THE ANADAI'. STAESMA. BOMANVLTP FhTDTI -US WA TRDA UUT3,13 the recexitly made local- films Rev. Dewdney delivemed a brie! screexied on a Saturday evexilng address bo!ltting the occasion, The, ewcalstl Ind pend nt ta deference ta niany o! the gen- and in the course of whlch hoe The Ne casle nde end nt tlemen wha have famiies at the gave the assemblage somethlng ta PHONECLARK 1114lake but who. except when they seriously think about When. hoe PHOE CAIE 114are on halidays, can anly be here montioned that suggestions had ________________________________________on weekends. boon made te hlm that it would Many visitars were in the vil- be a nioe thtag if funds could bo Miss Reita Cooke is in Whitby Blathemwick and she, ta company lage tis pat weekend te help in raised tao roct a momorl cross attending a achool fer leaders at with Major and Mrs. H. W. Dud- the decorationi cf the graves cfins the comnetory li memnory of ail the Ontario Ladies' College. loy and Mrs. Geo. A. Walton, <l- doparted loved oxies and jaîn li who are buried within its gates. Rev. R. E. Morton wiîî occupy ed on their aid friexids, Mr. and the memoriai service in Bond Such a cross might be of granite BIRTIIS his puipit in the United Church Mrs. Jacob Branch, Sales, with Head cemotory. Asaxig the num- or it mlght be a teakwood which noxt Sunday marning and oven- whas Mm. Blatherwick used ta ber were Mr. and Mrs. Staniley is Practically imperishabie wood. COOMBIES - In Bowianville ing. beard several years aga when hie Corden, Bowsanville, and Mr. After the servie the. Lgion, Hospital. eu Aug. 28, 1939, ta Mr. W. A. o! United Church enter- was elieving at Tymoxie station. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson, Oshawa, Band wexit down ta 1hoý beach and Mrs. Eric Coombes Joan ed a toas cf seven ladies in the Rov. H. L. Partridge, B.A., of with Mr. Harry Couch and fam and rexidemed a number of seiec- Hall), a daulzhter, Gwendolyn quilitg contest at the C.N.E. en Coîborne, preached ta the United iy; Mr. and Mrs. George Wat- tiens, givtag enjayment a nd Joan. Tuesday. Church Sunday morning, supply- kins, Toronto, with Councillor pleasure ta the thrangs af people Brenton Rickard and Cari Fish- tag for Rev. R. E. Morton. The and Mrs. E. A. Waiton; Mr. and assombled thero. GILBANK - In Bowmanville Hos- or are home fros New York full Junior Choir, assisted by Miss Mrs. H. J. Ragen and daughter, Noarly evoryone went down pital. August 27th. 1939. ta Mr. a! the knowiodge a! the World of Ruth Honey, led in the service cf Miss Audrey, and Miss Josephine fras the cemotemy, ieavln it and Mes. Kenneth Gilbank. Burk-1 Tomorrow. sang, and Miss Honey also sang Davis, Taranto, wath Ms. Jxia. clothed ta beauty, the lilce of eton R.R. 3, a son. Mrs S R.Baathn nd ona soprano solo, The Holy City. Douglas and Mrs. Ed. Brittain; which Arthur Nichas, the care- Mrs.S.,R. onahanandsonRev. H. L. Partidge was a dli- Mm. and Mrs. Russell Colwill and taker, said hoe had nover smen be- KELLETT - In Bowmanville Hos- George, Toronto, and Miss Jean nom guest o! Mr. anid Mrs. J. A. Miss Jean with Mrs. W. H. Pearce; fore, for it was the giadiolua sea- pital. August 2th. 1939. ta Mr. Bonathan matored ta Wasaga Awde before geing eut ta Clarke Mm. and Ms. C. Danlels, Oshawa, son and the magnificent flowers and Mrs. Lawrence Kellett. a son. Beach ta visit at the Bonathan te preach. with Mr. Aloxizo Cowan. were there i hundreds. MYE nBwavleHs cottage. MYE nBwavleHs Mm. and Mrs. A. S.Huso Friends and relatives home were tetrest li Newcastle is keon Oon pita!. AuRust 28th. 1939. ta Mr. and ciased their cottage Manciay and grieved ta learn cf the sudden te ome cf the playoffs in the Upe SoolR uit Mr.GadMonsn Mro roturned te Toronto. Mr. Houa- death of Mr. W. E. Tapiift at Lk Shore Basebail Loague. _______ LvI$Wt Mr. e).aldaughte. n aro tan has been quite unwell ail Flesherton, August 25th. Ho and eether Bowmanville or Part Ll) aRtr surser. . Mrs. Taplit, the former Mrs. Win. Hapo wins the championship title Uppor Schooi examination e- PERFECT r- In Bawmanville Hos- Mm.a r. H. Carbermy have Jamiesoxi, had just passed thm' Newcstle wlll share li the hon- suifs cf pupila who wero prepar- pital. on Auffust 25th. 1939. ta Mr. moved fros King St. te New- Newcastle the dlay before (Thurs- ors, for there are twao! the hOnýe od at Bawmanville but Wrote at and Mrs. Alfred Perfect of Osh- castie-ox-the-Lake and naw oc- day) and called on Mm. and Mrs. players on each tons - John Newastle are: awa. a daughter. (Beierlev Anme). cupy Mm. PF.ed Troieaven's cet- George Jamiesoxi. They wemo on Rickard catcher and Geo. Waiton Pea r ce, Margaret V. -Eg tag o Mil t.their way !rom their home ta 2nd base, for the RayaIs, and Bill Camp. C, Zng. Lit. 2, Aig. 1, [MATHS tMge and r a.M urrayShaveDseronta visit frîends at Brunt pitcher anid Shin Moise ss Trig. 1, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Camp. 1. _______________ moved from Mrs. Chaplin's house Fleshemton. for the Ontarios. And what dco Poarce, Patricia J. - Eng. Comp. CHESTER - At Port Sydney, te Mm. E. E. Patterson's house at Members a! the Midland Regi- you kxiaw about this? The whole 2, Eng. Lit. 1, Alg. 2, GeOm. C, Muskoka. AuR-ust 29, 1939, Lydia the lake. Mr. Mumay has resus- ment fros Newcastle and vicinity battery for the Port Hope On- Trig. 1 Lat. Auth 1, Lat. Camnp. Chester. beloved wife of J. F. V. ed empicyment wth the J. An- whe have vaiuntaruly respaxided tarins last Saturday when they 2, Fr. Àuth.* 1, Fr.'Camp. 2. Chester. Sr. Interment Orono F dersoni Smith Co. ta their couxtry's cail te aid ini defeated Bowmanviile 3 ta 2 was Prîvate Study Candidate Cemeterv. Mm. and Mms. Henry Kestevan, guamdtag vulnerabie points are O! Newcastle matemial. Brunt did Rowe, Allita R. - Exig. Camp. C.GU -In saa.A.3st farmemly o! the Queex's Hofel, Corporal Chas. Ciesence, anid the pifchtag and !anned eut hisGU -InOhwAg 1t Newcastle, butxiow o! Tomante, Douglas Waltoxi, Chas. Aildread erst*hile colleague Waltoxi and Franklin Canant Guy, bqskend of were ta the village and called oni and Eric Burley. They have gono generally hard and sure hitter af FueralifroethoSme ithis son-5li- friends. They were motomxng te Trenton Air Part, havtag gene a crucial tise for the Rayais, ObituaMGJy«Fnrlfo hmef isn-- bock fros the Wold's Fair, New ta Bowmanville Sunday te taire while Meise was at the receivmng____ law. Walter R. Lynde. North Osh- Y r.the bus in company with ethor end behtad hose plate, a posi- awa. Saturday. Sept. 2nd. at 3 p.m. Mm.r Perey Haro writes fros milltia men tien hoe haxt played, hoe says, for C. . Blanchard, solina (D.S.T.). Interment Union Ceme- T Halifax that hoe has jained the Newcastle Public anid High 20 years.Terpaedtrst ugs tery. rakao dopsn ihes n etSchoels will e-opexi Sept. 5, at Mr. Jack Eiibeck, son1 O! Mr. 2th, at his homne noar Solina, REMBER -- In Aldborougk. Augr.- in the ecean, caught four codfish 9 o'clock standard tise. The fulland Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck, broke his Chas. A. Blanchard, age 64 yors.21st 1939. Eu»hemnia Rember. aged and o haddock. Ho and Mrs. staff o! iast yoam's teachers have left foearm when hoe cashed itt Deceased had pleurisy durigh 73 vears. Mother af Mrs. E. O. Haro are xiow visiting friexids at been m-engaged as !ollews: Pub- the brick wall on the east side o! week anid was araund agai and Raach. Bowmanville. Brighton and Trenton. lic School Principal, Mr. Thos. A. the English Church grounids with on Fridoy evexing had a-heamt F Newcstle revemts ta Standard Rodger; Toacher cf Intormediate his bicycle and feil on the pave- attack and was thought ta be ROWE - At Presqu'ile Paint. on Tise next Sunday, Sept. 3rd, Roons and Supervisor o! Music, ment, August 23. Ho wa o an imProving but on Stinday night Tuesdav. Aux. 22nd. 1939, George when ail church services will be Miss Hattie A. Masen; Teacher o! orand fa Miss Blackburxi's lisdeil aso wyEa~ rns. RW. . Rwe. soneo20M - heid in accordance with the Junior Department, Miss Norma coxixictioxi with his mother's anid aBomnun Whitby townshlp, ho change. Eventag service ta the F. Orchard; High Schooi Princi- grandmothem's entries fer the Br nWi onhp e years. Funerai from the r"i&dence United Church, which ws with- pal, Mm. J. D. Coombs, B.A.; High flower show when hoe happexied came te Darlington 40 years aga ihsPrns roa.Ags 6 drawn durtag August, will be School Ass't., Miss E. M. Sander- with the accident. Although in fros Raglan. xIn January 1901 lheofinte rents.rono..metery. 6F heid at 7 o'ciock. son, B.A. imuch pain lho waflot unnorved, tmrie o! te loto shtondary- ItretOrn eeey Mm. and Ms. Chas. A. Cowan A great saxiy o! thee !owors, for hoe again oot on i s'i h Ahteof h lWn and Mary___________ came homo fras their cottage at shown smngly, ta collections or and stemtag wite his good armAstnad they worked three COM ING EVENT Bewdley ta attend the Cowan arrangements, at tho Flewer rade up ta the homeofo his grand- years for Mr. Paul Wiliams and Famfly picnic at Orono. Others Show August 23, were danated by mother, Mms. Gea. ElekaD., fer !armîng for eight yeasto Tyrone Harveat Home. Sundav wha atfended frôms Newcstle the exhibitors for décoration pur- A. Butler sot the orm, fractured purchased Mr. Wlliams a m in Services Sepfember 3. Rev. Dr. Mill- were Mr Alonz Cowan nd Mr.poses t Bond ead Ceetery n two P1912, nddthhaventrJckd19d andeheetilsieson.eeWelcemen..Wwille. bell the he inister.r and Ms. Win. Cowan and mom- thee ollowixig Sunday. Mr. John up ta Oshawa Hospital te have if Mu ea.Sicebv Tyrone3 ai.assisted. bv bers a! their !amily. Garrad, holl caretaker, kept them X ayed. Later hé was boughf Ho was one of the good fors- Mrsi. F reund. oir.ay.sete ber Asoxig the Bowmanvile peo- well watored tili Sunday whon bock ta his parents' summer ors of the township and raisod Mr.Fotb . all or DTyrônevCalene pie who honared tee Horticuitur- Reeve C. R. Carvete, Councillor homo at the lake. The facf that good hrses, caffie anid swlne and4.Foblfr yne'hlnz al Society's flower 'show with Chris Law onddlho took the ons t fwas Jack's ieft armi thaf ws good grain cmops. Ho was iter- Cui. Brôoklin, Hampton and zian, D( their presence were Rev. and Mms. the cemetery and distributed broke iicapacitates hlm more ested in public wcrk and served the leadinir tennis in the longue. f irst 1 W. P. Ragers, Rev. and Ms. H. thosn over many graves, taling than if would sony persans for fer seven years os counicillor in irame at 3 D.m. Softball. Orono vs. W. Faley, Provincial Caonstable especial came fa iay flawers o lus lefthoxided, a southpaw. tee towniship. Salem. vAdmiss oin tamespor ts0. Price Marris and Mms. Morris, and those which mlghf ofherwise ho Recent Visitars Ho was oisc inferested i the Chidren f ree. Chicken Pie Soe Mr. anid Ms. A. H. Fletcher o! neglected. isMro attSos church and wos a steward af El- 4.30 p.m. utlalre SeedPr - The csa y. N twihsf ndin an erro ta me- wifh Mr. and M s. Parnaby M ar-. valued m em ber o! the quarerly g a f 8 om rt e B f ed on- Mrs. J. A. Smith gave a birth- specf o! date e! secend showiig to....Mr . andi Mms. Silos Halleoar n i< h a~>aecerf Comoaxiv ai Uxbridoee. cotiiisf- day Party for Jacqueline an Aug. e! local filmas ta last woek's ad- weîî and daughters, Misses Nom- board, and was aîwoys anIxiaus juea oev"x May With- 25th, when she ws 12 years o! verfisoment li these coiumns, mla and Beulah Hallowell, and f e hftefnne ! Jae n uia rm TeFO age. Twenfy-!our cf Jacquelihe's there wos a gond attendance, es- îuiograidaugte an M. cuthefpldandcgsave the Last Rehearskal 0QdaloguTe Young girl friexids wore presont pecially a! lake front sumrmer lCtlue ery Sgtean Mr. wihurmally à! d, andgave l haruses. sl. dueQits. cutefs and ail had o very happy tise residexits, 0f the repent shewing MC.aume Hery Sa y. lewth e ald tecughtif meast teecfy rmsi ands.rd ndeocuianists wit i an es an d refreshm ents. on A ugu t 26th. T h se picture h l oycic d n erofhe b a h. o e ya e t c n r bu e lbe al 2 li c ans acr al n d el ti c st m . J uene wate e b r ecipienit os o ws hiay ve niusua inytbe int -11 .Miss Frances Toms, Montreal, as well. Supner and enfetainment, Aduts many oxethebirthday gireftsom niFridayllvoBunts hi tie ee- with Ms. Ge. P. Rickrd, whe Ho was a god neighbor and 50c. Children 30c, Entertaiment Satonrwink osu hoyMor.smu tH a ll. Bumt hst ispln e t aeelhem sister, Miss Kathleen' Toma friend, always wiling and rady euh. Aduts 25c. Chiidren 15ç. 34-2 S o u ha m ta an o S u da M m H ll as m tt e p an ed a ave in B ellevi le visit i g M r. an d t a be f assistance to a axy xe , M MW ( Mms. A. H. Fisher and Mm. Oand and a kixid husband and father, IOMN1RIAMh _____________________________________Ms. Eric Tom.... Mr. anid Ms. and will be very much missed inE i ,Wade, son and daughf or, MIi- his home and tee comsunity in TAMBLYN - In loving meniary of- DI.R .DICKSON H. E. Hancock and other relatives The funeral was very lagely Tamblvn. wo assed awa. Aug. ta Hope Tp.. . adMms. Ai- attended and tee ,caskef wa4 30th, 1938: DEN ISTbort L. Park o! Tara and Fiorida, banked wite beautiful !lowems God'knew fliat she was suffering, DE TITwite Dr. anid Mms. W. H-. Waltoxi- fros !riexids, neighbors and rela- That the bis were hard to climb. __________________Store_ Baîl. . .. Mrs. C. C. Grubbe and tives fa show their lasf tribute Sa he ciosed ber weary eyelids Ove Lngmn' Stredaughter Miss Evelyn, Westoxi, O! respect taoxine thoy had ad- And whispered "Peacé b4 thine." (Toronto)have rtr. nd m o aP.FfeGrevst o.Hsl.pastor, Rev. W. Rck- Awav in the beautifu! huis of teod (TOrft)incMmend ms P F LGrsly has, coxiducted the services and Bv the volley ai resf 50 fair. Ofic ~. Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Tetley, spoke coxsoingly fa thee !iends. -Some tise, sanie d we knaw Friday - Saturday Aad Tarante, wîth Cbxstable and Mrs. Miss Lenia Tayler sang "Some . nat wben a.m. ~~ 9 Newcastle, Ont. Johni Gammod. . .. Miss B. MclIn- Tise W'llUnderstaid." His me- Weilmtaulveoe ______________________ fos wih fuena iWesmoutmains womo laud fa rest li Bow-, there. Moxifreal. The splendid extrues manville Cemetery. L inlreeerÇsajms- PHON :-A122 se uualy mkeslxiNewaste's The hearers wore his niighbors, ed bv husbaud and children. _____________________________________________annual flawer show weré missed. Messrs. F. L. Maon, H. E. Tink, _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______.__._._M s. Blatherwick with hiem R. C ct, J . Kvi, SdW n e hubaidwh l rlivtg f eeHokaday and A. L. Pascoe. W ne _______________________________________ C.N.R. station. Suxiday they visit- Ho beaves ta mourxi his Jass bis WANTED-OLD HORSES AND Sed friexidsato Tyrexie, foktag with widow and son Arthur, a brather cattie for fox seat. Norbv Fur tees Major and Mms. Hl. W. Dud- William o! Oshawa, anid three Farm. Trone. Phone 2415. 34-tf HOLJDAYS A OUT OaRd Mrs. Go.A. Walton who sises, Mr. Bertha SleightholmGilW ne Dudley. . .. Mr. oand Mms. Gardon Oshawa, and Ms. Annie Rouf lyGilW ne Clark anid daughters, Lenore and cf Grand Forks, Minn. GIRL WANTED - APPLY TO Doreexi, Torontoa, with Mms. Jesse A large xiumber o! relatives Marioram's Laun4ry. Bownian- Bakerville and Mm. and Mms. wore present fros eot, vle MakaClumbus, Colborne, 3- JUA BLOVELL Sfowmave lMonê T*'*< I. Decoration Day At Bond Head Cemetery Rev. D. R. Dewdney Conducta MemoriliService The flower show li the cas- munity hall an Wedxiesday, Aug. 23rd, inspired in the mixids af Reeve C. R. Carveth and other village officiais the thought af observing the foilowing Sunday as decoration day at Bond Head Cemnetery and holding a memor- ial service i coxixection there- with. They approached Rev. D. R. Dewdney of the St. George's Church anid the Cemetery Board and they expressed their willlng- ness ta ca-operate. Thus after a lapse of some years the practice of honauring the dead'by holding a decoratiaxi day and placing flowers an their graves was re- vived at Bond Head. The public signified genemal ap- proval by turning out in large numbers, many in the morxiing anid early afterxioon, bringmng flowems with them and texiderly and lovingly arranging them aver the buriaî places of departed loy- ed exies. There are a number af cenotapha or enlpty tombs i the cemetery, erected ta the memory a! boys who died ini a far off land in the Great War. They were not forgottexi when the floral tributes were being piaced. At 3 o'clack the people as- sembled an the sauthern slope cf the cemetery overlookixig Lake Ontario net far distant and join- ed i the memarial service con- ducted by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. St. George's Church choir, ta the accompaniment of music played by the Canadian Legion Bond, ,Bowmanvîlle, led i the singing. OshbIawa andlla Irke. - The !amily have fthe heartfelt sympathy a! the e otire commun- îfy in their sad and sudden ber- envesexif. ROYALS WIN (Contlnu.d tram Page 1) fouf a high baunder te Moise. Williama erred on Wokely ta 1start tee second but pulled a fast rdouble play an tee next maxi ta 1make up for t. C aile pened fhe fourte with o single and wont ta third as Sie- max itifsa!oiy fa left. The latter istele second and thon while bath 1fretted as fwo mon went out, Witheridge parked onetata the trees for twa runs. Pattas sigIed ta centre ta open the Part Hope haif o! the sixte, moved ta second on a sacrifice and scored when Colville dmapped Wakely's limer'inta lef n!ter las- ing t ta the sun. Ceiville agai sfarted fhe eighth off wlth j si-, gle and went ta third os Siemion poled a long double ixta deep lefi contre. Roadli thon laid dowxi a perfect bunt te Score Colville. Port Hope mode.o courogeaus but vain aftespt itee nnurfj Edwardson singied f0 start if o#~ but wos forced 0f second by Pinch-hit fer Phillipa wha stole second. Bill Brunt, hitttag for Manin, lined a sigle itt centre and Phillips beat the fhrow te tee plate and thon Withoridge !inished off tee centest by fan- xing Pointer and Johnxstexi. Part Hope - Johnsf on 3b; Patta 2b; Dawley cf; Hudson if; Wake- ly r!; Edwardson lb; Moise ss; Manin c; Pointer p. Phillips bat- ted for Moise and Brunt batted fom Mannin tnxinth. Bowmaxiville - Bagnoîl cf; Os- Music MES. RETA R. DUDLEY Toucher of Piano, Organ and Theory Specializes i Voice Productiaon and Stagtag Ciass re-opens Soptemnber 4th. Studio, King Street - hAone 757 hnSS DOROTRY M. EDGER A.T'C.M., Dowmanvlle Wil open classes on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Instruction lxi al ados of piano and theory frm bogin- ners to advanced grades, Prepar- atiorn for examinations up ta and inciuding A.T.C.M. Opportunity, If desired, for public pertormn- ances and competitive playxng. To arrange for classes, phone 403, Miss Dorothy M. Edger, 23 Car- lisle Avenue, Bowmanvile. MRS. E. SMITH .FERGUSON, A.T.CAt Teacher of Piano ami Theory Having again attended summer courses at the Toronto Conserva- tory, I ams quallfied ta teach the art of Piano playing, by the moat helpful modern methods. 1938-39 Exansination results: First Clasa Honors 10, Honors 26, Passes 3; Highest mark obtained 97, low- est 67. Trn openlng Sept. 6th. Studio, Corner Wellington and Temperance Sts. - Phone 606. 35-2 borne 3h; Colvillo -jf; qSinn ilb; Rickard c; Mcilvoen and Ranch r!; Witeerldge p; Williama es; gnd Walfoxi 2h. Port Hope 000 001 001- 2..7 1 Bowmanvulle 100 200 Olx - 4 9 4 For sale FOR SALE- COLLIE PUPS. Phone J1. Tr-wn. 2102. 35-i THREE BEATTY ELECTRIC Washers - To clear for $5.00, $7.50. $19.50. Robert Simpson Ce., Oshawa Store. 35-i USED COAL RANGES - $4.50, $8,59, $15.95; Used Cambinatioxi Caal dad Gas Rj4nges,. $39.50, $65-00; 1 three-burner Gos Range, $5.00. Robert Simipson Co., Osh- awa 'Store. - .35-1 14 USED RADIOS - MANTLE and Cabinet styles. Priced as low as $4-50. Robert Simpson Ca., Oshawa Store. 35-i TWO ELECTRIC RANGETTES nearly new $13.50, $14.00. Robertj Simpson Ca.. Oshawa Store. 35-i order now for mulching, -etc. DosTA FaO SAE - CHileAP Dor Sa ori Rlent 3- FOR SALE OR RENT - GOOD 100 acre fars. hardwood bush, Voters' Liat 1989, Munlcipality or eood water. school and churcli bath Darlington, County of Durham on fanm. Phone Oshawa 1921w or____ Port Perrv i10r6. 34-3 ToRe tNotice lis herebv gziven thatI have ___________________ complied witb Section 10 ai the - -Votons' List Act, and tbnt I have ['O RENT - SIX - ROOMED pasted up at my office at Hampton, cernent block bouse, ane block an fthc lOtiday ai july 1939,.fthc north of -the C.P.R. station. aill isf of nil persans entitled ta vole in conveniences. enragze; avoulable _the said Municipality for'Members ai Octoben 1sf. Apy T. V.. Drnwer Pariament. and 0f Municipal Elec-. B. Bowmnviie. 3 -itians. anid that 5,1db lisf re"iins Ci ~OR ENT HOUE ONSCU-there for inspection. F O R E N T - H U S E O N C U - A nd I berebv cnll upon ail v oes ezoi Street. Applv Gea. McMulIen. ta take imniediote noceedines fa Wellinizfon Sf.. Bownianville. b ave nnv errons or omissions correct- 35-* ed accordinz fa law. the last daSt for Bel apvenl being Tbhansday. the 21sf day Real Estate For Sale af September, 1939. Dated this 29th day' ai August FOR SALE-TO CLOSE ESTATE 1939. -House and gardon for -sale. in 1. D HOGARTH. Village ai Part Penny. izood ironie Clerk ai Darlineton Township. Ki 7 raomed bouse, on a half acre ai 35-2 q lnnd. smali fruit stable and enr- agze. electric. Reasanable. Applv Jgmenie4Arce. Prt Peny. Tele- Lost LUNN'S Sp] 'OG LOST - BROWN AND ) 5. lb. Carton Soap Flakes black airdale sale. will answen ta Im Jm .. . . . . "Bud." Lest lnst Fridav neor M a . ...... Gaude's Corners. Reward $5.00. No. 4 . Peas ....... FInder retunn ta Osbonne's Ser- vice Station. Bowmanvîlie, or Phone 897. F u d 35-1* Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED - SPECIAL - riin. 95c per cwt. or $18.00 per tom. Offer zood -un i 'Sept. 7th. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. 35-1 Room and Board- BOARD AND ROOM - BOARD and room in vrivate home for tko youniz ladies. Prices reasonable. Anov at Statesmajx Office. 35-1* Applications For Caretaker Applications for caretaker at West Durham ReOstry Office at' Bcw- manville. wil11 be received by the iindersig.ned ýup to September 9. 1939. State salarv expected. t .L. MacNacbtan. Counities Clerk, Cobourir. - - 35-2 CLEM' otiQce O IR )UND - AT NEWCASTLE. A boy's bicycle. Owner n1ay lhave sane bv p)ravine piropenty and p)ayinkr experses. George Semer- scales. Duke St.. Bowmanville. - 35-1* Wprk Wanted ÏORK WANTED AS MOTHER'S help)en. Appl' L. B.. Drawer B, Bowmanville. 35-le Phone 590 I. *Agents Wantedî WE'VE GOT IT 1 PR OSPEROUS Mr. Asseistine bas it!1 You can jet it too 1 Cash in oh, the biggest. best line of household necessities ta be sold direct' from factorv ta con- sumers. Success assured. Write todav for free varticulars. Famiiex Products Company, 570 St. Cie- ment St. Montreal. Que. 35-1 MWortgage Money' Available HAVE. MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Special attention ta National HousingAct Loans. Inquire Bradley Brêt.. Oshawa, Phone 169. 25-tf Veterinariaüs D. C. DAVEY, V.O., B.V.So. Dowmauvile Successor to Dr. T. F. Tlghe J.B. LESLIE, V.S.,D.So Veterlnay Surgeon Orono - Ontario Phones: Office 92r7 Residence 55r7. RADIO SERVICE ALL MAIES ,ar Radios lnstafled and Repaired Cali 575 etween Rouns of: 12.30 and 1.00 p.m. 6.30 aMi 7.00 p.m aSILQUM~NDBUII ECIALS 27e *32- oz. jar 2lc ....2 tins 19e Peaches, No 1 "a 6 qt. bkt. .. 29c ]BROWN LABEL 1/2 Ibo...... 2se RED LABEL E. LUNN* GROCECR Bowmanvlfle MORRIS COe.FALL SALE OF FACTORY & FLOOR SAMPLES - SAVJNGS FROM $28. to $95. Canada's Fineat Furniture. Coveilnge and Const ructions la a Pre-Fail Sale. SuitshKrel, Snyders, Barrymore. Space allows listing of urnly a few typical values. A dpstw o any suite for dellvery up te Chriaimas. 3 pe. Lawson Suite New Whipcord Repp Custom-Built Pilow Back Chesterfield &Chair 'mnpr!!,,'mperluie lfll COver pl 7 5,0- - i------ 1o D c 3pc. Ilmpgrted Suite Chicao Furniture Mari Sample. xcluivecoel ln rchulbrr 4.1,2 Price lis a rich muijserry h 3 pe. Snyder Suite- Striped Moire Moair 8.i Reg. $135.00 o.---ý -- -- . 9 0 3 pe. X-Ray Suite Free Linon Slip Covers. Custam huit by Fry & BlackhaU. Brown Repp ami Velour. Eeg. 3189.00 135.00 See these Budget Balancers 2 Pc. Suite............... Free *15.00 Tri-Lit, »,rloor ail OUu a»'upltcais any rfai sale Values. We =Pante e ave You]g F. F.MORRIS':CO.'h Or MM XI ý $19.95 $35.004m 'f 'i ý 1 i m m 1 THE CANADIAIJ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARM Phone 596 59-50 135mOO