ne"d By 12,000o eple WeekIy NEWCASTLE NEWS With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 85 B'OWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1939NUBR3 ( , PRIZE RURAL PUPIL NABS SEVEN FIRSTS * ON UPPERSOHOOL Éuaseil Short Obtains Ffrste in AU SubJects Tried - Other Resuits Pubihbed Secretary af the High School Board, C. H. Masan, bas released Bowmanville High School Upper Schoolresuits. Resuits are listed accarding ta the ifallowing abbreviations: E. Camp., English Composition; E. Lit.,English Literature; Mod. Hust., Modern History; Mlg., Alge-ý bra; Geo., Geometry; Trig., Trig- onometry; L. A., Latin Authors; ( L. C., Latin Composition; F. A., French Authors; F. C., French Composition; Phy., Physics; Bat., Botany; Chem., Chemistry; Zoo., Zoology. I, first class hanars; Il, second class hanors; III, third clams honors, and C, credit: Adamson, James-Alg. I, Phy. Armnour, Bertha-E. Lit. C. Baker, Kathleen-E. Comp., C. Bellaxny, Evelyn-E. Camp., C, E. Lit, III. Bradt, Dorothy-Mad. Hist. I. Cowling, Jack-E. Lit. -II, Trig. II, P. A. C, F. C. C. Crawford, Byran-E. Camp. C, E. Lit. C. Cryderman, Ruth-E. Camp. II, E. Lit. II. F. Eger, Betty-L. A. II, L. C. II, . , F. C. II, Bot. IL. Elliott, Blaine-E. Camp. II. Emmett, Lois-E. Camp. III, E. Lit. C. Fagan, Owen-E. Lit. C, Mlg. C, Gea. II, Trig. I i F. A. C, F. C. C, ( Phy. II, Chem. C. Gilbert, Velma-Mod. --ist. II, Gea. C, Trig. II, F. A. C, F. C. C, Bot. I, Zoo. I. Hall, Ranald-E. Camp. III. Harnden, Evelyn-E. Com~p. II, E. Lit. I. Hoari Charles-E. Comp. C' Ives, Ruth-Alg. II. * James, William-E. Camp. III, E. Lit. C, Bot. II, Zoo. IL Jones, Darathy-F. A. C, F. C. C, Bot. I, Zoo. I.1 K.nox, Dorothy-Mod. Hist. II, L. A. C, L. C. C, F. A. 111, F. C. C, McCready, Margaret-F. A. III, F. C. C. MçIlveen, Cbarles-E. Camp., C, E. Lit. C, Geo. C, Trig. C,F.Ç C, Chei. II. Mefvn Donald-E. Camp. C, E. Lit. Meredirth, Nora-E. Camp. C. Mitchelli Grace-Mod. Hist. II, L. A. III, L. C. C, F. A. 117- F.C. II, SBot. C, Zoo. C. Moses, D oris-E. Camp. II, E. Lit. lit' Nickerson, jEdward-F. A. III. O'Neill, Kàthy-E. Camp. I, E. Lit. I. Pearce, Margaret-E. Lit. II, Trig. I, L. A. II, L. C. I. Pearce, Patricia-E. Camp. II, E. Lit. I, Trig. II, L. A. I, L. C. II, F. A. I, F. C. 11.1 Rackbam, Edith-E. Camp. C, E. Lit. III. :. Rehder, Thamas-E. Comp. C. Searle, Narma-E. Camp. I, E. Lit. C. Short, LeRoy-E. Lit. C, Mlg. II, Geo. .lla1 Trig. I, F. A. II, F. C. Short~ Russel-Alg. I, Geo. I, Trig. I, F. A. I, F. C. I, Phy. I, Chem. IL Sisson, Kathleen -Mod. Hlist. mI, Trig. C, F. A. III, F. C. C, Zoo. II. Smale, Dorathy-E. Camp. II, E. Lit. III. Storey, Kathleen-E. Camp. II, E. Lit. II. Swindells, Eric-E. Camp. C. Symons, Paul-Mad. Hist., II, Alg. C, Trig. III, L. C. C, F. A. I, Ir.C. 111.1 Tamblyn, Alan-E. Lit. C. TruIl, Grace-Alg. II, F. C. C. Wagar, Gertrude -Mad. Hist. 11, Alg. I, Trig. I, F. A. III, F. C. C, Phy. I. Ward, Ernest-E. Lit. II. Ward, Olive-Mod. Hist. III, L. A. III, L. C. III, F. A. I, F. C. I. Wbeeler, Diana-E Lit. II. Williams, Helen-E. Lit. C. Wilson, Patricia-E. Lit. C, F. A.. C, F. C. II. binde Wears Rer Fer Pretty Weddi »Lus Dorothy K9. B nyatle "nd Maitand G. ýOld W.d-PIan Exrtensive ENNSKLLN --TRI CRADLE O!'GENERAL MOTORS,0Of CANADA The above n)hotouranh shows the is none other than bis son .Geo. W. of historical sketches wliich have niant and staff of the McLauizhlin McLauRhlin. of Oshawa who, has been auveariniz in The Statesman ini Carriaie Co. at Enniskillen in the been such a izenerous benefactor to recent weeks in connection with the 60's and 70's. The founder. the late bis native villaize of Enniskillen. The Diamond Jubilee of Enniskillen Un- Robert McLauzhiin is second from historv of the McLaurblin industrv ited Church to be held next Sundav the Ieft and the littie lad next hini anears on o)afe 5 as one of a series and Mondav. August 27-28. Business girl Relates Tales 0f Clorious Trip Through West Mies Leola MUfer Having Tiine I EtGAGEMEt4TB Incid Ies Inro tiUp The engagement is announced IncientsCropUp oa Elizabeth Pearlie, yaungest * daughter ai Mme. Adamisanid the When I arived et Banff it was late Mr. Fred Adamis af Haydon, terrficlly ot nd terewasta Mm. Alfred Thomsas Randle ai termficlly ot nd terewasHatfield, England. The marriage no oom for me et the Mount ta take placeeerly ta September. Royal Motel - secine there le a boom season ta the Rockies - so Mm. W. Franklin Richard, M.P., figumed I'd look after the Trail and Mrs. Rickard, Newcastle, Ride first anid let the room look announce the engagement ai their after itacif. At Mm. L. S. Crosby'é deughter, Evelyn Bessie, ta Mm. office - Western Secretary - I John Francis Edwards, Kingston, was vey warmly welcomed, son of Mm. F. A. Edwards, Ottawa. wblle Mm . M. Gibbon called ta Merriege ta take place ta the sec if I had arrived, and aiea ta United Churcb, Newcastle, on iiors me that I 'yvas ta go ta September 16th. the fansous C.P.R. BaniffSprings Motel pendtag the start ai the Mm. W. Franklin Rickerd, M.P., Treil Ride trip next day. .. and Mmc. Rickard, Newcastle, Went down town ta buy e bat anidaninunce the engagement ai their then, loanid behold! <Coming daughter, Darathy Margaret, ta elong the street) I beganita weep Mm. Charles Spencer Hogg, son ai irons lonesomeness, as X thought- Mm. and Mms. Sydney Spencer but wbich I riow attribute ta Hogg, Toronto. Marriege ta take atmasphemc, or nerves, or altitude, place tantJie United Cburch, New- or something. * castle, an September 16th. Did I ever buzz back ta the hatel, trytag ta a nonchalant Mm.anid Mrs. Leslie E. Brooks, manner ta assunie a hay-fevem- Tyrone, ennounce the engagement victins-loak. I sure worked up a ai their eldeet'*daugbter, Myrtle good case ai hysterice ta that pal- Evelyn, ta Mm. Leslie M. Slcight, atial roons - actually scared my- Wetan, only son ai Mme. Sleigbt self. Was on the verge afi calling anid the lete Mm. G. Sieight. The for help, but declded ta iight it maarriage ta teake place early ta ont alone anid went ta bed with $ePtember. cld tawels about my head. Xv been mad et myseli ever stace. with before the trip was o...... Mad dinner with Mr. Gibbon When the firet camp was pitched anid a Mm.' Whittag. .. Incident- I suppose I set around'with my ally wben M. Crosby drove me mouth open, for it was a sigbt ta the Trail Ridem's endezvous for anc as green as I. The teepees he noticed my Eastern Star pin popped up ehl over the 'place anid anid tald me he was past patron; dunnage bage disappcamed irons which belped a lot. Dr. C. W. sight taside thens like magie. Ptowd, ai Vancouver - the Trail Several af us went ta the lake Riders' President - toolt came for e wash, and wbcn we returned ai me once the ride got under dinner was eady. Believe me it way. .. The womst of these rides tasted good, as I hadn't caten my is they are about over before anc breakfast - tao excited, I guess. can become well acquainted.. The highlight ai the whoie trip Everybody had the came lament.. occurmed that day as we came There were 78 on the trip, and I througb a pan nind around a bcnd understand that if there happens ta have a most beautiful sight ta be over 60 again the party will coniront us. Backed by pumple, be halved. .. Got me a good aid snow-tippcd mountains, were twa black horse that I became in lave lakes - anc directiy abave the other, anid 5 unbelievably bine and unea-loaking thet I stilli can't thtak ai the scene as any- rdother's 'Veil thtag but a pitdbc-rp ing 1t St .10We are 11l egreed that that wes (Oontlnued on Page 10) lier bead by a hala ai heirloons Honiton lace. She caried a cas- cade bouquet ai orchlds and lily- oi-the-valley, with tadividual blossonsa ai star ai Bethlehem and gladioli. Miss Frances Bonnycastle of Peterborough, cousin ai the bride, was maid ai banor, and the ilower girls weme little Miss Pcggy and Miss Mamaon Dippel ai Bowman- ville. The maid ai honpr . wore a prtacess fmock ai rose taffeta with rose velvet streamers, and camried a colonial bouquet ai cornflowers, Briarcliff roses anid *bouvardia. K a t e Greenaway irocks ta pastel shades ai plnk anid blue were worn by the flower girls, wlth poke bonnets ta match, anid they, carmlcd colonial bou- quets. M. A. Raney ai North Bey was groomsman, and the lishers were Mm. Murray Bonnycastle, Toronto; Mm. George Crompton, Peterborougb, and Mm. Wallace McDonald, North Bay. The reception was beld et the Annandale home ai Dr. and Mmc. Bonnycestle, anid the latter e- ceivcd hem gucats, weartag a gown (Continued on page 10) Valuable Constable On Toronto Police Raised In Clarke Twp. P.C. "Andy" Payne Drives, Shoots, and Talks on Two-Way Radia While Going 90 Mes An Hour Taronto's police departmcnt cen readily pay tribute ta Clarke Townshipand cspecially anc of iU rogeny, Constable Adoîphus <dY) Panc, who stagle handed drove bis cruiser, chatand bit a stolen car and discussed the affair wlth bis radio dispatcher, while travelling et 1*90 miles an boum early Sunday mamning. Sheer nerve and sklllful driv- ing saved Constable Payne, who le a son ai Mm.anid Mms. Reuben Payne, R.R. 1, Clarke. Me nmaxi aeuvered bis speedy cruise'r through the city streets et dartag speeds, drivtag with anc anid whlle be talked on bis two-way radioanid notified the media dis- patcher ai the location ai the chase. Eventuelly bis quamry, a stolen car frons London, driven by tbree yautbs, crashed itaa bydrant. Two ai the youths took ta their heels but stopped after a quarter mile chase, when Con- stable Payne fired the two mc- maintag chats' in bis revolver itt the air. He handcuffed thens quickly and turned them over ta other policemen who had reached the spot. This le not the first tise, Con- stable Payne bas figured, as a fearlese officer ai the law. Three years ega, e cimilar occurence bonght bis name itt headlines when be was responcible for the capture ai several men wbo bad beeni invoived ta breaktag the iaws ai the cîty. Bowmanvle citizene will mc- cail that Andy was ensployed fori e tise et the local Goodyear plant, and about ten or twelve yeamc egoaelmost jained the town police force. Me was emplayed as a iectamy policeman witb Genemai Motors until hie jotaed the Ta- onta force. He was brougbt up ta Clarke Township anid ad bis eariy cchoaling et Cooked Creek school. Just anc more occasion when a Durham County boy bas made good. Locals Tossed From Playdowns Unexplained Rule Is Responsible 0.A.B.A. Bai tball Teum Ties With Trenton, But Loues Beries When Executive Puts Foot Dowii Bowmanvillic's iirst venture inta the Ontario Amateur Soitball Association playdowns came ta an abrupt anid sad cnding on Tues- day - withont e bell being thmown. Aiter getttag away toaa disal stamt lest Tuesday, betag on the, bottons side ai a 12 ta 4 score, things brlgbtcncd up con- siderable like on Fiday when the teens won by 7 ta 3 - but on Tnesday a fateful day, the~ boys weme ilicked into the dis- card. The flicking was donc by a plece ai yellow paper wbicb ~sald "Sormy, AII-$tar tees nQt allowcd, serles awarded ta Tren- ton, investlgettag thens." Yes, 't seeme that the local sý[uad bas mun afoul of the law but by the beard ai Uncle Joe, there is a vilain somewbeme. Youm correspondent bas been ln touch with Sccrctary-Trcasumer Mub Hooper aIl summer anid we know aur local leegue bas been iollow- ing the pracedure whicb be tald the O.A.S.A. executive it wôuid foliow, and wbich the O.A.S.A. agreed ta. Naw they bave bootcd' the tawn ont and the local cxc- cutive is mare then a little arous- cd by the treetment. Moaper immediately wired back ta -the parent body dcmandtag a full ekplanatlon and et this writing no answcr bas been recelved. ~If no Ail-Star teans is allowed ta perticipate ini the Ontario playdowne it eltitaiates Bawman- ville irons iurtber 'competition under the O.A.S.A. banner. It would necessitete packing anc teans with the best players whlcb wonld muin the local league and the entire summer. ,r ý'1ACHINIST DIES FISHERMAN HURT »FTER CAR CRASH Fd C. Calmer Succumba to tJurles - Was Weil Known As Skilled Machlnlst Wlth Suicer Company Stark tragedy visited the home af one ai Bowmanvilie's mast esteemed familles, when Freder- ick C. Colmer dîed in Belleville HoIpital, Sunday mamnîng, Aug. 20tV from injuries incurred ta a mnotor accident early the same da-e was travelling with Mr. f'red Depew, well-knawn fisher- man of Bowmanville, just east ai BrIghton, when tbey were in- volved in a head-an collision. Mm. Depew esceped with minar bruises while Mr. Calmer was removed ta the hospitai suffering irornssevere injUries ta bis bead, and died a feVw bours later. .WIeccased was born on April 25,ý' 1877, son ai the late Mm. and Mrl. Wm. G. Calmer ai Brantford, ini Sandbill, Peel County. Me was an-expert machtaist by trade, be- in employed for several years Lit the Bowmanvilie Scale & Slicer Company. He was a mcm- bem ai the Board ai Stewards of TrInity United Cburch. Me is survived by bis wife and three sons, Gregory, who is on the teachtag staff ai Bowmanville Migb School, Herbert and Harold, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Williams, lives in Brantford. Service was hcld Tuesday even- ing at the faraily residence on Wellington Street, and was con- duced by Rcv. W. P. Rogers with Rev. W. J. Bunner assisttag. Cor- tege lef t Wednesday mamning for intemment ta the Greenwood Cemnetery, Brantford. Mis pastor, RIe. S. Davisan ai Tmtaty United Church, conducted the cercmony at the grave. Palîbearers were: Wmn. Suddaby, Bert Suddeby, Frank -Raamtmec, Will Roamntrec, Charles Thampson, Frank John- stan. Floral tokens were bath numer- ans and beautiful, anid included wreaths and sprays irorn Woman's Association, Circle No. 7, Trinity ?i ýrch; Bowmanville Womnen's te; Bowmanville H igbh S oiBoard; B.H.S. Lîterary So3ty; Instructars' Camp, Nia- glepnthe-lacc; Bowm«anville SoibZi League; Goodyear Re- creatidn Club; Dept. 273, Good- year andMerchandise .Distribu- tion Dept. Goodyear. Royals Stopped In Third Game As Hopers Break Witheridge Jinx Sloppy Bal Playing Gives Part Hape Third Gaine 0f Play-ofig 4.1 - Visitors Kake Mast 0f Breaks Feitering defences in two dif- ferent inntags spelled defeat for the Bowmanviile Royale heme lest night as they dmoppcd the third ganse ai the Lakeshome league finals ta Port Hope Ontarios by a 4 ta 1 score. Two errors, a double steal and a scratch bit gave the Ontarios a two-mun lead ta the imst frame and they neyer permitted the locais ta do marc than threatcn. Aiter the Rayais had scorcd once ta their half ai the iirct, Tommy Pointer bad thens under complete control. Ed Withcridge gave up only seven bits ta dropptag bis fimst geme ta Port Hope this year but be bit two men and walked two marc, besides heving e demagtag error on the first inning. Five errars weme consnited by the Bowmanvillc tees while Part Hope playcd perfect bail. Pointer collected -ntae strikeouts, tbree more then bis opponent and gave up but two walks. Witheridge iusbled Jobnston's bunt ta open the ganse and the runner promptly pilfercd second. With anc out Dawley was bit by a pitcbed bail and wben Rickard threw the bail into centre field tmying ta break up a double steel Jobnstan cmossed the plate anid Dawley went ta third. Witb the infield pulled in, Hudson scratch- cd a bit off Williamss' glove and Dawley scomed. Witheridge was egeanguilty ai an error when he ieiled ta tauch iirst while taking a thmow irans Waltan. After Potts hed stolen second, Welton tricd ta get the runner et third on Dawiey's grounder but the throw was late. Hudson laid down a bunt and beat it out with Potts counttag and aiter Dawley bad been iorced et third, Dave Osborne let a bad bounce get ewey irons is et fimst with Hudson scoring irons second. Osborne playcd first in the ab- sence ai Slenson and had a busy nigbt, makingsfifteen putouts. Bowmanville did ehl its scoing in the fimet inntag. Osborne singl- cd ta centre and complcted the circuit wben Colville smashed e three and two pitch dawn the right field line. In the third inn- ing the came two players aimost duplicated their previaus effort but Osborne was thrawn out et tbe plate. Aiter that Bowmenville neyer got a man pansed second base. Lune-upc: Part Hope--Johnston 3b; Potts 2b; Dawiey ci-, Hudson 1f; Wakely mi; Edwardson lb; JLUILEZ PREACHER Rey. Milton R. Sanderson Pastor ai St. Cuthbbrt's United Church, Toronto, and an Enmi- skillen boy, wha will preacb Sun- day evening in Enniskillen Churcb ta cannection with tlhe Diamond Jubilee celebretian. Enter Machine Shop StealingEquipment "When yau've worked bard and ftaally gat enough equipment ta carry an, it sure is a slap in the face ta have some anc break in and take about $200 worth ai it away," said John Demerling, pro- prictar ai the West End Machine Shap, whase premises were loated Tuesday night. Thieves entemed by a rear window, Mm. Demeriing believes, and leit by the rear door taking a new motar, a welding outfit, and tools and other articles ai value with them. They leit no trace, but police are hopeful that they have a lead ta the guilty party. There bave been several break-tas along King Street during reent weeks and tbey are redoubling efforts ta stop any further occurrences ai this nature. Moise se; Rawclifie c, and Pointer P. Bowmanville-Waltan 2b; Os- borne lb; Colville 1f; Rickard c; Williams ss; Bagndil cf; Kent 3b; Roach and Mdllveen mi, and With- eridgc p. Part Hope 200 000 200-4 7 0 Bowmanille 100 000 000-1 6 5 SOFTBLL VIMAU At a meeting ai the Exe- cutive of the South Darling tan Soi tbail League held Tuesday eventag it was de- cided ta play the finals be- tween Salems and Providence an Tuesday and Friday, Aug. 29th, and Sept. let, respec- tively. The series wrnl be based an a twao ot of threc bases, and a third ganse if necessary will be played Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Games will be celled sharp et 5.45 Standard Tise. Ail ganses will be seven inntags and ta case ai a tic an extra ganse will be playcd. School Inspector Is Appointed For Wfest Durham District T. K. McEwen, Napanee, Ap- pointed to Succecd C. F. Cannon, Oshawa T. R. McEwen, B.A., Napance, wbo has been inspectar ai public schoals for Lennax County, anid a]so at Deseronto ta South Hast- ings since 1938, receivcd officiai notice irons thé Departnsent ai Educetion af bis appotatment as Public Schoal Inspector in Osh- awa, Bowmanvîlle and part ai Durbams Caunty. Mm. McEwen wil commence bis duties on Sept. lst, and wiil reside in Oshawa. Me cucceeds C. F. Cannon, Osb- awa, wha bas been taspector for thirteen yearc. Mm. MeEwen succeeded M. R. Reid as inspcctor for Lennox County and Deseronto last year, bavtag held a similar position for North, Frontenac and Addington stace 1934, rcsîding et Sharbot Lake. Mm. McEwen was bamn in Hast- ings Caunty and aiter complettag bis public schoal education he went ta Albert College in Belle- ville. Me is a graduate of Quccn's University and Toronto Univer- sity. Me was for 15 years principal of the public' school et Port Arthur, resigning this position wben be was appoittd ta the inspectarate ai North Frontenac and Addington. Mr.and Mmc. McEwen were members ai Trinity United Church and the former le a member ai the Napance Rotary Club, and aieoaa member ai the Masanic Lodge et Sharbat Lake. IJLS.MiNlTINS RECORD The reports ai the dcpart- mental examinations for the ycar arc now canspîcte and show e very sncccssinl yeer for Bowmanville High Scbooi. The Middle School recuits compare favaurably with the higb average ai ecent year, whllc the Upper Scbool re- cuIts are almost a record ta the bistary ai the school, be- tag uniforxnly good. In view ai the fact that there bas been in recent years a numbher ai changes ta the teachtag staff, thc wamk ai these new and rather in- experienced teachers is higbiy commendable ta thens nid ta Principal L. W. Dippell and other members ai the staff. Lindsay Man Wins Pony And Other Prias, Are Bpread Over 7 Municipalities Mm. Don Rceds, Lindcay, was the lucky winncr ai the pony et the Orono Street Faim heid lest nigbt. The faim, held ta raise funds for Omono Community Park, was wdll patronized by cnthusiastic cmowds cager for a goad tiseand et the came tise endeavourtag ta bclp ont the Park Consmittee. During the evening two dance bands snpplied the nsusic for dancing. In. the Ammouries the Memymakers orchestra plaed for the square dancing wbile Oiiie Wager'cs Orchestra supplied msusic ta the Town Hall for round dancing. The four major prizes and the (Continued from page 8) Orono Musician Is Drowned Attempting To Save Friend Planes Aid Search For Body JUBILBE PASTOR "Go On I Cao Make [t" Said Geo. Rowe, 20 As He Slipped From Companion's Grasp. Paying the supreme sacrif ice ai friendship, George Rowe, 20-year- aid son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe, Orono, was drawned at Presqu'île Point, Tuesday aftem- noon when he attempted ta save a non-swimming iriend wbo had fallen out af the boat in whicb they were sailing. Late Wednes- day night Rowe's body had not been recavercd. The friend was saved. About an boum before the ac- cident occurred, Rowe, accam- panied by four other members ai "Skip" Vaughan's orchestra went for a saai on the bay in a two masted boat. They were advised against going by their leader who evidently realized that the water was dangerously rough and that teboys were nat expert sailors. Bey H.H. acke, BD. As they attempted ta came Rev.H. H LàýkeyB.D. about inta the breeze, tbe boom Pastor ai Enniskillen United swung across knacking Edgar Chumch whase congregatian cele- Van de Walkem, Oshawa, itt the brates its Diamond Jubilee Aug. water, wbich is over 50 feet deep 27th and 28th. at that point. Rowe, a strong ______________ swimmer, realized that bis friend could not swim and, fully clothed dove in ta bis assistance.- Durham CountFortunately for Van de Walker, y bis foot had become entangled in a coil ai rope which hl ir Well Represent&t adrge i. ln fe h specding boat. Mis compansons r. were able ta baul bimn back it At Peterboro rair tbe vessel where they resus- citated him. Rowe, in the meantime, was in considerable difficulty although Several From Durham County a strong swimmer, due ta the Win Awards In Keen threc foot waves and the water Campetition soakcd clothes which he wore. Me attemPted ta swim after the boat Durhm Cuntywaswellre-which was quickly drifting away, Durhm Cuntywaewellre-and became exhausted with bis presented in the prize list ai the efforts. caîf contest at the Peterborough K<eneh ansbaeeg Exhibition last Tbursday. that Rowc was tiring fast, strip- In the individual cali compet- pcd off his clothes and went in itian, Sandy Muir, Caurtice, took ta hclp hlm, while bis compan- first prize; Elles White, Cavan, R., ians-~ attempted têý bring the boat R. 1, captured the winning ribbon back ta the spot wbich was about for Jerseys; Will Barchard, New- a mile fram nearest shore. They castle, R.R. Z being second, Billy finally gave up and beached the Boyles, Cavan, R.R. 1, third and boat, hurriedly seeking other Calvert Barchard, Newcastle, R. îieîp. R. 2, foumth. Stil terribly shocked frorn the Howard Farder, Blackstock, tragedy, Hann today told what won third prize; Erie Fallis, bappcned in the water. Me helped Millbrook, R.R. 3, was fourth Rowe keep afloat for about 20 in the Shorthorn Cali Clans, minutes and bearing hlmn say "Go with Roy Scott, Bawmanville, an, I can make it,"t loasened bis R. R. 4, sixtb. Eldon ThamP- grip for a moment. Rowe sank son, Burketon, R.R. 1, toak the out of sight and Hann was un- honors for the Angus calves, Har- able ta locate the body. He start- vey Malcolms, Murray Malcolm ed for the nearest shore where, and Moward Malcolms af Janet- campletely exbausted, he was ville, taking second, third and pulied fram the water by cottag- fourth prizes, respectiveiy. ers and revived after several In the group contests Durham minutes. County obtaied first position Searchers led by Provincial witb Hoisteins, as wcll as taking Constables A. L. Menni, Co- sixth place with Jerseys. Durham bourg, and D. M . Carruthers, County agairs,%qnerged victoriaus Campbellford, have dragged the in the beef caif section, taking bay ever since the tragedy, aided first and second place with An- by equipment brougbt fromn Tren- gus and Shorthorn groups. tan Air Force Base and by planes Sandy Muir captured the hon- which flew over the watcr in an ors in the Showmanship class for attcmpt ta lacate the body. Their dairy calves, with Elias White, efforts have met wlth defeat. Cavan, placîng fifth in tbe same The drowning victim was boni gmoup. in Orono and educated at schools I the Showmanship clans for there andidntaBwmanville. Me beef calves Roy Scott, Bowman- was musically inclined and for ville, R.R. 4, obtaincd third prize, the past few years has assistcd Eldon Thampson, Burketon R.R. Omono Band, Bowmanville Legion 1, taking fourth, andHoward Bandand orchestras ta the victa- Farder, Blackstock, sixth prize. ity. The past wtater he bas been Durham Grain Club toak fist taking an electricai course at prize honors in their section, Canadian Electranics, Toronto, and Marlow and Glen Hancock, Orona, thougb nearly througb, taok the demonstrating the advantages ai summer off ta play in the Pres- treating grain for smut. qu'île orchestra. Me hoped ta me- George B. Bickle & Son ai sume bis studies in the fail. Pleasant View Gardens, Bowman- Survivtag are bis parents and ville, captured 15 firsts and 4 sec- two sisters, Betty and Domothy onds in the fruit section. He also (Mrs. W. C. Lynch), as well as a obtained 9 firsts, 3 seconds and 3 hast of friends wbo wull miss bis thirds ta the garden vegetable pleasant personality and bis class. willingness ta entertain for any Lloyd Snowden af Maple Grave, worthwhile function. was awarded 6 firsts, il seconds, This is thc second drowning 2 thirds and 1 fifthJI* n the fruit tragedy wbich bas struck the same section, and alsa a first, a second family. About 20 years ega, just and a third ta the vegetabe. a few months before George was Alf Ayrc, SaUina, and Newton born, Bobby, a fivc-year-old son Taylor & Sons, Burketon, were ai Mm. and Mms. Rowe was well represented as prize winners dmawned ta the mIii pond et in the sbeep classes. Orono.1 Huge Crowds Attend Orono Fair