PAGE NINE TaB RONO.N EWis the Messrs. Brown and Haaey have and baby and Mr. O. W. Scott Ori taken their harses ta Belleville. spont Sunday in Peterbara. me Miss Thampson, Newtanville, la Mr. Grant Seymour and Misses prE guct ai Mrs. W. S. Roy. Joan and Jean Seymour have re- Bo- Miss Ednah Stutt, Graiton, is turned ta Toronto. cas visitlng here. Rev. and Mrsà S. Littlewood and Or, Mis Edth owa viitc hee.Manley return irom their month's j Mis dthCwa vste er.vacation this wcek. eni Miss Marion Green visited in g Cohawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bucklcy, Bill o and Charlie, Sutton, visited rela- h Mra. Lydia Hawdcn, Cavan, tives here. do vlpted Mrs. Jas. Eagleson. Messrs. Bob and John Keane, 1 Mr. Frank McMullen is visiting Toronto, spent the wyeekcnd at ws here. home. Wi Du Mr. Don Hammn was home irom Mr. and Mrs. Stephons and son, Th Jacksan's Point. Part Hope, visited lier mother, an . Mr. Jack Cobblodick, Toronto, Mrs. W. J. Cowan. ft spent the weekend at home. Col. Bert Bounsail and iamily, sir 1fr. Douglas Thampsan, Toron- Bowmanvilio, are camping i theM to,was guest ai Mrs. W. S. Roy. park. H1 Some fronm here attended the Mr, A. Whyte, Toronto, visited Pr Sherwln picnic. his brother, Mr. F. B. Whytc, and i Mr. Paul Snodgrass la ta under- Mrs. Whytc. Os go an operatian Friday., Mrs. Roper, Toronto, her dau- At .Miss Doris Whyte has rcturnied ghter Mrs. Marsh and twa, chil- ta home front an enjoyabie vacation. dren, Montreal, are visitmng at ca Mr. John Milison, B.Sc., Wel- Major J. C. Gamey's. G: land, spent the weekend at home. Miss Eilecn Riddell entortain- St MrSaderon Peeroro vs-ed fricnds Wednesday aiternoan Cc Mr, Sadeson Pteror, vs-in honar af Miss Hazel Wood, Gc ited rel atives here Sunday. popular bride-ta-be. Miss Margaret Roy visited in Mr. Milton Green was instruct- ni, Toronto. ing Rasa Mercer in the art aif a 1fr. and Mra. Farrow visitcd boak-kocping. Ross plans ta keep Jhis sistor, Mrs. I. Winter, Sunday. booksi his father's garage. Mr. Cliff Barrett, N ap a neec, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carleton vsited here.. and Rose, Mrs. A. G. Piggatt and Mr. Rai Hall, Cobarne, was in daughter Glory, are visiting Mr. la' Orona Saturday. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. ai Miss Helen Foster, Campbell- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Steven- hi crot, spent Tuesday wth Miss son, Montreal, are halidaying with ?r Margaret Roy. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James In Miss. Ber-tha Doncaster, Toron- Stevenson, Cob Hill. 7T to, la guest ai Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mra. G. F. Rawe and gE Richards. Barbara, Ottawa, and Miss M. E. d -Mr. and Mrs. R E. Logan and Rowe, Jiaa er ekn Jean are movmng this week ta the guests ai Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. se A. J. Knox house. Miss Earline and Master Bill m Orona won aver West Side 12- Grady, Hanmilton, visited their 6 I the woekend game at Bow- grandmother, Mra. C. G. Mrm- st manville in soitball.m strong.n The militia lef t for Trenton Orono Band iavourcd with a Pl Sunday. The armouries la guard- program Saturday cvening an 'w ed ay ndnigt.Main Street, and the music was e: eD altnWe and the isse much appreciated. Watr ornto, vstd their Mr. and Mra. Fralick and g1 girad oro,rs..itetr. daughter Ruby, Toronto, were ira. S. Las, Mrs. I. Doery guests ai Mrs. L. Fralick and Miss 01 Toronto, were weekend guests ai M. Dallcvy.lig e sci 1fr. and Mra. Howard Walsh. M0.W1aeStriglae Kiry yungpepiehada se-shortly for England. Wallace is k Xirb yong eopl ha a pe-son ai Rev. Wm. Stirling, a for- clal young peaple's service Sun- mer pastar ai Park St. UnitedS day evening. Church. Mfr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosbarough Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson, ____________________Messrs. John, Harper 'and Fletch- or Carscadden, Kondal, and Mr. and Mra. Fred Robinson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mra. E. Evans. M B B-- 1 Rev. S. Littlcwaod will accupy '7 MOT, his pulpit next Sunday.We trust h tat he and bis wife and son had im NE E aM T most enjoyabie anid restful va--E CE T Y OU URPr J. J. Mllor chose "Peace"v as his topia for sermon Sunidaya YOU and your baby both need s"Lee. Tb&5 ,mong.Ti ahslstS - la a sure and esY wsto get IL. ~t Mr$. dyorg.tis wathelatoSun-v B-., Jr., of Winena,0 itario, teil you lu he day fortlng td he place ofv. own *ord&: "Nigt alter n t as Somu as we S iteodwowso aa wold ge s luedinbcd, .1aby' would start tion. ceylug.. .Baby's Own Tablets dsanged ail Mr n is rn aio ti. Wat a blesed relief." M.adMs rn aio Iu uo seule are these "sleepuj" tabiet. and dlaughters Elenor and.Doris Tbey contiunuo piates or stupeflug drups Dawson, Lindsay, accompanied by+ sud are abaoluteiy barmiless. But thcy promote Mrs. Dawsaf's mother, Mra. lHt-i heatbful slePb y promPtly uiskiug the fil ie alsnBiibrvsdC baby wel. flhc well baby seps souudly. tiEgesnBalbravstd Baby's OWu Tablets briug qulck relief f rom Mr. and Mra. Jas. Eagleson., must of «baby's" nils.-Teetblug troules, cou- Port Hope Band, natty i redt am luic ple croup aud colâi.11 thees. and blue uniorma, iavarod withi 25 ens.Y.moue-' refubded Il YV a splendid prograrninh Orono Park1 neffective. Sunday aiternoon. Each itemn was1 greatiy enjoyed by the largej crowd present.f Aniang the varlous picnic Par- 1 ties who visited aur park on Sun- a day werc the Taylor and, Marlaw familles oi Nestieton, and the Mc- 1 C U TS Kinstry family ai Oshawa. TheY c ightThroug!i . yonBoinn le miriam Miller and her mather, OG NG Napanco, Mra. A ,Nwate ad Mr. Eldon Gilliespie, Ottawa. werc guestsoi fMr. and Mra. W. DH. RTwH. DIRT Considerabie change has taken ___________ place ini the fair graund this' - week. The platiormn for the1 ST ue Gllet'sPur Plisesquare dancing conteat has been TUSTUeGletaPr built, and the fnce mvd back j Le rll..adyu ta enlargo the starting position LeP' sink drains ean an r- for the races. A bec was held ning freely. It wiU flot harni yestcrday. enaniel or plunibing. Banisnies Mr. Robt. Preston, Midland, unpleasant adora ýas itnlas. wsl Orona Tuesdiay and aiso visitedi Klrby. Robcr-usd. t eN.w.r diuaimi. lysi i o aterUN. The action ofithe . a . tisU eit h. atel. Canadien Pacifie .NEWCASTLE ROAD Tar and Gravel Surface To Be Started - Five Mon WIlI Be Employed The Law Construction Camp- any ai St. Catharines shipped a large supply ai machinery ta Lindsay, preparatory ta starting work an a five mile stretch ai the Lindlàay-NewcastiO Highway. The campany wiil lay a tar and gravel surface on the highway, corm- mencing at the end ai the asphait stretcb an the Lindsay-Durham boundary ta Porter's Corner. It is said that about five mon wiii be empioyed in connectian with the work. FAMILYPICNICS THE COWAN PIICNIC The second annual pîcnic of LCowan Clan was held at rono Park, August 26th, when a >st enjoyabie time was spent inh Leting aid friends. Guesta were ý reent from Toronto, Oshawa, d owmanville, Port Hope, New- 9* it itle, Kendal, Newtonville andd rono. 0E A good program of sports was sj jayed by the younger people m resent. At six o'clock à11 sat tI Dwn ta tables laden with good I ings to which full justice was j one. p Followlng supper the gatherlng ti rs called to order by T. A. Reid, arden of the United Counties of t] urham and Northumb e r1ind. homas Cowan, and George Cow- nspoke brieily. Mr. Reid made d ting reference ta the passing on v Ice last, year ai aur president, s r. W. J.. Cowan, Orono, and Mrs. v [oneywell. These officers were el1e ct ed: 'esident - George Cowan, Orona; r t Vice Pres. - W. W. Cawan, c )hawa; 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. 1~ Lustin Turner, Newcastle; Secre- t ary - Mirs. Charles Cawan, New- a astie; Treasurer - Mrs. Anson t ;Uroy, Kendal; Convener of :anding Committee - T. A. Reid; 1 'nvener Sports Comm. - Thos. .wan. t It was decided ta hold the pic- ic next year either the third or îurth Saturday in June. BLACK-SHERWIN PICNIC The annual re-unlon ai the re-à atives ai the late Samiuel Black id hia wife Mary Sherwin was ild at Victoria Park, Cobaurg, in August l9th. There were 150 nattendance at the tea, hour. rhis is the llth re-unian and it eets better every year. The gathering was called ta or- ler by the president, Mr. Will îbb, Cambarne, and in the ab- mce ai Miss Helen Black, her mother read the minutes. New officers are: George Arm- rong, Toranto, president; Nor- man Sherwin, Roseneath, vice- resident; isa McCullach, Her- waod, sec.-treas.; Sports conven- r, Ewart Alger, Oshawa. it was decidedta hold the 1940 athcrmng at Cobourg.. There was a splendid pragram Dsprt unoff by the convener, Miltn JbbBaltimore. The day iaosed with a bail gaine. Every- one rcported a iirst css time and lok iarward ta anather year ai ocial visitlng., Starkville Visitars: Mr. Victor Farrow vas in Port Hope. . . Mrs. Bert Trim and soin Raymond with Mrs. Silver... Mirs. S.' G. Halla- weil and daughters with Mrs. C. Reid, Newtanville. . . Mr. and~ Mtrs. Fred Wilson, Perrytawn, with Mrs. Warren Carson. .. Mr. and Mra. S. G. Haliawell, Misses SNorma and Beulah Hallowcli, Mr. Claude Henry, in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Yulc and son, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mira. Wmn. Savcry's. They with Mr. and Mrs. Savery and Ruth, aiso Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savcry, motored ta the lake for a holiday.. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka had visitors on Sunday. .. Miss Meda Hallowcll accompanied friends on a matar trip ta Prince Edward. . . Mira. Lew Halloweil and son, and Miss Elazel Fails, Orano,- at Mr. and Nirs. Thas. Falls'... Mr. and Mira. ,H. B. Gilier and Gwen visited friends in Carneran. . - Mr. and Nirs. Garnet Hallowdil, Toronto, ai Mr. Williamý Halaoweli's. The vetcrinary was called ta Mfr. Frank Stanc's Sunday on ac- count ai a sick cow., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallowell attendéd a wedding celebratian in Oshawa Manday. Mr. and Mis. Rass Hallowell took in the Ex. Monday. An afficer ai the law. was in our section investlgatlflg a dis- pute between the McDonnel f aim- ily and Dave Armstrang. Rev. McLachlan .has been cail- ing in aur neighborhoad. ,Deep sympathy is feit for Mr. and, Mrs. W. H. Rowe and daugh- ters ai Orana in their very sad bereavement. The subject for next Sunday's service at Shilah la "The Man in Overails," a Labor day subject. Came and hear it. egrd of Thanks Beof Wl il fy kilfle a O Clua qulck, sures WHY cheap. Asic your Drug- PAY ý t, rCimr or Ceaeral MOREO., LUKLNO« <Contlnued tram page 8) she said when the maids had leit, "Lucy, will you lot me ad- vise?" "Of course, Miss Towrne."1 "Dan't try ta be - like the reat ai us. Like Dei's own crowd, I mean. Ho idl in love with you because you woro difierent. Ho will want you ta stay - differ- ent."1 "But I shall have sa much ta earn." Edith was impatient. "Wbat must you earn? Externais? Lot them alone. Be yourseli. You have dlgnity - and strength. It was the strength in you that won Dol. You and ho can have a ic ta- gether that will mean a great deal, if you will make hlm go your way. But you must not go is-"1 THE DUM LANTERN OUR ENGLISH LETTER, REVIEW AT BUUI BY MISS ISOBE One day, about a ycar and a If aga, I taak my firat walk wn Constitution Hill, beside the ret atone wall which s0 demi- ely abuta anc out fram Uic gar- as ai Buckingham Palace. 1 )uld soc treetapa on the ather de ai the wail; and because ut a forbidden graund, sacred ta ie housebald of their Majeaties langed ta borrow a ladder P2d at have a good look at thosoý rticular trocs and ut that par- ruban grass. For a moment I forgot that al e beautiful acres af Regent's, tJames', Hyde and Groca Parka, nit ta mention Kensington Gar- ens, were sfree for me ta wallc rhenever 1 liked. No. There'a mething about a higb atone lail 1 I cantinued my wulk ini the grey )ecember drizzie, banda cran- cd inta raincoat pocketa, and ame eventually ta the Palace Licif, whore, between the bars ai oe tall iran fonce, anc muy gaze ýthe facude ta Uic heart's con- nt. "lNow I've seen the fumaus ont" I tbaugbt, "Wander if I qer wil get ta the ather aide ai hat wall and sec the gardoens boere King George and Qucen Aizubcth wa]k on sunny days, 'ithaut bats an - just Mr. and [ira. Windsor taking a stroil with hoir twa childiron." Thon, somehow, thc curiosity ta te the waileid gardoens iaded. 'Don't begrudge tbem thelir priv- iy; they deserve it," I cbided tyseli, cantinuing: my waik un- or thc dripping trocs in Green Park. Hawevor, that noble resolve got - ta - be - Curiaus - About - die - Waled - Gardon did nat dc- tr me from dancing a stop or two if the Irish Jig wbon I receiveid an invitation from Canada Houso to attend thc Annual Inspection if thc. King's Body Guard ai thé Yeoman of Uie Guard, ut Buck- Lgham Pabace. The firat Uirill was saying crispiy ta the taxi driver, "Buck- igham Palace, and Dan't Spare tho HaIrses." The taxinun didn't; even blink, u'hich was mildly disappointing ai .right!"y said ho, and did nol pane the borepawer. Straight Uiough the crowck tanding around autaido, an i whaash! ta the Great Gates. Tht glow wus nat even faintly dlii ned by my impulsive entrunce a: tho wrong gate! When a big Pal, iceman leupt iorwand (laoking foi bombe, I suppose) I waved thi miagic invitation and he touchet rda helmot and showed the way t< tho aide entranrce, on the leit. (I coniess that I had irathe fancied myseif swishing thirougi tho Main Gate, between the twE glamorous gads in red coatsaai busbiea - rmabc presenting: arn -while the moutha ai the mubti tude withaut simply wutered wit] envy.) "Anyway," I thought, "naw know that the irozen-iuced police maan in the. courtysird la humai and can talk." Thon I Îound Uic gardien'on trance and slowed. my magi card. Ta my relief, I was not; lat( and a iew other pople werc fol lowing' the wide winding driv that swcops aaound a tall shiruz bery, on the cdge ai Uie lawns, t Uic Palace. Twicc again I shawed my ir vitutian, the last timo ta a garg eoua creature in very higb bool and brilliant sarlot and muc gleaming gold, wba told me ta g up on thc terrace. As I maunto thc sbailaw stops, a amail Bo Scout, laoking quite oveirwhelme with respoasibility, handed me programmuie. My pl ace was àlmoat besido 4hi dao aholugh wbicb, in a le, mninutes, the King would emergi Through the french window nos me, I couid catch a giimpse ai white and goid roam. Airound mi several other people r e g a 10e themscîvos with stealing glimpso whioe struggling: in a weii-bre way nat ta appoar curiaus or ove 400 interosted. Below the terraco, on the vai g.Foea lawni iront ai us, ti 'Yeman ai the Guard, in brigi red *and yeiiaw, stood ut oas Behind tbom, the band, ini scari coata and busbios, was waiting pbuace National Anthem. tho Kg'sGentlemen in birilii unfoma ad wening sword (INGHAM PALACE L STEPHENSON the Review, and smiling and chat- tin With a lady-in-waiting. She wore no hat. Her pretty, 4ark hair was parted in thececn- tre; and the breezo, fresh in spitc o! Uic warm sunabine, had whip- lpd a fine coiour inta ber cheeks. Se wore eibow-length suede gloves ai peari grey and a capelet of the same shade, bardered with paleat grey fax f ur. The King returned 'from the lawn ta the terrace, and staod at the top ai Uic stops again, for the Mach Past. The iast figure, behind ' the mnarching fours, was a wbite-hair- cd man. The King turned his head and watched thc old Yeoman as ho limped past. The parade was finished. The RiJng turned and re-crossed the teriraoe, smiling and nodding as ho recognized people here and there. Ho disappeared inta the whito and goid raam; and it was ail aver. The lawn was a smooth green bake in the sunshine; and in the shadow ai Uic distant trocs a gardoner. pushed a wheelbarraw. Isobel H. Stephenson, Cartwright Gardons Club, London, W. C. 1, England. Clarke Union Mir. and Mrs. H. J. Souch, Mir. and Mra. Harry Bailcy, Miss EiI- con Souch, Mir. and Mra. Carl BilUings, Misses Edna and Aud- rey, hold their annual auto drive Saturday, calling at Peterbaro, Lakefield, Buckbarn, B ob c ay- geon, Lindsay. 1Mra. Sidney Morgan, Toronto, owho bas been visiting Mrs. S. D. LSaucb, bas returned haine.. Mr. Morgan was dawn for the week- Lend. We welcome Mir. White and -famiiy ai Hampton tai aur sec- !Zan wha wlll work the Mach- ntnt place. 9 Mr. Milfred Sherwin la bright- *ening up bis bouse with a coat af paint. Mrf. Sandy Watson la do- ing the wark. Mir. Leslie Thompsan, Tyrane, f la in the neigbborhaad threshing. The yieid la nat as largo as usua] but the grain la ai gaod'quality. h-Mr. John Fogg, who bas been working with Mir. Gardon Power, bas returned home. .We extend aur sympathy to -Mr. Harry Rowe and iamily or c fetha their son George. aËh :eho.Fogg bas purchased d Mr. Wilfred Sberwin bas re- 0turned ta Ottawa wbere ho wil be in charge ai Dr. West's amall ranimal liospital Bie, aat 0visitod ber parents, Mr. and Mira d. H. J. Soucb. Miss Eilecn Souci Saccompanied them home. Eilez -wiltake in the Ex. Browm's n Mir. Bil Clark la cutting the -grass an Uie bigbway around c- Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence eTrenton and drove bis car home. 1- Visitars: Miss Lucille Davey, reVerona, with ber aupt, Mra. Roy Branch... Mrs. Arthur Weilig- Otan, Fart William, Mra. MauE Verstratten, Lockpart, N.Y., Ifs. Thomas Gimblett, Maplo Grave, >witb Mr. and Mra. R. Graham... tS Mr. and Mra. Cliff Brown, Miss :h Audrey Brown, Msrs. Ray and t' Sidney Brown, wiUi Miss June ýBrown, Tweed. . . Miss Fern )yWebber with fionda in Toronto. a . Mr. and Mra Geo. Stephenson ie mey, Pontypoal, with Mr. and WMr. Freeman Eddy. >.Mr. and Mr. Roy Wilkins and àbabe have moved ta Bowman- a ville where Mr. Wilkins bas a job ,e. ic heGoodyea. mean that Uic crowd ho is with V weakens him?"iv "II mean juat thut. They're so-a phistocated beyond worda. You'ro E wbat tbey would cull - pro- F vincial, Lucy. Don't be afraid. ButF don't adopt thoir wuys..You go ta -F church, don't you? Say yourS prayera? Believe that Gad's in 1 is world? " V Ludy'a fuir cheeka wore flushed.a 'Why, ai course I do." r "lWell, we don't - not many ai ]E u," said Eclith. "The tbing you V have got ta do la ta interoat Del in something. Don't juat go sail- ing awuy wiUi hlm in bis, yacht.1 3uy a f arn over in Virginia, and1 îeip hinmumke a succesa ai it." f "But ho livos in New Yark." "oi course ho does. But ho can live anywhere. He's sa ricb that à he doeaa't have tao arn anything, and bis office la juat a fiction. 1 yrou must mako him work. Go in for a iad bioaded borses, cows, black Berkshires. Do you know N'hat a black Berkshire la, Lucy? È "«Na, 1 don't." 1 "lWell, it's a kind ai a pig. And ;bat's Uic thing for you and Del. Hle really loves fine stock. And you and he -thinkof it -riding t ovcr Uiecountry - Planning yaur gardons - buving a baby or two." Edith was goig veiry fat. "14t sounda beavenly," sad Lucy. "'Thon make it Houvon. Oh,t Lucy, Lucy, you lucky girl - yau are going ta manry Uic man you love. Live uwuy iromn the worldt - ahane happinesa and unhappi- nesa-"l She rose from the table restiessiy, pushiag back hon chair, dropping ber napkin on Uic floar. "Do you know bow I envy yau?" She woat ta the window and looking out. "And bere I ait, day altor day, like a prisaner in a tower - and my page aings - that was Uic beginning oait14- and it will be theoend."- "No," Lucy wus very seriaus, "lyou mustn't lot it bo Uic end. yau - you must open the win- dow, Misa Towne." EdiU came buck ta Uic table. "Open Uic window?" 11cr breath came fast. "'Open Uic window. Oh, little Lucy, how wise you are-" Wben Lucy had gone, Alice came in and drcssed Edith's hair. She found ber lady thoughtful. "'Alico, what did they do wltb my wedding clothes?" "IWo put Uiem ail in Uic second gucat-suite," she suid; "some ai them we bift packod in Uic trunka juat as Uioy were, and some ai Uiem are hung on racks." "Where la tbe wedding doesa?" "In a -closet in a white linon bag."' IlWell, finish my buir and we wiil go and look ut it." As tlioy entered 14, Uic second gucat-suite was heavy with Uic scent ai orange blooffia. "How dreadful, Alice," Edith ejaculat- cd. "IWby didn't you throw Uic flawors uwuy?" "Miss Annabel wauldn't let me. She aaid you migbt not; want thinga tauchod."1 "lSlly sentimontulity." Edi was impatient. The roamn was in ubi the gloom ai drawn cuirtuins. The drosses hung an racks, and, encased in white baga, gave a ghoatly effect. "'They are lihe rawa of tamb- atones, Alice." ' Y s, Misa T awn ," aid Alice, dutifully. The muid brought out the wedding dresa and laid it on Uic bed. Edîth, surveying 14, was stung by the memoiry ai Uic emations wbich had swayed ber when sho had iast worm 14. 14 had aeemed ta mackhber. She had seen ber own tense counitenance in the mîrror, as she had coatroiled ber- self bofore Alice. Thon, whon Uic muid had ieit, sho hud Uirawn herseif on the bcd, and bad wriUi- cd in an ugany ai humiliation. And now al ber anger wus gone. She didn't bute Dol. She didn't bute Lucy. She evea thought ai Uncbe Fred witii char- ity. And Uic wedding gown was, aiter ail, a robe for a princeas who marrled a king. Nat a robe for a princosa who ioved a page. A tender amibe softemed ber face. "Alice," abo aaid suddcnly, "wasn't there a little hebiatrope dinner irock among rmy trousseau things?"' "Yes, Miss Tawne. Infarmal." Alice huated la 'the third raw ai tombatanea untîl she iouad ut. "II want long sicevos put la 14. Will you tell Hurdinger, and have hlm send a but ta match?" "'Yea, Misa Towne." The beliotrape frock hud simple and lavely linos. I4 flaated in shoor beauty fram tUic maid'a banda as abo held it up. "There isa't a prettier anc in Uic whalo lot, Miss Edith." T//NID MA Tcorss MF OR -Canadienwhoat absorbe the minerais and gaad- nos .14h.aoith .nrg~ndealtbfUInesa of 4h. un adraiAd b tako th e whole wheai, bundie it Into toaatod, golden.ra ofoer y ou one of the mont eaptlvating, doliclous S cereas you ever tastedi Try them tomorrow. i poduS 121 Csad.. w.dudW7A.sC.sopmay Limiftd MU-S,~; J.TT flfl A TAN.SA±EMAN BOMANVLL ONARI Newtonville t Visitars: Ifs. Mcntyiro, To-e onto, If. Biily McIntyrc and Ir.f. Ttherhead, St. Catharines, withv [las Jonnie Thompsan. . . M.s nd Mira. Lanson Miilson and oreen, Mr. Randal and Mr. J. imor in Guelph and Niagara1 ails. . . Miss Vina Stacey with 'ort Hope fionda. . . Misa Inez 'ymona, Morrisb,h with ber aunt, Ira. J. T. Pearco, and also cailed in Miss Jennie Symans an ber r vay homo iromi Niagara. . . If. nd Mira. J. A. Barrie and Mur-c ay Wit Mi.and Ifs. Hunvey urne,itProvience. . . If. Ed nurd Sumis in Peterboro. .. Misas ,uby Payne, If. and Ifs. Daiph ayno and child, Toronto, with. f. and Ifs. Reubon Payne.. . &. and Mira. Max Stapletan and !aily witb If. and Mira. Arthur5 ffannamnaker (iarmerby D 0 11 a1 ,ffi-isaa), Conson. . . M. and Wrs. Frank Ovens and Margaret,1 Nir. and Mra. Ken Wae, Misa Euby Payne and Mn. CecilPayne 1 vith frienda in Prince Edward« :ounty and brought misses June1 Lad Pat Warc home irom holi-1 lay... If. and Mira. Wiflis Jones and family ut the C.N.E. - . Ifs. Chas. Cowan, Cowanville, with Yrs. Lansona sn . .. Mr. Cecil ;berwood with If. and Ifs. Wab- r Sheppard, Zion. Misa Isabel Bruce bas acceptedý tposition in Part Hope. Miss Bernice Milligan bas giv-1 en up ber position la Port Hope1 and la assisting ut homo. Miss Elsie Wallace ha return-i d fram holidaying in Muskoka.j Mira. Norman Samis bas rturn- d iram, visiting ber daughtcr, ~Mrs. Reg. Woodham, Toronto. Ifs. Eb. Milison bas boon with MIr. and Mira. Lanson Milison wbile Misa Annie Wragg bas been holiduying with Mir. and Ifs. Austin Turner and If. and Ifs. Fred Couch, Newcastle. If. Jck Pethick's booth was broken into and cons iderable gooda taken. Wle crunking bis tow-truck Saturday, Ronald Burley was bruised considerably wbcn it buck-iired and threw him ugainst the truck. Lake Shore, Clarke Mir. Bey. Jayaca la erecting a new pig-pen and bon bouse com- bined. If. Martineil, Rendal, bas Uic contract. Clint Brown and Leslie Alin made a business trip ta Peterbora. Recent Visitors: Ifs. C. Dean, If. and Mira. R. Laurin, Trnto, with Mir. and Ifs. Clintan Brown. Inspectar A. A. Matin, Brigh- ton, with bis fathor, If. Robt. Matin. Mr I. and Mira. D. Nel- son, Big Island, If. and Ifs. R. Nlsn, Demoreatville, with Mn. -and Ifs. R. Aldcead... If. and Mira. W. E. Roberton and son Bob, Humiltan, with If. and Mra. Jna. Hendry. Accompanied by Misses Annabolle and Edith Hon- dry and Misa Muy Erakino they bave gone an a trip ta North B. .. Mira. E. A. Tonkin and fumily, Oshuw, wbo visited ber mother, Mrs. T. Powell, have re- turned homo. .. Mira. T. Powell ha boca visiting in Lindsy and Elizabethville... Miss H. J. Row- land in Oshawa with Misa Marian Gree... M. and Mrs. Fred Day, Hamilton, calied on her Normal Scbooi *friend, Misa Hildu Row- had departod. She didn't cure what the world thought ai ber. 11cr deacrtion by Dol had been maternai for a duy's gossip-then othor thinga hud filed the papers, hud been headiined and empha- sized. And what difference did it ail muko? (Continuod noxt weok) To Grow Tobacco It la annaunced that Durham Plantations Limitod, bas made ap- lication for a charter. Provisian- il directors signing the petition are W. R. Prouso, Dr. J. B. Rey- ailds, W. B. Reynolds and Wil- amn Mercer. It is the intention ai te ncw concern ta girow tobacco n land noar Part Hope, wblch, iis rcvealed iollowing careful Ivestigation into soul and dlimatic conditions, la -equal ta that found in other tobacca growing centres* in Ontario. 2300 acres ai the fineat tobacca praducing land in the province has been optioned by Mir. H. C. Smith, who is well-known i the Nlorfolk County tabacca enter- prises. In many respets candi- tions are superiar ta thase exlat- ing in Simcoe and nearby grawing centres. Climatic conditions, bas- ed on weather reports tabulated from the Orona gavorninent Aleather station, show the froat season in two weeks more favor- able ta the growor ai the district. Rainfa i l about the same month- ly 12" during the growing season. The company will purchase the land under option and create 17 unita for the purpose ai producing tobacco. Eacb unit wll requiro one skilled grawer, tharoughly conversant with tabacca. In addi- tion cansiderable labour la nec- essary ta praduco the crop thiroughout the stages ai growth. The units, it is expected, wil be ai 70 acres, anc hall ai wh.lch, is plantcd on alternate ycars. The acreage not pianted in tabacco, is sawn in rye which la disced under in July. Buildings on ecd unit, besidos the tenant'a resideace, includo a greenhouse in wbicb the seed is planted and thence transplantcd at the agc ai six weeks, ta the filds. Six kilns for flue-curing the crop wiil aisa be crected on each unit. New Sch.m. Té Sup.yvi». Offie Ta ensure that highway traffic aificers spend a maximum of thelir time actuaily patrolling the highways, Attarnhey-General Gor- dorn Canant bas devised a achemo ai supervision by sergeants, a rank wbich has not hcretaiorc been granted in that branch ai the Provincial Police service. It la the Attorney-General's op- inion that "more extensive and effective patralling" of the higb- ways wiill resuit in saler driving and botter traffic regulations. To this end Mr. Canant, tbrough bis police officiais, bas appointed thirce patrol sergeanta with supervision over t h rce soparate zones ai the province. The arrangement which went inta effect on Monday provides that Motorcycle Sorgeant Doug- las Darby, at prescat stationed at Beamaville, wifl supervise the .western section of the province;. Motarcycle Sergeant H. W. 110w- cli at prosent stationed in Guelph, wii porform bis duties in the centrai section, and Motarcycle Sergeant John Kay, naw i Smith's Fails will supervise the eastcnn counties. The Attorney-General autiined the duties ai the sergeants as fallows:- Ensure that a maximum af timo la spent in the actual patrol of the bigbways. Minimize as much as possible the time spent by motarcycle patrol afficers in court or on duties other than actual patrol. Facilitate and meet as fair as possible the canvenienceofa the public in the disposition ai traf- lic cases. Repart any derediction or de- iinquoncy on the part ai any motorcycle patrol officer. Recommend improvementahIn methoda of traific contrai, and in the disposition ai trafficces . Supervise gcncrafly thc work -o a al motorcycie patrol officers ai the provincial police. The man behind the basa drum works ta beat the band. 1 Womon are nover stranger than when they arm themacîves with tholir weakness.-Mme. du Dei- fand. land. . . Jean Haines rcturned home ta Toronto with the Ad- sotte i amiiy. . . Miss C. -Hearn, Toronto, with Mr. and Ifs. W. tA. Adams. . . Mr. and Mra. N. White with Mr. and Mira. S. White. ~' kopt bright und attractive wlth the h.Ip of WRIGLEY'S CET SME TODAYII THURSDAY. AUGUST 31. 1939