THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SPORT._NEWS Royals Win- First Two Games In Playoff Series With Pfort Hope THURSDA" SGAllE Sailingon the wings of a grand slam sock from the bot of Alex Colville, the Bowmranville Rayais mode a succesotul start in the defence of their Lakeshore League titie by defeoting the Port Hope Ontarias 5 ta 3 here on Thursday in the first of a three in five ser- ies. Baffled by the southpaw siants of Tommy Pointer, the Port Hope ace pitcher, stace the first inning while Uic Ontarias staged o spurt et their own ta tic Uic score, ei Rayais put on a breath-taking- attack ta the eighth ta dlaim the verdict. With one down, husky Tex Rickard smashed a triple ta the scorebaard. He was stifl on third with twa out when Colvile picked out one of Pointer's cheicest and bumped it over the left field woil ta make victary certain. Lcfty Ed. Witheridge, who has hod the Ontarios eating out of his bond ail year, pitched just threc balla ta the ninth ta finish thegame. Ail tald the Bowman- ville portsider hcld Port Hope ta six hits and walked four whilc fanning thrcc. The Rayais mode but eight hits but they bunched seven of these in the tirst and eighth innings and six of those hits had a part in the run-niaktag. Pointer dlaim- cd six strike-outs and walkcd three. 'For seven franies it looked as if Witheridge had o shutout victory wropped up for delivcry, espcc- iaily alter sanie dumb base-run- ning had squashed two pramising Port rallies. But, o ictting down of the defensive barriers in Uic first hall of thc eighth cnabied the Hopers ta drow up on even ternis. Wiliams baoted anc ta start things off and whcn Dawley dropped a double behtad third it put men an second and third. Phillips came in ta hit for Moise and poppcd o single off the handie over third ta scarç two runis. When Rickard let thc throw ta get away tram him. Phillips wcnt ahl the way ta third tram where lie scored on an infield out. Alter filling the bases ta Uic second stanza ta no àail Uic On- tarios put men on second and third with none out in the third without getting any farther. The next btter hit ta Witheridge and ta the cnsuing run dawn bath runners wer rctired. The Cameron clan had stam- SATURDAY'S GAME 1 Riding ta victary on the margin of an uneorned eight inning run, the Bawmanvillc Rayais mode it two stroight over the Port Hope Ontarios on Saturdoy in the lat- ter town, the final caunt being 4 ta 3. As in thc game on Wednesday, the Rayais strode into a three-run lead only ta have thc battlîng Ontarios tic it up. However, while thc deciding marker was consid- erably tainted, the first twa Part Hope taliies were oSao of the gift -variety. Which means that the actual score should have been 2 ta 1 in Bowmonvîlie's favaur. Dave Osborne .was hit hord during his seven innings tenure on Uic mound but lie tightened up ta the pinches and Uhs plus fine fielding kept the Ontarios away tram the plate. Twicc Port Hope men wcre cut down ot the plate when they became a littie too bold. On the other side of the iedger was the seven hit hurling of New- castle Bll Brunt but three of these hîts along with an error and a sacrifice f ly produced hre runs for the Rayais in the fourth. Althaugh the Ontario righthander olowed four hits less thon Os- borng, he donated thrce waiks whule the Bowmianvile twirler had perfect contrai. Ed. Witheridge toak over the peded inta a thrce-run iead in the first trame, a iead that lookcd like a million for seven innings. Siemon singled and with two out, lie stole second and Rickard, Wil- lioams and Coiville singied ta suc- cession ta manufacture the trio of runs. Port Hope Hudson, If Johnstan, 3b Patta, 2b Dawiey, cf Moise,s Phillips, ss Wakely, rf Edwardson, lb Rawcliffe, c Pointer, p Totals Bowmanville Walton, 2h Siemon, lb Osborne, 3b Rickard, c WiDuams, ss Colville, If Bogneli, cf Roach, rf Witheridge, p AB R HPO A 5 01 00 5 00 22 3 1 003 3 1 130 30 02 7 11 11 0 40 20 0 b 4 O 1 il O 2 00 51 4 00 00 34 3 6 24 13 AB R H PO A 3 0 022 4 1 2 10 0 40 02 4 42 23 2 41 12 1 4 121 0 30 14 0 ~20 02 2 >30 01 5 Totals 31 5 8 27 16 6 TIRED EET TRuns batted in, Phillips 2, Wake- ly, Rickard, Colville 4; Two-base hits, Dawiey; Three-base hits, # Rickard; Home run, Colville; Stol- bou iP %4A, en bases, Siemon 2, Bagneil 2, ï #&ek Roach 1; Lef t on bases, Port Hope' 8, Bowmanville 6; Double plays, Witheridge ta Osborne ta Rickard ta Witheridge ta Walton ta Wil- liams, Roach ta Slemon 2, Potts ta Moise ta Edwardson; Bases on balls, Pointer 3, Witheridge 4; Hit by pitcher, by Witheridge, ~ I I Potts; Strike-outs, Pointer 6, v = Witheridge 3; Wild pitch, With- eridge. Unipires-Fair, Oshawa, and Gibson, Cobourg. BACK TO SCHOOL Means New Clothes We have everything in clothes for sohool girâb and boys. Comnein while there ia plenty of time. Select Boys'- SWECATER8 SUITS BOOKS ODD TROUSERS And Girls- DREUSE SIRTS BLOU13ES ROSE AND UNDERTEINGI LADIES ATTENTION 'à shipmnt of NewVil DxUeSuCats hm. just arrived. MUL- -- -11W e - iz .- mate«lahlstyles sud Colos. Drop iii today for COU OSTON &CRYDERMAN IPhono 8M0LDITED Bowmanvilfle i ing and timciy hitttag of the Trenton Yourex in the f irst gaine of Uic O.A.S.A. Intermediate B playdowns here on Tuesday 'by a 12 ta 4 score. Sparked by Uic beilant speed- bail hurling of Bruce Burtt, Uic visitars turned ta a fieldtag dis- play which was marred by only anc errar. In contrast ta Uisyper- tection, the local crew was guilty et frequent lapses and these breaks were aiways made Uic most of by Uic hustling Trenton- ites. I Acc Richiards gave up tourteen hits including three hemers and a triple, but better support wouid have hclpcd him out ef sanie bad situations. Johnny James and Bert Colwell shared four et Uic Bowmanville hall dozen hits, Uic tormer's drives good for two and four bases. Each hurler hung up a record af six strikeouts and Richards gave up three walks, onc more thon donated by Burtt. A sngle by Cain and a double by Richards gave Uic Yaultcx a mu n thUi second and homers by Ca and Roberts, each with a mon on base boosted th~e margin ta five in the fourth. A triple by Richards following a walk and a single prapclled two more over Uic plate in the fifth before Uic home club could dint Uic scar- tag colunin. Johnny James was respanaible for Uic tirat two rune mode by Uic locale as lic pumped a Uine hamner between lett and centre with Brough on base. A grand lani by Ellis, an errer and a sac- rifice got those two bock for Trenton in Uic scventh ofttr they had taliied once in Uic sixth. They concluded their scortag in Uic ninth whcn Richards thrcw itt right field atter fieldtag a bunt with two out and twa on. Bowmanvllle did Uic second hait et their run-making in Uic eighth. James forced Brough who had scratchcd a single over third, Colwell doubled ond bath scorcd when Uic Trentan tiret baseman failed ta hold Uie builet Business Directory Legal MNL G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bownanvfle W. a. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank cf Montteal Money ta Laan. Phone .791. Bownianville, Ontaria. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553., Dental DR. 1. C. DEVIIT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sismon Graduate of Rayai Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office heurs 9 a.m. ta 6 daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 888. X-Ray Equipment in Office. Funerai Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORSi Service, any hour, any day. F. F. Morris Co. Modern Mtor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invaiid Car. Cail Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer Licenhed Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Raniton, Ont. Spociallafnt in Paras, Llvegtook, Implemonts and Furnlture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Termes and Dato to: Bownville 2428. Bowmanvillc, notorlously weak with Uic wilaow this year, used their hits ta Uic biggcst advant- age. On Thursday, six af their eight lits figurcd ta the scaring. On Saturday__thUy only wasted Uire et their seven sateties. Most et Uic breaks have been with Uic localsis t US aries, but many authorities wlil teil you thot a good team makes its own breaks. Ed. Withcridge has conttaued ta, show his mastery aver Uic On- tarlos. In Uic tirst cantest he ai- lowed six bits and he taced only six men in the two chukkers he pltched. on Saturdoy.' Dave Os- borne gave hini great support on third ta Uic game here while Bill Bagneli mode two ofthUi fincat plao f Uic ycar. On anc occasion Bill went ncarly ta Uic scoreboard ta hld Wakely toaa single and in Uic ninth inning lie came it astota ika o 10winer off his shacatring. Bob Kent went bock ta third on Saturday and turned in a fine game. Evcry throw was rlght on and he aise picked up a hit. Tex Rickard and Alex Colville werc the heroes of Uic tirat game. Tex slammcd a pitch to the scoreboard pitching duties in the eighth stan- throw of shortstop Ells on Red za when Osborne was given the Haoper's slow happer. gate for throwing his bat after Lineups: Trenton-Bowden 3b; striking out. The Royal sout hpaw Baker If; Cooke cf; V. Burtt rf; faced only six men in the two Câin lb; Ellis ss; Roberts 2b; innings. Richards c, and B. Burtt p. Only the minimumn of nine men Bowninville-A. Osborne Sb; faced Brunt in the first three Brough cf; James lb; Colwell 2b; frarnes but seven men went taO0. Haper c; Bagneil ss; Moore If; bat in the fourth before he could R. MclC-night and F. Mutton rf; retire the side. Walton opened the Richards p. H. Hooper botted for rally with a single inta left and Osbarne in ninth. went ail the way ta third when Trenton 010 421 202-12 14 1 Brunt threw Slemon's perfect Bow'vile 000 002 020- 4 6 5 bunt into right field. Siemon stole Unipires Kennedy, Treilýo#, and second and bath runners scored as Hobbs, Bowmanville. Dave Osborne licd a double _________ through the fence in'deep right centre field. An errar on Williams' LOCAL ALL-STARS tap pushed Osborne ta third froni where he scored after Colville DEFEAT TRENTON sent a long fly ta Hudson in left IN SECOND GAME field. This iead lasted until the ____ seventh although the margin was Turning on a fighting brand of narrowed ta one run in the fifth. bail that refused ta be denied, Moise llned a hit into centre field the Bowmanville Ail-Stars turned ta start the fifth and when Bag- the tables on their Trenton rivais neil dropped Rowcliffe's wind by winning the second gome or' blown hoist after a long run, men the series 7 ta 3 in Trenton on were on second and third with Frîdoy, ta tie up the -round. none out. Brunt and Douglas Sparkea by Red Hoaper, the went out ta Slemon unassisted Ail-Stars scored in six ef the and it looked as if the rally had nîne innmngs but only once were been stopped but Williams bobbl- te bet hs ééto n ed agrond wityHuadhit andc run home in an inning. Starting Potts followed thai oac in their second time at bat, they caunt for two runs. counted singletons in the next five It took four hits ta knat the ýframes, the last two runs coming count in the seventh. Brunt sîngi- in the nJnth. ed but was forced at second, Phil- Although Trenton secured ten lips stale second and had third hits off the delivery 0f Ace Rich- pilfered when Hudson baunced ta ards, thçy were unable te cape Williams who faked the runner with the brillant play et the bock ta thîrd and then was too White Rase garbed visitors wha late ta get Hudson at first. How- were best with men on bases. Ail ever, Phîllips sprinted for the the scoring for the lasers came plate but Rickard dug Slemon's in the sixth inning, the lut run throw out of the dirt and tagged being unearned. hini out. Patts cannected for his Three errors were marked up third hit and wheni Dawley drap- against each team, but these com- ped a hit just out of Walton's mitted by Trenton proved more reach, Hudson ambled home. damaging. Although, Bruce Burtt, With the score ail even, John- who like Richards, Was making stan threw wild ta first ta give his second start of the series, Siemon a life, and a wild pitch fanned nine before giving woy ta put him on second. Osborne Euls in the ninth, he wa]ked f ive swung himself right out of the and two of these passes blossomed game on a bad third pitch and into runs. Richards had perfect Rickard popped ta third with contrai and struck out four. Siemon stili langulshtag on sec- A one-handed stab by right- ond. But Don Williams made up tielder V. Burtt ot a low liner for his former miscue by popping from the bat of Red Hoaper in a single behind third and Siemon the first inning prevented the Ail- trotted home with the payoff Stars tram 'scoring in that frame tally. and when the tirst twa batters for Bex Scere Trentan singled in their hall, Bowmnvile P R POA Ethings looked bad. However brul- Bwlan 2b 4AB R HP2 A E liant tielding kept the homesters Wlon, lb 4 21 1 24 0 away tram the plate. Sbeon, lb 4 2 1 14 1 0 Red James carried the first run Oithride, 4 1 1 0 0 0 over the plate ta the second when Withride, 0 00 00 0he hit the first ot his two doubles Rickard, c 4 0 1 8 0 0 and scored when Roberts let Mc- Woillem, If 3 0 1 0 4 1 Knight's drive go through his legs. covle f 4 0 0 2 0 0 Mason wolked in the third, went Bagneli, c 0201ta third when Hooper doubled, Roach, rf 2 0 1 0 1 0 and carried in the second run on a Kent, 3b 4 0 1 1 3 0, wild pitch. McKnight reached - ---first on an errar ta open the rotais 33 4 7 27 131,2 fu n aeterudo Port Hope AB R H PO A E faut and modnge thround one Doas, PhliS 3 0 0 2 1 0middle by Ace Richiards. (a) hillps 10 0 0 0 Two hits in the fourth by Johnstan, 3b 1 0 O 1 0 1 Trenton threatened, the visitors Hudson, If 5 1 2 1 0 0 lead before Mason made a nice Dawle, cf 4 0 32314 catch of a 10w liner in centre ta Wokely, cf 4 0 '2 1 0 0 hait the squall. Ai Osbornçpupmp- wardson, lb 4 0 0 1 0 0 ed a grand slani sock ta dOep Moiase, lb4 0 1 9 0 0 centre ta produce a fifth inntag Rowife, c 4 1 1 1 1 0run and singles by McKnight and runtif, c 4 1 1 7 2 i Bagneil plus an out sent the fifth Brnt 40 -tally home in the sixth. Tota- - 383 - 2-9-3V. Burtt started the sixth inn- <oa)-batedforDoulas2n7 te9 ig3 rllyfor Trenton by homer- (a)-attd fr Dogla intheing into left centre. Caine and seventh. Ells followed with singles and Runs batted in, Poots, Dawley, bath scored on a sacrifice tly and Osborne 2, Colville, Williams; an error. However that concluded Two-base hits, Edwardson, Hud- the run-making for the home club son, Osborne; Sacrifice hits, Col- while Bowmanville made victary ville; Stalen bases, Phillips, Sie- certain by goining twa more in mon, Williams 2; Left an bases, the ninth, drivtag Burtt ta the Port Hope .8, Bowmanville 6; bench ta the process. Mason Double play, Brunt ta Edwardson; singled, Osborne and Hooper Strike-auts, Brunt 7, Osborne 3, walked and James poked- his Witheridge 2; Bases on bals, second double over first, driving Brunt 3; Wid pitch, Brunt; Win- home Masan and Osborne. L4ne- ning pitcher, Osborne. 'Umpires- ups: Fair, Oshawa, and Gibson, Ca- Bowmanville-Bagnell, ss; Ma- bourg, son, cf; A. Osborne, 3b; O. Hoop- er, c; C. Osborne, 2b; James, lb; TRE TO SO UB LL MlKight, rf;, Braugh, If;Rih TEAM WINS FURST UN Tanto-odn, Sb; Baker PLAYDOWNS 1HERE rf; Caine, lb; C. Euls, ss; Roberts, The Bwmanille2b; Richards, c; B. Burtt and S. Th Bwa. le A-StrsElls, p. MERCHANTPS TEAM TIED WITH RIJBBERS IN SEMI-FINALS The Front Street on-and-offers were definitely on Monday night as they handed the Goodyears a 13 ta 8 defeat ta draw up onl even terins ini the semi-finals of the mushball league. Not'until the ultimate winners had a safe lead were the rubber,- men able ta dint the plate with any degree approaching regular- ity. Seven of their eight runs came in the iast four frames whiie the Front Street scoring was spread over five different innings. Piper, Murphy and AI Osborne did their best ta keep Goodyears in the game, sharing fine of the ciub's twelve hits. James, Hub. Hooper. and Harrison each had three hits for the Clerks. Although Front Street only garnered one more hit than their opponents, AI Osborne was con- veniently wild at the proper times, handing out six passes while Wight was stingy to the extent of flot giving any. Johnny James followed a walk ta Rundie with a homer in the first franie ta give the Hooper- men a working margin whiie three wallcs, an infield hit by Brough and a fielder's choice doubled the margin in the second. Woodward got a life on an error and made the circuit ini the third for the initial Goodyear tally. An error, a perfect bunt by Hoaper, a walk a bit by Harrison and a sacrifice f ly produced a trio of runs for Front Street in the fifth. Hub Hooper started the seventh with a triple and after McIlveen and Harrison had singl- ed, Richards drove a lime hit ta centre that eluded Woodward for a homer. McIlveen followed James, double with a homer for the final tWo runs ini the eighth. Goodyear tallied twice in the sixth as Piper, Murphy and Os- borne hit with an error thrown in for good measure. Murphy homered ater R. McKnight had been sent ta first when Hooper was accused of tipping. his bat. Osborne doubled and Colwell tripled and along with an infield out these hits meant another two runs ini the eighth while the ninth inning score came on singles by Murphy and Osborne and a wild pitch. Goodyears- R. McKnight rf; Piper ss; Murphy lb; O. Hooper c; Osborne p; Coiwell 2b; Oke 3b; D. McKnight if, and Woodward cf. Front Street-Mason 3b; Brough cf; Rundie rf; James lb; H. Hooper c; Mcllveen If; Harrison 2b; Richards ss, and Wight P. Goadyears ool1002 221-8 12 1 Front Street 220 030 42x-13 13 4 Umpires-Hobbs and Tweedle. Bricks and Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE As this is written the Royals have two victories tucked away in the defence of their Lakeshare League Intermediate title, and by the tinie this appears in print, they may be champs again or they may be preparing for the fourth game. ** - Be that as it Inay, the Rayais copped the first twa decisions in spectacular fashion and while the Port Hope fans are groaning that it was luck and nothing else, the fact remains that Bowmnanville is just one game away frani their f if th championship in six years. And when you delve down into the innirtgs by inmings play, you find that the edge lies with the Cameron clan. True, there were two out in bath scoring stanzas in the first game, and it is aiso true that an errbr gave the Rayais the wmnning run in Saturday's clash. But Port Hope runs were not without taint. Monday's Port Hope paper won- ders what the Ontarios have ta do to win a game. It points Out that the Ontarias outhit the Rayais and moans that it was stupid base-runining that ruined their chances. Well here is a hint ta the Port Hope teamn. Just Play better bail and you will generally win. Reédily wil we admit that the Ontarios staged sanie weird work on the base paths. And undoubt- edly this helped the Rayais, but only one #of the Port Hope runs was earled on Saturday while +î 1el loca istree ePrrors in the 1 1 - - 1 1 *1~_____________________________ for a triple and Colville buniped one over the fence ta brtag home the win ta dramatic fashion. Coi- ville had an eventtul night as he drove home tour of the tive local runs and ta the field the sun gat in his eyes and he drapped o fly, the first ancelie has missed since joining the team. And he was aimast taken out for a pinch hitter ta thot tateful elghth. Dave Osborne was tossed out of the gamne when he tlung his bat agoinst the grandstand after tanning on a bad pitch ta the eighth an Soturday. It appeared as if Umpire Reg Fair was being o littie too strict hy ejecting, Os- borne. It was plata ta everybody ta the park that Osborne was disgustcd only with hiniself. Incidentaliy, residents of King Street are warned not ta be alarmed if they see Dave pushing a wheel-barrow up thc main drag soon. At the first of the seoson, Osborne agreed ta wheci Tramner Scotty Wright troni Hodgson's ta. the post office if he struck out at any tume during the season. Saturday was the first tume Os- borne has gone out swinging, aithough he has twice been called out. Provided the Rayais take the Lakeshore titie, the next series wiil be againat the Haltan County winners ta an O.B.A. bulletin. That likely means that Oakville wiil be the next part ot coul. If Part Hope wins the third game, which is quite passible, the fourth will be ta Port Hope an Saturday. If o fifth is necessary, it wiil be ta Bowmanville next Wednesday ot 5.30. Bowmanville Ahl-Stars pulled quite a surprise when they in- vaded Trenton and came out with a deserved 7 to 3 verdict. Ace Richards was right bock on the mound and with every mon giv- tag hini fine support, the Ace came through. He gave up the sanie number of hits as Bowman- ville callected but he was superb in the ciutch. Red Hoaper wos the real spark plug of the teoni as he held up Richards ta taultiess style and kept the rest of the teani on its re- spective toes. Two changes were mode ta thè Uine-up tram the first gaine. Park Osborne took over second base when Colwdl was unable ta make the trip and Don Maon went ta centre field with Brough moving aver. ta left. Park was the only man unable ta get a hit, but iack ot proctice was the reason. He wos aise lest without a giove atter ployingr first base ail seasan. Maon turned in perfect defensive bal and drew two walks and a hit in tive trips ta the plate. Front Street.were good measure for their win when they evened the semi-tinal series with Good- years on Mondoy night. Timmy Wight was seldoni in trouble while Front Street, taklng o note tram the Rayais way of daing thinga, bunched their hits. Os- borne hurt hiniseIf by giving up six walks. Only two errors were mode behind hini ond only ane had a part in the scoring. Wood- ward roamed for and wide in centre field for Goodycars al- though he spoilcd his wark by net playing safe on two drives, bath gaing for homers. Front Street had a big break whcn Tweedle failed ta cou aa runner out for interfering with Piper when the latter wos trying ta field o bail. Howevcr, - they still were full value for their win. How many people have notioed that the Front Street fortunes turned upward when Richards was stationed ot short? He is a fielding wizard and is getting his share of hits, although that is net his strong forte. Bowmanville had their tirst taste and first glinipse- at O.A.S.A. brand of mushboll on Tuesday and they seemed ta lilce it. The Bawmanvile attack was weak and the outfield could have been improved. One of the local hits, a double by James, wasao high Popper behind second which the infield ieft ta the auter detenoe: Either of the keystane defenders could have taken it with'ease. The outfield oppeored ta be mixed up on their signais a few times with costly results-It would have helped if the field had been mawn but uncertoinity as' te where the game wauld be played prevented that. Here and there - Horror of horrors, a sparts scribe mode a mistake ... Guy writtag Bricks and Bouquets colunin In States- mon stated last week that every Royal pitcher had lest o game. .Seems thot Osborne has lest twa while Philiips missed the lass colunin. .. Correction due THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT ta Mr. Wltheridge, the sanie chappie whe does a spot et huri- ing now and again.. Cobourg Intermediates been allowed to, enter Intermediate B playotta. ..At present they are standing by.. . Oshawa JuigIrs drpped second straight ganiLwto Cobourg 8-7, due moinly ta bad declalen by umpire, according ta reports. ..Soup Camipbell ta Oshawa Tmes says the Countytowners are better leain and should take the series... Hi'ya Tlcker... Sandy Colville had three hits on Saturday. .. Cronibie hasn't been in elther ..m... The Goodyeark Wingfoot, coninenting on Front Street-Goodyear game, refers ta Hub Hooper as "Hug» Hooper.. Maybe they have something there. ..Very little crabbing in Mondoy night's softball game. .. Aiso anc of tastest games of years. .. One hour ta play eight and a ha]f- innings... Eleven of thirteen men used on Ail-Stars ta date picked on this column's teamn. .. New hat now needed by author.. First gome aof Salemi-Providence finals likely ta be on Saturday night at Cream of Barley. Haydon Recent Visitars: Mr. and Mrm. O. Orr, Narris and Glenn, Larder Lake, ot Mr. L. Ashton's... Mrs. R. W. Doane and family, Montreol, Mr. King Kent, Paris, at Mrs. t. Mountjoy's... Masters Allan Werry, Enniskiflen, Glenn Tamblyn, Orono, with Roald and Ross Ashtn... Mrs. M. Green- wood and Mr. E. Bradley at Mr. Wm. Greenwaad's, Orano.. Masters Keith and Ronald Stain- ton, Guelph, at Mr. Wm. Tre- wins... Mr. and Mrs. J. Gra- hami, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hall and Clitton, Oshawa' at Mrs. D. Graham's... Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton and family, Mrs. H. Werry at Mr. M. Tamblyn, Orono. ..Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thanipson, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thomp- son's. It. looks as thougli thc old Mid- way, is gone for ever tramn the Canadian National Exhi b ition. "Potty" Cankiin, ace Canadian showman and Carnival operotor, has mode such à success of the new Frolexland-the Exhibition's own amusement area-that it is gaing ta be conttaued this year and of course, it will be bigger and better than ever.