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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1939, p. 7

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THtJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATF~MAM flOWUAITVIIT1~' CIM'rA~TCt TiuE Y'/k"Ie DI .tANTE RN BY TEPLE IAILEY CHAPTER KXII It was Iwo days after Jane Pro. mrised to snarry Frcdorick Townc that Evans bouglit a Valentine for her. Tbe shoos wer'e full of valentines -manv of tbem of paper lace-fbe fragzile old-fasbioned tbings fliat bat forgzet-nye-nots on tbem and bearts witb golden arrows, and fat Pink cuvids. Evans found it liard to cboose. He stood before tbern. smiling. Anc lie could see Jane smile as she rcad the encbantingz verse of the one lit finallv selected: "Roses red. my dear. And violets blue- Honev's swect. my dear, And s0 are you." As lie walkcd up F Street f0 his office, bis heart was liglit. t was one of the lovcly days that binIt of soing. OlcI Washingztonians know that sucb weaf ber does flot last- that Mardi winds must blow. and storms must come. But tbcv gzras») the 10v of the moment-masçuerade in carnival slirit-buv flowers from the men t flic street corners- sween into their favorite con fection- er's f0 order cool drinkcs. the wom- en seek their milliner's and come forth bonneted in springz beauty-tbe mnndrive f0 flic links-anýÙ, look thingzs over. And clients came. Not mnany. but enougb f0 Point the wav f0 success. He bad sold more of flic old books. His mofber's milk farm was becom- ingt a fashionable fad. Edif b Townc bad belped to bringr Mrs. Follcffe's wures befQre ber friends. At al bourg of the day tbev drove ouf, Edifli witb tbem. Lt is sucb an adorable place." she fold Evans. "and your - mother I Isn't she absolutelv bergcîf? Selling rilk wifb that empress air of bers. I simPlv love ber." Edif b bad planned fo bave dinner wifb fbem toniit. Evans fook an eanlv train f0 Sberwood. Wlien lie reacbed borne Edif b and bis moflier 0 You can't aine ut work or play if you're traubled witi constipation. .And comman constipation is nat a neccssary cvil. Too liffle bulla in jour diet often cause. if. Fooda like aneat, bread and patatoca do not fari-tie "bulky" mass tic bowels need for regular movemnents. Tliey becomoe lazy. Bat Kellogg's ALL- BRAN, a crlap, deliglifful cereal. It helpa ta aupply flic "bulk" yau noed. And if in especially richinf Nature's intestinal tanic, Vitamnin Bi. Try thii sensible routine: Rat ALL-BRAN every day. And drink plcnty of water. Diacover liow fine it féela ta be "regular" agamn. AIL-iRAN p<gpD RY Om À MM were on flic porcli and flic Towne car stood before flic gate. "I've zot ta go buck", Edif b ex- C lie."Uncle Fred came in fror ,r Chicago an bour or fwo ugo and fclcplioned fliat lie must sec me." 5"Buldy will be brokenicant cd," ýeEvans fold ber. smiling. d "7 couldn't get bim un. I tried, :sbut fhey said lie bud lcft flic office. c I fiauglit I'd bring lim ouit wif] me." She kisscd Mrs. Follette. "I',1 -corne again soon, dean lady. And d vou must fell me wben vou are tiret d of me." e Evans wcnf fa fliccar witb ber. and came back ta f ind bis moflier in an exulfed mood. "Now if vou cQult mrarv a gzirl like Edifli Towne." "Edi h." lic lauglied ligbtlv. "Moflier. arc you blind? She anc sBaldy are mad about ecdioher." b O course she isn'f seriaus. A fbylike fliat." "Isn't she? l'Il say sic is." Evans went cbarging un flic stains ta dress for dinner. "l'Il be down prescnf lv. "'Baldly muy be lafe; we won'l waif for hm." bis motber çalled after hirn. The dining-room ut Castle Manor had a bure waxcd fkoor. an aid drop)-lcuf fable of durk mabogany, dcer's antlers aven flic mantel, and some cundles in sconces. Old Mary did ber best tQ follow the ratier formai service on. whicb Mrs. Follette insisfcd. The food wus simple, but well-cooked. and there wus alwuys a sou» and a salad. If was flot until tliey reccled flic salad course f bat ticy licard flic sound of Baldy's car. He bunst in ut tbe front doar. as if be battered if down. stormed flinougli flichbll, and entered flic dining-roorn like a whirlwind. "Taxse's igoing fa be mrunied," lie cricd. "and sh's going f0 mrrny ierederick Towne 1" Evans bal f-rose fnorn bis chair. Evcnthing fturned black ajvilihe sut down. Thene wus a loud noainz in bis cars. It was like fakingz ete- witth the durkness and the roarnig. Wben fhings cleaned lie found fliat neiflier bis moflier non Buldy jiad no- ticed bis agzitation. His moflien wus askinr quick questions. "Who fald *vou? Dacs Editi kosow ?" Buldy fhrew hlmself in a chair. "Mn. Towne gat buck f nom Chicago -this aftennoon. Called me un and said lie wanfed me fa corne aven ut once ta bi% office. I wcnt, and lie zave me a leffer f nom Jane. Said lie thouglit if wus better for hirn f0 bringif . and tien lic could expiain." He tbnew flic note acnoss flic table ta Mrs. Follette. "Will vou read if? I'rn ail in. Drove like flic dickens corninz ouf. Towne wunited me f0 o ornoe witl i hm ta dinnen. Wantcd ta begin flic brotbcr-in-luw business iglit uwuv befare I got mv breafli. But I lcft. Oh.,flic durned neacock 1" Jane would bave known Bald's mood. The ternpest- szrav eves. the clialk-white face. "But don't you like if, Bàidy?" "Like if? Oh. read fliaf note. Does if sound like Jane? I ask vQu. does if sound like Jane?" If did nof sound ini.tfli least like lune. Not the Jane thut Evan.s and Baldv knew. -"Buldv. dean. Mn. Townc wil fell vou ail about if. I arn going f0 murv bim us soon us Judy is, better. I know Yeu wiV& :be surperised, Ruf Mn. Towne is j ust wondcrful, and if will lie sucli a zood fhingr for ail of US. Mr. Towne will tell you bow drcadfully ili Judy is. He wants ta do eventiingr for lien, and fliaf wili be sucli a bel» ta Bob. "And 50 we will live baPDy ever affer. Oh. vou blessed boy. vou know liow I love vou. Send a winc. and sav f bat if is ail iglit. Tell Evans and Mrs. Follette. Tbcy une mvy dcarestfrfiends and will alwavs She sigzncd lerseif: "Loviniz vou more flian even, "oJane." Mrs. Follette lookcd un from flic letten. took off ber rcading glasses, and said cornplaccntly. "I tbink if is verv nice for ber.' The dean-lady ctuite basked in flic fliuglit of ber intimafe f iendship wifi flic fiancec of Fredcnick Towne. B"fic fhe wo mnndid flot busk. "Nice, for Jane ?" fbev fbrcw flic sentences ut ber. "Oh. can't You sec wby she bus donc if ?" Buldv demanded. He cauoelit un flic note. point in«aun ac- cilsingz fingrrus lie reud certain nlrases. "If will be sucli a gaaod thingr for ail of us . . . lie wanfs fa Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions. From Ail Stations In Eastern Canada Golng Dally - Sept. 15-29, 1939, Inclusive Ticýs oodln RETURN LDMT - 45 DAYS Coaches at tares approxlmately 1%c per mlle. Tourlst Sleeping Cars at tares approxlmately 1%c per mile. Stanadard Sleeping Cars at tares approxdmately 1%o per mile. Cost ot Acconmmodation in Sleeping Cars. Aqdtlonal. Daggage Checked. Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong, Chicago and West. SIWMLAR EXCURSIONS PROM WESTERN TO EASTERN CANADA DURING SAME PERIOD. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and'al Information from any Agent. Ask for Hfandill T267 CANADIAN N ATIONAL SORE FEET THIS WAY Rub ia Mlnard'a Liniment genorouily, and feel fthe relief steel over-the uohing musces antd joint&. For ail muscle and joint pains, aches and stlffness, aianed = ùfie, twisfedrlimb&-Mna 'u a enfamous for over 60 years. Good for dandruf and ekin disorders, too. Gut a bottle today; keep It handy. ýLINIlMENT (EYRONO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 40r16 do evervthinz for her . . . it willi b such a belD to Bob .. . "Doesn't that show," Baldy de- manded furiously, "sbe's doina it be- cause Judy and Bob are bard uD and Towne can hel-1 know hqne."l «'I don't see why you sbould eb- iect," Mns. Follette was saying, "it will be a fine tbinR for ber. She will be Mrs. Frederick Towne 1" "I'd ratber bave ber Jane Barnes for the rest of ber life. Do vou know Towne's reputaf ion? Any le woman can f latter him into a love af fair. A fat Lotbraio." Baldy did flot mince the words. "But be basnit married any of ithem." said Mrs. Folletté frjum- Dhantly. She beld te the ancient and honorable tbeorv that the woman a man marries need not worry about nast love affairs since she bad been Daid flie compliment of at lcast legal oermanencv. Evans' lips were dry. "What did vou say fe Towne?" " Oh. wbat could I say? That I was survrised. and aIl that. Some- tbinz about boping tbey'd be happy. nThen I beat if and gzot licre as fast das 1 could. I bad to talk it over with vou People or-burst." His eyes met, Evans' and found there the Isvmp)athy lie sought. "It's a rotten dtrick." :,Yes," said Evans. "rotten." 'l tbink." said Mrs. Follette, s"that vou must bofli see it is best." s Yet ber voice was troublc -d. Tlirougb bp er comvlacency bad penetrated the thouglit of wbat Jane's engagement tmiglit mean to Evans. Yet. if miglit. aon the other band. be a ble5sing in rdisizuise. There were ocher women. ricber-wbo would bel». him in bis career. And in f ime be would for- zet Jane. Old Mary Rave tbem their coffee. "Shail we walk for a bit. Baldy?" Evans said, wben at last tbey rose. 3 The two men made their wav te- wards the oine zrove. The twiligbt skv was a dcc» Purple witli a thin sickle of a moon and a breathless star. And tbere in flic little grove under 1the Durple sky Evans said to Baldy, "I love ber." "I know. I wisli to God you bad ber." "Baldy," Evans said, "I dont azrce with vou thaf if was-fbe nmon- ev. That may have belped in ber decision. But I tbinkc she cares-"' "For Townc-nonscnse.". "If isn't nonsense. Sbe knows notbîngz of love. She Înay 11qve talc- en thie sliadow for file silbstancle. And lie can be very-cbarminLg." If wrung bis lieart to say if. But ai- most with clairvoyance lie saw the t rut b. Wlicn they rcturned te thr bouse Baldv found a message f rom Editb. He was to cal ber up. "Uncle Frederick bas I ust told me." sbe said. "that Jane is to be mv aunt. Isn't if, iovful?" "1I'm flot sure." "WtlVh not ?" "Oh. Towne's ail riglit. But flot for Jane." "I sec. But be's really in love witb ber.' poor old duck. Talked about it aIl tlirougb dinncr. He's gzoinz to trv awfully bard toernake lier happy." "Tben vou approve?" He heard ber gay laugh over tbe wire. "It wîll be nîce-to have vou -in thie family. ll be vour nicce- in-law." "You'll be nothingr of thie kind." "You can't belp being - Uncie Baldv. Isn't tbat-delicious? And now. will vou corne in toniglit and sit bv mv f ire? lYncle Frcderick ist out."% "I've sat too often by vour f ire." "Too often for vour own peace oft mind? I know that. And I'm iadt of it." Agzain lie beard a ripple of1 laugliter. "It isn't a tbing to laugli at." N She hesitatcd. tben said in a di f- ferent tone. "I am flot laugzhinR. But I want vou by my f ire toniglit." It was late wlien Evans went up- *stairs. He bad spent flic evening witb bis mother. discussing with lier some matters wbere bis legzal know- ledwe belped. Tliey did not speak of Tant. Tbeir avoidanc of thec sub- iect sbowed their preoccupaf ion witb it. But neither darcd anproacli it. On tlic bedside table in Evans' room lay tbe valenrtine he bad bouit for Jane. There if wgs, witb its cuiiids and blceding liearts-its« forgzet-me-i6ts-and golden darts. Arthur Lane and Sandy talked if over. "I wonder wliat lias bappened. He looks dreadful." The two boys were on their way to Castle Manor. Tbev wanted books. Evans' library was a treasure-bouse for vouthful readers. It had allich old advenfuriniz tales. And Evans had read everythingr. He would irn- 's NSUGTTINGâ A TOOTHe YOURBAB nîat seta tooth"l. But ho aee -t eafoyer wthllý t--If baby'.mother Here la what one.i letmothor i.Wb Archie Beahie, aiConecn 0ha -tYa: 'e have flot kist . 'e nlght'a %et tehnga lway use MyaItnd Bay'. Own Table.ts. They are w wlit ei ght in gold."1 And Mms. B. A. Sehine, of Gait. Ont.. says "have àv aay' wnTblet0smtamy bb girl sce he a tCeew.k. adtad, atougt once) eb e .nveryetyw.akcnbd us t -igat. I would lot ho wthout thue tablets."1 GiveI thaosl weotatlng btaieat the firt lgncfteolans foyer. Easy ta tahe, pro p uactionet aafo. Analyst's certifi- cieltevery pac .e Also effective ln Canstipation, Simple lever, Diarrhoea Upset Stomach. ColI c, Simple Croup and ketfulnoeu. Get a boxtoday. Sick- nes o a f ton trikes lu the night. 25 cents. Mloney baçk If you ame fot satl.fiod. Eacb pad will kWdifiles ail day and every day for three weeks, 3 pads la each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET et Dru Geno a Sores WIIY PAY- MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD Co., HmelulIo. U furrn f0 Mr. Fred Yeo, wliosc fa- ther's farm, adjoins if. On refurn fromn delivering a message fa a neiglibor, a citizen of flic nortli wurd found fliat she had been robbed of a sum of money. Tuis is flic second finie the lady lias liad this experience. Rev. S. Littlewood lias been in- vite cd f Sunderland Sept. 24tli, for special service for flic Young Men's Bible Class. Mr. J. J. Mcl- lor will occupy flic pulpif licre for flic cvening. Rev. Littlewood will be present ut flic morning service. At Park St. Churcli Sunday morning flic minister spoke on "Tic Sin of War" and Mr. R. Smithi favored witli a vocal solo "Let There Be Peuce." At flic evenmng service flic minister spoke on "Chiristian Education." Solo- isf wus Mr. Dunkley of Peferboro. Now thut flic "Ex" is un ex-Ex and most evcryone lias liad flicir holiduys every persan can seff le down fa daily routine wliether in home or office. Thc next holiday is Thanksgîving which, being on Monday, wiil give office workers suother long holiday. Wedding t Six or seven boys have lefi >for Camp Borden. M4r, George Armistrong, Tim- mins, is on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whyte, To- ronto, visited relatives here. Miss Hazel Falls spent tht weekend ut home. Mr. Gardon Brufon and friend visitedi Midland. Orono girls in traiing ut Whit- by were home for the weekend. Messrs. Bob, John and Mervyr Keane, Toronto, were home. 1 Mr. Douglas Carruthers visited ut Mr. H. A. Millson's. Coundil held a special meeting Thursday night. Mr. Bert Hunter, New York, has been visiting here. Miss Margaret Roy leaves f0- day for Guelph. Several Orono men have secur- ed work near Barrie. Mrs. I. Cobbledick lias liad lier house painted. Mr. and Mrs. Evans attended a shower for their niece Sept. 6th. Boy Scouts met Monday niglit, with about thirty in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bent and family, Osliawa, were guests. of Mrs. M. Cooper and Mrs. Searî. Mr. Fred Lynn and f axnly and Mrs. Middleton, Claremont, visit- ed Mr. James Middleton. Mr. and Mr's. R. Sherwin, Mrs. C. Moon and Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson were in Oshawa. Miss Adele DeLine is visiting lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough. Mrs. Bruton, Sr., lias returned from visiting lier son Ceeil ut Midland. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dunsford, Peterboro, visited ut Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Whyte's. Orono Band gave a mucli ap- preciuted program of music Sut- urday evensng. Mr. and Mrs. Dunkley, Peter- bora, spent Sunday ut Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter's. It's Rally Day ut Park Street Churcli next Sunday, wîth special services being held. Mr. and Mrs. Geacli are now settlcd down affer their honey- moan. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sloane sud Oscar, Peterboro, visitcd lier fa- flier, Mr. Q., W.Scoft, Sunday. Mrs. 'H. Lycetf is assisting lier father, Major J. C. Gamey, as secrefary of tlie big fair. Miss Allie Wood was guest of lier sister, Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Burkefon. Miss Opal Rosborough was guest of Mr. sud Mrs. R. C. Ras- barougli. Miss Freeda Wilson is again under flic doctor's care in To- ronto. A group of the W.M.S. of Park St. Ciurch hcld a home caaking sale Safurday affernoon on Main street. Nexf Sunday Cowanvile Ladge celebrates its lOOfli anniversary. Orano lodge members expect fa attend. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robison and Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans ut- tended the Cazneron-Robinson wedding ut Toronto Saturday. Misses Lillisu Allen and Dora- thy Tapson leave sliortly for traiing as nurses in Bowman- ville Hospital. While Mr. Bert Hunter, N.Y., was visiting Mr. Thos. Cowan last week Mr. Cowan sold flic Hunfer W.& MEETING Park St. W. A. met Monday affernoan. Tic devationai part was in charge of Mrs. W. M. Stuft. Scrlpfure was read by Miss L. Allin and a reading by Elsie Rowc. Mrs.J. Dickson gave flic finuncial sccrefary's repart and Miss L. Alun flic treusurer's re- part. Plans werc st art cd for a fowl supper. Committec for pro- -gram - Mrs. S. Litflewood, Miss Allin, Mrs. Hoar. The ladies are thinkin of gcttinog up a play. MS. . VSeymour and Miss F. Cobbiedick were put in charge o! gefting geese for flic supper. Mrs. Llftlewood and Miss Aluin wcrc lc!t in charge o! fixing up flic flowcr bcds. Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Sunday Scliaoi August 29f icild a weiner and corn roast in fie schooi grounds. A large crawd aftcndcd and en- joyed fie games sud wcincrs. Tic meeting closed with a camp- fire sing-song with music provid- cd by John and Doratliy Scott. August 3tli aur Sunday Sciool united with Newtonvillc Sunday School in a picnic ut flic Cream of Barley park. Thcre was a goad turnout and everybody enjoycd themselves. Our Sunday Schooi %~ a live organization, daing goad 4rnlrk sud lias an average attend- suce of over flirt y. A wclcomc is extended ta aur ncw neiglibars, Mr. Swain sud fumily wlio have taken over Mr. J. J. Mellor's farin. Congratulations ta Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale <nec Lena Far- row) on their marriage. Mn. Wilfred Woods and family spent Sunduy ut Niagara. Mr. Raymond Hughes and Miss Lily Hughes, Toronto, visitcd Mr. sud Mrs. C. P. Hughes. Mr. Tom Turner, Port Brifain, vlsited Mr. sud Mns. John Turner. NBws Cla" .ScholFaîr le Huge Succes Despit. W.ath.r Ramn spoiled the sports ut flic Clarke School Fuir lield in Orono Tuesday but did flot interfere wifh fthe exhibits, singlng or physicul drill, ail of whicli were held hinflic drill shed. The exhibits were more num- erous this year as Newf0nville, Newcastle, Port Granby and Lake Shore came in Wifli fli usual number of scliools. Eacli school liad a display of their own bundi- work whîcli included art,,collec- tions of stamps, sewing, scrap books, models, wicker work, plusticine abjects, writing, etc. Three things deserve special mention: The best wat a bouse of heailih exhibited by Kirby school. The walls were of rolled outs, chim- neys of smull milk boffles, shing- les of biscuits, cheese steps, nuts forming stones ouf lining corn driveway, and trees and grass of greens. Newcastle arranged cumels and tents fa form a desert scene, and Orono's exhibif included a casfle witli walls and buttiements. There were also fie usual en- tries in flowers, fruit, vegetables, stock, etc., for which prizes were given. Under supervision of Miss Ad- ams aillie schools went flirougli fie usual morning opening exer- cises, and under direction of Mr. L. Savery physicul exercises were demonsfrated. Tic closing event was the smng- ing of various schools under sup- ervision of flie musical director, eacli of tlie four directars leading ail the scliools under his or lier regime in fwo selections. This certuinly showed fie udvisabilify of liaving music in flic schools, but the effect wus spoîled by roosters' clarion caîl and other equally distasteful noises. Col. E. E. Snîder took charge of tlie fuir and introduced flic ncw inspector who spoke briefly. Park Sitreet Union Re-openod Monday Park St. Union opened for fail term. Monday niglit with a fuir attendance of young people cager ta resume fellowship. Rev. S. Littlewaod foak charge of flic progrum and by way of tapic spoke an "Prayer." Elsie Rowe and Gordon Lea- man acted as scrufinecrs for elec- flan wiich rcsulted as fallows: Hon. Presidents - Rev. S. Little- waod, Mr. Robert Sierwin; Presi- dent - Elleen Riddell; Devotional - Olive Brown, Neil Wood; Mis- sioary - Elsie Rowe, Maria Han- cack; Citizcnship - Ray Berry, Glen Hsucack; Literury and So- cial - Manicy Lifflewoad, Lois Wood; Secretary - Myrtle Tamb- lyn; Treusurer - Jin Powers; Mis- sianary Treas. - Sam Keune; Pi- anists - Jean Logan, Myrtlc Smith; Games - Hazel Winter, Lillian Fowlcr, Elvin Blewett; Lunch - Allie Wood, Stella Best, Mrs. Litfiewaod, Gloria Richard- son; Usherers - Gardon Leaman, Curman White. These officers were duiy in- staiied witli ceremony conducfed by Rev. Littlewood. If wus decidcd fa have a corn roust ut Keanc's Friduy niglit. Cars leave churcli ut 8 p.m. Ncxt Manday Cifizenship Cam- mittee will be in charge. CARD OF THANKS Thc famiiy o!fite late Isabelle McConnachie Waddell wisli ta express fheir sincere tlianks fa fie msuy friends and neiglibars for flicir kindness extcnded dur- ing fleir recent sad bercavement. Obituary Isabelle McConnachle Waddell There passed f0 rest August 31sf, 1939, utthle borne of her daugliter, Mrs. Colville Evans, Yclverfon, Isabelle McConnachie, widow offlice lute Wm. Waddell in lier 84fli year. For some turne she liad suffered from a very painful diseuse which wus borne wifli greaf patience und courage. Born in Clarke Union section of Highlund Scotch parents, lier en- tire life was spent in Clarke township. She was unit cd in marriage f0 Wm. Waddell of An- tiocli section wlicre she lived ever since witli the exception of a short time in Orono. She poss- essed a quiet dignify, was grac- ious and kindly f0 ail and an uffectionate apd liome-loving mo- flier. To flic last she refained a strong Preshyterian fait h of ber forefafliers. The funeral, lield Sept. 4tli from her son-mn-law's, Mr. Harry Cowan, was largely attended, the service being conducted by Rev. W. G. Blake of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bowman- ville. Pull bearers were Messrs. Geo. Jumieson, Thos. Cowan, Madison Hall, W. S. Moffutt, S. D. Yeo and Jas. Lycett. Leff f0 mourn lier loss are two sons, Will of Thedford, and Jim of Spokane, Wash., and tliree dauglifers, Mrs. Hodgin <Jean), Spokane, Wash., Mrs. H. M. Cow-: an <Marguerite), Orono, and Mrs. W. C. Evans (Marion), Yelverton. Financial Statement Orono Stuset Fair Net proceeds from booflis: Dishes and Glassware --$ 24.90 Crown & Anclior 74.75 Canned Goods -- - 12.00 Cigarette Gaine .---------- 29.17 Horse Race .----------49.55 Money Gane ---- 33.65 Bingo ------ ----------- 52.02 Two Dances _ ----- 27.75 Three Refregliment Booflis 61.94 Draw ---------- -- -- 257.93 $623.66 General Expenses ------- $ 99.46 Net Proceeds ------------- $524.20 Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson were in Toronto Wedncsday ut- tending a sliowcr for lis niece, Miss Berneice Robinson. Mrs. Harold Therteil and Donna arc hame affer visifing lier mo- flier at Owen Sound. Mn. R. Bostock undcrwent su aperution for uppendicitis in Baw- manville Hospital on Friday and is daing nicely. Scliool re-apencd Tucsduy wifl Miss Smih of Miilbrook as feu- cher ut McLeun's Schooi and Miss Pcrrett o! Hampton ut Kendal school. There was a large attendance ut flic Flower Service Sunduy marning. Visitors: Mrs. A. Jackson and Mrs. W. Jackson, Rufth and Paul, witli Mrs. Wm. Hancy, Milliken. *.Mr. and Mns. Wm. Bisiop and sans, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis, Toronto, Mns. Wcston, Guelph, ut Mr. and Mrs. H. Mcrcer's. .. Miss Chrissie Jordan lias returncd ta Orono affer liolidaying wifl Mn. and Mrs. J. Patton... Mr. Wm. Bostock, Toronto, ut Mr. and Mns. R. Bosfock's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, Bowmsuville, witli Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell. .. Rev. J. McLachian iad dinner with Mns. Wm. Carscadden on Sunday. ... Miss Beafrice Tiampson, To- ronto, wifh Mrs. George Mercer. Poverty is not a crime, but fie penaltyis liard labour jusf fie same. Plans Made For Regîstratlon W..k A well-attended and enthusias- ttic meeting of ladies of the corn- rmunity was held ln the urmourles Friduy nmght, witi Miss Horrocks, Newcast le, incharge. The questionnaire, which ap- peurs in another column, was rread andi explamned by Miss Hor- rocks after which plans were made for flic registration of wo- men in this section of Clarke as requesfed by flie government. She also fold thie purpose of the reg- istrat ion, which was ta lielp in flie billeting of English children if tliey were removed f0 Canada, to arrange for replacement of men by women in various fields of work, f0 show wliat services could be done by women, and ta make a survey of flic unem- ployment problem among women. Registration is fa be made the week of Sept. l8th from 9 f0 6 every day, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in the evenings as well, in the Orono armouries. To aid country peo- ple wlio miglit not; be able to get in, two Orono people will spend one day - or two if necessary - in thie vurious sections. Posters and churcli announcements were ar- ranged for, and the following were put in charge of registra- tion, with fuller detuils being left until a later meeting called for Monday, lîlih. *Orono - Mrs. Dickson, M r s. Clarke, MIrs. Cutteil. Clarke Union - Mrs. Gamey, Mrs. Murray. Leskard - Mrs. Rolph, Mrs. Littlewood. Kirby - Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. Porter. Enterprise - Mrs. Hoar, Mrs. H. Lycett. Oak - Mrs. Gamey, Mrs. Arm- strong. Sixfli Line - Mrs. A. Morton, Mrs. A. Drurmond. Antiocli - Miss F. Cobbledick, Mrs. Rolph. New Park - Mrs. Whyte, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. If is f0 be hoped that every lady from sixteen years f0 65 plus will register, and Miss Horrocks intimated thaf no person has f0 state their exact age. ..teeth kpt bright and attractive witk the keIp of WRIGLEY'S CET SOMfE TODAYI DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AT I. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1O*m20 Agricultural - Domestic - Fine Arts Exhibits Harness Horse Racing Drama Contest in Town Hall Sept.'I 9th Three-Act Play by Oshawa Cast Sept 2Oth Show the world we can carry on as usual- Corne to your own Fair- Tuesday and Wednesday- Sept. 19-20 Geach--MeRoberts The borne af Mr. sud Mrs. R. J. McRoberts, Clarke Townsliip, was fie scene of tirce interesting cv- ents on Tiursday, if bcing fie occasion o!flicecliristening of fheir ten-month-old grundchild, Harold Ross Gay; fli ceclebrating of their 35tli wedding sunivcrsary, and flic marriage o! their yaung- est dauglifer, Ellu Irene, ta Raîpli Edwin Geacli, son o! Mr. W. J. Geuci and flic late Mrs. Geacli of Linidsay. Rev. McLachlsu, New- tonvile, afficiatcd. Tic bride looked lovely in a pink lace gown with nuvy acces- sanies. Sic was attcndcd by lier sister, Mrs. Charles Gay, wlio wore a becoming brown lace frock wifli brown accessories. Tic groom was support cd by Mr. Cliarles Gay. Following a wedding supper fie liappy couple left by motar for a short honcymoon, fie bride wearing a blue frock sud blue accessories. On flicir return fley will reside with lier parents. r.Oscar Scott Celebrotes S7th Birthday Sunday Sunday suw Mr. Oscar Scott reacli fie 87tli milestone on iife's journey, and many congratula- tions were sliowcred on our higli- ly esteemcd resident. Af churci in the morning Rcv. S. Little- wood canveyed uis own congrat- ulations and fiat of flic congre- gation of Park St. churcli of which Mr. Scott is a regular attendant sud valued member. Mr. Scott lias the enviable record of neyer liaving been sick a day in tic pasf flirty ycars and cauld put many men ten years younger ta siame. He stili docs carpenter wark, works a fine garden, and, as lie lives alane, does lis own hause- keeping. He takes un active in- terest in ahl projects for tic wci- fare o!fie village and lis churcli, and gives frcely of hus time and Money for flic advancement o! suy good'causc. Tic whloi coin- munity joins in wisliing Mr. Scot msuy more years o! good healti for Chiristian service. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ÙOWMANVILLE. ONTARM i5AÈý_lc coiriria NIEWS 1 Fil 10,

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