People Weekir Wlth Whleh Are ncorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newcastle Endependent, And The Orono News VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., TI-1U1ZSDAY, AUGUST 3lst, 1939NUER5 AO ma m - ~ - -- - -- - _ 1 ý - v - là 7 m m ý KUTALS W WIF .FH BAS .EALTlE HSXER Old Timers Overflow ChUrch CASE DISMISSED Find Drowned outh's Body TEXTILE BUILDING Witheridge Huris SpeàBi DurngEinikile JbieeAGAINST DRIVER Aee eacicehreDasWILL BE OPENED Former Resideiits F111 ChoirICLERCS BurialTook ce Saturday F R EINUSR Kes PotHpmndrWn Charged with reckless driving ____Vacant factory sites in Bow- iconnection with a motor fatal- mavlear lwy but surely Tablet la Presented THIRTEEN BOATS ity in which Fred C. Cole, e oeed Wt en ccupied, andthBDee Revrln Pifiicr CO PET UNRA E Bwninvilelot M hi, Cares Ca ltC vre fh asebail aydowns Town Council opened negotia- B Y RCVRDP r oe L ss E Reeig Poer O P T NR C ibell of Brockport, N.Y., ap- Floral Tributes A a' tions with H oward P. Doner who Ect Who Established The FOR GLEN MAE CUP peared in; Cobourg police court Youth Who Gave HEls Bowmanville Royal, pasducnetteel etleEctn Gm Flrs Chuch ~Theon Tuesday. Magistrate W. A. F. bulding on Division Street into - Givingl ocl FrtC u hlaT eCampbell dismissed the charge. Lite To Save Friend 'totUir wln over Port Hop~e awo rdcafcoy aehr i Village of Enniskillen The much belated Glen Rae The accident occurred on Aug- Es Buried .,onweadan lg e he, wII Mr. Doner has been with Davis- ________,o dac eUcfrtWE etOkEl Trophy sailboat race fromn Osh- ust 20, near Brighton, when a car ound ofet cOBA. Inter- Hoult Manufacturmng Company Wi- awa to Bowmanviile was com- driven by Riebell met in collis- Tai netit a hn- eit B lyon n since it took over the old Domin- eiaIle 1l y t O a nd e~ o rgnadPiano factory ionwII Ed' WitheredDe Tage ncrtadgews hapersonal- onOranan Enniskillen aId boys and girls pleted on Sunday when two Osh- pw omnil.M.Clee erle nFia hn the lat town on Stur 0 ate- building. Since the fire last year, î y ndcEd hÉomnil came from al directions and . , the plant. hasred o elif nbeeny hecthlosed, n Stai-yafer ta again worship in the little brick and Howard Saywell as the crew, later in Belleville haspital. De- wasdoedrg e sq'ie, rnP h oint 5 tbHih Stheel reunds hera e plan h ar. on e calanxponshcip isxyasa church on thc hilltop which they crossed the finish line 2:07.08 pew's testimony was that hie was o usaAgs 2d a OlMna tene t31 ing here awaiting developments I teampispat afissup attended in days past. It was a hours after the starting gun was going east on the highway when fo ud ~saiîow au ter omdi ws- _10n Modla t even t 3.1T5 e idsrywlbgiteeat Pot p e eelslih home comning to celebrate the fired. This is the first time the Riebell's car swung over to the fta nce fr o t e oint t wich'Iib.rdaIn the eeyals-of l n Taesmall scale wi furniture 4 tor hsst hfitadde tanaenond Jubelpointhet wtica ai-daytrtheyRhaslbeen prnsantedlbycaR. wrongfsidetofet4etroa. an Deraryof ubic ediati60ann ic . troh een & Sn ad itR.wuîheon iofth. o d dmet lhe entered the water. He had lay in OakviIIe en Monday novelties, cartons and other wood cdn aeo h aehr drowned hiof atemptingcaandohee ontSat Rept.evebut &rduct, onadmoderwstichntureoBasbail Legue fina series church, by holding special ser- now be for annual competition, Riebel related that a shortrscue a fried during a ot loron asteahSet bt Mr. onehs o a o nsderinaureBwavlehvn a i vices. - open te Whitby, Oshawa and time before the accident lehe drsu reddrn ot lok stog h is r oe a had misdral asbl Long before the hour of service Bowmanviile. The winners each rcached for his tobacco and found Oh a. oafeno tefn- Yarne gme flbeherieMon- praticnandepeience in la n n first two tuslswi otHp in the afternoon it was found received a silver water pitcher. that lhe was heading a little t nStraytronthe un-y tteon. Th TUr e, .5 erauhtionan isalovineas nngga Uiat the' chuich would not ac- Thirteen boats werc in thie Uic left and pullcd back on his eral was held fram the home of .n algtSvn ie hogottepoic sa tiand o bc t ak1i commodate thc people, so Uic race and were divided inte Uhirec course .agamn. He declarcd, how- hîs parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hl. ateh dedgers for furtiier exceptîonally good designer. .thradfuthgms crowd movcd inta Uic large shed classes: club-owncd dinghys, pri- ever, Uiat hie did not cross thc Rowc, Orono, with Rcv. S. Little- atieulars and be on hand te Counicil at a special meeting on Not onlydiWiergeke which was filled ta Uic doors. vately-owned boats, and ci4sing centre line of Uic highway. De- wood canducting the service and cgeod baseball and te sup- Monday evcning arranged ta Uic Ontario lgesudrcn Th pator ws ecraedwihsloops. The cruising sloops were pcw lost contrai of his car, Rie- pygtiuet ot whose r h oas lease Uic building ta Mr. Doner trol at altmsbtlcisre beautiful flowers. given a sixteen minute start over bell said, and met head-on with accomplishments and pcrsonality. for a period of five years with a timely due i i orht BRey. H. H. Lackcy, B.A.,B.D.,Uic privatel3r-owned baats, with Uic American car on Uic north had made him a valucd member ta anc who had paid the certain regulations and stipula-drvhoetous.Tebi pastr, had charge af the service the club dinghys having an iglt- side of Uic highway. Riebell's of the cmmunity. r em sciie n nsa tions. eepcts to begin oper- George Rowe, Orone, was hit high notetre nlI and extcnded a most cordialwl iuela.tcstimony was corroboratcd by Flowers, over 50 offcrings in aitriuewsnUcfrmo ating within a month as s00fl as Who was drowncd at Presqu'île Uic bail fromingoe i ec other passengers in Mis car. all, bankcd and completcîy cov- aý umpet, Uic dcad youth's fv necessary alteratioris can be made Point on Tuesday, August 22nd. for a homer. came ta Uic visitors. Others on Sharp did nat make up Uic Harry Dcyman acted for Uic ered the casket while inside ande intrumentadwssetb and new machincry installed. Searchers did not fn i oy Bwavlcsckdht thc platfarmn who assistcd in Uic deficit until Uic race was ncarly cr wn and A. R. Wilmott for Uic outsidc the bouse hundreds aofli ebers af the orchestra with Council also passed a motion until Fridaymrngalhgh edinUcfstnngadate service were Rev. A. E. Harding, finished., and Broomne, Raison and defendant. frinds gathcrcd in a final fare- weh lhe had been playîng at regarding a scwcr on Prospect Uiey searched day and night for Witheridge hdkakdi w Rev. G. T. McKenzie, and Rcv. Hart, who finished after Sharp in qu'ile. There was also a pil- Street rcquested by Mr. J. H. H. it. Either Rowc had been able ta more in thefurhUiyqezd J. M. Whytc, Uic latter giving a their respective positions, wcre -low of flawers from frîcnds at Jury. The motion stated that the swim a considerable distance or one home nUccgt.Pr remmniscent address, being a for- grouped together ta finish within To17bIU Presqu'île and a basket from tawn would be willing ta con- the current had carricd Uie body, Hope got tir îs ayi i mer paster. forty-two seconds. The actual jlaa ese Hoe To CVUVIAqIErl "The Kiddies Hour"l, including ail struct such a sewer at an estim- because it was located in shailow sixth and adddUeacrrni An autstanding feature af this elapscd time for the first boat i BVV EfKAchlfdren at Presqu'ilc. ated cast af $800, providing Mr. watcr, nearly hall a mile fram Uic ninth. service was the presentation of a was anc hour, fifty-nine minutesAt tu eI beautfully_______doumen_____________CineueAtttude tcry where Charles Bucklcy, Sut- of same and that anyone connect- the side af a boat ta save a friend. back on first n aeM rs Uic churcli in memory of Uic Two sloops from Toronto, ance____tan, Mîton Green, Ross Wood, mg with Uic sewer in the future The funeral was held Saturday ence knownboiaUcpatan founders of Uic church. The pre- from R.C.Y.C. under Uic com- Donald Hamm, Orono, Clifforci would be chargcd an apportionate from Uic home of his parents, Mr. in Uic field.Dceivlleha sentation was made by Mrs. A. H. mand of Diçk Goodcrham, and Préfessor Chas. T. Paul Ià erffieiit believes that and it is Barrett, Napane and Bll Grady, 2t i cash, 60 per cent af which and Mrs. W. H. Rowc, Orono. fourteen putusonfrtwie Zurbrigg <nec Mabel Hutchisan), anc from C.I.Y.C., Tarante, skip- RoayCu pke And tauglit in every scliooi. XHrmilton, carried their friend to would be refunded te Mr. Jury_________ lic colectedthe sfrm s Stratford, and A. R. Hutchison, percd by Robert McLeod, also Rtr ClbSekrFr this reason, Uic Japanese Ms îlast resting place. and 40 per cent ta the town. Mr. clean-up sloinU icbthgodr Listewel, descendants af anc of sailed in Uic race. Detaili Peeling 0f believe Uiey arc a divine people Jury is constructing a house on BURT HDAY PART Tommy Pone1ratdnn 'Uic pioneer families, on behlaf of The skippers and crcw and the Japanese In War rulcd by a divie emperor and friends wcrc present from his orchard propcrty on Second T st h their brothers and sisters. The bitsa taie mUicn olocais but addedont, tenoS h wording on Uic tablet reads: carrected time af first Uircc are: With ChinaS, itgvlia vnesion o f sth wrad- qu'îlreNPin, Mmiolton, tretaddsrs i ee o- FOR OCTOGENARIAN stieustehsrcdanws DlarondJublceSkipper Crew Tme if flcccssary by conqucst. Thcy tgX~ Oshawa, Bowmanvîlle andMrGegeAPacEbn-lUcntio ntudtau- DmodubeeE. Sharp - H. Saywell - 2:07.08 What is happening in Germany, have been a military nation for nenvi1le. sr.iGeorUic.Cameronians, commtheit-t (ýtnued on page 5) L. Rison, - F. Medland - 2:10.30 Uic direct outcome af certain cie- compunction in cxtcnding their Lirr d ahap aîyg ter u ti Roy. oneeteRaaswr 0HURCES RrURN e-opne Caay arily amp Aungustteplayinail s he Hnply t ments aofUhiking and Uit prb-mission ta ather countries bb SERVICE r 28t ofwîn a supperpcnic ws nat ic baliaadsye tla lem is te fid the correct idea- utilizing farce. TO ""a SRVCSuî*ahnasupr ini a ntth a IffVi' logy where people Uink rîgltly They bave a definite program___ E nliln been their hit nteftfu R ia oirMongeis Aigain Pr'ay v c and do. rîgbtly, said Dr. Chas.T. afI.pragrcss for Uiis extension 'J'JAluci.AUMAL HlOildys hw"'i hnorof i83rd bithday. games of thisres yPaul, Presîdent af Uic College of whîcb was dctailed several ycars Union services bcing conducted beîd e21pe hs n edî t, hh After Mceenhdmijde Missions, Hartford, Conn., ad- ago in a pamphlet passcd byi Uic b3 TrUUity and St. Paul's Uited bsd i meit amîly in-aIiri îltfedcahi dressing C n t b e er a p desigBowmanvilc R ot a ry governmcnt. Evcry mave since, Churches during July und Aug- OrPbi lrr pndo ldd r.S .SatM.Patta ta readlc hr ihacat _______________________ Club luncheon Friday noan. Dr. that tume has conformcd cxactly ust wcrecocnciudedlatudy Friday alter a gencrul cdean upteSry and srl o Dîc, daRo-taicrdndH sobttae- Paul is an Honorary member af wîth Uic program laid out- and Next Sunday, Sept. 3rd cdlhcn-durngvaaton Provincial Constable W. E.x FAREWELL PARTY thie club anid a native son of there is no reason ta believe that gregation wili hold services in It mîglit be af intcrcst ta aur cheteznbr, .A t ra ctivewhanh ond. Bowmanville in whom we are ail furthcr extensions wil net be ut- their own churcli ut il a.m. and readers ta note Uic names on thcdaeak hîb Bill Bagne, elvtd aUi Smith, Formerly Stationed TO HAZEL WOOD very proud af bis record af ac- tempted if China la conquered, 7 p.m. - Board of Management found in graced the centre af the table was bead-off Posto, pnd Ui Here, Is Butt of Âttack complishments and bis outstand- Dr. Paul statcd.albryctagaIncntde a gift from Mrs. Sbantz. His Bowmanvîichllewt ige By Unscrupulous Miss Ada Dadson was hostess ing service and sacrifice for Uic At Uic present tinie, it seems 85 hy r:M . ewcMunywntt ut lier home on Liberty Street, betterment and upliît af human- Uicy fled something major is go- Bev., H. W. Foiey, oniy Bow- chairman; E. R. Bounsaîl, treasur- bcal th tkMs.a geat rein is dapseba Gossip Tbursday evening, August 24tb, îtY. ing ta happen in Europe andsUiat manviile citizen who is a member er; J. G. Whitton, hion. sec.; ttksagetpiei i ta twcnty-five scboal friendsaund This idcology is tuking an Uie Uiey should use dîplomacy and af Newcastle Hortîcuitural Soc- Spry, B. D. Davidson, W. C. King, garden and stil drives bis auto. (Continse npg 0 Barnum is credited wi the neiglibors af Hazel Wood i wosc form af intense natîonalism in make compromises witb Eng- îety, taak many prîzes in Uic un- J. B. Mitchell; Librurian, Annie sain "hce' asukc brnhonor'Uic guests assembicd for a -those cauntries until Uiey îorm land, possibly because Uicy be- nual Flawer Show beld there. His Heliyar.- cveymin u thee" b u werarnt farewcli surprise party. An ap- totalitarian governments and ut- lieve they wiîî be able ta make winnimgs included 8 firsts, 4~ sec- W r nrcita aynw~D cae T u s lt verainut lead" tey'ar e- prapriate address wrîtten by Ada tempt expansion nat equailed by 'better progrcss later. Their anc onds and 1 thîrd, a very enviable b areioksp fmaynwP p an tD ca eT lieve anytbing and make it seem Dadson, expressing the regrets af anytbing in the history af thc idea and purpose is conquest of record for any gardener. Mr. Fol-onipratuarsc- twice as big or bad whentbyHuzel's girl Iriends and wisliing world, lie continued. thc warld and subsequent estab- ey's giadioli taok six prizes in ten cerningou mpire and Uic tell sameone about it, enitbautlber gopd luck and success in ber It la in Japan where this new lishment af their own cîviiiza- classes, includîng Uie best gladi- worid. One just receîved is en- x e tS ' tu ly a s worrying if the original story was Toronto sclool and home, was nutîonalism lias hud greater de- tion, le cancludcd. Same Japan- olus in thc show. tr oeyg rievle ar bu adsus reud by Patsy Clarke. Orma vclopmcnt Uian in oUicr coun- ese arc oppascd ta the policy, but den on Liberty Street is a beau- tr t by Arthur Salter. Thc trpea le'etmaul sîgoftttheseosummeremontîs, speuks with auUiarity C obe r hp WcUeMowcrs apd Oncy Muttan pre- tries. Wc havc been dcali e g wîtli tIc mai orîty aI Uic 'nts hei e wrîtcs, liaving bcld pro- Rv .J cae area abotardly umu whc sented Hazel wiUi a Pen and Japan's political reasons for ut- blidUcgavernmcnt, due pas- and the work be las put an it mineA oalQetin laseo sra dats a y iruou hout pencil set and a lockt. Several tacking China and with bier need siby ta thc fact that tley ave as certainly brought forth desir- mnnt positions in Uic Empire - Pas A oa usin o en se ha pea t wytrugotbenisile it ped resulta. It is reuhly a credît Head af Economîc and Financial- About WhVop o etmgirl Iriends gave individuel gif ta for expansion due ta lack of space been intllledtieh proagaandd d tti Section af League of Nations for "'Boodbve.M.Cis"JmsHl Not Chec usln as itrivctcd ntit asm cd as a taken of remembrance. and lack af materials for lier until tbcy are confident Japan is t e the town MrndChipss"taases10 yc asi rvlldutlitasmdstandard that Bawmunville ha 0yars et Geneva; Dîrector af ton's Rently sentimental novel of ____ immense proportions, althogh Hazel thankcd Uie girls for -people, but the war with China <Contnu.d on page 4>)o tratv ore. Slip Bequisitioning in the Great an English schoolmaster, las been there was not a mite af foUnda- their Uiougltfuincss and kindncss. la fundamcntally a religiaus warfoatrciehms War, and anc af Uic principal madfe into a Rentle sentimental pic- Lions Clubt nMna ih tion for Uic rumour in Uic fîrst Ada Dadson then entertaineci and bas its roots in religiaus con- foundcrs af Uic Air Raid Delence turc thut takes its place as one of was so sparsel tcdddet instance, bier guesta with sevcral 1"quiz" sîderetion and motives. Lau.'h.oo otan ivl hesrensfneteteti111.Ittelag u Everctt Smith, Provincial Con- gms e hihMs asn Japanese îdeoiogy is te keyta R egen M e b-P,.&-C le Laguvv e. Teporkctrais laie lyt R oy l f este.uioens. t Uiciargenmbra Im brsa stable who was stationd in Bow- srvd sandwiches, cake, i ce the situation and Uey cnnot sec <'<4 Britishi sttesmen. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, sltd ta prEsnunadeso bstasrtaBlellls Hazel Wood and ler girl fri- China cannot understand Uat this For Gl'IL y t i. C iic Sept. 4. 5. 6, 7.Thtrnlioof Iay" sa mi aner or seelh s r e n mnd e. a'wa b i w gh orrdan epe iaywyFo G rthe Hilton novel TIc tranlaio a " y" saskcdtepotpncli been Uic abject af this muliciaus ndlartily Uianked Mrs. Dud- wri en ogi o îi ruou. o ad dafr vryejoabe eeft n sabisin n hiaTHANKSGIVUNG fflished with a sensitive charni and -feltgthat însutî wudbb ruar. aendsn and d fra cy n able bee cviibingahnd a a-tnens.adwoldlihfui fgetiti Somieone lpne ire with Uiceveig her iviliTation and e at-l In spite af Uic critical situation of bushes nearby. He cbailenged SET FOR OCT. 9TH the work of the two principals Rob- and, if passileUe bud local propagande by telling a believe that. i Europe, Uierc are some local thc marauder, but receîved no tr oa.adalvl nwoe ie nor frîcnd that Constelle Smith led d At" VThc Japanese have woven into feetures whicb -assume camedy answcr. Finally, le marcled for- Ottawa, Aug. 28 - Canada's named Greer Garson."Goodbye. Mr. it. been epprchcnded as a German E G G M N their Uiînking ah Uice mytiioîogy proportions. In reletîng these, wc ward and plunged into thc thick- Tlianksgivîng Day will le Chips" is a picture of quiet warmth, Howcver, FterCfcy1l Spy and lad been Uirown into- aI-- .ofthc ages wbicl tells thcm ±liat aona t wish ta be funny or smart, et anly ta find that le lad been Monday, October 9. The Sec- interestin& in its detgiled >epiction spent four yeasi taydrn rosn. By the time Uic fricnd1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H~. Dillîng Japan wes orîginally formed and but desire ta slow Uiat a sense stalking a large black cet. retary af State Depertment ai Enizlish school life and enjoyable Uic risc I eof Msolnit Kad told a feW people Who in of Bawmianvilllc announce the created by Uic Sun goddess froni af bumor still is valuebie in re- ut is ratber înteresting ta note today îssued Uic foîîowing in its mellow mood. And its senti- leadership ofUcFsca at turn kept Uic allralling by edd- engagement af Uiir youngest draps af weter whîch ficl îrom lieving tense, jitry nerves. that i this week's Dim and Dis- announcement: nment is zenuine. and Uic govermnesec ig a littlc more ll Uic time, daugliter, Lena, ta Mr. James ber spear. They aiso believe thet One story going Uic rounds unt Pat af 25 years ugo, a list af "In accardance with Uic us- toqeto Constable Smith lied been arrest- McGregor Burns af Bowmeinville, the first Emperor af Japan was gîves detaila af a conversation men hi Uic fîrst contingent fram ual practice, the second Mon- Mr. John Quigg, Newcastle, mîglit be timcl tUc oet cd carrying secret documents af son af Mr. Lewis H. Burns and tic grendson af Uic sun goddess between two nat-toa-eagcr young Bowmanvilie in Uic Great War day in Octaber, whicl will be las advanced another important but out-dated wti c es sanie nature and was about duc Uic lete Mrs. Geergîna H. Burns and that cvcry Emperor since men. Ond states Uiat leic l defin- appears. Another item included October 9, las been fixed for stcp in lis progress in aviation. The first, W« I esntPp ta le shot by a firing squad. af Brechm, Uice marriage ta teke then lies been e direct descend- îtciy not going inta Uic cavalry Uic recruiting bulletin in Frank thc observance of Thanks- On Manday in Toronto le flew Pius XII spokent usln n Wc have discussed'tbc matter place Saturdey, September 23rd. ant f Ui goddss. Even the gov- beceuse when lic beers Uic caîl ta Pethick's wîndow. - It was used givîng Day for 1939. solo for thc first time. teld bin wlit a doiUcpr- with Cblef ai Police Sydney Ven- retreet, lie doesn't want any herse during thc Great War and depîcta "A proclamation appoint- AI Partridge was intervîewcd cnt Europeancrisadwydd tan, with Provincial Constalles D. holding hbu leck. a soldier beckoning others ta jaîn ing tbis day as e day af gen- as a guest on tbe Afternoan Swing lic not cxcrtinleconM- P. Marris and W. F. Thompuon, eal au u The other lathi In a quen- thc army ta figît for lis country. eral Uianksgiving wlll le is- Session, Radio Station CKOC ut solini aefrc ndels er andiUi p esonlly. tfirstblie P e n ete r n Taxpayer dary. He says he can't go in Uic Thc general feeling af persans sucd sortly.' Hamlton on Tuesduy.FaerCfcsttdhttee S c o t hf e t U s u g g es. t i n t .ht we I m l e c i e a w t r h i a s d s u s d s t a o m t e b c mmmmmu ý mý ýmm ý m Ammlmýl