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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1939, p. 4

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E CANADIAN STATËSMAN,. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY,. SEPTEMBER I4TrH, 19»9 PAIRONIZE YOUR BAKER FOR BETTER PRODUCTS Local bakesw have a distinct advaitage over large muss production concerns because each article la given individual attention to assure you of quality merchand- ise. We do not cut corners ta make large profits. Then, too, your local baker spends bis money i town and helps to boost, Bowmanville. CARTER'S WEEK-END SPECIALS Date Nut - A treat for thse family Layer Caker.............. only 3~ A Large Assortment of Pies each That slmply melt ln your mouth 2 30Ç THE CARTER FAMILY Buy From Your Bowmanville Baker 55 Balcers for Two Generations A /111/e SUMMER S5NEL 60 es a /Ét? ~ JUST onc tanleful will prove there arc more miles ina every gallon of Sheil. More miles because Shdl i Canada UL makes gasoline for your use UL with experierace gained ina cauntries where motoring would be impossible without rigidly econonaical operation. ,errV, Try Summer Sheil. tS L i lup at aur sealed Shei pumps today. Bortlett's Sheil Station & Garage Bowmanville Grocery Dargains At Harry Allin's CIROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP That Deliojous Energy Food 2 lb.tin 19e - 5 IbtUn 45c CANADA CORN STARCH Au featured at the C.N.E. Cooking School by XErs. Aitken. 1Ilbo pkg,. - 10c FREN SORIBELER wITH AOH PUROHASE Magie - Free Scribbler with Baklng Powder ...............b. 30e Mouatain View Tea ............. soc Peaches, Spiceo, Malt Vnegar i Bulk AU Other Pickling and Preserving Supplies. Tubh for Priday - Freah Fruit and Vegetables cwt. $2.25 Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mrs. James Thompson who bas been vyisiting bher dauRhter. Mrs. Ed. Lawson returned witb tbem. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Henderson (nec Isabel WilsQn) witb Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown. . . Mr. and Mrs J. E. Elliott with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett, Bowmanvi île. ..Mrs. Thorpe. Mr. Georgfe, Stanley' and Joe.' Kirkland Lake. with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown. .. Mrs. Vincent and Margaret, Toronto, with Mrs. I1. Whitfield. Our teachers resumed theiîr duties last week: Miss Helen Fowler re- turned ta No. 5; Mr. McRoberts of Oshawai coinmenced bis teaching career at Mahood's school, takcinR the lace of Mr. Oswald Anderson, wbo bas secured a scb.ooi near To- ronto: ami Miss Thelma Freeman of Mapfle Grave, teaches at Devjtt's Schpol. rep)lacing Mr. MeMillan of Woodville. Loyers of f lowcrs shauld visit Dahlia Del before the f rost cames as the dahlias and gladioli are at their best now and the wealtb of bloom is a wonderful sigzht ta al wbo admire f lowers. Tyrone Recent Visitors: Rev. J. W. Down and Miss Florence Down, Exeter, witb Mr. and Mrs. Thea. D...... Miss Adelaide Annis and f riend, Toronto. at Mr. A. W. Annis'.. Mrs. Jas. Burgess ami Miss Lizzie Burgess, Orono, at Mr. Robt. Bur- izess'. . . Mrs. Floyd Dudley visited Maj or Floyd Dudley' at Trenton... Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens. Don and Joan. Misses Grace and jean Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- burn. . . Mrs. E. Adamson aid IMiss Dorotby. Hampton. witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son, Toronto, w:ith Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. .. Mr. and Mrs. G. McMurtry. St. Thomas, ai Dr. and Mrs. Willard, Toronto l were callinz on Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and other friends in neigh- borhood Sunday. .. Mrs. lames Mil- ler. Belleville. is visitinR lber sister- in-law. Mrs. J. Hall. . . Miss Mar- ion Honey sPent the weekend mi Toronto. Altbough a variation of wealher vrevailed on Sunday, the Harvest Homne services were wçll attended. Rev. A. W. March conducted thé services and Rev. Stanley Osborne of Timothv Eaton Memoriai Cburcb. Toronto. delivered two very fine addresses. The choir. assisted by Mrs. K. Werrv, Town, and Mr. and Mrs. Burrus rendered excellent music at both services. The wonder- f ul display of beautiful f lowers made a verv attractive settiîw.t Mondav eveniniz Janetville Youngz People presented their Lumorous fflay "Please ta Meetcha" whiçh f ilied the bouse with lauizhter from start to finish. The play was under the direction of Mrs. (Rev.) Bury asý4 f each one rendered their n)art ver>'2 efficiently. Worthy of special mLen - tion was Mr. Hamilton in the comic roll. Mr. and Mrs. Burrus andi Miss Daphne deliRzhted the audience be- tween acts with music and song. REV. DAVID ROGERS. <Continued from page 1) Miss Lulu Wright, Toronto, with '~ ber Parents. and is now ini Midland. Union, *uarlington , * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flett and fam- ýhily. Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. To- Mervii Graham. . . Mr. Weir Swain, Wootten and Blanche at Mr. James )ha- Mrs. Heming and Mr. Robert But- McGregzor's. Maple Grove. .. MiIsso N w Gto. ler, Timmins. witb friends bere and Iva Fergzuson, Bowmanville, with- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Blanche Beech. . Mrs. 1. a en- Chas. Smith. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wil- dershot and Joan. Beaverton, at Mr. F or L a d ies bert Werrv apd Neil witb Mr. and 'Walter Ferguson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. ~W~ Mrs. T. Harkness, Cavan. .. Mrs. R. Griffin and Celia at Mr. Ho- .. Win. Jones. Clareniont. with ber ward Pingle's. Toronto. . . Miss Jean Especlally inOse uuuaC5 dauzhter. Mrs. Ada Jones-Sadler. . Knapp is attending BowmanviileReurn L reo Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Shaw and Leanor High School... Mrs. Lee has re- j uiig L rg= o at Midland. .. Mr. and br. Leslie turned to Chicago after visiting ber Outslze Sizes Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry mother, Mrs. Sarah Moore . .. Mrs. Mountjoy anj Mrs. Alfred Henry in F. Mountjoy at Long Sault . .. Mr. Peterboro..- and Mrs. H. Cowling and fmily, W. wlsh to announe Mrs..>Wsn. Steele was fa Toronto, Pickering, at Mr. L. Cockrane's. that we have Jqnt reeel- Sep. ndateninzth s_1ýrwedd- Mr. W. Bentbian has had a cement ed a very- atuanfim-au inz anniversary of hier daughter and silo built. atatiesoke son-ia-law. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Our scbool attended the sch ool f air B Willan. at Blackstock. Ladies' Dtessea-. r The girls of the "Cottons May Bee 1 Smart" class took part in th.c Wjd- In large and outsize sizes inz competition at the C.N.E. in To-En~ 1 from 38 to 48, ln Orepes, ronto. There were about 250 girls Ed iiedSheers, etc., all reason- in the competition. Miss Audre-y ably prlced and extra- Stinison obtained 5th prize; Miss Recent Visitors: Mr. Carl Etcher obrdlnarY values.' Jean Wright. 6tb; and Miss Kath- bas been visiting in Buffalo. .. Mr. leen Stinson. i6tb. Jas. Parr attended the C.N.E... This community extends a welcome Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert visited Outsize Blouses. ta Mr. and Mrs Alex GjjJert wbo at Mr.' Gordon Leask's, Tqunton.. l sheers and satins In 1a bave taken over the Red and White Rev. H. W. FoIe>' preacbed bere great varlpty of colora, Store. Sunda>' for the cause of Temper- attractlvely priel for, St. John's A.Y.P.A. met at Mr. ance. giving considerable in1form- qulck sale.s and Mrs. Creighton Devitt's Thurs- ation of the cvii cf fects of alcohol.f day cvening. Rev. Clougb. Cburch Successful exhibitors at the school of the Ascension. Port Perry. vas fair at Blackstock included, Arnold Corset Specialias Vistospiank e n'r.sitt mtEtcher, Lois Ormiston, Ivan Ormnis-f Vicorin ome'sInsitte etton. Ray Smith. Mary Bowman. Joan Flttlng and adjustmente at Mrs. T. Samelis' Wedniesday. Mr. Taylor, Margaret Smith and JackFre Harold Mfacklin, Tyrone. addressed Taylor. the zroup on "Canada and Its Pro- Mr. Norman Scott bas bougbt the s~ A blems." bouse across the road f rom bim. He MAAI<JU lU fl I f Scbool Fair was held Monda>', intends to move it nortb a few rodsE with 12 schools taking part, The of bis pwn bouse wbere he lives. Cowan Block-- Bowmanvllle s Public scbools of Burketon, Enfieid ___________ and Union ioined with the Cart- wrizbt scbools. See prize winners in Ca0u another column. a m si EI S ai IV ai h] S la T iv F 1 tI. ol al C ta in Ci fi: at E a de its ri eh ,e 'fe dhi Th btehen, MuntFlesdSLL, et LMr. daughter, Mrs. F. H. Marlatt, St. H. Burgess'. Mr. W. Taylor's and Thomas; one son, F. C. Rogers, Mr. W. Parles. 1 Hamilton; a brother, Frank, of Mr. John N-Qble is in a serious WIhitby. Mr. Rogers Was one of condition, a family of 12 of which his bro- Mr. L. Mortson. Langstaf f. bas re- ther in Whitby is the sole sur- turned 'to bis school duties bere. vivor now. There are seven beginners at school, A service was held at the fam- Alma Collacutt. Muriel Burgess, ily residence, 59 Queen street, Mariorn Hayward. Marie Taylor, Friday morning after which the Dorothy Skinner, Stewart Hall and body lay in state at the church Bruce MacDonald. until the service in the afternoon. Church service at 10.30 Sun- Rev. S. Edworthy was in charge day School at 2.30 p.m. of the order of service, assisted by Y.P.U wili re-open Thursday ev- the following ministers: Dr. P. S. eninz when there will be a social Dobson, principal of Aima Col- eveninz. lege; Rev. W. D. Stenlake, of Ayl- W.M.S. will meet Thursd.1y after- mer; Rev. L. W. Reid, of St. And- noon in the vestry. rew's church; Rev. Gordon Ray- Women's Institute has been post- mer, of Grace United church, and poned f rom Sept. 2Oth to .5eut. 27tb. Rev. S. L. McVitty. Mr. Raymer and Mr. McVitty delivered eulo- W gies in which they recalled the Salemexcellence of Rev. David Rogers' long ministry, his great influence - - as a Christian minister, and his Many f rom outside point5 attend- complete surrender to bis calling. cd our anniversary and visited fri- During the service a quartette ends in the neigzhbourhood, xianiely: from First church choir sang Rev. and Mrs. S. Osborne, Toronto, "Give Me the Wings of Faith to Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Marcli. Ty- Rise," the singers being Mrs. rone. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry. Marshall Towers, Mrs. Exley, R. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Eben- C. McKenzie and Mr. Winters. T. eze. M. ad M k . K rBagg, H. Nixon presided at the organ. Shaws, Mr. and Mrs. N. Riçkard. The foliowing ministèrs attend- Newcastle. Mrs. K. Wcrry. Town, ed: Rev. H. T. Ferguson, London; Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and Mar- Rev. D. Pomeroy, Fingal; Rev. A. ion. Hampton. with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lloyd, Rev. Robert Hicks, Rev. G. Werry. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Crago. J. E. J. Millyard, Rev. A. E.H - Providence. Mrs. Mina ColwelI. Mr. per, ail of London; Rev. Grdon and Mrs. B, Colwell and son, Mr. Kaiser, Byron; Rev. Dr. Barnby, and Mrs. L. Richards. Mr. L. Jack- London; Rev. H. J. Uren, Lon- son. Town. with Mr. and Mrs. L. don; Rev. Harry Royie, secretary Richards.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. of London Conference, Spring- Lancaster. Newtonvilîe. Mr. and Mrs. field; Rev. Dr. Hazen, London', I. Munday and family. Maple Grove, Rev. John Agnew, Empress Av- Miss W. Lancaster. Town. with Mr. enue church, London; Rev. E. An- and Mrs. S. Buttery. . Mr. and Mrs. derson, Lambeth; Rev. S. L. Toli, W. Lcvett and son. Toronto, with Toronto; Rev. J. W. Hediey, Tai- Mr. and Mrs. L. Buttery. .. Mr. and botviile; Rev. FP.H. Johnson, Lon- Mrs. F. Werry, Bethesda. Mr. and don. Mrs. Frank Taylor and family. Cour- At the St. Thomas cemnetery, tice. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann. where interment was made, Rev. ..Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundle and the S. Edworthy and Rev. G. C. Ray- Misses Rundle. Hampton. Miss *Hel- mer conducted the service. en Werrv. Bethesda. with Mr. and The floral tributes were most Mrs. P. Cann. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. beautiful and inciuded a blanket Hoar. Miss M. Werry. Bethcsda. from the famiiy, baskets from the Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, Tyrone, official boards of Fîrst United and with Mi~r. and Mrs. E. Silver. .. Mr. Central United churches, sprays and Mrs. C. Coombes ajgl babe. from Aima Coilege, Benevoient Toronto, Mrs. H~all and daughter and Temperance Society, th et Town. with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie neighbors, employees of Mariatt Coombes. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Mof- & Mariatt, and the staff of the fat and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Gold Dust Corporation. K. Squair and Mary Joan, Shaws, Among the relatives and friends 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. N. attending from out of town were c Smith. town line. Miss 1. Sjephens, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rogers, Ham- 1 Town. at the Squair home. , . Mr. ilton; Frank Rogers, Fred Drew, and Mrs. L. Savery and. family. Whitby; W. J. Mills, St. Marys; Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Shtrwin Rev. and Mrs. Perey Deitb, 0f c and Mrs. G. Cain, Orono, witb Mr. Lynden; Mrs. W. R. Rogers, Lon- and Mrs. L. Welsh... Mr. and Mrs. don; Joseph Amos, Mrs. Harry M. Blackburn. Newcastle. Mr., Cain. Amos, Ailsa Craig. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Sept. 22 - 23 - 24 Bowmanville To WINDSOR - - - $ 9.70 DETROIT - - - $ 6.70 CHICAGO - - - $13.10 Golng - Flrat train 4.01 p.m. September 22. Return Limit - Up to 3.05 ar. train from Detroit and 11.59 p.m. !rom Chicago sept. 26. Slmilar low tares frorn adjacent stations. For train service details, limita, etc., Consuit Agents - Procure Handill ,POOL TRAIN SERVICE Canadian Canadlan Pacifie National ,Er4piskillen Recent Vfisitors: Rev. and Mr McKenzie- w*» lsIAM. T..McGiil-.* Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sasides»n an famil>'. Mrs. Wm. Oke with Mr. ý Harris. Orono, Miss Olga Sandersoi returninR home with them, . . Mri L. Cockrane. UniÙotI, witb Mrs. Wn Oke. Mrs. C. Stephens, IIgmptor Mr.* Lundy. Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs R. Stephens and children. Bowman ville. with Mrs. C. Burgmaster.. Mrs., C. R. Walton and fa.mily. Pet. erboro. at Mr. H. SteveDý. . Mis S. Trewin. Haydon, with Mr. anc Mrs. H. Annis. . . Mr. and l4rs. Mii Heard=aa Elgin with Canningtor and. Wodille, friènds. also visitei Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bragg, Lind- say.,. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wott2 and Dareen. Oshawa,- with Mr. ud Mrs. R. Griffin. .. Mr. and ). M Thos. Robbins. Pickering. Mr. Hugh Rabbins, Port Huron, at Mr. Wesley Oke's... Mrs. J. Hendersbot and babe Joan at ..Mr. Walter Oke's.. Rev. HI. W. FoIe' Bowmanville. ai Mr. . A. >Werry's. .. Mr. and Mrs S. May' and BilI>', Toronto, at Yr. E. C. Ashton's, Congratulations to-Rer. and Mrs. H. Lackey on their marriage. Rev. H. W. Foley, who took the service Sunda>' evening, preached. a fine sermon. W.A. met last Wednesday in the form of a qx iting. Rev, A. 'E. flzrding will- taie next Sunday eveningr service, Raiiy Day Will be ohserved in the Sunday Scbool Sept. 24th. "The of- ficers are aIl requested to be 'Pre- cent. Mr. Wilfred CarrutLers, Bow- nanville. will be guest s.Veaker. We welcome Miss Sanders. teacher of the Public school, to our commun- ity. Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Miss Margarei Bangard. Mr. Vernon Trimble. Port Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. rimble. .. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. nowden, Oshawa. Mr. Thos. Snow- in. Mr. W. J; Snowden, Mi. Noble 9etcalf bave returned after a week it Tait's Beach. east of Bewdley. Urs. Noble Metcalf spent a few days ithe cottage. . . Mr. Vernon Trim- ce. Mrs. R. D. Trimble, Mr'. John Snowden spent Wednesday with the atter's brothers at the cottage at ait's Beach. .. Miss Dor is grooms. [r. Jordan Sharp, Toronto Mr. ýred Miller, kingston, with Miss- [ildred Snowden. Miss Betty Snowden cntqrtaiotd iree lady f riends from the office )f R. M. Hollinizsbead Cq.. Toronto. ithe homne of ber mother. Mrs. L. Snowden, Tuesday evening. Mr. Lloyd Metcalf and Miss Helen 4etcalf entertained leagzue anembers 0a wciner roast on their iawn Fni- [ay evening, when an enioyable tine vas spent playing ozames and danc- ni after the lunch. Stewart's Mount Vernon Gyp. Red xker, feinale, gathered two more irsts ribbons and best red female tHamilton C.K.C. Show. Sept. 9. -yesight Ehucation Effici encj By C.H.Tuck 'I. optometrist Eyesight v. SpeciaUisi Disney Bldg. (p.P. 0.) Number 981 Second 'sight ist a condition of- î m met *!ith in oid people and î tny will say that they wish they è< ad second sight like their friends ad. Most cases of this nature f Is0 have a history of a physicai I erangement. Second sight is in elf a symptom of physical de- 1 ingement. The reason in mosto ises of second sight is found inc ie lens of the eye taking a f iange through certain improper 7ganic conditions, some of which. I Ly be overcame by following a roper diet. l Again we have so-calied second d 'ht by eyes affected by cataract V etciently absorbing moisture to a Le extent that the vision is af - eted apparentl>' for the better. Y his is generally followed by fur- C rs nc A or, rs M. )n, rs. id d. in ýd a- 5n td .h ýy it S., r. L e a e t ri r C r, fi e: h p d m fi k h 01 CI fi h li d: w a] yg c y ai MUSIC FESTIVAL (Contin uod trom page 1) bring >'our ideas and music. benAboihed tbh onlysourcs bnA the metbership soufeeas of revenue are from donations, entr>' fees and admission ta. fes- tival. It was decidcd ta ask each municipal cauncil in the count>' as wcil as the Caunties Council for a modest grant ta meet the expenses. Ia this wa>' ail wil share alike toward the expenses. It is of course realized that the festival is a non profit organiza- tion and therefore depends upon the generosit>' of local citizens and public institutions and gov- erning bodies. Past President'E. P. Bradt con- ducted the election of officers whieh resuited as follows: Hon. R., Gec S.1 C. G. G.1 Maç Ran Me I I V.R.C.W. Questions Aâk CapabililtiOsf canadian Women idKnowle.dlge Thus Gained WIlI Be A. Authentlc Foundation U p o n )n Whicli te fuild Emergency 7. Work of Canadian Women - n. FrstTime Such a List Ras Ever n, een Compled - Thdaght Fier '. Refuge. Chldren - Dverslted Questions "There la no happineus apart' fraM .freedam. ,Freedomn is thé ,sure heritage of those alone who f. h ave courage ta defend it.PP ýnThis ta the quotation on the. d fana uspd for the i'oluntary reg- - -stration of Canhadian Women n which is going on apace. Man>' dhave igned for national emrg- ency and others 'are now signing. here cores, from time ta time, periods of national distress caus- ed by man>' untoward circum- *stances, such asý earthquakes, flQOds,, tornadoeg, crop failures, *grave economic depressions, epi- *demicsanad most dreaded of âl2.L- war, Canadian women are desir- ous .of being ready to serve their country at short notice and sa have decided ta band themselves together in a voiuntary scheme of registration, so that, already prepared, they would be able ta render intelligent and efficient service. It Was also desirabre ta fînd out how-*many Canadian homes could and wpuld take Bni- tish réfugee children. When the thousands of qu .es- tionnaires sent out have been fil-. cd in, a fund of information will be compiled as neyer before con- ccrning the women of Canada and will be an authentic founda- tion upon which ta build cmerg- ency work of Canadian wamea, when their country cails them in the timne of need. Man>' Questions 'Mhe form for the Voluntar>' Registration of Canadian Womcn asks the following questions: Could you take children or adults into yaur home temporar- M ily? Now, or in an emergency? How man>'? Free or for payment? What sex, race or religion would Pr, you prefer? se3 Are you willing ta have.your E home inspectcd and visited for Pr' this purpose? If so, by whom? ma Is your eyesight norma? (1)fo With glasges? (2) Without ilass- T. es? Is your hcaring normai? Ba Can yau be active on your feet for six hurs daily?1 Have yu been cupied (a) in Mo business? (b) in arganizatiorss? A.' (Give particulars). M What experience orta eigH have you had in managing or or- Jar ganizing holiday or ather camps Hla, or recreational grounds or public Peial Prices. 100'ts m. 100owl Feow's rup -s NOVA KELP TABLETS Provide Vitamines For Winýter Resistance. 150 tabs. 79e - 300 - $1.39 - 750 - $U.79 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses To Your Entire Satisfaction in Fit, Quality and Price PHONIEwE 695 P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. EVR -87 19 -87 Llqulds & Extracts Wampole's Ext. - - 1.00 Ext. Malt and Cod Liver OÙ - DbI 47 -2lIbo. 79 Nyal Cod Liver 0OÙ 1.00 scott 's Emulgion- - 53-98 Keada - - - n075-1.00 ~ THE aie FAMILY residents - Hon. Vincent Mas- T. A. Partridge, D. Millsan, N ýy, Col. E. E. Saider, T. R. Mc- Stewart, G. Campbell, L. Unitt, yen, R. A. A. McConnell; Past G. Davidge, L. Brooks, T. Demp- resident - J. H. Johaston, Bow- sey', Murray' Holines. ianville; President - A. E. Ful- Halls and Ticket Committee - )rd, Port Hope; Vice-President - cG1,. Davidge (chairnan), Frank R. Virgin, Bowmanville; Sec>'.- Williams, M. Vanstone, E. P. reas. - Miss Helen G. Morris, Bradt, Owen Nicholas. owmanville. Auditors - E. P. Bradt, E. S. Prize Comnaittee - E. S. Fergu- Ferguson. an (Chairman), W. H. Jordan, _____________ 1H. Staples, Dr. J. A. Butler, ýE. Fulford, J. R. Stutt, W. A. [adaws, Russell Osborne, W. W. ira, Alex McGregor, Gea. W. E. S. NAYLOR imes, J. T. George, Mrs. M. S. SHOR flOCTOR awkins, Mrs. O. W. Roiph. Publicit>' Committee - John M. Look to Your Shoe Needs Now. imes (chairnaarr), W. A. Moore, LEATHER PRICES MAKING A. Forester, Barringer- Bras. S yllabus Commttee - J. T. SHARP ADVANCES. eorge (chairman), Mesdames E. Specl service rendered to Fergusanl, L. W. Winslow, E. business men, sehool stulents F'isher, D. Robb, L. Switzer, and others by keeping open Campbell, A. J. Sadier, R. noon hour. udley, H. Foster, W. C. Lynch, D Brent, J. C. Bell, M isses H. A i jn te t -Ju t a o n ason, J. Hawkins, D. Edger, J. the corner opposite BaIVW amsay, P. Challis, H. G. Morris, HRotel. "M ssrs. T. W. Stanle>', F. Sutton, Feul Dress Sale AT COUCH>S Crepes and Wools only $2.'98 each We have taken about 50 Dresses from our fail stock to provide cus- tomers with an opportunity to buy inuediately at an'amazingly low price. NEW SMART FURRED COATS ln Latest Styles Up To-dasy lure Linen Towelsi - yard long sie, Clearing for - - - - -980 to $2.«. COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 T TEEVUrn.,, -- .uowmanvmo MM Ring St. East *1 1 I HARRY ALUIN sho e 867 GoiER BowManvlle rumum THE FILMS DEVELOPED FREE You save lOc'on eaoh roil and get superlor piotures witli Art Border or Deckle Edge. Fortify Now Against Winter CA~S- Caterlng What experience or training have you had in catering, buying or preparing food in large quan- tities? What qualifications or techaical training have you? For example: Air mechanic, air piot, book- keeper, chemijst, dietitian, filing clerk, first aid worker, matai' mechanic, physician, nurse, dea- tist, dental mechanic, dental nurse, telephone, telegraph or radio oper'atar (code), or techai- cian, typist, secretary, shorthand writer, translater, intelligence work, censorship, laborator>' techniician, surveyar, prac t i c a nurse, launciress, teacher, archi- tect? What languages ather than English can you (a) speak, (b) read, (c) write? Can you kait, crochet, sew, tailor? Have you registered with an organization for service ina the event cf an emergency? (Give particulars). What training and expericace have you had (a) in commercial preparation of food? (b) operat- ng farm machiner>'? (c) farm- 'ng, general truck, fruit, poultry,, dair>'? (d) shearing sheép? (e) waal processing? (f) conamercial fishing? (g) curing, canning, mai'- keting fish, etc.?, What training and experience have you had in manufacturing or inspecting hospital supplies, clothing or munitions, or in an>' factory work? (Give particulars) What training and experience have you had in fitting shoes? Can you drive a car? Kind of icense? (Chauffeur or private iriving). Do you own a car and ivould you be willing ta use it in n emergency? Do your circumstances permit yo uta live away from home?, In Canada? Abroad? Have you ever served in an ctive or reserve capacit>' in na- al, militar>' or air services? 'Give particulars, service, rank, mrit, etc.) Wouid you like ta secure train- rsg for an>' national emergency? 'or example - matai' mechanic, mergency first aid work, map adgradio, telegraphy and ignalling, commissariat duties, ýanitation work, service ciericai vork, anti-gas instruction, intel- igence work or censorship? Spe- if>'.1 Do Your circunastances permit ,ou to give regular full time ser- icep? With or without remuaer- ion? Capsut O le8-15 HAlibumtt 0 1 .1.85-1.50 alfe. teA - - -1.-.2 Neo- 1.10-$2 Food - - 1.2-2.2 Cod L- - 1.25-2.25 Oodbu Lie u - 8 Fortified- - - Hay Foyer Benzedrene Whaler - 50 ]Ras-inah - - - 50-1.00 Ray Tone - - - 25-50 Nasal Drops - - - 25e Estivin- - - - $1.25 s., iý bu Li m 1 le t S a Àdies' Bloineg Reduced JLJIMTBD Bowmanffle

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