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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO E SOCIAL AND' PERSONAL Mr. W. ixon, Vernonville, is - visitingMr H. Lathrope. Mliss Eileen Gibbs is holidaying in Cincinnati, Ohio. IMiss Joyce Buttery visited re- latives in Coborne. Misses Laura and Patricia Wil.. son have been visiting in Toronto. Mrs. W. Tapson has been hoi- daying at Sandfield Beach, Mus- koka. Mrs. M. E. Moore and son Ken- netb, Bartonville, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank N. Down, Detroit, Mich., are visiting bis sister, Miss Lola Down. tMrs. Alex Edmondstone has-re- p..rned from visting her sister, Mrs. Brust, Rochester, N.Y. Audrey Grant is holidaying with ber cousin, Dr. Dunnett, at their Cottage at Presqu'ile Point. Miss C. G. Freeman bas re- turned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines. Mrs. W. Sewell and niece, Mrs. J. Currens, have been visiting at Camden East and Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowerbank and son, Detroit, visited at Mr. David Armistead's. " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spicer and family, Toronto6, are visiting bis niotber, Mrs. J. Spicer. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nanson are holidaying in New York City and Youngstown, Ohio. Dingman & Edmondstone pre- sent 1930-1940 collection of mil- lineryh'h in quality and value. Hats remàdelled and trimmed. Miss June Bilcox, Coîborne, and Miss Helen Hyne, Harmony, have been visiting their cousin, Miss Joyce Buttery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren and Margaret, St. Catharines, visited ber brotber, Mr. Alex Edmond- stone. Betty Grant bas returned from a delightful three weeks witb Miss Barbara Virgin at Fish Land- _____________________ing on Lake Nipissing. Mn. William Tennant, Dupar- quet, Que., bas been. visiting bis parents, Dr. and Mes. Wm. Ten- nant, Qucen Street. o nkeoMiss Jessie McDougall ansi Mn. Hougb, Toronto, spent a few t'ouho uns on Sunday witb Mr. and [AUiir oliv Mrs. J. Mcntyre. lèg Mrs. H. Wîddis ansi son Jackie, !UAFAI.GAR CASIL, H ONT. Toronto, bave been holidaying Fogdd 1874 with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. A RsidtuialScootfo GilsR.Ames. A Rsidraeal chol fr Grls Mn. andi Mrs. Alex Butchant, Beautiful .ituatioa in 100 acres cfGulh e.H*T*adMsFr grounde. Complet Modem EFuc- Guel, LRnvonH. T. and Mrs Fer- tionin attractive cutured environment. uoLnoMr.MritFr Public Sehool to Honour Matriculation; guson andi Helen, were guests of Munie, Art, Househoid Science, Secr- Mn. ansi Mns. W. C. Ferguson. taria Courses and Dramatice. Swim- ,Mn. James McDougali, Toronto, 9lgPo and Gymaaium. Resident spent the wcekend witb Mn. ansi Mitesof Physlesi Education-sBuper- Mes. J. Mclntyrc. Mr. Mclntyne viasd Witer ansi Summer Sport@. j<j* returnesi witb bim for the Exhi- Ing on quiet country road- Re-opens bition. September 12t?-. Mn. ansi Mns. W. Leavens ansi Pm, Calendar apily to ricial family, Clevelansi, Ohio, visitesi 1EV. C. R. CA1tÇALEN, M.A., D.D. b is sister, Mes. W. A. Butiner. Mn. 4' DO WMANVLLE Public ,ckool Will re-open for the Fafl and Winter Ter=i on Wednesday, Septembor Bth 1939 -rAT 9 A.M. SHAR4P - A.M. THOMUSON, Principal. - r i MAKE NO MISTAKES!1 Start Them To School Dressed I ARCADE CLOTHES Boys' Extra Strong Blue Cotton Knee JPants ..................... Boys' Lined Tweed and Cheviot Anl Wool Knes Pants .................. Boys' and Youths' Anl Wool Navy and Tweed Longs ....... ....... Boys' Ail Wool Bruphed sweater, with slide fastener ......... Boys' Fine Broadcloth Sjhirts, asues 121/2 to 141/2 ... Boys' Btter quality Broadcloth Shirts, sizes 12 to 141/2 ................ B3oys' Mesh Cotton Shirts, white or yellow, al ises ............ Boys' f-ine Broadcloth Blousest with Buttofled Cuffa . ................ 59C 75e 1.79 98c 49e 69C 29C 39C Poys' Cotton Ribbed GÔlf Bocks, with lastex tops ..........19C Boys' Camp Shoes 5jie l1 to 5 ................. .......... Boys' Extra Strong Solid Leather Black Oxfords, rubber heels, sizeS i te ô ........1........................... 98C 1.98- Girls' Tub Fasti Print Dresses Sises 8 to 14 years .................... Girls' Rayon and Cotton'ý8ockes lises 6 to 10............................... Girls' Fancy Ohecked Skdrts, ýwtli Broadcloth Waist .................. Girls' Fine Broadcloth Blouses, with Dirndl Waist, 8 te 14 years 98c loc 89C 89e Misses' Ail Wool Faille Skfrts, afl new shades and styles, 14 te 20 19 Smart New Misses' F e it H ats ..................................... Misses' Tub Fast Print Dresses, sizes 14 te> 20......... Girls' Balbriggan Bloomers and Vests, al simes ..................... Girls' and Misses' Ail Wool, Short Ileeve Pullover Sweaters Misses' Patent Strap and Guimnetal Oxfords, ases il to 2 Girls' Solid Leather Oxfords, with -rubher heels, ases 3 to 7 ............... 1.49 98C 22e 98c 1437 1.77 TH-E ARCADE STORE PÈiaistà - Miss Elva Orchard. Leader - E. E. Staples. De.%cendants of the founders of Enniskiilen Cburcb wbo wcre present at 'thc services included: A. R. B. Hutchison, Listowei, Mrs. A. H. Zurbnigg, Stratford, chil- dren of Robent Hutchison; Mrs. W. G. Rundle, Ebenezer, grand- Leavens bas a cottage at St. Chnis- topher Beach, Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Miss Lena Dilling and Mn. James Burns spent tac weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Dilling who 4tre holidaying at Hall's Lake, Haliburton County. Mr. and Mrs. F. Batty, Mr. Joe1 Garbutt, Brooklin, Mrs. Artbur Clark, Oakviile, Mrs. W. Wells and Myrtle, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MeTaggart. Mr. and Mrs.A. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jaynes, Mn. and Mns. G. C. Rogers, Mrs. J. Roy Syer and daughter Constance, To- ronto, were guests of Mrs. G. F.1 Watson, Concession St.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Snowdên and1 Margaret, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Kennetb E. Cox, Helen and Lou- ,ise, spent an enjoyable weekend witb Mn. and Mns. F. J. Wght at their cottage at Hanwood. Mn. and Mrs. P. R. Cowlîng and Mr. and Mis. S. R. James are vacationing at Belmont Lake. Mn. Sid Smallman, Port Penny, is as- sisting at Cowling's Dnug Store during the propnieton's absence. Mr. and Mns. W. Griffith and Mns. W. Ehrlicb, Detroit, Mns. W. Tilling and daughter Barbara, Mns. J. Stewart and son Marvin,i Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.1 W. Cunnin'gham, Scugog St. 1 Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Partridge and Miss Jean attended an organ recitfl in the Cathedral of Christ the King on Tuesday evening given by Ernest White of New York, in connection witb the Ca- nadian Coilege of Organists' con- vention beld at Hamilton. Mrs. Thos. Brown and Viola, with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.. Miller and Clifford, Solina, have netunn- cd fnomn a fishing trip at New- bono in the Rideau Lake district. They also enjoyed a boat trip down the St. Lawrence River througb the Tbousand Islands.' Miss Evelyn MeKinnon, B.A., formerly of Maple Grove and a graduate of Bowmanville High Scbool, left in August for Nassau, Bahama Islands, to teach French in Queen's College. She was ac- companied by ber mother. Misses Ethel and Mildred Towner, Roselle, New Jersey, are guests of Miss Eva Heilyan and Mn. John Hellyar. The Misses Towner are the daughters of tac late Mns. William T. Towner, who formerly was Miss Ann Bennett of Cartwright. The Towner fam- ily bave been frequent visitons hene befone. Mrs. Jack Miller, Grano, N. Da- kota, (nec Maude Difling),.wbo bas been visitmng ber sister, Mrs. Hanry Allin, and numerous other relatives in ber native town, gave the editor a caîl on Saturday. It is over 40 years since Mrs. Miller lef t Bowmanviile and all those years she bas kept in close touch witb the old town tbrougb nead- ing The Statesman. Card of Thanks Mrs. Chas. Blanchard and famnily wisb to express their sincere tbanks and appreciation ta their many re- latives and f riends and neighbours for their kinsi expressions of sym- pathy andi floral tributes gxtended durinz their recent sad bereavemnent. The family of the late Fred C. Calmer wîsh ta express deep apprec- lation ta f riends andi relatives who sent f lowers and for the miany acts of ldndness durinR their recent be- reavement. ENNISKILLEN kContlnued from Page 1) len, August 27th, 1939. This memento is respectfully presented in memory of the Foun- ders of this Church Building, wbo1 in great Faith and remarkable Courage, undertook its 'erection To The Glory of God, sixty years ago, 1879. The names of these founders, Mn. and Mns. Robent Hutchison, Mn. and Mns. John Fleming, Mn. and Mrs. Pbilip Pot-' ter, Mn. and Mrs. John Gilbert, Mn. and Mrs. Jackson Eacb of these great benefactors bave since passesi to the Great Bcyond, but their works do fol-t low them.c Tbey bad previously enectesi a cbuncb on tais same site, in the yean 1873, wbich unfortunatelyt was destnoyed by fine three ort four years later. Undaunted by1 this misfotune tbey beroicallyc undentook the erection of this present building, whicb was comn- pleted and dedicatesi in the year 1879, unden the ministny of The Revencnd B. E. Howard. The dedication sermon was preachesi by Reverensi Bidwell Lane, of Belleville, Ontario, wbo, tbougb only 36 years of age at the time, bad alrcady establisbed bis name as a great and cloquent preacher. andi wbo became later one of New York City's most pop- ular ministers. It was this great mani who preacbed the first sermon from the pulpit of this cburcb, taking as bis text "Surely this is none other than the House of God, tais the Gate of Heaven."' An aven-1 flowing congregation packed ev- ery available ï9pace to tbe lirnit, and listencd witb batesi breath to one of tac most cloquent and entaralling sermons that tbcy badi ever beard. The presentatiçn of tais Tibute is made on this Sixtietb Anniver- sary of the dedication of tais Cburcb, by the sons and daugb- tens of Mn. and Mns. Robent Hut- chison, in loving and grateful ap- preclation of their parents, andà the other familles and friensis who1 wcrc associated with this great1 enterprise.1 0f the six chilsiren presentingi tais Memonial, aîl of wbom were alive in 1879 and still living, the four eldest, and possibly a fifth wene present on that occasion. Their wisbes andi hopes are, thati this churcb, witb its steeple1 pointing towards Heaven, and its bell ever ringing its cheerful message, may long continue ta be a Beacon Ligbt calling people to a bigbcr Life. Signed by: Dr. J. N. Hutchison, Winnipeg, H. W. Hutchison, Win- nipeg, A. R. Hutchison, Listowel, Mrs. S. Adolj5h, Listowel, Mrs. A. H. Zurbrigg, Stratford, Miss La- nah Hutchison, Stratford. The tablet was accepted by Rev. H. H. Lackey on bebaîf of the congregation. Among tbe aid boys noticed at. the afternoon service was R. S. McLaugblin, Osbawa, president of Gencral Motons of Canada and. a native of Enniskîllen. Evening Service At tac cvening service tac shedi was again fillesi as it bas neyer been before. About 33 of tac old time and present members of the choir rendenesi two-beautiful andi suitable numbers, "When My Seul Reaches Home," and "A Bet- ter Home, Sweet Homne." A quar- tette consisting of Messrs. T. M. S'iemon, Dr. C. W. Slemon, H. Stevens and B. Preston was much enjoyed. Rev. M. R. Sanderson, pastor of St. Cutbbert's Unitedi Cburch, Toronto, an old Enniskillen boy, gave a veny inspiing and toucb- ing discourse, basing bis rcmarks on "'Paul's great admiration for Timotay." He pointed out that fundamentally life docs not change and that the Churcb of Christ needs men of great con- viction, wbo are ready to say "Master, you can count on me, te do sometaing for God, for the dcvii bas no happy olsi men." In bis introductony remarks he re- calicd pleasant incidents of a quarter of a century ago. He aiso paid glowing tribute to tbe preachers, teachers and officers of the cburch and Sunday achool wben be was a boy. Beautiful Fiowers A large basket of beautiful f lowers was placesi on tac plat- fonm of taechcurcb oven tac Dia- mond Jubilee week-end by tac wif e andi family of tac late H. J. Wcrry in memory of bis birtbday wbicb was, on Monday. The late Mn. Wcrry was choir leader until tac tîme of bis deata. daugbter of Pbillîp Potter; Mrs.t W. G. Trenouth, Napanee, daugh-e ter of John Gilbert; Mrs. Nancy Deeks and Mrs. Allie Hutchinson,v Toronto, daughters of Jackson El- i liott; E. J. Howard, A. H. Howard, Mrs. Ruth Doherty, Whitby, grandehileren of Rev. E. E. How- ard, who was pastor of the cburchs 60 years ago. Monday's Program Moxida's proRram gzot under wayt in the afternoon with a platform meeting in the church with Rev. H.f IL Lackev actiniz as chairmnan andc ùttroduciniz several of the old nativesf of Enxiskillen who recalled happy mernories of bygzone davs and brouzht tears at times to many eves. James A. Werry. a former Superintendent of the Sunday Scbool. voiced words of welcome to the assemly. express-ç ing on behaif of the congregzation, the heartv wish that ail would enioy themselves and return to their homes baPp)v in having been with theirt companions for this glorious occas- ion.V W. H. Moore. secretarv of the comn-1 mittee in charge of the celebration( bad received manv letters f romn thoseh wbo were unable to comne. He reada portions of these letters. ail reirrett- jnir that they could flot attend thet Jubilee but wished the affair evervc success.t Arthur Howard of Whitby. ai Rrandson of 14ev. E. E. Howard,i pastor of the. church when it was erected 60 vears aga. expressed bhis2 a»pr'eciation at beinz present andt even thouzh lhe had flot been brouzhtE up in the home towni had oftient beard bis father speak verv bizhlvt of the church and its members. Itr was with izreat honour -that he wast able to p)articipate in celebratiniz thes sixtieth 4nniversary of the church.1 AIf N. Mitchell. President of tbe Canada Life Assurance Company.1 reminisced of bygone days in the( old village. It was witb mingled1 feelings of ioy and sadness that hie1 recailed vividly and imtxressiyeLv in-1 cidents of bis bovbood davs in En-1 niskillexi. Fishing was one of his favorite ipastimes. He could remem- ber zetting up) early i the xporninR. and walkingr down throuizh the back field. bis fishingy rod over bis sbould- er and the dew on the grass wettiniz bis bare feet. Further on down the road. he remembered the dust used to spurt un between bis toe5 as lie walked aiong early li the summer morningz. But those days bad gone ahd things bad changzed. Contrarv to public opinion. tbe changes bave flot been for the worse. stated Mr. Mitchell. Youth todav is as fine a nroduct of mankind as it w4s sixtv vears agyo. And it will continue to Izrow ini character witb the world. because mani is always strivingz up- ward. neyer back. That is whiv I sav that modemn youtb. compared witb that of former vears. is on the samne level. if not a little bizber. copcluded Mr. Mitchell. W. J. "Billy" Milîs. St. Marys. also brouuht back mnany fond mem- ories of davs wben lie used to live in Enniskillen. The scenes have cbaxized and the residents have changz- ed but there is stili a feçling, of 10v remainiig when the old boys and giel' i ather together to recaîl those far off davs. He related an ixterest- inz incident which occurred whexi. ini a time of excessive summer heat. hie decided to take a dip in the ramn bar- rel at the corner of the kitchexi. Dof fine bis clothes hie nlujiged in and no sooner had bis feet touched the bottom. when be heard voices coming up) the path. Grasping bhis xiose hie ducked under water. bopfixi that the inopportune visitors would not discover hlm ixi such a predica- ment. Stavinz under the surface to the limit of bis strength. hie rose to the ton for air. and p)leasingzly he heard the guests retreatingz down the walk. Other thax i etting bis ears andi hair f ull of pollvwogzs. hie w4s nor.e the wiorse for the exper- lence. This was iust one of severai incidents that he recalled. and wbich Mr. Milîs related li bis own enter- taininz and inimitable mnanner. W. D. Robbins. Ex-Mayor of To- ronto. spoke a few words of apprec- iation on being, able to be ptesent to chat wlth former pals. He con- zratulated the miembers of Enniskil- len churcb on the fine way in which thev had nlanxied the celebration. Jack Virtue. Toronto. anid Rev. A. W. March. Tyrone. also said a few words. Sports in the school fileldl were nrovided for the voungzer gieration. Enniskillen team emergzed as victors i the softball tournament. defea±ing Union 24-12. and takingz Haydon by 12-3. Batteries were: Enniskillen- pitcher. Ciovd Mory. catcher. Ross Page: Union-pitcher. Ewart Breck, catcher. Wallace Breck; Haydox- itcher. Earl Thompson. catcher. Donald Mountiov. At f ive o'clock supper was served Templeton's Ramnah 50c-1.00 Mecca - - - - 23c-45c-79o Fly Coils- - - 3,for 5c Ply Spray - - j, - 29-4o NOVA - KELP TABLETS Nature'. tonlc and body b ull d aer, conslatlng of health-glving n a t u r a 1 minerais and vitamine supplled by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practlcally every klnd of aliment. Unconditlonally guaran. teed. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 - 750 $2.79 Picklitng Spices - - oz. 5c Parke 's Oatsup Flavour- 35c Preserving Powder- - 100 .,.'sàowpp4lann..d E CRESS CORN & B NSALVES TRV 0 TODAT %0aeuh UNITE5D OMAR STORE AGENOY to have reduced bis waist line sev- eral inches. Dr L. B. Williams, Toronto. pro- vided a most entertaininz program lin the eveniiz. uresentiniz four reels of motion pictures of Durham Couxitv scenes wblcb are becoming both f amous and of real historical significance. Dr. Williams bas the happv faculty of makingr racy and humorous comments wbicb keep bhis audience in good humor tbrouizhout the p)roeram. Another feature of the eveninz was the ligbhtinir of the tbree-tier birtbday cake bv p)eole wbose ancestors were founders of the churcb. Thase who lit the candies on the cake, were: Mrs. Kate Trimmer. giss Mary. Virtue and Arthur Howard. Those who blew out the candies were Mrs. Nancy Deeks and Mrs. Esther Stevens. After the candies were blown out the audience sangr "Praise God From Whom AIl Blessingzs Flow." The progzram of motion pic- tures then continued. In between reels. a few remarks were made by Rev. G. T. McKenzie. Plainfield. and Rev. W. E. Honey. Cavan. former p)astors. Mrs. Ingle- hart (Miss Rose, a former member>, and Albert Stainton, Toronto. Fred Ellis moved a bearty vote of tharàts. on behaîf of the officiais and congzregzation of tbe church. to ail those who bad assisted in malsinu the i ubiiee celebration sucb an outstand- ind success and enloyable af fair. Witb the singixig of the National Anthem. the festivities were brougbt to a close and with reluctant stepsi but with renewed hearts. aIl wended their wav homneward. knowing, that tbev had been vounz again for a memorable week-end and that no matter what life may brinz. bard- ship)s or halpîness. "tbere's no pflace like home." Lack of sp)ace p)revents u s. from publishinz tbe complete list of the old boys and ;ziis wbo rcgistered for the iuhilee. but we hop)e to pnub- lish them xiext Week. Many names. however. wvill be found in the list of Diamond Tubilee Visitors inExini- skillen xiews in anothee columxi. FERGUSON FAMILY HOLD PICNIC On Saturday, August 26, over one hundred of the descendants of Samuel Ferguson and Mary Hooey assembled at their annual get-together at Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton. Ail appeared keenly interested ini the softball game whicb e sulted in the married men taking the "Less Fortunates"l on a fast trip, ta town. Many enthusiastic contestants competed in the vari- ous races which made a full after- noan's entertainment of sport. The victuals, temptingly laid, were vigorously attacked at 6.30 o'clock and, needless to say, a very small portion remnained for the mopping-up party. , Everyone was glad indeed ta shake bands witb the oldest liv- ing relative, Joseph Lucas, 90 years of age, but wbo appeared much yaunger than one claimung to have seen so, many summers. Mr. Lucas spoke briefly on re- 1quest, at the conclusion of which. bis son Clare pointed out that four generations of their family were represented. Rev. Harry T. Ferguson of Lon- don called to mind many amusing incidences of bis youth. Ail were happy to hear from Rev. Merrill Ferguson, missionary of the Un- ited Church, stationed at Chis- Ssamba, Angola, Portugese West Africa, who is now on furlough. Letters of regret, containing many helpyful tbougbts, were read. These officers wene ne-appoint- Phono 556 1. W. JEWELL Bowinanville QUALITY GROCERIES At Real Bargain Prices Kellogg's Bran Flakes..... pkg. 10e 5 Bars Colgate Flower Soap and Fruit BowI ........ 4........... 25e Free. School Scribbler wîth 1/ lb. Mother Parkers Tea .......... 28e 3 tins Red Rock Pumpkin ......... 25e Chase & Sanborn Coffee ........ lb 37e Miracle Whip Dressing 32 oz. Jar - Reg. 55ec.......... for 50e 16 oz. Jar - Reg. 35e.....for 32e Sunsweet Tendcrized Prunes . pkg. 15e Corn, Peas, Tomatoes ....... 3 tins 259 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fu-O-Pep Egg and Growing Mash HARRY ALUIN Phone 367 - 368 cd: President - W. C. Ferguson; Secretary - Smith Ferguson; Treasurer - Mrs. Norman Mount- joy; Committee - Mrs. Bruce Fer- guson, Mrs. Earl Dorreli, Rev. C. H. Ferguson, W. B. Ferguson. The 1940 picnic will be belsi at Hampton on Wcdnesday, August 21st. Oldest lady present, Mrs. W. H. Montgomery, Enniskillen; Oldest gentleman, Joseph Lucas; People attending from farthest point, the GROCER Bowmanville Merrill Ferguson famsily. At the request of tbe president the gatbering sang one stanza of 'Blest Be the Tie tbat Binds.' Are your friendships really friendships or are they only habits. Faults we see in others usually fade into insignificance wben we exercise frank self-analysis. The head, however strong it may be, can accomplish nothing Certif ied Health Salto give health and tone to the stomach, liver and blood - Cleane the iiygtem of impuritieg. BARGAINS Seidlitz Powders 9c - 2 for 17c Oxydol - - - 21c Lysol Soap 3 for - - - - 14c Lux Soap 3 for - - - - 16e Dodd's Kldney Pulis - - - - 33e Wrigley's Gum 4 for - - - - 15c Castile Soap 10Ofor - - - 25e FILMS COMPLETE, FRESU STOCK of Kodak and Seloclirome For your hoilday week-end take plenty of film with you. for full credit. Developlng and Prlnting PROMPT SERVICE Films Ieft at 9 a.m. ready at 6 P.m. thse sasse day. o e. 5 eurs . e Prescriptions a Specialty Alex McCGregor Phone 792 DRG We Deliver lil M.- PAGE FIVE This Week's Speclal p "CERTIFIED" ENGLISH STYLE Loes mAýrHE ALTH SAITS Prices JEe On. Pound Tin (Reg. 39c) ---- Gin 33c - 2 for 65e PluS And Fancy Tumbler FREE with M D WO a'im sEach Tine 4 OP E NIN G A Complete Stock of Text Books and Supplies For Both PUBLIC AND HICH SCHOOL We guarantee quality merchandise at attractive prices. Prompt and efficient ,service. SPECIÂLS Stainless Steel Pens.......... each Xe B. H. S. Note Books .......... 15e - 25c F RE E One Bottle of Sheaffer 's Skrip with every purchase of 50o or ovgr. VISIT OUR SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BEFORE YOU BUY. ney Pla. At Commeà took Dodd'a. IO 2 Y "ýwised out" feeln wa soon replaced by c.,i heded en ay ndreuIseep. Headache, ba cahI tde and other sin of faulty kidn= iapeared. 112 Dodd's Kidney Pis

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