THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Mrs. Wight is visiting rela- Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale and. tives luToronte. faznily have returned tram hoi-: Mss Helen Gunn, Toronto, daying in the nbrth country. 111 nt the holiday at home. Mrs. G. A. Gillespie spent sev-: Mrs.W. . Tuker Torntoeral days in Toronto last weeki *as guest cf Mis. A. W. Pickard. n tene h Exhibition,- Mis, W. J. Cully has been visa- Mis. A. ?4cçLellandl, Mr.- and lng her son, Jack Cully, Sudbury. Mis. John MbLeland, Hànfihto6n, Miss Madeline Crago bas been were guests cf Mr. J. H. Cryder- hoIîdaylng with friends at Whit- man, by. . Misses Madeline and Marjorje .Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, js Jones, Toronto, spent the 'week- vislting her cousin, Mis. M. Com- end with Mayor R. O. and Mrs. stock. Jones. Miss Mary Rose Baldwin spent Mr. and Mis. C. Upper and the weekend with her parents in children,. Peterboro, spent the Orono. weekend at her father's, Mr. Geo. Miss Catherine Thompson spent Bickle. the weekend with Miss Madeline M.adMs nrwCnel Metclf.Windsor, were Sunday, guests of Mi. and Mis. J. H. Batemaip Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers, spent the weekend with relatives Centre St. in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milison and Mis. Myrtle Carter, Picton, daughters, Mis. Carruthers and spent the weekend with Mr. Rus- Margaret, Orono, visited Mrs. sell Candier Jr. John Barton. Miss Helen Ramsay, Bank cf On a motor trip recently Mr. Commerce, is holidaying wîth her and Mrs. H. B. Foster visited the sister at Napanee. latteî's sister, Mrs. G. A. Ross, Mi. E. M. Down, Detroit, Mich., Owen Sound. ., spent the weekend with his sis- Mr. and Mis. Russell White, ter, Miss Lola Down. Hamilton, spent the week-end Miss Minnie IrLanning, Chicago, with their cousin, Miss T. M. Pen- 111., has been visiting her niece, found, Shaw's. Miss Evelyn Manning. Mr. and Mis. George Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Lawry Cryder- and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. man have been holidaying with Cowan, Toronto, visited at Mr. friends in Boston, Mass. Robert Rogers'. Mi. F. Sutton attended the con- Mr. and Mrs. A. Marjerrisoni venti9n cf the Canadian College and son, South Poîcupine, are cf Or'ganîsts in Hamilton. visiting their sister-in-law, Mrs. THANK Our heartlest thanks go out to the hundreds of students who have purchased thefr supplies at our store this week. Dur- lIBÏthecoilng year we urge soholars to "make Johnston's Blook Store thefr headquarters for sehool supplies. Johnston's Book Store Phone 651 Bowmanville E~. Marjerrisen. Miss Elsie Lymer is having a lovely holiday visiting Mr. and Mis. C. E. Foîtier, Barrington Manor, Montreal. Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, and Miss Jean McCormick, Gaît, were holiday guests et Mi. and Mis. F. C. Vanstone. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Pearce and son Gardon, Toronto, spent tue weekend with his parents, Mi.'and Mis. Ira Pearce. Mi. Bill James is making satis- factciy recovery at uis home af- ter an operation for appendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital. Mi. Henry Laturope and grand- son Charles Papineau, Toronto, are hclidaying with friends at Lightueuse Island, Muskoka. Miss Laura Fcley, nurse in training at the General Hospital, Kingston, is hclidaying with her parents, Rev. H. W. and Mis. Foley. Mis. C. Gatcheil and Mis. Wm. P. Hall spent an enjoyable week- 9~eapér To Buy Than Bake 'By actual test, it has been provesi that the average housewifei spends more money and thme by baking her own cakes, pies and bread than she would have to spend to buy the same article from Carter's Bakery. Thei housewife also elimixiates the possibility of total loss in ber baking by purchasing from Carter's where she is assured of. obtaining the fmnest in baked goods and at the lowest prices. We spicialise in made-to-order baked articles for parties. Try us wben you have one. WEEK* END SPECIALS Empire Layer Cake .............. Pumpkln Pie, the kind you'll like,,...... ...... 30e THE CARTER' FAMILY ]Buy From «Tour B3owmnvile ]Baker - Bakers for Two Generationa' - FNow Is The Time To Buy OW Alin's Is The -Place Whsat isuts... I Pkg. lic1/2-1b. - 28c A Supreme Blend or Coffee,) our own ............... lb.ý 43e Helnz Medium Size Tins of Soup ...................... 2 for 25e New Crop White Iloney.............. 4-lb. tin 40C .1*tin 23C Ful iLne of PicklIng and. Pf$serving Supplies Free Bottle Canada Spur wlth Purchase of 2 Large Bottles Canada Dry Ginger Aie Fiah for Friday - Salmon, Fresh and Smoked Filets 'sHARRY i--ALLIN Phone 367 - 368. GROCER Bowmanville end at Wasaga Beach, guests o Mi. and Mis. Thomas Harvey Toronto. Miss Norma Sexsmith, who hai been, spending a pleasant holidai with. heir uncle and aunts at "Ti jGrange", has returned home t( J.Belleville. _.Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Mis* 'Agnes Haddy, Toronto, spent tht W'Viekend with Mrs. Harry Foster who returned with them fori ji Wseek's visit. f Mr. and Mrg. J. J. Medland London, Miss Miydy Medland and Mr. P. A. Sàiidià, Buffalo, calle< in town this week on their waý from Quebec. Mr. and Mis. F. A. Fitchetti DMontreal, visited her father, Mr Wm. Painton, over the weekern and teck their daughter Sheils back with them. Miss Winnie Cryderman, whc spent the summer with her mc- ther, Mrs. A. B. Cryderman, has returned te her sciioci at Pakes- ley in the Parry Sound district-. E Mrs. A. Carter, son William and daughter Jean, Kapuskasing, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. G. Kreig and son George, Kingston, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carter. Mixed doubles or jitney lawr bowling« is being featured eadh Tuesday evening at the local green. Winners this week were Mr. F. O. McIlveen and Mrs. G. A. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. AIt. Pennîngton, Roy and Lois, Toronto, accomp. anied Mi. and Mis. Fred Cryder- man and Ruth on a motor trip over the weekend to Prince Ed. ward County and Kingston. Mr. and Mis. H. M. Gully, To- ronto, are spending the month of September at Camp Chimo, Lake Temagami. Harold is having his annual tussle with his most un- popular hobby - hay fever. Miss Florence Bennett has beer successful at her summer course at Lake Couchiching. After spend. ing a short holiday with her xno- ther at "The Grange" she has now returned to her school at Scudder, Ontario. Misses Elsie Carruthers and Hilda Brown and Mr. Jim Wil- liams have returned from an en- joyable motor trip to Old Orcharc Beach, Maine, Lake Placid, N.Y., and other famous American sum- mer resoîts. Mi. B. H. Mortlock of the Times-Review, Fort Erie North, was in town over the weekend renewing acquaintances. He as- sisted Canon C. R. Spencer at the evening service in St. John's An- glican Church on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Oke, who has been ili fÔî some time, has recoverec sufficiently to carry on with her activities as seamstress. She wish- es to thank her customers for past patronage, and for favori during her illness. Those wishing wcrk done are advised te caller phone her home on'King 'Street. Mis. M. Bresiu gave a birth- day party on Wednesday for her children, Pearl and Edward, whose birthdays corne quite near together. It was a colorful gar- den party with conducted smngmn and games for which prizes were given, and each child went home with a gift. Among the guests were their cousins, Pearl and Patricia Patteuîck and Carol Starkman, Toronto. Mi. Wesley Lee, who was trans- ferred here in June frcm Bob- caygeon as a C.P.R. section man, has now brought his wife and three children to towu. They are living in one cf the Martyn houses on Wellington St. 'Before leaving Bobcaygeon last week their tri- ends gave them a farewell party and presented them with an oc- casional 'chair and a utility stand along with best wishes. Mi. and Mis. H. E. Bartlett and family, Miss Mutton and Mr. E. Haggith motored to North Bay. Sunday mornmng they saw the "Quints" a't Callander, and then followed the Ottawa highway east as f ai as Pembroke, then south te Hybla, Harry's mother's home. On Monday they journeyed home by way cf Bancroft, Burleigh Falls, Peterboro and Rice Lake aud No. 2 highway. . Mr. Gordon Ashton, B.Sc., Mc- Donald College, Quebec, had the honor cf being elected President cf the Alumni Association cf the Kemptville Agricultural School students at their reunion held last month at Kemptville. Gordon is son cf Mi. and Mrs. W. C. Ash- ton of -Shaws. We notice the chief speaker at the Alumni ban- quet was another illustrious son cf Durham County i the person cf Dr. J. B. Reynolds, President mnakethis.sho-w neot-onil-yinterest- ing, but educational and benefic- ial. Send in a large entry. Most of these new ventures are an ex- periment and your interest will determine its côntiuace and imprevement. Please tell your triends and neighbors. and let's have a big day at the Fair. oe Wanrea s ie VOUTER for the la Hastings and. Prince Edward 3.9 Regiment m CANADIAN ACTIVE SERVICE FORCE Ig Apply At - 'TRENTON, ARM«OURY il 9 arn. te 5 P.rn. S. Young, Lt.-Col., Cominanding Hastings and P.E. Regt. FOLEY FAMILY HOLD UNIQUE GATHERING On September lst, the childien et Mis. Walter H. Foley, togetuer wîth their familles, gatuered at tue Foley Homestead, near Maple Grove, with Mi. sud Mis. Howard Feley as genial host and hostess. A unique teature efthte gath- ering was the tact that Mis. Wal- ter Foley has thîee chldien and each family completes a four- generation group. During the atternoon, several pictures weîe taken (one shown elsewhere in tuis paper), the prin- cipal eue being that et Mis. Wal- ter H. Foley, her turee children: Ernest, Eva (Mis. Mark Black- burn, Orono), and Howard; her giandchildren: Hfilda (Mis. Abert Colwell, town), Farewell Black- burn, Salem, and Florence (Mis. Howard Cryderman); her great- grandchildren: Edward Colwell, Grace Blackburn, Shirlie sud Carlos Cryderman. At 6.30, twenty-five people sat down te a sumptueus buffet pic- nic supper te which everyone did fuil justice. The rest of tue even- ing was spent in games, music and chit chat. TRINITY W. .su LISTENS TO REPORT TRAINING SCHOOL Trinity United Church W.M.S. met Tuesday atterneen. Devo- tienal period in charge et Mis. R. Clarke and her greup included: Openiug music, Mis. D. R. Ail- diead; prayer, Mis. R. Clarke; prayer, Mis. C. Wright; sciiptuie lesson, Mis. J. Darch. President Mis. S. Daviscu pîesided for the business. An mnteresting sud in- structive report efthte training school for leaders held at Ladies' College, Whitby, was given by Mis. O. Plurnier. Miss Jean Part- ridge îendered a vocal solo, ac- companied by Dr. T. A. Paîtridge. A splendid address was given by Mrs. C. Wright on Christian Citi- zeuship. NISUNDERSTOOD Our fellow townsman and former merchant orince, A. L. Nicholls. who1 alwavs had tte happy facilty of seeiniz the humorous side cf life. stooped the editor on the street the other day and handed us this dlipp- inoe which 'Doipli' said mioeht ig up some of our delinqueni subâcribers: "The editor cf a Kansas paper savs lie picked ut, a Winchester rifle ene day recently and started up the street te return it te its owper. The1 delincinent subscribers izot it juto their heada lie was on the warpath sud à number cf them he met insist- ed on o)ayinz him what they owedi him.. On bis return te the office lieî found a lead cf hay. 15 bushels cf1 cern. ten bushels cf' ootatoes. a Joad cf wood sud a barrel of turuios had been brouizht in." "A man that is desirous te ex- cel should endeaver it ini thoseE tuings that are in themselves Mostr excellent."-Epictetus.f LATEST IN BiULOVA MRATIONS là j.w.ja LUDRRY Mai's-Jewelry Phone463 owmanvllle Weddings Lackey-Gray Given a festive appearance the flowers banked behind altar, Garden Hill Churchi the scene September 6th, at I neen, of the fiîst formal wedd to be held there for tifty ye The bride, Miss Helen Gr was given in marriage by father, Mr. Stanley J. Gray., was gowued in white chif made with full bodice sud s: sweetheart neckline and sh puif sîceves. Her silk neti was fingertip length sud hera bouquet cf white gladioli, li cf the valley sud pink larks was caught with white tulle i The-bride was attended byb Della Mae Sisco, maid cf hcr Who was gowned in piuk net o taffeta, and by Miss Mary La ey, bridesmaid, who wore1 quoise blue chiffon. Bath can nosegays cf roses sud gladc The gidom, Rev. Harold Lackey, et Enniskillen, wass ported by Rev. George Empey Newboro, whc acted as best rr The ushers were Mi. Stem Gray, brother cf the bride, Mr. Frank Lackey, brother cf groom. The marriage service conducted by Rev. A. Y. Roiý scn, pastor ef the church. During tue signing cf the ne ter Mr. Lawrence Dunbar s "A Dream cof Paradise." Mis. M. Foster played the wedd ffiusic, cemprising favorite hyz of tue bride. The marriage ceremcny followed by a reception at home tftue bride's parents. I Stanley J. Gray, motuer et bride, welccmed tue guests i chiffon gown cf Regina blue, slsted by the grcom's mol iNs. J. Lsckey, wearing a dr cf i-tree green crepe. Bcthr thers wore corsages et Talisn roses. 1After tue wedding luncheen bride sud groom left on a rn trip te tue Maritime Provin sud points south. For travell tue bride wore s dress cf jap ica alpaca, a japenica coat w s mink collai sud brcwn ace series. a by the was 2.30 ýding ears. iay, her She iffou ;kiît, ;hoît veil lis HEALTHY AT 90 - zpur b.M RS. LSAAC TABB Miss GUEST AT PARTY WOOLLEN DRESSES $2.95 up over Mis. J. M. Rowe, George Street, .ack- tur- entertained at a lcvely tes at her Tied home Ssturday atternoon in hon- C U H IlI5Tl ~~ Y lB A lioli. oui cf heu mother, Mis. Isaac CO C O N T. R D RM 1H. Tsbb, on the occasion cf her 9th Phone 836 LLI!EMD BowmanviUe sup- biuthdsy. ýy of Mis. Tabb was boîn in the _______________________________ nan. township cf Hope, sud attended iait the little red school house in her _______________________________ sudh community. Iu 1870 she mrrxed tue Isaac Tabb, a farmer, and they lived since thst time. Mi. Tabb Mis. A. J. Adams, Manvers Rcad, wast moved to Cartwright Township, died iu 1927. where she enjoys good healtu sud settliug near Caesarea. Four girls Mis. Rowe was assisted in serv- fine spiis epte her advanced ,su ad eue son were boru te thern years. sag foui of whom are living. Te ing tes by Mis. Wsrd cf Oshawa s ang JonTa Thmnvle; andMiss_____oRochster IigMiss Emma Tabb, Rochester, NY.; Many persoual gilts from her tii- "at hudelreisbr 'msMs. J. C. Ward (Ethel), Oshawa; ends expressed their best wishes "at hudelreisbr Mis. J. M. Rowe (Hilda), Bow- sud hopes tuat tuey weuld be di u teghr l aeb manville. Mis. J. C. Ccx (Eva) present when this grand old lady restrng upon Spirit xustead of was died sevrlyas ago. reached the century mark. mstter."ý-Msîy Baker Eddy. tue everal yeacotiuaioro Mrs. Atter living in Cartwright for The table was decorsted with a r"Faitu -i teantindatis. c tue about fitteen yesrs, they moved te beautiful lace tablecloth, pinkresn"WlimAms iu a Darlington township and purchas- candles sud mixed bouquets etf "Fsith is tue hereism et intel- , s ed a faim near Bowmauville. Iu gaîden flowers. A pink sud white lect."-Charles H. Parkhurst. ther, 1920 tuey sold tue faim sud mcv- birtuday cake sdorned tue centre. "Faith is net reasen's labor, but Iress ed iuto town, where Mis. Tabb Mis. Tabb now resides with îepose."ý-Young. me-__________________________________________________ THE OLD FARM HOME How I'd love te go back te that dear old tarin home, r Te the old house in which I was born, To the wide, spacieus lawn, edged with flowers ail 'round, To the broad fields et wheat, osts and cern. To the red cherry trees 'long the front picket tence, To the aId orchard down by the lane; Where we'd sit in the' llmbs cf .the old Talmnif sweet, And eat apples with noue te restrain. And the old swimming hole, in the old pasture creek, Edged with wide, spreadiug elms ever taîl, To the old beechnut grave ou, the back fit ty lot, Where we'd till pails with nuts in the faîl. How I wish that old Rover could go with me, toc, For the cows at the end efthte day, How I'd love te climb up an the bearus in the barn, And jump dewn in the sweet, new mown hay. And I'd like te hunt eggs where the hens hid their nests. Fill my hat with 'em - such boyîsh glee; And I'd like one deep drink trom the old squeaky pump, In the well by the old maple tree. How I wish that old Dolly was there again, Sleek and fat, 'nesth her coat cf ceai black, Could I drive her once more 'tween those old buggy shaf ta, Also ride on her round saddled back. But alas! Well I know that these jcys cannot corne, And their happiness I'11 neyer see, For that old farm is moderned, the dear cnes aIl gene, Leaving nothing but memery for me. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Diress Up -"For FalI[ý NEW SUAIT FURRED COATS Latest Styles Up Corne in To-day .DRESSES That. Do Something You '11 love these neiw mrations fea- turing wonde4ful new patterns and styles. Priced ag bow as ýmn toter nces ling pou- with ,ces- Wiseman-Battle A quiet but pretty weddiug toek place in St. Paul's United Church, Bcwmsuville, September 2nd, when Mamian Ruth, younger daughtei cf Mi. and Mis. Fred W. Battle, became the bride cf Melville Wiseman, scn cf Mi. and Mis. M. Wiseman. The ceremony was perfoimed by Rev. W. F. Banister. The bride looked chaiming in floor lengtu gown et white satin trimmed with silk lace sud small satin buttons. She wore a fingertip veil fsstened te a band of orange blcssoms, sud carried a bouquet of munis sud maideuhair feru. The bride was atteuded by her sister, Mis. E. Hoskln et Oshawa, who wore a f loor length gcwn cf turquoise blue taffeta, sud csrried a bou- quet of roses and sweet peas. The grôôm was atteuded by his biet , Mi. Lws ,Wiseman. The c 'urch was prettily decorat- ed with baskets et glads, main- motu dahlias sud asters, sent by fîiends sud neighbers. Atter the cerernony a reception wss held at tue home et the bride's parents when supper was served by tour girl triends, Misses Helen Rundle, Evelyn Taylor, Veda Purdy sud Ruth Tuerk, te about tifty guests. A three layer weddiug cake built on stilts gîac- ed tue centre cf the tsble. The decorations were pink sud white, aise tue ice cream. The bride chcse for her travel- ling costume a navy blue sheer with hat sud accessories to match. Early in the evening the happy couple left by car, smid showers ot confetti, for western points; On tueir retuin tuey will resîde on Hewlsud Ave., Toronto. TYRONE WOMAN AUTO CRASH Several persens were iujured in su accident near Kurv Inn on Suuday when a car driven by MVrs. Archie Virtue, Tyrone, col- Iided witu oee ram Quebec. All of tue iujured were in tue Quebec car. Mis. Virtue was travelling east, acccrding te police, sud was passing tue Quebec car. Her riglit rear tender is tuought te have caught the bumpgr cf the other car turowing it eut et control. rue Quebec car - almost new - w'as badly damaged. Traffle Offi- cer W. IF. Thompson iuvestigated. CHECK THESE DRUG VALUE$ p Listed here alphabetically for your reference are a great many nationally advertised produets. Check our prices. Yeu'l find they are rockbottom, rnany of them speciaily reduced for this week-end. The list, of course, is far,from coniplete. Other reliable advertibed brands are equally eponomnical at your I.DA. Drug Store. In a market where prices are rising it will pay you to stock Up. Loweit- PHONEC 792 NOW' - Prices Castor Oi1, 4 oz. 19e Boracie, 1/2 lb. - 9c I.D.A. Malt Idasal Tablets 1 lb. & 2 lb. - 47c-79c 5 gr. - 100's - 39e Milk Qf Magnesia Kîcenor Tootk 16 oz. - - - - ?Lel Paste - - - 17e A SPIRIN Tablets 22c-39c-98e Absorbine Jr.-- - 98c-1.95 Agarol - - 69c-93c-1.29 Anacin Tableits- 22c-69c.98c AIka-Seltzer Tablets - 29c-57c B ROMO Seltzer - 25c-49c.95c Baby's Own Tablets --25o Bile Beans - - - 47e Buckley's lixture -40o-75c Bucham'a s s - 22c-390 CESS CORN a BIMON SALVES 5rov sb C ARTER'S Piils -.- Castoria - - - Chase's Nerve Food - Colgate's Tooth Paste Outicura Soap .-- 23c-69c 29C-590 -49c 19c-33c . 230 D.ODD'S Kidney PUIs - 33o Dettol Antiseptie - - - 5Oc Drene Shampco - 15c-330-590 D. & R. Face Creaun - 25c-45c E NO 'S Fruit Sait 29c-470.790 Ex-Lai x - - 5c F ITCH'S Sham4poo - 49c-59c Feenaniint -- 190-33e Freezone - - - - 29o Fruitatîves -- 22c-39o s GIn Two aises 39C - 69c G ILLETTE Blades 6 for - - - - 25c Grove's L.B.Q. Tablets --24c-44c H IND'S H.&A. Cream --25à..-45c Reinz Baby Foods 3 for - - - - 250 Hamilton's Pills - - 23c 1 NGRAM'S Shaving Cream - - - - 33c Ipana Tooth Paute 23c-43c frcnized Yeast --89c j ERGEN'5 Lotion -23o-43e-89c J. & J. Baby Powder --25e-5O J. & J. Baby Soap - 20, 2 for 35c K OLYNOS Dental Cream - - 23c-39o Kriuchen Salts . 25-43-69 Kepber Malt and O.L.O. --75o-1.25 LtYfOL ---35ê-5c-125 Lui Sosp- 6c, 3 for 16c M ODESS, 12 's --21o Mead's Pablum --45a Mecoca - - 23c-45c-79o N OVA Kelp- 79c-1.39-2.79 Nufeet Insoles - - - 25o 0 LYXPENE --500'1.0 Odorono Liquid- 35e-9o P EiPSODENT Tooth Powder --23c-39o Pinex Comp. ---33o Pond's Creania- 29c-49e R EVLON& Nail Pouash - 5o Robinson 's Barley --33c S LOAN'S Liniment - 33-63 Bal Hepatica - - 35c-59c Scott's Emulsion - 53c-98c T INTEX Dyes - 2 for 25e Tampax - - 15c-25c-39c Therngene- - -. 47e-9Se Thoilas' Eclectrie Oil - 33o V ICIK'S Vapo Rub - - 43o Vitalis - - - 49e-9oc W AMPOLE'S Extract 1.00 Prescriptions a Speciaîty AlexMcCîUegor Phone 792 DRIJGS W. Deliver Phone 855 i THE CAÙADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 30C s a v e d a c 0 s 0: Cý eý pi rt Ci Cý T w CE