1< a W 9Lmm run 4mecati an ona.1ndfound deta*ied -informatian ne- aeblerstarattend M ere -aal aeblerfo Kend al wergeu n- orgarding the voluntary registra- charge of Miss I. Laing, president. Miracles Fo ale Iltion c Cnain omn o sr-' * **Guest speaker was Mrs. Affleck, wîuh vice in national emergencies. An Peae nd emeraceSecy.of FLORENCE RICE office far such registration in No. Oshawa Presbytery, who spoke ROBERT YOUNG. 9 ci ousil e o e a the evenings of .. .. à on the Histary of Danzig and the Sept.o 21, 22 andthe3, 3 tgof5pm cause of the present struggle in Tet 1 2ad 3 o5pm Europe. It was an intensely in- Tuesday - Wednes. and 7 ta 9 p.m. 4tenesting story exceptionally well SEPT. 20 - 21 No. 9 Sunday School cpened Cb U Etold and, everyone present felt far the Faîl and Winter seuson A SEA rteulfFo vn har t.Mr.Sept. loth, with Supeintendent 4 T ~ o ~ A grtefr u fo hig herd . ars Hotel Fr Women i Mr. Russell Osborne in charge. lovely solo. Rev. Morton, New- Sarn udyget fM.adMs casleMr. Ga. any, ewcs- - ANN SOTHERN- Austin Turner were Mr. and Mrs. Te~emtfn aainwetwt elwml de.Clp tie, and Bey. McLachlan spoke a L ADRL linJns tHpand Mn. ruyt fn asad ald eaw And uimlt adewlthwhol DEE D SEfew wods& Lunch was served. LIN A ALLlinJnsPrOHpanNr and Mrs. Iwn Colwill, Newca- lcY tuedgldnbrw Ad mpy a<dithW J M S A L S Nstle. cTha Canr.Adla S r dd. W t Cn L d Many a woman sits up for her A girl in every rccm - and a Mrs. Harold Gibson and Miss TeCnde hoddWetCuflyLd husband in onden ta b. prepared Mau, On every mind. Drth ibo vste n oonI ta sit down on hM. Dta la st k. inToon a TÈUIRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG HE Long Sau1t Richards. Bowmanville. with Mrs. E. Mountjoy. -. The faiuily were al home on Sunday to celebrate Mrs. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bradlev's birhdm. .. Mr. Gor- Hooper, Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. don Cowling. Dixie, with bis father. Mrs. Earl Bradburn with Mr. and Air. and Mrs. L. Ashton. .. Mr. Mrs. Reymond ClaPP.. Mr and. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, Tyrone. witb Mrs. F%'Md Smith Jr., Bowrnanville, Mr. M. Slemon. . . Mr. and Mrs. j. IE S SUL with Mr~ and Mrs. Fred Sntb... Graham, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hall, p_____ Mrs. Joe McRoberts, Miss Dornthy Clinton and Beryl. Oshawa, 'with McRoberts. and Mr. Heny Wood. Mrs. D . Graham. .. Mrs. Pbilips Bethesda, with Mrs. W.-Miller. .. with Mr. and Mrs. D. HiRgins, To- M.and Mrs. Cyrus Kennedy and ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tjiggins return -_____________________________________ Helen. Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. E. ina with ber for the weekend.. . Reading and Dorothy, Woodstock, Mr. EarI Thompson in Toronto.. Mr. Norman Wilcox and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin and Earl. virl. antdMrFe mtwa-M. and Mrs. Geor Trewin. r.ad Mrs. Her vlé hMr. and Mrs. Frd Getb organ- r. and ithrs.W. Tend Mrs. S. ettons W o1ens Silks -Leather and Rubber GoodIHae Smith. Scott. Orono. .. Mr. John Gilbanks Miss M.arion Fraser and Mr. Stan with friends in Toronto. BaIl attended the Toronto Exhibi- Miss Audrey Tbompson bas se- d g n e I n P i Ayer F o t 1 0e 3 0 pr ct tion. cured a position in BowmanyjlLe. A v n e mP ie A y h r r n 0t 0p rc n Mrs. Joe Kincaid and Grace have Tbere are four pupils from here nioved ta Toronto. attending Enniskillen Contipuation tending Bowmanville High School.___ _____ eandArerdIn the Happy t-Position To Have Deen Able To Purchs H a. y d- o n ~2.30 P.m.Chrhsrieo udya eAel h ap Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Roy O r F l n l t r S o k t t e O d Lw Pe n Toso.Bwavle ihM. EbenezerO rFai niW te Stcsa th 01 LoPic, ni s and Mrs. W. Tbompson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grant. Mr. Jim Grant. Mr. Paul Stephens, Miss Ursul McNeil ' Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. ]o g a t l i P s i l Toronto, witb hMr. and Mrs. A. Mc- B. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Elton ber parents. .. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Werry's. Salem, Sunday and attended Cowlinr and Kay. Mr. Wmn Cowl- Harvest Home services... Mr. L. J. inz and Walter at Mrs. D. 'Gr's Courtice and Miss Louise Courtice and Mr. T. Cowling's. . . Mr.and were Sundav zuests with Mr. andW01 . Hlre sD Mrs. C. Saper. Harmony, with Mr. Mrs. C. A. Wight, Providence.. and Mrs. R. McNeil. . . Mr. and Miss Grace TrulI after bolidaying atWei 1H oP rcsDw Mrs. Moffatt, Burketon, witb miss Napanee and The Grange, will at- w M. McLaughlin. . . Mr. and Mrs. tend Normal School, Toronto.. Alfred Randle, Hampton, Mr. Ted Mr. and Mrs. Chris McKnigbt, Pbilips. Bethesda. witb Mr. and Mrs. Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil- E. Stephenson. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. son. Enterprise. Mr. Leonard Whitey, Sharp. Enniskillen, Mr. an-d Mrs. R. Toronto, visited Mr. J. Trull's. _________ndy ee onuce Buy Now While This Stock Lasts by Rev. W.' C. Smith with a good attendance. Sunday School session was in the afternoon. A pleasant surprise Party wavs ten- dered Miss Rosena Edgar. Tbursday O ntarioevening by bier yotlng friends before ber entering tbe Scbool of Pharmacy. Toronto. on Tuesda3f. Tokens of re- membrance were received by Rsena LdâcgC llcgcand an enloyable trne spent. Mrs. H.. F. Osborne and Mrs. B. IRAFALGARt CAIlLE WHflEY, ONT<. Oke were representatives f rom THE RCAD - Punhd 87 ezer at the home of Mrs. W E. AReidential School for Girls Gerry, Bowmanville, on Monday ev-TH CAD eautiful situation In 100 acres of eninz regarding the vluntary regîs- graunda. Complet. Moden Educa- tration of Canadian women. tianin attrative cultured enronmenLý Mrs. C. T. Oke, Oshaàwa, Mrs. Publie Sehool to onu arculatianiu Louise Welçb. Rochester, Mrs. Ross Music, Art, Hausehald Science, Scre- Pearce. Miss Velma Pearce. and Mrs. tarial Courses and Drarnatice. im Blake Oke visited in Peterboro tues- ining Pool and Gymnasium. Residenfi day and, enj'oyed "The Happy Gang " Jean visited bere twa, years ago witii- l.,, ~te wedding cf Mr. Lloyd Clys- shower in honor cf the bride and _______________ Miotreu of Physical Educatian-spr of Toronto, wbo were making a bier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Stark ville dale and Miss Lena Farrow. a mptonjL~ groom was held at Weston; the vieed Winter and Summer Spa rtRd- versonal appearance in the city.) Coleman. A goodly number attended ser-gitweebhnu rosad1 IV TE lng on quiet country road-R-opena Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Baker. accom- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs.H.as vice at Shiloh on Sunday, it being Mrs. Enoch Stevens rece ived uwuu ot numNu S an Setm 1t~.Panièd by Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Ho- kil, Port Hope, at S.. G. Hall- flower Sunday and a good ser- word f the death f her sister- valuable. - PMt Caiendar apply to Picpal, grbHmtn noe rols els r.CaRlNw mon was given. The church was in-law, Mrs. Brown, wife of the A L. L 1 E 0 PIIN PMV. C. R. CAItSCALLEN. M.A.. D.D. . pretîlyidecratedHathptooers. lte RevaS.trirly Brow cf MOfdSy. . noon t Chas. ____week to Quebec. St. Amne. Montreal Reidl,,t r.S.G. Nawpell'eoaedwt lwr. aeRv . olyBonofMnas1 Recent Visitors:- Mr. G. Hogarth, and Ottawa. Mr. Baker was iudging ovle tM. .G alwl' Richmond, Que., who also passed TI E TA L bout a TbooghPy Miss Mary Hog>trth and Mrs. R. cattle at the f air at Quebec City. and Mr. Richard Hafloweul's. .______.__ away last February. TM A L 'alao Pascoe at Mr. Joe Chapmas. Miss H. H. White, Toronto, Mrs. .Browns Mr. Fred Corden, who as been CHANGESU~a By::,I;)e Hampton. .. Messrs Jack McDonald R. Katerson and Miss Mary Kat- ____receiving attention in Toronto Ae Geo and, Clifford Rtynolds, Toro»to, ion erson, Hampton, with Mrs. Rich- Congratulations tc, Mr. and Mrs. doctor's Hospital, is under the effective lexN4 whMrGereWry.Mran otrscare and confined to bcd Drug - iMr.nGd eoeWlerry . Ms Jand____ ard Hallowell. . . Mrs. I. Stark, Clifford Brown who celebrated at the home f his brother, Mr. Sun., Sept. 24y 1939 *ow-rnavllle Ot sDnadYlols.MseJen Mrs. J. W. Balson entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell, their 45th wedding anniversarY George Corden, Bowmanville. ftu -Pc L i t ra sUe an Helen. Columbus, with Mr. and the W. A. at her home on Wed- Norma and Lew Halîaweîl, atth September 12th. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb has re- FullIinformation from Agents Qa-tyUp- ie on-Albnspi Mrs. RalDh Davis. .. Miss Helen nesday. Ex. in Toronto. . . Mrs. Carias Visitors: Miss Audrey Webber, turned from their cottage at New- TAN DrAonAtFo xert eparln anr. and 'Mrs.- Cfas. Hd,ýsa=n Mary bétiffi' S ig' r eicins' Stark, Newtonville, at Mrs. 1 and f amily... Mr. Ray Brawn at Young People's Union held _____________ On F Fg. ot ery r adbos. _ _ _ _ _ __M._r_ _ _ _ __* h xhbtin ..Mr evi heropnngme at Mr. Walter Parrinder's. .--. Miss' Mr. M. Knapp, North Oshawa, in Toranto *ently. . . Mr. and Graham at Lockport, N.Y. .. Mr. ening when Rev. Mr. Harding of 's giving Mr. Russell Stainton's Mrs. Delbert Hallaweill and Miss and Mrs. Tom Woodlock and Enniskillen gave a splendid ad- Alnnie Allun, Bowrnanville. at Mr.DogaMs ineW nct ds. POTS ND P NS Weley ellowees'.. Mr andMrs;house a fresh coat of paint. Bertha Halawell, Toronto, at Mr. Dogas, aMs inney rwannaott dre ss.o il e di Harrv Pearce. Mr. Albert and Misses The church is ta be re-apened and Mrs. Jacob Hallowell's. ...an*dJonanMisAdeBrw Suaychow]lbhldn Margaret and Patricia Pearce, New- on Sunday, Sept. l7th, at 2 p.m. Mrs. Silver motared ta Toronto. wzth Mrs. J. Brown and Archie. the morning next Sunday with Miss Neilie Shutka is home Miss June Brown, Tweed, at usual preaching service here in castle. Mrs. K. A Gaudin. Toronto, Mr. F. B. Glaspel is at London from Toronto. .. Miss Ruth Sav- home for holidays. . . Mr. Geo. the evening. -at Mr. Thos. Baker's.. Messrs R. Fair with his sheep. ery with Miss Meda Hallowell. .. Stephenson at Sudbury. . . Mr. Visitors: Miss Jean Johns, Bow- Balson and John Christie'. Port Visitors:. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Miss Gwen Gilnier is home fromn and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam with manville, with her parents, Mr. ~ No need t». acrape and scrub Perry, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Stainton, Misses Eileen Stainton Mldland. . . Mr. and Mr Wil- Mr. and Mrs. B. Pethick, New- and Mrs. Chas. Johns. .. Miss L. Messrs Everett Vice, W: R. West- and Dianne Lee, Kedron, with fred Wood matared ta Niagara. tonville. . . Mrs. G. Arnold and Horn with her brother, J. B. Horn BUDGET BLEND ini elimy water. A solution* of lake. Jack Reynolds and George Gib- Miss Bernice Ptainton, Peterbara. Our W. A. enjayed the meeting 'Mr. Truman Clark in Toronto. .. at Dutton, also relatives at Kit- BAKTALb. 9 Gilett's pure Flake Lye just son enioyed a motor trip through . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lander, of the W.M.S. in Newtanviile. Mrs. Wellington Farrow a nd chenier. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BAC E Eastern Ontario. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mill- Miss Meda Hallowell attended Wylma in Bowmanville. Johns and family in Peterboro. .. BROKEN lifta off grease l1ers... loosens Eldad Harvest Home ajtd Tbank- son, Jerry and Stanley, Sauina,______________ There are two new pupils at- Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin, Wainut Meats..............l.29 har-bke fod. aks heOffering Services will bie held on at Mr. Russell Stainton's. .. Miss tending school, Master Henry Van Miss Gladys McLaughlin, Osh- lw-ae od...tksteSundav. Sept. 24th at 2 and 7 o'clock. Aileen Balson, Solina, at Mr. J. ý De Belt and Erie Brown, making awa, Mrs. Herrington, Brighton, DOM INO drudgery out of washing up.. Missionarv program Sundav morn- W. Bason's... Mr. and Mrs. Rus- a total cf tweîve pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, To- Baking Powder...............l.2c ing was in charge cf Mis. Jack sell Perkins and Margaret at Mr. ronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stev- Keep a tin always handyl Yellowlees. Primary çlass gave a Fred Ashton's, Toronto. ..,'Misses ens'. . . Mr. Harold Mitchell, liiig Sugar ...Ib......... chorus and Mrs. Russell Gilbert zave Pearl and Jean Leach, Solina, Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Kate Gaudin, To- Neper dissoira lys in hot uater. The a chanter from the study bock. and Mrs. Wm. Williams, Bow-. Cowanville ronto, Nancy A. Deeks, Birch- FLASHIFLS action Of the y. tn4i Mr. H. E. Tink is under !lie dc- manville, at Mr. Norman Leach's: Ilff Trot, is filouh hiait haete,. tor's care witb a broken shoulder . . Mr, Gerald Balsan, Miss Ethel Enikleau.K .Cael el DosDM o banc. Wilkins, Oshawa, at Bewdley. . . Vstr:M.adM etadDuls Toronto Mr. and 1. Th find n hi isrctwllli r.GryGasel r . .OISHAWA Crossley with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mrs. J. A. Cale and Donnie, Bow- 2le 5 5-gal imus pleased ta hear that Miss Jean Cole- Glaspel, Mrs. W. Glaspel at Lind- 1e aPn Poe11 arrow, Port Granby. .. Mr. and manville, Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. _____________ ~~~~~with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hender- W. Souch's. Gne i . O iea .gi 9 o~'w,, radugling from the Salvation Armv son.. . Mrlean.Mrs.0Wm. Watcr Hospital in Winnipeg. bas'-been ap- T us r. S t oWlad ihM.adMs RICHMELLO NUT SNACK ozJ. vointed suoervisor in the Bootb XIem- Newtonvile T SEP. - r1. Srwisn, rrWel andt Mr. and Mrs. We d n-aC fogs.l.25 entB te 9 orial Hooital atSt. ParliniFarrow and...Mlb. andPeMrs. criI Hspial t.Pau, Mnn.To SET. 4 -16Theadore Stevens. . . Mr. and Freeh Ground SMALL SIZE i eeVisitns: Mr. Wm.CzmifthTho Advontuiros Qf Mrs. Marshall Chattertonroo -1