PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 Methodist churches as fornierly, famllY of children enlisted for the Wesleyan Methodlst and the permanent service ini the great - -ca ke c Episcopal Methodist. As I have cause and purpose of the church. Mlore Facts Abou L Lread 'the history of this somewhat And may I humbly say that neyer Elitric l S etch£nnskilenabortive union, there a a qreat i n case has there :ver been aCh ru s n ] CuUrcuof- rasi Aud Fresent . e. contînuedor desertion.Si of usou - * ut hisiiifeeling grew les8 and be the youngest one who perhaps less as the years went on and was too young to be present, are Writenby r. . N Ruclison ofWinipe (woseboyoodyounger people, who had not the StiR carrying on, and glad to kniow Gathered From Church -] WritenbyDr.J. . utc~o ofWinpe <wOsebohoo -same prejudice, began to see the that the newer generations are grg and young manhood was spent in gnniskilleii) on the - folly of it ail, and a new feeling stili carrying on where otiiers Records And Per- ME Occasion of the Proposed Oelebration of the Sixtieth towards getting together began to have had to retire. And may it sonal Knowedge of Ne Anniversary of the Dedication of the Present and OnIY operate until eventually i 1884 continue to be so for many years bil Rean O hurch of the Original Four That Were they became fully united again, to corne, i'this village of Ennis- James A. Werry. b Remini«under the name of "The Methodist killen, set on a hill, with its -Mi In Existence at That Tiine, Sixty Years Ago. Church in Canada" including also church steeple, the first and the Pr ____________the Bible Christian Church. This iast thing seen, pointing towards Prior to the church union of A happy union contiued until 1925 Heaven, and its bell ever calling 1884 there were Church of Eng- Winnipeg, May 1939 Thos. Atkinson, who continued to when the greater union took place us to the Higher Lif e. land and Presbyterian churches ab At the request of Mr. W. H. serve the Presbyteriaft Church for with the Presbyterian and the at Bowmanvllle, Columbus, Orono sic Moore, Sec'y. of the Enniskillen a number of years. Where hie Conigregationalist c h urc h es, to and Blackstock, with also one of w] Church Board, and my brother H. went afterwarcts I do not know. forrn the presefit United Church each at Enniskllen. The three shi W. Hutchison, to whom he made Eventually, owing to deaths and in Canada. organizations which formed the $11 the request, but who, owing to removals, it was removed and History of the Present Buüilding unionl referred to-The Canada ar sickness, was flot able to under- services discontinued. The churCh In nniki11 ethodist, Methodist Episcopal I taire the duty, 1 have beconie a b'ilding, of which I have a pic- a lnd Bible Christian - had 19 od Suistryofute niclle City set o t oeiame this lcchw8ofqutele rounas1a6c-6erk hithestreRof hrhswti tecrli supply some details of the church present United Church building. Eniikllen United Church bert Hutchison, settled i Ennis- many cases overlappig and c- w sustu fte ad ilenitevor a t o nere, i tarns a uplc ae o the kArond1865-68, yiathetreRof uceswtWitecice a thriving cause. Some of the Alfred McCann. I remember himMrSa Tewwhm eltr cupymng the saine territory, prea- si motprmnelsuprtr.wr quite well, especially s0 because buht ot and cntied the ching the saine gospelan at o seety ars ag thgat my f ater as follows: hie had a son, also named Alfred, business for a good many years uilnges and oriepiarges, n o seventy years ago that my fathe w ho became a particular chuni of up to 1888 when he moved tobidnsadukechrs. é moved to Enniskillen from the Familles Who Attendedth my own in those far away days. Listowel, where he died i 1915. The Canada Methodist Circuit pr, Village of Leskard, where we Presbyterlan Church Somo years later this donomina- Heý having beon brought up in the included: Hampton, Tyrone, En- foi were born. I remember quite well Jno. or Thos. (I forget which) tion united with another denoni- continuing M. E. Church, and no niskillen, Zion and Mt. Carmel; 1 that first sight of the village as McLaughlin of Tyrone and bis ination caîîed the New Connec- doubt somewhat projudiced in its Methodist Episcopel: Enniskillen, be my uncle drove us south to the three sons, as follows: tion Methodist Church, the namne favor, and rather lonesome for his Maple Grove and Mt. Vernon; pa littie brick cottage at the extremo Dr. McLaughlin, village physi- of this union being changed to own church, along with some Bible Christian: Hamnpton, Eben-so end on the east side, which be- . n fewrsBwavle Th aaaMtoitCuc. thrfmle ftedm aezor, Eldad, Enfield, Tyrone, cc: camne our home. I blieve this caatradsBwavlo Ths Can na ed iat Chrch.other fa mie o! t ae wayBethesda, Providence, S al1emn, lai cottage is still doing duty. I think Robt. McLaughlin of the Mc- Ti aecniudutla-jie oeett tr nadn ogSut hr a my memnory is not at fault when Laughlln carniage factory and other union took place botween Episcopal Methodist service in the Hayo a Prodnce, wt eofenni Mh I sy hre huchs er inex lte funerofGeneral MotorsTh Bible Christian Church, The old Orange Hall, on the back als rvdne eto En-M istence at that time, one being the in Oshawa, where his two sons, Canada Mthodist Church, and sreoebokes.I a osiln n hrho h r-S Engllsh Church (now called An- George and Samuel, stili carry on The Episcopal Methodist Church, doubt pretty tough going but derman fam, north and west of fr( glican) just east o! the village on Wm. McLaughlin, who remain- in 1884; the name choson for this eventually a movement was start-Hapo.n the farin of Archibald Virtue. It ed on the farm at Tyroe e no bigsmlTeod to build a new church, on the A h ieEnsilnM .d was a frame buildig, a horse Shed Alexander MeLaughlii' w h o Methodist Church in Canada. present site, immediately north of hrov. E.E. Hord ad reiet pg adonigito heest ;_eps lived just south o! Jno. Martin's This union continued until .1925, the McLaughlin Carniage Works. Dr. Afdweli Laue pstr, ErvE.ngoarso MaplesGroetai adjinng t n he as. Te aEMill. when a new and larger union was The pastor at the time was Rev. atrsevgaloMp Gvé t Alex Scott, Tyrone. consumniated betwoen The Meth- R. B. Denike, who was the preach- Preacher ai the Dedication and Mt. Vernon. g -Win. Brown and family near odist, The Congregational, and orini the Orange Hall in 1869. Such an important event as the A re-arrangement o! circuit. ai Tyrone. It will be remembered The Presbyterian Churchos, the How they ever accomplished it dedication of this church demand- boundaries following the Church be *r that two years ago two o! thesè now aggregation being named I do not know, but eventually the ed a great preacher. At the tinie Union of 1884 made Hampton, 's( $'. Browni boys wero present at the «ToUie hrc fCnd. church was erected on the present aTeUie hrc fCnd. young man agod 32, by the Eldad, Zion, Enniskilleni-, Mt. Ennskle srvce when The This union has been continued up iei 83 ndrtepsoaename o! Bidwell Lano, was at- Vernon and Enfield a tw-man a DuhmBy'Ruintook place to the present tume, but already o! the Rev. Charles Simpson, a tracting considerable attention as field with one Methodist church b' Dun aBoyanvlle r.Saron there have been various discus- very fine man, and who nyde a brimlant preacher in the young closed at Hampton and Enniskil- ti: 4~preached on that occasion, while sions, looking to the possîbllity o! about three years ago in the town city o! Belleville. Rising rapidly ion, usually retaining the build- ha ho nd isbrohe To o Ot alanger union with other protest- frantnathedvcdag to the front rank in the M. E. ings i best repair. i '~" tawa, Mrs. Stevens, a sistor, and ant denominations, with a view o! almost ninoty years. . The Chl.Wch, my father got in touch Tis arrangement obtained for 19 \ a niece, sang a beautiful quartette. to consolidation o! all Protestant founders o! this venture wero with hlim, and a nequost from the three pastoral terras, or eight *.&'.Dr. Brown passed away about a evangelical churches into one Robent Hutchison, John Fleming church board was sent te Rev. yoars, untll 1892, when the field U, i.. year later, while Tom bas just great union, for the more effective of Haydon, father o! M7s. Mc- Lane, asking hiin to be the dedi.. was divided and Enniskillen bo- wi S recently departed this 111e in Ot- prosocution of the great work of Cready who so recently passed cation preacher. This reqUost was came a three-point field unden m tawa, greatly o tho e rrt o the church. away i Bowmanville, greatly accepted. It was a great occasion. Rev. D. S. Hciuck. ain ......* their mnany friends. They were a Revorting to the Wesleyan Me- mourned and beloved, Phllip pot- The day was fine, and the church, During the pastorate of Rov. wi - very large f amlly and ~~~~~~~~~o the thodist Church, across the stroot ter, just east of the village, Johncowdtoteorsadvr-DS.Huk(8219)hebxc Most highly honored and respect- froni the present church, it wasGilbert, a mile south west, and flowing. Everyone was kydU>soe n ogln !soeu ed in the whole township. for yoars a flourishing cause, with Jackson Elliott, o! the Pine Ridge, for groat things. Af ter the usual pipes were removed and a furnace hE The Henry f amily, ovor nean which I was quite 'familiar. I fro ixý the littie settlement called Po: preliniinary service, this rather mnstalled and more seats provided fo the town lino east. quontly attended worship thero dunk. I do not nemember any taîl, rugged faced young man, i the stove space, also during bis The Staples f amily, also near under a succession o! ministers, others who took any promîinent only 32 yeans o! age, arose to andwa a eglaratendntatpar h th eterriethough speak, with every oye turned in- pastorate an unused church was bi the town lino. adwsarglratnata ati h nepie secured and opened at Burketon th The Ormustons, over west o! the the Sunday Scliool on Sunday there were many othens who as tensely on bis face. Ho was not for that new and growing village M~ village. mornings, as well as attending the sisted in a minor way. My father handsome, bis foatunos being ra- where a railway station had been M D. W. McLeod (merchant) and afternoon Sunday School i the was secretany-treasureri and liv- ther large, rugged looking, and opened. A now metal ceiling was w~ f amily. Episcopal Methodist Church, !irst ing i the village, the chiof bur- i.ntellectual. Power and intelli- put i and a general paint job th D .NHchonJames Smith on the ninth con- in ýthe old Orange Hall and later don of seeing the undertaking gence breathed from every feat- done,. costing upwand of $400. ar Dr. 3.N. Huthison cession, a brother of Mrs. Robt. in the now church on the prosent corning te fruition, was'his ne- uire, so that while not bandsomC o to ws heBe. n.Mcab, who McLaughliui. stwihwsltrbr sponsibility, and I have a vory thn a ompelling attraction The early years of tis century, a cameout roniBowmnvile, I Wm. Pottor ont the nlinth con- down, but s00h after followed by vivid recollection o! how our of power and strength that comn-cetraUfd13or4teb thik about every two weeks, te cession. the present building, whose six- whole family service was enlisted. naddeeyoeadimdaefinl eain ewe he ha ministen te people of that sect. The Pollock family, a mile tieth birthday is to ho celebrated And whether it was a wise move- silence. a Some o! the naines o! that con- north, on wost side. James is still in August o! this year 1939. inént or not, I must say it gave But when ho began to, speak, wonld and preacb the Gospel to ar gregation were as follows: living I beliove, near Hamiota,- Memory does not necaîl the me personally a vory great ap-- somewhat slowly at fmst, bis ne- overy creatune." Fails Manitoba. names o! the vanious ministors o! prociation o! my father and bis mankable voice full, rotund, sof t So great an influence had ho in Nainès 'of Anglican Fmlls Eijah Tole and famnily, bal! a the Wesleyan Methodish Church, courage in shouldering such a ne- and musical, you Siniply wenO had in such a short tume that civic th Austin fainily, just west o! the mile east. Many wil remember btt they were very worthy mon. sponsibility and seeing it thnough. chanmed, by its beauity and POW'- authonities paid bum publiceonnS. village at the foot o! the big bill, the son, Levi Tole, also bis wife Non do I remember a groat many How they ever financed it I do or. At once the wbole audience by hoitig fgs, ad bihfnnl north side. who necently passed away iBow- o! the naines o! adheieflts. A !ew not know, but manage it they did wore spellbound. Ho announced was I think the largest I eve saw M The Swain family, on the ninth manville, greatly beloved. were Charles Smith, over on the somnehow. I think my father, and his text, "This is none othen than in this city.'t concession, and east. The Stewart f amily, just north seventh concession; John Mallory, perhaps the rest o! us, foît somo- the House o! God, and this the On the occasion Grace Church y: Nesbiths, hall a mile north, west o! Toles, on the side lino. Haydon; Jno. Stanton and !amily, thing like Solomon when hoe was Gate' o! Hoaven," Gen. 28: 17. could not begin ho hold the crowd tc side. Alexander Riggs and !amily, on oneofo whom was the lato James building a temple unto the Lord. Young boy as I was, I simply for- present and the streets bad to M David Cherry, a mile and a the sainie side lino and just north Stanton who recently Passed 1h was a great day when tis got everytbmng outsîde, and saw accommodate the crowds outside. nc quarter north. o! the Stowarhs. away at- such a great age; the Temple was dedicatod to the wor- nothing except this wonderful Rev. Dr. Sparling, President o! John Jewell, bal! a mile nortb, Win. Bingham and !amily, im- Clemens family, up north; John ship o! God. The dodicatory ser- man and the rolling torrent o! Wesley College, proached the ser-- east side. mediately east o! the village. Two Matin, the millor; the Rogers mon was proached by the Rev. music that poured froni bis in- mon, and paid the following oulo- Ferrs !amily, hall a mile north, years ago I noticed that ahl signs !amily, Chas. Fred, Will, Frank, James Gardiner, one o! the big most soul, like the music o! a gy to, the memory o! this great west side. Wm. Ferras, a son, o! their homo and barns had dis- and Rev. David; Dr. J. C. Mitchell. mon o! the church, and presiding great organ. Since that day it bas ian, re!erring to bu as a dis- away Up hi bis eighties, lives i appeared. Many 9 happy day I A!tor the union in 1884 it was eider o! the district. Ho was a been my piviege te have beard tinguished personality4 w hos e Winnipeg happy and well, et the had there with the two younger decided to close this church build- hall, rathor dignified man. Ho had this great man a number o! tumes namo was embalmod in the heants present timo. 'boys, afterwands Dr. Geo. and Dr. ing and both congregations occupy a fine mid and was conidered a i this city o! Winnipeg, and o! the people. "O0nly a !ew months Tordiff f amily, a mile or two James. the prosent brick church, !orm?- very capable preacher, and a ian though I have heard many o! the ago ho first appeared in this cihy, west o! the village. Win. Mils and family ah thoe ely the Episcopal Methodist o! suporior intelligence and abil- world's greatest preacherg, I nov- yet the wholo comxnunity was Henny Sylvester, bal! a mile north end o! the village, east side. Church, whoso sixtieth anniver- ity. His sermon texh was 4Thou or heard any other speaker that I moved when the nows o! bis death east and a mile south on the Syl- Samuel MilIs, harnoss makor, sary is so soon to be celebrated. wilt show me the patb o! Life." thought surpassed bim, or even was received." The speaker did veston fanm. and !amily. Two sons, W. J. Two years ago, when it was My These details are furnished by equalled bu " a groat preacher. not know o! another instance Richard Sylvester and Robent «"Billy" Mils and Calvin Mîlis are pivilege to be prosent at the Rev. David Rogers, ah the time o! Weil it was a great success, the where so deep an impression bad Sylvester, brothers wbo caried living in St. Manys, or wero two Durhami Boys' Reunion, I noticed the ro-opening o! the cbunch in dedication o! that Eniniskillon been made in so short a tino. Dr. on for many years the agicultural yeans ago. that the old frame church across 1928 after the renovahion. church, and every one was simPly Lane seemed ho have taken the machine works in the village, Thon there wene the Jobs, the the street had vanished. eihe.Drn i ty ewshat ftepol ySom laten on moving te Lindsay, which Kennedys, the Banclays, and oth- Whio huie is unrelenting in its Church Burned and Rebuilt dhelihtned Duein s say homws earMets o! rthope by tohi. a %gave the village a blow froni ors whose church relationships I !orward marcb and the îany Unfortunahely calamîhy, daa ktend orehdguet hi o hm amegon ee tache hohim asbl which it nover recovered. have forgotten. changes incident thereto, stil it and discouraging, overtook the tat d souh d i wer th nin - cmbya agic . spoal bhis noble John Virtue and f aniily, Mrs. For a tino during the pastenate does gives ho one likç mysol!, who chunch, whicb after two or theth a my younest iDr as .nm-chractr.le As athinkeer ofan (Dr.> Slemon and Mns. Billett be- of Rov. Thos. Atkison, owing ho bas passod so fan along the road yeans, was bunned ho the ground, ed anea har Dr. Lae. An ratheedwAs s tpe o n hig grandchildnen. somo trouble between the two o! 11e, a groat feeling o! alone- baving caught fine froni the Mc- ws' oacarigget the land. As lt he pedno Arh iteand faîily, just ministers or soie other cause, the noss as I rovîow these ovents and Laughlin carniagé !achory which Called to New York Pulpit thman pul, e fttheoed, o!h east o! the village. Rey. Wmndall o! Cartwright in- changes, and realize how many o! was also burned, but laher on ne- His fame sproad so rapidly that by nature and by graco. His per- Dr. Hiler and family. my former playmatos and olden built, as far as I nomomber. What hoe was soon called te a lange sonality in ihself was unique, witb -This Anglican churcb canied on !iends are with us no longer, a disappointmonh this calamity chunch in New York, where ho bis fine, tbough somewbat wasted- for a numben o! yeans, but owmng United Church o! Enniakillen waa ho its sponsors will neyer ho napidly became one o! New York's physique-, bis noble bnow, bis ho nemovals and deatbs'it finally And now I come to the !ounth known, but with a couràÉe that gnoatest. Unfortunately boweven, kindly oye, bis genial and radiant- closed, and eventually the church 'o! theso chunches, the lash one ne- seemed alîost neckless, this samo ho developed that thon fatal mal- counitenance, bis perfect self con- building was removed, and the " annadth n ihwibconimittee determined ho. rebulld ady diabetos, which compelled bis trol, and bis ease and grace o! Shed also. 1 understand a nove- - you are panticulanly intenested ah again, a new cbuncb, on the sanie retirenient. Ho came ho Morden, niannen. mont is on foot now ho nestone -*'. this tume - The United Church o! foundation wbich neniained prac- Manitoba, wbene bis brother was somewbat, the grave yard and Enniskillen, oiginally The Epis-- tically uninjurod, and so te work fanming. Ater a !ew nionths ho A Great Prince Had Fallen graves o! these pioneers -1s-cplMehditCurh heywnt with renewed energy seenied to improve for a whie, Ha devout spirit, bis christian- naines were honored whlle alive Away back in the earîy settle- 1 and faith, with the splndne and was called to occupy diffen-' like wl n ovrain i and are now emenibered with nient o! Canada, the Episcopal sult that i 1879 this venybauient pulpits occasionally. His fane sincerihy, and bis love o! the pure, reverence and love.~~~~- Mehda hrhi h ntdflcuc a eahe aan-osonsped o-inp -Ad-ho te ruea nd t+hae good waeo n- an late building, a frame, steod liost 1 ejetedrBlshop and otiier olices funeral procession o! oe ctizen49 - 27 Years a Miniteri C .1ne . N Huchion t. Io~~t whroopposite the present U n itedi and carried on, just as te o n- wbo was cannled ho bisor er lat Methodist Church in Ame.c N. ,*V. W44 aiwaeher. Cburch. 1h was renovahed i thel tinuing Presbytenlan Church dld I earthly resting place. And 1h was Buried in St. James Cmtr,11Yl v. ha ~ ~ Bey. year 1869 under the pashor, Bey.-ý in 1925; and so we stili bad hwo 1 there that every meniber of our 1 Clpg- G e iteril171cale ve, Mn mou4 UO W - litlEnnishillen blenistwn reshyhonian and Methodist con- regations was sucb that; the iethodists belped sonie at the sw Yean's supper which was the ,g evont o! the yoan in the Pros- yterian Churcb, and o!hen the lethodists borrowed the langer Iesbytenian edifice for Sunday knniversany occassions. Thon a lange tent bocaino avail- ble for S. S. Anniversary occas- [ns for several yeans until 1923 ihn the present lange enclosed hed was enected ah a cost o! oven 000, besides a considenablo nount o! volunteor labon. The Proshytenian and MoUh- ist Chunhes bore entered ito sysheofo co-operation, whicb las being effective in a few imilan cases, during the summor ,f1920 and by 1923 the pnoceeds ýfsale o! Preshytorian Church eas appliod ho the now shed, roposition with arrangements r upkoep o! the cemetery. The summer of 1928, ah the :ginning o! Rov. J. M. Whyto's astorate Mn. Wilbur Hutchi- on, Winnipeg, did a major de- onation job ho the cbunch and Eid new carpots and re-seatod oe choir l!ft, and just recently nr. Hutchison assîshed in a land- cape gardenig job nemovig the ront fonce, putting a new fonce in the south side, laid a cinder rive and parking space and .anted trees and shrubs whicb ,eatly enhancod the beauty and ttractivonoss o! the church rounds, so that today you must iree, anl wbo pass and enjo*y the *auty are indebhed ho Mn. Hutch- son. Cemont walks were laid years io and the front stops builh oven )y Mn. O. L. Byens. From. timo te ime other ninor iniprovernents Lve been - kept up including the nstallation o! ehectric lights i .30. No bistory o! Enniskillen Jnited Chunch would ho complote vithout mention o! the cargtaker, [ns. J. Pye and Howard, and no xiount o! deconation effective vithout the painshaking cane our hurch bas received ah their hands ip ho a year ago when failing ialUh demanded a rost altor oven !onhy yeans o! service. The summor o! 1924 marks the )uilding o! a new parsonage bore, te magnificent gift o! Mn. Geo. [cLaughlin, Oshawa, and in 1927 En. McLaughlin !ollowed bis good 'ork by fencing and cleanig up te Prosbytonian burying ground, md enected a monumnent worthy Ef the memnory o! the pioneers, ind particularly bis own fore- sans. The neigbbours joined ieantily with volunteer laboras in expression o! appreciation and ipprobahion. There are many worthy o! nention in the neligious hile o! îe chuneh - Jas. Stainton as S. ;Supt.. and H. J. Werry in choir. [ention sbould also ho made o! [ns. F. C. Trebilcock who did he scbool and conimunity a son- ice in setting a high standard ýthe Christmas Tnee entertain- nents, the e!fect o! wbich bas io yet passed away. The Cburcb o! England ceased holding services ln¶e church, east o! Enniskillen, about 1883, and only a few bunials hav1e haken place thoro since. Some years'ago the building was takon down and eneched in the village for a smafl barn. This suniner J. J. Virtue's !amily have taken the initiative i cleaning up the promises, buit a fonce and re-arrangod the stones. The Canada Methodish Cburch, following the 1884 Union, was renioved ho Hamipton by the Sal- vation Arry. The loni frame Prosbyhenian Chureb was worked into Mr. Pollock's nesidence wbon the brick church was buit i 1880. At the tineofo co-operaýlon bore in 1923 the brick Presbyter- ian Church Was sold ho Mr. David Burgniaster wbo re-sold niuch o! the matenial and built a dwelling on the same- ground which S occupied by the writor and bis wif o. Ennlskillen Circuit Ministers 1870-1872 Rev. R. B. Denike 1872-1873 Rev. J. C. Pomeroy 1873-1876 Rev. C. A. Simpson 1876-1878 Rev.,R. Large 1878-1881 Rev. E. E. Howard (church re-built> 1881-1882 Rev. F. M. Finn 1882-1884 Rev. Geo. W. Stevenson Union - B.C. M.E. and C.M. Hampton and Enniskillen (6 charge circuit) 1884-1886i Rev. Geo. Brown, Hampton Rev. C. Taylor, Enniskillen 1886-1889 Rev. E. Barrass, Hampton Rev. S. Salton, Enniskillen 1889-1892 Rev. R. McCulloch, Hampton Rev. R. Sanderson, Enniskillen Hampton and Enniskillen Dlvlded 1892-1895 Rev. D. S. Houcc 1895-1899 Rev. S. G. Rorke 1899-1900 Rev. W. J. Wetherall 1900-1903 Rev. S. Crookshanks 1903-1907 Rev. Thos. Snowden 1907-1911 Rev. J. A. Jewell 1911-1913 Rev. J. E. Robeson 1913-1915 Rev. W. E. Honey 1915-1919 Rev. H. Wilkinson 1919-1924 Rev. G. T. ,McKenzie (Co-operation 1920) (Organic Union 1925) 1924-1926 Rev. E. A. Belknap 1926-1928 Rev. E. M. Cook 1928-1934 Rev. J. M. Whyte 1934-1936 Rev. Wrn. Parker 1936-1938 Rev. J. E. Whitharne 1938- Rev. H. H. Lackey .-eoeYo-nsr -fonui *4ek-ai1 ç DARGAIN EXCURSION TO ROCHESR,' N. Y. <Via Cobourg & Ontario Car Ferry Steamer) SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 Ail Times Eastern Standard Return Faro From TORONTO (Union Station) ------ 12.25 P.M. sao DANFORTH ---- 12.38 P.M. $33 WHEITBY -------------- -- 1.09 P.M. 2.55 OSHAWA 1.18 P.M. 2.50 O WMAN VILLE ...1.33 F.M. ~2.30 PORT HOPE------------------ 2.02 PAL. COBOUG DOCK-------- 2.30 P.M.L 1.55 ARR. ROCHESTER.....--- - 8.25 P.M. Return from Rochester B. & O. Station 7.30 A.M., foiiowing Sunday or Monday. Tickets.and Information from ail Agents of C.N. Riys. et Toronto, Whltby, Oshawa, Bowmanviiie, Port Hope, Cobourg. CANADIANl NATIONAL T 264-B A void Pinchea! IF YOU t"y to jam your Nfumber 10 loot gear you'll find a sho. ean pinoh. :ut If tire destroys your home anid you are under- iwsued-well, the sho. roally pinche 14n and no mistaket 'Are you fufly Innf- Ask us to check Up. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS ph~oe 81 oav1 ENNISKIL CHURCH DIAMONO JUDILEE ADO.' 27* 20 Imm 1 - ----- -