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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1939, p. 8

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"PAGE EIGMT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THIJRSDAV ~FPTTtU1~P» ',î~'r soie ""Ifke DlUm LANTERN By TEMPLE BAILEY CHAPTER XII because I love him. Please bel it. You can't understand what But of late. Evans Follette bail bas been te me in these dark mnet thcm witb an effort. "Look for I have learned to know bow kmn vourseives." be bad said, vwbien thev is - and how strong. I hai askced for baoks. and bad sat star- a care in the world when lie .Us inz into tbe f ire. And he had not and everythinR is so - marvell urged them ta stay. His manner Yeu sbould sec my ring - aR lad been kind but inattenive. Thev sap)phire. Baidy. in a square of were puzzled and a littie hurt, "*I monds. He is crazy to buy tih feel sarta aueer wben be acts that for me. but 1 won't let hjrn. I way." Sandv was sayingz. "as if be take tbings for Judy but nlot dicln't take anv interest. I do't myself. You can sec that. of cou even know wbether be wants us anv I i ust go everywbere with bim mare." mv cbeap little frocks, to tl-,e ti Arthur refused ta believe bis hero ters and te aIl the wreat restaura inhosnitable. "It's iust that he's Rot and we bave the most delectz things on bis mind." tbings toest. It is reslliy jreat fi Thev reached tbe bouse and rang Since be bad beard the news the bell. Old Mary let tbem ini. jane's approaching marriage. "He's in tbe library," she said. and ans bad lived in a dresm. The 1) tlacv went toward4 it. The dqor was pl about bim had seemed shad( oDSe and tbey entered. But tbe room shapes. He had walked and tail ,wass clpty . - ' with them. rememberinz noth That morning Baldv bad bad a let- sfterward but bis great wearin( ter f rom Tane snd bad handed it te He had esten is meals at sta Evans. It was the first lonja letter tms. and had ntkonwa sinc he enggemnt t Tone.was estinz. He had gone to bis Baldv bad written to bis sister. flam- fice. and behind closed doors 1 inRlY, demandinz te know if she sat b is desk strnz were reallv happy. And she lbdc d n sltargY. said :An no tisete! "u «I shall be when Judy is better. wbat she savs." Baidv had rag, Tbat is al I can tbink of iust now. "0f course she isn't in love w: Her life is banging in the balance. hum. But she tbinks she is. Ther Wc can neyer Le thankfnl enough nothinz more that I can do." that we %rot the specîalist when we 'Evans bsd taken the letter to t did. He had found the trouble. The librarv to read. He was alQne. f question now is wbether she wilI cept for RustY, who had limp bave the strengztb for another opera- after hum and laid at bis feet. tien. Wben she Rets througb witb She loved-Towne. And that s( that 1 Well. then l'Il talk ta you, tled it. "I arn marryingz Mr. Tow: dariing. I bardly know h9w I f cci. because I love him." Nothiuq ceo-î The davs are sa wbirling. Mr. bie plainer than that. Baldy mip Towne bas been more than gener- nrotest. But the words were thet ans If the littie I can eive him As Evans sat gazinz into the fi wiIl repay him. then I must Rive it, he saw bier as she bad so oftt dearest. And it won't be bard. He been in this aid room-as a chul is se verv good ta me." sprawled on the beartb-rng ov, And now this letter bad corne af- somne entrancinz book f rom h ter Towne's second visit: siielves. swinging bier fret on ti "Baldy. dear, I am very hsppy. edge of a table while hie brqzgg -And I want von ta set YOur mind at of bis athietic p)rowess: leaning ov9 rest. I ar neft marryinz Mr. Towne wsr-maps. while lie pointed 'ont t] for wbat becLas donc for us al. but fields of f igting; curled up in IBusiness Directory Legal M~ G. V. GOULD, B.A., LiL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanviile. W. R. STEIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loas. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, ELA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law inalal its branches. Office inanediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Dental DR. J. C. DEVIT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sissous Graduate of Royal Dental Cl-f lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bawmanville. Office bours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day.e Phane 790. Hanse phone 883. s X-Ray Equipmcnt in Office. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS s Service, any haur, any day. d F. F. Morris Co. b Modemn Motor Equipment, Am-ri bulance and Invalid Car.' Calîl Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. s Auctîoneer b ELMER WILBUR t Lieensed Auctioneer I Hampton, Ont. Specializing ini Farm, Livestack, Implements and Furniture Sales it TERMS MODERATE A Phone for Terms and Data ta: W Bowmanville 2428. 1 "Lest We Forget"b A.H.13OUNSALL C Designer and Dealer un i Monuments, Tablet., Markera, etc. sa In Granite and Marbie. di Bowmanvljle, Ont, f( IENTERTAINER in Soeure RATLPH GORDON, thich wonderftuly versatile e n t c r- to laIer, for 70ur next entertain- s amnt. lluatrted clrcular Aàdrema 628b Crawford Street, i <>511. ef ho corner an the coucn wnuuc e rue ta Lier - "Oh. siiver ubrine, i wiIl I take my rest. . ." He could stand bis thoughts ii langer. Without bat or hcavv coa nie stepped through one of the lI windows and inta the nieht. As Lie walked in 'the darkîucs Lic bad fia knowledge of bis desti«st tian. He swept on and on. pursue Liv drcadfuî thoughts. On and on tbrough the bliacknes! ...No moan . . . a wet wind blow une. ..on andi an... He came ta, a bridge wbicb crosse a culvert. No water f lowed tunde it. But dawn the road wbicb lei tbrough thc Glen was another bridg and beneatb it a deep. stili pool.. Witb thc thougbt of that deep an, quiet pool came momentarv relie from the barrors which bsd boundet hum. It wonld be easy. A second'ý strugele. Then everytbing aveu Peace. No fears. No dread of tbg future... It se_çmed a long time after. thal leaninz aezainst the bnttrcss of tbc bridge. be heard, with increasing cîearness. the sonnd of boys' voice. li akHe drew back amane the sbadows, It was Sandv and Arthur. Not tbrc beet awav brom him-passing. "Weil. of course, Mr. Follette is inst a man." Sandy was saving. "Mavbe. Lie is," Arthur spok< earnestlv. "but I don't know. There's somcthing about bim-" He pauscd. "Go' on," Sandy urgcd. "Weil. samething" - Artbur was struggling ta express himnsc,f. "splen- did. It shines like a light-" Their brisk footsteps left the bridge. and were dulled Liv the dirt road bevond. Sandy's resnonse was inaudible. A last murmur-, and then silence. Evans was swcpt Liv a wave of ematian: bis beart, warm and alive. began ta Licat in the piaçe where there had been brozen emu)tintss. "Samething splendid - that shines like a ligzht 1" Ycars afterward Lie spoke of this moment ta Jane. "I can't describe t. It was a niracle-their caming. A~s much of a miracle as that iigbt ,vhich shone on Paul as be rade ta Damascus. The change within me s'as absolute. i was barn again. Ali the aid fears sliPPed frorn me ike a garment. I was saved, Tane. bv those boys' voices in the dark." The ncxt day was Sunday. Evans :alled np Sandy and Art-hur and in- vited tbem ta supper. "Old Mary said van werc here iast igbit, and lidn't find me. I've a biook or twa for van. Clan You carne and get hemn? And stay ta supper. Miss i'awne will Lie bere and ber uncle." The boys could not know that tbey s'ere asked as a sbieîd and Linekler in the baffle wbich Evans was f igbt- in. It seemed ta hum that Lie couid aot meet Frederick Towne. Yet it had been, of course, the lozical thine no ask him. Editb had invited ber- self. and Tawne had, of course, much ta tell about Jane. Evans. therebore. with an ontward bbfect of tranquillity. played the ast. After supper, hawever, Lie IDRY CLEANING THAT- SATISFIES. . SUITS 75c each or 2 for $1.00 WhiteMâFlancs At Regular Price Gshawa Laundry Dry Cleaning Co. Mt. Phone41 We Cail For and Deliver -lieve ,tbe days. id lie ýven't Fere. Ions. Zreat dia- will for urse. n hea- ants. table un.", of Ev- peo- 0oW- Ikedc himg less. teds Lie af-t had sec zcd. ithn re's S thed ed a .al ;et- ne uld zht ýre. 'ire ten id. Ïer c ti CHAPTER XIII ecf suri 1 CANADA LITE APPOInTENTS hiS Once more the Washington papers totsteps by lifting my eyes taý- the had headlines Lhat spoke of Dela- ward the stars. red f ield Simms. He had married a Wben first my heart knew the 7er stenographer in Frederick Towne's strange awakenings of love my 1e office. And it was Towne's niece church taught me to chasten and a that Lie had deserted at the altar. spiritualize My affections; she 2d And most remarkable of ail. Editb re Towne had been at the Weding. It More tban - anytbing. But I won't. was Eloise Harper who told the re- ask vou to marry me.", no0 porters. "ovuko o efs o at, "Thev were married at the old "DPo' koowslis o ng Inn below Alexandria this bv the local Methodist clergyman. "I know how wise I BM. s, Miss Logan is a Methodist-fancy. She made an impatient gesture. a- And Edith was bridesmaid." "'You're flot thinkingz of me in the ed But Eloise did flot know that Lucy least. You are thinking of your had worn the wedding dress and pride." s. veil that Editb had Riven ber and He cauzht her hand ini bis. "I u'- looked lovely in them. And tbatamtiknofM rd.D yu aftk th termon. Dlafild ad uppose it is easy for me to let d wruniz Edith's hand and had said, jane -take money f rom bhim To ~r" hî ee to o otakfeel that there is no man i our <j vou for what you bave been to f amily who cai pay the .biils? I amn e. Ltmy." peltv, roud. And l'ni glad of it. Edit- "Gee. but you're supeltv, i Wafl you to lie lad tlt 1I woat ,d Baldv told ber as they walked in f the garden. Aj "Am I?" Her wise eyes studied him for a ['s Yen And the way you carried moment. "You blessedb boy. You ie "I didn't carry it off. It carried nroud of vou. but my beart aches- itself." for myself." t. "Are vou sure it didn't hurt ?" He caurht ber almost rougbly i ie She smiled at bim f rom bcneath bis arms and in a momept released bg er big bat. "Not a bit." her. "I'm rigbt. dearest?" ýs The moment was ripe for ro- "No. you're not rizbt. If we miar- mance. But Baldy aimost feverisb- ried. we'd sail ta, Itaiy and bave a l. v kept the conversation away f rom villa bv tbe sea. And von would1 serjous thinzs. They bad talked ser- paint masterpieces. Do vou tbink iouslv enouizb. God knew. the other mv money counts beside vour tai- ýnight b1' Edith's f ire. He bad seen ent? Well. I don't." her lonelv in fhe tbouglht of her -My dear. let me prove mv talent t futue nl Fe arisIfirst. As tflnzsare now. I couidn'te W beo n cist e Fe re s Pay our passage to tbe otber side." He had vearned to take ber in bis nYo could. My monev would bie arms, 19 tell ber that against bis vors-your talent mine. A f air ex- heart she sbould neyer azain lcnow changze." loneliness. But be had not dared. He stuck obstinately tg bis point What bad be to of fer? A boy's love: Of view. "I won't tic you to anyn Against ber gopld. vromise qntil I've proved mnyscîf." h t So he talked of Jane. "Sh.e doesn't "And we'll lose aIl these sbining ivant ber engagement annonnced un- vears." ti hgets back. I tink sbe's ~ewntls a momen-t ' riabht." zoing to work for von." "I don't." Editb said lazily. "If I He waW shk perceived, on the l love-d a man I'd want to shout it hibs u h nwtewai to tbe world." ness of tbe climb. Tbey were sitting on a rustic Cominiz aut of the garden in tbe bench under the blossominq plum late afternoon tbey were aware of c' tree Edth' hads wre las)edotber arrivaIs at the Inn. tre. Edh's badandte r cased "Adelaide and Uncle Fred by al sîceves of ber Rown f cli back and the gods." said Editb.' as thev shbwed ber bare arms. Baldy want- oeered into tbe dining-room frorn ed to. unclasp those hancis, crush the dimness of the ball. "Oh, don't c« them to bis lips - but instead bew stood up, Iooking over the river. n "Do von sec the ducks ont there? ol Wiid ones at that. A sign of spring."- She roâe and stood beside bim. t "And vou can talk of-ducks- on I N S ~ t a day like this?" A LLJ ED OPTICIANa "Yes." be did not look at ber, Mondays 12 noon t. * p.m. B; "ducks are - safe." abu Tooghie o He eard er low laugh. Sily &bout 1a h dhMe M t He turned. bis gray eyes f illed Ia tCI; with impid light. "Perbaps I am. Alex Mcoregor eh But I should bie a fool if I told von Druge Stg how I love you. Worsbip you. *Owmànlll - - Ont. it. You know it, of course. But nothing Qualti'Up - Prfoes Do»a - AUl lagaopticai can come of it. even if I were pirc- To«.to Raoevlns Office 19ynen u sumptuons enough to tbink that von Expert Reapairing -care." She swept ont ber bands in an appiealing gesture. "Say it. I want __________________ to hear." th; She was adorable. But Lie drew back a littie. "We've goue too farh and too fast. It is my fanît. of course, for being a romantic fbol." i "I'm afraid we're a pair of ro- M mantic fools. Baldv,"a h He tnrned and out bis bands on ber shoulders. "Edith, I - mustn't."lev "Why flot ?"1 "Not until I bave something to of fer you-" o "Yon bave something to of fer-" d "Oh. 1 know wbat yau mean. But 1 won't. Sornchow this affair of i Tane's with yonr nnclc bas made w me se-"2 "Sec wbat?" bet "Oh. bow the world would look at Bu~~ es of aIl f y killIes. w it. How he'd look at it." 100 Qnna, qulckt, sure, "Unicie Frederick? He hasn't any- %V7ujP cheap. AsIc your Drug- thiw ta do with it. I'ni mvY own 9Ws, Gsocer or General ohd mistress." P Y co. "I know. But - Oh. I can't ana- uA Y s Tt WISO In lvze it, Edîtb. I love yon - no end. AAK sCo..HLO. ONFibre ask it. I will help her ta do for others wbat she bas donc for me. In this place in wbicb I live,- I wiil belp ber keep aflame and aloft the tarcb of a living faith. -William Henry Baddy. jet tbem sec us. Adelaide's sncb a bromide." Adelaide had been plaintive. Andi she had hinted for the ride. "Whv ilot an afternoon ride. Ricicv? It îvould rest vou." "Sorrv. But I'm tied iii." "I haven't seen you for ages, Ricky."I "I know. aid girl. I've bad a thousand things." "I've-missed you." It wsnt easy for Frederick ta ignore that. Adelaide was an attrac- tive womnan. "Oh. weil. I can get awav at four. We'l bave tea at -thaiod Inn." "Heavenîv. Ricky. I bave a new bIne bat." Sbe toîd bim, ail the svicv gossip. Frederick like most men. ostensi- blv scorned scandaI, but lent a wiil- ingr car. Wbat EIaise bad said. wbat Bcpny bad said. wbat aIl the world was sayingz about Del's marriage. "And thev were married ere t- cslled me up just before lunch. Editb bad toU i er." "Editb was here ?" '"Yes. and young Barnes." She storned there and Poured tbe tes. She dici it gracefully, but Fred- erick's thouRhts swept back ta Jane bebind ber battiernents of silver. "Four iumps. Ricky ?" ".Um-ves." "A Penny for yonr thotugbts." "They're flot worth a pennty. Ade- aide. Lots of lemon, please. And no cakes. I am trying ta kcep My ovelv figure." "O:h. whv worry? I like big men." "That's nice of you." Martha's littie sponge cakes were ligbt as a feather. Adelaide broke one and ate daintily. Then she said. "How's little Jane Barnes?" Fredcrick was immedjately self- conscions. "She's still in ChicagZo." "Sister better ?" "MucLi." "When is she coming back ?" "Jane? As soon as Mrs. Heming can Lie Lroughit home. -In a bey; weeks. I hope." Adelaide drank a cup of tesaIa- most at a draught. She wa5 aware1 fi an imnending disclosure. Wben he blow carne. she took it witbout te f licker of an eyeîash. "I ain going ta marry Jane Barnes. Adelaide. The engxagement .n'et ta be annaunced until she re- urns ta Washington. But I wanti ,iv f ricnds ta know." She Put ber elbows on the table, lasp)ed ber hands and riested ber hin on them laokingr at bu» witb teadv eves. "Sa tbat's the end af t. Ricky?" "The end of wbat?" "Our friendship."l "Wby sbauld it Lie?" "Oh. do van think that'vaur littie %ne is zoing ta let yon pbilgnder ?" "I shan't want ta philander. If c hat's t-jP wav van Put it."l "Sa van think yau're in-love with ier.( 'Il know I amn," the red r.ame up t b is £freks. but be stuck ta it i nanfully. "It's different frQm any- d hiniz--ever that I've feît before." ,v ýnevaill .say that 4an't tbey, i 'erv tine ?" "Don't Lie so--cynical." She shruizied Lier shaulders. "I'm 1< ot. Weil. I shall miss van. Riclcy, s ear."b That was aIl, just that plaintive b ote. But Adelaide's plain .tiveness as always ef fective, o Jane was home. again. Judy ws < tter. Philornel sang. The worîd h rs a lavcîv Place. "W~s heavenlv." o: Baldv smiled at ber. "The same Id Jane." w She shook ber head. and the rigbt b er eyes wavered as ijf ome fi rath of doubt fanned it. "'Nat tii took the boys witb bitnta the library. On the table lay a gray volume. He opcned it and sbowed the Cruik- shank illustrations. "I've been reading this. It'S great stu f f." "Oh. Pilgrim's Progress," said Sandv: "do van like it ?" "Ys"Evans Ieaned above the book where it lav open under the ligzht anad started ta read ta them. That nigzht Evaktns faund ont for the b irst time somethingz about bis mather. "You look tired. dearest," be had said, wben tlheair guests were zane. and Lie and she Liad caome into the gzreat hall togzether. "I arn tired." She sat down an an old horsehair sofa. "I caja't stand mucb excitement. It makes me feel like an aId lady." "You'll neyer grow aid." He feit a deeu) tenderness for ber in tbis moment of canfessed weakness. She had alwavs beeu sa strang. Had re- b used ta lean. She bad, in f act, talc- en f rom him bis son's prerogative of protectiveness. "Yau'd better sre Hallam," Eyans c said.1 'Tve scen bim." "What did be say ?" "My beart-"-ý He Iookcd at ber in alarm. "Math- cri1 Wby didn't yan tell me?" "What was the use? Th.lere's uiotb- hue ta Lie worried about. Only be savu I must flot push myseif." "I arn warried. Let me look after the men in the morning eL epr>. That will give van an extra nap." g "Oh. I won't do it, Evans. You a have Your wark." a "It won't hurt me. And I arn go- Pi' ne ta boss you araund a bit." He staoped and kissed ber. "You are o aoo precians ta lose. Mumsie." mf She dlune ta bim. "What wouid I in da without van, my dear ?"1 He hclpcd ber up the stairs. And bo, as she- clinabed slowly, bis armnan about Lier, Lie tbougbt of that dark vei moment Liv the bridge. Se If those vaung voices bad nat gol core ta hum in the night, tbjs lovine ha, sul migzht bave been stujçken end ful made desolate: left alDne in ber My me of greatest need. mus W.ý J. Beattie E. C. GUlI, F.A.S. The Canada Life Assurance Co. announces tic appointmenl of W. J. Beattie, formerly assistant to the president, as assistant general manager, and E. C. Gi, F.A.S., formerly treasurer, to be assistant general manager and treasurer. It is pointed out that the appointments involve no change in the campany's administrative palicy. MY CRER Before I was born my church sanctified my rnarriage and bleass tve to my parents ideals of 11fr ed my home. id love tliat made my home a *When my beart was seamed with sorrow, and I tbougbt the 4ace of strength and beauty. sun could neyer shine again, my In helpless infancy my cJsurch eburch drew me to the Frlend af :mind my parents in cansecrating ail the weary and wbispcred tc ie to Christ and in baptizing me me the hope of another morning, iHis name. eternal and tearless. Mychurch enriched my child- When my steps have slipped My ihroac ndrlgo and 1 have known Uic bitterness 'd with rsomanfe tandhareigon of sin, my church bas believed in ed en of itextratohave W0 .me and woomngly she has called ometimes I seem to have for- ofme ktif. wtintehegt Dtten and then, when I rnight ow hvel cre i hide ave surrendered to faalish. and deareraveme thlfeits en tile ideals of lite, the truths my crch is eling mie ito traind ichureb taugbt became radiant, m hrhi epn et ri Listent, and inescapable. them for ail joyous and clean and Christly living. In thc stress and storm of adol- My churcit caîls me to ber ;ence my church heard Uic heart. She asks my service and irge of my soul and guided my mv lovaltv. She bas a right tn "iOh. I do.He'srmucb nicer that I iagied e might be." "O'ýh. weil, if yon think yan art XongtaLe appy." "2Ilknow I amn-desrest," she bletw a ,is ro the tips f ber fin ers, "BlY. I'm going ta bave a great bouse witb a gard.en-and in, vite udv and the babies- eveny sufler."y "T owne's nat marryinir Jt* a nd Ithe babies. He's marryiug van. He ewan't want aIl of your poor rela- etions bangzinit aronnd." "e'Oh. he will. He bas been simply dear. I feci as if I can neyer do - enoneb for hum." He rose. "I must run on. We're ta dine at Towne's then?" "Ycs. Just the five of ns. It secms f unny that I hsven't met Cousin Annabel. But shé's able ta, take 'ber place at the head of the table. Mr. Towne tells me. He toid Id me. too. that she wants ta meet me. ýeBut I have a feeling that she wan't yapprove of me, Baldy. I'm flot f ash- )f ionsble enougb." CI "Why should yon Lie fasbignabie? You are ail rigbt as you are." "Arn I? Baidy, I believe my stock d bas gane uP witb yon." is "It hasn't. Janey. You wcre ai- nways a dariing. B1ut I didn't want a tspoil yon." * "As if van conld," she smiled wist- fullv. "Sometimes I bave a feeling, rlBaldv. that I sbould -like if e ta go on iust as it is. Just yon andi me, Baldy. But of course it can't." "0f course it can. if you wisb it. You mnstn't marry Towjie if* you rhave the least doubt." "I baven't, any doubts. Sa dan't worrv." She stand up and kissed 1hum. "Briggs wilI came ont for me --and we are ai ta sec a pia-ï ta- gether afterward." "Edith told me." "Baîdy," she bad baid of the lapel of bis coat. "bow are things gaing witb-Edith ?" 1 "Do vou mean, arn I in lave witb ber? I amn." i "Are van gaing ta marry ber ?" .1 "God knows." t ýShe looked UP at bim in snrprise. "Wbat makes yon say it that way? Has she told von she didn't care?" "She bas told me that she does care. B.ut do van think. Tanev. that I'm gaing ta take ber money ?" t He patted ber on the chrek and was off. Jane picked a snrav of vrincess pine and stnck it in ber blouse. Oh. what an adorable warîd I Her world. Cauld there Lic anythingz bet- ter than Frederick Tawne cpuajd Rive beri Baldy's words raniz in ber cars- "Do you think I arn gaine ta take ber monev ?" Yet she was taking Frederick Towne's maney. She wisbed it Sad flot been neccssary. EacLi day it seemed ta ber that the thougbt bnrned cfreper: she was pnder ob- ligations ta ber laver that could Lie renaid oniv Liv uharriage. And tbey were ta Lie married in June. She went Liack ta ber a'.n little bouse. and fonnd a great box of rases waiting. She spent an hour fillinz vases and bowis' with tbem. Old Sonby caming in from the kitcb- en said, "Looks lak dat Mijtub Towne's ies' fascinated witb you, Miss Jancv." "Aren't the roses lavelv. Sopbv?" Jane wanted ta tell Sopbv that Mr. Towne wouîd some day be ber bus- band. But she stilî deferred the annjouncement of ber engagement. "'Tve tald One or two people," Frederick had said. "WbVom ?" "Well, Adelaide. She's sncb an aid fricnd. And I toid A..pnabei. of course. I don't sec whv von s'bauid care. Jane." 'Il tbink I'm af raid that wben I go inta a sbQp samneone will sav. 'Oh. she's gainz ta marry Frederick Towile. and see bow shbby she is'.I "Yon are neyer sbabby." "Tbat's because I made myscîf two new dresses wbile I wAs at Ju- clv's. And this il anc of them1ý." "You bave the gzreat art of Iooking lovelv in the simpîcst tpZi~s. But some day van are zaine ta wear a frock that I bave for van." He tald huer about the silver and bine crea- tion Lie bad bonght in ChicaZq. "Now And then I take it ont and look at it. I've put it in your room. Jane. and t il waitingz for van." She thougbt now of the bIne and qilver gown, as Sapby seLd, "Miss Tatie I donc Pressed that wite chub- fon of a'aurs twei it hardlv hanxs ta- iethcr." "ll wear it once more, Sopby. 'm haviner a scwing woman next With the aId -white chiffon she ware a golden rose or two-.-and mat at Frederick's right, while on the other euid of the ercat table. Cousin ~nAbeLwebedherinthebaane PERMT CITY CON VENIENCES If your borne is in the cOuntry. or in a town or village# flot served by a Community Water Supply System, a Duro Purnp will fl l supply munning water under pressure to ail parts of your home, barns, dairy-build- iflgs, etc. Without running water your family cannot have bathroom facilities and other conveniences sa nec- essary ta their comfort, health and daily work. Duro Water Systems and Emco bathroom and kitchen -equipment are made in designs and quality ta meet the needs ai every, type af home. Emco Products Are. Reaaouably 0 Praced îThe four pieces in the bathroam illustrated -Buiît-in Bath, Sbower, Toilet and Lavatory- with ail Trimmings, ready for installation, cost --Jàl ................................................. Other complete Bathroam Equipment as iow as A Duro Special Pumping System camplete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor with capacity af 250 gais. per haur, casts anly.. $ 132.00 $76.84 1$8(P00 Mademnize youar home NOW. Uscler the Governmcnt Home Improvemeuit Loan Act, or Dura Finance Plan, the cast af doiuug so can bce spread aver a period nat cxceeding three years. Full ini- formation and froc booklets on requeit. Dort Parlker Phone 2684 COU aito b. Supplled for Gisglîne Englue operallon Plumber BowmanvMll EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton 'Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 239 ~uoe -ai ~ - I COATS - DRESSES ane of thase cyclonie winds that wbip) off the tops of the trees and bliIw the roof s f rom unsubstantial edifices. The thunder wss a cesse- iess reverberatian - the lightning was Pink and made the sky seemn blike a glisteniiw inverted shelî. Cousin Annabel hated thunder- storms and said s0. "I tbink I shal go ta mv raom, Frederick." "Yau are flot a bit safer up there than bere." Towne told ber. Bu~t she went up and Ihldy and Editb wandered acrass the hall ta the iibrarv, where Edith insisted thev could observe other aspects of the starm. Jane and -ber lover were left aione, and presently Frederick was caîied ta the telephone. "I'm flot sure that it's safe, sir, in this storm,' Waldron warned. "Nonsense., Waidron," Towne said, and stepped quickiy acrass the pal- ished f loor. Thus it happened that Jane sat by herself in the great dirawiugé- room of . the Ice Palace, ashile the wind bawled and the ramn streamed down the window glass. and sf1 the cvii things in the world seerned ]et baose. And she wss afraid 1 Not of the storm. but of the great hanse. She was s0 smaii and it was 50 buez. Her awn little cottage claspcd ber in its warm embrace. This great mansion stand away froma ber-as the skv stands awav f rom the desert. Ail the rest of ber Iifc she woid Lie kgaine np asid down thase great stairs, sittine in front of this great fireplace. presiding at the bar end of Frederick's great table-dwarfed Liv it aIl. iosing per- sonalitv, individualit, Liddiny g ood- Liv farever ta little Jane Barnes, becoming untuil deatb patIted tbem the wife of Fredcrick Townc. She sat buddled in ber chair, pant-1 ing a littie, ber eves wide. "Siliy," she said witb a sai. The sonnd of ber vaice echoed and re-echoed, "'Siily, silly. siily." Tbe noise without was deafening' 1 quite. The winter hasnCt bren easy. I'm a thonsand years aIder." "And witb a wedding day ahead .of Yan." "Ves. Do Yeu like it, Baldy ?" He leaned back' in bis chair and surveyed ber. "Net a bit - if Yan want the trutb-1 shahl be jealous af Mr. Frederick Tawne." "SiIly. Yeu know I. shall neyer love anybody mare ian Yeu, Baldy." She was perfectly uncouasciaus of the revelation she was making, but Lie knew - and was canstrained ta sav. "Then Yeu doLn't rally love L- Tm!r- -~. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY., SEPTEMBER'21ST. M >Y t-the wind shook the waiis. She stoad un ber bands clenched. then ran swiftlv into the hall. A tbnoiderinR crash and the Iights went, ont. She beard Frederick calîing, "Jane. Jane I'" She caiîed bsck. "I'm bere." and saw the Quick spnrt of a match as Lie lighted it, holding it np and peer- ing into, the dark "There van are, my dçjrest." He ligzhted another match apd cjme ta- ward ber, as Waldron, with a brace of candles. appeared in Qfle door and Baîdy and Edith in anajjer. Frederick Iifted Jane in bis strang arms. "Why, YOn're crving," he said: "don't, my dariing. don't." Then Baldy came up spd demand- cd. "Wbat's the matter. Kitten? You've neyer been afraid of storms."1 At this moment Waldron re, appeared ta say that Briggs bad prononwiced tiie streets impassabie. Branches had been bîown down and there was other wreckage. "That setties it" Frederick said. "You two, van things may as weIl stav here for the nigbt. Jane.s nat fit ta go ont anybaw." "Oh, YIm ail right," sbe Pratested. Edith suggested bridge. sa they tilaved for a while. The big room (ContInued on Page 9) COMBAT RHEUMATI SM Rhmiila ite. cuud by m-iéad the N"oo M11hblood hnpmtyk l txtraetedYth&0idnYs.I fl geye iand add remmia k in à@sdu 'musleud aJ"itsca"g«ecmrudain ai Flan fa heob Iceo mutvêati.nbyhe uuuw fuefahle hiéuq vnd 106 D@ddslldnoy PtI lm" 1 I.; $80.00

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