_______ --7777-777 777 * PAGE SIX Front Street Softballers Lose Final Game To SPOR NEWRubbermen_16-15 Fourth Game In Lakeshore Playoffs Won By Port Hope 3-2 Saturday Fine Sportmansbip aho6wn At Port Hope As Veteran fiimy" Nooise Dons the Catcher',saGlove in Early StagesOf Thanks ta the grand iiglttag leart of veteran Shinny Moise, Part Hope Ontarios ticd up Uic Lakeshare League final series at two apiece when they eked out a 3 ta 2 victory over Bawman- ville Royais ta Port Hope on Sat- urday afternooli. wiUi their spare catcher ai- ready out ai Uic game due toaa bit ai questionable mastermind- ing, Part Hope wcre without a backstop when Jimmy Rowcliffe picked up a sore shoulder tnaa collision witl Colvillo at Uic plate ta Uic first inning. But bald- leaded Benjamin Moise, probably Uic oidest player in Uic beague, volunteerod ta don Uic catching regalia, and for Uic balance ai thc game Part Hop received Uic best catchi* tey have 'lad this year. Nat only did Moise handile Uic slants ai Brunt ta perfection but ho kcpt Uic wlolo tearn on its toes. Not more than four baUls got away from Sltany ail aftor- noon, and Uiey came wiUi no men on bases. ii Only three lits were pried fromn Uic offertags of Bll Brunt, Uic Newcastle Nemesis, ailter Moise went beltad Uic plate, Uis num- ber betag one more Uian half tUic total ai hits collccted by Uic do- cile Rayais. But Brunt was not Uic only picher wlo turned ta a grand job. Dave Osborne was hurling lis best gaine for the Royais. Mare than Uiat, when mon did get on bases, le hbld Uiem Uihero. OISHAWAb Free Parking Phone 1011p Friday - Saturday n SEZPT. 1 - 2 .1 The picture that took 3000 ment and a girlto thc Sedan for s 6 months1 "Four Feathers Starring Ralph Richardson - C. Aubrcyf Smith - John Clements t ]IN TECHNICOLOR 1 Added - WaIt Disney Cartoon1 "Donald's Penguln" t REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. 'Spawn oet'the North' Starring George lat - Dgrothy Lamour Henry Fonda, Sundayl, SePt. 3rd Special Mldnight Show Doors open 12.05 p.m. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever starint Mickey Rooney - Lewis Stone An Seats 35c. Special Holiday Attraction Mon. - Tues. - Wed. SEPT. 4 -6 Bachelor Mother Starring Ginger Rogers - Davd Niven Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. SEMPT. 7 -9 The Greatest Adventure Known To Man "Stanley and Livigstone" Starrtflg Spencer Tracy - Nancy Kelly Richard Greene. FOOTBALL GAME Hampton vs Brooklin footbal teams wii play. at Brookîta nex± Saturday, Sept. 2nd, at 5.30 pa. standard time. 0sborne has nover been faster tan lie was on Saturday and le was uniartunate to lase. Not onc ai Uic five runs whicl :rossed Uic plate during Uic aiter- mon were ai Uic earned varicty. lare Uian that, Bowmanville was Jeprived. ai a golden apportunity )f tytag the score when Umpire Eoot Gibsan calied Tony Mc- Iveen out at f irst on a decisian îat smelled. Alex Cioviile was getting itcly feet an Uiird at Uic me with twa out wlon Mcllveen it a high bounder towaid short ind le beat Uic Urow.by a ful ;ep, accordtag ta everyone ta Uic ýark except Hoat Gibson. The Rayais jumped itt a two un lead intahUicirst innlng and his margin looked mountainous is Osborne was mowtag down te apposition with pieasing rogu- arity. However, thc boys got a -ase oi Uic jitters in thc sixth and ciore Uic jàm session was over, îce Ontarias lad speeded into thc lad. Walton opened Uic coxitcst by iiag a single ta centre and when ;b-catcher Hiils, playing ta cen- tre f ield, played Uic bail careless- [, it bouncod past lim and Wal- tn sprinted ail Uic way ta third. sbarne promptly drave lia tome with a lit ta boit, for wlat, according ta Uic ruios, was Uic only earned run ai Uic game, ai-e >eit not a deserved anc. Colviile force Osborne and immediately tale second and wcnt ta third wlen Moise lot Williams' baunder go thraugl liim. WiUi Uic infield puiled ta, Rickard lit ta Mao wlo trapped Colvilc between third and lame and wlen Row- cliff e tried ta block Uic plate, Colvilc ran ixita lim, Uic bail bounding out ai Rowcliffe's land and thc latter feceiving: a bruised shoulder. McIlveen finisled thc raily, wlen Dawley toak lis lard liner in short centre and doubied Rickard off second. Aiter that Uic Royals oxily pusled anc maxi as far as third, and Hoot Gibson toak care ai lim. Only two mon over thc mtai- mum faced Osborne in Uic firsi five innings, but seven mon wenl ta bat ini Uic sixth. Joînstor stged with onc out but was promptly picked f is n thon Uic troble stred. Patta hit a somi-liner itt short Ici t anc when neither yeiled, Calville anc Williams coilided, Uic bail gotaî for a double. Dawley lit ta Wal- ton wlo lot Uic bail go Uirougl lin and one run scared. Hudson lined a lit ta rigît field and wlox Uic bail taok a bad bound away irom. Mcllveen, Dawley scared with Hudson reacltag t hir d Wakely sent a low biner ta centrE and Bagnoîl, coming ta fast, drap. ped it and thc winntag run wai over Uic plate. Box Score Bow'ville AB R H PO A 1 Waltan, 2b. 5 1 1 1 4 1 Osborne, p. 4 0 2 1 2 0 Calviile, if - 4 1 1 1i0O Williams, ss. 3 0 0 2 21 Rickard, c. 4 0 0 2 1i McIlveen, rn. 4 0 0 3 0O Kent,3Sb. 2 0 0 0 20 (a) Witheridge 1 0O0O0O0O Bagneil, cf. 3 0 0 3 0O (b)>Cameron 1 0O0O0O0O Roac, lb. 3 0 111l0 E Totals 34 2 5 2411l Port Hope AB RtH PO A1 HUIfS,cf. O0 0 0O O Johnstan,3Sb. 4 0 3 2 11 Potts, 2b. 4 1 1 1 2 Dawlcy,3Sb, cf. 4 1 O 3 1 Hudson, If. 3 1 2 2 0O Wakeîy, ri. 4 0O0O0O0O Edwardsan, lb. 3 0 0 9 1I Moise,sas,c. 3 0 0 8 1 Rawcliff, C. O 0 O O O Phillips, ss. 3 00 1 2 Brunt, p. 3 0 0 1 3 Totais 31 3 6 27 il Runs batted ta - Hudson, C: borne; Twa base lita - Pott Three-base lit - Hudson; StolE bases - Colville 3, Williams Lef t on bases - Bowmanvilîe Port Hope 5; Double play - Dav loy ta Phillips; Bases on bails Brunt 2, Osborne 1; Hit by pitcl cd bail -* by Brunt, Kent; Strik outs - Brunt 8, Osborne 1. Umpires - Fair ai Oshawa ai Gibson ai Cobourg. Youth tries ta grab ail t] pbeasure in sigît. Thus it miss -same ai Uic best. Western' Canada Special Bargain Excursions jFrm U NStaUdons'Un Eastsrn canda oi.g Delly -Sept. 15-299 1939, inclusive at tares approximateiy Me6 per mile. SleigCars at tarcs approxlmately 1%e per mile. 4SleeiIng Cars at tares aplroxj- tely 1%c per mile. .1 Aoenmoualnf Sleeping Cars Additions' ked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstronig, Chicago and West. VVRSIONS FIIOM WESTERN IO EASTERN -A DURING SAlE PERIOD. M Resorvations and ail Information rom any Im njt. Ask for Handill. T267 Aided and abetted by an um- pire's decision, Goodyears finaily dispensed with Uic troublosome Front Street upstarts when Uiey squeczcd thraugh ta a 16 ta 15 victory ta Uic third game ai their sem-itaal sorbes on Thursday. The disputed play came With Uic score tied in the ninth inning and one out. With Osborne on first, Colwell slappod ta Wiseman who lunged for Osborne and thon beat Calwcii ta Uic base. Osborne was cailed safe at second aithough if ho missed Wiseman's Uirust, ho must have been mare than thej ailotted Uiree feet from Uic base lino. Aside irom that, Uic game was a tragedy ai errars. 1 1 miscuesi were marked ta the discredit ai Front Street and Goodycars com- mitted six mare. Seven ai Uic winners' runs were scored as a resuit ai errars and four ai Uic lasers' total came Uic same way. Bort Colweil did Uic liurling for Goodycars and biew hot and9 cold. Wiseman started for Front1 Street but changed places with Johnny James ta Uic middle oaiàa second taning raliy. The slugging, first-baseman twirlod a goodE brand ai baIl aithough ho grantcd1 7 free tickets ta iirst. Front Street otithit their rivais by a 16 ta il margta. The lead see-sawed from anc ta the other Urouglout Uic gaine. Altor Front Street got away toaa thrce run lcad ta Uic first, Goad- years came back witl four and led 8 to 4 at thc end ai Uic sec- ond. Thc MerdAànts despair kopt pecking away at Clweil and by virtue ai a five run raliy wont ahead 13 ta 11 in the fifth. Good- years sneakcd onc up at Uie end ai Uic seventh but Front Street again toak a one-ruxi iead in thc igtl anly ta base outinthUiclait round. Every player excopt Hooper and Wiseman lad at least twa lits far Frant Street. For the first time in many games Hub Hooper iailcd ta lit. Osborne led Uic Goodyear litters with Uiree safe- tics. R. McKniglt and Piper for Goodycars lad round-trippers, wlile Jolnny James with two, LCalmer and Mllveen lit homors for Front Street. Front St. r Rundie rn; Brougl cf; Calmer 3b; James lb and P; jH. Haoper c; MeIlveen If; Harri- 1son 2b; Richards ss; Wiseman p and lb. 1 Goodycars - R. McKniglt ci; 1Piper ss; Murphy lb; O. Hooper c; Osborne 21b; Colwell p; Wood- ward 2b; Cunningham nf; D. Mc- Kniglt f. Front St. 312 250 020 -15 16 11 Goodyear 440 120 302 -16 il 6 t Umpires - Tweedle and Hobbs. First Game Final Series Won By White Rose DeleatingGoodyears White Rase gat Uic jump on Uic Goodycars intahUicirst game ai thc Uiree ta five series for tIc tawxi bague titie by winntag an Monday nigît 16-9. White Rose ladl a clear cdge in thc play Urouglout, taktag a lead in Uic first franc and addtag ta it steadily. Goodycars, took their beating in rather bad grace, dis- tinct evidences ai loaftag and grouchiness being apparent ta the late stages. Freddie Mutton led Uic Oilers ta victory with four saicties ta- cluding a lamer and a triple. O. Hooper and Woodward led the Goodyear stickens with Uiree hits apicce, Woodward laving a lam- er, triple and double. Ace Richards continued lis brimlant hurling, although lie wai rcacled for on even dozen lits and granting three walks. Haw- ever he ianncd nine and lis mates committed seven errars bchixid him. Osborne struck out sevexi but gave up Uic same number ai free tickcts and was iound for cigîteexi bita ai variaus dimen- sions. Muttan startcd Uic White Rase off ta Uic iirst inntag wlon ho clouted a homer after Brown lad doubled. Two marc runs scared in the third an an error, a walk and singles by Muttan ond Rice while a triple by Mutton was mixed up with singles by Rich- ards, Brown and Large ta praduce thrce mare runs li thc fourth. Thc Hadgsonites scorcd once marc in thceii ift, added Uiree in the sixth, foîl off ta anc in Uie sevcntl, 1 and iinisled off witli four in thc igtl which rneams that Uic second was thc only stanza in whicl Uiey failed to score. It took Uic rubbermen four inn- ings to fid thc range but an erra2 and singles by Hooper and Os- eborne chased two ruxnoers across Uic plate and Uioy addcd tw< mare in the fibtî on a lamer by Woodward, a double by McKniglt and a single by Murphy. They added anothor pair ta Uic seventh, anc in tIc eightl and we thini tlcy scored twa mare in Uic dark- ness ai Uic ninth. Goodycars - R. McKnglt f; Piper ss; Murphy lb; Hoaper c; Osborne p; Coiwell 2b; Oke 3b; Moorcrait ni; Woodward cf. White Rase - Bagneli ss; Bmr cf; Brown 2b; F. Muttan c; Large lb; Depew ni; Rice 3b; Blunt If; Richards p. Goodycars 000 220 212 - 9 123 White Rase 202 313 14x - 16 187 Umpires - Hobu and Tweedle. Sane aid mcxi like to)give goad precopts ta console thenscives for their inabîlity no langer ta givo lad examples.-A. Dupuy. Wlen wonen love us Uiey for- give us everythlng, even aur crimes; whcn they do nat bave us tley give us credit for noth- ixig, nat even for aur virtues. - Balzac. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO JUST BRICKS BY NELSON OSBORNE In fo ur games played', as this is written, Port Hope has scored 13 runs against 12 by Bowmanville. The 'Ontarios have a margin of 30 to 24 li the hits. The Ontarios have made 9 errors whill Bow- manville have commxintted le, or almost twioe as many. 30 Rayais have fafild to Iiit the third strike while half of that number of On- tarios have donc the same thing. 10 Hopers have drawn a frec tic- ket ta first whlch is anc loua than given to Bowmanvllle. 32 On- tarias have beon left an base agamnst 25 Rayais left li the same predicament. AUl of which gives Port Hope a slight edge in sta- tistics. In four gamces, Port Hope has scored one more run an six more hits, seven more errars and anc less walk. In fact, it la almost a Mexican standoff. Whie Saturday's gaine was not filled with goad bascbali,. it did havc its share of drama. With third-baseman Jahnston'lato for the garne, due ta lis work, Hxlls startcd in centre field with Daw- loy moving ta third. It proved a bad bit af guesswork by Manager Lenahan and looked foolish in view af the fact that Phillps, the spare infielder and outfieldcr, was leit sitting on the bench. Alter His had mussed up one play, ho was rermoved before a man lad been retired, with the regulars taking over their usual positions. Thep when Rowcliff e tried conclusions witl -Colville and camne out second best, the Hopers wcre lef t without a catch- er. Thcy asked permission ta put Hilis back itotahei gamne, but Bowmanvrille rcfusod, and were promptly called poor sparts. But why should Bowmanville allow something like that? lI Uhc iirst place, Uic Ontarios had no bulsi- ness leaving Uiem li the place whcre Uiey had no spare catcher, when it wasn't neccssary. In the second place, in a series like this one, Uic takes arc down and no advantages are being givon. In the third place, Ulic League has sat on Bowmanville all yoar, so why should we show up Uic les- gue by being big-leartcd? Howcver, Old Shtany Moise came ta Uic rescue, and Port Hope received Uic biggest break af the year. The ancieftt ail-rounder neyer misscd a bet, and was the main reason why the Ontarios ultiniately were Uic victars. One Uhimg wc must give Uic Port Hope credit for. Thcy lad brains cnough not ta take Shmnny out Of lis new raie' even after Mann, wha did most of their catching during thc regular season, arriv- cd. Before the game started,,ane ai the Bowmanville players, --wil- liams by name, casually mention- cd ta Umpiro Gilson that second base seemed ta le out ai lime. This started an investigation which slowed that not anc ai Uic bases was ta its rigît position. Lait Wednesday lere, second base lad ta be moved. Thc past week wilî probably go dowxi in listory as thc weok ai Uic great robberies. Umpire Horace Hobbs lelped out Goad- years with a questionalle ruling whli Hoat Gibson really pulled anc for Uic book on Satunday. Al seasan, many lave been beard ta remark that Gibsaxi calls plays befaro tley are conpieted, but because le las generally beexi igît, nothing nucl las been said about it. But on Saturday, le lad McIlveen called out before cither mon or bal l ad reacled thc base, and before Uic game was over, Uic Port Hope President volun- taiily mentioned that we lad ne- ceived a tougl break at first. Stace it meant Uic tytag ruxi, it seemed daubly putnid. But aside fram umpires decis- ions and everything eles, Uic iact romains that Bowmanville lias not playod gaad bail in this sor- ies. Boyd Siemon, Uic No. 1 fiast baseman ai Uic beague, las beon absent for bat theic ostag games and lis loss has been feit. Bath Osborne and Roach, wlia looked aiter the initial statian ta l is absence, did good jobs and werc kept busy, but neitler lsaa Slemoxi. Marc than that, Slcmon's hittixig wai misscd. Another tltag that has huit las been Williams' taabiiity ta fiixd himseif. Piaytag very tire- quexitly ail seasoxi, because aiflits work, le hasx't playcd lis usual good game in any ai the iirst tour contesta. lI a senies as close as tuis one, tlis lctdown hurts. xIn iact, rigît xiow, it looks like a Port Hope verdict. Tony McIlvecn played sound defensive bal an rSaturday but las been outluckod -at the bat. Calville, Bagneli and Mcllveen gave thc Rayals a super 0fast outfield. xIn spite ai Uic large number ail errons cammitted ly the Rayais in tlis senies, thc liggest fault ai thc lacais las boen their inability to lit. 24 lita in four games will neyer cause thon to be nistakexi for thc Yankees.. The surprise pitching ai Bill Bnunt has giveri thc Hopors a big boost. Tid-lita: If Part Hope wlnu this ,senios, tley caxi thank New- castle fan it. . . . And ta thlnk bath mcxi once piayed for Bow- maxiville. . . Ed Witheridge lias lad a sore arn for tîrce weeks - a souvenir ai soitbll. . . George Waltaxi and Wiliams are other players sporting anc wings. * Umpire Reg Fair bas not boýn popular with cither tean in this series. . . Four ai Bruxit's ciglit stnike-out victinis watchcd Uic third 'cine sail by. . . You con't get on baie that wa.... Jaîxistan, weakest lutter on Port Hope team, made hlu ai lis tcam's lits an Saturday. He la tha sane player Who handed Uic 1938 senicu ta Bowmanvillo on a platter ai er- rors. . .. Oshawa Juniors won Uic protest and Uic roplày, deieating Cobourg 9 ta 4 on Saturday. .. . Fourth game playcd ta Oshawa yesterday, fiii U if necessary ta Cobourg on Saturday. The softball beague has advanc- ed ta the final stages and at this writtag it appears as if the White Rose, which iinished ta iirst place, will be worthy charmions. The Goodyears were bcginning ta scrap amongst thernselves on Monday night and when that happons it la generally disastraus. The second and third games will be played on Thursday and Fr1- day niglits. Just why AI Osborne deliber- ately walked Uiree mon n thUi sixth chukker will probably nev- or be known ta anyone but lita- soif and why Manager McKnight should put on a chldish act ai sulking and refuse ta run altor a hit bail wiil alsa be a mystery. Bail games were never, won by those kind ai tactics. An orchid or twa la duc ta Uio umpiros. Tweodle hustled ail night on Uic bases, and wlile ho shauld have been doing that al ycar, it la never too lato ta mend. Hobbs nullficd a bit ai Good- year loaiing noar Uic end wlon ho caled a low limer ai Muttan's an inlield fly. It appearod as if Twoedfle was a bit off wlexi li cailed Hoopor out at first ta com- plote Uic ilrst triple play ai Uic year. The red-leaded ail-star drove a lard one bouncer at Rice wlo stepped on third, Uircw ta Brown who rclayed ta Large ta complote thc triple killing. Bath Front Street and Good- years were handicapped in Uic fitaalgame ai Uic semi-finais. Wight and Magon wore missing from Uic King Street lino-up, the former nursing a sprataod ankle and Mason due ta duties at Uic Training Sclool. Bill Oko and John Maorcrait were misstag from týio Goodyear team and Os- borne complaining ai a sare arm4 piayed third whîle Colweil did thUi pitdhing. Cadmus Dr. L. B. Williams, -Toronto, secured some ftae pictures at "Dahlia Del" on Saturday ta add ta his moving picturo reeis. Rev. Merrill Fergusan, on fur- lougli from Africa, preachocd an enligltontag sermon ta a good audience Sunday morning. He was assisted by bis unclo, Rev. H. T. Fergusan. Visitors: Mr. Keith Brown vis- ited lis brother, Russell Brown. Mr. Henntags and 'Miss Ruth ROY AL II BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. ' Fr1. - Sat. AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 - 2 ,Sydney ToUer lui 'Charlie Chan In Reno' - And - "Up The River~ Starring Tony Mautin and Ohim Somnirville with god support ing cast. Matin.. Saturday 2.30 Starting Labor Day Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Thursdiey ÀEPT. 4 -5 -6 -7 MatineesMon. IEd23 Exceflnt Sel CRed ubets, XAti1h. Royal tedeather is always cool and fresh and seats are comfortable. Visit us this afternoon or 1his evening. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 193» We have, a ncw anid complete stock of School Supplies for every diviuion or both Publie Schoal and Hlgh Sehool. Our store lu now recogvimed as the centre for reliabie equipment neeeuary to the acholar. Fastest service on speolal orders. Pen and Pencil Sets 25c - $5.00 Eversharp Pencils Upwarde Prow Text Books For j Every Class 2 free Oifts with ev«y purchaso of sohool supplie.. *Johnstoli's Phone 651 Dowmanvll I-cnnings, Bowmanviile, w i t h Canada is steadily developing] thcir sister, Mrs. Monland Ander- as a manufacturing country ondi son. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mount- her mneraî resaurces are brtag- jay, Islington, wîth Mr. and Mrs.. ..I J. E. Elliott, and accompanied mng in mncreasing revenue eacI1 them ta Uic Diamond Jubilcc ycar but basically Canada is, and celebration at Enniskillen. wiil be for some yoars, an agi cultifral country. Thanka to pro- - -- vincial and federal encourage- Long 14.a. 1 Mr. Jao Kincaid has gone ta Trenton with Uic militia. Visitors: Mr., and Mrs. Roper and Mr. Biil Ktacaid, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. Joe Kincad... Mr. anid lrs. F. O. Smith, Bow- monville, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. . . Miss Dorothy McRob- erts, Mis. Joe McRaberts, with Mr. and Mis. F. MeRaberta... Mr. and Mis. Fred Smith, Miss Velma Woodward, Bawmanville, Mr. Clie Taylor, Oshawa, Miss Marjory Horslcy, Bradford, wiUi Mi. and Mis. George Smith. Tyrone Sunday Sclaol will le with- drawn on Sunday on accaunt ai the anniversary services. A number oi soldiers wcrc cal- cd out on Sunday ta go ta Tren- % ton. Major Floyd Dudley was i- charge. Thc members of thec "lil Try"e S. S. las bld their picnic at Uic lame ai their teacler, Mis. Albert Hilis, on Friday aiternoon - whcn a god turne was enjoyed. Visitors: Mi. and Mis. H. Broaking, Wes- icyville, Mi. and Mrs. C. Avery, Mis. S. Trewin, Haydon, Mi. Wm. Broad and Miss Violet Broad, To- ronto, at Mi. C. Slcmon's. Mi. Chas. Staples, Angusville, Mon., with friends. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Gaod- mon and bale, Bowmanville, at Mr. Luther Goadman's. Mi. and Mis. Arche Virtue and Arnold Mackenzie with 1er fath- or, Mi. Carr, Gilford. Mrs. HaIt. Burgess and Mi. Arthur Steplens at Mr. H. Stev- ens', Enniskillen. Mi. and Mis. Arthur Coverly and Sylvia, Bowmanviile, at Mi. W. F. Park's. Mr. oand Mrs. George Brooks are lame after visiting their son, Mi. Fred Brooks, at Cobourg. Merely memarizing facta will not help you mucl. You must anabyze tlem, meditate on thon, weigl them. Facta, like food, must le digcsted. Evesight Education Optometrist Eyesight Specialiut - Disney BIdt. (opp. P. O.) Number 96 .Double vision or seeixig double is a cammon thing ta cases ai imprapor tone of the mnotor mus- cles ai Uic eyes. It rnay le due ta weakness or a nervaus break- down or thon again it may have a mare seniaus background. This may at firat le a tenparary con- dition due ta, over application ta close work and is nat serious if thc proper attention is givon ta, it. If, howevcr, thc impraper habit iS continuod the periods ai sup- pression may le persisted in for periads ai groater duratian until thc condition ai sooing double be- cames ai sufficient duration ta lbe bothersome on if the eyc becomnes pcrnanently turned a dcinmite crass-eyed condition is noticed. If yau are aid enougl ta recagnize UhS condition ai double vision tavestigate Uic cause by seeklng Uic advice ai your optometrist. If yau sec an actual turntag ai the cyes ai a child lave it cor- rected before thc brain learns ta, recognize thc impropor functian ai vision. The longer this is per- sisted in, Uic harder wibi be ita correction or relief because it wil became more iixcd. Thechcild is just as likely ta, grow int it ai ta grow out ai it. If older you will have oxiîy yourseif ta blanc if you persist bltadly without scek- tag relief. (ta be conttaued) Loose Leaf Books lSe - 75c Bags UpwuaProm 25c Pendils, Rlr Scribblers, etc. ment and research Uic agricultur- ai industry la flourishlng, which is weil. attcsted ta by Uic thrangs af agricuiturists wha came from all over thc United States ta In- spect te many horticultural, ag- rctral and livestock exhibits at Uic Canadian National Exhibi- tion. GOOD BRAKES Are cheaper Than Lawsuits WE CAN MAKE THEM HOLD O)ur.seventeen yeal's of service is your assurance of work well done at fair pri*ces.' Bortlett's Sheli Station.&- Garage King St. East Bownianville DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIV COATS - DRESSES - SUITS 75c each or, 2 for $1.00 White Flanneis At Regular Price Oshawa Laondry & Dry Cieaning Co. Ltd. Phone 41% We Call For and Deliver e1&XvI We have everything in clothes forohool girib and bffl. COse lu whiàe thore lu plenty of lime. select Boys-, SWEATERS------------49o up' SUITS------$6.95 Up SoORS - 29ecup SHRTS----------950 And lGfrls'- DRESSES------- SKIRTS BLOUSES--- HOSE ---- LADIES ATTENTION A shipment o! New Fail Dresses & Coats ha. .ust aarived. They are reafly smart with Ne w Mateidials, Styles and Colors. Drop iu today for yours. 'ý.j Iý 1 $2.98 $1.95 980 Up 450 up Wl COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 LIMITED Bownivillo "à -I 1 - . 29o up -i 'loi * 1 ODD TROUSBRO $1.98 UP A-ND UNDERTEEINGS b 1 -ÉD) TVý