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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 9

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE b THE DIN LANTERN as.h cae i say, "Mr. Ev-k (Contlnued from page 8) f rom New York He say he'll cçrne was stili ligbted by tbe candles. 30 over tonight." that the shadows Pressed close. Jane Tijat was news indeed I Old Ev- was very pale, and now and then aus 1 Jane got into the f rock of f aded Frederick looked at ber an3iously. lilac gingham and went abPut the "You and Editb bad better go hmue singing. Three daysI 0f f ree- up," be said at last. "And y<ou must dom 1 bave Alice get you sanie bot rnlk It was after lunch that she told -I'il send Waldron witb a bit of the old woman "I'm going down in cordial ta set you up." I the Glen - there sbauld be wild hon- She shook ber head. 'II don't evsuckle - Sophy." want it." There werc becs in the Glen and "4But Iwn o obi it.» butterflies. and a cool silence, On There was a note of autbority whicb the other side of the creeç were almost brought ber again ta tears. Pasture and cattle grazing. But no She bated ta bave anyone tell ber buman creature was in sigbt. Jane, wbat sbc sbould do. Sbe liked to do walking along the narrow patb, bad as she pleased. But later, wben a sense of utter peace. Here was the glass of cordial carne un ta ber, familiar ground. She felt the wel- sbe drank it. corne of inanimate tbings - the oId She did flot go ta sîe» foraln willows. the singingr stream. the time.og bcrad gray rocks tbat stuck tbeir talked it ytahere" baud nd heads above the edges of the bank. apologized: "Uncle Fred told you ta And now. around the turn of the rest." pvatb. carne suddenly a man and two fane curled up arnong ber pil- boys. Tbey carried fisbino-rods and laws. and said rebelliously. ,WeIL stopped at a jutting roç ta bait I don't bave ta obey yet dïo ir? their hooks. One of tbt: boys went "Dont eer beý." Eith inherout on the bridge and cist bis line. winged cbair witb ber Viking braids svoccaetJn lçry and the classic draperies of ber "Mr. Follette, tbere's a tbing I wbite dressing-gown., looked like a hate ta do. and tbat's to bait rny Norse goddess. "Don't -ever obey, hook witb a worm. I'd rnucb ratber or vou'll make a tyrant out of im." put on something that wasn't alive. "But 1 bate-fighting." Wby is it that 'everytbing eats up1 "You won't bave ta, f igbt. 1 do it sometbin'g else ?"1 because it's my temperarnent. But Jane peered down at the man you can manage birn - by letting voised on the rock. It was Evans 1 tbings go a bit - and coaxingz will- He was winding bis reel against a11 do the rest-"2 taut line. "I've caugbt a snag," be9 'II don't want to manage-my bus- said. "look out, Sandy, tbere's sorne-1 band," said Jane. thing on your book." "AIl women do-"' As tbey landed the small catcb "Woùld vou want ta manage- witb mucb excitement. Jane was1 Baldy ?" aware of the strong swing of Evans'1 Editb flusbed. "Tbat's different," figure, tbebrown of bis cheeks. the sbe evaded. brigbtness of bis glance as-fbe spoke "Not different. You know you ta the boys. wouldn't go tbrougb life witb bim, "It is dreadful." Evans sat down Pulling wires. making a puopet of on the rock and looked acrass at birn - of vourseif - you iint con- the boy on the bridge. "Bu9t tberc radesbip - understanding. You'll are more dreadful tbings than deatb flare up now and then. Baldy and I - injustice, and cruelty, and bate. do. But - oh. we love eacb other." And more tban ail - fear. And vou1 Jane's voice sbook. must tbink of tbis. Arthur, tbat wbat Editb laoked at ber tbougbtfully. we eaul a violent dcatb is sometimes "«Jane. are you bappy ?" the easiest. An aid animal witb ,I ouglht ta be-"' teet h gone tryihz ta exist. Tbat's "But are you?" dreàdfulness. Or an .old- persan "I'm tircd I tbink. I don't know. racked by pains. Mucb- better if Ever since I came borne I've been botb could bave been dead in the nervous. Perbaps it is the reac- glory of youtb." tion." He bad always bad that auîck and "Jane. I'm going ta say sometbing. vivid voice. but this ýceriàinty of Don't marrv Uncle Fred unless phrase was a resurrection. He spcke you're - sure. I went tbrougb aIl witbout besitation. Sure of bimself. tbat witb Del. And yo.u sec bow Sure of the tbings be was about ta little I knew of wbat I bad in my say. beart ta ive-" Sbc stoziped. ber "You boys necdn't tbink that I lovely face suffused with blushes. don't know wbat I arn talking about.1 "I've learned-since then. And you I do. Wben I carne back f rom rnustW't make my-mistake. And, France there was sometbing- wrong. Janàdear," she leaned qver tbe I was af raid of cvcrytbinz. I livedt youUr girl like some splen4id angel, for montbs in drcad of rny sbadow.1 'don't worry about material tbings. It was awful. Notbing can be warse. Baldy and I wilI want you always Then. anc nigbt I came ta sec tbat1 witb us-"2 God's greatest gift to man is- jane sat up. "Are yau gojng ta strcngtb ta endure." rnarry Baldy?"Hefuoitatbr-an tbr III amï' sighing a little, "some H lnzi tte n hi day wbn bs sip ame in Hewide cyes answered bîm. Aftcr a daywhenhis hipcome in.He.moment Artbur said, huskily. "Gcc, isn't willinr ta sbare my cargo - ta' ra. yet." tetbtsgta. S Inth morning Townc bad gone Sandy sigbcd bcnvly: "I saw at wbcn Jane came down. She- and nicture tbe otber day of a boy wbor Editb bad bad breakfast in their wanted ta pflav basebaîl, and be bad rooms-and there bad been a great ta bold the baby. I reckon tbat's rase on. Jane's tray, with a note what vou mean. Most of us bave toa twistcd about the stemr--l- "To my hold the baby wbcn wc want ta playc golden girl." Her lover had c alled basebaîl." ber up by the bouse telephone. and The others laugbcd, then youngz bad told ber he was leaving for Artbur said. "It looks ta me as if New York at noon. 'Aý telegram life i5 iust anc darned tbinz afteri bas just corne. l'Il sec von tbe anotber." moment I get back." "Not puite tbat." Evans stood up. Jane bad a sense of relief. She "I'm afraici I'm an awful preacber" would bave tbree days to berself. hP apologized, "but you will ask Briggs took ber out at noon., and questions." _________________________ He stopued suddenly. Tbere bad ________________________been tbe crack of a twigz and be 1 bad turncd bis Weyes tlowàrds the sound. And there. poised above bim,S 5 er bat of f. tbe warm wind blow- S a IIS ing ber bobbed black bair. blowing, C ie 100. tbe falds of the lilac f rock back C ie u s f rom ber slender figure stqpd Jane . . .Jane .. . He went cbarging up the bank ta- wards ber. CLOCCED "Mydear," e said. "my dear. c The-n be droppcd ber hands. 'Is DRA INS tbougzht von wcre a gbhost," be said, a little awkwardly. "II called you t up) tbis rnarningz and Sopby said von wcrc in town." r ?carne ont at noon. The day was f .LLsapier fect. I bad ta, sec tbe Glen." E CAus it cuts nrit LAU 0ug'l "It is perfect. When 1 found you 1>~~~~ ~ ~ olgigdrGletsLswr ut, I izot the boys.I arn take-s is bon t th hosewfe K pinza balf-bobiday aftcr my tnpi." t is abSnto he ouseife",ým" Hewas talking naturally now I it hndyalwys-or leaingautsriling at ber as she stood beside it imy awfl -or lerin otbim. Sbe found berself trm Mig dti - .. fr co r i potsand alrnosî afraid mta speak gin 0es DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of September 17, 1914 Mr. Angus Staîker la shortly to became a resident af Orono, he havmng bought the Richard Beer residence, wbere he will set up "Bachelor Hall" with his former housekeeper, Miss Staples, in charge. Mr. Mat Staples of Betb- any will also, be a dweller under the same roof. The purchase price was $2400. Mrs. C. A. Cumming la visiting ber father, Mr. John Rickaby. Misses Mary and Ruth Arm- strong are expected home from Brainard, Min., having graduated as nurses., Mr. O. A. Gamsby landed a fine specimen ai speckled trout, meas- uring 13 inches. He expressed it to a taxidermist in Toronto ta be mounted. Miss Nellie Hockin, Messrs. R. Wood, John Buckley and son Will, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Dougal McDougall, daugbter af the late John Hockin, at Oshawa. Miss Alice M. Hamm ai Winni- peg, Man., is bolidaying: here. Miss May Barrett is home from Toronto and Hamilton. Married: Penwarden - Wright - At the Methodist Parsonage, Or- ana, by Rev. R. A. Whattam, Sept. 16th, William James Penwarden of Clarke ta Lucy Wright of Dar- lington. Died: Wîlliamson - In Orono, Sept. 10, 1914, James P. William- son, aged 82 years. Towne comingz back ?" Baldv asked. "In tbree days." Trcc-toads wcre sbrillingz in ma- natonous cadence - from far away came the plaintive note of a wbip- poorwîll. But there was anajther plaintive note close at band. "'Jane, yau're crying," Baldy said, sbarply. "Wbat's the matter. dear ?" He put bis arm about ber. "What's the matter ?" "Baldv., I don't want ta get-nar- ried. I want ta stay witb van - forever -"' "You shaîl stay witb me." She sobbed and sobbed. and be ;oothed ber. "Little sister. little sis- ter," be said, "you are crying toa rnuch in these days." At lasIt ane spoke. "Dearest, I must marrv bim. Thcre's no way out. Hc's donc so mucb for mje- and some day, perbaps, lIl love him." (Continued next weck) To Stop Constipation Get at Its Cause! If canstipation's a you down no you feel heavy, tIred and dopey's time y on did something about It. And somethint more than taking a physic! Yen should get et the cause of the trouble. If ou eat onlX the Ibings mnt people do, the cances are liaI a very simple tact causes yar con- stipation . . . Vou eost a enough "bul11 And "bulK" daesn'l mean heavy food. Il means a kinud af food that after the digestive procesa leaves a zoft "bulky" mass which helps a bawel movernent. If constipation la due ta lack af 'bulk" In your diet, et Kellogg'e ÂUI-Bran. a tasteful ready-lo-eat cereai, for breakfast every day and drink lenty of waler. Ait- Bran supp les the "'bnlk" you need, plus the intestinal tonte, vitamin Bi. Made by Kellogg in London, Canada. Soi by every grocer. ORONO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL P13ONS 40r16 OId Spinning Wheel la Again Promînent At Institut. M.ling The "gaod old days" ai lavender and ald lace and quaintly-clad grandmothers spinning in the par- lour were recalled to mind Fni- day afternoan when Mrs. James Powers, wbo la 87, assisted by Mrs. Jack Gibson Sr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, Jr., demonstrated spinning, etc., at the Women's Institute meeting. Mrs. Gibson Jr. demonstrated carding and spin- ning, and Mns. Hesper Dean the washing ai wool. A lovely blue and white blan- ket belonglng ta Mrs. Powers, Who spun the wool for it, was displayed ta the admiring ladies, among whom were several visi- tors irom Kirby. Mrs. H. Dean gave Use financial statement whicb showed a net gain of nearly $15.030 from the school fairbooth. The president and secretany wene put in charge of securing same ane ta take Use course at Millbrook October 6th and 7th. Miss A. Thornton was appainted delegate ta the buymanship course at Hampton October 23 ta 25. Mrs. H. Allen spoke regarding things still needed for the fair exçhibit. It was decided ta send wools to Chesley, wools having ta be in before the end af Octaber. It was. decided ta secure about $10 worth ai waal and have it knitted into socks, etc. for Use soldiers. Mrs. H. Allen read the list ai questions which ail wamen who register are expected ta answer, registration taking place week ai Sept. l8th. The roll caîl was on "Canadian Industries." Mrs. O. W. Rolph gave a talk on "Current Events." Vote ai thanks was moved by Mrs. F. Hall to Mrs. Powers and ber assistants. Fruit was servcd by Use cam- mittee in charge and the pluma, grapes and pears were certainlyý enjoyed. Mn. Sandy Sommerville is hall- daying witb bis brother, Mn. Thos. Sommes-ville. Mn. and Mns. D. G. Hoaper ne- ceived word Thunsday o! Use death of Mn. John Noble, Tynane. Mn. J. J.' Mellon took in Use Scout meeting at Kirby Tbus-sday evening. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Suggitt 1and Nancy, Toronta, visited Ms-. and Mns. Wm. Seymour. Mn. Vernon Saunders and Mn. Art Smith, Taranto, visited Mn. and Ms-s. A. Saundens. Mn. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. N. Cobble- dick. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, is holidaying with Mn. and Ms-s. Charles Lowden. Bob Kenne was injurcd while at wonk wiUs Use York Trading Company, Tarante. Ms-s. Ida Lang, Miss Anna Lundberg, and Miss Alfrieda Lundbcs-g, Chicago, are gucats o! Ms-s. J. Noden. Ms-. and Mrs. A. H. Keane and Sam visited in Tor-onta Sunday, and report Bob pnogressing favor- ably. Mrs. Ed Soucb, Oshawa, Ms-s. John Shaw and Miss D. Thor-n- tan, U.S.A., cnlled on Mn. C. J. Hugisson. Messrs. Es-n and George Dent lef t Saturday ion Toronto whes-e Usey have joined up fan war ses- vice. Mn. Walter Shes-wln visited bis siste-, Ms-s. Wm. Cross, Toronto, who also had as gucat ber son who had flown fnom Calgar-y. Misses Dos-othy Tapson and Lil- hian Allen are now enrolled as nurses-in-trnining ni Bowman- 'ville Hospital. Kinby gnaup ai Boy Scouts will visit Os-ono baya Sept. 25Us. Four. o! Uscm passed Uscir tests Thurs- day night. Mra. McEIs-oy, Keîtb and Mar- garet, Peterbano, were in the vil- lage Sains-day and taok Ms-s. D. Noble with Usem ta Tyrone where they attcnded the funeral ai John Noble. Ms-. and Ms-s. Ernest O. Hough- ion annaunce the engagement of thein daughter, Monta Elene, to Ms-. Weldon Billings Inch, son of Mn. and Ms-s. William J. Inch ai Wesion, Use marriage ta take place Octoben ilUs. Good-sized congregations were preseni at the Rally Day ses-vices ai Pas-k Si. Chus-ch Sunday. In the marning teachers, cbilds-en and yaung people accupicd Use cents-c seats. Rev. S. Litilewood spoke on vas-loua men who suc- ceeded in spite of handicaps. In the evening Use ninisten spoke on "Trust in the Lc'nd." While hnndling a jug ai vine- gar in the York Trading Camp- any, Toroanto, Bob Keane was painiully injured wbcn the jug cxpladed, badly cutting bis right arm. He was taken ta St. Mich- ael's Hospital wbene it was iound n leader had been cut. He ex- pecis ta leave Use hospital today. An intenesing meeting ai the Boy Scouts was bcld Monday, with about 28 out. Don Goode secuned bis first aid test. Each painol gave exhibitions. lat Pat- roi gave a demanstration af group gamnes; 2nd Patrol impnovised stnetcher bearlng; 3rd use ai the Mr. Louie Brown visited here. Mrs. W. S. Roy bas returned from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell, Toronto, called on friends. Miss Rena Hoskin visited Miss Lois Wood. Miss Ella Hoskin is visiting Mr. and Mns. Wesley Wood. Mrs. J. Noden leaves sbortly for Chicago. Mrs. W. J. Martin bas rcturned irom Toronto. A number from bere attended Use funeral of John Noble, Tyrone. Miss Elva Tucker, Toronto, la vacationing at ber home here. Miss Mary Baldwin spent Use weekend ai home. Mn. C. J. Hughsan bas been in- dispased. Mr. John Milîson, B.Sc., Wel- land, spent the weekend at home. Mn. P. Bowers and friend wefe- in Orono Sunday. Mrs. Redmond, Toronto, is guest ai Mn. and Mrs. Rowland Smith. Mr. McKcnna was home on leave. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. H. Best. Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent Use weekend here. Miss- Margaret Roy is taking the course at Guelph for dietîtians. Birthday wisbes came over CFRB for Miss E. Billings. County Rond Commissioners were in Orano last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Meilor have moved into Useir ncw bouse. Mrs. George Seymour is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Mrs. J. R. Cooper is judging at Port Hope Fair. Mrs. Annie Sturgess and s6n Dr. Sturgess, Hamburg, N.Y., are visiting ber sister, Mrs. S. Cutteil. - Miss Viola Noden leaves Mon- day for Toronto where she willl resume studies aithUe university. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Pick- ering, were gucsts ai Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Couvier. Eyesight Education And Efficiency By C. Il.Tuck Eyesight Specia!ist Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Number 99 You will often notice friends af yours who close anc eye ta read or close one eye for most of their seemng. There are variaus reasons for this, among them - the two eyes do flot work together with comfort so for convenience anc eye is closed and later becomes more weakened and if persisted in the future disassociatian is s0 enlarged upon, that a correction af vision even ta normal in this eye will not be accepted. I have cases of this nature on record wvhere normal vision existcd and - the correction refused, upon later examination at the end of a few years it was found impossible ta find a correction that would bring the vision back, it having prac- ticglly gone from non-use. If you feel inclined ta this habit of clos- ing one eye, il may be broken if taken in time and if nature gave you vision in this eye she meant you to conserve it. Persevere in a correction and co-operate by following the advicc given and the two eyes working in harmony wlll be the resuit. Don't neglect a symptom of thîs nature for the sake af future eye cornfort. -e ,-e 2t M..-.e Asocato Oti o te . rl'. Grat N~ws Scout staff; and 4th Swedish drill. Next Manday the patrol from KVrby will be the guests ai the Orono boys. Lake Shore, Clarke, Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, Jack and George, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin and Garon Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gilugley, Whitby, and Mrs. W. Powell, Chatswortb, with Mrs. T. Powell. .. Misa Ida Savinac with friends Uxbridge. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell at Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullcn's, Starkville. ..Mr. and Mrs. Howard Challis, Shirley and June, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay and Gar- don, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. .. Miss Annabel Hendry, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hcndry. . . Mrs. Roy McKay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allin. .. Mr. Leonard Buckler, with Mr. and Mrs. Jno.: Patton, Kendal. . . . Mrs. Wm. Jaynes with Mr. and Mrs. F. Har- ris, Richmond Hill. . . Mrs. Jna. Hendry and Robert arc attending Kingston fair and visiting friends there. Clarke Union Cutting corn and filling silos is the order ai the day. There arej some wanderful fields ai corn in this section. Our school attendcd Use scbool fair at Orono and carried off a number ai prizes. Mr. Archie Watson, Kingston, was home Sunday. Miss Marion Rickaby, Toi-onto, visited ber cousin, Miss Eileen Souch. H. J. Souch, E. J. Hamm, R. Brown and W. Cobbledick visited Lindsay, Peterboro and Part Hope cemeteries. The idea was ta get some pointers on how ta take care ai a cemetery. Crooked Creek Sunday, Sept. 24th, Craoked Creek Sunday School is holding a Rally Day service. It will be an open session and IVfr. J. J. Mellor ai Orono wiil be the guest speak- er. We had an attendance ai 46 lait Sunday. Mn. Douglas Ogden bas secured n job in Use Goodyear at Bow- manvile. Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. Reg. El-.1 liott and iamily with Mn. and Mns. Jack Reid. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer and family at Milt Kim- ball's.. Miss Marion Ogden and friends from Pont Hope spent Saturday with Mn. and Mrs. Wil- bur Ogden and cnjayed a cornn roast in Use evening... Miss Katie Budicky, Toronto, at home. PARK ST. UNION Pas-k St. Union mTet Manday night with Roy Bers-y and Glen Hancock in change, Use former presiding. Scriptune was s-ead by Glen Hancack. A vocal solo was given by Ms-. Colin Taylor-, wiih Ms-s. R. H. Brown at Use piano; a recitatian "If", by Marjonie Mc- Las-en; and a musical trio by Mn. A. J. Knox (violin), Miss Viola Noden (cello), and Miss Elleen Riddell (piano). The tapic "Chnis- tianity and Painioiism" was given by Rev. S. Liiilewood. The speak- er painted out tisai patriatism la not mes-e flag-waving. He describ- cd Use vaniaus types of so-cnlled patniots and what a s-cal painiot 15 like. Games wene enjoyed un- des- convenes-ship of Elvîn Blew- cli. Starkville Shilah W. A. iseld a delightiul meeting Wednesday at Mra. Os-m Falls'. Octoben meeting ai W. A. will be held at Ms-s. Ross Hallo- well's. Cas-n cutting and silo filling la, the as-des-af tise day. Ms-. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell attended tise double wcddîng of the Misses Rickad in Newcastle. Mn. and Ms-s. Warren Cas-son attended tise annives-sary af Per- nytown Chus-ch. A few aticnded Shilais Sunday mas-ning and heard a fine sermon. Nexi Sunday will be the last of ans- mos-ning services, aites- wiich service will be held in the aften- noon. Visitons: Ms-. Rab Farrow, Pont Hope, at Ms-. Vicias- Farrow's... Miss Hazel Falls, Os-ana, with Ms-s. T. Fails. .. Ms-s. Wm. Saves-y with Mn. L. Saveny, Newtonville. ..Mr. and Ms-s. A. A. Mas-in, Brighton, Ms-. and Ms-s. H. Ban- sowlaugh, Wesleyville, with Ms-s. John McKay. .. Miss Edna Far- row and friend, Millbrook, at Vic- ias- Fars-ow's. .. Mn. and Ms-s. Ed. White, Elizabethilîle, at Mr. and Ms-s. Rosa Hallowell'... Ms-s. Jas. Stark and daugistes-, Newtonvillc, with Ms-s. I. Stark. . . Mn. and Ms-s. Warren Cas-son and family at Lindsay Fais-. .. Ms-. and Ms-s. Russell Savery had a number af guests fan dinnen and tea on Sun- day. WiUs a ps-etty face, and the fs-eshncsa af twenty, n womnan, howeven shnllow se may be, makes many conquesta but does not retain them; wiih clevenness, tilty yens-s and n ile beauty a womnan makes iewen canquests but more durable ones. - A. Du- puy. Ontario Temperance Federation Convention Tro Be Neld Oct. 2C A meeting in connection witl the Ontario Temperance Fedens tion was held in Orono Frida: nigbt. Convention will be belc in Orona Friday, Octaber 2Otli at 2.30 and 8 p.m. All betweer the ages ai 12 and 20 are eligibl( ta campete in tbe oratonical con. test at nigbt if Usey belong to .'Sunday school class, Young Pea. ple's Union, or Temperance Post 60% will be given for matenia' and 40% for delivery. The timi limit is ten minutes. A count: cup will be given yearly andE miniature cup for keepa ta thf winner. All otbers competing wil: receive $1. Rev. S. Littlewood Rev. H. W. Faley, R. R. Osborne K. Courtice and J. R. Knox anE in charge. Orono and Klrby W. M.,&. Societies Hold Joint Meeting Kirby W. M. S. members were hostesses ta Orono ladies Thurs- day, the ladies matoring froni here ta Kirby and enjaying a de- lightful afternoon. Following the business period, Mrs. S. Little- woad, Onono, presided for this program: Readings by Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mrs:-H. Walsh; vocal solo by Miss Stella Best with Mrs. R. Smith at Use piano; vocal duet by Mrs. Littlewoad and Mrs. R. Smith, with Miss Myrtle Smnith at the piano. A social hall hour and lunch served by the Kirby ladies was enjoyed. Union Corn Roast Ends In Ducking Park St. Union held an enjay- able corn roast at Keane's Friday night, and at least three dlaim thal the cntertainment was not dry. After Use affair was aver and Use young people were walking te the cars anc girl feli inta the cneek. To save herself when she felt herseif going she grabbed hold ai a smaller girl and pulled ber in. Howeven, after scramb. ling out, Use girls were quickly conveyed ta their homes none the wanse for their impromptu duck. ing. Sam Keane waded in to as- sist the mermaids but they bac already reached dry land. After a period ai social chai around the camp fire over whicli the delectable corn was cooking, Miss Eiîcen Rîddell, newly-elect- cd president, Usanked Use young people for the honour, and ask- ing -for their coaperation. A sing-song was cnjoyed wîth Miss Doris Whyte accampanying an ber piano accordian. Three contests followed, under Use dir- ection af Miss Hazel Wmnter, which were heartily participated in by the young people whc numbered about thirty-fivc. A' List of Winners Brown's ) (~ ~ 1 ~"rawn's Home and Scbool met vroflo Sciool Fair Sept. l2th, whcn Usese ofcr ;h ___ werc elccted: President - Clarence 1-Held Tuesday, September 12th Turner; Vice Presidents and Con- ýy - venens - lat, Miss Simpson; Hclp- Id Sheaf Wheat - Bille Hale Ha- ers, Freeman Eddy, Fred Couch , zel Brown, Peter Chmara' Ar- and Mrs. R. Bnancb; 2nd, Archie ýn mond Hollingsworth, Ray Staple- Brown; 3rd, Miss Jean Perrin; le tan. Helpens, Miss Tkatcb, Mns. Chas. 1- Fail Wheat - Grant Malley, Bedwin and Mrs. Clarence Turn- a Pa tsy Moffatt er ~on er; Secnetary - Miss Wylma Far- Francis Jase, Keith Wood, K ' raw; Conespandr;ingSenstar-Ms t- Pedwell. KlsMiss FneWbe;Palt-Ms il Onts, sheaf - Jean Hale, May E. Simpson; Asst. Pianist -Miss e Hale, Arlene Boyd, Rossa od Eva Clark; Treasurer - BiII Mon- y Henry Nixon, Francis Jase.Byd ley; Paper Editor - Mrs. C. Turn- a Onts, Victory, 1 quart - Hazel er; Chairs Committee - Sid Brown ,e Brown, Jack McKay, Jean Haleý and Andy Hunten; Flower Com- Il Billie Hale, Dick Wood, Patsy mittee - Mesdames R. Grahiam, G. , Mo ~ f ~' Arnold, R. Bnanch. Program waa ' Barley, sheaf - Laverne Boyd. i change ai the former vice- .e Banley, 1 quart - H ernma n presidents: Solos by Miss Betty Schmd,,Newaste, ilen TddEnwright; piano duets and encore Schmd,, Ncwc, astle, ietn. yMisses Jane and Tolly Tkatch; Potatoes, Doolcys or Katahdin a sing sang led by Ray Brown. - Jean Hale, Harold Smithb, yl Miss Simpson conducted a few lis Gilmen, Hazel Brown, Jack contests. McKay, Eileen Todd. Melvin Graham, who bas been Potatoes, Cobblers on Warba - visiting in Lockport, N.Y., and Jean Turner, Lais Turner, Allan Grimsby, bnougbt home a bushel eCochrane, May Hale, Jean Rab- ai peaches, two baskets ai grapes, inson, Francis Hale, a basket of pluma and Usree can- Corn - Donald Myles, Monty.- taloupes, alI of wbich he pickcd Richardson, Sonny Jas-don, Aud- bimsclf and purchascd for $1.00. rey Billings, Jack McKay, Bud Mr. and Mns. Cccil Malley, Jones. Wanda and Grant, Lockhart's, S Ensilage Cas-n - Keith Pedwell, Mn. and Mns. Eldswonth Caswcll James Lawery, John Allen, Alec and family, Newtonville, Mn. and IMartin, Onville Chatterton, Peter Ms-s. W. Brunt and family, Lock- sChmara. hart's, visited wth Mn. and Mns. i Tunnips - Betty Stephenson, Clifford Brown. 1Dean West, Norma Andrew, Lois Those attending the L. O. L. Turner, Alfred Harnesa, Henry Centennial service at Clarke eWheelen. Church Sunday were Mn. and 1 Mangela - Grant Mallcy, Ken- Mna. Freeman Eddy and famnily, sneth Gibson, Wanda Malley, El- Mn. and Ms-s. Robt. Graham, Mn. noy Gibson, Audrey Billings, Jun- Melvin Gr-aham, Ms-. and Mrs. Roy ion West. Branch and family, Mn. and Mns. Canrots - Ar m on d Hollings- Clarenèe Turner and Samn, and worth, Billie Jaynes, Joan Har- Mn. Fred Couch. rness, Clifford ýordan, Fac Joncs, natiaan Margaret Ovezis. Cograuatosto Use pupils Beets - Rosie Getlick, J e an of Bnown's School who won prizes Hale, Helen Lewis, Marjonie Gos-- at Use achool fair. don, Shirley Brunt, Joyce Ten- Mn. Bill Clark visited with Mn. tnant. and Mns. F. Cowlard, Newtonvillc. Onions - Mus-icI]Reid, Anvulla Bs-unI, Joyce Sutton, Albert Mit- chell, Haward Payne, Ross Ad- e t lvie ams. e t n il Parsnips - Joyce Martin, Billie Hale, Jean Rainey, James Patter- Recent Visitors: Misa Ethel Cale son, Joyce Cornish, Ruby Fond. and Mr. T. J. T. Cale. Bowmanville. Pie Pumpkins - Evelyn Harnesa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lanrie Cale.. Menvyn Harneas, Glenn Allen, Mrs. W. A. Wrigbt Enniakillen. Ray West, Fred Rowe, Christdlla with Mrs. J. A. Barrie.. . Miss Jordan. Winnic Lancaster and friencl. Bow- Squash - Tommy C oat h am, manville. witb Ms-. and Mrs. J. W. IJoan Has-ness, Audrey Cachrane, Lancaster. .. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Howard Wood, Thomas Harness, Vickera and famiy, Toranto, witb t Henr-y Leamen. Mr. and Mns. L. E. Milîson. .. Mr. à Spy Apples - Leilla Martincîl, and Mrs. Cecil Robinson with Mr-. Hazel Brown, Madeline Osborne, and Mrs. Francis Hall. Toronto.. John Gibson, Stanley Powell, Miss Rena Hoskin witb Miss Lois gClifford Gos-don. Wood. Orono. .. Mrs. Thos. Stapie- Mcîntosh - Jack McKay, Betty ton and Mr. George J. Stapleton with Stephenson, Eiîcen Todd, Bobby Mir and Mrs. L. D. Bell, Kendal. . h Gray, Yvonne Megit, H a Ze Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Gibbs. Mn. gBrown, John Gibson. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and Marie. e Snows - Betty S tecphbe n son, Mss . Forsythe Mr. Everett Fan- Mary Gibson, KeiUs Pedwell, An- vh n r odnTimwt na Staples, Yvonne Megit, RuthsvbodnTirm it Goron.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stacey. . Mrs. i Gs-dn.Wonch and famiiy. Hamilton, with Tomntoes - Wanda M a 11le y, Mrs. Ada Fletcher and Mrs. Fred Dawn Moffaît, Junior West, GrantGbb..MrStnc Gib, s- Malley, Carman Cos-nish, Donald Gbs. r tne ibOh Goode. awa. with Mn. Fred Gibbs. Snapdragon - Billie Hale, How-- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. ard Payne, Lawrence Farrow, Raymond Gibbs (formerly Dorothy iEns-i Taylor, Joyce Matin. Stacey) on tbeir marniage Fniday. 1 Helichrysum - Peter Chmara, Thev will reside in Cecil Robinson's rJean Hale, Howard Thornhîll, hanse iust east of John Morrow an rPatsy Moffatt, Dawn Moffatt, Gos-- the bigbhwav. ;don Ransbenry. Rally Day was observed in the 1 Mnigolds - Os-ville Chattes-tan, Untited Sundav Scbaol. Sunday, Sept. Roy Stapleton, Dick Mantincîl, l7th. A splendid number af, I)oth Byron Brunt, Donald Goo ad , adulîs and cbildren attended and en- Leilla Martincîl. ioved the vragrarn specialiy une- k Scabiosa - Billie Jaynes, Sophie pared for that day. In the eveninz tShutka, Blle Moffatt, Howard Rev. T. McLachlan gave a discourse .Coatham, Isobel Clark, John Gib- in kepiinz with Raily Day. Tbe chois- tson. rcndered a lovely anthern. Asters - Ba1 f o us- LeGresley, O ndyeeig et 5h Lois Dean, James Pattenson, Jean .O rdyeeinr et 5h Gray Barara.Rolp, Muraylarge number of relatives arrived at G anay abr olb usn the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur t Zinnias - Elgin Savery, Dick Redknapp, unînvited. and completely Wood, Ruby Fond, Margaret 0v- surzorised tbem, it bcing their 16th ens, Gos-don Lowery, Howard wcddinz anniversary. Tbev Presented Wood.. thern with a living-roomn table. The Gaulas-dia - Joan Hanneas, Ken- zuests included Mr. and Mrs. Han- neth Gibson, Milds-ed Richards, oid Wickett and Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Raymond Lunn, Cas-las Smith, Wickctt. Wbitby; Mn., and Mrs. E. James Laweny. 'Wbittaker and family, Hamilton; Pinka - Francis Cowan, Mas-- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wbittaker, guenite Rutherford, May Hale, Oshawa: Mn. and Mrs. Tas. Pavne. Gwendolyn Chatterton, A n c h i c Toronto: Mn. and Mrs. Sheidon Hends-y, Tommy Coatham. Pethick. Enniskilien; Mn. and Mrs. Verbenas - Helen Wood, Fs-an- Frankç Gilmer and familv,. Çrooked cia Jase, June Allen, Brenton, Crcck. and many relatives frorn Fogg, Mus-iel Tennant. Newtonville. French Marîgolds - T a m m y Mn. and Mrs. C. Robinsan and Hobba, Car-men Cos-nish, Pearl Miss Betty Stapleton attended Osh- Tebble, John Fans-ester, Nellie awa Fair. Wright, Mabel Thrower. Women's Institute met Seut. 15tb. Phlox - Anna Staples, Gerald Mrs. H. S. Brittan and Mrs. H. C. Rainey, Hazel Brown, Marie Al- Bonathan. Newcastle. were present len, Ted Coatham, Keith Wood. ta discusa the Voluntary Registration Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet - af Canadian Warnen. Mrs. Haigis was Mabel Ths-owen, Keith Pedwell, ao)pointed ta take charge. Registra- Francis Jase, David Thrawer, Ar- tif-bot-at rs-. -no . Local PAGE NINE THE NEWS

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