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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1939, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 Eatabillhod 1884 A We.kly N.wepap.r devoted to the Intereste of the tawn of Bowmanville end aurrounding country, Ieuusd nt King Strffl, *awmanvillls, every ThuiSday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishe. Thie Canadien Stateaman la a member of the Canadien WeekIy N.wspapesa Association, alsto th Clama "A" W«kiIessof Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EOITOR SUBSCRIPTUON RATES Anywhsre ln Canada $2.00 a year whon pald ln ad- vance; 50c extra in United States ta caver postage. single copies, li. THURSD)DAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 Today's Ideal - Tomorrow's Reality Every able-badied citizen enployed, 6- hour-day and 5-day-week for ail workers. Ail classes of labar assured one manth 'e vacation yearly with pay. Leisure hou-ns utiiized fan self improve- ment and cotnmunity building. Oid age pensions for ail needy aven 50. Free tate nedical and dental treatment, not as charity but pravided as the normal right of evety citizen. F'ree creches and kindergartens. ene hospitalization and cane for invalid- ed workers. Free matennity cane for ail mothers and infants. Absolutely fnee education from kinder- garten ta college with technical and scien- tif ic students paid as apprentice workers. Neither cammunismn, sacialism on fascism, just ýi case of practising Christianity that in 1939 is only preached. 0f a society in which each individu-ai answers the aid question, "Am 1 my brother's keepe." Yes. Prosperity Under A Debt Economy A question that becomes mare insistent is whether debt and mare debt is a.-pnaper objective of au-r gavennents, or is the pil- ing u-p of a national debt in the beet inter- ests of saiety? MIauy authonities hald the view that the investan is a preferred class and their weifare mu-st receive prinary consideratian. To "Safeguard Pnasperity ' the othodox financier demands a continua- tian of conditions that provide investars with profitable channels for investuients. To a great extent investments mean debt. Govennmenta debts and augment taxation ta pay the interest changes. The individual if he is goiu-g ta keep out of trouble must keep out of debt- is thene any eseeniai difference between the indi- vidu-al and the state in this respect?' People of ail nations have been boru into a condition of debt and they have came ta think that debt is an essential and neces- sary part of their ecanomie life. Actually debt should be definitely and exclusiveiy attached ta the spendthnift. While unfor- tunately aur entine ecanomie systen has be- came based an debt and admitting that few taxmng bodies, corporations on individu-ais, have ev-en faced the question, stili it is veny doubtfu-l whether a debt ecanomy i. at al * necessary in Canada. The solution and answer ta that question depende on aur viewpaint and understand- ing of the nature and use of naney. As long as noney is regarded as a commodity beionging ta a pnivate monapaiy, the debt economy wili continue and debts increase. When mnoney is restored ta its proper posi- tion as a mediu-m of exchange and used as a public accounting aystem ta balance con- Sumption and production, then, intead of debt, Canadians wiil enjoy a c r e d i t eeonomy and pnosperity for ail, instead of the false prasperity bu-ut on debt that en- riches the few at the expense of many. A Dollar Saved - A Dollar Earned Juet as the lady in nonth Toronto epent 25e in car fane and hem tume ta purchase s tu-be of tooth paste adver-tised by a down- town store at 2c lese than hem neighborhoad Store, so many Bowmanville citizens in ex- ercising. heir right ta purchase where they, please are practising false economy. Government investigations bath in U.S.A. under the È'ederal Trade Commission and in Canada as reponted in the Pnice Spreads Reatdo lnot subtantiate the feeling that tentian "that city, department store or chain store pnices are lower" let us suggest a few reasons why au-r citizens chou-id boost Bowmanville by buying at home: 1. Good citizenship requires loyaity ta youn community - patriotism beginis at home. 2. Merchants are the mast important group around which satiefactony commun- ity life eau- be bu-ut. 3. Merchants coutribu-te the major shane of support toalal wothwhile tawn activities. 4. Local retail business is the best and langeet source of municipal taxes. 5. Mendiants and local business pravide the most satisfactory work and wagee a- vailable ta local cifizens. 6. Bu-ying at home increases local pur- chasing power by netaining in the commun- ity a langer proportion of the consumer 's dollar. 7. - Local nerchants are the only apposi- tion ta chain and dcpartment stores, whase "Bangain Sales" centralise business, ruin commu-nity life, lower living standards and by wrecking wage levels eventually bank- ru-pt bath the producer and consumer. 8. G o v e ru-nm e n t iinvestigatons have shown that chain, department and mail- order business Draxuates the economie sui- cide of bath the citizen and hie eammunity. The disastrous effect of buying away f ran the local commu-nity is nost evident in the smailer hamiets and villages whene taday, in mnuy cases, there je no store left where ev-en a postoffice sigu- cou-id be hung. Taxation - Can We Reduce It? The tax burden naw levied on the Can- adian people antounts ta mare than ou-e quarter of au-r total national mecome. We, the taxpayers, may well nefleet an this su-b- jeet of general interet-Can taxation be reduced? As a nember of the cauncil the writer sympathizes with ail citizens who neither realize on admit that taxation eau- be ne- du-ced or at least, pe.gged at present high levels. Taxation consiose mainly. of municipal, provincial and federal levies and au-y warthwhiie reduction eau- be secured only by the use of the ballot in ail three chan- ne. A study of the whoie question of taxa- tion froni the ecanomie viewpoint tends to show that National taxation can be reduced by 25 per cent( and at the came tume muni- cipal taxes reduced ta 50 per cent of their present rate. A consistent, weil directed effort of the electorate eau- secu-re lower taxes on attain any other nef arn they de- mand. In- theory at least, so long as -Can adians retain the democratie fanm of goveru-ment, then, the taxpayers (electons> can dictate the policy of au-y govemu-ment they eleet. When the electors forego that dejuocratie right ta, govern themseives, then, they have neither an appreciation of the demacratie system non the ight ta citicize either exor- bitant taxation on the actions of thase ta whom they have deputized thase piviieges of self govemu-ment guaranteed ta every British subjeet since the igning of the Magna Carta. If we, the Canadian people desire reduc- ed taxation it can be accompliehed by aur united action at the poles demanding: 1. Genuine reform of aur monetary sys, tein until "finance is once again a pimary function of governmeiî,," nat a busin ess for profit condu-cted by private intereste. As aven 10 per cent of ail taxation is for intereet charges on public debte, a consid- erable reduction in taxation and caste of gavernnent can be effected when the pre- sent debt systen is neplaced by a eau-e use of National Credit. .2. That the natural resources of thc Do- minion and Provinces bear the total cost of ail social services. These resources should be nationaiized and developed for the bene- fit of aIl the people. At present ou-r mines, foreete and practicaliy ail natural resources are expioited by fareign capital for their own advantage and profit with the collus- ion of politicians and epeculators. This pro- gram of national ownership and develop- ment of ou-n natu-nal wealth would alane salve unemployment and reduce taxitian if pureued aggreeeively. *The present immense caste of relief are puneiy the result of no definite govemu-ment palicy ta effectively deal with the probient of unemployment. Whiie ePveny tenth. Canadlian is now on the WEEK BT THE 10W "CIL I Tronta this week. cptlBut when he liastasy are pu-chaged in Wetr anada. m Mr. and Mn.. M. D. Williams i eveningc atter they' are rnlSred At Unmes they will also take heavy IICOUCR LINE and fanilly, Miss Hattie Burk and -that's labor. finished cattie, whlch i auy large Miss M. Curtis and Mn. H. Burk Mn.. D. T. Marris and tee Misses Ivalu-me would ondinaiily present are camping an Washbumn Island. 1 Marris, Horsey St., gave a ne- 1. a problem if left for disposai on 'UEr LLIONS can be accomplished only when Step No. 1, or in writing to the to*n clerk or any mem- Our domestic market. Any encour- Reform, of our Monetary System, has been ber of the counicil, or better stili, at any agement ta the development of JOIN TFI completed. Unless the publie demand dras- monthly meeting of the council. We would thseattean o h usstrys m i tcreforms in public financing the muni- sure appreciate seeing scores of our, rate- tsysoewhat dange ous as thsus tic enintype an w ehtoftem cipalities are faeed with bankruptcy. Under payers at our regular monthiy meetgs. n h anb xotd the present financial system municipal Ber- Two of the outstanding advantageis of The British market has always vices must bie curtaiied, past the economy changing our dates of nomination to Nov- been supplied with the heavier point-and local improvements sacrificed in ember and election- to December (first thlass o! caeger#avebengs favar of increasing debt charges. Bowman- week) would appear ta be better roads and sessed an a per head basis rallier ~ ., ville, a solvent town, paid over $20,000 in weather, and mare tume for publie general- than per cwt. An adjustment i interest charges in 1938, which is mare than ly- to attend this very important part of oca rates9 ta permit the profit- abeshipping of lighter weight was spent on ail general municipal services their duties as citizens of aur town. The cattie If the feeder type would from which the property owners received two publie holidays (Christmas and New be of advantage as there is a goad any benefit. ~~~~~Years) coming a week apart, makes ita maktfredrcateiB- tain. 5. That the province pass cnabling legis- very busy and heavily loaded- business sea- lation ta equalize municipal taxation on ail son for al aur businessmen and wamen;.......... business done Within the municipality. aiea many of aur people are away, spend- FarM Boys Showlng Mail-order offices, chain store outiets, ing a part of this tim.e with out-of-town Un .adItretn peddlers and ail non-local firme who de- friends and relatives, and s0 are nat at Sin1l amn liver by wagon or truck direct ta the con- home ta take their part in the nominations Who.nUfîc Farmln su-me-r should conridbute ta muniipal and election of the officiais. Then by Jan- revenue on the samne basis as local business. uary we usuaily get much snow and colder Total Membershil> in Boys' Clubs.fcvro Until these changes and reforms are made weahr ethtmnyo araderand- de- This Year Over 5000 - Juniorl any reduction in taxation by your loïcal pendable vaters cannot well get ta the polls. Farie emhtp0 gavernment or any other wilI be pitifuily Fiends, think it over and don 't miss let- a YOU'li love small. These problenis are the problems of ting youn coundil know your thoughts on The you-ng Ontario farmers of! ryo-flpr every citizen and not the partieular burden thie very important matter. tomorw - thousands of them,- britht and you of the elected representatives of the people, have turned willing and receptive *tv. Chew t al who cannot reduce taxes wîthout your sup- eais ta -the training and organ- port. Fundamental issues, not party affilia- The New Board of 'Education ization offered themn through the tin anidteAgricultural Repre se nt at iv e tinmust be the basîs on whiecanidte Branch, Ontax'io Department of for public office are bath nominated and The voteSs have decided by :publie Agicultuie. elected. ballot that they are in favor of a Board of There are 53 Agricultural Re- _____________Eduýcation, eiected by the'eitizens, it would presentâtives ini Ontaria who this J seem timely and in order- ta reinind each yeai will be responsible for the Our Municipal Election Day ratepayer (especially parenits of children organization and training of anr attending high or public sehoal) that it wiil1 :: o bysclub ft n GEl So Many municipalities have already'acted be the duty of .yaur council toararange for boys meombershpof20 2. ru faimb- and athers are at present considering su-eh nomination and electidn at the next are eligible. The clubs have de- changing the date of their election of coun- municipal election in January. Every - t- finite projeets. Ontarioa having an ciî Empire-wide reputation for good cillors and school boards from January ta zen would do weli ta be present at the no.mi- livestock, it is oniy natu-ral that Deceniber. It would be very helpful ta your nation meeting in December ta propose cal! clubs should head the list council, and of much interest as weil, if our yaur choice of ratepayers for this Board of projects. Each boy raises and citizens would carefully cansider this ques- of Education. This is a -public privilege and feeds a pure bred calf, finally tion and submit yourt conclusion, in persan, duty for ail ta cnjoy.' 'Achievement Day' in competition with his feflows in that particulai ception Wednesday evening i couYty. The winners go on ta pro- hanour of her son, Dr. Arthur W.vrca cmpttnadthe i. s ~ i.Morris, and bride who are here winners ta Dominion competition The~ Efficacy Of EpsomII Sals on their wedding trip from Vien- at the Royal Wmnter Fair. Simillai na, Austria. work iy undertaken in grain, foal, Br SCRIBE G Mn. and Mrs. J. O. La Belle potato, swine, poultry, sheep and M Y Dl have moved into their pretty new gaiden clubs. bungalow home on Beech Ave. Eighty-nine new clubs have P R OT E If you are at ail intimate with- crystals dry on yau-r face' like John W.. Alexander, President been formed this year which Epsomi Salis you likely regard sand on sand-paper. When the of the D.O.&P. Ca., and Mr.W. means aven 1000 more boys en-R them as a crystaline magnesiurn saits are perfectly dry and you- E. Gerry, who have been on a rle ncu ok ti neet R suiphate used as a purgative. rub them over your face. The trip ta Scotland, arnived home ing .ta note the boys' clubs in Thyare more. friction acts like culver polish onl Tuesday. Durhami County figures in brâck- BL O V Thaenod ok Ute gnsy ets indicate number of members Sait in almost any foëmn * nanadfr. i h ouh at Miss Edna Biehl has been ap-inlu:Cfcu-s2(6)Grn ACCII antiseptic. Saline solution is ju-st skin ridges ...- that the adver- pitdtale o ot adi lb afcus 2) ri C I bnead and butter ta a pysician. tisements for safety razons show pitdtal r o ot adclu-bs, 2 (?4); Foal clubs, 2 (25); It is -the base af many medical you in the pictunes . .. are sand- school. Potato clu-bs, 1 (9); Swîne clu-bs,* yu1 mixtures . .. the part that is papered down. Your skin is then Mrc. T. Wesley Cawker was 1 (16). 0Toeyul profit. fresh, hard and (Indian-loaking). again victorious at Cobourg hanse Junior Famer Associations who ride with: Fo agratmay eas e avIf you want to appear finished .. show winning first in district (boys up to 30 yeais o! age) are the complete usedSqaib'sE s am Syats was ane by which we do not mean "4all combination classaam3nd d i also sweeplng on ta new memben- uAen-have." A pso ait ashain in" . . . you put on a littie powden hainess honses in district.' ship records. While complete Protection froj "Attr-hve. Aprt romhavng .. refraby wite. Te feshfigu-res are flot available at the cidents thatc nopreratiomhaae iffetve qualIndian-looking" complexion is Pnesent time, the records show LifeGuards gi pahre.aten knefetivgte ec- toned down with the application British Cattl. Mrkebt 129 Associations afready formed Your Goodyeà anetaiwhee yfeas e e abese-outo the pawder. This i. one of the Offffu Mor To The this year as campaed with a rtalteeyas eaeaotmarveis a! modern make u-p. Thu-s total of 93 in 1938. There wer dealer has thei ta divu-Ige it . .. neyer before veneered you go outito the Cafladian 3,248 onganized Junior Farmens ... makeyourci seen i any magazine on news- worid unabashed. Yen . .. you i Ontaro last year with sixteen safefromsudde paper or heard on the radio. feel equ-al ta anything. cut soitoswt en Take a, six ounce bottie, and Finally a word o! wvaining to N<t Subjeet To Such Violent cot ssoiatons i ealreoa filit one-third with Epsom Sait. those o! you- with amative propen- OCha t. e s ted n !tefaue !teJ ..the other two-thirds with sities. There i. a danger you may ONtlior Fanmer movement i. the in- boiling water. Shake and shake neyer thinlc of. We need only ta 'Nil terest being shown by- the aider until the calts go into solution. record what happened ta us as a boys in Boys' Club work. Many If the water will hold any more young man. It changed tee course The su-coess or failu-re o! oui o! theen aie acting as coaches sait. ... put them in. The ideal o! our career -... but i which liv-e stock business in Canada and advisors to thee younger lads lotion is absoluteiy salt-saturated. direction we knaw not. wiil be largely dependent on oui and teaching them the important When the water wan't take any We were keepig company wlth ability ta naintain satisfactory points in naising the standard of After shaving pour out a choir o! a chu-ich we were attend- O'Neil, Directon, Live Stock spoonful or s0 into the palm of ing on that accaunt. It was sev- Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, your hand . .. ru-b your hands eral months befone we gat ta the Toronto. In perhaps no other line tagether ..-. dause tee dope on place where self-ifiterest suggest- o! live stock produ-ction have we your face . .. nub it around weil. ed a kiss ste next step. It was bIn subject ta - more changing The saline soaks into the pares. aur first kiss:and aur lest. The conditions tram time ta tume tean It stings . . . but it i. antiseptic. young lady said (spittig an the has ben experienced wite aur The surface maistune evaporates carpet) "1whene have I tasted, that beef cattie. in a moment or 50 and tee sait stut! before?" Oui normal annual surplus of cattie appnoxixnatec one quarter one of aur greatest problems. Tur'DISANTWhere and how are teey to b IN TEDMANDO ITN AT mreeUlk u o n dustry-whene surplus hogs are FROM THE STATESMAN FILES pnocessed air hame and exported --------- i the "fiished pnoduct - our P E , FIJTY YEAERS AGO Three of aur bicyclista made a cattle, under present conditions, trip to Part Hope on the sabbate. mu-st be exported alive. _____________ Our two great markets are From The Canadian Statesman John Horsey, 45th Batt., Wha Great Enitain, and tee United Auguat 2lst, 1889 was a Canadian representative at States. Each has ita advantages Reduoed retur-n rates (including admiss: Enfeld Whopig cugl ~Wmbledon, neturned Friday look- and disadvantages when consid- to the grounds, COnimencing P'riday, Au Enfel: Wooingcogh slng well. ered over a length o! tume. The aud Set9h,13 epidemic in and about tee village. William Quick lost a hanse on British market in tee main offers SaîilY, Sp.9,13 ..Edward Niddery's steani Sunday by inflammation, more pernmanency of outlaok in EASTERN DAYLIGHT SAVINO ¶T thresher has started an the wat- __________ teat it offens a market regulated YEARS AGOn largely by economic conditions Lve obug7am Hampton: The Cheese Ca. lias T1:EW TY-FIVE ER AG and competition and i. not likely LaeCbug7am soid and shipped their July cheese ta be subjected ta such violent Aduit Tare - - - - fan eight and thiee-quarter cent. From The Canadian Statesman changes, laigely palitical, as ishl ar per pound. .. A travelling trou-p August 20t*i, 1914 tee market i the United States, hdPr played Uncle Tom's Cabin hene The latter market is close by andLaePotHp7.6am Saturday . .. Miss E. Matin lias Hampton: Frank Ruse lias sold transportation is no probien as aePotHp1.b.m been ill.... I. L. Brown ha. fod- hi. residence ta A. Hogarth. .. i. tee case at times i hipping Aduit Tare - - - der corn, sawn on July 3rd, which Miss Mildred Cale visited friends ta Great Britain. Duty changes Chl1ae mea--re& .ftl-- ---n Foxbna._hav c -nsttuted hazar asail ADDY CTS ME DM OVOUT DENTS Love .. . all dia.. you ... deserve eever-pre sent Dm blovv1 ac- ouly Goota 'e. em leuu 'ayl ion) direct mg. 25th to ri=E $2.85 $1.60 - 2.55 $1.40 . 2.40 $1.35 .1.60 950 TT its rlch, long- A.nd it's go, £004 keep your teeth ir amile attrac- dter every moal à THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 THE ,CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO

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