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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 5

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I p. A THE ANAIANSTAESMN, BWMAVILE, NTATO AI~t'T?£riv for Leaders" which took place in Wib.A social haîf hour fol- -SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nedý Mr W. H-. Harris, barrister, PHONE 663 and Mr. S. A. Wallace, Port Perry, Iwere in town Saturday for the Mrs. VWHonan, Port Hope, and Mrs. Richard Hawkey. Mrs. vlsited heYaunt, Mrs. A. Tait. Hawkey is la poor health. Mins Ina Burns is vîsiting ber Rev. S. C. Moore, Toronto, was sister, Mrs. W. Crowe, Lindsay. in town this week in bebalf of Miss Jean McIntosh, Vernon- the Ontario Temperance Federa- ville, visited friends in ton tion. Mr. Moore dlaims tbat the liquor traffic is Canada's Public Mrs. W. Halfacre, Kendal, visit- Enemy No. 1. ed friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. 'S. J. Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Knapp and Leamington, with Mrs. T. G. Ma- son Ronnie, Peterboro, visited her son and Mr. Lawrence Mason and father, Mr. Richard Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent inotor- Mr. E. Marjerrison, Monteithý ed to Woodbridge on Tuesday and Northern Ontarlo, is holidaying had a pleasant visit with Rev. C. with bis family at Carliâle Ave. W. and Mrs. Barrett. Mrs. H. Harris and daughter What's the matter ladies? The Thelma, Peterboro, vislted Mrs. Voluntary Registration of Wom- R. Hobbs. en in Bowmanville so -far this week bas been very light. Bootbs Mrs. A. Trewartha, Markham will, be open tili Saturday nigbt Mr. and Mrs. W. DuncanGreen but please don't leave this im- River, visited Mrs. Ehi Wilson. portant duty till the last day. Mrs. ohn arto visted ber Mrs. Donald S. Linden, 3 cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wigg, Palmerston Blvd., Toronto, in re- Oshawa. newing her subscription writes: Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor We enjoy The Statesman very and daughter Janet are holidayjng much and my brother Fred Han- at Norland. son who lives la Chicago says her Mis HeenStrnge Kngsonlooks for it every week. He spentv is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. C. C'.i oiaswt sadjs e Southey. turned home Monday.S The editor is indebted to George Mrs. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, is Clayton, north ward, for a bas- vislting ber sister, Mrs. T. S. Hol- ket offrtqa.y oaoslf The Statesman office last week.0 Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Train and With such demonstrations of r daughters, Marilyn and Carole, kindness and generosity the edi-h Toronto, visited Mr. and Mirs. J. tor bas no need of worryingh Albert Cole.. about the prîce of potatoes going u Miss Molly Smith and Mr. Hugh up. r Nmnd spent the weekend witb Mr. Four wedding annive r s a r i e s i and Mrs. Jasper Smith, Port Dal- were celebrated together in a s housie. unique gathering at Myrtle Sta- tf Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Garrard tion on Sept. 14th, wben Mr. and and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Mr. and c N. 'Knapp, Peterboro, visited Mr. Mrs. A. W. Pickard, and Mr. and a and Mrs. E. Brummell. Mrs. S. R. James, alI Of Bowman- n Congratulations to Miss Doris ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. n Millson for passing the Vocal and Beacock. The Beacocks were mar- Instrumental Course at Jarvis St ried 58 years ago, the Fergusons Collegiate. 48, the Pickards 34, and the James Albert Darch was awarded a couple 4 years ago. gold watcb for bis saxophone solo Jlimy Marr, jeweler, informsD in Ken Soble's amateur bour of us bis little 5-incb advertisement two weeks ago. la laft week's Statesman had "'ipowerful pulling power," to use e Mrs. S. Colby, Mrs. K. V. Hy- bis exact words. For he sold well ni land, Mrs. W. A. Menzies and Mr5. over $100 worth of Community ff E. R. Hyland, Toronto, bave been Plate at the 40% discount before w, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Forbes Saturday night. Whicb is furtber S( Hyland at Providence. proof you got to tell ' em to sell dc 1Mr1[. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman 'em or la other words h~ pays th have retuirned. from - Lindsay both the customer and thé mer- fc where they were, called on ac- cbant to advertise in Tbe States- st count of the death of their niece, man. s Mrs. Fred Graham. St. Paul's W.M.S. met ait the ah Mr. and Mrs. William Hewat, Manse Sept. 19th, Wit Pesdeti son Bobby and daugbter Nancy Mrs. W. H. Carruthers presiding. Lou, Sisco, Que., and 1%rs. E. A. The devotional period was takenn Hewat, Toronto, were guests Of by Mrs. Herbert Layman. Mrs.R Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Hewat, G. A. Gillespie led la prayer. The P( Wellington Street. . Study Book Cbapter was read by Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy Mrs. W. F. Banister, title of the a -and Jack left by motor on Satur- book "Moving Millions." Mrs. Li day for Ethelton, Sask., where Davies gave an interesting and pl they will visit ber parents, Mr. descriptive account of the "Scbool ha AR WILL BE DECLARED On any individual in arrears to Ibis paper, who bai received a, tatement, and wvho does flot remit promptly. No tanks nooe machine guns will be used but a whole lot of thinking wifl be don.. The Golden Rule doeo not seem to be iin some cases, so it must b. war - "Inul aid" - a postal note now, pliai.. The Canadian Statesman Take No>ti.c.e rOWN 0F BOWMANVUILLE Rovert te Standard S .Time Citizens WIII Take Notice That On Saturday, Sept.- 23 eAt midnight Bowmanvill, wiIl revert 10 Standard Time and all conoernîd areî re- qu.sted to govîrn themelves aooordingly. By order of the Municipal Counoil of the Town of Eowmanville. R. 0. JONES, Mayor. I --.mungae ana gas. ve me ctCUA tor a caîl. We learned that Mr, Harris attended high school here in 1884 when his father Rev. John Harris was the last Bible Chris- tian minister here before union, who also edited The Observer following Rev. Mr. Nott's death. Mr. Harris is a great basebail fan and has attended many of the local games in recent years. He plans to be hèI'e for the game with Aylmer Saturday. In The Editor's Mail' ,Camp Borden, Dear Mr. James: Well. here I am over oi hundred miles fromn home. I start -_working tomorrow. ail last week being taken up) goinir through miles and miles of officiai red tape. This is a wonderful place, and really gives one an insjgzht into what is Roing on in the way of Canada's war defense. Evervthinz is s0 vast. and done on such a large scale. that it mafces you feel very insignificant. In agreement with hundreds of others. 1 must say that The States- man is truly like "a letter from home." One neyer apprecj.a-es the hometown paner to its fullest extent until he zoes away from honxe. I've read it fromn start to finish, and even read the want ads. That ofight to show my interest is untimited. I miss the hometown and its inhabitants. Give mv regards to the staff. and compliments to you for editing such an interestinZ paver whicj I1 have never appreciated so much as>I do 10W. Yours sincerely, Don Cameron. Dear George: I arn slowly sobering from tl exhiliarating experiences of the "Ei niskilcn Diamond Jubilee," wbere had the time of my young Jif e. vas so, very njuch worthwbile. an ;ec'y. W. H. Moore and bis myrn tons deserve congratulations up( le succcss attendant upon their el forts. But in the final analysis, tili think that to you and TI ;tatesman - Durham's most valu abic assets - must go the supren lurcîs as the most potent factorsi bringing in the sheaves." In th name of the reai '«old uns," greet thee and thank thee. thc Potentate of the Fourtb Estaie. One highligbt of our outing wa avisit to Dahlia Deii at Cadmui Little heard of among a lot of pec le. we found it withai one of Dur am's outstandinR beauty spots. Through the somnolent hamli which centres about an nid grist mil at the door of which lazcd a co.up :f native sons, a fiecting glimpse o ;hnmmering water greeted us.J ýarrier-like hedge of cedars gavet r îkling of treasures within but ot zenial escorts. Dr. and Mrs. L E N'illiams. veritable encyclopedia cc Iurham lore and beauty nooks, hai )efore solved the riddle a ngl Jcncî I the answers. Prom dusty roai hrougli and under leafy bower wi cent. and "Presto" Alladin's laml îuld not have conjured more miracý ous alchemy. A blaze of glor note the dilated vision. Dahlia! 'cerywhere towering over our head naIl the conceivable hues of tht inbow, a riot of gorgeons coloring ýwildering. bewitching and en- hanting. Nodding in the sun. mamn roth blossoms, large as dinner plates, cir trembling fringes. runniniz thc eoIe gamnut of nature's palette, tod out in bold relief agaist the rscraid backgrounds of the higi edge. It was the breath-taking pre- ide to a compelling symphony in lor. the delightful earnçst of na- ire's prodigal response to the woo- ig of artistic hands and- loving earts. And aIl this the evolution fan angzlèr'g quest for rainboii ut 1 A quest that led Mr. Wolf )lease t±he f ïshing rigbts of a se- lded pond and its contributory teams. that he rnight indulge bis berman's instinct. In due cgurse shack was erected to houge the msonal expeditions. Later the shac< sumed the dignity of a cosy and ctursque cabin from the wide porcli fwhich th . placid southerti outloo< a sure vanacea for aIl the mental Ithat miati is beir to. The shaven wn in front dips gcntly to the bor- .r of the little lake. in and upon twaters of which wiid watcr fowl, nssing sanctuary, swim, dive for -vinder, or fioating along preen ulti-c.lorcd Plumage 'neath brilliant imer sun. To the ieft. alang an isticallv landscapcd batik paths id haphazardiy. revealing at evcry rn fresh floral beauties. dim2inutive stic l*idges spanning .trickling ramlets as it cascades over mipia:- re falis: sunlit delîs ga.rbed in Dssom, ail attuned to the original :odiand. Prescrved and cunningiy yen into the picture. From casual vacational retreat this 'en finally became an ail summer fuge from the work and care of 'an wres Then as the dahlia ~s g ew arg r and larzer, City alers. recogiig the superlative bl voritv of " Dahlia Dcll" bulbs. e;ager- contracted for the entire produc- I. "t t e time of our visit the creator thissylvan paradise was seriousîy sposed. but most hospitable was rreception at the bands of Mrs. If, the gracious chatelaine of the ncernc. and it was with genuine ret that. from the shaded porch. took a long last look across the le lake whcrc a tiny point, carpet- in silkv green, made elamorous ingz for a graceful tree.the droop- Sbranches of which quivered in ing breeze as if voicing benisons )n US. Peace, perfect neace I Kindest regards. "BiIly" Milîs. wl at ba aI ii w ull e in rai cli the wh stl eni bied lud dog tur injz hea of tro to clig stre fisf ai sea! pict of isE il law der the seri grai mtl $1111 artk wini tur rust stre ture blos Woo WoV i have refu urba ploit deaf qual IV c tioni Ai of i indis our Wpl dctW remi wet little tedi settir ing passi upon St. Mary's. Ont. Sept. 9, 1939. Pageant Presented By Trlnity Scholars Next Sunday. Sept. 24th. in co- e operation with other town algd coun- [- trv churches. Trinity United Church, ris olanning a special 'Go-To-Church eand Rally Sunday" service at Il n Ai citizens who look to Trinity as their church home are invited to at- , tend this service and bring t Le whole r amnilv. Sunday School members bave been, verv busy preparinz a special and most interesting program for tI morningz service. Have you ever -wit- nessed the building of a full-riggzed, three-masted ship? No? Then. come fo church next Sunday morningr andi watch over fifty (50) membecs of the Sundav School. from the tiny tots to the zrown members build the' shiv right before your very eyes. The pageant is founded on Long- fellow's Poem "The Building of the Ship)." and the Holy Bible. Comne and bring the whole family zet the church-goinjg hqbit. it's a zood one. and Pays big dividends. Scholars will assemble in Sun- day School at 10.45 a.m. Pastor Addresses Trinity Young People Trinity Y. P. U. re-opened on Monday night for the faîl term. The highlight of the evening was an inspiring address by Rev..S. Davîson on the present crisis which our Young people are fac- ing. The speaker stressed the importance of bSeing calm and collected in these difiicult; times and pointed out aiso that Young people to-day were facing theE problem which confronts them, in an entirely different light than during the last war. He cited that in most cases, the youtiq of to-day were carefully considering every angle of the problem before rush- ing to conclusion or not; thinking what might be the result of their actions, as was the case in some instances during the last war. Mr. Davison's remarks were directed towards the Young men of the group and some of his ]E arguments were very enllghten- e ing to some who were in doubt. In conclusion, Mr. Davison urged everyone to continue life normal-F ly, in business, the home and the The wbrship service was c on- ducted by Jack Dunn,asi b Mabel Brookham, Doris Dudley b and ThçIma Schlievert, with Ken- neth Soanes, pianist, supplying -the music. Hazel Rundle favored wlth tw delightful piano solos and BertC Johnston gave two much enjoyed 1V humorous readings. It was decided to hold the an-F nual wiener roast at Bowmanv E Beach next Monday night. AUl Young people of the church were invited, cars to leave the church V at 7.20 sharp. Miss Susie Van Camp conduct- N~ ed a half-hour of games, and a tc delightful evening of fun and fellowship came to a close with- a friendship circle. L A Obituary Lir B. Mrs. SusannaHooey :f The funeral of Mrs. Susanna Id Hooey, wbo passedi away Sept. w lSth, was beld at the home of Mr. Id Bail Dorrell, Cartwright, on Sun- le day.. The service was conducted IP by Rev. L. Kennedy of Nestleton -Presbyterian Churcb, assisted by 'Y Rev. D. M. Stinson of Blackstock 5s United Cburch. Is The deceased was born la Cart- Le wrigbt November 30, 1858, daugb- rter of Wm. Hooey and Sarah -Cruickshank. Sixty years ago she i- married Thomas Hooey and re- . sided la this township excepting ae for 17 years spent la Medonte eTownsbip, Simcoe County. e Interment was made at the Un- h ion Cemetery, Cadmus, beside ber -husband who pre-deceased ber 19 nyears ago. Since bis deat4 she h as made ber home with Mr. and -Mrs. Earl Dorrell.1 Beautiful floral tributes were1 from many friends 'and Nestieton1 Presbyterian Cburch wbere she, fwas one of the oldest members.1 Bearers were S. A. Ferguson,1 Robt. Hamilton, Sim Sanderson,1 Jas. Byers, John Larmer and Nor- *man Taylor. One of a family of ten, she isi survivedi by three brothers, Ro- ý bert of Port Perry, William and1 Thomas of Manitoba. We are fighting a tougb enemny, we are figbting an. enemy that cannot submit to any terms we *can accept - to any terms we can prudently accept - withoutc smashing defeat. - Lloyd George.r 1 Sound dîscretion is not so much tindicatcd by neyer mhaking a mis- itake as by neyer repeating it. ORONO FAIR S (Contlnued trom page 1)> ronto, was the-judge, assisted by. Miss Glenn Gamey and Mrs, A. I H. Keane, 'Orono.S MTrotting race wlainers were:A Mis Peter Grattan, owner Mary I Brown, Orono; Peter Jay, owner Ii J. S. Sutherland, Peterboro; Peter B Merriman, owner K a t hle e n Hooey, Orono; Peter Chilcoot,A owner Kathleen Hooey; Orpban lh Anmie, owner G. A. Dunsford, Eý Peterboro; Isalee Harvester, own- le er Mr. Dunsford; and AI Patch, 'A owner Howard Boyd, Kendal. Starter was Herb Collacott, Osh- awa, and judges were T. A. Reid, G Clarke, George Colville, P o r t C Hope, M. J. Elliott, Bowmanville, A~ and Os. Cowan, Orono. B Qrono Citizens' Band provided G, a splendid program of music. F Farm and Home Improvement VF Competition: Austin Turner, New- M castle; William Rowland, New- S, castle; O. K. Osborne, Bowman- Ei ville; Wallace Holmes, Newcastle; CI Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville; ki Gordon Matin, Newcastle. Ei Domestie Science.Sc Loaf Homemade Bread: Mrs. M~ Reg. Sutton, Lorna H oo p e r. Sc tton. Wealthy: J. W. Boyd & I ns, F. Squair & Sons: Snows: I Ale & Sons, M. H. Staples.I anberry Pippin: Mrs. F. Love- *, Bickle & Sons. Macntosh:I rlet Pippins.CF.ALoein. klet &Soin:s, .Ch. LAlin %H. Staples. Baxter: Bicklc ns. Deicious: F. W. Tamblyn Ï 1 1 NEW ARMY GENERAL Commlssioner G. L. Carpenter Who lef t Toronto Monday for In- ternational Salvation Army Head- quarters in London, England. Brown Bread: Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Lorna H-ooper. Raisin Loaf: Mrs. Sutton, Miss Hooper. Date Loaf: Mrs. R. G. Moffatt, Mrs. J. S. Eagleson. Buns: Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn. Tea Biscuits: Ada Annis, Wylma Farrow. orange Cake: Lorna Hooper, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Short Bread: L o r n a Hooper, Ada Annis. Macaroons: Mary Bowen, Mrs. Neil Mutton. Date Bars:* Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Jumbles: L o r n a Hoper, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Whole Wbheat Muffins: Mrs. Moffatt, Lor- na Hooper. Layer Cake, dark: Lorna Hooper, Mrs., Moffatt. Lay- er Cake, ligbt: Lorna Hooper. Angel Cake, not iced: Mary Bow- en, Lorna Hooper. One'Egg Cake, witb recipe: Lorna Hooper, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn. Apple Pie: Mrs. Robert Allin, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Pumpkin Pie: Agnes Waddell, Mfrs. Moffatt. Lemon Pie: Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs. Jas. Eagleson. Butter Tarts: Mrs. Moffatt, Lorna Elooper. Raisin Pie: Mrs. Robert Allin,. Lorna Hooper. Currant Jelly: Mary Bowen, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Sandwiches: Mary Bow- en. Marmalade: Lorna Hooper, M'rs. Jas. Eagleson. Apple Jelly: M&rs. Ida Lowe, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Pickles, mixed: Lorna Hooper, MIrs. Sutton. Chili Sauce: Mrs. R. G. Moffatt, Mrs. Sutton. Cucum- ber Pickle: Mrs. R. H. Brown, Lorna Hooper. Mustard Pickles: Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Lorna Hooper. Bean Pickles: Lorna Hooper, Mrs. Sutton. Pickled Pears: Mrs. Jas. Eagleson, Lorna Ho op er. vleat Relish: Ada Annîs, Marjorie Oke. Collection Canned Fruit: Mrs. Robert Allin, Lorna Hooper. rive lbs. Butter, blocked: Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Roast Chicken: Mary Bowen. Women's Institute Special, six 'arieties Pastry: Lorna Hooper. Pure Gold Special, tea biscuits: MIrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. Reg. Sut- ton, Wylma Farrow. Robin Hood Flour Mills Special - White Bread: Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Lorna Hooper; Raisin Pie: Mrs. RébIt Allin, Lorna Hooper; Buns: is. Reg. Sutton, Lorna Hooper; Tea Biscuits: Ada Annis, Lorna fooper; Shortbread: Lorna Hoop- r, Ada Annis; Layer Cake, dark: borna Hooper, Mrs. R. G. Moffatt; bayer Cake, light: Lorna Hooper; RoIls:' Mrs. Reg. Sutton; Apple Pie: Mrs. Robert Aluin, Mrs. Reg. utton; Pumpkin Pie: Mrs. R. G. Woffatt, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Bowmanville Daîry Specials - 'hocolate Layer Cake: Mrs. Ed. Dean; Cream. Pie: Mary Bowen; [11k Loaf: Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Vegetables Blood Beets: Roy Putnam, Geo. 3Bickle & Sons. Red Carrots: ffylma Farrow, G. Bickle & Sons. Vinter Calibage: G. Bîckle & 'ons, C. W. Allun. Red Cabbage: ?ylma Farrow. Celery: Roy Put- iam. Citrons: C. W. Allun, S. D. >uch. Mangels, red: R. K. Squair: 4angels, yeilow: F. W. Tamblyn, tArmstrong. Mangels, sugar: R. [Squafr, C. W. Allan. Onions, ed: Roy Putnam. Ornons, yellow: Blckle & Sons, Mrs. Ira Lowe. lrsnips: R. Armstrong, C. W. dlin. Field Pumpkins: F. Black- îrn, Wesley Brown. Pie Pump- :ns: Fred Blackburn, Neil Mut- :n. Summer Squash: Mrs. Robt. llin, G. Bickle & Sons. Winter ýuasb: R. Armstrong. Red Tom- toes: R. H. Brown, Mrs. Reg. etton. Sweet Turnips: Mrs. Ro- ert Allan, Russell Osborne. Wat- rmelons:. R. Armstrong, Geo. ckle & Sons. Muskmelon: Wes- ýy Brown, Gordyn Brent. Early otatoes: Henry Blakeley. Late 'tatoes: Henry Blakeley, W. J. Two Bises UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENOY Phono 792 DRUGS We Deliver IHar Jose. Blenheim orange Pippin: Nil Mutton, F. W. Tam-~~ blyn. Ribson Pippin: Squair & SonS.C. Alln. Snows, 6 qt. bas- " ket: Blckle & Sons. St. Lawrence,. 16 qtý.: Bickle & Sons, Harry Jose. GMravenstein 6 qt.: Neil Mutton Bickle & Sons. Macntosh, 6 qt. 1Bickle & Sons, Neil Mutton. Mel- ba:*R. K. Suair, F. W. Tamblyn.SP WlfR ier: Neil M utton, Bickle BL E SILFOO EV &Sons. alman Sweet: Russell BLESA OKY Osborn, quair & Sons. Wagner: SALMO0N Neil M utton, Bickle & Sons. Nor- tenSpy: Bickle & Sons, S. C. C & B. BRANSTON Allin. Gol den Russet: Neil Mut-~ Pickles .......... ton, F. W. Tamblyn. Rhode Island PRI NCES Greening: S. C. Allin, Neil Mut- SapF ks. .. ton. King: Neil Mutton, Gordon o Fae .... Brent. Baldwin: Squair & Sons, ROYAL S. D. Soucb. Ben Davis: Neil Gelatine Dessert.. Mutton, Squair & Sons. Stark: S. C. Allin, Neil Mutton. Crab PURITAN Apple: Boyd & Sons, G. BIent. Beais ............ Pears, Coll.: Bickle & Sons, F. C. & B. Squair & Sons, F. W. Tamblyn. Shrm op. .. Bartlett Pears:- Bickle & Sons, F. ripSU. .. W. Tamblyn. Sheldon Pears: SALTED Bickle & Sons. Flemish Beauty PeaInut .L.10e Pears* F. W. Tamblyn, Bickle & *Sons. Buerre Bos: F. Squair & BLACK Sons. Anjou: Bickle & Sons, F. Pepper . lb. 29e W. Tamblyzs. RITZ 32-oz. Jar *Plums, Coll.: F. W. Tamblyn. SldDesn 9 Bradshaw: Gibson Farms, F. W. SCALa Desig-9 Tamblyn. Burbank: F. W. Tam- PCA blyn. Imperial Gay: F. W. Tam- Brooms...... 25e blyn. Lombard: Gordyn Brent. BULK Reinclaude: Gibson, Farms, G. Cocoa .. 2 lb. 25C Brent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grapes - Red: Miss E. Waddell; UT Green: Bickle & Sons, R. H.FRI 1 Brown; Black: Wylma Farrow, SNOW WHITE F. W. Tamblyn. Flowers and Plants Caullflower Asters, Collection: Marjorie FIRM CRISP Oke, Roy Putnam; White: M. 1.s Oke, R. T. Rutherford; Sheil Pin: C l r Harry Jose, Roy Putnam; Rose: COOKING 10 lb. ba R. Putnam,, G. Bickle & Sons: Onions....... 19e Red: R. Putnam, R. T. Rutherford; Mauve: R. T. Rutherford, Roy Gaeri Putnam; Purple: Bickle & Sons, Gaeri 5 for 23e H. Jose. Dianthus, Coll.: Mrs. F. Love- kmn, M. Oke. Carnations, coll.: . Mrs. F. Lovekin, Ada Annis. Cal- endula: Matt Brown, Lorna Hoop- er. African Marigold: M. H. Sta- pIes, R. T. Rutherford. French ______________ Marigold: Marjorie Oke, Ada An- nis. Nasturtiums, coll.: Ada An- Wylma Farrow. Miniature Gar- nis, R. K. Squair. Scabiosas:. F. den: Ada Annis, M. Oke. Lovekin, Ada Annis. Petunias, J. H. Jose Special: F. W. Tam- single: Ada Annis, Mrs. J. E. Arm- blyri. strong. Petunias, double: Mrs. J. Exhibîtor winning 'most points E.' Armstrong, R. K. Squair. Pan- in flower show: Ada Annis. sies: Bickle & Sons. Celosia, fea- Pat thered: Ada Annis, M. Oke. Ver- Pat benas, coll.. Ada Annis, Mrs. J. E. Tuberous Begonia: M. J. Tam- Armstrong. Salpiglossis, coll.: G. blyn, M. H. Staples. Begonia, any Bickle & Sons, Ada Annis. Sal- kind: D. G. Hooper, R. T. Ruther- via: R. H. Brown, Mrs. F. Lovekin. ford. Coleus: D. G. Hooper, M. Snapdragons, coll.: Ada Annis, R. H. Staples. Plant, not otherwise T. Rutherford. Zinnia, pompom: named: Mrs. J. E. Armstrong, Matt Brown, M. Oke. Zinnia, Mrs. E. Hancock. large flower: Joe Hall,' Matt Art Brown. Rose: M. J. Tamblyn, Joe 011 Paintings - Portrait: Miss Hall. Phlox, Drummondi, coll.: E. Waddell, Agnes Waddell; Fig-. M. Oke, Mrs. F. Lovekin. Cosmos: ure: Mrs. W. R. Stork, A. Waddell; Mrs. F. Lovekin, Ada Annis. Animal: E. Waddell, A. Waddeil; Dahlias, collection: Joe Hall, M. Marine: Mrs. W. A. McCall, E. Oke; Cactus: M. Oke, Joe Hall; Waddell; Landscape: A. Waddell, Show: Joe Hall, M. Oke; Decora- Mrs. McColl; Fruit: A. Waddell, tive: Joe Hall, Matt Brown. E. Waddell; Flowers: Mrs. Stork, Dining Table Bouquet: Ada An- E. Waddell. nis, R. T. Rutherford. Living. Water Colours - Figure: A. Room Bouquet: M. J. Tamblyn, Waddell, Mrs. McCail; Portrait: Ada Annis.A.WdelE.WdelAnm: Gladioli - Single Spike: M.H. A. Waddell, Er. MWall; ana: Staples, H. Jose; Wbite: R. P'ut- r. Ak . Waddell r.MCll; Mane: nam, H. Jose; Dark: H. Jose, M sa Mrs. trk cECadll; Land- C H. Staples; Pink: H. Jose, Mw. H: scare; PMrs . call. Mrs.. C Staples; Ten Variety: H. Jose, Boartel; Frowe: E. Waddell, Ar. Basket of Glads: H. Jose, Mo. H.Waddll; ri:E.adlMs Staples.Mcal Wall Vase: Ada Annis, W. H. Sepià - A. Waddell, Mrs. Stork. Carruthers. Coll. Annuals: M: Crayon Drawîng: A. Waddell, Mrs. Oke, R. T. Rutherford. Coll. Per- Stork. Pastel Drawing: A. Wad- ennials: M. Oke. High Basket: dell, Mrs. Stork. H. Jose, M. Brown. Low Basket: Pencil Drawing - Figure: A. M. Brown, M. Oke. Corsage: Ada Waddell, Roy Putnam; Animal: Annis, M. Brown. Everlastings, R. Putnam, E. Waddell; Land- 1939: M. Oke, Ada Annis. Coîl. scape: A. Waddell, E. Waddell. SPECIALS Each 10e Bunch ' 5e 5TOKAY jGrapes 2 ibs. 19C deil, Mrs. Stork. Coll. China Painting: Mrs. W. A. Stork, Mrs. W. R. McCall. 3 New Craft: Lorna Hooper, Mrs. McCall. Students Coll. of Art - Child under 10 - Orono Junior Room - W. J. Boyd & Sons. Public School Students - Giri's Sample Needlecraft: Dawn Mof- fat, M. H. Staples. Handwriting Poetry: M. H. Staples, Dawn Mof- fatt, Orono Junior Room. j Coll. of Antiques: Mrs. J. S. Eagleson, Lorna Hooper, Mrs. W. R. Stork. Domestlc Manufacture Quilt - Ajýpliqued: W. A. Mc- Call, R. Putnaxn; Cotton <pieced): R.* Putnam, Mrs. MeCail; Fancy Quilting: R. Putnam, W. A. Mc- Cail; Double Wedding Ring: R. Putnam, M. Oke. Bedspread - Crocheted, R. Put- nam, W. A. McCall; Candlewick, Mrs. F. C. Bogart, Mrs. Stork. Comforter -Silk1, Satin or Ray-. on, Mrs. McCall, Wylma Farrow; Wool filled, Mrs. Bogart. Hearth Rug (rag, hooked):, L. Hooper, D. G. Hooper. Rug (cot- ton, hooked): Mrs. McCall. Rug (wool, braided): R. Putnam, Mrs. McCall. Rug (crocheted): W. A. McCall, Mrs. J. A. Eagleson. Knitted Suit (wool): L. Hoop- er, R. Putnam. House Coat: Mrs. McCall. Knitted Dress: Mrs. J. R. A LLI ED FOR SAVI NOS Over 200 I.DA. Druggists bave joined together in co-oper- ation so that we may securs prie advantages from our source of su.pply. These savindu ws pais on ta you in the form of lower prices., Every day o*l prîces are low and specials each week-end give you a chance te make your ni.onsy go much fnrther. SPECIAL~S FOR THURS.- FR1. - SAT. Hot Water Botties................. 39e Waxed Paper, 100 ft. rolli............ 17e ToIidt Tissue, Universal, 6 rils. ...... 25e Pinkham's Vegetabi. Compound .... 87e Beef, Iron and Wine, 16 oz...... 2 for 1.00 Jar Rings, 121s ............... 6 for 25e Alkaseltzer - - 29c.57c Minerai O'il, 32 os. - 590 Chas. 's Nerve Food. 49c Parowax 2 for 19e Carter's Pulls - 23c-69c Noxzexa - - 15e-Soc Anacin Tablets - 22c-4Bc Vick's Vapo Rub . 43o Lysol- - - 35e-OSe PALMOUVE SuAVE CREAM lb.OlIVUOhIbIunique show. cum s»Oh«en md esodlises lttb.t.d ski@. coJ Shffla w230~ s »..a TM 390t Prescriptions a Specialty Alex McCregor j, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1939 w 1Lb. 27 ........jar 19e While They Last ........pkg. Sc .....2 pkgs ~c ....28 oz. jar 19c ........tin lOc SMALL Sealers..doz. 93e M ED. Sealers. doz. 1.07 HUTTON'S CORNED *EEF Loaf .... 8Boz. loc DURHAM Pg Corn Strch . 9c MIL Wild Flowers: R. T. Rutherford, Pen and Ink Sketch: A. Wad- (Contlnu.d on page 10) ieç Lowest Prices THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, àOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO pAr.Tr VTVP HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS 2 for - 23e For babies 18 months & over Mead'à Pabhim - - - 45e U0 D Cod Liver Oil 4 oz. 87e - 16 os. $1.69 Baby'. Own Tablets - 23e Z. BT. Powder - -. 25e-0O Zobnion 's Cream - 25e-5Oc Gin ? q ý p 111s 1

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