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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 3

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-~ - - -'~-~-- ~ r ~ THURSDAy, SEPTEMBER 2lST, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE tHREE O TOUCHURCH $UNDAYJ SEPTI ST. PAUL'S ÙUTZD 013URCEI Rev. W. Y. Banister, Paator 11.00 a.m. - Morning Worship 2.30 p.m. - Special Ral1y Day Service ini Lecture Room. Ail are invited. 7.00 p.m. - Evening Worship the ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Miniater 11.00 Communion 2.30 p.m.- Sunday Sehool, Special Rally Day Servie 7.00 p.m. Church Servie Hampton Charge Rev. W. Rackham, Pastor Hampton Church Service- 10.30 Sunday School i 2.15 Eldad, Anniversary Services 2 p.m.-Rev. Martin Jenkin- son, Pickering, wlll preach. 7 P. L. Juil cf Brooklin, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, will preach. Mion Service withdrawn on account of Eldad Anniversary. Tyrone Charge Rev. A. W. March, Pastor Tyrone Church Service- 10.30 a.m. Sunday School-- 2.30 p.m. Salem Sunday School- 1.30 Church Service- 2.30 p.m. Long Sault Church Service - 7.30 Enniakillen Charge Rev. H. H. Lackey, Pastor Rev. A. E. Harding wlll preach Enniakillen Sunday School-- 10.30 a.m. Church Service- 7.00 p.m. Burketon Sunday School --10.3ol a.m. Church Service 11.15 Enf!eld Sunday School-- 2.15 p.m. Chureh Service- 3.00 p.m. 241H IT'$ RALLY DAY ST. JOHN'5 ANGLICAN CHURCE Rev. Canon 0. R. Spencer', Rector I 6th Sunday After Trinity Hgarvest Thanksgiving 8.00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11.00 a.m. - Matins 2.30 p.m. - Children 's Service 11.00 Preacher. Rev. R. C. Good, B.A. of Church of Redeemer, Toronto 7.00 p.m. - Evensong. Preacher: Rev. W. R. Strin'cr, B.Sc., 7.00 of Christ Church, Oshawa TRMNTY UNITECD CHUROR Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor a.m. - Members of the Sunday'Sechool wrnl present a pageant, "The Building of the «Ship. " Sec particulars in another column Collection for Su.nday School Funds p.m. - Regular Church Service PastorC. Gahave Thrgenof,- hwservice Cadmusan r.C Avery... Miss Jean Courtice Charge Newcastle Charge Nestieton Why 1 Came te Canada it few cf these people include tivated for 5yas hc a McLean, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. C. Smith, Pastor Rev. R. E. Morton, Pastor i Ldiwoebcs"a utbgntefna Mr. A. E. McGill's rave! vit is Milford Brtz, Detroit, Mr. and Ebenezer NeEmtei lec",Lud i 4, "Reoosev",a-fu i the scene cf great activity these days. Mrs. A. T. Morgan and Rcss, Osh- Cuc evcsaR1.0am hrhSevc 10 .. ersnc aent siaos:. dRMissEm-e Cnin cuîd image te1h) tcess oafldhavebeehanoxslateduini sadthing it ebetmaa An immense stone crushinz machine awahMis JenSeirhBrcesin an 7 .3a. CSudychevice -12.0pam. Emerson, Toronto, with Mr. and almest every language; E. M. Re- from everythigw ce.Wt belngig t te L w C ruction w M r. and Mr rs. E. y br adley M .. Sunday School - -2.30 p m h r h S rie -7p.m..m. Mrs. M. Emerson.. . Mr. and Mrs. extent that c ntrol would g. marque, wh c ase was interna- very few e xc pi n, cu re d Co.. Toronto. move in a wçe agoMranMr.DnC bcsiM. Clarke Frank Joblin and Buddy. Janetville. They even control your social if e ticnally known for his successful considered uscatfr iîgu and grave! is beinor crushed and 19 and Mrs. Pat Segrlff and Barbara, Courtice Sunday School-- 1.30 p.m. with Mr. and Mrs. L. Jablin. .. Mrs. and eventualiy force you to go te bock "Ail Quiet on the Western aur life for a neti uue a d truc s ra e dr tieg12 oads cla ve! Mto r n d M r s. d . A ederso , To un a S ol-- 20 . .ur h S r i e -230p m Stewart M alcolm. Chesley. with M iss Germ any te ive. Front"; Elizabeth Rethberg, the They argued h t H te o l Pr er.brcski, Taunton, Mr. Murray Maple Grove Mary Malcom. . . Miss Stella Ross. Therefere we made application famou orn from the Metrc- neyer take ercutyadsi Por Perv.Tabb, Tyrene, with Mr. and Mrs. 1.30 p.m. - Sunday Schooh. Orono Charge Oshawa. with Miss Rose Mauqtioy. ta came ta Canada, feeling that politan Opera in New York, and such a thing wudb mosbe Mr. and Mrs. H. S. McLçan. Ta- T. Cewiing. . . Mr. and Mis. A. 2.30 p.m. - A combined Sun- Rcv. S. Litthewocd, Pastor . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mdcinstry, here we would be safe and eur many athers. Ascona was anc cf We belicveddierny dfo- rente andMissAnnieMounjoyOshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. children wauld be free. Thanks the mest mntercstmng cultural cen- ed aurseives etk h tp rovdonvsd M Eitt Randle, Mrs. Fred Adamis, Hamp- day Schcol and Church Ser- Orono Marlow. . . Mran Mrs. L. Toi- ta friends my faliser had at Ot- tres cf Europe. leaving beh:n i ewr C Hvo.vstdMsJ.E lit.ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, vice. Rcv. W. F. Banister Church Service and lin with Mr. and, Mrs. R. McCell.. tawa where he had visitcd a year1 We were fertunate and happy- customed te.A hs unn Rallv Day service was cenducted Bcwmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. wiil give the main address. Sunday School-- 11.00 a.m. . Mr. W. R. Lamb attended Lînd- age, we received our permit in a -ta ceunt Emil Ludwig one cf our o f aur friendshdtecuaet bvde e Re . D. Su t nse n the : hait r ES tehe i ,nis . . Mr. a M r. _ _ _ _ h r h S rv c . 0 p m av Fair and visited f riends at Fen- surprisingy short tim e. best persnal friends. The festi- t k h a e se . T er 1 resdreda sitabe athe: MaterSidTrewn, nniklhln, ithMr.Klrby clan Falls.. Mrs. John Hooey Mr. Our departure meant lcaving a vals, performances and concerts there suitcd te e el ebbie hi otsang a sale accemhipan.aMrs. W.k Tnrwln and m- Blackstock Charge Chuc Seve -3.0pm Rov Hoeey Mr. and Mrs. 'Bernice wondrfui life and a mst belov- he gave in his incomparable home Now, war hsboe u id bvM is mohe in wer M r Rave Phily M ss F ak andersp onn o famD-. tisnP stHooev and Barbara jean with Mr. ed cuntry. For seven years vle nay be cnsidered one af the the ld countyy paet r soan Mis e !d Fa wlto ter ocgaveo. the ul M issR. a udra Phihip, Tr no R v Da tnson, Pasto r N .ew tonville C harge and Mrs. Ceci! Wilson. .. Mrs. las. lived in Tessin, which is the Ital- levents in life, which you maY rived at thEirizra d h m The naster gave the address on "The Mrs. H. McCambe and famihy, Sudy col--1030am Rev. J. McLachlan, Paso Williamson. Mr. Frank Jackman and ian part of Switzcrland, termed neyer farget. a fortihtbfrthsapee ___vSho dalMs reeSap ootM. SndySho 030am so Mr. Arthur Jackman wit- Mr. P. by great traveliers as anc cf the Near Basic in thc German part af ter they hadz stdformnb Sunay che! dvne"KissgIKentSarps, wTh rons. E. Church Service- 7.00 p.m. Shiloh Williamson. most beautiful spots in the world. cf Switzerland was another far iniCanada adhdlandt h o wtofthe daias at"Dla Muteyed r.adMs.HryCadifus Church Service - 10.00 a.m. M.Afe aelsbsgn eHere, seuth cf the gorgeous Gett- mare important citadel cf cuit- love this caut3.Mymte Dcl." Larmer and Shirley Ann, South Churchi Service - 10.30 a.m. Kendal admutirngothnd rlspi:teGehaunin fPls b Sunday Schooh l 10.00) am. Taronte ta work in a munition f ac- br enanrne ot n rlsii:teGehau nc aihbrhadmn fm __________________ witb Mr'. A. Beech.. Sunday School - - 11.30 a.m. tory. sauth meet togeierfer a hast Dornach. I hop I may be able relatives arelingnthared MonabanChurcb Service 11.00 a.m. time befare they separate as if te tell yau at same future timne accupied part fPlad mn Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McLean, Mrs. . teo etnil eteo ..adMS wl etsmtigmr fti sho fth 82 e ld nd Wiliamson, Toronto, with Ma. M.NeteoNeovilNsttnW..adMSwilmt saying farewchl for laver. Pahms smtîgmr fti sho f c y yr Tyrone Siemon... Miss Audrey Thcmp- Sunday School -- 2.00 p.m. SundayScboch 11.00 am. at, Mrs. S. Malcolm's. Thursday ev- and birches grew here as weîî as spiritual activity in science and mother. Forthseodtnehy son, Bowmianvilhc, wlth her par- Church Service 3.00 p.m. Church Service 7.00 p.m. ennza 8.30 P.m. ihmeigi cactus ani ncrthern flowers. Hilns art," but naw I must give you a sec Germansinvdn hi on Mtýbarol Skinee icftdMrs.enMal.caMr.'sd gs.eNrmanand meunitains are covcred wîth further picture of Uth ile wc had try. I have hdn odfo m~~~arîdSkinerviite be ets.. .Ma. ad Ms.NoranChoir Dracticèe will bc held after the chestnuts and birches and little te heave. I want ta cxplain that them. casthie. Mrs. Wm. Lake, New- Hall Iand Cla'tXInGandg Bck te CMrch e;beieve in an intelitCrea- meeting.Dasevcinte ntdvlagwttycashpdbl- eiiedruar tecfr- Owh bsnyrlvdii cihosenevîdence, usrRalviltaes, ihtpcuresquped e s there, prl t eopfe r Oesanwih iso Mr.Fonduhe iitdbr ihMrs. WD. __ aniftrwoest r ncly fornauead ChRalyDysriei h ntdtwr n itrsu rh ne edtee hr epeErp n ssrMrs. C.y DureynTorotdh. wtMrs. sD.iGahang.e r. Laday.dtîud rmPge1 a ic tgt s inia nnactioe n c ch. Sunday afternaon vas well bews on their stenehouses, arc from ail olver Uie world, even eyes the fritcf ais cn A number from bere attended . . Mr. A. Beach witb Mr'. andte itolrn wrhi, ancfurflo mn.W attended. clustered amang tbcm. In the fram New Zcaland and Australia have moresmptywhtoe Oshawa and Lindsay fairs last Mrs. Everett Beech, Columbus... thing ________________ crai o or elowme. evalîcys, cern and grapes ga'ow in met and during which they pre- wbo are now ibigagis t week. Our Women's nsttute Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham and fan even admitting that it was no et eve aise in a very real, cern b-_________or_______ene nt ny etue, utwn-tanw hv wo anmbr fprze itOs-il, r. as enedMr adpies, if foilowed rather than talle- WE HAVE THE GOODS and sunshine, it is a poor countr derful performances cf mystcr Russia basto awyhems awa Fair. Miss Lorna Hooper Ms A. Read and Clayton, with. If these are the spiritual reas- ed wll eadta the greatest pos witb a modcst, friendly popula- plays, Christmas plays from the which bas cneldmc e aise won a large numler cf prises Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton, Burke- -ons bacle cf my return, there i siihe happiness. We beieve that A lien met a tiger tien, full cf temperament, bad middle ages, concerts, speech long bis realfae at Oshawa. ton. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs another aspect as important. thousands of people bath in and As they drew beside a pool. singers and wenderful dancers. choirs and Eurythmie, a ncw ktaid A strugglE o a eu e Work bas commenccd on Uic and Jean with Mr'. and Mrs. H. Not long ago I vlsited an or- outside of chuihe have success- Said Uic tiger, "Tel me why Ne king or dictator coets Uic cf dance. We werc specially fend tween Chrisiniei n i new a'oad at the west end cf 'Uic Chantier, Lindsay. . . Mr'. and phanage operatcd bY MY pariu-fuily foiwe these You're raaring like a loch." country, sel, amazi they bave cf this scio and net anly went opposite. God( l iesrnt village. Mrs. T. Cowling and family, Mr'. lar denonunation. Of course there For aur purposes, however, Uiey "That's net feolish, said the lien ivedi in peace for about 500 years. there, but aise arranged an ex- te the rigbt, adw e eti The wemen cf this ccnimunity Paul Cymbroski wli friends in are state-supportcd orpbanages are easier te follow In association WIi a twinkle in bis cyes; May God pratcct them longer, change cf lectures and perform- He will proetarnwcoe registered on Monday and Tues- Toronto. . . . Mrs. Henry Werry which do lots cf good, but ail toi with cther people unlted for Uic "They caîl me king cf ail the Our fruit farmn was situatcd ances in Ascana Uirougb which country Canaarihw r day et Uic vestry. with Mrs. Redpath, Fenclen Falls, often Uiechcildren UieY turn eut sarnie objective. beasts haif an bour' walk fram Uic we came in closcst contact witb beginning teoecewel League ae-opened Tbursday ev- and Ma'. and ?&s. J. D. Brown, are "institutionalized" and pes- Because I advertise." famous place Ascena, wbere my the mest outstanding persenali- P. S. - Sinc rtn i bv ening when a wiener a'east was Orono. . . Mrs. Gaeenwood with sess vast infericrity complexes. ear o chchi te drink A rabbit bear thcm talking parents iived. It is famous net tics. article, I waspesdt er enjoed. Mr.a'. Mrs. L. Bradley, Ennis- The churcb orpbanagc I visitcd, in Uie deep, seethiag music cf And ran home like a streak; only because cf its unique situa- 'Ail this we bad te leave on ac- ever Uic radiUa i zco SYmpathy is cxtcndcd to Mr killen.. . Ma'. and Mrs. Bert Ford, on Uic othea' band, was founded Uic masters, so universal that it Hec thought he'd try the lion's plan tian on the spurs cf the snew- ceunt of anc man wbo trcublcd sain i Facefre James Storie in Uic deatb cf ber Buffalo, Mr. E. McGowan, Toron with Uic idea cf prescrving si knows ne limitation of creed; But bis veice was but a squeak. covered Alps witb its vicw cf the se many fates: Mr'. Hitler. And legion and hv fce hi brother, Ma'. John Noble, wbo toi, at Miss Maggle McLaughlin's. respect; it was, in fact, Uic first composed alike by Protesat A fox, came ta investigate, descending Italian meuntains, but much mare agan the continuai whcle-hearted oprto passed away Tbursday, Sept. 14. Several from here attended Uic institution cf its, kind in America Catholic and Jcw. We will smng Had lunchean in the woads, aiso for its annuai coleny of fam- centact with oua' parents, Uic es- services on bea1c icEgih Lindsa calcd an"asyhu." I rcail-the ehd bymns, aise, and feel So when you advertise, my friend, eus and lcss known artists, wbepcal idciattefutadFenhfre gis i Rcv. A. W. Marcb preacbed an cd, net without chagrin, bcw littlc etnte andstregof ernharn Be sure you've got the goads. have chosen their homes aa'ound, and vegetable farm we bad cul- commcn enemitc. Ha nI bi contributed te its upkcepsugUe;secf imar excellent sermon Sunday after- during the ycars I stayed away among Uic ftacst pocl cf Uic neen on "Love, Zeal and Glow." frem ciucb race. Wc cxpcct ta listen totei ____________ Recent Visitors: Mr'. and Mrs. W. A. was hehd atUichernoe cf A cassmatc af mine is a mcdi- preacher, tee, net being se cern- '" . r- R. Chantier and Bebby, Niagara Mrs. C. Crossman an Tbursday. cal missicnary te Africa. Dua'n pletely sapbîsticated but wbat ... Falls, Mrs. H. Chantier, Lindsay, The Bible readlng was given by bis hast furlough I asked him wby some ef Uic Uitags be bas to say with Ma'. and Mrs. M. Hobbs. . . Miss Blanche Degeer and Uic de- he workcd se bard ta substie will do us good. Ma'. and Mrs. H. Gay and family, vetional by Ma's. T. Ccwling, aead- bis religion fer a picturesque Furthermere, wc're geing te Osaa ihMr. and Mrs. C ings by Mrs. Sid Trewin and Mrs. wrsi which scemed to e mcte bep with the chua'ch woa'k bcmng FIN E B R OD C L T HS H I T S Garrard... Ma'. Douglas Fontaine, A. Read, and instrumental soles bc adequately adapted ta Uie carraied on, even if Uhs requires F N RAC OHSI MsRuhMcNcil, Tarante, with by Mrs. C. Crossman and Miss present state af cultural advance- an apparent reversion te Babbit- $ 'A Jas. Kennedy, Islington, with M . fer Uic vo untary registration f su e t c nh e e c y, h c k e svmn e e- r a i e , i sG M.and M rs. . M cNam . .. M . G a e T c i . l n 'ade muelt f then ai e . A ar nt ry Af c , thcugb tocbc loi pe sive and ver-or2ht r . an a'.L.Gahm..M'.adwcmen. A dalnty lunch was scrv- c ahraue a yqeto.mucb better than none at ail. Se 4 Ma'. Ge. ver, Ltti Brtai, c. 'Wben yau bave seen hall Uic we're geing in fer Uic men's club people cf a village given poison and Uic wemen's auxiliary, belp te prove wbethcr or net Uicy are with welfare prejects, and baskets witches, you wcn't se much mnd - for poor families. disturbing their religion," be said. Pcrbaps if we de these things 0 IYI~ WVUI5uq~ In Uicseccend place, if Uic fate for the next 20 cor 30 ycars we BUID U FO W NTE o" ef i poor natives is te bc any may achieve Uiat inner content- better Uian tihat cf Uic American ment se many oid-fashioed EAT ORBE T'S READIndians, wc must give Uiem a Christians seemed te pessess but 1 proper training in Oua' white civ- wbich is ccnspicuously lacking The health-givlng qualie of our several kinds ilization; ctherwise Uicy'll get ameng the intelligentsia. * Perrma-Shrunk Broadclotks of bread maire them actualJy "thse staff oie ,, their lesson frem Uic rascally _________ ouaeaisna raan og o autraders and advcntua'ers wbc are * Extra-Fine Toiloring Youar masas atratan dln rurei ~aýready putting in their appear- After a young man rings a * Semi-Iaundered and Fused Collar etthe Injustice If you're flot eatlng Corbett'a bread 'ace.' I cannet but ledl that MY girl's door bell about seo oten its Ou wgo l o yurstee eer wekda.fa'end is a'ght, and Uiat I ougbt up te him te ring ber finger. * Fine ult Ocean Pearl Buttons Ou wgn aonyorstet bclp bian; but outside Uithe____________ WEEK-END SPECIAL church rny help w9uld aniount * Stripes, Checks and Plain Whites Thse klnd motiser used to make There are ether rmasons wbich SIZES 14 te 17 SLEEVE LENGTHS 32 te3 g~y bad te do witb my decision te go Puinpin Pe ............... 25 bacle. For one Uhitg, I can neyer T ee .Yo n wbhly dispense with the church's, iH aty /f4g Ijtem wfl maf m COIRDEFTT'S DAKEURY ~ie ofbig la edat I w ."easti marricd in the churcb and, were Poe80 Buy Bewmanville Baked Goode it te be donecliver again, would . Phn 80BewmanvIlle cheese the churcb. My children - arc new gctting ai eou _______________________________________________receive ethical training, and if, as I think, Uiey will recive bettea ,L training under the influence cf re- A JIETAL Roof ls FIREPROOFI ligien, I must set thein Uic cx- MM buh.nevez yet s.,u a fize Pzotoct ecS voluable ample cf subscribing te such an stock and craps wirh PEDLAB -madeaeitm influence. And finally, wben I "CuclStandad' Sand. die, some lcng-suffering minister "Go"d fo a Uluif. - soid whh a 25 Ym, GumWue wiii have te make a fcw remarles PEDLAIB a toimeroof and isel o i md ' Iee y man.I s' arta dîmetslona of yaui idiagfor our ti muo vP yrenis.I sntfirt comploe.rooi J ob, inldding ramSlugs. 1 I sbeuid allow Uiis embarrassing THE PILAR POPLE LMITEStask te devolve upen hlm after a A I hsalsi16 ifetime of indifference or actual Pee41 't~~ M hI ? , I Bw avl Hal Offtte -Odlismi, Chthestility on my part.Phn 45 om u0n uaLO =WToon toWi"alànI 4peis.Vau l., My wife and I have bean thinle- ing abouti these considerations muimfl 5 * S I ' and have finally decided to attend - -~- n *as mani cburcb services as pas- sible. Our ca'eed is simple ennuib lq' L THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ZHREE 1

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