Agricultumal Association. Ho bad bis car damaged ta toc extent ai $50 or $60 wbom ho and Mrs. W. E. Bemon came togetoor in a side on colsian ot M. J. W. Brodloy's, Aug. 16to. Mr. Be- man's cor was also damaged ta samo oxtent. Councillon and Mms. Tracy Moines, Leaside, visited bis father, Mr. Tracy Moines, Sm. Mr. Jas. Kecc, Taronto, bas boom holidaying at bis grand- mothom's, Mrs. P. O. Neil. Next Suudoy, Aug. 27th, will be observed as Decomatan Day at Bond Head Comotemy. The Cari- adion Legian Bond, Bowmamville, will participate iu the coeman- ies. Miss Hazel Waod, bride-elect, w as teudered o limon and kitchen sbawer by a large umber ai hem girl friends, Aug. 17to, ot toc home ai Mr., Thos. Mafatt and bis gnanddaugbtems, Misses Women Love Tasty Sandwiches Wh.rever women gather for an alt.rnoon there 's alwaYs a good sandwich. A maJority of women know that better sandwichesane z»çI.fzom aur fine quality bread. It's goodipWn . 1i6 f toasted. Try it today. CORSETSDKR Phono,090 Bowmanville TeNewcastle Independent The PHONE CLARKE 1114 Mms JaesBowanvivlle, bo- aides athersfrom Newcastle. Befare the party brake up Mr. W. F. Rickamd, M.P., wbo was pro- sent witb Mrs. Ricicard, congrot- ulated Mr. Seldon on behalf ai oll present on thc attainruont ai bis faur score years in goad bealto and spirite, and toonked Mr. and Mrs. Parker ian toc in- visited hem sisters, Mrs. W. J. Hockiu and Mrs. Ed. Powell, and brother, Mr. A. O. Parkcr. She came down witb Mm. and Mms. Harold McFadden and Mr. Rass Jones wbo weut an ta Pictan and rcturned on Sunday aftemnoon ta coul on toeir Newcastle relatives. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butler at- tcnded toc Canadian Gladiolus Show at Stratiord and visited relatives in Western Ontario. Mn. Clame Langman, Smitofield, visited with bis cousin, Mn. D. Langman.. Mr. Adair Hancock ai the Kerr- Addisan Mines, Virginia Tawn, visited Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Han- cock. Mms. Walter Haigh and daugb- ter Joyce, Braccbmidge, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mns. Jua. Garrod. Mrs. J. Chubb, Chicaga, ac- companied by hem daugbtm, vis- ited hem father, Dr. R. T. Ruther- ford, and mcncwcd old acquamnt- anccsbips in Newcastle. Mm. and Mms. Harry Adaskin and Master Gardon Adaskin, Toronto, are bolidaying at Mm. at Mms. Bart Jackson's bouse, Newcastle-on-the-lake. Mrs. Norman Bellyan, Treuton, bas been visiting Major and Mms. H. W. Dudley and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan. Mm. and Mrs. Trim Sbaw, Ta- routa, were weekend gueste ai Mr. and Mms. W. G. Hay at tocir lake front cottage. Mns. A. Otton and Mn. Stanley Otton, Toronto, were olso gueste ai Mr. and Mms. Hay. .Mr. Percy Haro, C.N.R. Ageut, is naw taking bis bolidays. Satur- day ho and Mms. Haro wcnt ta Ottawa ta visit Mr. Jack Haro. They aftemwards went an a trip ta, the Maritimes. Mm. and Mms. Henry Pearce, Bawmanville, wcre Sunday gueste ai Mr. and Mms. Harny Pearce and iamily. Rev. and Mms. Cecil Allin and family, Onarga, In., visited bis brother, Mm. H. C. Allun and i amily. TORONTO CHOIR GROUP GUESTS AT NEWCASTLE Mm. and Mns. Fred Woods eu- temtaiued the chair ai St. Potmick's Pomisb, Toronto, an the lawus ai their suminer cattages, Tuck-a- bac and Woodholme, Sunday, Aug. 20to. The choir members, uumbering about tbnity-f ve, at- tended mass, conducted by Rev. Fatoon Coffey, at St. Johu's R.C. Cburcb at 9 a.m. and participated in toc service. Rcv. Fotoor Daniel Ebman, nectar ai St. Potnick's, was unablo ta 'accompany toc chair ta Newcastle but Mr. Arthur Ebman directed thc singing with Mr. W. J. Ebruan at toc argon. Aitor mass toc Toronto visitars, men, women and cbildren, lunch- cd on the shady lawns ai Tuck- a-bac and Woodhalme and enjoy- cd toc ecreotional facilities ai Newcastle beacb. Tbey also me- mained for thein eveuing meal and spent a pleosant pcniad witb music and sang. This visit ai St. Potrick's chair and members ai tocir familles ta Newcastle and Mn. and Mms. Fred Waods' is be- caming on interesting annual event as tbcy were alsa bore last ycar, and cnjayed the day so much toot they wcrc delighted ta ha4 ctoc appamtunity ai coming again. MR. WALTER SELDON HONORED BY FRIENDS Mn. and Mms. A. O. Parker on- tertained a number ai frieuds at an aiternoan tea August 16to in homour ai ber fathor, Mm. Walter Seldan, who was celebmating bis 80th birtoday in Newcastle wito wbose cburcb and cammunity life ho bas been closely identifiod for, the past toirty yeais. Mrs. Seldon wos dawu imom Toronta toa, looking madiantly happy over the homour being conferred upon ber busband. As thc gueste sat and cbattcd infarmally on toc sbady lawn in toc woning afternaon Mr. Seldan mingled witb tbem, and cxprcssed bis pleasume ot tocir presence. Ho necalled bis boyhood days in Caledonia and the iact that those wha returu ta thc aid home tawn ion a reunion each iirst ai July are getting fewem and iewer, till naw toone are only twa ai toc old boys leit. Ho spoke intcnest- ingly ai bis lcaruing and working at bis trade ai cabinet making, and ai bis lang and busy years wito the Masseys. Ho thon ad- dressed biruseli ta anc ai bis principal hobbies, the art ai pic- turc toking, pmoduced a camera adbegan iacussing it on littie .moup anute 1aw. Eecsn vitations ta, meet hem father an tois auspiciaus occasion. Mm. Sel- don replylng sbawcd that with toc advancing ycars be had lost noue ai bis wlt andi humor, noue ai bus appreclation ai the inher things ai lUfe and natbing imom memory's walls. ' MARRIAGE RESULTS DLACKSTOCK , CONTINUATION SCHOOL Ùpper Schaal examinatian ne- sults, Grade 1-75%; Grade 11- 66%; Grade 111 60-65%; Grade C-50-59 %: Bmeck, Wm.-Trig. C. Carter, Roy-Mod. Rist. C, Trig. II, Phy. II, Cbem. II, Lat. Autb. C, Lat. Camp. III. Coulter, Joan--Camp. I, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Camp. C. Demille, Hexry-Mod. i1st. C. Emerson, Ellen-Mod. . C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Lat. Camp. C. Galbraith, Marjarie-Mod. Rist. C, Trig. C, Chcm. C. Malcolm, Harvey - Mad. Hist. C, Pby. C, Cbem. C. Marlaw, Madeline-Trig. C. Steel, Margaret - Camp. III, Trig. II. Taylor, Kathleen -Mod. Hist. III. Thampson, Harvey -Phy. C, Cbcm. C. Trewin, Larna-Mod. Hist. C, Geam. C, Trig. I, Lat Auth! C, Lat. Camp. C. Trewin, Ronald-Camp. C, Alg. 1, Trig..X, Pby. C, Chem. II. RESULTS ORONO CONTINUATION SCIIOOL Omono Continuation School Uppen Schoal examination results: Brown, Olivc-Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. I, Alg. III. Case, Helen-Eng. Lit. C. Cobbledick, Enid-Eng. Camp. C, Eng. Lit. II, Alg. II, Lat. Camp. C. Cooper, Audrey - Eng. Comp. II, Eng. Lit. I, Alg. II, Geom. C. Cooper, Marion - Eng. Comp. II, Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C. 'Fraste, Wilfrcd-Eng.' Lit. C. Harncss, Helen-Eng. Lit. C. Harness, Roslinc-Eng. Lit. C. Keane, Mcvyn-Eng. Camp. C. Morton, Adele -Eng. Lit. I, Mod. Rist. C, Alg. I, Çeom. I, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Camp. MI. Morton, Muriel-Eng. Camp. II, Eng. Lit. I, Alg. I, Geom. 1, Lat. Auto. II, Lat. Camp. C. Myles Le Ray-Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C. Patterson, Ranald-Eng. Camp. II, Eng. Lit. I. White, Carman-Alg. I, Geom. I, Lat. Camp. C. Yeo, Patricia -Eng. Lit. III, Alg. I, Geom. IL. WEDDINQ (Continued fram page 1) ai pciwinkle blue chiffon, with bat afi stitched French chiffan and corsage ai Raptume roses and lily-ai -thc-vallcy. Mrs. Gould, mother ai the bridegroam, was gowncd in champagne bràwu, wito accessories ai ashes-of-rases shade, aud blending corsage. Later the bride and bridegroom lef t for New York ta soil on a cruise af toc Atlantic Ocean and Gulf ai Mexica ta New Orleans, returning by way of Chicaga. On their return they will live on Bye Street, North Bay. Bath Mr. Gauld and his bride rec graduates ai toc University af Toronto, and the former gradu- ate from Osgoodc Hall. GIRL RELATES (Continued tram Page 1) aur autstanding thrlll. I do think we saw mare genuine grandeur and honcst bcauty later, but those lakes were aur iirst surprising glimpse. ai toc awc-inspiring sights wbîch wcrc ta kcep tbrill- ing us ail toc way, sa I guess that is why wc arc so unanimous about that particular spot. The ncxt maming I consumed parridge. pancakes and bacon. Thcy cail pancakes gaskets and dcathwads on the trail. The cook's father was a Bishap, and ho - thc coak - Is vcrry, verry Irish. We started flic momning with a sheer mauntain side climb wbich made aur breakfasts drap in a bumry, I can tel yau. Once, I. casually lookcd aven thc side af my borse - and evcmything in me stapped ticking! I could bardly get my hcad turncd back araund, and wbcu I dad I kept my cyes stcadily on the rump af the horse ahcad. That also was thc day wc went down a shale-slidc. The horses really wcrc nervaus. Thcy'd stop arnd look back as if tbcy didn't like ta mave. Some af theru actually trcmblcd. There wcrc several ather slapos bath Up and down, but mainly in the waads, wbich kcpt toings irom looking so al- tagether risky as whcn you peck out into nting... On Sunday night at Taylar Lake we bad a icrociaus windstorm and ain that downcd thc tente and teepees and lcft evcrybady expased ta Arm- Rev. Mary A. J. John- W. J. DEATHS BLANCHARD - At Sauina, on Sunday. Augrust 20. 1939. Charles Arthur Blanchard. beloved husband of Rosena Ashton. aze 64 vears. Interment Bowmanville cemet erv. i MATTHEWS-In Bowrnanville. on Tuesdav. Auizust 22. 1939. james Hanford Matthèws. aRe 77 vears. Funeral from the residepce of Mr. Ernest Passant. Du~Ie Street. Thursdav. Augzust 24. at 2,30 o).m. Interment Bowmanville Cremeterv. COLMER-In Belleville Hospital. on. Sundav. Auizust 20. 1939. Frederick C. Colmer. Bowmanville, age 61 vears. Interment Brantfordl Cerne- terv. Card of Thanks The husband and familv of the late Mrs. William Yeo wish to sincerelv thank their manv friends. relatives and neizbbors for their manv act, of kindness extended to ihem durinrz her illness and tbe exure9àiofls of svm- oatbv in their recent sad bereave- ment. IN MEMORIAM_ BOOTH-In fond and lovinir mem- orv of our only. beloved sonm Mau- rice Edward Bootb wbo was lcilled in a car accident Ausrust 23. 1937 Somewhere back of the sunset Where loveliness neyer dies He lives in a land of Glory Mid tbe blue and tbe igold of the skies. Lovinizly remembered bv Mother and Dad. JORDAN-In lovintz memorv of mv dear busband. William H. Jordan. who u)assed rieacefullv awav two vears aizo. August 25. 1937: Sorne day mv hand will clasi) hts hand Tust over in the Glory Land. Where n)artingrs are no more. Sadlv missed bv his lovinst wife. MOUNTJOY-In lovinir memorv of Elorin Mountjoy whq died -on Au- zust 20. 1935: He bas solved it life's wonderful« problem. The deén)est. the strangest. the last And into the Lthool of the angzels With the answer forever bas passed. Lovinizlv remembered bv wife and cbildren. TOMLINSON - In loviniz memorv of our darlinz dausthter. Mariorv. who vassed awav August 19, 1933: There the buds f rom eartb trans- fflanted For our comingz watch and wait. In the uriner zarden grrowiniz.- Tust witbin tbe oearlv gzate. Thouah our hearts mav break witb sorrow Bv the gzrief so bard ta bear. We shail meet ber some briigbt marninz In tbe uriner izarden there. Sadlv missed by Mother. Father. Sister and Brotber. For Sale FOR SALE-ORGAN. RUG. BLUE & rose shades. 3x4: piano bencb. 2 beds. band wasbina machine. var- ious other housebold articles. Ao- ony Holizate's 0f fice. Bowman- ville. 34-1 FOR SALE - SHINGLES. NO. Y's. $2.50 ver 1000. Annlv S. Bridozeeort. Nestleton. Phone 194r 11. Port Perrv.- 33-2 ci-eam and cake. TÉhen we had tbe regular annual pow-wow. Everyone thinka Ontario is - a swell province, and I'vc neyer answemcd sa any questions about it in ail my life. . -. Even Bow- manville seems glamorous when s0 many people want ta know so many details. 0f course, inrn I have askcd a million questions -nover realizcd before how vcry littie most af us actually know about aurselves or the country we live in. It takes a trip like this ta show ourselves. up. Axryway, its certainly anc grand and glorlaus feeling. More later. .. Leola. A man isn't neccssarily attach- ed ta a baby carniage because be iollows it. Fishing is good fun, but theme lu not mucb use casting a lime into a stream that was dry ail summer in 1938, comments the Farmer's Advocate, a strong expaneut <, reforestatian and conservation. FAILMERS I wish to announce that starting Monday, August 28 I will re-open Buckley's Mill Newcastle GRINDUIG EVZRY WBEK DAY FuU Ulneocf Feed and Mlashes for Oak. Lloyd Stephenson Phone 25 SL Newcastle CQULTER-KNOX - At the dale Cburcb. Halifax. bv Archibald. Augzutt 16. 1939, Elizabeth. daughter of Mr, Knox. Orono. ta, Wilbert stan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Caulter. Barrie. Ontario. IMPORTANT FIRM WANTS women to look after business in ber vicinitv. Must bave sewingz and fitting exnerience. Write H. Gwvnn at 501 Castie Bldoe.. Montreal and interview will be ar- ran&ged. 33-2 Corsetiere FOR STYLE AND COMFORT wear Nu Banc. Mrs. W. H. Cale. Phone 574. Bownianville. 33-2 Ho alone is wise wba cairn ac- caugKIte himself ta ail the contlngNbitics of lufe, but the foal contcnds, and is stmuggling like a swimmem agalnst the stream. - Latin Praverb. Nothing cools lave so rapidly as a hot temper. Ù,0MING EVENT .Tvrone Harvest Home. Sundav Services SeDtember 3. Rev. Dr. Mill- son. Welcome. will be the minister. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 n.m. S.T. Music bv Tvrone Choir. as'sisted bv Mr. Freund. Labor Day. September 4. Football for Tyrone Chiallenge Cul). Brooklin, Hampton ani Zion. the leadingz teams in the league. f irst irame at 3- .m. Softball. Orono vs. Salem. valuable ririze. gzame called at 4 v.m. Admission to sports 10c. Chidren f ree. Cbicken Pie Suriner 4.30 mim. until ail are served. Pro- zram at 8 o.m. by tbe Bethesda Con- ceri Çomrianv of Uxbridize. consist- ingz of a Comedy "In May Witb lune" and a musical drama "The Last Rehearsal," alsri dialogzues. choruses. solos. duets. cluartets (comic and sacred) and elocutioffists. 22 in cast. ail in aId time costume. Suimer and entertainment. Adults 5Oc. Children 30c, Entertainment onlv. Adults 25c. Children 15c. 34-2 Real Estate For Sale' FOR SALE-TO CLOSE ESTATE -House and izarden for sale. in Villagze of Port Perry. izooc f rame 7 roorned bouse. on a baîf acre of land. small fruit, stable and irar- aze. electric. Reasonable. Apnlv James Archer. Port Perry. Tele- Pihone 139W. 34-2 FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE for $1000 cash. f ive roomed stuccé bouse witb gzood foundation and roof. modemn conveniences. one- haîf acre gzood garden soil. on Duke Street. Bowmanville. Apflv M.G.V. Gould. Bowmanville. Ont. 33-2* FARM FOR SALE-100 ACRES. close ta Ebenezer cburcb. igood reriair. brick bouse: furnace. bard- wood floors. two walls. AnrIlv W. H. NichaIs. owner' on riremises. Bowmanville R. R. 2. Phone Osh- awa 16l5r4. 33-2 For Sale or Rent 200 ACRES. ONE MILE FROM hiizbwav. larq'e f rame bouse. gzond barn and stables. Lot 20. Con. 8. Clarke Townsbiri. Ariplv Mrs. lames Buroecss. Orono. 34-lw* FOR SALE OR RENT - GOOD 100 acre *farm. bhardwood bush. good .water. scbool and cburcb botb on farm. Phone Oshawa 1921w or Port Perrv 110r6. 34-3 Liventock For Sale FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE Hoses. one 7 moritbs. ant 5 montbs oId. eligible ta regtister. Werrv Brothers. R. R. No. 1. Hampton. Phone 2471. 34-1 YOUNG PUfREBRED YO0RK - sbire Boar for service. directtf rom Oak Lodize Stock Market. Bur- ford. Ontario. Green Brothers. R. R. 3. Bowmanville. Phone 2161. .34-1 Weekly Feed Speciai VANSTONE'S EGG MASH-$1.80 ner cwt. Tbis masb gzives real re- sults. 0f fer good until August 31. Ir. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. 34-1 School Speclals BICYCLES - 1 C.C.M. CRES- cent. new tires and t¶ite. $15. : 1 Allin Soecial. new tires and tubes $12: bicycle repairs a *sriccialtv. Tack Allin. Bowmanville. 34-1 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT-FOUR OR six roomed bouse or apertment bv October lst or lSth. by 'twa adults. Must be reasonable. Annlv Box 25. Bowmanville. ,34-1* Wanted GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELP IN farm home. Phone- 2581. 34-1w* MASON WORK WANTED - brick work, stone work and plas- tering:. also stuceo. Phone Breck's store. Burketon. Bowmanville' 2334 or Port Perry 193-3-2. A. G. Skoyles. 31-4* WANTED - TWENTY TO twentv-five Ancona riullets. about 4 months old. Anrilv Donald Robin- son. R. R. No. 1 Hampton. 34-1' WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattie for fox meat. Norbv P ur Farrn. Tvrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf Agents Wanted MEN-HERE IS GOOD PAYING MU je i~lS EA ~~~D Teacber of iPiano, Ofan and Ibheory Speclailses in Voice Production and Slntlnt Clams Re-opens September 4th Studio, King Street - Phone 757 34-2 To Rent FOR RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- izoir Street. Apnlv Geo. McMullen. Wellington St.. Bowmanville. 34-1* Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. Anolv F. McIndoo. Phone 894 KCing St., Bowrnanville. 34-1* BOARD AND.JROOM - BOARD and roomn in ibrivate borne for two vouniz ladies. -Prices reasonable. ADnlv at Statepman Office. 33-2* HIbt 0i1 Treatments HOT OIL TREATMENTS TO recondition sun - scortched hair $1.00. Iris Beauty Parlor. Pbone 2601 .34-1* Mortgage Money 'Avaouable HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmianville Real Estate. Special attention ta National HousinR Act Loans. InQuire Bradley Bras.. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Auction. Sale Tbere will be 'offered for sale -at the farma of Charles Howsarn, anc mile west of Port Perrv on bizb- wav. Fridav. Auizust 25th. at 1 o- 'dlock standard time. the followinir livestock: 40 head cattle. cows and twn vear olds: Il baby beef Here- ford calves: sbeen and' nigs. Terrns: $25 deriosit. 8 montbs credit on bal- ance. 33-2 SPECIAL VALUES -AT. LUNN'S' Assorted Cream Sandwich Biscuits .... 2 Ibs. 29C Big 5 Cleanser .................... tin Se National Soap Flakes............ 5 lb. box 27e Aybner Stralned Infants Foods .........3 tins *Peaches and Plums at -lowest prices' Orono Creamery Butter, No. 1I.. ............. lb. 25e esza4em laTEASPOONIs dACU SPOON ONLY 10' AND a BUACK SANDS PRU PALMOLIVESOA ' E"I Phone 596 E. LUNN GROCECR BowrnanviUe, TYou Won't Go Wrong If lYou Buy. REXALL From Jury & Loveli Certo -- bot. 25o ljI$t'Gem Rings 6 for 25o à oeab Parawax - 2 for 190 Juna Tex, the automatic compact - - 25o Rotez - 4 doz. 690 * - ~Science has ~ given us a wonderful new aid to boîter eyesight in TILLYER Lenses. They coat no more tiian other fira: grade anses. Corne iu and let us explan. Naine and Addresa Bring Filme Here We diaim Uue' wPhoto Finishing as the finest you eau obtain. Trv them today with a film you want devel- oped and printed p.rfectly. W1111M= JURY $LVL Phone 778 Bowmanville . Lost LOST -ON SUNDAY. AUG. 13. A ladv's whitegold wrist watch. Fin- der rlease eturn ta Statestoan 0f- f ice. 34-1 Veterinarlans D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Sce. Dowmanvile Suceessor ta Dr. T. F. Tlghe office: Ring St. East, at Tithe Resident - PBON£ 843 DR. G. R. BOOTH Veterinarian Small ond Large Anliol Surgery. Office, 323 King W. - Phono 917 Oshawa, Ont. 31-4* J. H. LESLIE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Orano - Ontario Phonos: Office 92r7 Residence 55r7. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of WiUiam George Ormiston deceased. Ail nersons having dcaims against the estate of William George Ormis- tan. late of the Village o'f Eafield. in the Caunty of Durham. metimcd farmer. who died an or about the 27th day of May. 1939, are hereby natif ied to send Particulars cf samne ta the undemsixned on, or bcfore the 31st day of August. 1939, aftcr which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto baving regard only ta the dlais of which the under6ign- ed shaîl then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 4th day of August. 1939. Harold Ormistan. Executor. bv bis Solicitor, Charles C. McGibban. 6 King Street. West, Osbawa. 32-3 FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN Station Street. Orono, alh conven- iences. Arnlv Martin Linton. Mar- mora. 32-2* i I IRE UISE die WANýTmADSl 1 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1939 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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