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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1939, p. 4

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-Y -. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1939 Haydon Recent Visitors:,Me. andI Mii. W. H. Board. Miss Violet Broad. Me. andI Mes. R. J. Doddts. Me. andI Mes. W. D. Robbins. Toronto. with Mes. Silas Trewin... Mr. andI Mes. D. Higgzins, Miss Lauea Philip. To- edato. Me. andI Mes. C. EOmuntIs. Oshawa. at Me. R. Sandeeson's... Me. andI Mes. Les. Gaeeaed and tam- ily. Toronto, witb Me. andI Mes. C. Garrard. .. Miss Viola Bralley. To- ronto. with ber parents... Me. R. Leask. Sask.. Mes. Frank Thpmpson. Taulnton. with Me. andI Mes. C. Crossman. . . M. and Mes. Herbert lnizlehart. Beonte. Mes. R. A. Ash- ton. 1.easide Mes. Milton 'Wcrry, Oshawa. Me. an' Mes. Fred Tam- blyn. Orono. Mes. Feegu5on. Hamp- ton. witb Me. andI Mes. Lloyd Ash- ton. .. Miss Verna Teewin. Oshawa, witb ber parents. .. Me. and Mes. Mark Thompson. Michigan. Mes. Efelda Ridgze. Toronto, with Me. John Wright andI Me. andI Mes. W. Tbompson. .. Me. andI Mes, Frank Coulter. Bowmanville. with Mes. F. Adams. .. M. andI Mes. Nýorman Hall. Clinton andI Beyvl. Miss Noreen Kennedy. Oshawa. witb Mes. D. Graham. .. Me. Gordon Cowling, Dixie. with is father. .. Me. andI Mes. . E. Elliott. Cadmus. Me. andI Mes. Herbert Ingzlebart. Bronte. Me. andI Mes. C. J. Mountioy. IslinRton. Mes. Arthur Pearce andI Miss Dor- othy. Conn.. at Me. Milton Slemon's. ..Me. John Wright bas returned home fromn visitinz Me. andI Mes. H. Campbell. .. M. andI Mes. Chas. Gaeeard andI family witb Me. andI Mes. H. Gay. Oshawa. .. Me. andI Mes. Fred Cowling andI Mes. Fred, Blackstock Me. andI Mes. Chas. Soper. Oshawa. with Me. anidMes. R. McNeil. . . Me. andI Mes. Hame Laemee andI baby Shirley Marie. Me. GeraltI Larmer. South Monaghan. Miss Veena Gittin at Me. A. Beech's. . . Me. Paul Stepbens andI Miss Ursul McNeil have retuened to Toronto aftee bolidayinz with hber parents. Me. antI Mes. A. McNeil. Mes. Greenwood with Mes. Frank Coulter. Bowmianville. .. Me. Geo. Riggzs andI Mes. Ormiston witb their brother. De. R. M. RigRs. Toronto. who bas undergone an operation... Mes. Wm. Teewin with Mes. E. C. Asbton. Enniskllen. We are soery to lose Me. and Mes. Ross Richards f nom our nejghbour- hood havinir recentlv moved to Bow- manville. and wish themn evcry suc- cess in their new home. W.A. improved the appeaiince of the church bv puttinir down a cover- inz ini the aisle. A misclancous sho*r was Riven at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. A. )6cNeil Saturday evening in honor of 'Miss Pearlie Adams. We salute our neigbhbourina cburch at lÊnniskillen on baving celebrated its Diamond Jubilce. Many f rom here attended, the celebrations. meet- ing and reminiscinz with old f riends. Hampton Hampton Mission Band met in the park Monda1' afternoon. Meetings ILnd Trýaswxer's report were read followed bv the roll cail. Call to Worship was followed by the scyrip- ture readinz by Shirley Pingle. and prayer ebv Jean Anthistie. 0f ferinm wvas taken bv Billie Widdicombe anti dedicated bv Phyllis Niddery.. 0f-2 f icers were elected as follows: Pres-1 ident -Shirley Pingle: lst Vice-2 Presidnt-Audrev Kersey: 2nd Vice-1 Presidnt-Billy Widdicombe, Sec'y.2 -Phyllis Niddee~; T-ew.-M'arionT Kersev: Christian Stewardship - 1 Ethel Gilbert; Press Sec'y.-Kath-2 leen Tink: Temperance Sec'y. - Marzaret Tink. Strangers $Sec'v.- Annabelle Adcoclç; Vher-H-erbert Craiz: Pianist-Kathleen Tink. t Cowanville Recent Visitors: Mrs. Edwards,t Toronto. wjth Mr. and Mrs. J. J. . W. Stringer. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert1 Orossley with Mr. and Mrs. Sam-r son Yeo. 0rono.. . Mr. and Mrs.1 A. Brandy. Mr. Hector Milison.1 Mrs. B. Milîson and Mr. Kinsman1 with f riends at Herman. . . Mr. and1 Mrs. Geo. Walters and Mr. and Mes.1 Jno. Walters of Laingsburg. Mich.. with Mr. T. J. Simpson. Our pastor will be in the pulpit next Sundav. Miss Floýsie Graham has a veev painful ankle. A cow she was milk- ing became enraized at the f lies and walked off leavng Miss Graham witb a spilled pail of milk and a sore lez. -Mr. Theodore Stevens lost a cow. j k NOTICE Sehool Opens Next Tuesday And We can supply ail your needs for School Opening PRICES RIGHT AND QUALITY GOOD BERRY'S 'STORE BOOKS & STATIONERY Phone 807 BowmanvMle 1 ~That's Why It's1 SETTER FOR YOUR FAMILY Gien Rae Milk is richer in ail the minerais and vitainins that make for health and growtb. Ev- eryone In the famiiy shouid drink ît daily- so why not start at once! GLEN RAE DAIRY PhOno Pur> Bowmanvilie FOR BOYS W. have a complets Uine of footwear for boys froni ealy publie sehool te high sohool age. Prices te save you money, while wsaring the finest. WEEK-END SPECIAL Boys" Oxfords And Boots ..............1.89 Other Shoes Prlced et .... 1.98, 2.25, 2.98 Zio Recent Visitors: Me. andI Mes. Morley Flintof f and Jean, Columbus. at Me. Wes. Cameron's. .. Me. andI Mes. Russeri Stainton andI tamily, Mes. Jas. Stainton and Mi5s I=e Cameron at Mes. P. J. Giftord's. Osaca. Inez remained with ber grand- mother.. . Miss Annie Killen bas returned to Oshawa. . Miss Ethel Wilkins. Oshawa. at Me. J. W. Bal- son's. .. Master Gary and baby Carol Chant. Hampton. at Me. Re- tord Camneron's. .. Miss Peggy il- len bas returned f romt holidaying at North Oshawa. . . Mes. Leslie Hos- kmn and Stanley. Thornton'stosVers. at Me. . W. Balson's. .. Me. andI Mes. Eldridge Nelson and Roy. Feaserville.\ Mer.Leslie 1I-os1çin andI faniilv. at Me. Anson BalstIn's.. Me. Frank Pascoe and daughtees, Miss Irene Pascoe at Me. Artbur Moore's. Enniskillen... Me. andI Mes. A. T. Stainton at Enniskillen Jubilee... Me. and Mes. W. Young andI Dennis. Mes. W. McMillan. Peterboro. Me. and Mes. Chas. Johns andI daugbters. Hampton. at Me. L. Pascoes. . . Irs. A. T. Stainton attended little Dianne Lee's birtfiday Party Satueday at Me. Ross Lee's. Kedron... Me. and Mes. Joe Awdc and famiy. Toronto. at M~r. Frank Pascoc's. Miss Evelyn Awde is stay- ing for a week. .. Me. andI Mes. C. Stor. Toronto Me. A. Richie. Thomn- ton's Corners. at Me. Hans Gxeisber- ger's.. . Me. andI Mes. Robt. Killen andI familv at Lakeview Park. Osh- awa. .. Me. J. W. McMaster bas zone on a trip 'to Saskatchewan.. Miss Norma Glaspel enioyed a motor trio theouzrh Western Ontario with some irl f riends. .. Me. Jas. Mc- Master. Miss jean McMastee. To- eo'nto. at Me. J. W. McMaste's.... Me. and Mes. Norman Allin. Miss1 Marion Allin. Newcastle, at Me. Russell Robbins'. . .. Me. Gerald Balson Miss Jean Balson at Me. L. Hoskin's. Tborniores Corners... Miss Margaret Peekins at Me. Sam French's. Toronto. .. Mr. andI Mes. Willis Gladwell. John andI James. Toronto. at Me. Alf Avee's. .. Me. and Mes. Russell Peekins and Mar- garet. Miss Audev. Avec at Port Hoîster. Lake Simcoe. .. Me. and Mes. Sam French andI Faye. To- ronto. at Mr. R. Peekins'. Mes. Alf Avec entertained some W.A. ladies to a nIlting Wednes- day. Me. and Mes. George Sonley and TetIdie. Toronto. at Me. Fred Cam- eeon's. Miss Helen Cameron retuened with them to visit the C.N.E. Me. andI Mes. Frank Grainger, Toronto. Me. Ernest Martin. Lake Simcoe. at Me. Thos. MaetiWis. Russel Robbins. F. B' GlasPel. Tracy Glaspel and AIf Ayee have their sheco at C.N.E. Me. andI Mes. Jno. Ceuickshanks and Isabel went to Montreal to meet Miss Marzaret Cruickshanks. Aber- deen. Scotland. Tbevretuened Sun- day. Miss Cruickshanks will visit ber brother. Master Lloyd Ayre bas sbeep) at Belleville Fair. Master Bovd Avec is at the C.N.E. with AIf *yre. 1 Solina . Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mes. N. Chapin. New York City, with Me. antI Mes. Haeev Taylor. .. Mes. Ed. Wilcox. lieteeboro, at Me. H. E. Tink's. . . Me. antI Mes. Thos. Baker and Miss Vera Baker at Me. Chas. Howsam's. Port Pcrrv. . . Me. and Mes. Alec McKessock, Keith and Shirley. Lindsay, at Mes. R. J. Mc- Kessock's. .. Me. Donald Yellow- lees. Pickeeinz. Miss Jessie Yellow- lees. Oshawa, at Me. N. C. Yel- lowlees. .. Me. andI Mes. Walter ParrIntIer antI Evelyn at Me. Har- -rison Spears. Gratton. .. Me. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and tamily at Me. Harvey Haedy's. Oakwood. . . Miss Ileen Balson at Mr. Ernest Lyeme's. Blackstock. . . Miss Helen Baker. Peteeboro. at Me. ack Baker's.. Me. Chas. Scott. Delhi. Mes. Chas. Scott. Southampton, at Me. R. C. Scott's and Me. B. G. Stevens'.. Me. a'nd Mes. Maurice Baker andI Janice and Miss Muriel Bake1 at Me. Percy Dewell's. Wbitby. . . Me. and Mes .N. C. Yellowlecs, Miss Grace. Messes Neil antI Donald Yel- lowlees at Me. Breckenridize'.s. Mill- brook. .. Miss Mary Howsam. Port Peerv. Mes. Pearl Harris andI Ray. Special ths week-end 12 Girls' Oxfords 12 Designed exclusively for school wear, black and brown, sizes 5 to 2. Also a wide range of Ties and Straps at ... 1.49, 1.69, 1.98 up Wide selection of newest style shoes for high school girls. Msh'er Skoe Store BOWNANVILLE Mr. Walter Richardson. Toronto. at Mr. Thos. Baker's. .. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family. Black- stock at Mr. A. J. Balson's. .. Mrs. Carrick. Toronto. is visiting at Mr. Jack Reynolds'. .. Mr. and Mes. H. Cowlingz and family and Miss ]Rob- erts. Whitby. Me. and Mrs. Frank Lvcett and family. Mr. Sid Hockaday's. . Our vouniz people enioyed a corn and weiner eoast in the school yard. Thuesday eveningz. A splendid temperance Proftram was given Sunday morning witb Me. E. R. Taylor presiding. Miss Mutriel Baker favoueed witb a vocal solo, accompanied by Miss Kathleen Baker. Miss Harris gzave an instruc- tive talk showiniz how we develop and. how alcohol affects us. avid Mrs. Will Leask gave a eeadina. Burketon Recent Visitors: Miss Ivy Barter. Toronto. witl, Mes. Ed. Cougill... Miss Ella Hoskin" with ber uncle, Mr. W. W"ood Qono. .. Mr. and Mrs. Coustbill have retuened home from a trip to St. Catharines and Niagara-in-the-Lake... Mrs. W. W. Stinsôn. Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pbilp.1 A number of people attended cburch Sundav wben Rev. J. M. White. a former minister, gave a fine messagze on "The Prodigal son and EIder brother.".. Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Miss Florence Bennet. teacher at Pelee Island. wbo bas been holidaying with ber mother at base line. visited Mrs. Ernest Twist.. . Miss Mildred Snowden bas teturned home aftee visitiniz Miss Jean Miller at Howdenvale. Georiz- ian Bay. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'F. Willouzhbv. dauizhter Joan. who have been bolidaviniz with ber sister. Mrs. Cecil Tcf ferv. bave returned to Win- *npeg.. . Mes. L.C. Snowden. Miss Betty and Mr. Bob Snowdcn visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lece. Kedon.. . Miss Louise Foley bas returnçd home from London. .. Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Snowden. Mr. Thos. Snowden. Mr. W. J. Snowden bave returned f romn Tait's cottage. east of Bewd- 1ev. .. Mr. Ray Snowden bas re- tur'ned to Toronto after yisiting bhis wife and -family. .. Mrs. L. C. Snowden visited Mrs. Joe Hynds. Toronto. .. Mes. H. G. Freeman. Miss Thelma Freeman. Miss Marion Folev visited Mrs. L. M. McMurtry, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dearborn. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Britton and son Billie. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and son Teddv. Town. at Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley's.. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins. Osh- awa. with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mun- day... Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples. Bethanv. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble. Mr. *and Mrs. John Snowden. Mr. and Mes. Lew Hockin at Mr. and Mrs. Ted Folev's... Mrs. R. H. Armstrong and daugiter Ruth with friends in Toronto. Oak- ville. Hamilton. Niagzara Falls. Buf- falo. Cannington and Woodyille. A representative of the Temper- ance Federation 'will occupy the yul- Dit on Sundav. Blackstock Recent Visitors: Mr. and. Mes. H. Vincent. Toronto. Mrs. Rctýt. Archer with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith... Mrs. Tabez Wright and Mrs. Ernest Larmer are at Whitby Ladies Collegze attendingz W. M. S. convention.. Miss Rita Swain. Toronto. at Mr. and Mes. W. A. Va:n Camp's. ., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and fam- ulv at Bancroft. .. Miss Balson. Solina. with Miss Lois Larmer.. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherlandi. Georgzina and Lois. Belleville. with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally. .. Miss Mar- guerite Stinson. Lindsay. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan. .. Miss Dora Dempsev. Steatford, with Dr. and Mrs. T. A. McArthur . .. Mrs. John McKee at Millbrook . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ellis (nec Elsie Vcnning) and familv. St. Catharines. with fri- ends in the villagze. Mr. Wm. Young and his ncphcw. Walter Youngz. Saulte St. Marie. re- ncwed old àicquaintances in the villagze. The Fergzuson Picnic was held Saturdav at Hampton Park. Sec re- Dort in another colun. Rev. Mereill Ferguson vreached at the United Church Sundav n.ight. C. Burmaster. Misses Aima an<l Florence Rundle. Hampton. Me. R. Parsons, Tim- mins. at Mr. Wm. WTizht's.. Mr. and Mes. B. Wood, .\Ir. F. Pethick. Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Me. and Mes, A. J. Zuebrigg, Stratford. Mr. and Mes. A. R. Hutchison. Listowel, Mrs. Gaudist, Toronto. Me. and Mrs. H. Lavman. Bowmanville, Rev. H. W. Foley. Bowmanville. at Mr. T. M. Slemon's. Me. and Mrs. W. Hoskin, Misses Ella and Dorotbv.. Glen and Bert Hoskin. Burketon. Mr. W. Wood, Dick. Keitb and Ralph. Orono. at Mr. M. Heard's. Me. and Mrs. Win. Broad. Mrs.1 Dodds. Miss Violet Broad. Toronto, Mrs. Slias Trewin. Haydon. Mfr. and Mrs. Esli Oke and Elsie. Mirs. W. G. Rundle. Bowmanville. with M-r. and Mes. H. Aninis. Mrs. 1. H. MacPherson, Carleton Place. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Mac- Phersob and son Jackie. Mt. Albert,. De. and Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock. To- ronto. Miss Marzaret Tftrbilcock Bowmanville. Me. and Mrs. C. H. Mitchell. Hamilton. with Dr. and Mrs. C. Austin. Miss A. Allin, Mes. A. Cole, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Trenoutb. Napanee. Me. F. J. Groat and Miss Leach. Mrs. C. W. Souch. Hampton. witb Miss Eva Souch. Mrs. K. A. Gaudin. Toronto. Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Honey. Cavanik Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. Elainei and Walter. Bobcaygeon. Miss Verna Ormiston. Oshawa. Mr. andI Mrs. Hoskink Smith and family. Enfield. at Mr. J. R. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ingrlebant. Bronte. Mr. and Mrs. C. Branton. Miss Gladvs Pagre. Oshawa. Miss Clara Pagre. Mr. Oswald Petbick. Toronto, with Mrs. Etta Paire. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradford. To- ronto. Miss Marguerite Wrigzht. St. Catharines. Mr. B. Southam. Strat- ford. Mr. F. Wright. Maple Grove. Mr. H. Weizht. Hampton. wth Mrs.i Wm. Oke. Mrs. C. Heod. Mr. and Mes. J. W. Herod. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whittakee. Oshawa. MT. and Mes. I. Grif fin and Jean. Blackstock. witb Mrs. M. Geif fin. Rev. M. R. Sýnderson andI Roy, Mr. F. Carr. Mr. R. Lee.- Mr. and Mes. C. B. Kay and Bill. Mrs. H. McCombe andI Adelle. Toronto. Mr. Harry Sroeneley. Sudbury. Miss Elaine andI Mr. Walter Ormiston. Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Wnî. Tordif., Bowmanville. at Me. A. Sbarpe's. Ex-Mavor andI Mes. W. D. Robbins Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Pasçoe a.pd Bessie. Mr. and Mrs., F. Smith, Frank andI Lloyd. Entield. Mr. andI Mrs. W. Smnitb. Miss Ruby Smith andI Mr. A. Haines. Wbitby. Mr. andI Mes. H. Scott and Miss Dorothy fo Orono. at Mr. S. Teewin's. . Miss Elsie Oke. Toronto. Me. andI Mes. F. Rogzers. Whitbv et Mr. Wes- lev Oke's. Rev. and Mes. Win. Parker. Mal- loeytown. Me. and Mes. Geo. Wi James. Miss Grace Wery. Bpwman- ville. Mes. C. Hemphill. Waterloo, Mes. Camûbell and Miss Jean Camp- bell. Oshawa, Mes. Cruikshanks. Miss Irene Brav. Me. Fred Tenîl. To- ronto. with Mr. andI Mes. J. A. Werrv. Miss Nora Werv and Miss Mar- ion Mountiov. Kedron. 'Miss Olive Luke and Miss Laura Vietue. To-. ronto. Dr. and Mes. C. W. Slemon. Me1 . andI Mes. C. H. Staffles. Angrus- ville. Man.. Mr. R. Virtue. Oshawa, Me. and Mes. M. Mou,*jov. Me. McGill. Cadmus. Me. and Mes. A. E. Billett. Hampton. at -Mr. H. Mc- Gill's. Me. and Mes. J. E. Virtue. Me. andI Mes. R. Holland. Toronto. Me. andI Mes. S. Rodman. Port Perey, Me. and Mrs. 1. Travell andI Betb. Oshawa. Miss Marie Oke andI Me. Gordon Beech at Me. E. C. Ashton's. Me. and Mes. Thoenton. Janctville, Mes. Col eman, Prince Edmiward Countv. Mr. andI Mes. Will Beent add son. Mes. C. Usher and Ethel. Toronto. Me. and Mes. A. Stainton. Mes. J. Sbackelton. Zion. Me. and Mes. Noble. Patricia andI Maeiorv, Whitbv. Miss Bernice Staipton at Me. Wm. Stairton's. Rev. J. M. Wbyte. Verona. Me. and Mes. J. E. Vietue. Mes. Nancy Deeks. Miss Elsie Moore. Me. J. A. Stainton. Mr. O. L. Byes. Toronto, Mr. andI Mes: Fred Suizden and Madeline. Brantford, Rcv. arpd Mes. Breckin. Arthue andI Geace. New Brunswick. Rev. andI Me$. G. .T. Mc- Kenzie. Plainfield. Miss Jennie Mc- LeotI. St. Paul's. Mi=n. Mes. Wmn. Rianton. Smith Falls. Mes. Lorne Robbins and tIaugzhter. Leskard. at Me. and Mes. W. H. Moore's. Mes. C. Usher. Miss Ethel Usher, Miss M. E. Virtue. Me. and Mrs. R- Holland. Toronto. Me. . J. Or- miston. Oshawa. Me. Wmn. Beent. Uxbeidge. Me. andI Mes. Beret Stev- ens. Mes. E. Stevens. Hampton, Mes. Ella Smith at Me. H. Stevens'. Master Ivan Sharpe is holidaving with Mes. D. B. Kay. Toronto. Mes. S. Trewin enioved a pfleasant holiday at Lorne Park. Oakville andI Buelingzton Beach. Miss Irene Sharp)e bas retuened to Toronto after holidaving witb ber barents. Me. andI Mes. A. Shaepne. Me. Fred Trewin visited Niagara will visit us and Mes, J. Tjiickson. District President. Bowmanlville, will sveak. AIl ladies welcome. 1'A little learoing is a danger- ous thing" wc are toitI. Also "Much learning maketh a man matI." So what are we going to do about it? Salem Recent Visitors: Me. andI Mes. L. Annis andI babe. Toronto. with Me. andI Mes. W. Cann. andI with themn uai a visit to Geneva Park on Sun- day. .. Mes. F. Cator i§ home after an extended motor trip with ber son. Me. 1. Cator andI family. She was detained in Toronto owingz to ber son having a bad foot ailnmcnt.. Miss B. Cator with Mes. L. Skeeis. Oshawa. betore izoingr to Toronto, to attend the weddina-of a f iend.. Me. andI Mes. F. Hurst an~d sons. Toronto. Me. ami Mes. E. Doidgze were Sundav guests with# Me. andI Mes. H. GautI andI enioved a visit to Dabli Dell at Cadmus. .. Mr. andI Mes. Stinson andI sons. Cadmus. Me. andI MÈs. W. Fitze. Tanetville. witb Me. andI Mes. G. Cornisb. Their two gzranddaugbhtees from town are bolidayiniz there. .. Me. Russel Coenisb is motorinz to the West. .. Mes. H. GautI with friends in Sault Ste. Marie. .. Mes. L. Squair is home atter an enjoyable six weeks' visit with relatives andI f riends in New Brunswick Nova Scotia. Newfoundland. Prince Ed- waed IslandI. makingz the home trip bv motor witb ber sister andI brother- in-law. f rom Edmonton. . . Mes. Taylor andI Miss Taylor. Toronto, returned home aïfter a %6sit with Me. andI Mes. J. Hall. Next Sundav service will be witb- tIeawn owing to anniyersarv services at Tyrone. Svnipathv is extended to Me. andI Mes. Coenish in the tIeath of bis sister. Mes. Heard of Oshawa. ROTARY CLUB (Contlnued tram Page 1) invincible andth taï; tey are guid- ed by diviniity. The speaker was introduced by Dave Morrison and Fred Cryder- man moved tee vote of teanks. President J. Ross Stutt was in charge of tee meeting, with guests introduced by Geo. W. -James, as follows: Rev. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic. Percy Cher- ry, Toronto, W. J. Mifls,- St. Marys, Stephen Keown, Wihitby, Rupert G. Hambly. Ottawa, and C. H. Spence and Wes Thiel, Pigeon, Michigan* President Stutt announced teat 21 tonsil operations under thei direction of the Rotary Club had- been completed in Enniskillen andI Burketon districts and that several more would be under- taken by the club in tee near future. Rey. A. L. Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic andI an Honorary memn- ber of Bowxnanviile Rotary Club, will address the club next Friday. LIONS CLUB, (Continued tram Page 1) Italian nation. He bas built up Italy into a world power where once she was very weak, until now if teere was a conference of the main powers in tee world, Mussolini would be teere and would likely be one of tee insti- gators of such a conference. He would not Ilisten to tee ad- monitions of tee Holy Fateer be- cause he has ascended to such heights of power test he is will- ing to forget tee spiritual side of life in order to have his name fiashed throughout the world, continued tee speaker. The Italians neyer had sny dislike or hatred for England snd the British Empire. Rateer, teey adnired tee Empire because of its power andI its diplomacy. If Mussolini goes to war wite Bni- tain it wil not be because of hatred, but because of some other factor, concluded Father Coffey. President D. Alex McGregor ,was in the chair andI was assisted - -FILM S DOMLOPED FRE E YOU save ~1oc on esch roil of film and get superior pictures with Art Border. Engllsh Health Salts with Glass SpecialPrie 33C" Arrid Oream - 39c-59o Muni - - - - 330-530 Odorono ce - - - - 35o Odorono Llquid - 35c-59o Diw ----33e-57e Mosby's Andrew's Tonie Salta 51.1iOt PUTP iNYLOMOIt WT Xe c- 57c SRE FEE Hferb Tonci> e Rmedieated INSOLES 30c -i5WC 51.00 saIiy» sothe pai.fitl. bunint.ochinll ;aLe oo rà it <s pa.sud ------'-- Syrup - -29c - 47e 87e 79e NOVA KELP TABLETS Provide Vitamines and Essential Minerais 150 tabs. 79C - 3005$1.39 - 750 SZ79 Ilay Fever Headaches Gluco-Tedrh' - - - - 850 BayeX's Aspirin 22-39-98 Nyal Drops - - - - 25e Nyal Â.S.A. - 25-35-49 Razmah Caps - - 5c-$1.00 Aspergum - - - - 35c Resperin -----500esParade --l -350 Wihen We Tept Your Byes You Are Assured 'Entire Satisfaction i Fit, Quality, Style and llice. PlIDN P. R .COW LING, Phm.B. eLI by M. Breslin who acted as song conducted a quiz contest on the leader, Gea. L. Davidge, pianist, Lions magazine, asking questions and Russell Osborne who took of.various nature, with the mem- over the duties of tailtwister. bers who were unable to answer Bev. W. F. Banister, head of contributfig to the fine box.- the Lions Education Committee, Next meeting will be Sept. 11. NEW LOW PRICES-Instalthl. - j quality oil burner now and pay as you -q enjoy it. As lItte as $5.20 a month. Tekephone or uvi:o for lu ormaiou. A. H. STURROCK, Agent Phone 516 Bowmanville b MISSES' SILK PANTIES 29o pr.* Dandy littie 811k Panties with a scailoped edge, ln faucy weave slk. Pink and White. Sizes 4 te 12. GIRLS' SILK DRESSES $1.98 ea. New printed spun rayon, that are golng te be Juat swell for going back te sehool. Sizes 7 te 14. SALE BOYS' PANTS SCOTCH PLAID ANKLE SOX 59e pr. 1098 yd. 10e pr. Heres a savlng for you in Authentlc Scotch Plaids tbat These Ankle Sox have been' selllng at 15e each, but we Boys' Long Leg Denim Pants are ail the rage for skirts and don't waiit to carry them over, with elastlc walst and colored blouses. Ail wool, and note tbe 80 YOU Save. There will b. plenty of warm days yet te trlm. Sizes 24 te 34. wlde wldth, 60 iches. wear them. CHILORENS LONG HOSE BOYS' WAISTS 25o Pr. 59o ea. * BOYS' Walsts hi fine tailored broadcloth that A very fine combed Cotton Hose that realy Junior wiii be proud te wear. looks well, ln a good fawn shade. Sizes 7 t 8%. Shirt at 79e each. ,WALKR STORES, J$£MITED 1 O WMAN VILLE PHONE 451 4m dmzmmmýýý à m

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