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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 10

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PAETNTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY,SPTBR 1T0O ---- ClIURCHI SERVICES (U). Mile, Grahamn (B) 5niin. 27 St e (B), rig (U). Hop' Newcastle United Church Sep and 'upSon (B) Se , The N wcasle I depe dent Rev. R. E. Morton, Pastor. Sun- Broad Jump, Apps (U) ~ PRÔNE CLARKE 1114 day. Sept. 24th - 'Go-To-Church Br41<)URcadB. lg Sunday - Il a.m., Mornirg Wor- jump, Brown (B) 5' 3", Apps ship. sermon "The Gospel For To- (U), Vance (U). Shot Put, V'ance Miss Ethel Lockhart spent last agency business, in handhing a day." (U) 35'9", Rickard (B), Reid (W). week in Toronto. certain line of products. Clarke Church Pole Vault, Brown <B) D' 3",'Mor- Miss E. L. Trenwith returned A family reunion was held at 2.30 p.m.. Subject of sermon 'Our den (B), Apps (U). 440 Relay, last week from hier visit to New the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Christian Education Program." Bowmanvile 514-5 sec. Uxbrldge, D A ISC MN V NSLvsokFrSl e nnsFrSl York and the Worlds Fair,. Brown Tuiesday evenmng, Sept. 12,Potery E T SC MN EV TSLvs ckFr al MMr.n Msand erSedosn.teWccsintertei Stewe-dS.neo, on huctPoteeroccasion___________________________________ ________St.____Georges__________________ Toronto, were weekend guests of ding annmversary. The faiiy Rev. D. R. Dewdney. BA., Roc- ALLUN - In Bowmanville. on Mon- The Women's, inistitute wili hold 'a FOR SALE -ilt-. GOOD CLYDE W a' d i h enna Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker. presented them with an Aladdin tor. Sundav. Sept. 24th. l6th' ENGLISH LE I day. Sept. 18th, 1939. William AI- Euchre Party and Draw in Counicil colt. $50; Young, »Durham cow and Ta adywudb ar Mr. Alden Pollard, Brittoni's lamnp and Miss June of Tweed a after Trinitv. - 8 a.m.. Holy Com- lin.rYoun, ageso22ofeMr. anteMr- Prizes i nu d ayGet. ladtne 'lxwanekod C.J. Itchell, $0.Neate. otoeopo h a Grooery, is anticipating leaving radio. Al spent a very enjoyable munion: 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer <Contlnuod fronmPage Il Hment Bowmavjl22 Ceme Iter- Brza n se e t 'rzs. Stast PhnedC.are 1. tcelNwcsle. n htgosfrBttn lo Newcastle to take up farig aevening. adSro.7 Pm.Evts alvl a emn BwavleCmtr. zand uch e n er pdi0 es. rihtPNoClre114 8 alet.nd gi atr e orha h i- Sermon. nm. esng and lve'da t is Isn't the raseucTown HalllButton Sho10. WhitbyN AMbrand. MA .Fihr a s te e d Hostinarede mi- SronRreen r i sFOUND - In South DarlinRton 1luch. Admiso 5.Event bezins FOR SALETHREE-YEAR.OLD. 8 Mr ad rs A H Fshr ndfotue o usai agrenfrc-* *Township. Sept. 15th,1939, John at .p.misin5 38-1 colt. partly broken, make ticcellent Miss Marion, Belleville, were ture of the riglit wrist and fore- DOUBLE WEDDING Dininiz in the twilight of a restaur- Found. beloved husband of the____ drivinz or third horse. Willow wee end guets of rs. Ge. P ar lat edn sda, ept l3hant near Leicester Square. A rey, late Mary Jane Braund, in his 87th On September 28th at 8.00 p.m. Acres Farm, Phone B owianville R a l g Rickard. while practismng pole vaulting. (Continued tram page 1) unliahted Leicester Squae Bak vear. Intermient Ebenezer Ceme- oictures of teRylTu ilb 2456. 38-1 Mr.Ja. hoJss.rtunedtoLai earabutthi tme bfor wrenoegas f ose ad lu cutansattheuidos. us. he ter. hon t te oIal ou wllberEACU. NDlARSckO his daughter's, Mrs. W. H. Cooke, the scliool field day when hewswr oeaso oe n lecraisa h idw.De h ey hw i the Opera House, Bow- FOR SALE- TWELE OD 3TaI0pm yapftet on~aurayfoloin amoths muatngth hghscoo dbys lphiniums and they wore sim- restaurant closiniz 50 that the staff HOOEY - In CartwrightH Wmen's Guiludof toh si~sC"ohch. G on tuda fllwig mnt'semlain te ig shol oy amnl ledrf t. aus uc the younz Yorkshire pigs;; also a DacsTocoStr. 34 visit Ma Toronto. in upnhlrkehslf ar. r headress of stiffened bows on could Ret home. Town- MMssss Bttyandtitdedanod- Mr.andMrs.J.ScotoMon-Mrtchnandirrdrbnds J.**SciotSentMonht-I1maflha oey. dmisio 25. 3bandntis.c-'()0dr ma'e sovemission____25__.__37-3_ den, Maple Grove, wr nNw oeyadMs etBors Robert Shepperd, Ottawa, was In Whitehall the flowers bad fad- Heooey. i er ofsthe a.terhment wood. cut 12 inches. Appbr A. E. csl atSaturday advstdfed nterwyhm rmbst man for Mr. Edwards and ed on the Cenotapb.m. A I aa, U inCeleer 1ty amusren ilt. apoPhn 57 AnastiemanstUandnvisited Cfield, on theirolwaymhomeefrntTe Misses Mary and Jean Clemence. Toronto, stayed in Newcastle on Td Edwards and Colin Ross, Ot- bat in band, stood weeping. Y.brda n ria.Nvember 23 38-1* ala e ft nhtaw, er hi uhes. r.Hog's* *NOBLE - At Tyrono, on Thurs- and 24tb. 38-1 Re v. He in . : eArius Torn to aturdytaernoonl odng oug groomsman was is cousin, Loren Some boys are singinz. "It's a da. Sept. 4tb, 1939, John Noble. For SaleHA E ON Y T L AN N last Sunday, supplying for Rev. the United Church and meet a Hgg, Toronto, and lis ushers Long Way to Tipperary." in bis 84th vear. Interment Betb- Mrs. John Davidson, Toronto. will D. R. Dewdney wlio was ill witli number of their Newcastle fri- were Douglas Wight, Bdwman-* * * esda Cemietery. gVe a series of lectures on Current LADBERS FOR SALE -APPLY ateiotaNinlHuinAc a bad throat condition. ends. They registered and had aviladAreGaime- Isobel H. Stephenson, Events commencinR Sept. 28th at H. Wicox. Hampton. 38-2 Lon. nureBaly ro. Miss Mamaon Allin, Bolton, ac- meal ait Tlie Newcastle Arms. castle. Cartwright Garden$ Club PATTON - in Clarke. Sept. l8tb, the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa. at3 P.n. companied by lier friend, Miss Miss Margaret Toms, R.N., who A Ioyely lawn reception was 1Londoin. W.C 4~ England' Thos. Patton. in bis 89th year. Six lectures for $2.00. Sories ticket PUPS FOR 'SALE - NlCELI? Obw, hn 69r5t MeoetOhaa pn hegautdfrom the Western Hos- held at the Rickard home, "Thie Interment Orono Cemetery, at th oor. Proceeds over expenses mre p ere us .Bt McoetOhaa pn hegautdGrange", followmng the coremon- ,tauspicesfi ofie pps T Bt weekend with lier parents, Mr.' pital, Toronto, ithe early sum- wfiMs ikr eeiig-I omnjl, o RedClos.ub qs of Oshaoa.tory. ScuRoffStreet. Phone 2190. and Mrs. Norman AllUn, mer and won tlie J. E. Atkinson iewt rs ikr r iig Drématlec it SOUTHEY -I ,mnil.o eda lb fOhw..81 Mr. John Quigg, student flier, scholarship, lias been holidaying in pink lace with dahlia liat and Sen__ dt. 15. 1939. Sara Sofia Southey, 3- worcnlmaehsfrtsl ihlepaetM.and Mrs a corsage of roses and delphina- (otn ro ae1idow of tbe late Ernest ~ FOR SALE - COOK STOVE, fliglit, entered tlie employ, of tlie Herb. Toms, Next week, by vir- iums. Mrs. Hogg was gowned in eSbyoousdeoln ra- Cmtey. nemtBo avieMu csl haifr ik ae.PneI De Haviland Company, Toronto, tue of the sdliolarship she earned, wodod violet crele and black hat ___boy__________excellentgrain-OLIN CLASS LES.SONS this eek.He wll b in he sip- he wR beenteingworreo talismanor t rosesros andan MissMarma swas in fomingnrforVIdinnerSSL so this week.dsHotawalabe ofntthedeslip-toshelwselthbee-entarm nsTorotonofUni-giEdnasReynoRîdsE y decided t ping department. versity ta take a course ini teadli- , Otawaauntcf t e ail use the ex-n Mrs. Alice Danie]s and son, Mr. ing and supervismng. Mr. Edwads, cliose wine-colored Presosterchldren used. In Cr fTak Violin. New class ndw starting. f resb f rom the gardon ta your the Ett fJmsH ates Robt. Daniels, Franklin, Mass., Mr. J. T. Brown is commenin lace and hat ta match and corsage treoîed ta stp usislarn hile Vr. nadis a retirs. .S canier s.5 er ot.npl ow , at s est. ra0earse, Cgon- wandle outGoelran have returned home following a work on lis new bouse to bencmil of rubrum lilies. reovdt tp.igsagwieVraws oepestersic FRANCIS SUTTON, cooling apples; Evergreeîn corn Bol two weeks' visit with relatives on lis part~ of the former D. J. Rev. Morton took charge ofte* i ren a hee-ad bi.1anks ta their niany friends nand ' ' 60t. I here, includm irnpiw r abat am h ol se-poedingsliwridli incMrudedlofitthe At the endof lieplashech- neizlbbours of Blackstock advîi- Plane 742 - Bowmanville. cession St., Phone 8. 36-tf o bu 2d o uut F. B. Lovekin, and lier niece, Mrs. cavated and stone is boing drawn thebis by thoir unc e, M. drnaooiean îovdt tv frUc oey it f de- 6 99.aereusont owadfI George Robinson. for the foundation. The builders .Wltowaileanoh- use the correct Englisli, Tis play brancewihoeyRfso ee-3-f13 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swabrick, have latoly added a piggory and ors ta the bridesmaids, and fam- was excellent and mudli oasier ta ce wbibwre nresented ta them. -Acio ae Wanted partiu so ae uvvrfo.t Kedl sitdteUnitedle os ihsrwlf bvilies propased and replied ta by liandle than the Newcastle one. thAudesine.on oralfor the Kendal, asi s d ath e U n i t d li ou e w i ro th estr a t aeof both groom s, M r. Shepperd and C ast of Characters: Richard fhmÔ'Iui À 1 t GRAIN W ANTED - W JEAT, 2nd da of O tbr 19 . ate whc Chur ad horonSua y ovenisng suth w ad r mnthe wea ed ofby M.Rcad e.TosnTaylor, father - Ewat Robinson; Tedy.Speme *tWn.ot. aly rmxe rnft.H.dt last and M. Swarbriknsang a he banfmringheheEwoletîayf r.lRickar. Rev. Th bass solo, Beyond the Door, witli out of an L shape as may be also provided a few remarkso Magaret Taylor, mother- Ruth (Coftinued tram page Tusas)etebr26. m. ots ale rmîe rain. . . 1dasteteassofheEaewlo th hrc raisMs E .seno ay am.Early in the evening, the tw Saver3r; Robert, the son -John th_____asD.Lang____________________hoe 233 38tfth tihe duc i o rg ns, Mr. E . o noany arm. happy couples left for lone to Sa; Eia eh ho d u lt o r ~ M public auction on Lot 9, B. F. Clarke W N E - L O S S A D is Fihr copam.Mr. T. Frank Branton, Churdli ymoon ;GE izbeth tM auhtr - Cpp, Ms. Mcadi. Dress (cr0- Township (ancfN w ANED- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins, St., lad a severe shaking up and trips. Mrs. Edwards wore a tra- Ge imrMartha Lee, grand- dheted, string): Mrs. Ira Lowe, mile soutb fNefo ox HRESA D I tes ofMise Aa ndElzbeh I-li fIlfrmih rofofli bnwith black accessories, and the Ward, sons friend - Brenton Fa- Putnam, Mrs. McCall. Lady 'S mplements of the above estate, also Farm. Tyrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf 1939. of Mises da a d Eliabet AI-lie ell f om t e rof of is b rn r w; M id - elli SNina; E.e -eull ver:and. oGeoOMgNFOR. lin. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swabrick, lasi Tuesday week. The higli will spend their woddling i rs ti n rwMid-NleSutaDic- ulor:MsL R. Putnam. a ojuailtitv of bousebold furniture. WANTED - AWOA FR Knig,BwmnleOnaaE- Kedl h ssse h nie idacopnigtestormnof Muskoka and nortliern points, Nrs Marion Green. Sport Shirt: Mrs. Bogart, R. Put- Sale at 1 v.m. Termis cash. A_ E. gnrllueok w cfI~.ctr fUcEtt.3- Cli rc cl ir on Sun ay ev nin , und y, Se t. 0, la ta a ff w hile r a d M rs. H ogg w iîî Oew castle's play "The Tigers na mn. C iid' S O utdoor Playsuit, M orton. clerk; E. W ilbur. auction- gApprl hP o. B o tox d - 1 _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ were also guests af the Misses part of the roofing and on Tues- bnyont ohse and easî- Claw" was the usual thriller of wool knittod: Ivrs. W. J. Rutle, d.3:*_______________ Allin. day Mn. Branton weni up ta re- ern United Siates. She wore a murder, gliosts, liaunted house, Mrs. Bogart. Child's Play Dress M .and Mrs. Minto and family pair the damage. It was ten hoe viking blue dress and hat with and cunning criminal, etc., and and Bloomers: Mrs. R. Suton, R. ._________Sep._____-_Te____________l A are maving from Courtice ta slippod down the roof and over maicltag accessories for travel- was vory difficuli to prosont. Putnam. Boy's Wash Suit: Mrs4 sxgzned bas received instructions f rom Newasle linethe hvetakn lewos eve taile roud.Holing. Howover, witli their proviaus Sutton. Smock, coiton: Mrs. Rut- E. E. Virtue. Tyrone. ta seIl by MEN 0F 30. 40. 50I WANT VIM, D G L S Neucseton Mill Si.enorave.tMn.nlasesince been ttin g ound o an rsHewrd aetrainin n rma and with that île, R. Putnamn. Kitchen Ensem- public auction on the prernises cas igor. for rundown bocty? Try Minto as succeeded Mr. J. A. crutches. graduates of Queen's University vetran of amateur acting Bill ble: Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Rutle. end of Trone, a quantity of lýouse- srxTbeso_~ ytrRwr Awde wh basretred romtheand illlivèin ingson lier Jackson ta keep an oye an pro- Housework Apron: Mrs. Rutile, bold ef fects includinz diniQg. bcd- stimulants and Renierai body build- wr.W .Coean irgopceistheisi lciety walked away Mrs. J. E. Armstrong. Tea Tow- om Kcenadlvn-room furn- cr.I1o eibe it euî Od o lv o_______________ f ladies, who have charge af île Mr. Edwands is physical instruc- -Fomalo Scotanch caillef sableghed ithreslt notes oto 0 ecsl aton ai the university. Ho is weîî- wt s lc. els: Mrs. Stork, Mrs. Lowe. Caver iture. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. W. J. of first package maker refunds known in rugbyiocircleswcandlwasnCasi of Characiers: Mrs. Willie for Hot Water Boule:Ms.JCali.ucine.3- its low Dnice. Caîl. write jury & of leditrctvounanîyreis a member of the Argonaut rugby Riordan - Violet Midlock; Mrs. Eagleson, Mrs. Lowe. __________and ______________ lar.13 yars od38-1wer _____ofthedistrict__________ LovelIgadsaIlutled drggists- 38-1lalor wlth,.whlte col ton for service, also became ne- ta of Toronto when tliey won fr~Wlî te uhr Afghan, wool, knitted: Mns Mc- C.F.odn Hampton, will selI Cowanvîîe setion DominsonEdwamndshaîîene d ; ilb ian Melicean oo- CMrs. ALowe, Mr. Sork.cnocheied:hi' Public auction lis farm stock. Beauty Culture t Bee. idrpes sponsible for inaugurating tlhe Do.minion Clampioaship ta Ernest ilRnan , poelvican o- Caîl. Afgh, swSork o fa impilements. fuiniture. bousebpold cf- nt . rsl, hn 3 I They approached tle ladies af the Bowmanville Higli Scliool wîere sue" Riondan - Audrey Gogenty; low, wool, crocheted or knit: Mrs. fects: also the farmi of 25 acres, on JUST TO REMIND YQU THAT or840rae trBw - oavul n Cakchurcl she 'vas active in athletics. Henbert Sheridan, honr fniend - Rutile, Mrs. Stork. Sofa Pillow, Saturday, Sept. 23rd, ai 1.30 ,p.m.. aur low Prices are still effective 3- M anea and as a nesuli Mrs. Brooks M. Hogg is employed with ît omyBeeohaa e wwol: R. Putnam, Mrs. J. E. Arm- (Standard Time). Termis cash. El- for Sentember only. Telephone mnîle Cowan, Mns. Wm. Reid and Miss Hydro Commission in Tononto thief - Viola M. Brown; Hattie stnong. Tea Cozie: Mrs.Ruie mer Wilbur. auctioneer; T. D. Ho- 2601. Iris Beauty Parlor. 38-1* R O Y AL________ Mary Hendenson joined M nr s wlene le and bis bride will liveï Randaîl - Vera O'Neill; Joe Wil- Mrs. McCall. Besi Labon Saving anh, clerk____________________________ uok n irgou name h s a graduaieo aDnl im tews h ie # eiehm ae Mrs. Stonk, mng at Mrs. J. Scott Howand's. Hall, Guelph. bort Osborne. Directan - Emer- Mrs. bÏfcCall. Socks, knitted, fine: For Sale I I T EATREWe welcome to Newcastle île snFse.R Putnam, Mrs. Rutile. Socks, FRSL EUYPRO THE TR bride of Mn. Chas. Brereion. She ROYALS LOGE a bouse wbere strange things are manville Dairy Special, Cushion capipalent. Bonai permaet mc- < A I~ A T fU I~ A ~ I Çf d aîen, form oer Mid s stMuriecaRoh- ( tne rm ae1 l happening due othîe Cver: R. Punam. Candlewick ie. Emnress Dryer, Aerlite Dry- SATIS FACI ONIPJ 1,E I.~VI I I BII~Au~IllÈ don Pot Hpe an assta ctch CCfltnud tam age1) Tiger. Mns. Thorpe is maving in Curiains and Spread: Mrs. Mc- er with flood. marcel stove, sham- I I VI E erofaitîe Port Hope girls' sofibaîl walk ta stan îthe sevenîl and and befone she 'vas settled was Call. Gloves< cnocheted, coiton): Pao tray. etc. AIl in AI condition. i i n i nii IP A I IIfhI Thur Fr.- at. team, apponents in nany a goad ibis blossomed itt a nun when bound and gagged wiîl Mrs. Rior- Mis. Lowe, R. Putnam. Gloves Cleap for cash. Owner moving. U ,A L U U Thrs -Fr. St. gae f heNecatl grl' o necoerdthird on a sacri- dan's pnecious table cloîl. Cana, (kid on fabric, handmade): MrsFad ivng p usnes. iRE)oe SEPT. 21 - 22 - 23 toam, she fonmed many friend- fice and 'iii Williams nacing île a jewel thief, and lier daughten G. H. Dean. Ladies Pyjamas: MrUS. - Statesman Ofies. Bw ___________ slips and acquaintanceshîps bore. Aylmer man for third, Slemon's imPersanate île roal Mns. Thorpe Bogat, Mrs. Rutile. manvi... l e 3Offce.Bow Sbe became île bride ai Mr. Chas. tlrow 'vent behtad 'hlm and and bier maid. Howeven îe u- Lbna TbleRuner8MnsBo Brereton, eldest son of Mr. and Jacques reached île plate easily. pensonation is uncovened, tle Tig- gai ,Mrs. Rutile. Table Runner: Ra saeFrSl PURETEST VITAMN P O U T Mrs. H. Breneton, Newcastle, on The final run came wliea Ortan or caught, and ail ends 'vel MCal RMns. Bogai. Centrele AL-E H IL! Saiunday, Sept. 16, in Part Hope. lined 'a hm a ven île distant ibrougi île efforts oi Herbent. Piececol, red s oat eteFor uîowing riealth and ,ud nde 3 ER O*M K They will reside in Newcastle, buf field fonce. Musical numb'ers included Pl Bogat. Sofa P Lo'vmoer ns.fORheSAtLevTH PJ.RT Mr. BPillow, modem:aof rbe laie Lhe AJ. Jamiesonib angmYour chllsolo brogresPohiouchoolldepenrsgupon hn hhaothd Mn. rereon bing n emlaye Theteamis asmaol an sol by im Pwens; vocal Mrs. Bogart, Mns. Lowe. Sofa anc acre in part of soutb "quarter Now ls the tlme te, help bulld ni> you hl eltnet ai île J. Anderson Smith Ca. fielding, light hiiting autfiliad solos by Jas. Hancock, Bownian- Pillow: Mns. Rutherford, M n s. Lot 12. Con 6, Darlington, with wnc u ysatn l nacus iPrta île avencasi sky pnovided a per- ville; seleciions by OrnoabragssLowe. frame boue inagoodcondition Vîtamlon Newcastle Qulltlng Team Plctured feci setting for île fast bail picli- quartet, Jiin TamblynndCtios in Farmer's Advacatc ing ai Ken Lampman. However, Tamblyn, Don Hamm and Hanold Fancy Wonk, fi vo vanieties: Mns. Mtust be sold ta close ibis Estate. In. l Sept. 14î issue af The Satunday will be another game Allia; vocal duets by Jas. H an- BognMns. Lowe. Tea Cloîl, 4 Make cash of fer ta Lawrence C. Vitanun A, B, D and G Capsules umn 'vide pictune ai the competi- can tura île tables on île 1938 manville, wiih Mrs. M. H. Stapbe Stonk. Tea Cloîl, 4 Serviettes, trator. 38-1Boof2$10 tive quiting bee beld ibis yea champs. Orono, ai île piano.' colored: R. Putnam, Mns. Bogart- Cod Liver OÙl- 8 oz. bottie Sc - 1 z 10 at île C.N.E., Toronto. Plainly in Aylmen - Lampman p; Miller Wednesday nighi Si. Georg' Set Undenwea: Mns. Rutherford, Notice To Creditors ]Brewera' Yeaat Tableta oti 0 0 the lef foregraund may be seen c; Jamieson 3b;,Orton ni; Lanyon A.Y.P.A., Oshawa, repeated thiTMns. Bogart. Crochet Wonk, cat- île seven Newcastle ladies, and ss; Hatfield lb; Jordan 2b; Jac- 3-act play 1"Hen'e Cames Cliarlie taun R. PStaMs .Dan. evite, m LvclimsJ.f Jamisonstat e Cod tLiver Oil C psurlesTbes - - 5 o 5 seaied on a chair close ta île ques cf; Lindsay If. 'vhicb 'vas given in Onono la île Lunceon et an S.oe, rvets, Bm- AIl edeasedof credr inst le a unLvrOi asls z- 5 o 0 scene is île ieam mascai, Master Bawmanville - Bagnell cf; Col- spning. bodnd ns ovMs0B-aoedcasd h id inDrn- Ted Hoar, 'vbose mothen, Mns. E. ville f; Slemon lb; Williams ss;è There 'vas alsa a dance in île gait. Luncbeon Set, place mats, ton. on January 22, 1938. must be Multiple Vitanun Capsu1l - - - 0dse 15 C. Hoan, may be oasily recognized Rickard c; Witheridge p; Roacli Armounies. croclieted: Mns. Lowve, Mns. Bo- f iled witb L. C. Mason. Barrister. Wheat Gernm Oil-Oapsules ---pc.of0$10 Others ai île team appoaning as- Walion 2b. R. Putaiam. Lamp Shade: Mrs. before Octaber 22. 1939. afier wlich Yeast and Iron Tablets - - btteo10 79 siduously engaged ina their 'vonk Aylmen 000 002 1lix - 4 5 1 U. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL Rutile. Pillow Cases, embroiden- date distribution 'vill take place and are Mns. H. C. AUlin, Mns. Omen Bowmanville 000 000 000 - 0 2 3 OBSERVES RALLY DAY ed: Mns. Lowe, Mns. Sionk. Pli-- claims nai f iled wilI bde barred.______________ Colo, Mns. W. H. Cooke, Mns. WM aYothgldlindser low Cases, cut wark: Mns. Siank, Dated ai Bowmanviîle, September MatineeSaturday 230 p.m. Co'van and Mns. Beaudre, andI NTERSCHOOL MEET ar)d île talli aaely tops ai Cao-R.Pilla C a: Mns L da nd M st. 1939. .'aonFI~ iURIT Ect orbn Shorts Selected Subjects anid standing looking on fon île nonce____ lina paplas thai made a beauti- Mcll. C'ase : Mrs. LwMCall, wmanville.,aOn.. 1~? ! U ote eaue wI ccmayis Mns. Harold Toms. (Cantinued tram'page 1) fui deconative background ion île k:MrS. Lo've. BwAdnvilOnit..3-3ALT thrfabove prograccm Unîo -don (W) 292-5 sec., Grant (B), Hagg-Rickard and Ed'vards-Rick. FancmPurs, Pette Pant:-R aoepormUntdChurch W. A. Mason (B). 880 Yds. Brown (W) ard 'veddings on Saturday after- unm .Bgn. FanyPua eit on cyTRn HiBI R.girOS a ________________ Afien a iwa manîhl vacation 2 mi. 43 3-5 sec., Edgen (B), Burns noon 'vene atmtan île United Putnse, Ms. Loga, r. ean.yT et H 1 île W. A. ai île United Chunci (B).- Shot Put, Haden (W) 33' Clurdli, freal and ioveiy appear- PNredlPonrSoo: Mrs. LooFRwETeFU IS ED' AM YDean.CldCra Mon.- -Tues. -We. mot agata in the S. S. hall on 2%k", Grant (B), Green (W). tag, al day Sunday. Th fio ersoai M os. Siapis. nnr fo oseo-FR EnT Churb StreeMm e 1 AIM con- Set.14 wthMn.J.H.Jae-op-to ad-um,-rat(Br-arage Yr.A. B l opr, e ai n.LwMs tok oine.Poo30 8-*ISIZI1 gi o -4~W Y~'~ Inda se tou 100,000 mon more ' U>,..aereuau cuatOfathîe baya Balance ai île pnize liai 'vlll bo WANTED - FOUR ROOMS FOR thnAstralia e eln n (PP). 440 Yards, Appa (U) b min. and île girls ai île home. H.e published nexi 'veek. sister and brother. Write ta Box iNwZaadad2 1-5 sec., Masan (B), McClintock airessed île importance ai île 237. Bowmanville. 38-1*f4 1V I I? .~ql vier. anaa cobine.hlme and famiiy and appnaisect tH l W anted VeeU RaYa i jas.inean- 1A ioi.1 meeting of île W.M.S. DENTIST île value ai île chuncl's pragnam capbleaf WRK r. tor members and ihein busbands 'vas an- la relation ta îlem. The main- WANTED - MAN T O R D .DVY .. f..e CKA L nuced for Oct. 6th in arder ta DR. R. O. DIOKSON tenance of île .membenslup ai on fanm. caal o'working C.DVYVO, .8. irive as mnany as possible a chance (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. île cdurchisl largely due ta île hanses, non smoken preferrd. Bowmanville ta hear Mrs. Affleck. Prosbytenial Oven Langman's Store, Ne'vcas- Sunday Sdhool 'vhici is aiso île noasonable 'vages. Applv by lotion Successor ta Dr. T. F. Tluhc ]Phone 778 Pop ele' P eace Sec, vive ovenîs Ieading up ta île. Office hauns: Saiurday only, main source af île cluncl's ta H.M. cia Siatesman Office, Office: King St. East, at Tighc tho present 'van. 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Phono A1222. growîl. 38-1* Resident - PHONE 843 i i I 'I i j 4 1j z,

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