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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1939, p. 5

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THURSDA , SEPTE BER î4T , 1939THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO PA E F E t e 1 Mr. Tom Cartwright celebrated CIIURCH SERVICES his birthday Saturday by laying____ SOCIL AN PERONALaside ail duties and enjoying a SOILA I ES Ltrip to Toronto for the day. BUT Sunday,_sept. I 7th AlongXNN VRSR y PHONE 663 Rev. H. W. and Mrs. Foley and . A N NI.. daughten, Miss Laura Foley of itn !l t nReW G.Ble, nîter lu o cu Kingston, are spending a few i R.Woh G.atl aken. d .m mjA.unin s visstng in Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Finn and daysat eir cotge Bocygeon. Sunda Schoo at 2 .30n 7P.m. Toronto Bernice have returned home from Mr. William Painton returned Sna cola .0pm r-l Miss L. French, Whitby, visited Vistng in Toronto. home Sunday after a very pleas- eoerl* 5 >U' ntdCuc S A L E Mis E Ware, Lndn, as Miss Lorna Sanders, Toronto, ant week's visit with his daugh- Rev. W. F. Banisten, Minister Tuesday night saw 40 members of ~- Min E WrM e, ondnmb spent the weekend with Mr. and ter, Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Montreal. Services at Il a.m. and 7 p.m. the list Pack out to the f opening R< j Y ii A J L Mis Be nc W g t, a cm pan- Sunday S hool at 2.30 p.m . mete. h eei g wa hRtS A gpet ! D. . . R nde.Mrs C as Banei.ied by ler aunt, Ms i ~We have a complete stock oeting. as erm eetng ha ort be visited lher sister, Mrs. R. Rogers. is visiting her niece, Mns. R. -S. wes npt*: Yr n lySoc Fnel oîe- r.Sny UDavison, Mnisernuthseaous ouHoevte. vgy-_______________________________ M rs R. W . H ol ie , P rt op , C lv lle L ber y S . tla ti Ci y.p ecially for socks. O th er w oobSer i e t il a.m . an d 7 p .m . thin g bas been settled and the Scouts onol fiedsinBoma.. Mrs. Robt. Roddy and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. W. . . udley orsets, tc Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. nx eki h v t j5 R SE ah~ . ter Cyhi, T ro to ae vsiin s ent a ee 'sholidays at Lake books. St. John's Anglican Church 7 L v ly D ea e o an at s sy es el m r g Mis Ruh Jmesisattndig Ms.H. .RC. pbCamBatbsell.HstiBsapuny.stveCaonn. .aSencrnecon he st rop'smeeingwa aCoanonrv sC.ghRs.$.Spencersxs or nly$2.O the Ontario Ladies' College at Mr. and Mrs. D. Henaerson, 'Wib' reports bakbusfshn 5th Sunday after Trinity cae s offo hesmee asonas oeyDese f'nylts Whitby. Mimnico, are holidaying with her exceptionally good. c* il affnfor hely 1-Whil g a sister, Mrs. John Darch. Dr. J. B. Reynolds, a former Try our Gimp for purses, 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. above, but a short meeting was beld Wie they last. ________________________ Miss Jean Wight, Toronto, spent President of Ontario Agricultunal etc. OnIy 15e bail. Free 7 p.m. Evening Prayer. in the open. Due to several members ___________________________ the weekend with her Parents, College, Guelph, will address the Instruction._____ beinz transferred to tbe Rovers there Mn. and Mvrs. C. A. Wight. Rotany Club Friday noon on iltcIn ag C nr~tos~ jl be vacancies for a few new G O E Community Pae M.Chas. F.Rice was up to "Conservation and Reforestation?'"Lage* * Wc have a asses. GOt Ento i adfb testore on Satunday aften an Word bas been received that Atn eoeigW aeala5rge agioves ofid 40 er entOff absence of over si montbs. Mrs. Brown, wîdow o! the late Wholesales lnforrn us that Atn eoeigat The 2nd Cub Pack will eta 400p rcn f fTiiyC uc 'lc e r. and Mrs. J. MacDonald Rev. S. Gonley Bnown of Rich- pnices are golng up in the near 0 rnt hrh7ocokTusa n n ro at extremely low prices. Pat er s a d ami y, Nia ar Fais vi it d m nd Qu ., die s dde ly on future On w ools and need es. T e o fci i r o en n ! Tni 8 o'clock. The leaders of the 2nd K id G loves - R eg. 1,95 to 2.95 - Cl a i g t 98 Sal e etive M . and M rs. Ha ry Semple. Sept. 4th while visiting in Penn- No u t e U n o p r h s T h edffca rch, inceofthi lrg Trooii are desirious of receiving new Sal BeinsMrs. Mina Colwell has retunnedsyvna t prcas Any lad between1ad16abc Gos-Rg.7ct$1O --Oeangt29 PPIDAY, SEPT. 15TIl from visiting ber sister, Mrs. An- Mrs. Thos. Osborne, Mn. Bob yorshl o ltrwr. sce dfc ad been redec- who wishes to loin sIud report at . Coclues ie Badly a Bon Hed, nt. Osbone nd iss argretOs-orated inside and out, attracted this meeting. S on luSE .s nie r adP. hl lisat PBond e e, . bo ne and yM issesMarg iand 5large congregations at b th se - BA. SP.3OHs .edF. S .Ph boa tridene Rilda Hockaday, M. and Mrs. vices on Sunday. Many compli- Arragmnsaebigmd oH T basrs nld Crnton h retr e rm t tp nErnest Hockaday, Solina, were L . Soe mentary remarks were beard on Bbave rangementsrare being Lady Harnilton, Rendezous, Jo imflSiOflS Boo te nitea adatrcive haveaRover Crew started. More Eeia t hete toeorI LadyerHaminlu nton, theGratLaestoPot ntur guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Johnth rgcla an atati ew about this new *hancb of 1aefo - - - Berkley qqae, Dauvile, Miss Louisa Hobbs, Sick Chil- Challis. Phone 651 Bowmanvillle apaac ftecuc n cuiRwl ePbihdlt Berely uiure Dauvll, en's Hospital, Tistetown, vis- r n r.L .the splendid wonkmansbip of theScungwlbeulsedatr King Cedric; also a new pat- tdb M.adMsL.S Dumas and local decorators. Th* * *s lb e t h terni called "Forever"' whlch btd er mother, Mrs. R. Ho bbs. chlldren visited Mrs. James Mil- Soul inspiring and cballenging heo Scoutater Clb mat the, we>would be pleased to show Mrs. Romaine Dumas returned ligan, North Bay, over Labor Day; addresses were delivered at botbhom fSotatrCi aNi A l~ 'I lT 70U. from a month's visit with bher Donald Milligan returning home vaaioiinWstr Cndaad eUUHIb ev . .Arsrog SALE INCLUDES daugbter, Mrs. J. Milligan, North after a month's visit witb bisvatinnWeerCndandsncsbyR.E.FAmton Sundav afternoon. The main object L DE 'CO T Bay. United States and bas re-opened iL o ndo naf or merSp a stor o!fa Trin:- of theumeetingiwasotbeopresentationr uncle here. ber Haindressing Salon on KingitCurbRv.SdeDasofasualeiftoDnCaeo -39-Piece set Dr. and Mrs. John Miles (nee Mn. Cbas. F. Rice, who bas been Street. During her trip she visit- pastor, was in charge of botb ser- prior to bis departure for Toronto & Regular Open Stock Nellie Williams), Syracuse, N.Y., a consistent exhibitor and winner cd the largest and best known and vices. where be bas joined the R.C.A.F. Pnic $5.OOweram s s r. A . W l o v n 40 y a s a o o t x q i pd studios alon g h o t M usic played an im portant and Patrol leaders and 2nd's of the st M r. Plias, rep oesentative F or - $29.75 lias.bition, won 2 firsts and 2 sec- and studied their metbods. Her impressive part by tbe choir un- Trooip also were present and pre- Mr. and, Mrs. W. H. Hill and ands on bis Wbite Faced Black customers wilî be deligbted to der the direction of Dr. T. A. sented Don witb a suitable ift. Thefo 50-Piece Set- daugbters, Guelpb, were week- Spanish poultry tbis year. hear of!lber return and will be Partridge wben anthems were zood wisbes of al go out to Donfo Regular Open Stock end gucsts o! Mn. and Mns. T. W. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, anxious ta learn wbat new bain well rendered at each service. in bis new work.Prn es hc Price $67.25 Cawker. Cadmus, and Miss Annie Mount- styles are being worn in the large Other musical numbers a 15so0ice s C i For Only - $3 9.75 Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Cole joy, Haydon, spent the wcekend western cities. For appaintment gneatly enjayed included a vacal and son Billy, Waterloo, werc witb Mn. and Mns. W. P. Corbett phone 852. duet by M. S. Dale and Owen CABINETS INCLUDED FREE weekcnd guests o! bis father, Mn. and attended the Trinity Church Nicholas, and a sélection by the bt ayC tCo Orders mnust be placed at W. C. Cale. reopening services. Osborne and Wight Quartet -atObtayo tG . once te, insure dellvery at Rev. E. F. and Mrs. Armstrong Mr. and Mns. Claude A. Patti the marning service, and solos by Mrs. Henry Gale, Coiborne wi eh u tr these prices. and Miss. Margaret Armstrong, san and daughter Walker of GIRLS GOOD AS Mrs. E. J. Anderson and Boyd wl ei u tr London, wcre guests o! Mns. P. Woodbridge, N.J., bave been visit- BOYS ON BRASS Sleman in the evening. Tbe sudden passing o! Mrs. C. bloc.1ing Mrs. Pattison's sister, Mrs. W. ____ Generous collections were ne- Henny Gale on September lstnre- Saturday Afternoon Marr's- Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Wagar E. Bootb, and Mr. Booth, King Knowing the difflculty Francis seiaed hherai d t o! $1500 o o urfl dst te r ofep l Bwafl and daugbter Patsy, New York Street.StonsuiclDiptré!Bo-bil raied. tto fn f$10 oboghnat in tb e bst a! eal- Phone 463 Birnle City, are visiting bis parents, Mn. Miss Edna Hamley, Red Deer, _______usial_______o__ Mrs. risd. hoGale was ahebetofbepand tthaSewt 1hneo me and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Alta., Mrs. H. Longhurst and manville Public and High Schools, Ms aewsal ob pad wt e n fWne _____________________daugbters, Audrey, Evelyn and bas had in convincing parents and around as usual and seemcd ta Kay, Windermerc, Muskoka, Mns. pupîls that girls are as good as Hamnpton ls !be radalb roer, nc the late Jabnay av L. Woodley and Miss Jackson, boys in playing brass instrumenta ___o____rthrte at Jh J O IN T H E, Peterboro, Miss Hattie Mason, in orchestras, we pass on thc fol- J*Fnetowesao n ormaueet ae Newcastle, bave been holiday lowing dlipping !rom thc Taranto We are sarry ta record the deatb ber sudden passing on Friday was at no extra , guests o! Miss Frances Jewdfl. Star ta aur readers: ai Mrs. Elizabeth Hannam. Toronto. a sback ta bier family and friends. Bowmanville High School Field "Girls are just as good at play- a former Hampton resident wba bas The deceased, wbo was in ber SL AADay will be held Friday, Septem- ing in the brass section o! a bn been residing witb bier daughter, 88th year, was born in Bowman-T ber 15th, at 1.30 p.m. Inter- as boys are," according ta Hbdr Mrs. ýAlmira Saundeds, Toronto, ville and was thc daugbter o! the T____ he E vlyn Sho scbool Field Day will be ut Bow- Beurs, principal o! Napoleon high wbo was bereit oailber busband a late Mn. and Mrs. Jahn Finley a! manville, Wcdnesday, September school, Jackson, Mîch. Yestcnday short time aga. that place. Witb ber busband, 20th, ut 1.30 p.m., when Port be offered a program o! martial Miss L Horn bas returried fromn the late Henry Gale, Editor o!f-Mrs. Clifford Caverly- S AAAPenny, Whitby, Uxbnidge and music on the band shell of the spending several weeks witb relatives Tbe Coîbarne Enterprise, sbe Phone 594 Bolmnvu Bowmanville will compete. Pub- Canadian National Exhibition. and f riends on and near the shores came ta Caîborne some !i!ty years_________________________________ ~ 'A 1~I < J Ilfllic invited. Mn. Bears is conductor o! thc ai Lake Simcae and Lake Erie. ugo wbere sbe nesidcd for the ne- ___ M P C L UB. Miss Greta Pollard, B.H.Sc. Napoleon bigb scbool band, an Hara-ipton Women's Institute met in maînder o! ber life. daughter a!M.f Mr s.WB aggregatian o! 41 girls and 44 the Sundav Scboal roomn with an For many ycars sbe was a de- attadand aifort, fiveBf w ovted member o! tbe Metbodist L k h re lresoutb of MiltnBans oln 1For ten cents and the label emd showlns th e teapot bâade- Pollard, Bawmanville, bas blenr boys. s rs S . ideyChurch whicb later became teU aeicre C a ke ýConzratulai1 mak me n pcke of S1-64 agTESamp Alm. m-Tou appointed on Uic staff o! Mac- "Wc have 41 girls, fîve o! whom cvstrs.Mn . 'United Cburch a! Canada, and Beinrsgdto:1-4pg tm lu.210 Donald Institute, Guelph, as lec- bave won scbolarships fo1 tei occupied the chair at this time, i nti was second i h uirFre' ali-dffeset stape. 3Blg lst olthousnda oatamp olfrd tuer on!oodsand ntritin. Fonmusial abanty histriti"tn. teoabsncesacMrl.Truliwba ws thepast ew yetshwatahRcenbsesitos:oMr and rs. R . juWing ompettian t Ui i .regular attendant and alwuys Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Les. AlunC..E Frie In exchange for SALADA labels. the past four years Miss Poliard, leader said. "Three o! Uic girls .attending an important meeting inI took a keen interest in its wel- .itb Mrs. Norman Samis.. Mr. SAAD TAP LB 41Kig t 1.,Ttoh.Urough thc Ontario Departnt play sausaphanes, one o! Uic larg- Boivmanville.. fane Owing ta ber failing eye- 1 extension wark in home ecan- aiso play trombones and cores and Mrs. C. Warren appointed as sgtsewscmeldt eanadMs vrt rw.Ooo at orneta oe but was alwuys cbeerful with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. .. Oppontuniykoksbtoc omics in nine o! the central On- but Uiey are more proficient on local leader ta attend the course in aducmliigudbrwn n n Mrs. Les. Alldred witb Mr. but it's diffeetwtlh ua tanna counties. tbe smallcr instruments. Our "Buymanship" ta be beld at tbe home derfulnfortitudeiand nefsnesadM Le Alno ~ kok Albert Darcb, 15 yean old sonxylopbonist is a girl." a isLl enld nOtbrwsanisiaint er family adMrs.LesPohlard . a nd ib Happy is temnwacnfr N4ARCONI o! Mn. and Mns. A. L. Darch, was The Napoleon band bnought a 23. 24 and 25tb. It was decided ta and fird.Ms lnPlad okatswt fcatured Sunday noan on Ken letter o! good wishes from Gav- bave a lunch bootb. and adults and Surviving une twa daugbters Mr. and Mns. Wallace Holmes. get alhUieatinsbkn s "The Radio of Tomorrow"$ Soble's Radia Amateur Hour. ernor Lauren Dickinson o! Micb- childrens fisb ponds at the scbool and anc son, Mrs. O. S. Cbase o! The Adsetles were down at tbein about bîmnsef *In .1940 Modela 'Ab' made a real bit witb bis igan. fair as in previaus years. Adums Basin, N.Y., Mns. W. C. cottage. Some mn fe hi mot saxophonesolo and was given Mrs. TruIl at this juncture took Skinner and J. H. Gale a! Col- Some ai aur citizenswereeafraid ance - atherisUiywudnv Modl 58 Mstatd reendusaplase Mnyofover tbe meeting and explained fjîlly borne. Her busbund predeceased oibne Nazisas e twçj ambrignarb ko they ba any M odel 158, iilu trat d tr m n s l ue . a n y o! t nethe purp se ai the m eeting previus- er three years ago. o e d y h s e k. I a h o d A l ting s a e t h s h ia a diatictive console is oand vlle nenpodofist RETAILERS CAN ly attended at Bowmanville. The Interment taok place ut Baw- men blastiniz out the tree roots an 1 wait, especîal i c nsn n model, 5 banda, 8 tube performance. We heur lbe bas INCREASE SALES ralll eau was responded ta by "One manville Cemetery. the new part ai the Lake Shore. cîse wants. perforlnance with new since been offered a professional_____Tiam T bizI mTankful For." A vote ______________________________________________ standards of clsrit3*, engagement, Retailers Wba are continuaîîy in f av or ai dispensing with Lefn.esb- tonal quality and east Wednesday morning Bill Fitcb- in!orniing the cansumers a! their ments ut the mantbly meetings was o f tuming, built-in an- ett callcd on bis grandfather, Mn. trading anea about new gaods, taken. Wmn. Painton. He was accompan- new services, new ideas, new The Pragzram which was ini charge BUILD UP YOUR RESISTANCE NOW.-T K tennae. icd by college cbums, Daug Gil- !asbions, new conveniences, new ai the east gnoup was conducted by lMore, Fred Puyne and Jim Fitz- aids ta com!art and pîcasure, and Mrs.% E. Adamson. Curnent events m ONLY $8 .9 patrîck, aIl o! Montreal. The boys so an, get a good return fan ail were read by Mrs. Honev: Mrs. J. > h~ad motared -frorm Montreal ta their, informative labor. It is tbe R. Knox very interestinglv spoke on Other mnodela on - Los Angeles, Cal., ta attend a communicative retailer wbo ut- "Canning and Pickling,' when Mes- I display at convention a! the Sigma Cbi o! tracts most custamers. dames W .Chapmaii exhibited a Ian £A MNP RD Da, McGill University. Doug Gilmore It is bad fan a retailer and for ai chicken. giving the metbod ai Mao ae was Uic officiai delegate. Tbe a cammunity wbcn the cansum- Canning, Mns. Niddeny a jan aie lse elwcnai iain nc as ne round trip cavered 10,000 miles. ing public is left unin!ormed and chow-chow. Mns A. B. Ferguson, Ieslae eo oti îausi ocnrtdfr Phone 408- Bowmianville Extract !rom repart o! E. A. unurged. Tbe public is willing ta canned corn. Mrs. L. D. Svkes, aine- Select one of these. Start to ttake it now and coniu ed c ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ il Summers, Agricultunal Represen- slow up its ways and its pur- day pickle. These wene sevd durin Low est throughout the winter. The Vitanuns contained in h r du t wI tative, ta the Departmcnt o! Ag- 'chases if it be left unin!ormed nefresbments and Mns. Gardon Brent. ovdth eraeisncncsayt w dof iculture an crop conditions- in and unsalicited. Yet Uic public whohe tomataes. A piano cluet ivas Prices ophroifetioas.exts distac ees y to wardh o ff 92 odsgip n Durham Caunty states: Pastures, responds ta stimulation and pres- Ziven hi' Misses Madlyn Wilcox and _________ ohrifcin.Ltu dieyu hn 9 ody particularly in the sauth bal! of sure. Goad store windows, good Dorothi' Adanson. A social time 'vas Neo-Ohenixcal Food Uic county, wbere we bave bad newspaper advertising, goad in- enioyed at thé' Close. mare frequent showers, are cx- tenion store service - ail tend ta The members onganizcd for ne- PÀ SCOTTIE SA YSr Liquid-- $1.15-$2.45 cellent for tbis season of Uic ycar. keep the public aient and ne- zistratian, a numben ai membens ai- Capsules- 1.25-2.25-$5 Corn is a real goad crop and a spansive. fering their assistance ion tee aften- few bave aiready fiiied their silos. The more the retailers a! aur noan and-evening af Septemnber l8th I.DA. Cod Liver OÙ The majority o! fall wbeat bus cammunity, singiy and collective- and l9tb. 8o.4c-1 z 9 besens lasththye ar a ou se ,it ta be r ceputiv ande- o er weeoîtin ubl be in az z 4Png0p R F i 11D.A. Maltu- -o--Lve1 capital, buildings and muchinery, - -'M ' %" m From Thursday, September l4th enginIeering V±ses1 IM I I fI^h r elmpe n: Other Sizes EPecrpinsaSecat Applicaiits must be British Oubjects between 18 and 45 tome_______________prof________ u its and goodwill. 470 years of age physioaily fit and flot more than AetPesident D. Alex McGregar three dependagts. .AprTIIDDflPN 29g GOD .B AVE THE. KING A.R. UROK AgnBB CIC1 UNITEDUf CIGARSTR l MCr l Phone 516 B!romvieta 5 pm.ini he ursc's Eowmanvi 2leoBaby.Clinic eNTursday AGIBNCY Phone 792 liUs W eie Office, Town Hall.

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