TRURSDAY, AUGUST 24.,1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG HE I "nAPTER IX looked up at hini. She could net ctJaney-!", spenh. Their cycs met, and once more Jane had the brenthlcss "'Yes, Bnldy."1 Jane sat up in sense et tluttering wings within bcd, drcams still in her eycs. She her that lifted te Uic sun. hnd been late in getting te sleep. Then Bnidy was bach, and the There had been se much te Uinh bngs werc ready, and there wns 0f- Prcdcrick Tewne's prpsajust that lnst hand-clnsp. "Ged -. Uic startling change in Evans-blcss yeu, Jane . . I "It's a telegrarn. Open the door, Prederich Towne wns at the dear."train. lIe had been dismaycd at She cnught up her dressing-. the ncws et Janc's departure. "Do gown and wrapped it nround her. you mean that yeu are going te "A telcgram?" She was with hini stay indcfinitely?" he hnd ashed now in the hal. "lBnldy, is it ever Uic wirc. Judy?" " II shahl stay as long as Judy "Ycs. She's il. Asha if you can nceds me." cerne on and loch atter the kid- Prederick hnd fîowcrs for her, dies." bocks and a big box cf sweets. "0Of course." She swayed a People in the Pullmnan starcd at little. "lIold on te me a minute, Jane i the mudst et ail her Baldy. It takes my brcnth away."' magniticance. Thcy stnred tee, at "'You mustn't be scarcd, old Townc, and at Brîggs, who rushcd girl." uin at Uic lait moment with more 'il be ail right in . .. a min- books tram Brentano. utc . ..Il Edith and Bnldy werc on the His arms were tight about her. piatform. Edith had corne dewn "It sccms as if I should go, tee, with Tewnc. Se Prcderick, alone Janey." with Jane, said, "I want ycu te "But you can't. l'Il get Uings thinh et Uic things wc talhed1 ready and ride in with you in the about ysterday-"t mcrning. l'Il pack my trunh if "Please, net now. Oh, I'm you'll bring it down from Uic atrad-", attic. I can slecp on the train to- "O)f me? You mustn't be." 1 merrow." "Net et you - cf cvrything- i The ncxt merning Baldy wcnt Lite.", te bring his car around, and Evans HIe took her hand and hcid it.s stood with his hand on Uic back 'Is there nnythxng cisc I can do of Janc's chair, loehing down at fpr yeu? Evcrything I have is- her. "You'll write te me, Jane?" yeurs, yeu know - xf you want "Oh, et course." t."p HIe shifttd his hand frem UicelHe had te lenve her then, with chair bach te her shoulder. "Dear a final close clasp et Uic hand. little girl, if my blundering She saw him presently standing prayers wîll help yeuanny - you beside Baidy on the station plat- will have Uicm." formn - the centre et Uic eycs cf She turncd in her chair and cverybody - the grent Prcderich Townc! As Uic city slippcd away and she lcaned her head against the Specd Ba yain cushions and lcoked eut at the N Spendous thing that n man lihe 10Tcwne should have laid his for- EXCU R ION S fume at her feet. Yct she had ne To ALL STATIONS IN< sense cf exhilaration. She lihed Uic things he hnd te offer - Wpst.m Canada, yenrned for thcm - but sle did ' . not wnnt him at her side. GOINO DATES In her sorrow her henrt turned DAILY SEPTEMBER 15 TO 29 to Uic boy who had stumblcd over .RETURN LIMIT: 45 daya Uich words, "if my blundering TICKT$ P0AD O TRVEL prayers will help you- AN CTHES .O TAVL. She found herseit sobbing-thc ACHES tirst tears she hnd shed since Uic Excursion tioiIta good In TOurlet, arrivai et Uic telegrats. Parler and -Standard sleeping cars When she rcached Chicago, her as avallable on paymnent of slightly brother-in-law, Bob lIeming, met ulerpassagefars, -plus price et. *arler or sleeping car accommodation. her. "Judy's holding her own," he "W~5ho car accommodation. * snidI as he kisscd her. "It was no ROtTES-Tlcjcets gooci geîng via J>Ort end good et you te corne, Janley." Arthur, Ont., Armotrong, Ont., Chi- "Have you a nurse?" cago, .,I or Bault Ste. Ma rie, retîurn- "Two. Day nurse and night ing via sane route and line only. Generous optional routînga. nurse. And a maid. Judy is ncnrly frnntic about the expense. It isn't bn STOPOVERS-mIthln lmit of, ticket. good for her, either te worry. p bath golng and returning - at Port Arthur, Ont., Anstrong, Ont.,.an Thnt's haifthUi trouble. I tried te weat; aise at Chica.go, Ill., Saut Ste make her get help, but she wouid hi Marie, Mich., and west, in accrdcauce net. But I blame myself that I I wlth tariffs et Unted tates Unes. didn't insist." J A 17-24-S-7-14 "Don't biame ycurself, Bob. les Fuit particuiars fromn any Agent Judy wouldn't. She told meclsh à couid get aieng. And when Judy sle Canadian Pacifie decides a thing, ne one can change rck "lWcii times have been hard. 'it TUE DADY NEEDS eilnouriahment milk gives! Glen ]Ras Milk contains aH the IIIr ~ things baby needs ini bis busi- :te.:e:aies and saIts ..aUl necessary :. : . ~ elements t h at bufid strong 'i~ bones and sound bodies. Give M ~ hlm Glen Rae 1 GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmýanllle T/FNÀESTAMP ÀVu airQUALITY4 Goutta Percha Tires are nild and redommended by: McKEEVER OMT Temperance Street Bowmanviîîe sThy'r such beatit saidJane, as she werl -her sater. "But 'bheyd le any of Uie Barnes.' "No, Uiey're lihe Bob,, white sklns and fnir hai ed one of them to haveq ing. Do you knçw ho, ularly lovely you arek be, Janey?"I "Judy, I'rn not." "Yes, you are. And r( thought cf it. And se IM wants to marry you?"I "How do you know?' "It is in your eycs, dcz Uic coch of your head. Bnldy always loch that'm somcthing *hrilling hal you. You can't fool me.' "Well, P'm not in lovei So that's that, Judy."' "But - it's a great opp isn't it, Jane?" "I suppose it is,"I sloi Ican't quite sec it." "W'hy not?" "Well, he's +oo old *thing." * "Only forty-? Rich m grow old. And he couldj everything - everything, Judy's veice rose a Ittie you don't know what i to want ehings for those and not be able to ha' Bob did vcry wcll until th in business. But since Wh came - I have worhed well, until it scemedj cou1dn'F stand it. Bob's darling. I wouldn't charl thlng. I'd marry ,him ove temorrow. But I do hnc that Frederick Towne cou] life lovely for you, and] you won't get another ch marry a man like tha+ Il Lite for Evans Follett Jane went away becamea game in which he played told hi.mself grlnxly, a Jek Hyde part. Two men warr stantly within him. The that scarecrow self which mysteriaus fears,' a gauri haircd self. The Man Wl Corne Back Prom Uic Wa there was that other, sh clusive, The Boy Who'Ori Been. And it was thc Bo took on gradually shape ax stance fighting for place w dark giant who held desi to his own. Yct Uic Boy had weaporu and hope. The littie diary1 înMu W. Oiss t imca0sean190's. d-d aPdl VOUI 090V Had Alx eGegr e h I began toeact whnt tUic Ren ours cf: ýoy who Druge 10 docte. ordercd and omnitted starch 12.30 and 1.00 p.m. nd sub- *owmanvllle . . ont. and sugar. I teed sure that many 6.30 and '.00 p.m. mith Uic Qualty Up - Prc Dowa - AUl ThliM o t persons who arc net new feeling perately vrywlwulepeinebt T Rm c P«vins Office z69 Yone euvr relwul L U as, faith Expert Repairlng Queuete. henlth vcry early ifthUiy will 1Kin QUIBwmNN i beae -- -- begin te reduce Uhic. consumption , uStBwm vil becam cf sarchand sugar. And' business bac knew it. She's sucli Thcy were in a tears cwaxx nto Hel made no effort toq "I'm just about a] understand how nr te me to have you "And now that I Jane, with a gali his nccd of her "Wh to be bctcer."' The apartment w~ nishcd and borei Judy's good taste. tahen the children so the rooms wcre Jane wcnt through Judy ini bcd wasv' and Jane wanted1 her, but she diçln't. old girl," she said,' to ge well right am "The doctor Uiink to havc an opcratioi I felt I must wire yc anxious. 'II couldi babies with stranger so impor+ant the Bol his work." "Of course," said Uiink anything woui me stay away?" Judy gave a quic: licf. How heavenly ti And what a dears hr air of conquerir Jane had always bci with that conque] checrcd one just. to The babies, arriv in a rollicking state over Uic advent cf showcd themselvcs d adoring. "eJunior," said Jar glad I'm here?" "Did you bring mi "Something-wond : What?"l She opened hcr bý duccd 'Towne's box "May I give him Judy?" "One little one, and for baby. Jane, wherE Uiat gorgeous box?" "Frederick Towne.' "$Rcally? My dcar, have been tremendou ing. Haven't they, Bc Her husband noddi sitting by the bcdside She uaw hlm presez [nt beside BaIdy on t Iatform. ind. "Towne's a prtt3 The nurse came in ranc went with Bob an es +0 the dining-roo. Atter dinner, Junioi cep in Janc's arms, h, egalcd on a rapturot T'he Thrce Bears"' i a good sport." p~gI taxi,seowhen YOUR WUIILI AND MINE ning's eyes, he (oyrg) conceal tlxem. <oj exwO Ml in. You can" BT JOHN C m WO nuch it means_______________________________ here." arn here,11 said -Scatcd at a dining table with and sugary vegetables like corn sntry born cf a fricnd, I said something about and beets were forbidden. I may iings are going food and diet, and my frîend said net have perh and veal. I may to me, "I wish that you'd write nobt have marmalade or honcy, 'as simply fur- something some day on the theme and certain soups are forbiddcn. the stamp cf 'We dig our graves with ou. I may have nuts. I arn net alîow- A friend had tecth'." cd fruit juices if I have alrcady -Ii 1oeût te ride, I confcss that it had been in my had applesauce or fresh fruit. 1 vcry quiet as mmnd te write some day about a mayý have milk, and buttermilk Uiem. personal experience - net of death is tavoured. I arn net stintcd in white and thin, but cf diet, and se in this contri- regard to the quantity of food to wccp over bution te The Statesman I want taken. I may have bacon and ~.'- "You blessed te say semehlng which may be eggs, but not cereals. 1 may have yeu'rc going useful te others, particularly te bread and biscuits made from soy way."t those getting on in years. 1 bean fleur. RN Y ks I may have Let me begin by saying that for When I went te the docte. last NOOETS 0 o."Ta' Judy several years I have had a JanuaxY or Pebruary I weighed NO So 'OU Jdy astroublesome hcart; it misbchavcs 182 lbs. A week or se ago when TASTYWNOL n'tIcve hewhen I walk fast, and when I I weit back te him for a chcck rs. And it was excrt myscîf physically. It is a up, I weighed 170 lbs. - which Ib should be at very common expérience - mny shows that I have been sticking Jane; "do yu having te stop frequently when I pretty faithfully te my diet - and ld have made walk, for I seem to choke. My here I mayi say that I arn permit- doctor says that it is the heart ted te have bran muffins without k ig o r-muscle which~ is ut f order: it sugar in them; ase plenty cof oe have Janey! 5nt ul upplicd with blood bttr shc was with especially whn I hurry or try t I lock the picture of health, and W d ig ig the world. lift or carry anything heavy, or I arn feeling very much bette. e dig en like that_. aftr a meal. than I did in March. My diabtic ~in ai. î Bu lat J nua y a d P bru ry condition, if it has net wholly Ketcheson - Thompsn loch atr. I feut mseif te beandver uchdisappeared, is net causing me ý lok a he. Ifel myelfte e vry uchanxietY. I have ne blood pressure. The weddîng of Miss Lcah ing presentîy worsc than I hiait been prcviously, I arn forbidden te walh up huIs. Thompson and Mr. Sam Ketche- cf excitement and because I was quite ebviousiy I risc cach morning at 6, and amn son in Runnymcde United Church, Auntie Jane, werse, I went te Uic doctor te at my office well befere 9 - often Toronto, on Aug. l2th, was cf elightful and whom I had gone seven years be- at 8.30. I go te werh cach morn- intcrest to their many Newcastle rie, arc o lrminHg udiabtcot Ionan ing gladly, and I can hecp going friends. Miss Thempsen spent thc ne,"ar yo alrmig iabticconitin, ndat my speed - which is neither summers here when her mother, hie said that undoubtedly this con- slow nor furieus - unti114.30 or 5. the late Mrs. Joseph Thompsen, .e anything?", dition was contributing to my Perhaps 1 should mention that I was an aIl year round resident at erful-"0 heart distress. He hintcd at in- am in my 7lst year. Newcastle-on-thc.Lake, first in sulin. But atter following his pre- Ariadne Glen and afterwards at )ag, and pro- scribed diet fe. several wcchs, I J CK the Buchley House. Mr. Ketche-« cof swec's. feit myself to be very much bet-- I have providcd this rather son, cousin of Miss Mabel Poster, a chocolate, ter; and se I have escapcd insulixi. minute account cf my condition an esteemed resident ef Newcastle The doctor forbade me starchy and prescribed diet because I teed for seme years, but new cf Belle- i just a taste foeds and *sugar. I was and arn that there must be very many ville, aiso spent part ot his sumn-1 ' did you get permitted te have daily n picce persons ameng my readers whese mer vacations here and otten1 of toast or bread; but ne petatees case is mere or less lihe mine, assisted in the booth at Lake1 .17 ~and other starchy viègtables. I and my hepe is that what I have Vicw House. He is a son of M.. your letters had been cating a geod deal of said wîll be useful te thcm, if and Mrs. Charles Ketcheson of1 usly intcrcst- candy - this because -I do net they are net feeling very well. Moira, Ont. The officiating min-1 obVI smohc; but candy and ice creamn Agcing persens arc prene te ister wvas' Rev. Dr. Murdoch Mc- cd. He was hidney ailments, and if they do Kinnen and ene of Uic two brides- aholding her net go te a doctor, to get a good mnaids was Miss Shirley Pester,z in a sense a sacred bohk. WiUiin examinatien, they may net know relative et the groom and ef Miss * its pages was imprisoned some- just what is wrong with thcm or Mabel Poster. The greomsman *thing that beat with frantic wings what te de to correct thirco cn- was Mr. Donald Ketcheson cf * te be free. Evans, shrinhing fromn dition. Belleville, brother cf the groom. the pregram which he compelled It is pretty certain that persons After a reception at Uic Old Mil hiniself te follow, was faced with who cnt a lot cf starch foods and Mr. and Mrs. Ketcheson left by things lihe Uiis. "IGee, I wish the sugar in Uic ferm ef candy, pre- moter for Washington and At- days were longer. I'd like te dance serves, honey, marmalade, and lantic City, and on their return thUreugh torty-cight heurs at a sugared pastries, and whose hab- they wull live at 195 High Park strctch. Jane is getting te be some its are sedentary, will become Ave., Toronto. VF ~littie dancer. I taught her Uic diabetic, and if thcy heep on with_________ new steps tonight. She's as grace- these foods without anylet up, fui as a willow wand." Uiey are likely te develop a very Welli a man . with a limp serieus kidney condition. 0f Township Councils couidn't dance. Or could he?" course, I cannot say that I arn eutfi A Thomas Jefferson autograph et danger, yet I can say that I arn0 went theretore to pay for twenty very much better than I was, and DARLINGTON COUNcIL b dancing lessons. Would Uic great that I amrnon longer fearful. My rr Democrat turn in his grave? Yet future, se far as my hidneys are Darlington Ceuncil met Aug. el -what were inh scratches made by conoerncd, weuld seem te rest 5th with thc members ail present ý a dead hand as against al Uic with myseif. If I begin te indulge and Reeve C. Carruthers in Uic in meanings cf love and lite? my désire for starch and sugar, chair. 0] Evnsbogh aphnorahthen I 'shall of a certaînty get Commnctos ee a th ansewreords. laephorase ,a inte a badl condition. fromn two f amilies requesting re- t ail heurs, te Uic greatédfcto deal oe*ater a meals and insPector te investigate. of'> et ed Mary who wsed iain Lstshes dahagea itbefre eth eif i andscubed wase .d-Ae between meals, and this désire for The propo%ai te purchase land and crubedfloors in syncopated water was not cenfined te hot fer reforesting was discussed , but ecstsies weahermenths. I was Uil tat ne definite action taken. HIe teck Bnldy and Edith te tent one explanation et my great hiîrst A By-Law fer fixing thc rates at Uic big hotels, and danced wiUi was that I was eating tee much of taxation was passed: Counties Edith. HIe apologized, butIkept at starch, yet 1 tried te persuade Rate 11.3 milis; Township Rate it. "I'm out of practioe." - nysef that drinhing a lot et 5.5 isls icGvrmn Edih ws smptheic nd n-water was goed for me - that My Subsidy of 1.5 milIs, mnhing a 4 terested. She invitcd Uic two boys Uirst was a heaithy sign. But millsrate for township purposes. to her home, whcrc there was a since I have reduced jny starch These bis were paid: tly stand- music room with n magical flcer. intahe te a negligibie ameunt, my N. E. Neads, he station Sometimes Uic three cf them were Uiirst has lcft me. Outside these Insurance on Park Bldgs. $10.25 alone, and semetirnes Towne came hot wcather months, I do not Whlîiier & Co., mn"in and danced tee, and Adelaide want watr atmy meals, and have Gencral Cash Bock-------- 89.65 y' bigma. Laramore and Eos Harper. n éiefrwtra te times. Hydro, iight and service --- 3.31 1then, and Towne danced extremcly weil. At the restaurant which I go te J. R. Reynolds, relief---- 1.0 id Uic bab- In spite ef his avoirdupois he was almest daily I knew twe men, C. R. Wood, light on his feet. Hec exercised both cf whom have passcd on Painting at Park------------ 12.00 aviwnben censtantly. HIe telt that if he lest during the past two-three menths. T. M. Siemon & Son, usin die c his waist lime ail would be ove.. One had hidney trouble very bad- relief ------ - .130 ad THele could net, however, nlways ly. It is truc that he did diet, Bell Téléphone Ce., ser.-2.32 and "Thecontrel. his appetite. Hence the but net tee severely. He coîlapsed A. McGregor, relief drugs 2.50 le, ud,"sugar in his tea, and other in- quîckiy at Uic end, and at the Ontario Hospital, ;it bak e ulen"s very end had three strohes, which Maint. J . Perkins-------460 don't loch Baldy wrote te Jane et til. were fatal. Counties Treasurer, >1atternoon frivols. The other man was heaviiy Hespitalization ---------- --- 34.13 with their "Yeu should sec us! Eloise buit, and had a large appetite. Excise and Postage ---------4.50 i.îwn-Harper dancing with Evans, and I do net thinik that he was very F. L. Byam, relief ------ 17.54 ou. colo.- old Towne and his Adelaide! And slcieo aeu ntemte Roads and Bridges,' 1w partc Edith and I! We're a 'prctty pair, cf his feod. HIe was hnewn te Maint.. and Repairs --28.0.69 g t'ic- o a t emisyu n have high blood pressure. One J. D. Hogarth, on salary __- 25.00 always wish you wcre with us. day hie had a strehe, and in 10 Sulas Williams, Weed Ins. 32.90 Sometimes it seems almost hcart- dnys thereatter he dicd. Worh in Ccmetery at aene et us lcss te do Uings that you can't J C K Enn*skiilen ------------------ 25.00, qr. Townc share. But it's doing a lot for Recently I rend Uic lite story Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H- 20.0d Evans. Qucer thing, the poor old et Edgar Wallace, writer ef mys- Dept. cf HealUi, Insulin 6.94 chap goes at it as if his lite de- tery stories and pînys. Walace Counci adjourned te meet on ar, and in pendcd upon it. was an amazing man. His indus- Saturday, Sept. 2nd. .You and "Wc are invîted te dine with try whcn writing was asteunding.J.DHoatCek wy when the Townes on Christmas Eve. He would dictate a whole novelJ.DHgrtCrh ppens te Some dlas, what? By w, I mean in Uic space et a fcw days, whn myslt and Uic Follettes. Edith under great inanciai pressure, or CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL wit hi . nd rs. Folete s c lo cf eah w h cn publishers w antcd a b eok etherim and Mrs. Follette is a lticfhed from him. Always Wallace had Cartwright Council was held portunry, p n d You hno lehtw sheles by his side a pet cf weak tee'. Aug. 7th with Reeve C. Devitt Ipothat sort k! euin - ociseylwves Always he put a lot cf sugar in prcsiding and members ail pre- w1y,"buta bi S.his tea. At age 56 he went te sent. " T h r e w i- 4 b1 1s t o u . c r w d H o l l yw e ed t e d s e m oq -t h r,- - T h e e u y C e h r p r c quested grant for Port Perry and Mr. O'Neill, is continually toward Reach Agricultural Society. $25.00 lighter beef which will yield granted. small steaks and roasts, and away Road Insurance was renewed. from heavy, fat, wasteful beef. By-Laws were passed fixing There should be no dairy steers the Tax Rate at 23 % mills and raised. It would be far better to providing for Trustee Rates and market them as veal. making up Tax Rol. If the American miarket is to be Road Supt. was instructed to satisfactory as an outiet for On- cut weeds and brush at some cor- taro feeders, then it must be sat- ners where view was obstructed. isfactory for American feeders. As an experment with chemicals When this condition prevails, lic will spray poison ivy at Scugog American buyers wull take drafts Beach.,fth et Western feeder cattie Orders were signed as follows: acrss e Cu1ne for feeding pur- Treas. Junior Farmers --- $ 10.00 poses and Ontaro will be asked Don Beer, Road ns ----132.00 to abs rb the Iower classes of A. Wright, cattie from Uthc West. Roads and Bridges ----1590.17 With the production of Western I. Argue, S.S. No. 1, cattle increasmng ini thc mixed Mun. Grant ---------------140.00 farming areas, there 15 a reduc- L. Swain, S.S. No. 4, tion ini the general quality of Mun. Grant ----------------- 200.00 Western cattie, so that thc pros- G. Wright, S.S. No. 8, pect of obtaining a large supply Mun. Grant ----------------270.00 Of satisfactory quality feeders Port Perry and Reach from Uic West is not improving to Agr. Soc., grant ------------25.00 say the lcast. Council adjourned till Sept. 4th Henry-Tom poDtClr. The public trusts many a man Henr Th mpsn, D put Clrk.wîth an office whom the grocer wouldn't trust with a cake of Demand Uncroasing soap. For Lighter Cattie - Ontaro Farmers Should Finish "Lest We Forget" More Cattie At From 12 to 15 Months, Advises L. E. O'Nell, A. H. BOUNSALL Director Live Stock Brancb, Designer and Dealer In Ont. Dept. f Agriultue Monuments, Tabiets, Markers, etc. "oWith the demand increasing Grnt.adMab w or lighter finished cattie, it is My opinion that we in Ontario should be planning for Uic production of mlore cattie to be finished at ages of fromn twelve to fifteen months, ENTERTAINER hich means pasture is not f the ecue RALPH GORDON, the im p ortan ce it w as w h en tw o-yc ar w n e ul y v r a i e e n t e - old and three-year-old steers wcre wneffyvraieenter the objective of most farmers," tainer, for your next entertain- Icclarcd L. E. O'Neill, Director 0f ment. Dlustrated circula. free. he Live Stock Branch, Ont. Dcpt. AEddress 28b Crawfor Street, f Agriculture, in discussing Uic T roto >eef situation in Uic province. Trno Consumer dcmand, continued Il And_ Jud ý- 1 ikl la has solved the daily problem... because FISH effensla welcome and lolesome change et mealtimes, something the whole family Will lfiem ire are over 60 different kinds cf Canadien Food Fish and Shellfish nXX which you can choose, cither fresh, froze nw mked, dried, canned pickled. All of them can be served in an infinit varjety ef recipes. i... one of the good things about FISH ie that it je nowishing. and se s te preparel Serve FisAI te rw family often. 'ARTMINT OF PISHEIlS, OTTAWA. lm- DsPsrtnnt of FthoriesI S(PLMAfL PaXNT LaTras PÏÏ LY Addre............................ Lm............. a