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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1939, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT -2 ~ ,-~.- - - -~ The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 Miss Edith Cowan, Toronto, was a weekend guest'of Mrs. J. C. Hancock. Mr. Douglas Turner, Oshawa, is assisting bis cousin, Mr. Albert Pearce, on the farm. Mr. Hanlan Parker is home from a visit in Maine, Rhode Is- land and Comiecticut. WMEN A COLD TIREMTENS YOU ÀDO THIS To help prevent 1.colds develping, frdmdcation V.IWC essniffle or me- VA,»TROIDNOL., Miss Olive Tharne visited hoi sistor, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, anc ber aunt, Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Miss Editb Bennett, Shaw's underwent an appendicitis opera. tion at Bowmanviile Hospital lasi Saturday. W. A. o! the United' Church will meet Ibis Thursday afternoon in the S. S. hall with Mrs. Merk- loy Clark's graup in charge a: pragram and refreshments. Raily Day will be abserved by United Churcb Sunday Scboolini conjunction with the congrega- tion Sunday, Sept. 17. A specia] program is being prepared. Miss Tucker Caucb, Toronto, was hoiidaying bore and was among those attending the sbawer for Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rickand at "The Arms" Saturday eyening. Junior farmers who were in Toronto takîng part in C.N.E. judging competitions were Gar- sur rie Early S l urprise Season s l Girls' New Winter COATS ( Not "Left-overs") TUR TRIMME» - E.VERY COAT CHAMOIS3LINED- Sizes 8to 14x 1*95 Just imagine a smart fur-trimmed all-wool Coat with chamois lining for $6.95. Then visualise smart new styles. The larger ases are'rayon satin lined; smaller ases have asha lining. An have interlining. COLORE: WINE - GREREN - BROWN - RUST - BLUE 7WAKERSTORS, aMI Phone 451 Bowmanville --------- -- NO INCREASE 1H PRICES AT F. F. MORR IS CO. STORES Guarante"d low Âugust Sale Prices con tinue on these large stocks. With advancing wholesale »ices NOW is the time to make. your selection. SP~,ý,IA1Opir çent Cash Discount on Ail Septomber Purchases Orono ville-Ptr-bo-rougbhand Ola,àwa-. DENTIST DIR. R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and NewcastleOt Over Langman's Store, Newcas-t; tie. Office hours: Satunday oniy, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Phono A1222. be a riday One, ýr for E a4dUefWNTA s liH in ah -d6 Inet Rickard who Was JuÉ horses, and Donald«Jase, jud dairy cattie. A number of Newcastle some fromn the J. Anderson S Ca. factory, where they ara sured their jobs will be awa them, have joined witb dii r military units. 9 id. The following girls and enrolled as beginners in ',Norma F. Orchard's room of - public scbooi: Velma Alli t Catherine Dewdneý,, Keith: low, Doreen Selby and Er ff Spencer. In August 24 issue the sl -mont, Contractor Martinoli, 1 )f dal, was in charge, sbould1 been appended ta the item al yit in regard ta J. C. Hancc nalterations ta his bouse. Carl ter J. McKeliar did the worl tho Crowther bouse. Earnest prayers for peace more happy, Christlike relat ships amnong the peaples of soarth were offered in NewcE rchurchos on Sunday. The happy state of much of the wi and the seriousness of thisi war were reflected in the mons. Mrs. W. F. Rickard invite number of ladies in Monday ternoon ta see Miss Dorotby's Miss Evelyn's wedding gifts the many presents tbey have coived in prenuptial show Misses Darothy and Evelyn Miss Eileen Edwards assisted serving refreshments. Rev. R. E. Morton occupied pu1pit Sunday, Sept. 3, foliom bis months holiday in Halil ton. Mrs. C. R. Carveth and 1 H. R. Poarco at the morning vice sang a duet, The Bost Fni ta Lave is Jesus. In tho over Choir Leader W. J. S. Rick sang a solo, Good Night Here, Good Morning Up There. Miss Isobel Stephenson, Statesman's overseas côrrospc ent, writos home this week t she bas lef t ber position witb London News-Cbronicle and j( ed the army. Miss Stephenson tbree brothers in Newcas George and Kennoth on the fa and Lloyd, now proprietori manager of the Buckley Mills. Durham Lodge A. F. & A. rosumed its meetings Sept. Wben Rev. R. E. Morton wvas c ed on impromptu ta address lodge ho gave an interestmng hearsal of an addross on Pol. deli'verod with sucb eloquei and impressivenoss by Mrs., fleck of 'Oshawa at the W.lY meeting in Newton-vile on samne afternoon. The marniage was solemni, at the King Street United Chur Oshawa, Sept. 9th, of Miss Jen Zmyowski, daugbter of Mr.a Mrs. Joseph Zmyowski, ta Jacob Yarrow, son of Mr.E Mrs. Yarrow, ail of Newcas, They were attended by Y Clarence R. Yarrow of Osha and the groom's brother, Mr. J< Yarrow of Brockville. Rev. J. McNeely officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D. AI] Chicago, are staying at, Quoen's Hotel and paying vi, to relatives and frnends hE Tbey bave called on their cous! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Y ses Ada and Elizabeth ;Aun a Mr. and Mns. Hl. C. Aflin.1 T. D. Allin is an old Newcw boy, son of Daniel Allin, one ti: stationen, furniture dealera undertaken in Newcastle. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton-I and housebold roturned ta city Monday after spending1 summer at Harris Lodge. 'J Doctor, who bas openod an 1 to-date office at "Lorigwood" c tage, will continue ta come, do' for the weekends until Christin Mr. Daniel V. Hill, Toronto, w bas spent many happy holidz at "Harris Lodge" bas leas "Longwood" fromn Dr. Waltc Bahl and intends spending t winter thore. It's now the middle of Septei ber but thene are now bundre of Glads in bloomn in' Mn. J. Jose's garden where visitors a always welcome. Take a look t at Mrs. M. Bnown's field leng rows of dahlias and gladioli aloi Mill St. on the way down. Spea ing of flowens Misses Ada ai Elizabeth Allin would likelyg the red ribbon for the bost ai most* luxuriaus porcb or veranc garden in the village and M id id 1 Si re ai te Ir 1 zý st E Il rr rk iti . m vc r e W9 ýd d w ib rit ,n k 0j IL] 1 1 jo 1 1 isl la a S. .. 5 Ca 1 la er 1 m , t iz Lri ni a st m ai roi r. Jl t 'is ie SE m a 1ý as' tir ai. S t t T DV ni wi la IS9 to: tl er ,e 1 a] t( igi Dr ýal ail gi an ,id Ir !n a iiging George Janiieson woqld i dging runner up. At the United Cburch Suj men, monning the Young men's. ý mitb tette, Messns. Chas. Clèmq ,e as- Stanley Rickard, Wilbur Bai iting ville and Wilbur Blackburn,8 !erent Lead Kindly Light. Mrs. Bas ville also assisted in the chaii boys the first time, since ber marjl Miss The basket of lovely gladiol ,the front of the pulpît were a di Iread, tion by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. , Mel- At the evening service Rov'.,î rnest Morton made announcemenl the churcb's plans ta observe ;tate- to-Churcb-Sunday on Sept. 2ý Ken- lie witb other churches in have district and gave the Canai bave Statesman credit for its par ock's appealing for a mass returr, .pen- the people to divine worship k on ter the summer vacation poni aýnd tion- Tax Rate 37 Mlo :the ýastie Newcastle Coundil on Man un- evening struck the 1939 tax: iorld at 37 mifls wbich is 2 mils be new last year's rate and wifl ser- eveny, ratepayer $2,00 on eN $1000 assessment. The Provin d a Subsidy was taken into acc raf- ini striking the new lower rai and and r-NeWCaStie & Clardk. and Organuzed ForTi c in Registration Woni b is Plans are being completed wimg the voluntary registration of bur- Women of Newcastle and Clà Mvrs. Township in thîs time of on ser- gency. September 7th, at an end formally called meeting in ning council chamber the first si kard were taken ta lino up Newca but and Clarke in tels Canada w movement. Mrs. Gardon D. C the ant, Oshawa, wife o! Ontar Dnd- Attorney General, explaineçI that movemont. She was introdu the by Mrs. W. H.- Cooke. The ne ln- was filled ta capacity with m& bas women standing. stie, Mrs. J. C. Hancock was elec arm Captain and these were elec and Sectional Leaders: M. Newcastle S. E. - Mrs. R. 5th Gibson; S. W. - Mrs. Floyd B al- er; N. W.- Mrs. R. T. Ruthr the ford; N. E.- Miss Ethel Lockbi ne- Clarke - Onono Section - W ýand Honnocks; Newtanviile Sectia: >nce Mrs. H. S. Britton; Kendal S Af.. tion - Mrs. Irwin Colwill; Lai W.S. hart's Section - Mns. Geo. Hor the Each leader will bave a nu ber of workers in ber gnoup a ized the leaders appointed for the fc rch, sections of Clarke Tp. will coni inie with ladies of the sections w and will canvene and make arranl Mr. monts for the registration in thi and awn particular section. Mrs. Cc Mte. ant stressed the fact that al Vrs. wonk and the registration isi Lwa salutely voluntary. ohn On Monday afternaon Mrs. V. C. Horrocks, Captain, and1 Sectional Leaders met in. lin, council chamben ta camp]i the plans for the registration ancLi isit5 getting a supply of the questic ere. naine forms. Mns. R. W. Gibs imwas appainted secretary and M'k es W. H. Cooko sectional leader1 and tee N. E. part o! Newcastle Mr. place of Miss Ethel Lackhart w stle would be out of the village fa: me week. and Registration bootb, for ail Ne, castie, wfll be in the cour 3lu chamber and will beoapen 9 a. tee ta 6.30 p.m. daily noxt woek t the ginning Sept. 18th, except th 'ho Sept. 22 il would be opent Lip' 10 p.m. .t -________ >wn as. SHOWER.FOR BRIDES-TO-BI vho AT "NEWCASTLE ARMI ays sed Misses Dorothy and Evol: on'- Rickard, daughters of Mr. W.. the Rickard, M.P., and brides-ta-be, September 16th, have beon il m-raison d'etre during the past tm eds weeks of many social events, hol H. in Toronto, Peterborough, Po: are Hope, Bowmanville and Neu too castie.1 gth On Saturday, Sept. gth, Mr )ng H. S. Bitton and Miss H.1 k- Mason, Newcastle, aid fniends ind tho family, gave a tea and panti got sheif shower in their bonari ind Mrs. Stella Anderson's delightft Lda 'Newcastle Arms.' Misses Doratli rs. and Evelyn necived with th bostesses, loaking charming i trousseau costumes and batsc I.wino and brown respectively. After the many guests bad as sembled the hostesses presontei ta eacb bride a certif icatec graduation from single blessed ness ta married. bliss, with ir structions that il bo framed ani hung in the kitchen for futur, reference, as printed on its fai Wiffilow Acres" YORKSHIRES RegisteTed Letters "DXM"P Breedlng Stock ""Willow Actes" Faim ]Phone 2456 - Bowmanvlue BIRTIl WERRY - Allan, Clark and Grant, sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, wish ta annaunco the arrivai af a baby brother. on Sept. 6th. Albert WYnfred (Bert). Music VIOLIN CLASS LESSONS Class instruction for beginnors in Violin cammencing Sept. 12th. Fees $1.50 per monte. Appiy FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus-Bat., A.T.C.M., Etc. Phono 742 - Bowmanville. 36-tf Tutorlng ADULTS. NOT IN SCHOOL, dosiriniz direction in matbemaîics, etc. sec Mr. Wagar, Centre St. Individual or class instruction. 36-.2* Two-Piano Instruction PHYLLIS R. M. CHALLIS, A.T.C.M. (Sala Performer's Dogree) Has recently equippod ber music studio with twa pianos and is *now prepared to give instruction in two-piano work and ensemble grouping, also featuring piano and theory teaching. Individual lessons given in pnivate studio. Rates 35e per haif houn, 66c per bour. Pupils propared fan al grades leading ta and including the A.T.C.M. dipioma. Any mu- sical student welcomed. Phono 2652. Studio - Liberty Street N., Bowmanviile. 37-1 WANTEDr-GIRL SEEKS W.ý0OK near Bowmanville. live in. Phone 2304 anv evening. 37-1 Help Wanted WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED girl for izeneral liousework . Aopiv Mrs. Southey. Elgin Streeqt. 37-1* WANTED - GIRL FOR GENER- ai hausework. honest. dean, trust- wortby, between 18 and 30. Ap- piv Mr. Jack Tesher. 5 Connaugbt Ave.. Forest Hill. Toronto. 37-1 Lost LOST - BLACK AND TAN haund. low set, 1 year oid, long ears. bowed front legs, around Newcastle. Reward. Finder please notify Stephenson'% Miii, New- castle. 37-1 To Rent HOUSE TO RENT - BRICK bouse near Concession Street, good garden, fruit trees, garage. Rent reaisonable. Possession Oct. lst. Apply A. S. Baker. Box 451, Bowmanvilie. Phone 264.- 37-2 THE ETHEL ANN TAYLOR ES- tate of fers For Rent - The 180 acre farm, Lot 15, ýÇon. 8. in the township of Cartwright. Har- ris. Harris & Wallace. Solicitors for Ethel Ann Taylor Estate. Phone 24, Port Perry, Ont, 37-2 FOR RENT - STORE,. HOUSE and apartments. C A. Martyn or W. J1. Martyn, BwmanviLe. 37-2* ro RENT-THE MANOR. BOW- manville. attractive, partially furn- isbed bouse large grounds. on Higbway No. 2, October lst ta May lst. Apply owner on pre- mises or Box 44, Bowmanviile. Phone 352. 37-1 Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - 3-Grain Scratch (whea. -cracked corn and buckwheat) $1.60 per cwt. Limited quantity for s'ale. F. C. Vanstne. Phono 777. 37-1 Readings TEA CUPS AND CARQ5 FROM 3 ta 10 p.m. by appointment. Darch's Tabacco Store. - 37-.4* Roomi and Board BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. Apply F. Mcîpidoo. Phone 804. King St.. Bowmanville. 37-l* Beauty Culture NOTICE TO PATRONS 0F IRIS Beauty Panlor - Spocial Prices on Permanent Waves no longzer ef foc- tive aiter Seplembor 30th4 -Reg- ular prices: Machine Waves $3.50, $5,00. $6,50; End Curis $2,00; Machtntless Waves $5.00, $7,50; End Curs $300. Phono 2601. 37-l* Mortgage Money AvalJable HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bawmanvilie Real Estate. Special attention ta National Housingz Act Loans. Inquire Bradley Bras.. Oshawa. Phono 169. 25-tf Veterinarlaen D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.So. Bowmanvllle SUccessor ta Dr. T. F. Tlghe Office. King St. East, at Tlghe Drovers Attention! WANTED - SEALED TENDERS for the. purchaseof aial hoizs. ex- hibited at Orono Fair, in the T. Eaton Ca. Special, for bacQn hogs. Bids on the basis ai dressed car- cass weight andi grade, must be in the hands ai the Fair Secretgry, not later than 2 pa.. Sept. 19tb, and must show the prçe ta the farmer on teeB-1 «ride.i*ud misa the dii ferentiai between grades. Purchasers must take delivcry ai the hogs at the Fair GrgMsds, Orono, at 5.00 p.m.. Sept. 201h. J. C. Gamev. Secrctary. Qono. 37-1 Comlng Events Tbe Women's " iiiliarva t Andtcw's Church art baying a bazaar on Friday, November 24tb. Resorve the date. On September 231h at 8.30 p.m. ffictures of the Roaa Tour wiil be sbown at the Opera House, Bow- manville. under the auspices ai tbe Women's Guiid ai St. John's Cbijrcb. Admission 25ç. 37-2. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-ONÉ GOOD MARE, gaaod worker; one Shorthorn cow, Rood milker, $35.00. Phone Bow- manville 2234. 37-l* FOR SALE-REGISTERED LEI- cester ram lambs. Apply A. L. Blanchard. Phone 2544. Hagmpton. 37-1 FOR SALE - 5 PIGS, 8 WEEKS old: 1 saw; 2 tons thixed hay. aifalfa and clover; 9 bales straw; field of mangolds, appraximately 100 bushel. Apply Hector Gould, Kinir St. W.. Bowmanville. 37-1 Pups For Sale PUPS FOR SALE - COLLIE pups. Apply H. G. Macklin, Phone 2412. R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. 37-1 FOR SALE- PURE BRED black Cocker Spaniel pus. maie. 6 months aid. Phone 427. 37-1 Wanted W A N TED - UNFURNISHED room or raQms. Box 506. Bowman- ville. Ont. 37-1* WANTED - CRAB APPLES & Wolfe Rivers. Phone Bowman- ville 2234. 37-1* WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattie for fox meat. Norby Fur Farm. Tyrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf Work Wanted Notice To Creditors And Others IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES B MATTHEWS. DECEASED Ail persans havinjz ciaiW$ aga@ins the Estateofa James H. Matthews Gentleman, laIe ai the To6wn oi Bowmanvilie. County ai Durham and Provinceý of Ontario. who diec on or about the 22nd day of Augusi 1939. are recuested ta forward f ull particulars ai same, duiy verifid. ti the undersigned, an or before tbe 2nd day ai October, 1939. after whicfi date the assets ai the Estate will be distributed, having regard onilv t< the dlaims thon received and ignor- ingy ail others. Dated this Zth day ai Seutember, 1939. Nina E. Neads and George A Knigbt, Bowmanviiie, Ontario. Exe. cutors ai die Estate. 37-l' Shoe Prices Unchanged Here lu iqpite of an advaaclng leather market prices on our fine Oxfords and Work Boots wlilremain thesemre untîl we are forced to pay more,. We stifi have a larte supply on Isand at exceptionally low priees. SHOE REPAIR WORK OUR SPECIALTY JOHN LENZ King St. West - Bowmanville ROYALý ITHEATRE BOWMAN VILLE Tonight (Thursday) Peter Lorre ln "Mr. Moto In Danger Island" Friday - Saturday MET. 15 - 16 Shcqrt Se1ltied Subjeets Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon..-- Tues. - Wed. SEPT, 18 - 19 - 20 Out of the greatness of their love came an American miracle of achieveunn DARRYL Il.,ZANUCIS peadcigim of A Camootan Production Comedy Feature and Shott8 Matinees Monday 4 p.m. and Wednesday 2.30 p.m. SERVE YOU WELL SAVE YOU MONEY You are assuÉed of this double alliance whenyoubuy at your Reýxail Drug Stor~e. QuaityisOur first consideration and our prices meet ail competition. SPECIÂLS FOR THE COMINO WEEK Noxzema Speclais Boudoir size- - 59e - Cold Oream - 5c-49c Fly Tox - 33c-49c Minerai Oùl- 16 oz. 390 Fly Couls-- 3 for 5o Milk of Magnesia 16oz3. 290" GUARD YOUR HEALTH THROUGH PALL DAYS - WITH- nGURoHEL p E p ÎESISTAnCE Lnc719 A E 79 yq ton i..Ig JURY 0LVL e epu ' tÉD Sor Phone 778 Prompt pelivery I 1k1 j B.usvh .Fe MORRIS COO Ve ijivit* you to visit us and compare values. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TI-I. 1939 Harold Nesbitt- Lot 22. Con. 8. Cartwright. on Tbursday. Sept. 2lst. wili seli bv public auction bis live- stock., implements. etc. Terins cash. Sale i p.m. Ted Jackson. auctioneer. 37-1 On Friday. Sept. l5th. at 2 p.m. a fulli une ai bouse iurnishiiigs will be sold by public auction at the fai-m ai A. Fuller, north of En- niskilcn. C. F. Corden. Hampton, ,vill seli by public auctian bis farm stock. implements, furniture. houseb9Id cf- fects: aisa the farm aif 25 acres, on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, at 1.30 ,p.m. (Standard Time). Termns cash. El- mer Wilbur, auctioneer; T. D. Ho- garth, clerk. Monday. Sept. 25th - I have re- ceived instructions ta seli by public auctian the follawing: farmn stock, macbinery and impiements on Lot 3, Con. 5. Clarke. on the promises ai Wesley Falls. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson. Auctianeer; A. Morton, Clerk. 36-2* 'r.3 Real Estate Barga ec- 1. ORCHARD FOR SALE acres loaded with choice w ey. apples. Im- 2. HOUSE FOR RENT-W and and cazy. 3 bedraams, 3-piece 'ur kitchen and living-room. An ifer ed is grounds containing beau iho roses and flawers in* great vai kge- lily pond, ail cared for at no eir ta you. ýon- the 3. SEVERAL BUILDING Li ab- in desirable locations, $200.0 $500.00 eacb. J. Box "H. J." Statesman 0f fi( the the lete 4âpr For Sale .n- son FOR SALE -PIANO, UPRI( Irs. Heintzman. good condition, for bench f ifty-five dollars. I in Hudson 1832. 113 Dunvegan vho Toronto. ýra FOR SALE - FESS OIL BUi ýw- er compiete with ail contrais. icil burner bas been used for a ý.M. mantbs but is like new and be- seil at considerabie réduction. bat Ply Bawmanvilie Foundry Ca. ta'i FOR SALE - 1939 NORTH] Electric mantel radio, E ti IE Phone 2677.3 [S" FOR SALE - 1940 ROGI yn Radio. 5 tube. This is a brand F. radia I won at the bail g; of Str .A aen s Sae t wrdav. As I bave pusen ho stllH llat Phonedu89i7. idt FOR SALE-HOUSEWIVES rt tention I Bartlett and Sheidon pi and aDDles of different vani r. naw ready for use. F. L. Sqi A. & Sons. R.R. 4. Bowmamv of Phone 2223. aFOR SALE - COOKING A PPI ýlÛ on the tree. 50c a barrel. Ai ly Hoskin Smitb, Burketan, Ph le Bownianvilie 2154. M FOR SALE - VEGETABI f resh from the garden to y, s- door. Tamataes, 50c bushel; g ýd caokiniz appies: Evergreen c of now at its best. Ira Péarce, C c- cession St., Phone 860. 3É ri FOR SALE - APPLE LADDE] id Apply A. F. Abernethy, Ma re Grave. Phone Bowmanviile 2«~ ir 3 RUBBER GOODS, SUNDRIES, etc.. mailed postpaid in pflain, soal- cd wrappor. 80 per cent iess than retail. Write for mail-order cata- logue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Dept, W. 14. Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. 36-2 Corn Binders For Sale 1 MASSEY-HARRIS, REÇONDI- tioned. Corn Binder, wilh tractor hitch, guaranteed; also Frost & Wood Corn Binder, very cheap. W. S. Staples, Phone 781, Bow- manville. 37-1 PoultrY For Sale FOR SALE-NEW, HAMPSHIRE Yearling bons, iaying, 90C each. "Wiilow Acres" farm. Phone Bow- ýmanville 2456. 37-.1* -3 Aiter ARM bath, nnex- utif ul Lriety. )cast .OTS A ta ice. 37-1 ;HT, also Phone Rd. 37-Ï JRN- This few wili Ap 37-1F ERN tubes. ERS new rame, for Rus- 37-1 -7 AT- - 1 1 'cars ýeties uair ville. 37-1 L.ES pply one 37-1 LES rour ,ood corn -an- 1-tf RS. aple 1- 1 Auction Sales g J "1

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