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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 24 1O~9 ZMon1 Recent Visitors: Mr. Gordon Law, Whltby, at Mr. Russell Per- ki... .M1r. A. Ayre, Mr. J. Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Perkins and Margaret at Mr. Ivan Law's, Tbornton's Corners. ..Mis. Chas. Ferguson and Mar- lon, Thornton's Corners, at Mr. J. ' W. Balson's. Mr. Chas. Lander, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Stanton's... Rey. and Mrs. C. J. Feltan and Margaret, Irvington, N.J.f at Mr. J. W. Balson's... Mr. and Mrs. Adoiph Knopsel, Toronto, at Mr. Hans Geisber- ger's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Miss Jean Yellewlees, Mr. Gary Glaspel took a trip nerth ta see the Quints. .. Miss Jean Leachb, Solina, at Mr. Norman Leach's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel, Tyrone, at Mn. F. B. Glaspel's. .. Miss Audrey Ayre accompanied Miss Ruth Coiwili, Mrs. C. Colwill, Mrs. Bessie Braund, Hampton, te Musseil- man's Lake. Miss Ruby Colwxll returned home with the... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staintan at Mr. Boss Lee's, Kedron. . . Mrs. Ray Caxnenen and Beverley at Mrs. P. J. Gifford's Osaca... Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and sons, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and Betty Marie, Bow- manville, at Mn. Wes. Cameren's. Mr. Frank Pascoe and daugh- tara, Miss Irene Pascoe with Miss Ada Pascoe, Tarante. .. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stainton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jini Stainton and Anis, Toronta, at Mr. Fred Cam- eron's. .. Mrs. J. Shackelton, D gasand Keith at Mr. Elwood Rams, Witby... Mns. M. Knapp, North Oshawa, at Mr. Robt. KiIlen's. Mr. L. Warren bad a bee on Monday te dlean eut the cellar at Mr. H. Flintoff's. He'is starting ta bufld their bouse again. Mr. Ansen Balson collided with Mr. Ormiston of Enniskillen, at Mr. Harold Mountjoy's corner andt Mr. Ormiston's car was turned aven. Luckily nobady was hurt only a few scratches and bruises.- Burketon Recent Visitons: Neil Moffatt and cousin, Fred Hartniut took a trip te Delhi. .. Mr. and Mns. T. Inonside and Mr. and Mns. S. Duncan, Tarante, with Mn. and Mns. Tom Bneck. . . Mn. and Mns. W. Hoslkin and family with thein son, Mr. Howard Haskin, Kedron. ..Mn. and Mns. Wesley Heskin are visiting ber parente, Mn. and Mns. B. H. Wood, Onono. Newton Taylor & Sans won higis awards on thein Tamwanth Swine et Peterboroughs Fair,i- dluding two chenipionsbips, seven final prizes, three seconds and tlree thirds.. Helen and Marjorie Handthonne and Helen and Effie Glenney bad their tonsils removed. Mr. Douglas Taylor is attending Ottawa Exhibition with his Tam- worth Swine. The Sewing Pals of the "Cat- tons May Be Smart" prajeet, Blackstock, had a successful day at Peterborough Fair. Burketon W. A. members and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. W. Avis ta bid them good- bye as Mr. Avis has purchased a a farm near Raglan. Mrs. Hrry Rahm read an address after which Mrs. R. Davey presented Mr. and Mrs. Avis with a dlock. Mrs. Avis has served as secretary of the Association for a year and a hall, being present at every meeting. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Avis and family every success in their new home. A reading by Mrs. W. Hos- kmn was much enjoyed, after which ail joined in cormunity singing. A dainty lunch was served wbich brought an enjay- able evening to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser and family, New Park, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Salem Rev. A. W. March delivered ai excellent sermon Sundav eveniniz f rom the text "Lifted. Up." Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and Miss Thelma seent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. Henderson. Toronto. at their summer cottagre in the north countrv. Mr. Raleb Sineson is home after a eleasant canoeingz trie) in the nortli countrv witb Mr. F. Hurst and sons of Toronto. The boys r%-jnained with Rale)h for another week's holi- dav. Mrs. C. Curtis. town seent tbe week end witb Mr .and Mrs. H. Barrie and enio.ved a motgr brie) with them te, Cobourgy Park on Sun- day. Mrs. F. Cator was on a moter trie) with ber son and familv of To- rente and visited ber brother. Mr. 1. A. Allum at Strathrov and other friends in Sarnia. Detroit and Wind- sor. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hard. Osbawa. were Sundav *vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish and on Fridav Mrs. W. Fitze and Mrs. Wilson of Tanet- ville visited at the Cornish home to celebrate Mr. Cornish's birthday. Rev. and Mrs. Dudgreon. daugzh- ter. Sault Ste. Marie and Mrs. Dud- rzeon. Toronto and Mr. James Rob- ertson and Miss Moodý Zoronto. visited Mr. and Mrq. H. Gaud. Mr. E. Pollard. Toronto. visited his e)arents.1 Ln iLr id id n. ýn ýr h ýd d i- ýe r r Heppineas loves te see men et wonk. She loves weariness, labon,, self-sacrifice. She la found net in palaces, but on ferma, in tac- tories and mines. If one looks up tram bard work he wîll see hen, but if h. looks tee long ah. willJ fade away. 1 FPLOUR PSiT zla39c Rhw 0CHliESE 2 a-29C SPMAL REDLABEL. BLACK C ]RED ROSE TEA 31 SPEIALI DOMINION25.- . PEANUT DUTTER ja 14) DATED COFFE ea3 IIILK SPIRIT OR ILENOSO YIi OAR t391 SURE JELL FRUIT MHz TOMt DT3EUP 2 EH.35c' muiRIPS ORANGE SZ-Mz.Ja m ELAE 27C DOINO PA&E R GENEAI 1O SPECIALI BREAKFAST BACON RICHMELLO COrFEE NORTIIERN TISUE 3 23c< Yeilow Free Stone PEACHES ............Sa<t. Wamhed Snow White CELERY ...*........... bunch- 4.5ç ~ausmfsive Thurs., Fr1., Sat., August 2t È,1tIlt Courtice Visitors: Master Bobbv and Bar- rie ohnston. Oshawa. witb their gzrandearents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseeb Gearinz. ... Master Billv HuRhes. Torento. is vacationiniz witb bis izrandmother. Mrs. Thomas Welsh ..Master Billv Dadson. Bownsan- ville. accomvanied by bis c ousin Ravmond WiggRans. has returned te bis home after vacationinst at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilggan's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Phair and familv suent last week end camninsi at Wae)oose.. . Mrs. GeorgzeRevnolds visited schoel friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Groat. Brooklin. . . Misses Tessie Nemis. Myrtle. Wilma and Hilda Scoeie have been camDingz at Bewdlev. Congzratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chamberlain (nee Lucv Brown) unon the birth of a son. Auzust 22. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wiggans at- tAnded the f uneral of thair little niece. Gloria Wizizans. at B.rooklin. Svmeathv is extended te the varents. Mr. and Mrs. Steehen WigaLans. The latter, as Miss Evelvn Hamblvn. snent much of ber voutb in this district. A Lyroun of eigbhteen gzirls heom the Town Line nearbv biked to the "'Pines" nortb of Taunton. In suite of a sudden deluize of ram wbicb brcke uD their night cai. forcinz them inside. the girls had a solen- did time. Maple Grove jVisitors: Miss Madeline Metcalf e bas returned home frein Toronto. Miss Gladvs Gunning. Toronto. re- turnd home with ber for a visit... IMiss Audrev and Muriel Hall bave returned te London after visitine Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. Miss Louis. Foley returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Hall remained for a v'isit witb ber sister. . .Mes, Fred and Harold Miller. Kingston. Miss Irene Lions. Toronto. gt Mrs. L C. Snowden's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Baskerville. Newcastle. at How ard Çrvderman's, BaseLin.. .. Mrs. A. Trenoüth. Hàmpton. Mr. Frank Trenouth. Oshawa: Mr. Ross Trenouth. Toronto. witb Mrs. Rov Metcilf. Base Line. .. Mrs. Wil- liam Magzee. AvI mer. Misç Derothv Psow. London. Mrs. Carl Wilbur. Miss Vera Baker. Solina. Mrs. El- mer Wilbur. Hamoton. Miss Bertha Neads. Bowmanville. Mrs. Leslie Collacutt Mrs. H. G. Freemab. at H. R. Foley's Friday. ... Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates. son Danny. Miss Gil- leseie. Brantford. called on Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, on their return te Brantford after beoli- dayingy at Maine. U.S.A... Mrs. L C. Snowden. Misses Betety and Mil- dred Snowden. attended eeeningz of the new cemetery gates at Green- bank in henor cf the late- Mr. Geo. Miller. Sunday. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Rook. Toronto, at Mr. andl Mrs. F. Swallow's. . . -Mrs. George West. Miss Marie West. Ashburn: Mr. and Mrs. William Wriebt. Mr. Wil- liam Wright. Ridgeville. with Mns. H. R. Folev and Mrs. Everett Hall . . . Mr. Gordon Hannab. Whitbv. with bis cousin Mr. Bobbi' Stevens . .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snlowden. Donna ani Billie Snowden. Toron- te. with Mr. and Mrs. R. R Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden... Mr. Clii ford Swallow attended the Oak Lake summer cam. .. . Mrs. H. G. Thomeson. Mrs. J. R. McDon- aId. Tim and Jean. Weston and Mrs. G. Harrington and dauizhter Helen. at Woodbridge with the former's niece. Mrs. C. H. Greenhani. A good crowd izreeted Mr. Blakc SteveQs. Solîna on Sundav when he tonk charge of the. lesson. to the de- lirht of aIl. He aIse recited "A little bade.eof blue." Misses Lenore Col- âcutt and Doris Stevens sano, a diiet. accorrnanied on the niano bv Mr. Leslie Collacutt. Sundav School next S"lndav at 1 (S.T.> Church service 3 n ni. (S.T.). A ree)resentative of tbe Bible Societv will occun)v the nuleit. j Blackstock Recent Visitons: Miss Helen Van Camp wilh Miss Bessie Edgerten, Cadmus... Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto, witb ber mothen, Mns. Jas. Marlow. . . Mrs. Florence Thomnson and Anie, and Mn. O. Smith with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Shunk, at Bichmnond Hill. . . Mn. Keith Jesaton, Presidenl et Y. P.U. spent lest week et Oak Lake Summer Scbol... Mns. RebI. Bruce and Miss Mae Kig with Mn. and Mra. Ross Curtis et Balti- more, sean Cobourg. .. Mn. Stan Williams, Tarante, et Smith Bros. ..Mns. Wallace Marlow and tam- ily, Mn. Ivan Thompson, Mns. H. Vas Camenimd Glenn w1th Mn. asd Mna. Beid Heeslip at Terre Cotte on the Credit River... Mn. asd Mrs. John Wright, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp and tam- ily, Mn. asd Mrs. O. Wrighl and Edith, Mn. and Mns. Carl Wright and fehsily, Mn. and Mns. R. St- son and family, Mn. and Mrs. N. HaInes, Osbawa, hed e family picnice t the homne cf Mn. and Mrs. Allient Wrigbt's on Sundey. ..Mrs. Arthur Franks, Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Beysolds, Peterbono, with Mn. and Mns. Leslie Mount- YOU WILL ENJOY LIVING IN BOWMANVILLE Enfield Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Annis, Tyronie, Mrs. Gor- don Leask, Ewart and Eunice, Taunton, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. ..Dr. and Mrs. W. McCulloch, Orono, at Mr. John McCullach's. . . Messrs Eric Smith 'and Jack Kressler with Mr. Calvin Niddery. ..Mr. Howard Ormiston with bis parents at Bobcaygeon_ Mr. Eliner Prescott, Mr. and ivls. A. W. Preseott and children attended the Presçott Moore faniily re- union on Saturday at Edgewood Park, Eden Mils, near Guelph. ..Mr. Frank Gilbert is enjoying a ten-day holiday at Cedar Point, Lake Rideau, near Ottawa, guest of z. and Mrs. Harry Jardine of Kingston, who have a summer cottage there. jo.... Mrs. Lucas and Freddie returned home te Tenonto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Creigbton Lunias, New York, and Mrs. F. Larmer, Wye- bridge, with Mns. Robt. Parr. Mr. Milton Fisher is exhabiting his sheep at Ottawa Pair. They dîd well at Peterboro. The "Cottons May Be Smnart" class attended the competition at Peterboro Fair. They judged alang with another project, "Sleeping sGarments." In the senior group, Miss Jean Wright was firat, ob- taing $5.00 "prize. Miss Audrey Stinson came second, with $4.50 prize. Miss, Helen Wttan was eleventh and Miss Irene Coates, twelfth. In the junior group Kathleen Stinson was first and won $4.00, and1 Derethy Hoskin was third and won $2.00 See de- tailed report ln another coluin. Cowanville Becent Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Garnet, Port Hope, with Mn. mmd Miss Graham. .- Miss Mamian Simpson with relatives in Langs- burg, Micis. .. Miss Viola Hajl- lingswcrtb, Toronto, at borne.. Mn. and Mns. Marvin and Miss Earle, Merrish, with Mn. and Mns. Geo. Henderson. .. Messrs Bey- erley Stringer and Gordon Hardy, Kinkland Lake, witb Mn. and Mns. J. J. W. Stningen. .. Miss H-elen Stevens, Bowmanville Hospital, with Miss Ruth Simpson. .. Mr. and Mns. J. J. W. Stringen .M, tended the Edwards Beumion with Mn. and Mns. Percy Edwards and Mn. Eric Edwands at Drayton, Ontario. A succestul Garden Party was beld Tuesday evening. Proceeds about $20.00. Mn. Charlie McNeil bad a nasty accident when a chain off the carrier in the barn struck hirn across the face. Tbree stitches hed le be put in bis lip. Bey. Parlnidge cf Coîbonne, took the service Sunday and will speak again this week. Our pester is vecationing at Minden. WiII Demonstrate Weed Killing Spray A spneying demenstretion on Field Bindweed with chemicel weed killen wilil be beld on the farrn cf S. Chas. Alun, soutis hall cf Lot 1, Con. 2, Danlington, an Friday et this week et 1.30 p.m. The field in whicb the spray- ing wiil be done is on the bound- ary between Darlington and Clarke, two fields nenth cf the brick fruit bouse. Dr. Stephen cf the Creps, Seeds and Weeds Brancis, Tenante, who discovered this new chemical weed killer will be present ta take charge cf the dernanstretion. John D. McLeod, Assistant Dinec- tan cf the Crops Brmmch, wifl be present ta lead in the discussion of weed contrai and eradication. Fermera who bave any weeds they wisb identified are ivited la brIng them to this meeting. The enadication of Field Bind- weed is one of this distridt's Most sericus weed problema, se ail fermera are urged ta be present. Dr. Stephen wiil aise discusS the work that is being dan. in some caunties with spnaying the roed- aides. DURHAM BOYS TAKE TOP PRIZES In the judging competition aI Peterborough Fain Durham beys as usuel made a moat creditelile showing. In the swine judging clasa four boys tram Ibis county teck thse tirst thnee major primas, two cf thein being lied for third place. Belpis McCemus, Milîbrok, won first pnize, and Wesley Werny, Semia, second, Leslie Taylor, Burketen, and Howard Calcolm, Jenetille, lied for-Dhid. In the horse judging, Stanley Taylor, Bunketen, wes placeçý ninth, while Robert Scott, Hemp-', ton, teck twelfth prize money. Gordon Fallia, Millbrook, eb- Iained fifthbpnize in the. open, judging campetition cf beet cattie, witb Floyd B. Stinson, Janetvilie,j being lied with Iwo other boysj for tenth place. In the club competition for judging beef caIlle, Durhem boys took six cf thse les ewands. Tise fellowlng clubs were pleced i the contesl: 2nd, Janelville; 3rd,t Millbraak; 6th, Bunketon; 7tb, Janelville;, 8th, Nestieton, and Mt, Blecksteck. i VETERINARY FROM PORT HOPE BUYS TICHE PRACTICE Veterlnary Surgeon D. C. Dave3 Takes Over Practice of thse Late Dr. T. F. Tlghe Bownianville greéte as one cl its newest citizens Douglas Car. mnDavey, V.S., B.V.Sc., wba bas taken aven the veterinary practiCE et the late Dr. Tigbe. Dr. Davey is son of Mr. and Mrs. Luthei Davey and was born nerts ofl Cobourg lin Hamilton Township, Here be grew up working on bis fathers' farm, tending livestock and at the same time attending the rural school. On graduating tram Public school he entered the Cobourg Collegiate Institute wbere be obtained bis matricu- lation. The Ontario Veterinary Coliege, Guelph, was bis next stop whene be secured bis degrees and graduated in May cf this year. Since then bas been loaking af- ter the practice cf Dr. J. M. Johns- stan cf Port Hlope, wbo bas been iM. Dr. Davey is an ardent basebail and hockey fan and while gt college played inter year hockey. Dr. Davey bas taken a special interest uin dairy cattie and the dairy industry. He bas also given considerable study te the diseases and afiniente of dogs. Since bis arrivai here on Fni- day Dr. Davey bas been kept busy answerig caîls and getting ac- quainted with farmers un the dis- trict. While touring in West Dur- ham be ccmmented on the splen- did appearance cf the farmo lands and believed there was none bet- ter. Dr. Davey is a member cf the United Cburcb qf Canada. LOCAL PEOPLE ARE FIRST AT ACCIDENT John Ayiing and Mn. and Mrs. Fred W. Ayling, Maple Grave, bad quite a thnilling and not tao ,cornforting experience on Tues-» day when they wene returning framn Onillia. Near Lindsay, tbey carne upon a car sîdeways un the ditch and stopped te investigate, found two men, appanently in great pain, limg on the side cf the road. A third man was sitting behind the wbeel cf the damaged car, but bis body was more or less hanging out the left wmndow. Tise Aylings notified police and sougst rmedical aid, but two cf thse men died before the day passed and thse third man is critically ijured. Acconding te the driver, their car was crcwded off the pavement by another vebicle and police believe it rnust have turned aven and eventually rlgbted itself. There is also a suspicion that anather car was lnvolved but left the scene. An investigation is behnir canducted. Mr. and Mns. Fred Ayling were returning frem a visit te Alberta. ORONO STREET FAIR <Contlnued tram Page 1) ten consolation prizea were sent ta a variety of places with the majcnity of the pnizes staying in Durhami County. Warden T. A. Reid was the very capable master of ceremonies and looked aften thse drawing cf the pnizes. Trrctghout the main street of the town there were nurnerous games of chance wbere the people, less fortunate in winnusfg one cf the major pnizes, could bave a cbance ta Win valuable articles et ai- nost eveny description. The pnize winnens were: Pony, Dlon Beeds, Lidsay; Radio, Miss <ay Jôhnston, Tenanto; Bicycle, ,lns. M. A. Burns, Onano; Two Pfgs, Miss Jean Logan, Orono; and 10 consolation prizes cf one dallar eacb went to: Mns. Evenacis Fisher, Newcastle; Mns. M. Baby, Bowmanville; Miss Daisy Garrod, NPwcastle; Boy Everett, Lindsay; Jrù Wood, Orona; A. T. Thomas, Ottawa; Howard Brookig, Bow- sanville; Biqkle Seagrave, Wood- Vtck;9 A. Kinnone, Lindsay, and G. Pemberten, Part Hope. Dr. Neil Colville thanked every- body fan their support cf the tain and hoped that everyone bad a good time. As yet no financial tatement could be procured but iis tbougbt that the tain was a biggen succesa than in fermer ears. Our yeans, our debts and auri riemies are always more numen- )s than we imagine.-C. Nodier. Big opportunities seldom corne1 abelled.- ,-1 Its church activitios, low rentais, excellent Public and Hlgh Ichools;. fine stores and beau- tiful homes and gardens giveBoiailea attractiveiness of which it'il justifiýab1y proud. Many, among Our citisens, have retired fram active lite and have chosen tbis town for their permanthomle. There are lavera! deirable lots in town for sale. Arnong others geveral attached 10o a valu- able three-acre orchard i full bearlng. This f«i sale. In this oii>hard a -caefu]Iy planned house ip being built for sale or reiit. It contais five roomsanad a bath, together with modern convemiences and la nearly ready for accupancy. Âpply t0 Jno. R. B. Jury, Phone 752, Bo'wmanville. The community was shocked te bear cf the sudden deatis, on.Aug. 15th, as a nesuit of septic threat, of Mns. Fred Green, a resident tan seme yeans of Bowmanville, and befare that et Orono. Mns. Green was formerly Mary Jane Sherwin, eldest daugister et Mn. and Mns. Walter Sbenwin, Orene, and was bon in Haldi- rnand Township, 44 years ago. Seventeen years ago she was rnarried te Mn. Fred Green, wbo with tour cbildren, survives hen. Friday she was interred in the Centenary Cemetery falaowing a service in the churcis there, near Raseneath. Bey. E. L. Beecis of- ficîated -et the service and the bearera were Stanley Green, Bawmariville, Milfred and Wil- fred Shenwin, OronoI George Sberwin, Archie' Sbenwiand Hugis Sberwin, al cf Fenella. Friands and relatives were pre- sent froni Orono, Bowmanville, Boseneath, Fenelea, Camborise, and Cold Springs. Sunvivlng te mouns er bs are ber parente, Mn. and Mns. Walter Sisenwin, Orono; two bro- thers, Milfred and Wilfned Sher- win, .Orano; one sister, Florence <Mrsi Laurie Cole), ber husband, Fred Green, two aaugbter, Kath- leen and Eleanor, and twe sons, Kenneth and Elmen. The syni- pathy et thein many tniends gaes eut te those beneaved. Kendal Becent Visitons: Mns. W. El- liaIt is borne frcm Toronto.. Mn. and Mns. H. Lowery, Kinby, attended service bere anr Sunday. . . Mn. and Mns. Philips, Toronto, at thein sumnen borne in Kendal. ..Mns. C. Glass and Mns. J. Jackson visited Mns. M. Robinson. ..Mns. Wm. Haney, Millien, et ber rnother's, Mns. A. Jackson,. Miss Derathy McKay, Tarante, is visiling Mns. Boy Mercer. .. Mr. and Mns. Boss Patterson and Bill, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mns. Wm. Pattensen. .. Mn. Boy Pattes. Orono,' with Mn. and -Mns. M. Saper. Mns. Alex Reich is on the sick liaI. Elizabethviile W. I. beld their pîcnic in Kendal Park Wednes- day and invited Kendal W.I. te jain them. Brown's Becent Visitons: Mns. Brant, To- ronto, with Mrs. Geo. Stephens, Miss Audrey Brown, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Woodlock and Douglas with Mrs. J. Browns and Anchie. . . Mn. eiid Mns. B. McKey mmd femily, Bronte, with Mn. and Mrs. Wal- ter Farrow... Mn. and Mns. F. Woods and Mns. O. Cbapmen, Orno, Mn. and Mns. Les. Alldred mmd' Doneen, Meple Grave, with Mn. and Mns. Robent Graham... Misses Joan Reid and Elles All- dred, Oshawa, with friends ber.. Mn. and Mrs. C. Turner and son with Mn. T. J. Simpsons and tam- ily, Cowmmville. .. Miss Wylnma Farrow with Miss Jean Perri.. Mn. Nyelvin Graham in Oshawa. .-Miss Irene Dean, Tarante, with Mn. mmd Mns. Mases Heard. Mn. Nicholas Tketch and Mn. ROY Wilkins bave started warlk in the Box factery et Newcastle., Congratulations ta Mn. mmd Mrs. Boy Wilkins <ne. Annie rkateh) on tise arrivai cf e daughten. Congratulations te Mn. and Mns. Wm. J. Ezollosi an the arrivaI of a deughten. An eirplene froi tise Trenton Air Fonce Was forced te land in MIr. n. Gnabem's f ield on Sunday due te the -ine misty rein. Obituary Mrs. Wm. il., eo, Bowmiwe. On Saturdsiy, Aug. i2th,' there p*sed away to her heavenly borne, Èmma Alberta Prout, be- loved wîfe of William H. Yeo. Mrs. Yeo was born at Provi- dence, April 27th, 1885, being-a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Prout. She attendMd schoal and spent aill her girlhodd lite with the ex<teption of one year ithé Providdnte and Salem neigbbourhood. She stayed with hier aunt, Mrs. I. Pound, Ridge- way, for th'le year. On May 2th, 1908 shè was united in marriage with bier now sorrowing husband and they were blessed witb f ive sons and one daughter, Clarence cf liamp- ton; Irvine, Milton, Bruce, Keith and Elsie (Mrs. Gea. Richards), ail of Bowmanviile. She aise leaves. tbree grand-children, AI- lan and Glen Richards and Yvonne Yeo. Mrs. Yeo was. cf a quiet un- assuming nature, bier main inter- est being in bier home with lier family, but she was ever ready with bier kindly advice and deed to help any that passed bier way, and many are the persons whe have been cheered by hier lovinig acts and words. Her 111e altho' seemingly short, was filed with service for family, church and friends. The bearers were six nephews: Gordon and Ray Yeo, Nelson Wfl- kins, Uoss Pooley, Maurice and Allan P~rout, and the flower bear- ers were fellow workers of Mr. Yeo. The beautifui floral tributes in- cluded: Pillow from the family, wreaths and sprays from Foundry, Goodyear R. Club, Women's In- s ti t ut e; Florence Nightingale Lodge, L.O.L, Sunday School Classes of.Hampton and Bawman- ville, Beehive Lodge, besides many from. neigbbours and fri- ends who were present from Osliawa, Brougham, Toronto, Peterboro, Orono, Millbrook and nearby places. She's not lost te us forever, She bas only gone befere,' To be witb bier ether loved enes Jesus opened wide the door, She bas passed beyond tbe portals, She bas reacbed the city fair, She is waiting for our coming t In the beavenly mansions there.s Mmfr. Fred Green, Bowmanvllle IJ THE 810 FAMILY SIZI 79C English Health Salis with glass 39C Kerslake's Sweet Plckle Mixture for cucwnbers and beets 1 gal. 3ft Hay Fever Relief Haytone - - 25c-0oc Grays BaIm - 25e-0o jRas Mah - 5o - $1.00 NyaI Noie Dtrops 25o Eistwin -- - $1.25 Benzedine Inhaler 50o Chaues Catarrh Powder 83k Palmolive Soap 4.22c' 10 Cakes Castile 25o 1 'Bar Castie 150 For Tender Feet Nu-Feet - - 25C Abadrbine Jr. 98C-1.95 Sorbo - 50oc- 98o Olympene 50c $1.00 Blue Jay Pads 25c Soholes Foot Bahu 35o HOE TS EWBNDFTTRSE 69 .R.CW IGflmB.DLE Bowmanville Beach Grows In P@pularity Bowmanville Beach is neaning the completion cf one of its most successful seasons. *Not for many years bas the popularity and ne- putation cf this summer resont grown te sucis extent, and Bow- manville shculd be proud te state that holiday visitons corne for hundreda- et miles just te enjoy tise beautitul wide sandy beaches, the blue waters cf Lake Ontario, and the bospitable nature cf the * esidents. The Civic Holiday sports this year were aise above tise usuel standard, and many Bowrnanville citizens who usually go eut of *own for the weekend thaught il worth thein while te patranize thein own beach. They feund eut that it was. As well as the Sports Day, a cemrnunity weiner roast sras held whicb praved. te be a highlight cf the sumnier. Tise Beach Association dance Lrew one cf the largeat crowds sinde ite inauguration, with the association netting a considerable ancunt, mucsh i excess cf former yeans. Everyone agreed that the dance was one cf the most suc- 'essful held. As well as the .residents cf tise beacb enjoying the tacilities cf tie resont, many yachts, cruisers and sailboate bave been seen in the barbour. These travellers are alac numbered among the many satisfied touriste. The barbon, at times, seemed ta regain some of ts aid glory wben Port Darling- ton was the buslest port between Toronto and KCingston. Most et the cottagers will be clasing up this weekend and ne- turning te their city bornes, but irill be neturning -next year hop- mg that next season's adtivities will prove ta be as entertaining and pleasune-giving as this. Inc ubatens relieve old bens of alot of responsibility. t t t a r s t] ti E si cg t e ai BISHOP 0F THE ARCTIC SPEAXKS AT ST. JOHN'S Rev. A. F: Fleming, Bishap of the Arctic, who returned recent- ly fronM Aldavilc, N.W.T., where he assistedi in consecrating the new Anglican Ail Saints Church, wiil preach at St. John'8 Anglican Church, Sunday marning. Corne and hear bis Interestmng message. THE -TEUTHALJ REVER 1.Ii) vi I.- Cool Off At Carter's Everyone' stops to est and drink at Carter'o Lunch Room and Soda FPountain. There you will find deliciouî and thirst-quenching ice cream sodas, soft drinks, sundaeî aiud lunches you'Ul enjoy-Drop i for mals wheu the wif e's away. Tliey're good and reasonable. .SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END S un Valley SD9Uý Layer Cak4ý.................... Fresh Peacbple .................. 25eç Freub P.ach Sanda. ................... 25c THE CARTER FAMILY Buy From 'tour Bowmanvllle Baker nhoue 855 BSaker. for Two Generations ---e Are Your Braktes Sie? WE CAN MAKE THEM HOLD. Our seventeen years of service * l your assurance of work weli done at fair prices. Dsrtlett's Sheli Station & Garage Ring St. East Bowmanville DRY CLEANINO SPECIAL GOODU CALLED FOR LND DELIVEkED DRESSES piecepwan 29# . IlI IEconomy Cleaners JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvmle 1 4 WE TEST BYES AND FIT TRUSSES. mumumw THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY. AUGUST 24.1939 v Films Déveloped Free You lave 1o on eaoch roll of film and get Deokie Edge or Art Border Prints at the smre colt as o0"n rpic- tures-. Pinkhm' 100 Outex LUX comp. ASB.A. Tabu. poIleh Soap 87c 19C Ise 3 for Ise NOVA KELP TABLETS Provide vitans and emntial minerals 150 tébs. 79e 300 -$139 750-$2.79

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