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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1939, p. 6

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PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l4THI, 1939 mu ~unior Farmert e the cont::t, hl the largest L s ~ t R I 1 DoWi-t ..- the final game of the Port HopeList Of ulnilers At BlacEIstocI Do W.II t C.NUE.series. Travelling expenses hv 'L FDurham county farmers, as us- been llght this year, since mi2e- ,Jciol F i eOIo d S p .1 - - niorFl, ae goshin t the bersof theexecutive have F ir H ld M nd y S p. S P O R N ES Jnio Farers LiestCanadgdiangey have thot driving. And iCompetitions at the Cnda hyhv e accepted any m6fl- Wet al ha orothy Arthur Gibson 18, Hector Wilson _______________ NtioalExhbiton Loal riz e fo ths.Moreover theyy Wright, Lala Stinson, Iva Mahf 38, Jean Griffin 11, Alan Wilson Royals W in Round From Oakville SHepo n , Fred M rtioay the same Wheat Fall, quart - Mona Fer- 32, G. Howard Forder 10, erl In Heaviest HfittingGamne 0f Season Newcastle. - Cameron, why shouldn't we have Bailey, Jack Green.SoG. lin 30, Grant Edgerton 23, William Unlashnga teny-ht ttak attrs n he in~up ech adRiekard, Bowmanviile. day? .,. . Orono Fair listed- for Howard Forder, William Fergu- Wllfred Rogers 24, Albert Midg- Unlashng twntyhitattckfoutrhs in sxtst the ln- p ateha Beef Cattle - lst, Neil Malcolm, next Wednesday. . . Those 'Who son, Wilda Steele, Ella Mahaffy, ley 40, Richard VanCamp 9, Jim an threc unsuspcctlng Oakvile fu isi i rp etepae Nestieton. like to see the High School lads Howard Trewmn. McLaughlin 37, Evcrett Wilson 38. ' hurlers here on Saturday, Bow- with Colville aise having a walk._____________ and lassies in athletiecocnquests Oats, quart - WinnieSan Showmanship <Caives) - How- manville Rayais powereci %theirSeonitwofrdsacwhe should attend High School cam- Jack Green, Hilda B. Johns, Jean ard Forder, Harold Farder, Mer- way ta a 14 ta 5 triumph in the Rickard inserted three safeties Bicspouue s on Frlday for local field Griffin, Donald Larmer, Carl Mc- il VanCamp, Arnold Taylor. irt rand neredi ate ""ofB.the aiig acomaatve Osore as Brcksandeouue whmen .And get a return ticket Laughlin. _________"Wha dld 1 proi. yau if youwn? firs rond ntemedate"A" O.B aviilea nanagedto el atme on BY NELSON OSBORNE for sanie field on Wednesday. alysha-GrnEdet. A.elng off n Gib in he i-t euwy maaev ery i non w-hen .inter-schooi meet win be Bresef-GatEgro."Rlght now l'Il uIte for a Sw.. ap. fTeingoffon ibbin he n- he unwys n eeryinnng x- eld...Cobourg Intermediates Barley, quart - Kelth Ferguson, Cou f e itial frame, the RarnpaigRy cept the fifth, but they had con-ben ntriuywakri edBlvieinfrtgm Jean Taylor, Keith Wright, Mary u tc aisn kpupteasuthRoyg- siderable trouble in advancing After en ooiul ektimdBleilinfr g eH.owaJnGifn A od Sut.Sip tea, anel and ol-te atepyofsain iv-wth the wiliow al season thc of "B" playdowns on Saturday. H omn enGifn rod Mn of the Young people along vil o ckmern. Slemon, BgeladCl ing up ten hits, he struck out six viciousness of Royals offensive B ric Cowlc, of Oshawa, who PTao oly-Kthi hetw ieejydacr ville ockd hiceard a Smotn-adwle acsnenme. surprised everyone in or near thc was rcfused permission te play JatoGre, Dooy-thdWigh-tra town undevenoeda or lsres and Rery memrothetpla d Righ the Walt er. wopark and completely flabber- with Bawxnanville, pitchcd the Jak ree, orohy WrihtRrAstSatrdy eenng cal exep Rcachan Mclvenfooedtaceroyals tac firagstdyor aWcrrsonen.Ponies ta victory. . . . Cobourg Stuart Dorreil, Robert Midgley, Mr. Jack MeGregor -have mov- S E T C PL CG R T E whasad r eright fe lutes, ameof he seresas vcimN. Ee r n ay 2corr ehaet.Juniors alsa won an Saturday Wnnxe Swam, Ray Harris. cd into tacir new bouse north of ~ T ueattf ewih£bcoci .soe. bo arn e d Colilt fist thre, Lief tho Gars a ict eos. been lifting asihlydbaswhen Bateman huried tane bit. Potatoes, Irish Cobblcr, Warba Mr. George Vetzal's farm. ___________a____ cmblicerogvcy tue < bo c)63wn vnTrno am -Murray Larmer, Roy Grahan, Mrs. Harod Chamberlain bas bon n Clie tefrt he etyDnGlbat am ehstac Royals counted more than Slemon leaves for coiicgc on SteartohMcuadevilen Trom. shwturoed italher hm erMytc- ___________________________ ayre retin efurbtac eve tadfour rima per single game. And iMonday. . . More woc . . Dan EHilage n,,avldeniaw. OsawaHopialwia ab, y hatyreret n ha venihcd tacn, aiter losing ta Oakvilie bY Williams leaves for Sault Ste DEnsh iag htor, .GodGio W r an MisLy ranle. ftred Agr it arofntrlplscng E W sixtecn-year-old Hvl aise nc run and winning tac second Marie and North Bay early Drin rih, dt Wiht is oran ntlrcund ir landa piracnauupleo im- es can t nal ayad h iu up. Otbr uieswl ephmSur orlJImeHrifo.Goga a ntm ers cots yto run hygni -ptceutlCrita. ..SlmKeita Wright, Keith Fergusan. participate in tac iast twa gamnes B R IN G ftE bis borne adsinglcd and ctiesreballshrun eyg e- tber, uutie hrsts....lklehm St ontDarr ack, r is, a frtharls sfBay tseiestaycek n oul i 1sewn -~ oud i b ta bssthreatened te Saturday night in second game... Harris, John Thompsan, Arnold Mr. Wm. Romhanyi has pur- ingstnz, oy Sexalieted c- e i e te b ossnd Final gaine on Thursday, ta-nlght. Williamis, Theima Ferguson. chased tac land owned by Mr. any Th sa meSgin SaltdciP eiegat ePoad Manges - Ray Smith, Neil Bail- Howard Courtice, Ottawa, as an That' hyI' a n eor in' acmrd i- htvc ecue itc u-ey, William Fergusan, .Mervin addition ta bis present farm. B A C Konerae a esend nthscord, on tac . e he cuseofNheeur-Bailey, Donald Larmer, Arnold Miss Betty Saunders and Mr. fee second ro a icredbasea prîsing outburst, it was appreciat- Neifetofl Taylor. Kenneta Saunders ict for tac sec Bon. rr y tidbca d and we only hope taey saved a Turnips - Merrill VanCaniP, United States where they will at- VD T E O UN c~ront.ige asar h ora few bits for tac Napanee series. Service in tac United Church Ray Grahami, Bobbie PbilP, Ger- tend their respective coileges. Kent*w s scnfied tearefowetta Ed Witacnidgc is figuring on Sunday afternoon was well at- aid Jackson, Jim Mariow, G. We congratulate Courtice Girls' O A L V! wssciie escnwn epitcbing a shutaut in Napanee tended. The anthern by tac choir, Howard Farder. Softball teani upon winning tache FML taird wben Bagnell hit ta left and Wednesday (yesterday) since be "Evcry day bis love grows dear- Parsnips - Richard VanCamp, cup at tac final ganie Saturday, Glen R1 lklaree ESbath men scored as Colville laced doubts if tac Cameronians will be er" was much appreciated. Next Gladys Rogers, Ernest McLean, when tacy played at tac Creamn LIFEGUARDS moike my TIRS a bingle ta centre. That brought able ta scare up marc taan anc Sunday is Rally Day. Corne and Harry Argue, Joyce Venning, ai Barley Camp against Hampton. ln *au1fs ieasat SAFE froM bloWoUt acddnts g Galbraith on the scene and Col- run. bring a fricnd at 3 o'clock. Rev. Beverley Vcaie. A shawcn was held at tac home vitaminb htmk o ville greeted bum witb a lustY- Stinson will speak and tac chul- Beets - Roy Wottcn, Garry ai Miss Dorothy MacFenson, Sept. healthsat rwh v a Whcn you «qip y>ur ar single, Slemon forccd Osborne Ycs, the boys now meet Napa- dren's chair will provide the Venning, Joyce Lanmer, Jean 5th, in honor ai Miss Ruta Bar- eryon withLifGuads ou ain but Rickard brougbt the fau u nec ini a two in thrce series for music. W .mtWdedyBowcrs, Helen Hantaorn, Irene nett, wbo, laten in the week be- eyn peacLeGf m ds you goaid tallte ascoe bard. i a triple the Eastern Ontario tîtle. Last NestictanW.1me dnsa Lywoad. came the bride ai Mn. Georgc shoultidin dfl- peye xrece ofefd o r l e. Ateiploe byo br nean year the Rayais toak tac odd aiternoon. A gaod pragnam was Carrots - MurrTay Larmer, Aud- Adams. Best wisbes! 50 wl» a trta ne nevr xpeiece efre sc rcit by Csorilepndca game ai thnce ta dlaim tac crown, given by Bowmanville and Janet- rey McLaughlin, Darotay Rahm, Mr. and Mns. Harold Scargie Gooycr Lfeuassceantaruithe sixta an rd Gai- but rumor bas it that tac Eastern- ville ladies. Mns. J. Tbickson's Jean Black, Jean Griffin, Helen matared ta Rice Lake, bringingG Goode ar i ner msden braintaheaded f the xhaduGout crs are stronger tais year. Time address was much enjayed. Toms. Miss Willma Scongie back froni duealdagrfomsd ritgh nher fourrth un C t will tell. Manager Walt Gerow Miss Ellen Emerson bas gone ta Onions - Lola Stinson, Harold bier vacation. Miss Hilda Scorgie G LEN RA E D A IR tie aiur, ee yurca Ot ina seven four Ken t st by tac Gibbards along wita Wal- Toronto ta attend Normal Scbool. Hamilton, Haviland Marlow, 110- bas rcturned ta school, and bas tire flrod. . SPE! Tharwo a intccd ail n d ent a htairdter Secundus and twa atacn mcm- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. bent Mîdglcy, Ivan Mahaffy, Win- quite necovced froni bcr accident Phone 2665 omnil trd ... SH ! u;Those w>o a iwhe Bown ancwen baidi bers ai tac team watched tac Lloyd Hunten (nec Eunice Mal- nie Swain. wbicb nesulted in a braken leg. rid wthyou; .thoe ou Waltn'sBondchr badllYtan Rayals finish off Part Hopc two colm) on the arrivai ai a Young Pic Pumpkins - Helen Han- Mn. Hoy bas greatly improvcd love;;. deserve bitobis tiboudr ne intane weks ago and aise taok in tac son (James Lloyd). tharn, Elcanon Thonipsan, Beryl tac appearance ai bis pnoperty by thi pncels ams t cuthi f or ithree rn last gamne ai tac Oakville series. Mr. and Mns. Stanley Malcolmi Larmen, Irene Rahm, Lavern Sug- a cleanup ai the old stable loun- thpr ction. Haveswbie aColvil forsinglcd a ndse They gat an eycful but did net entertained tac United Cburch gitt, Kenneta Larmer. dation, trees, etc., and by using poroodycHarve . wben Siengnced andtredt seemn ovcnly alarrncd. The specdy choir at tacir home Fiday even- Squash - Carol McLaughlin, tac former as a walî against tac dealer equip fthencor d cil un mnu- decision aven Witaeridge iast Mns. K. Burton is ne gaixdig Artaur Gibson, Wilfred Rogers, Tooley's bouse bas been originally TR À E i BC yourcar odayactrdlh inaern the ne year, is stil wita tac team. and vcny fast- Arnold Etchen. ncdeconated an the exterior, add- R D -N D R A N wir ath ydroep lier oeteene inb free from the sone wing which Miss Marie Proutt bas returned Spy Apples - Merrill VanCamp, ing mucb ta its appearance. Mn.ATDNO I UR Oakvieeplic cr on the i rt ru* hampcned bis style in '38. frrni nursingin Pont Penny. Dorotay Wright, Norah Gmnn, J. Gabauney's bouse is nearing - 1 -1 - in tac taired en irisrcwJst bcn Ladies' Aid ai tac Presbytcnian Glenn Lanmer. completion. 1 ih< mn ta irst w ndifirms t eWita b pay n tac second game wllCurcetat M.adMs e So pls-RySia en Curtice Unite Curcb Sn- Qee okSoe 0 on tefrs ita two out and b lydi Bownianvillc s not man Sanidils' Thursday cvening. Black, Merrill VanCamp, Jack day Scbool bcld its first aut~ u cCokS veCOBNTO ae nc sucndtad eîgbt Wiso known as tais is written but we It was a good meeting and plans Taylor, Dora Black, Keith Wright. service Sept. 3nd, wita Superin- Most have new lininga ln tire Ca oanedoutan whedoblc ath, io suggest Yeu look on tac front page werc made for a supper. Mclntosb Apples - M a r i o n tendent Clarence Pcnfound in Ca ue EaR waledandwa dobld t t ifon the exact tume and date.- Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Narman Thonipsan, Jean Gniffin, Margaret charge. Luther Beckett, Honor- boxes. Papular styles. by Post, wbo had four ai Oak- Bowmanvillc prefer ta have tac McNally and Miss Verna visited Smith, Arnold Taylor, Lola Stin- ary Supenintendent, returncd re- Upwards from Rne ail'tnc i by bu al bthene game next Wedncsday since Rîck- Mn. and Mrs. S. Malcolm befone son, Donald Larmer. ccntly from bis vacation wita bis Upwrd fo onsc ipd. Wita tand ounthe nbad is net available for Saturday, lcaving for tbcir new home in Tomatoca - Jack Green, Keita daugbten, Mrs. H. A. Gray, Leani- __________________Williams was fooicd by a dribbler being engaged in getting twa ais- Coîbrne... Mn. and Mns. Edward Wright, Grant Edgcrton, Joyce ington, and is mucb impnovcd in ___________________________ters started on matrimonial yen- Armstrong visited their daugh- Venning, Doreen Mitchell, Elsie bcaltb. The executive met at Mn. ____________ *..u - y alin Wlsn ndtaawngsince he injured bis taumb in the ton. . . Miss Viola Henderson, Asters - Aileen Toms,ý Jean mc- Mn. and Mns. Samuel Wotten RE69.00 ,ans S~ anothen double te Post. third gamne ai the year and Janetvillc, visited bier sister, Mts. Lean, Beryl Larmer, Warren Mc- celcbratcd tacir golden weddingREUL- 3 - pe lA ~BoxScore wbetaer bis digit is strang enaugh K. Samdlls. . . Mn. Rabt. Camp- Quade. anniversary Sept. lat, at tacin Electric Ranges OuebecCok to s Bow'villc AB R H PO A E ta go bcbind tac bat is doubtful. bellia witb Mr. and Mns. Dan Zinnias - Doratay Wright, Jean home south ai Prestonvale. Mn. With branti new elements. XC U R SiO N SBagneil, cf. 6 2 4 3 0 0 The management ai tac club doca Black... Mn. John McGill, Janet- McLaugblin, Merlin Bailey, Neil and Mrs. Wottan came from Eng- Fully guar'antecti. EquIppediwt 1 unr Excu it io ris Bsborn, p. 62 4 1 0 netwant ta subject bu ta a pos- ville, visited bis sister, Mrs. Jas. Bailcy, Alice Staples, Arnold Tay- land 32 yeans ago and settled in Uwrsfo To ALL STATIONS IN Coivilie, l. à44000sbercinjury. Williamson. . . Mn. and Mrs. R. lor. Oshawa. Thene they residcd until Uwrsta Wetr aaa Sieron, lb. 6 3 2 11 i1o0 McColl visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Hugb Verbena - Lola Stinson, Don- about a ycar ago, wben taey mav- $1900 Wetr aaa Rcad . 6 0 3 5 1 0 Howcver tac inter-acbool field Taylor. ald Larmer, Haviland Marlow, cd ta Countice. Relatives froni Williams, ss. 6 0 1 1 5 2 day is schcdulcd ion next Wed- _______________ Wm. Ferguson, Nana Gin*m. Toronto and ather districts gatb- GIGDTSRoach, ni. 3 0 0 0 0 O ncaday on the local diamond and Frencb Marigold - Editb ered at tacir borne on Friday ta - 75 - DAXLY SEPTEMBER 15 TO 29 Mcllvcen, nf. 2 0 O 0 0 O whilc the Hîgb School bas kindly * ~Wright, Thelma Fcrguson, Arnold celebrate witb tbemn. ]EULGA " ED EUR II.45 days Kent, 3b. 4 2 1 2 0 O consented ta paatpanc tais event Business i>irectorv Etcher, Lois Onmistan, Joyce Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Josb EULGAATEDUwrsta TIKT 00T RVL Walton, 2b. 4 1 1 4 0 i until Thursday, mucb as taey Mairs, Stewart McQuade. Gay and iamnily, Detroit, bave Rdo ICKS OACHO AES e __exr_1ne bibPhlox - Grant Edgcrtan, Mona been visiting relatives, Mns. Rab- Tatals 48 14 20 27 10 3 wauld came on Wednesday. An- Fenguson, Jean Griffin, Robt. crt Adams, Mn. Gay's asiter, and Console, Mantel ftxcureio t ickefà Oôod In Touriat, Oakviile AB R H PO A E other angle is wbat tac O.B.A. Legal Midgley, Doris L. Hamilton, Stew- Mrs. Wm. Esseny Mrs G's ais- Uwrsfo Parler and Standard sleeping cars Brown, ab. 4 i 1 4 1 3 will say in tac matter. Will tbey- art Dorreil. ter. . . . Mn. and Mrs. Nanann higher Passage ares, plus prIc oy Lewisas. 5 0 1 2 4 0 permit the two teastlyof G.VGOLB ,L.. Pinks - Ivan Ormiston, Glenn Green, New York, werc gucats $ET parier or sleeping car accommodation. Carter, lb. 4 1 0 9 2 0 on a Saturday? As wc said be- Barister, Solicitor, Notary Larmer, Kenneta Larmer, Grace wita Mn. and Mrs. Cccii Adams., . BETY-OFEL seeping car accommodation. Lyon, c. o) o) o l (o o fore, sec tac front page fan the Phone 351 Grahami, Jcan Hanrs, Doris Ar- Mn. Alfred Welsh, Toronto, visit-- 2 -MYA ROUTES-Tickets good going via Port Mankey, c. 4 0 0 3 0 () solution ai tais puzzle. Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmanvillc gue. ed Mn. George Welsh... Mns. T. COUMINATZON E M Arthur Ont.. Armnstrong, Ont., Chi G. Gabit,2510120W.. RI Gailladia - Ronald Gmn, Irene Wclsb iS visiting in Toronto and GEEA EETI cago, ffi., or Sauit Ste. marie, return- Malbraitaohy2bot5n, AO Kit2ener-.UMr.andds tramg lng via sarne route and Uine oniy, Wilson, cf. 3 1 2 1 i 0 Only three put-outs wcre reg- .RSTIEMow Daty Wtcn Ad Kibne..n.nd nsHub Ceai and a Rne Generous optionai routings.Pot1f 5 1 4 4 0O0o stercd by tac Bowmanville out- Bannisten, Solicitor, Notary Rahm, Clara Marlow. Short bave been visiting relatives _____Rne STOOVESwilin uiPootck t, Iferôr. soi2Onieda audyadaltreSolicitor ion Bank ai Montreai Scabiosa - Robent Sbeffield, Lois in Toronto. lia bath going and returning - et Part Gibb, p. i O 1 0 2 0 wcnt te agnl.Bob Kent ooanon. P no91 unewMLa, cli Jnefon . .No ntAmntonOn. adG.Glbath r O2O hrd Be -.-o-yLmegadaes----- oCla! 9 5 Artur Ot.,Arstong Ot. an G Glbrit, . 10 02 0thrdhad twa put-auts but no Bowavil0Onai. VanCamp, Haold H amil ton, wbo are furtbening their educa- West; also at Chicago, Ill., Saut Ste Havel, p. i o o o o o) batted balls ta handle. GeorgeT A NB Bruce Lywood. tien arc: Doreen Phair ta Bow- PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHIO, HESTRIL Marie, Midi., and west, ln accordance----- ----------Walton aise bad an easy day, wita .C AOBA Helichrysuni - Jack G r e e ni, manville Higb Scbool; Raymond SIEEC with tariffe of United States lunes. otannoBritr-Slitr AeaSelJc alwRO WgasadRuelMcKyt Tatals 38 5 10 27 14 3 only four put-at n oassista. NBaryisePubli-c.r Alt Sel, ak alwRy igasad ushaMcvytaSe , A 17-24-S-7-14 Ruabtdin-Se n4 Don Williams finally gat a bit Ntn uli t. Graham, Gerald Jackson, Helen Oshawa Collegiate. 1938 gradu- hchaebntreil ordas Ful 'prtcuirs ra an Agnt born e , inad 2, Colvl 4, ea daOsngeat-ht Law ii al ita branches. Rahm. ate, Ruta Penfound, wbo tbnougb Canl!aian PromacfAgent bonell2, RMcaDe o2, oat le2 Pi and b is lt-ddving t that.Office immediatcly east ai Royal Snapdnagon - Keita W ri ghbt,ilnswafocdodsotnu Clear Out Prices T -basc bits - Perott ot 2;treeta plate, Williams bad appar-Phns Theatre. Hoe J5o~yce Larmer, Ella Mabaffy, Wil bher studies bas entened Bawman- ___________ Pacifie______ base its - PreSont,;Trick- ently beat out a bit, but tae frt hne:Office 688;Hoe53.d Steele, Mcnrill Henry, Bernice ville Higb. Katacnine Minto,, a b asd; Homus - rnSiemon, Rc-Ba- ran secing be could net get -e Mairs. puil ai Oshawa Collegiate, will nrdlHomevuile; Saciiemobi-Wal- the batten at s, h_______t_______AI._________Etra_____ continue ber studica at Bowman-D n C rs in E tn; S olle baries agi, CoWl- theac ein e ta nip Rickard, DR. 3. C. DEVIT Jimmie Harris. ot ville, duc ta tac fact that ber pan-OHA Â3 icet.. tonvil tle mn, blase s , Brwn cd forCbit.Cockercl, Barncd P1 y flOtitbents may bc moving eaatward. Phone 84 SRW Carer LonG.Gabrata Li~taeneby cancelling Williams' hop- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simsan Rock - Grant Ed.gertan, Murray Valenia Romhanyi cntcned Osb-h- Open Evongs - - '.... * onCaes yo, .Baw ra it;L 0,Ok-t Graduate ai Royal Dental Cal- Hanrs, Lucille Farder, Benyl La- awa Business College, and Marie _______________________________ on ass -Bomaville 12;Dubeply-Oak-onne difference doca it makre lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee mer, Harold Farder, Glenn La- Salt bas graduated inoni tac sanie tailt; Strile-ouayts borne wbceeYeu bit ini tac batting or- Bldg., Bowmanville. Office bours mer. school ai lcanning. i ,Gbb1 abria1 Bsso dr icebigmoe na a .m xet511- Pllt are lmut ok______W___ ... - -- - - 1 Cat - -Havlland Mariow, jean National maurance compamùeo- COATS - DRESSES - SOUIS At a mctting ai tac executive Griffin, Chas. Burgess, Anold P;clf iec the second game bas been set ionralr GryVnin0Rnl 9 lllSaturday at 1.30 D.S.T. Please Gen 75e mch or fo $.00 note the change in Ue. The Feataercd Pet - John Thonp -_____________ qm ~~~game is being cailed fon the cal- son, Lavern Suggitt, Lola Stin-Je e SO& WIutc InnIsAt eguarPrîe ir burta nabe owmnvîicson, Roy Wotten, Helen Rahm, "JLest We Forget" ta ffoea tReua Pieicld u t abmlete teaniTe Merlin EH. Bailey. xecieas eeomypletet asedTheCollection 6f Ground Hog Tails A. H. BOUNSALL INSURANCE AGENTS OshwaLou dry & Dry Cieaning Ce. Ltd. at the excellent crowds attending Phoninwane, en c Dsgerad8e1irl tOeshpayof tlts-Atancgam Laugblin 50, Grant Mahaffy 50, MonuMent., Tabiets, Maçkors, etc. Pho68 wmulo Phono 19 W. ail Fo a.nd eliver during the regula scbedule lesa *q Til ie Jack Green 46, Walter Rogers 24, i rnt n abe than anc bundred people paid toa Murray Harris 14, Roy Wotten 14, I -~.-. ýPAGE SIX 100 7q"- OM

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