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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1939, p. 10

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THE ANAIAN TATSMA. BdMANILL flM'A in THURSDiAY, SEPTEMBER YTH, 1939 FRANKLIN T. GUY VETÉRAN CATTME PHOÀ~ CLAEE miFrank Thomas Guy, Osbawa. a resident of this district for over 84 Mrs. Darch, Salem, was a week-. Crowther have taken up their vears. and in former years well end guest of Mr. and Mrs. El- residence on Edward St., New- known as a breeder of purebred Ayre- comb, BaverSt.castle. h.sire cattie. passed away, AUg.3st Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, has Mr. and Mrs. Alfred De Groo, at the home of bis daugbter. Mrs. been staying with her daughter, Rochester, N.Y., have been visit- Walter R. Lynde, North Oshawa. Mrs. Gea. Farncomb, at their cot- ing Mr. Percy Brown, Mrs. Edith A verv active man for bis age. tage. . Chapman and other relatives, Ohi Mr. Guy hadivisited Port Perr3' last Mr.*. F.Rickard, M.P., left Wednesdiy! Mr. Brown accomp- week and 'bhadi, been down to Lake- for Ottawa on Wednesday to at- angd t>pin to Rochester on their view Park aândr was around the coin- tend the special session of parlia- return tp. miinitv as usual. He bad breakfast. ment. The Baby Band of the United and flot feeling quite as well as usual. Mr. and ýMrs. A. Callcutt and Church Sunday School held its bad zone back to bed. His daugbter éhildren, Strathroy, were week- annual meeting August 3lst, at went into the room several times end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril the home of the Asst. Supt. Mrs. but there was no indication tbat Rutland. Herb. Toms who helped the Supt. anvtbinz was wrong. About 10.30 be Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and baby Mrs. A. E. Meliow conduct the 'vas seized witb a beart attack and Betty, Toronto, holidayed at the meeting and entertain the chil- oassed awàV~ in a few minutes. summer home of lher uncle, Mr. dren and their mothers. Alto- Born at Bonnie Brae Point. Osb- Wm. Neil. gether over fifty were present and awa-on-the-lake. on Februarv 25tb. Mr. Wm. Blake and family have everyone had a lovely time. 1855. Mr. Guy was ini bis 85tb year. moved from the Third Line into Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker en- He was the son of the late Àlr. and the Cowie block, over Spring- tertamned a large number of young Mrs. Tbomas Guy, and be 'and bis ham's store. Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Mason, people at their home Saturday father were partners in tbe raising Toronto, madsmebifclsn evening in honor of Toronto Of purebred Ayresbire cattie. and thevila e as Thurd a o ner guests. Mr. Parker entertained sbowed their stock at Cigoe. Mont- the illge lst hurday n teirthe party for a while on the lawn reai and Toronto. One of tbe prized way home from Brighton. with lantern slides of local people nossessions of Mr. Guy was the Mr. Jack Hare was home from and scenes prepared by Mr. Wal- bronze tropbv won in 1881 at the Ottawa. Mr. Perey Hare termin- ter Seldon. The pâctures were Provincial Agricuiturai Fair. bis ated bis holidays and resumed his screened on a sheet hung on the berd of Avreshires bavini taken duties at the C.N.R. station Fni- lte ie isnrza htevt.Afme day.cohslm.frtoz tta vn.Afae Mr. and Mrs. Roy Honey and Nearly everyone knows of the Dicture of tbe Avresbire berd. taken her mother, Toronto, vrere week- poem, Let me' live in a house by in Chicago in 1893. was also mucb end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark the side of the road and be a valued among bis possessions. Matthews at their lake front cot- friend to man. Mrs. Matt. Brown Farmed At Two Points tage. of Glenwood Cottage has long Mr. Guv farmed for nearlv six Mr. Wilbur Graham tok inth been doinig this very thing. Per- vago tefr o we n Bowmanville-Oakville bail gaine haps her wording of such an ideal vieaotedb e fro.W oncalnd on Saturday and spent the night might be a littie different as, Let neraColdmbus.aGeo W cLae ur-in with Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Oak- me live in a house by the side of cbased two farms on tbe base line. ville. the street and be a friend to chil- DarlinRton Townsbip, from whicb be Congratulations to Mr. George dren. This is the time of the year retired in 1918. He carried on mix- Crowther and his bride, formerly when Mrs. Brown is especially ed farming in Darlington and also Miss Hazel Wood, on their mar- able to attain this ideal in certain wsawl-nw riage in Orono. Mr. and Mrs respects and how the school chil- wsawi-nw milk producer dren and other passersby appre- witb bhis berd of Ayreshire cattle. ciate her thoughtfulness a n d In bis religious activities Mr. Guy kindness! It bas been her customn was sunerintendent of the Base Line Sfor years past during the fruit Sundav Scbeoo for many vears and and surniher flower season to one of tbe pillars of tbe countrv leave quantities of pears and ap- cburch. He also attendcd St Paul' S g~ples and flowers at the corner of Presbvtériàn Church, Bowmanville. Walton and Mill Sts. for everyone He was a meniber of St. Andrcw's who had a fancy for them to help Churcb. Oshawa, and for sanie yparst themseves. And everybody has was -an eIder. In politics be was a respecfo other passersby and Liberal but neyer took an active part take jut afew of these nice in nartv poitical associations. thZgs freely presented. As long Followiniz the deatb of bis wifet as Mrs. Brown has these good in December. 1936. former Eliza-1 gifts of nature she wiil be shar- btb Ann Smitb. wbo was an aunt ing themn with those who pass by. of Geo. W. *McLaugblin andj R. S. McLauzhlin, Mr. Guy sold bis farm SCHOOLS RE-OPEN sbortlv aftcr and following bis .rc-h _______tirement bas practicaliy -made bis t Public and High Schools open- home with his daugbter.. M.;s. VW - 5 ed Tuesday with a normal attend- ter Lynde. NorthOsa. n hi ance including several young be- son Leslie. His chief intcrests sinceF ginners in Miss Norma Orchard's r.',mn a ee adnn n room. Corridors, cloak roons and vstinz old friends of wbc>m be hadt downsti lobbys have b e en maniv in tbe district and wbo were freshly pamnted cream and green always fleased to Have bum visit Sby artist Ellison Moise. The whole tbemn. school interior presented an im- Besides the one daughter, Mrs. /maculately clean appearance, hav- Lvnde (Nellie). and son, Leslie. 144 ing been thoroughly housecleaned Coîborne Street East. Oshawa. be is just before opening by the jani.. survived bv a haif-sister. Nellie de 4tors, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brereton. Hart. of Kelowna, B.C.. an.d three In the corridors and ini every half brothers. Kirby Guy. Honolulu, - room were vases or baskets of Tbomas Guy. Seattle, Wasb.. and Dr. gladioli to brightly greet the Douglas Guy. -Sand Point. Idaho.n teachers and pupils on their re- Two grýaidchildren aiso survive. i turn to school after the holidays. The funeraI was beld Saturday at sl These much admired flowers th, borne of bis son'.in-law. Walter ' camefro th garensof R.R Lynde. Nortb Oshawa. witb Rev. ci Matt. Brown and this annual T. S.LI.Wilson in charge and Rev. adornment o the sehool by ber M.Mxel former minister of St. hg I ~~~~is a much appreciated gesture. Ade' ntdCuc.assig Members of the Board of Edu- Interment was maile in the familv ni cation met at the,.school at mine plot. Union Cemetery. R ? -ic ana .ooKea ver me prem ises inside and oui. I Wedding Barchard-Cutler A pretty weddimg was solenin- ized in St. George's Anglican Cburcb, Newcastle, August 31st, when Mn. Edward Stanr Barchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Barchard, Third Line, Clarke, and Miss Vera Cutler, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cutler, Newcastle, wcrc unitcd in mariage by the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dcwdncy. The bride was becomingly attircd in a beige dress wita brown accessonies and ber flowers were a corsage bou- quet o! nases and lily o! tac val- ley. She was attendcd by Miss Reita Powell, bridcsmaid. Mn. Charles Glcncy was groornaran. The churcli was beautifuily dec- orated by Mns. Mattaew Brown, witb giadioli. Irmnediateiy aften tac cercrnony the bride and groom le! t by motar, arnid sbowcns af confetti, for a boncymoon trip whicb included a visit ta tac C.N. E. Thcy arnivcd borne on Tues- day rnôrning. Conf.rt And Safety Inereased Dy Hudei The editon of The Statesma accornpanicd Harold Smithi McKeeven & Smith ta Toroni lasi Monday wbere tance ne, limes o! 1940 cars, spomsoned b Hudson Matons o! Canada Limi- cd, wcrc displaycd ta. newspapei mcn and salesmen. A new entry itac lowest pnic field, tac new Hudson Six, offeî cd new featurcs, new fabnics an a ncw style of upbolstery in ac dition hi engineering advances i performance, front-end s p r i n suspension, riding camiott an roadability said hi be mcw ith: pnice range. Also spotlightcd for 1940 is whoily new type o! low price straight eight. This ncw Hudso Eight, whicb delivers more tha anc horsepawer for cveny ich c whcclbasc, is a furtaer develor ment of Hudson's bigb pawer-tc weigbt matons which bave bec developcd by engineers toatatai standards a! performance and ec onomy ncw in tac hindustry. Cam panian car wili be the mew Hud son Super-Six, identicai in a: features excepi power plant. Aristocrais o! tac lime anc th new Country Club six and eigh cylinder sedans in whicb interia luxuriausmess mew ta productia: manufacture is introduced. Thes, modela have massive decp-fonm cd seata and an entincly ncw up holstery matenial. Airfoam. sca cushions, introduccd to tac indus try- last year by Hudson, bavi been re-desigmed for greater cam font and srnarter tailaning. Independent Suspension For tac firsi urne in tac lowcs pnice field independent fron' whcel suspension wita centri point steening is introduccd. ThL, is funther insproved by tac incor. poration of auhi-poise contrai t( give niding and seating comfori and roadabiliiy. Hudsam's patented double-safi bydraulic brakes have been fur- ther iznproved by a rc-design ai tac mechanical reserve brakE linkage. Added for 1940 arc mew directional safety signala,icreas- cd front and rean vision, a new beavien frarne, and a funther i- provcd design a! Hudaom's dasb- locking safety hood. Longer, lower lincs character- lac ail modela, and arc offered wita or without nunning boards. The entire hooci is of olie-picce construction prcentÏlni*.,smuoota, graceful frontal -a p p"e'nrilif e. i{cadlanips in ail m6od'7I are mounted flush in tac fenders. DR. R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newvqastie, Ont. - Over Langman'a. Stoýre, Newcas- tle. Office hours: Priday - Satur- day, 9 to 9 p.m. Phone A1222 Work Wanted WORK WANTED - IS HOUSE- keeper, nursing exper ence. Apply Box 136. Bowmamviiie. 36-1 fiý!ealth For Children Corbet's $u«rlatyof tiOm reads zmade ùr* uh finut health givIzw Ingredients0 wiflbe able to work hardand play 0f Corbett's bread and keep them dpring winter monthi. They will 1toot and so wifl the aduits in your 07,11M#P$03 4. your street every week-y BAKERY Bo0wmanvmle Engfl.h Lad Hlk« ________ From 1BowmanvNIe Tu 'preston L. Tait. 2545 Aima Rd.. 4Vancouver. B.C., -son, of the late H. 1C. Tait photographer. Bowmanville, -sent us a marlced coDy. of The Cow- ichan (B.C.) Leader of Auggt R4tb. If amy of aur readers kno w 'wtb whom the voung lad, referre.4 to in article. lived witb in Bowmanviile or BRU DE-TO-BE US Durhami County, we would a»m 1 GUIEST AT SHOWERt iate it if they 'would ic let Çnv The article reads:. "An Engzlish boy arnjvd"'ô.r- : n .Wcdnesday evening, August bridge on Saturday. He did moi corne 30, a group of young people ga- under Fairbridgze auspices. be Was thened at the home of Mr. and mat a selected member af a conducted Mrs. W. Pingle. The first part af oartv, be came on bis own. hijtch-hik- the evenmng was spent i playing ingz bis way across Canada. games. Mn. Hamm called Miss And that it seenis, is the way Bob Marion Battie into the centre of Camion bas aiways donc: -He looks the 'circle whene Miss Audrey after others first and then gqts there Kemp on bebalf of the Salem biniseif.% Girls' Softball Team nead a nice- Bob (bis reai Chnisian naine is ly wonded address and Miss Helen Snowden. but he prefers Bob):* came Rundie and Master Bruce Pingle ta the fanm scbool at Cowicli'a ta- prcsented Marion with a mirror tion ta se bis tbnec brothers: Pe ' , and two pictures in homor of ber Pat and Paul. He is responsible'for fontbcoming marniage. A wiemer their beiniz oui here. interviewi i ie noast and sing song brougbt a Fairbnidgre authorities in Emgjand on very enjoyable evening to a close. their behaif. __________________ WThcn Bob did tbat lic was Iess Nui than 16 years aid. Hie is omiy 18 n6w. MUi But he came to Canada f'by inseîf R.ET R.D LY two vears agzo and bas been wonlting R.RT .DDE in Ontario. wbec le sbowed sucb Teacher of Piano, Organ and an aptitude :for finming. and 4uch àa Theory determination tà succced at itting Specializes in V0ieéProduction he tricd. tbat be. won a prize of seed and Singing wbcat in an agniculturai competition. Class re-opens. September 4ta. That mnakes tWvo awards, for in Emg. Studio, King Street - Phone 757 land he won a medai for mjking. 36-1 Bob was doing weii in Ontario. but he wanted ta be mearer bis brothers. MSS DOROTHY M. EDGER Sa be took bis , vings and started for the caast. Ta save momey be. A.T.C.M., Bowmanvlle hitch-hiked. but refuscd ta ride Wil open classes on Tuesday, f reight trains. considerimgz that ibis Sept. 5th. Instruction iail grades might be rcgardcd as a biot on bis of piano and thcory frgm begin- character in apý~lying for rýmploy_ mens ta advanced grades. Prepar- ment. wsascesu ation for exarninations up to and Bob b ucesu itcb-biker. imcluding A.T.C.M. Opportunity, People took ta bim and belped hbu if desired, for public perform- aiong. A bighway patrolman gave ances and competitive playig. bum an introduction tbat broughthim o arrange for classes, phone 403, a rde f .00 mleswit ac mn.Miss Donotby M. Edger, 23 Car- a rde f 1000mils wth ne al"lisle Avenue, Bowmanvuile. He oaid bis share of the gas for that.35-2 Another nighî be took a abin at an auto camp and- was luet going ta MRS. E. SMITHf FERGUSON, bcd when the owncr of the camp A.T.C.M.L tld bum of a ride that would take hiu sanie 30 miles mearer bis gzoal. Teacher of Piano and Theory Wbat's more. the owner refunded bis Having agaiattendcd summer rnoncy.hInik courses at the Toronto Conserva- . Wih hlo ikethis, Bob did mot tory, I arn qiahified to teach tae have ta do much' waikingy. tbougbh art of Piano playing, by the rnost bhere was anc day wben, he trudged helpful modemn methoda. 1938-39 52 jniles. Twcive days after Examination results: First Ciass' Bowmanvilie. Ontario. he was at Homors 10, Honors 26, Passes 3; Fintrv. the Okanagzan estate attached Higbest mark obtained 97, low- to Fairbnidzc. After restingibtere lie est 67. came an here. Term openinig Sept.,,Qth. Studio. Canner Wellna4 .,.a Temperance Sts. - PboI, c 60. c 35-21 Do Not Read This If You Borrow Nelghbour's Paper Tbe editor of The Wiart1s Echo. wrho by the way is a very ciever woman. Mrs. A. E. Duncan. bas beén makingz a drive ta colleci autstand- in subscrintians. In tbe last issue bhe related sanie of ber expeniences. wbicb arceciuite similar ta those of othen weckly ediiors. She savs: "It is àurprising wbat tales we cear. One woman. wbo bas been a subscriber for veaýrs. bad. tbrougb no fault of ber own. girotbèhind. She came in ta talk ibe matter over and said, 'Three of mv. neigzhbours bar- row The Echo f rom me every week and tbev aIllbave more manev than 1have.' She told us wbo, tbey were and we smiled wbcn wc heard of :ne for he cancelled bis subscribtion, because he received a bill when it 'as averdue. Ho..hum. there is anc stisfaction and that is tbev aIl read ý- wbether* ihey pav on not. A reeklv oaoer is like a wife - everv ian should bave anc of bis awn." sa rc ar I a bc it 's mr LULLABY TE ,e Corne uttle lambkin, it's lullaby r- time, id Into your slumber robes laughing. J- ly lirb; in Snuggl yourbheadîe, idMother will sing you a lullaby is rbyre. Out itae meadow real lamnbkins a now lie, ,dClose to their mnothers bemeath the )n A htsky; A soft zephyr breeze, CInothe tall pasture trees, Df Coonsthern to slpep, Nature's sweet lullaby. '~Up in the sky twikling stars wili Ln be peeping, Round Your wee bead Slumben- Elfins are çreeping; And mopn, very so. on, The big, round bilver moon, Wiil peep througb the wîmdow to sec if you're sleeping. Le Yes, little lambkin, it's lullaby it tirne, 1 er Hear the soft notes float fnorn n vcsper's sweet chime; ;e Nestle your headie, - In rnother's lap-beddie, -Mothen wiil sing you a iullaby kt rbyme: '- Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye, mother is e near, -Rock-a-bye, irock-a-bye, nothing hi fear; Elfins of slumber are hovening ;t near, t Then rock-a-bye, iambkin, mother e ashere. s S--h--b-.. there - -- there, now. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. fWEY INOT SE£ A I.L L 1E9ODOPTICIANS Mondays 12 noon to 2 p m. about a Thorog 71. Mxnluastlon and Mod2em l MY*GMasses At Alex MeCiregor Drues nowmartvilI.e -ont. QuaJftl'UP 99a.D-o- - Au iâ n.o pcd f Tonto-a'*aoe0rmOe 169 Yonce nt Qum. Expert Mopairing PHYLLIS R. M. CHALLIS A.T.C.M. (Solo- Performer's Degree> will ne-open the fail tcrm of Piano and Theory on Sept, lita, 1939. Pupils prepared for ail degrees ieqding ta and ixicludig A.T.C.M. diploma. New students welcorncd i ay grade. Rates very moder- ate. Ail individual lessons given in pnivate studio. Theory and duo-piano work a specialty. Sixty Per cent o! ail students prepared for 1938 and 1939 examjinations obtaied firsi class honers, thc other forty per cent obtaining honors. Studio: Liberty- Street North, Bowmamvile. Phone 2652. VIOLIN CLASS LESSONS Class instruction for beginners 1h, Violin camznencing Sept. 12th. Fees $1.50 per monta. Apply FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac., A.T.C.L, Etc. Phone 742 - Bowmanviile. 36-tf Tutorlng ADULTS. NOT IN SCHOOL, dcsining direction in mathematics, etc. sec Mn. Wagan. Centre St. Individual on class instruction, , 12 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-SOME GOOD UOL- stein caws. anc rcncwed and sanie about ta rcnew. W. T. Symions, Phone 2251. 36-1* ONTAftîo NOTICE TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS and HEATING, PLUMBING A»! ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Seaked Tenders mairked "Tender for Depanimýent of Highways Depot Buildings, Port Hope" wll be ne- oetved by the undersigned until 12 o'clock Noon, daylight saving tîme, on Fniday. Septemiben lSth, 1939 for the Gemeral Trades, and on idcnes- day, September 2Oth, 1939, for the rHeating, Plumbing and Electricai Wai'k ne qulred in commectiou with the Addtians and- Alterations ta the Ontario Department af Highways Dýet at Port Hope. Acentified cheque for~ 10% of the amaunt af the' tender payable ta thse Honouralile thse Provincial Treasuner shall be attached ta each tender. A Guanantee Carnpany's contract bond fo>r 50% af thse amnount af the tender ta pravide thse usuai guaran- teem Includlng pe.Yment af labour and niatenilj will be required an executian of the cont.ract. Plans, specifioations, -tender forme and tender envelopea may be abtafi- ed ilow for thse Gen eral Tradea and 'on andI aiter Septeniben lIth. for the ,Heatim, Piumbing and Blectnicai Wr.A deposit of Ten Dollars (110.00) for each set of plane andI speciflcatlans shalh be madle. This amnoumi wili be returned when plans and specifications are retuned In ugood condition. Plansa snd Specfioations mybe seen at the omoIe of thse Prncial Archliect, East Block, Parlianieni Buildings, Toronto, or at the office af Mn. 1Sears, Dtvliainai Engimeen for the Department of MighwaysataiPort Th oetor amy tq9;der nat-p4e-* esanily acce"pted. Toronto, Septeniber îÎth, 1939. Otro 36-1 MARRIAGE GRILLS - YEO - i Sept. 1. 1939, 1 in Courtice Parsomade bv Rev. W. C. Smitb. Florence Marion, daugb'- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Yeo of Tyrone. to, Jobn Orval Auzustus Grills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carol Augus tus Grills, Courtice. DEATHS ELLIOTT - In Oshawa, on Sept. 6tb. 1939. Thomas R. Elliott, be- loved husband of 'Mary H. Jewell, in his 8lst year. Interment Union Cemeterv. NOKES - On Sept. lst, 1939, at the residence of ber sister, Mrs. May Bateman. 70 Wolfrey, Toronto, Agnes Nokes, daugbter of the late Harry Nokes. Interment St. James Cemnetery. WADDELL - In Yellertorn, on Thdrsdav. August 31, 193, Isabelle McConnacbie Waddell; widow of tbe late William Waddell. aged 83 years. Interment OronoCemetery. IN MEMORIAM STRUTT - In loving memory of our dear busbamd and f atber, Elias Strutt. wbo passed awey SePtein- ber 6th. 1933:- Witb tcnder love and deep regret, We wbo ioved bum neyer forjzet. -Sad1y missed bv wif c and family. EDGER - In lovimg memnory of our mother. Elizabeth M. Edgzer. wbo died Sept. 6th, 1934: Today recalîs sad memnories 0f a dear mother gone to rest, And the one wbo tbinks of ber to-day Is the one wbo loved ber best. THOMPSON - In Iovingr memory of a dear husbamd and father, James Thonipson, who paâsed away September 8th, 1937: We are sad within aur mcmory, Loneiy are aur bcarts to-day, For the anc we loveiy sa dcariy Has been foreven cailed away. Hîs kindly ways and smiul ing f ace Are a pleasure ta recali. He bad a kindly word for each, And died beloved toalal. -Sadly missed by wife, daugbters and busbands. COMING EVENTS Salemi Harvest Home servicej ..wili be held on Sunday, Sept lOtb, ai 2.30 -and 7.30 p.ns. (S.T.)". The speaker will be Rev. Stanley Osbone of Timothv Eaton Memorial Chuncb, Toronto. Special music bv tilt chair. Monday ight, Sept llth. a comedy, "'Pleased ta Mecicha"' bv Janetville Y.P.U. ai 8 Admission 25c and 10c. Amnual Meeting of Durhami Coumty Music Festival Association- wilI be beld in the Comm.umity Hall, Newcastle. on Monday, Sept. IlIb, at 7.30 p.m. (S.T.) Ail iterested in the Promotion of ibis qun- muai musical, event are invited to attend. Reserve Friday. Sept 29th for the Women's Institute Euchre anud Draw in the Council Chamber. Goad Prizes. 36-1 Auction Sale Monday. Sept. 25th - I bave ne- ceived instructions ta selI by public auction the following: f armi stock, machinery and implements- on Lot 3, Con. 5. Clarke. on the prensises of Wesley falîs. Sale i p.m. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson. Auctioneer; A. Morton. Clerk. 36-2* FOR SALE - VEGETABLES f rcsh f rom 'the garden to your door. Tomatoes, 50c bushel; good cooking apples; Evcrgreen corn now at its best. Ira Péarce, Con- cession St., Phne 860. 36-tf FOR SALE - APPLE LADDERS. Apply A. F. Abernethy, Maple Grove. Phone Bowmanville 2681. 36-1* RUBBER GOODS,. SUNDRIES, etc.. mailcd postpaid in Plain, seai-- cd wrapPer. 80 per cent «less than retail. Write for mail-order cata- logzue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Dept. W. 14, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-2 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - GOOD 100 acre farm. bardwood bush. goad water. scbool and church bath on farm. Phone Oshawa 1921w or Port Perrv i110r6, 34-3 To Rent FOR RENT - HOUSE ON SCU- gagz Street. Apply Geo. McMullen, Welïngton St., Bowmanvilie. 36-1* FOR RENT - TWO UNFURN- isbed rooms and anc furmisbed Jbed sittingz rooni. Apply. Mrs. C. IW .Jacobs, Church St., Bowman- jville. 36-1* Wanted I WANTED - TWO EXPERIENC- cd loapers, girls; steady wqrk. Apply at once W. A. Layoie cia Canadian Spinners, Milton, O~t. 36-1* WANTED - CATTLE T PAS- ture. Frqdl Taylor, Nieîo%' W~ED~t~HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. lyorby Fur Parmi. Tvrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf Lost LOST-B3ETWEEN NEWCASTLE azetf Bo'lnnanvill 4on iMonday, SeOU'4tb. i a red ltât1lft traf fic re- cordihbook. Reward. ýFider tplease return to Police Office, Bowrnan- ville. 36-1 LOST - SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. 2nd. bctween Coronation Cafe and Evlvn Shop, Bowmîanville, a wallet cantaining 1 ten dollar bill, 1 two. 2 ones and.. some silver, also photos of owner for identi- f ication. Liberal reward. Finder fflease lcave at Statesman Office. 36-1 Personal MEN 0F 30, 40, 501 WANT VIM. viîgor, for rundown body? Try Ostrex Tablets of raw oy.ter stimulants and general bo4ly build- ers. If mot deligbted witb results of f irst nackage. maker refuncb its low vrnce.'t. Caîl, write jury & Lovel. and ail good druggists. J" 36-1 Mortgage Money Avaliable HAVE MiONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmnanvilie Real Estate. Special attention ta National Housiniz Act Loans. Inciuire Bradley Bras.. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Veterinarian D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.So. flowmanville Successor to Dr. T. F. Tighe Office: King St. East, at Tlghe Resident - PHONE 843 Notice i CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FMST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Votera' List 1939, Mutslcipaiity oft- Notice is bcrcby given that I bave complicd with Section 10 of the Vaters' List Act. - and that I bave oosted un at mv office ai Hampton, on the 1Oth day of July, 1939. the list of ail persans entitled ta vol~e in the said Municipalitîv-for Mepebers af Parliament. and at Municipal Elec- tians. and that such Iist reniains there for inspection. And I hcreby cali upon ail vaters ta take immediate nroceedings ta, bave any errors or omissions correct- cd according ta Iaw. the Iast day f or appeai bcing Tbursday. ihe 2ist daY of September, 1939. Daîed ibis 29tb day of August 1939. T. D HOGARTH. Clerk af Darinqtom TQwnship. 35-2 Notice Tô Debtors 1i}the Estate af Thomas Francis Tighce, vetcninary surgeon, deceased. ALL pensons againsi wbom thse estate of Thomas Francis Tigbe, late of the Town af Bowmanville, wbo died an or about the 27th day af July. 1939. bas dlaims, art bereby notified ta make setilenni f ac- counts witb ihe undersignedl an or before the 25tb day of Octaber, 1.939. After that date legzal action will be taken ta collcct outstandinoe accounts. Dated at Bowmanvilîc this 6tb day of Septemben, 1939. Hilda M. Tighe, Executnix, Bowmanville, Ontario. Applications ,For Caretaker Appflications for caretaker at West Durhami ReOistry Office at 13ow- manvilie. will be received by the unidersigmed up to September 9. 1939. State salarv expected. E. L. MacNacbtan. Counties Clerk, Cobourg. 35-2 ROYAL I THATIRE IlBOWMAN VILLE Friday - Saturday SEPT. 8 - 9 Monday -Tuesday SEPT. U- 12 Wifo, Husband & Friênd' Starring Warner Baxter aud Loretta Young 'fà Sel.cted 8hoU' . Matin«. Xonday 2.30,p.m. Wednes. - Thuraday SEPT. 13 - 14 Peter Lorre in 'Mr. -Moto bInDanger Island' selected Shorts Matinee Wednesday 4 p.m. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE At Your REXALL Store HUGE SOAP SALE'- Vinolia Floating Oastile. 10 cakes 25e Picadilly 72% Castile 6 .. for 25o Conde, French Castile .............................. 8 for 25c Jergen ,s Floating Oarbolic ............. . 3 for 140 Litebuoy Boap ......... * .... ................ ......... 3 for 21c Cashmere Bouquet , 2 reg. 1o cakes for lic Infant 's* Delight . .... ......................: ....... 2 cakes go Woodbl'Ys ...........3 cakes soap anmd bottie lotion 23o Elizabeth Arden Purs. Size TwIn Package Oontaining one jar ail day foundatioii cream and on jar Illusion Powder in vsrious shades For Only .- - 75c SPECIAL FITCH OFFER 12 hair Style Patter nad a bottie of pitch's Bhampoo For Only........................ . qc Eyesight Photo Flnlshlng The rlgors of reading at achool D Uiu tStudI deniand gool eyezight. If you eAtSui suffer from headaches ><ur manh expert work and eyes may be at fauit. Have Perfect resuita. Why t them tested properly at our store by retlstered optome- chances on snything but the triste.bust when It coais ne more. JURY (4LQVELL gÇe 000*,or é Phone 778 . ~v8w~4 Il THE CANADIAN STATESWAN, BdWMANVILLE. ONTARIO -

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