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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THE CANADRAN STATESMM 1iiWUiM ZZ T L' l' Letes miTheAcbshop of Toronto Letter Front Moderator of United Claurd Letterfrom Moderator Preshyterian Churci 1 i gàtola. t o. a+ 'JAN A ZI~ftL~J ...-.'.-~---, ~ 1939 la 1 - isau w earn na% m Eauor oaIThec anndian Statesman l8kindlY throwjng open the. colÙni ai lis paper at this time ta thase wha feei strongly aloft tI importance ai "Gotag ta Church." Same of Uic reasona for gaing ta Church, in my opinian, are.*- (1) To worship God in union with athers. In Uic Gospel stress 18 laid on "social" action, - on Uic importance af people doiig' things togeUicr. This principle extends ta worship. While a man ail alone can warship God, yet Uiere 18 a speciai significance in Uic tcachig af Christ attached ta warshipping in union willi others. «Whcre twa or Uiree arc gaUiered tageUier in my Name Uiere I am in Uic midst of Uiem." (2) Public worship 18 also a public witness ta a man's blief in God, and in Jesus Christ. An empty pcw 18 a sul- cnt Uing, but it bears its wit- ness ta tadifference or un- bliic. But what an claquent Uing 18 Uic full pew! It licars withness ta beief in God Uic FaUier Almidghty, and ta His Son, Jesus Christ. What a nced Uiere is ta Uiis day ai great anxiety, when God is "sifting outthUic harts ai men before H18 judgment seat," af Uic great witness ai Uic worshipping congregatian. Men and women nced re-as- surance ai Uic presence ai Uic Lord Gad Aimighty, and that Hc 18 working His purpose out. One way, wiUhintheU rench ai every man or waman who 18 able ta waik ta Church, ai affering sudh re-assuranoe in Uic cammunity 18 lis, or her, Dlshai> Derwirn T. Owen presence in Church every Lord's Day, as a solemn public duty, and as a witncss ta belief in God. There are aUier reasans, af course, but I give these two as bcing ai Uic utmost imnportance at ail tuies, but espccially in times when Uicre 18 nceded Uic utmost strcngth ai purpose and Uic vîgor- ous morale aifal aur people ia Uic face of a tremendous task. May God's blessing be with you ail. Sincerely yours, j j At Th ditor of "The Canadian Sta cama g4ic Misteril Associationlai Bowmanville arc ta be congratulaef on the prOlroa. ofa a "Go-To-Church" Sunday for September 24th. Nothlnj" mrimotant can be done in these inuit trylng days tiian the cultivation and dcepening af real religion. Thcy that wait upon heLord shall renew their strength. Wc shail endure as sceing thc invsible. It il aur- task ta zeaflirm our faith i the God and Father of aur Lord Jesus Christ - that God, who is thc God of Uic End- and thskeepSalive in aur people a sense of thc Unseen and aofIndes- sirutibe Spiritual values. Thc Church'should be a haven of quiet, tn hich worshipping peple may lie cnabled ta lift up their eyes taUchila,ý whcre He dweils who kceps our Bauls and ta vlew thefr experienoe in the light of thc Eternal. Let no passions or fears turn us from thc steady pursuit af this high task. We have ta kcep alive a sense ai the undcrlying unity ofal aChristian people in Uic Beiaved Cammunity af Uic Waridwide and Invisible Church. Thus, while hating cvii things, we shail deiver aur minds from the malice which war sa incessantiy and increasingiy breeds, and lie prepared for Uic day ai heal- mng whcn pence shail came. We must affirm for aur- selves and aur brethren the paramouint authority of con- science under the leadership of Christ. We are at war with a power which seems ta dis- regard conscience; and we must flot fali into what we hold ta be its error. We must not deny aur share in Uic common sin ai mankind, but Rt Rev . J.W. Woodslde we believe that at Uiis' mo- ment we are opposing ideas Uiat are mansfestly cvii Ail thc mare we must keep aur standards high. Let us, t1ýerefore, search Uic Scriptures and seek the guidance af Uic Holy Spirit tInt we mny determine aur own attitude, and sa lend aur people. We must encourage and iead aur people in every practical effort ai comfart and henling for Uiasc who are i danger and those who sufer at home and averseas. At this time no man liveUi unto himseif. Ail that wc are and have must bie given ta mitigate Uic nnguish ta which ail are expased. Yau have ail my good wishes and prayers for a most heipful day. I shahl continue ta pray Uiat ail the people whom you serve It 18 a very sensonable, as weil as reasonabie, gesture on Uic part af thc Bowmanvile Statesman ta lcnd its calumns for an appeai on behalf ai Uic Church and ail taUich Churdli stands for, because, if ever there were a distinct cail ta sensible and respansibie men ta pay heed ta Uic Gospel af Christ, it is sureiy naw. WiUi Uic. greatest nations of Uic warid entered upan a struggie af which Uic end cannat be foreseen, let evcryane ask hriseif anc very simple question. It is - could such a condition ever be if even a bare majarity af mnnkind were honestly Chris- tian? There 18 oniy anc answer ta Uiat questian. The worid 18 agnin set an fire by war, nat because Christinnity has gat hold upon lufe, but because it has not. The man does flot exist who dare deny that. And why has not Christianity got hld oa ife? The nnswer ta tInt par- ticular question 18 compiex. But anc nnswer can be given at once. Humanity is as it 18 partly at icast because we praiessing Christians h n v e been sinck. We have been slack in Uic wark af propagat- ing Uic Gospel, 50 that Uic jibe can lie cast at us Uiat we spend mre n Uic "mviespt ina nweek Uia we give thUi extension ai Christianity inaa year. Yet we expect ta sec a warid cicansed from the evils tInt praduce war! And we have been slnck even in bear- ing tInt simple witness to aur own faith which cnsists in 1ev. f3tfa rt C. Parker gaing ta Chutch and shawing Uiat an Sundnar at lcast we aurselves remfember Gad. Yet we have*-been credulaus enatigh ta expect thnt aur chiidren would samehaw graw up ta lic decent, high-principied beigs! We have not stopped tô rcflect Uiat watcr does nat risc above its source, and Uint, while Uic younger gencration can easily be warse than we are, it cannot lie better uniess we give ta it al the impulse ai a good exampie. Let us get back ta Gad, and stay truc ta Him this time. In other days whcn trouble has came upan us we have crowded Uic churches, aniy ta mill off again meaniy when the cvii day was pnst. Let us get back ta God naw, and stay! TIen we may hope for a world at pence, but flot tiI Uihen, - flot till we aurselves are living as Christians, and are spending and being spent ta heip others ta DERWYN T. OWEN, Yours faithfuily,STATCPRK , Arhuhpo aat.JOHN W. WOODSIDE, Moderator. Ioeao fTePebtra hrhi aaa Enlfield Wlerie~r. P Oi<cturs o yba E iskillen Ms ilim.TrntM,.L. C. B r et nniversary. TheBalson qilatette sang .ydy nwe.MpeGoe tMr. atth srvce .. were nassed around while lunch was Thos. Baker's. ait MreMack PiniMrssePvrcy.. MrsAnd Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. being served. Rcn Visitars: Mrs. Ma ry Grif- faund. ha. Mr. Rosce Baern Rc-tVsios Mrs. S.eeladJi Stain ton. Mr. and Mr. Alh- Whilie. T rato. at rs. J. Sti- V lu tar Re istaton i C na- fin with M r. E. W otton's. Oshiwa. . Bramliton. at M r. W . T. Bakers. . I grol ii M rs. S. M of fatt. . M r. Fred Cameron's. N o sons. .Mr.Hary cKe. am- in ome i benghel a No 4Miss Myrtle Page with Miss Eunice Mrs. Jas. O'Leary. Miss Bettyr Mr. Harold Wilson with Mr. and ton. called on friends here. .. Mr.. achool with Mrs. H. F. Oshorne. Knapp. Union, and attended Lind- O'Leary, Mrs. Mary Williams and Mrs. A. Wilson. . . Miss 1. Stokes.Ja and Mrs. James Davidson. John Mrs. Elsi Oke and Miss Arnold in say Fair .. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright Mr. Roy Lane, Detroit. Mich., Mr. Mr . Herrin. Brooklin. at Mr. and T ro eCapsii Davidson and Miss Annie McDonald, charge. and at No. 8 witb Mrs. accompanied by Herbert and Arthur Jesse Van Nest. Toronto, at Mr. . Mrs. N. Taylor. Bit'n Oshawa. Mr. Stewart and Mgigs .sJ- Blake Oke and Mrs. Clarence Pen- with Dr. W. McCullough. Orono. . Wottcn's. . W. A. met at -Mrs. W. Hoskin's Et sic and Aggie Hooey. Mr. J. Pres- faund residing Monday and Tues- Mr. and Mrs. E. Wottan, Doreen and Mr. Jack Baker was iudging at when an interesting Prograni was in Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Live cout Long Sault. at Mr. Al. Pres- day at 4 - 5.30 p.m. and 7 - 9 f.n. Roy. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mes. R. Lindsay and Lakefield Fairs lastchreaMs.AAdrdsgu. Arnold, Arthur and Mary Arnod catt's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smiith Mrs. Ross Pearce and Mrs. Blake Gi i. r adMs E1.AI-we.chaugetofwas. Auiled'sth gldiou arnt, .U M. iliadHgI wit M. . alonat..... M. keaten e I anniversary cdce- ton and June with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wamen's Institute met at thc home at tic churdh last week. son. .. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Little H. Ormiston at BobcaygeD.. Miss bration at Zion an Sunday. Many Rodman. Part Perry. . Misses Stella ai Mrs. Fred Smith. Thurdav aiter- Mr. and Mrs. W. HaQJcin and and chr.R en, lOhwwihv. Mr Ida and Mrs. J. McCullch at Orono. aid friendships were renewed iroln and Maud Reynolds. Bowmanvile. noon with an attendance ai about Dortiy attended the re-opening ndMs .DwMs .Or Mrs. F. Smith entertained mcmn- as far awav as Sask. and Carnwall. with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. . . 50. Mrs. S. E. Werry, President. pre- sevcandino Sna nc ee Ms ety Atton, Ottawn, with O bers ai Women's Institute Sept. 14.,__________ Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison, Toronto. sided. Arneenswren~ef rviet ionr. a ndars anLut ere as- Mr. and Mrs. The OtDawa,. 1fr day. A. E. Harding, Enniskillen, Ç ~ I with iriends lere. .. Mrs. A. E. tic Voluntary Registration ai the coe's Talr&Sn ated ndrs. James Bai, Leskard, Preached very acceptably lere. Sun- Harding with lier sister. M~rs. A. Canadian Women. Our W.I. werc Newtoa ylr&Snnttne n r Mr. andMrs. Lone Simpon aitMrs. E. Ormiston. Babcaygzeon. Mrs. at Oshawa Fair. Mrs. Jack Reynolds, nuniber ai first vrizes. page yoenw naohÏ 80N Menr. andrtLae Sipna Co wiios Mr. and Mrs. Wili A. Ormiston is muchli mmi'oved in leader ai crroup) 4. presided for the The syçmpathy is extended ta Mrs. page.___________ Mrs. Sitmison's uncle. Coan, Oshawa, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. healt.. . Mrs. Redpath witb Mrs. pragrani. Mrs. A. L. Nicialîs, Bow- John Greer on the deati aiflier sis-1lb Cowan, Orono, and Miss Edith H. J. Werry at Mrs. R. Ormistan's. manville. gave a muci zippreciated ter. Mrs. Byron Oak Coîborne. I i ( Messrs L. Cochrane and Merlin Cwn ootwt r n Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. address an "Legisiation" and stressed Tireshing and silo fillinir arecl6 GipLe rov H-ep)burn were successlul exhibitors Mrs. Brooks Cawan. . . Mr,. and E. A. Werry an the birth ai a son. the need ai cvery man and wamnan full swingz. in_______ov CashInq witli horses at Oshawa Fair, Mrs. Bruce Crossiey, Zion, with Young Ladies' S.S. Class opened makingz a will. Mrs. Alex Colville. iias isDoi ikn,2f N seveintecrdi er MradMr.Bert Crossley, also the service. on Sunday marning. 'Bowmanville, favored witl twa vocal Corie -hMs onMna' Plo next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Or- Mrs. A. Fuller lad a successiul solos accompanied by Mrs. Edwin ZMrs, J. E. Cochrane, ion. Caurticeandwith Mrs. JohnMonundy. oia ana. . . Mr. and rs. D. ogeS, sale Friday witi T. M . Slem on as W ood. R al cal was answered w th M s t n e ite a d d u îe Mr. and Mrs. Carl Strtager, Mr. auctioneer. - tic name ai a Cabinet Minister and Barbara, Cobourg, with Mr. and Or. Ebenezer Orville Stringer and friend, al ai Y.P.U. tmet Sept. 6ti. President ils department. Mrs. Reynolds and1 Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. C. H. Snowden. .. Mrs. Alex and< Kirlan Laewith Mrs. Miss Alice Ashton apened tic pro- lier groupn servcd a dainty lunch. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. KivelI,. Mr. Creightan, Oshawa, with Mr. J. J. W. Striager. .. Mr. and Mrs. grmn. Five girls taak charge ai tic Eldad are holding their Harvest and Mrs. L. Miller and Clilaord, Frank Swailow. .. Miss Annabldle Recent Visitors: Mrs. Gea. Pearce, Irwmn, Mr. Hnyse and Miss Prin- devational. Misses Anale Rawn. Hel- Home and Tiank-Oiierinir services Miss Jean Leach, Sauina, at Mr. N. Byard, Base Line, with her mo-- Mrs. Allie Shantz, Miss .&llie Wor- gie, ai Peterboro, with Mr. and en Gardon. Alice Stevensn. Myrtie an Go-To-Churcli Sunday. Sept. 24. Leadli's. .. Mr. and Mrs. 3&Tm. Fice. tIer at Port Perry. .. Misses Nel- Hayt dca and Mr. Frank Worden were Mrs. Gea. Henderson. .. Mr. and Page and Alice Ashton. Miss Ruth Rev. M. Jenkinsan ai Pickering, will Oshawa. Miss Pearl Leach. Solina, lie Snawden and Thelma Free- Friday visitors with Mrs. Scripture Mrs. Richard Hasfil, Port Hope, Stevensan. K1elowýiWp Can*rr reaci at two o'clock and Rev. P. at Mr. Nelsan Pice's. . . Mr. hnd m4n, tendhers, at tIcir homes. . . me at tic home aiflier daugliter, Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Porteaus. took charge ai remnainder ai meet- L. JuIl. Brookln. Presidept of tic Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Lira. Milford Wilkins, Blackwell, Taaonto. . . Dr. Grace A splendid service was held ingz when old favorite hymas were Bay ai Quinte Conference, at seven Raîpli Glaspel, Tymane, Mr. and Mrs. Mit. and Mfrs. TheadoreWiin Rchardson and Mr. Percv Elliott, Sunday at Clarke Church when su ng: readings by Howard Bradley o'clock Suecial music by tieclcioir Chas. Warren. Hampton. Mr. and and daughter Ruth, Oshawa, at Toronto. were tea guests Sunday about two hundrcd and iifty ta and Keith Ormiston; Piano salo by under tic leadership ai Mr. George Lirs. Ivor Gary. Alan and Arthur, Mr. J. H. Mundny's. . . Miss Es- W.T witli Rcv. and Lira. W. C. Smith. . thrce hundred Orangemen, tIcir Miss Helen Gardon: vocal duet by Werry, A.T.C.M. Evemyane la tic, Toronto. at Mr. P. B. Glaspel's.. . teila Marquis, Mr,. and Mis. M. W e Miss Doris McBrian, Lynbrook families and frienda gnthered ta Misses Lamna Rahm and June Asi- cammtinity is exPectcd ta attend this Mm. and Mrs. Christian Star, To- MacNee, Hearst, wiUi Mrs. F. Park Whitby, witli Miss Rosena celelirate thc 100Ui Anniversary ton. Rcv. A. W. Mardi, Tyroue, gave G-Ta-Churci Suaday. Tiejre will onta. at Mm. Hans Geisberger's. .. Swailow. Miss Marquis remained PHOM Edgar.. Miss Eleanor England, af thc Cqwanviile Orange Ladgc an iatemesting paper on "Tic War" be no iowl suppem ths ,,ear. Dr. and Lirs. W. 1. Langmaid, Osi- for a langer visit. .. Miss KatI- 695 Toranto. and Miss Kay Scott, Whit- No. 265. TIc parade started at wîicî was mucli enioyed. awa. at Mm. Tracy Glaspel!s. .. Mr. leen Clemence, Toronto, witI by. witi Misses Fiamabelle and June thc original hall which stands on Rev. A. E. Harding had charge ai and Mys. A. Whittaker, Miss Ada Mis. Lloyd Snowdcn. Marshall. .. Miss Veina Pearce at the praperty now owned liy Bert churci service Sunday evenina. B a k t Pascoe. Mm. Franklin Awde, Tomonto. Sympnthy 18 extended ta UicM ý Miss Margzaret Tockwood's. Oshawa. Crossley and led by Uic drum and Y P.U. met Sept. l3th wien de- l c s o kM .ad r.A.L P soe S li f m y of t e ae J hn ou , ..Misses Lila Osborne and Rosena file band, walked ta Uic church vtoa a ie yMs .M.adMs.Atu or.E- bnzr Edgar.Torono. athome.where tIase thnt couid get in Wearn. Misses Alice Stevenson and Recent Visitors: Mrs. John Farder Mm. anden Mrs. Arthur Morea n - Ebe Rll nezr. o-o hu Young People's Union enjayed a were seated in Uic centre ai Uic Alice Ashton. and Allan earn and witi hem daugiter, Lirs. Benson Columbus. at Mm. Prank 'Pascoe's.: Sunday will lie abserved an Sun- Pleasant tinde at their conaromast dhurch which was rcserved for Keiti Ormiston. Meeting was la Duan. Oshawa. .. Mm. and Mrs. L. Mm. and Mms. Delbert Flintaif and day. Rev. W. F. Banister, Town, on Fridav eveningr at Pickell's Beach. Uieir use. A loud speaker was Sympathyv is extended ta tic fan- set up, sa tInt tIose who were charge ai Missianary Convener. Miss Hooey, Clarenont, witli Mrs.- Ida sans *KeCdPon. at Mm. Wes. Camer- wil lie guest speaker. S. S. wililN ily ai tic latc John Found f orced ta remain outside were Gladys rale;Pana sala bÏy Miss Crawford and Mm. George Crawford an's. .. Mm. and Lirs. Chas. Vivian start at 1.30 P.m.; dhurcI lit 2.30 Services on Sumiay were. conduct- able ta hear and failow tIe entire Blanche Preston ami guitai, nusic Jr... Mms. Cecil Downey and Jane. and fanily. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. parm.; bath services standard time. 3 Cakes cd by Rev. Fred Riding la tic moma- service. Rev. R. E. Morton, aur bv Allan Weamn and Fred Standard; Reaboro. with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chris Chant, Faiti ami Wayne. To- LuxTi ingr and Mm. Pemcy Elliott. Taronta, Pastor, gave a splendid address. reading liv Miss Maudie Simipson. McLauRilin. .. Mm. Bob Willan who onta. at Mm. Refard Caneron's. .~ Gold Me la tic evening itl Miss Hazel Misses Kathleen Simpson and Rev. A. E. Harding gave an inter- spent tic summer at Paint au Baril. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Smithi and Lloyd, Hiamlpton Pm Runle antibt h oa ool em oa ag Ucde estinz paper an Young pcople's work. Miss Marie Jeifery and Mm. and Enfield. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Long- P np tic evening. Rcv. W. C. Smithiwa "Sweet Hour af Prayer." The August meeting ai W.M.S. was Mrs. Jeiiemy. Toronto. with Mrs. maid. Mrs. Arthiur Langzmaid, Osh- addressinz, tic Young People's Un-s church was decoated with flow- ield ln churcli basement. Praver hi'Wim. Steele. .. Misses Rutlh Marlow awa. Mm. and Mrs. Blake Balson. Recent Visitors: Mm. ami Mrs. E. Fri's Pm ion in Oshawa. n ers and ilags, tIc original charter President Lirs. H. McGill. Progran and Florence McLauglilin. Toronto. Wapella. Sask.. Mm. LeWis lander, E. Staples, Enniskillen. witi Mm. Breaik washun o Ui walnnda Bbl lachageai ms.E.C. shtn' athom.. Mr. ohn McKee at Wolseley. Sask.. Mm. ami Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. T. Wray. . . Mm. and Lirs. Borden' W. M. S. mh e t Thu sdn cay gea ntic dated 1830 and presented ta Uic crrou p). praver hi' M s. Ashton, crip- Fenelon alls, . . M . and SM rs. Ge. Ferguson. Bobby a mi M aron. <~ T atr wti M . a d Lr.ClahdeC a a chur wt h ac oupX i la cfhare adldge in 1839 was n thc pulpit. turc lesson was given by Ms. S. Frder with M. and Mr. Wanna- Thorntn's Corners. M. and Lrs. j. Dunlop. Colçwatem. . M. and Mrs. a m an tte dan e a 30 M e ber a ti __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __T ew in : Lrs. H- ardin g gave a snlen- m aker. P rt P erry. . . R v. and Lrs. G . L a agzm aid , O shaw a, at M r. j. W . F red W ilson. Lrs. Ra i' W iliu m and Baby Band and their mothers werc did talk on Christian Stewardship; Wood weme at Sparow Lake Tues- Balsoa's. .. Mm. and Mrs.* Victor childmen at S. KerseY's and G. Ad- gucsts. Lirs. A. J, Oke, Temperance There are two ways af attata- solo -bv Mrs. Narman Wright. read- d&y wlieme Mm. Harding condpcted a, Parkia. Miss VeIna Balson, Kinsale, cOclcs. . Miss 'Beatrice Lraci, and Peace Sec'y., gave sDwe worth- ing an important end-force and'ilac by Lrs. T. M. Slemon: sala by luneral... Mm. and Mrs. Arthur- Miss Louise Foley, Maple Grave. at- Bowmanville. witli Miss Wilmn while emarks. Mms. Smth had persevçrqtnee. Force faIls only ta Mms. J. R. Ommiston. Bailev. Lirs. William Crawford and Mm. Anson Balson's. .. Mm. and Mrs. Leach. . . Mr. ami Mrs, Spracklin. charge ai devotionhi tapic; vocal Uic lot. 61 Uic privileged iew, but Mm. and Mrs. E. Harrison, Mm. E. Harold at St. Catharines with Mm. Chas.- Stainton, Blackwatem. iMm, andi Toronto. witi Mrs. J. Colwill.. duet iv Mms. Chas Faund and Miss nustere and. sustained persever- Bates. Toronto. at W. H. Maore's. and Mrs. L. McGuire. .. Mm. and Lirs, Poster Snawden, Kedron, at Mm. and Lirs. L. Brooks, Tymone, Pickce Pll ocstudy Peio wsolla hrensgncecant, Jpra uen ythper ,stMr6. Gardon Shunk, Maple, Miss Mr. Carl Wilbur's. .. Mr. Jas. Mc- with Mm. and Mms. Sert Stevens. . Phoneo ý Pickll: tud verod as I chrge nsinifiant Itssilnt pwerGladys Dixon and Mms. Melville Bis- Master. Toronto. at Mm. J. W. Mc- Miss Domeen Perrett, Keadal, at1 ai Margaret Pollock Mrs. Blake graws irresistible with timne. Soiahap witi Mrs. Florence Thonipson. Master's,.., Mr. and Mrs. Tom home. .. Misses Eileen Wray and 'ZNR SolinaAnglican W.A. met Thursday ev- Samson. 'Toronto, at Mm. Russell Jean Anthistie at Nolaad. .. Mr. ening at Mrs. Chas. Smith's. Mms. Pemk*ns'. . ,Mm. and Mrs. Hansen Elmov Creeper, Owen Sound. with Recent Visitors: ;,Mms. 'David E. P. Wood gave an iateresting talk Richards. Mm. and Mrs. Newton Mrs. J1. Colwill enraute fran Mont- .,A l ttiBroome is visiting lier sister la New on "Tic Custons and Industries ai Edgar and Kelvin. Oshawa, Mr. eal. . .Mrs. Tom Brawn. Ottawa, Pu l C I A I IR a York state and attending thc World's Prince Edwamd Isl&nd." Rev. and Whitney Lang. Miss Olga Lang. Ta- and Lirs, T. S. Holgzate. Bownan- IAÇ FIG & air.. . Dm. and Mrs. Ellis Rcy- Mrs. Woad lad a previaus charge onta. Mm. J. Jacks. Hampton. at Mi. ville. at W. E. Stevens'. .. Mrs. H. A T eS & gnolds. Hillsb1urg,. Miss Lulu ReY- on tic Island., A. Ayre's. .. Miss Bemnice Stain- Cînyton with hiem sister lu Osiawa. T aalds. Hampton, at Miss Mary Ho- Sympathy is extcnded ta Mm. Rici- ton. Mm. Adam Hnwley, Peterbara, Preachiag service will bie la ticTh czarth's. .. Mm. and Mrs, Georgze ard Allia in tic deati ai ils brother Mm. T. E. Wasington, Miss Stella mamingr nextSudyaiSny Walters. Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. A. la St. Catharines. Washington. Mm. Harold Washiij-' School la tic altemnoon. No service the Mm. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Wiitby, Contes. Rubv Toms, Jean Wright, Stainton. Mm. and Mrs. Douglas services at Eldad, on fstdi ~UST one tankfi wll prv at Mm. H. E. Tiak's. .. Mm. Lcw Audrey- and Kathleen Stinson on Staintan, Sandra and Wilson, Mm. School cilîdrea are looking for- coIf tJ eLandee.moumnmilbumyn Svis'vsa- winingz prizes on their club work Carl Staintoni. Miss Kay Voage'~ Miss wad ta their scol faim Frida. e i ceremrmie in lacf iemis here.. Mm. and irs. at Lindsav Pair. Tic prize manci' Norcen Lang. Toronto, Mr, Carl Mr. and Lirs. C. Ruadle, Mr. ami eq ryaplon of 51.11. More Isaac Hardy and famili' spent Uic was divided eQually amang tic girls Bradley. Riev. and Lirs. W. Rack- Mrs. Spencer, Bownanville. visited miles becauseSheii in canada weekend at Lindsay. .. Mr. and according ta tie aumber af Prolects han. Mm. L. Stainton, Miss Ethel Mm. and Lirs. H. Holwell. mksgolnfor your use Mrs. Blake Baison, Wapello. Sask.. comffleted and marks obtaived. Stainton. Hampton. Misses Lvle, Our churcli choir resutued prac- Asre gasliefMrs. Chas. Chatterson. Wolseley, W.M.S. af United Churci met Elinor and Leona Stainton, Mm, Win. tice Thursday nigît wîea a social Asre wida experience gained in Sask.. Mrs. Thonipson, Brandon, Sept i3th at Mrs. T. Saninmell's, The Stainton. Mm. aad Mrs. Gea. Speigit. eveaîng was fPent. Crokinale was Layer C couatries where motoring with Mm. and Mms. A. J. Balson. . progran was la charge ai Mrs. El- 'M .Vemnon Osborne. Miss Joyce Pl.aved ami metreshments served ta F. ésh wouid be impossible wîitaut Mm, and Mrs. WiII Westlake at Mm. liott who cave a reading, Mrs. J. ear. Oshawa, Mm. and Lirs. Ho- choir members and fieads a item a î i Narman Mutton's "Oshawa.. Mm. Wright gave an argan solo. A e- w.mrd Falev. MapIe Grave. Mm. Glen short practice.Ap l F 4gidlyeoenomical operation. Clip. Short, Tory Hill. Mm. and Lirs. Port ai tic School for Leaders held 'Bottrell. Oshawa. at Mm. A. T. iisteo er TrY Surnsser Sheli. Jack Short. Mm. Jin Short. Courtice, at Whitby. was given bv Mrs. Eraest 'Stainton's. . . Mm. and Mr5. Walter Saneni aklngof FUI up ait our sealed Mm. Fred Wright. - Maple Grave, Larmer. Mrs. Jabez Wright intra- Vivian. Maxine and Mari aie. Northiae aknw Sifa 11u a u cldMiss Naa Werry, Kedon, M. and duced tic new study book. Oshawa. at M. Thos. Marti's...f ugo Sha pumps today.Mrs. Russel Tionipson, Ms. Arhur Several af aur boys iud.ged at Mm. and Mms. Frank Crassmaa, Rev. Recent Visitors: Mrs. R. Hughes, brdepr Steane and Billy. Toronto, at Mm. S. Lindsay and did well. and Lirs. Wotten, Oshawa, Mm. and Mm. and Lirs, L. Hughes and fan- E. Wenry's. . . Mrs . S. Thonpsoa Syinpathv is extended ta Mm. and Lirs. Hoskia Smith and family, En- ilv. Sarnia. Mm. and Lirs. Morley aonas eturned ta Toronto aiter spend- Mrs. Earl Dorrel la tic deati ai field. at Mn, Russell Rabbins'.. and daugiter. Pickering. Mrn. ffl et's D'h ll tafon Gaageing tic sumnien at Mm, S . É . Werrv's, Mms. Susanna Hoocy. -- Mm. I iiiii rs. Anson Salson and Mrs, J1. Cator and son, Toronto, atT -Mmi 8ý.. iMn. and Mms. Jesse Van Nest and Mm. and Lirs. Rupert Byers witi daugiters. Miss Jean BaIson, Miss Mm. and Mm,. P. Cator's. .. Mm, and ~ig 1. saiBowmanvUle Brian. Tilais, Mns. Dave Darus, Mm. and Lirs. James Syers. Lauise Poley, Maple Grave, Mm. H. Mms. L. Annis and baie, Toronato, Phn85 ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ M rs. H oward Couc i and M iss M ar- M . Gilbert* M arlow. Idaho, w iti ason. M . Gerald ason, M . J. with M . and Lrs. W . C mii Ph ne 85 ioy.Bonavilc r.L.B.sp iinds W. Saison at Almond Churçh An- "Love. Zeal and Glow" was th i m ý FL LUNN 96 GROOBE Bowmanvillê i rERS 'The Place To Lunc rouhfhout everyayadeelw.mitn unchsrvc wh'Ch 1 lcldea everythlm ,daintiei adwich to a full l c u t aLOr ,citys llubereshtier coffee, tea, sot nkor milk shakes. For a rel cuP 01 better - Bee or tea try Carter's wth yu adiho WEEK-END SPECIALS cak«................. 35c & 25c Pie~ ehantrad inslnany or the Ingredienta used hi e hve lotraledour Prices, for lowered the quallty )ods. TrY Carter's cakes, biscuits and bread for your HE CARTER FAMILY Buy From Your BowmanvMej Baker Baker, for Two Generations IN,$ GROCERY BARGAINS s f roilet Soap, with coupon box top lOc ledal pkm - special ............. tn loc ire kfast Cocoa .........-ib. tUn 19c 's Deliclous neis. ...... . . . . . . . . b 19 FRE8R FRUIT A»DV»GETABr -~ 'l . 1 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN. BOWMANVILLir nurÀvTe% Orange Lodge of British America, thraugh which we sec her. - E. and is signed by the Grand Master, de Girardin. T14URSI)AY. SEPTEMBER 21-Q'r .- !M Bowmanville subict o h fine discourse délivr- Sovereign and the Grand erty Next Sunday wil libe Attendance Sun- fact that Tudgié McLean 15 stilI a day. a siiecial sermon is bcjix ire- member in. woad standing of Cwn pareid by Rev. March and a male ville LO.L. and that when e was- choir will render special music. l'au o1fered the position Of Orange Grand are invited ta attend and brjpg fri- Master of Eastern Ontario. when lie ends.'\ was a lawver in Newcastle. the sitt- Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator will cc- img Master of CowanvM oR brate their thirty-fifth wedding an- promptlv resigned. throwini haire niversarv on Thursday (Sept. 2Zft' bpe for tie edection of Bialier and Salem friends wish them many McLeSfl se that lie Miglit be elipjb happy returns. for the Grand Mastership. iil Mr. and Mrs. L- Richards and In the early part of Sunday's ser- family attended the funeral of an vice with the church liacked tg h aunt. Mrs. Jackson of Osliawa. doors. . Rev. R. E. Morton read a Mr. . Wlshcariedoffseyraîwarm letter af gree'tinRs and gzood Mr.A. elh crrid ff eyealwishes f rom Judge McLean Who vrizes an his horses at Oshawa Fair.cnvydhsrresttlatitne Mr L. Squair. Mrs. F. L. Sciuair, of national emergency and crisis hie Mr. and Mrs. E. Silver. Mr. and could not loin his brethrén of Cow Mrs. E. Doidgze attended the funeral an.0 tdea ti leaal servce f J hn obl of Tyr ne. occasion but mnust needs rem ain in Picton. CëRteary % vicaCowanville Lodge was organized C.ii.nar SI'IC~in 1839 bv George Cowan who was Of COwanvHl.e Lodge Worshipful Master for 31 vyars. The 184 list of members records the foli. Hanging on the front wall of lowing: Alex Caulter, W.h: Robert Clarke Churdli on Sundav. on the Adair. D. M.; Wm. Hhero- occasion of the centenary serviçe of Treas.: Sam Ramscy. Win. A. Hjan- Cowanville Loyal Orange Lodge. ilton. John Gordon. WmI6 Caulter, werc two fraýmed documents of spec- Robt. Cowan, Geo. CaWÂný John il sigznificance. One was the aone Wedell. Richard Walsh* Thas. For- hundred vear aId charter of Cowan- svthe.. Francis Beaven.' Wni. Lytle, ville L.O.L. No. 265. The ather was Thos. Ray. Alex Cowan. John Ho:- a certificate issued ta Judge Evan waod. Fred T. Coudh, Newcastle H. McLean of Picton. formerly of is the nresent WVorahipfuî Master. Newcastle. and ii probably the pnly __________ certificate af its kind ever issued in Canada and does' higli honaur ta Ail the wor llaves a loe.0 h Cowanville Lodze whose headquar- world loves to lie amhusedve.Th ters for znany years have been in Thd.anwolve sI Newcastle. It certifies that Evan H. only a wonn, but thc womnan we McLean lias been made an honorary love is a celestial being whose Grand Past Master of the Grand defects disappear. under the prismn wling Seils The Best And Serves You Well 'suggeat you start now to build up your system wmnter colds and infection. LaMettes 1.00-1.85-3.50 Ayerit 10-D Ciod Liver Chem.ioal Food Oil - 4 os. 67 - 16 oz. 1.69 r . .-.1.15-2.45 Wampole's Extract . 1.00 1108s - - 1.25-2.25 ScOtt's tmdzion - 53-98 àWt ad CodTaty xtract . . . 1.00 liai and CodMead's Cod Liver oer OÙ - 47-79-1.39 OUl - - - 5o.75.,.00 Engliah lealth Saits ss Tumbler 39e ~.maIeltet niaMy with NU- e', -n!i.,Ptic I gve yu speio p cate with art BorderPti toneSalta' Bi l .fr....... SOcum e E0 ood eans t".tdotr"h«uabtt'- ubet Cyettn itTrsss t a nd nie altracto iii fit qualiy and ric. cpe r. . COlNPmB I p' A ý Co

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