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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1939, p. 10

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH,ý 1939 YOUR, WORIL (Cop: BY JOHN CI 1 have been looking at an oic ailas - one published betweer 1850 and 1855. It contains a name - Roa . . ? . . Meteaif, of Toronto, who dates her autograph 1856. I have been laoklng, in particu. lar, at the mapa -of middle Europe, and of Asia. Some of these maps are confusing in their colorations and boundary Uines. Thus, Bel- gium would seem ta include the states of Llmburg and Luxem- burg; yet when I turn to the map of Germany, bath these states are attached te Germany. J c X The map of Germany is puzz- Iing. Across it is the word "Prus- sia Il yet the next map in the atls la af Prussia, and it excludes a number of states included in the map of Germany. That is to say, Prussia, though part of GermanY, would seem ta be a separate entity. The map of Germany shows the following political d iv isi o ns - prabably principalities: the Prus- sias, Hanover, Mecklenburg, Bo- hemia, Moravia, Bavària, the Archduchy of Austria, Styria, Ty- rai, Wurtenburg, Saxony, and a nuxnber of other, and smaller states. The map of Prussia shows, by coloration, Rhenish Province and Westphalia as separated tram the two Prussias. These twa Prussias - West and East - are made up of these states: Saxony, A n h ai1 t, Business Directory~ Legal ML G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Mantreal Money te Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanviile, Ontario. L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office imxediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Dental DR. J. C. flEVITiT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Cal- 'lege, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubiléee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily exoept Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone -883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. IF. F. Morris Co. Modern Mter Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cail phone 480 or 734, Asistant 573. Auctioneer ELMER IWILBURL Ltcensed Auctioneer Hamipton, Ont. Speciallzing in Farm, Livesteck, implements and Furniture sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date te: Bowmanviile 2428. oLest We Forget" A.H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer i Monuments, Tablets, Marker&, etc. in GranIte and Marbie. Bowinavle, Ont. ENTERTAINER Secure RALpH GORDON, thie ,wonderfouUy Versatile e nt er- tainer, for yOuT next entertain- ment. Iliustrated circular free. ~~~ - --I E1 COATS - DRES 75c each or WhIt., Flannels Ai Oshawf tiondry & Dr of Europe and of Asia as Hiampton .ihOOi Rabbit - Annie Patter, James White, Alvin Taylor, Loraine JOIN T E j> A D MIN they were 100 or sa years ago0 Haw I long for a country where F îrPatter, Eva Prescott, Helen Pres- Tinkw eyrlght) and as they are today, is ta make summer sun shines, p i cott, Audrey Presçott, Stella Pres- Sus - Clair Cowling, Vir- M L I N frshyviibe a ti prtcla hee o-wve as oe rycott.: M ginia Hopkins, Greta Wilkins, KIRKWOOD time, the instabiiity o? political feet; Collection a? Ground Hog Tails George Osborne, Glenn Prout, units and systems - due to the Where everyane's happy, where Held flday, September 22nd. - Bobbie Panr 87, No name 65, Barbara Burdett. Scwatzur, iesaPoise ,aspirations, the schemings and the everyone's glad, Charlie Campbell 52, Kathleen SyApe avnCrago S h atb rSlsa Po1senmadnesses of individuels and o? W here no ane la poor and Tank 38, Clifford Miller 19, Har- Brlean BPrnet, uthanG i l sn, Pomeranie, Brandeliburg, a n d maîl groups o? individuels. Even there's plenty toeaet. Wheat, Fail, Sheef - Margaret vey Pertner 19, Herbert Prcttk West and East Prussie side by the present warrings will not end Prescott, Douglas Barr, Mamaon1,Yrue escr11 ohGlnnMortont. ucn hli aide, and together taking in Dent- wars. Thus, bath Russie and Where roses will bloom every day Tink, Bruce Taylor, Fay Gilroy,1,Brow ce8, alorevneonMotn zig end the terrîtory now known Japan are out ta change their 'of the year, EaPect.Bon8 alc Griffln 15, Don- SowApe-DrthShtt '%2 Wher eeytig'aJy lad iet Fîl -ald Prescott 23; total 35So a agle Cox Ruth Gib-t as "The Pouash Corridor," through respective maps. esweet igsjyuad35 _________________l Quart- Rae Pas-RosBag ileCxRuhGb which the Vistula River fiows, __________- emptying itsei? into the Gulf o? Where song birds are singlüg so coe, Mvona Brunt, Don Pescoe, son, Calinm 1raig, Gwen Brooks. s anzi.happy and cîcar, Ralph Lamib, Margaret Hilis. aJ cho Mc1ntosh Apples - Helen Os- Dati.Th a I, Where no ane la poor and Oats, Shea? - Evelyn Taylor, IdaleGrvVV ch o borne, Billie Cox, Lillian Osborne, Inetinths apisa mal lmthere's plenty ta eat. Bessie His, Ralph Hills, Kath- Dougleats eivinCrego.,BinBr map o? Hohenzollern, with te____le lnDnl lrthehelil etDouglinhckeltonBinBr words "Added ta Prussie in 1849." <Cnn.dfmpae> Where the fragrance o? love fis Gilbert.Toao -AdyGrehm There is an annotation on the h i vr aOtQat-DPsoRe Yvonne Wood, Velme Crago, Ra; map o? Germeny regarding the. Where happiness knows no re- aceMur PesotHln lanuags pakn n Grmny satusQe. udknCV t ~sh trat Paco, Mrry Pect, ee Held Thursday, September 2 udy on MroRbr wogae pkninGray-saudaesq ecban ked t bt he ia- Wh Partner, Merle Oke, Margaret Vinson. Denish, French, Italian, Slavonic, wudhvee ie d a th nO Were night winds are leden with Hepburn. Wheat, FaU Shea? - Loreine Asters - Virginie Hopkins, Ron- Magyar, Letton, and others. meter.aa m nectar of peace, an Barley, Sheef - Donald Prescatt, Tink, Hilde Cowling, Clair Cawl- Mal S m e Smt, Glenne fect that Tane Rave af UrWpremdi- Where no one is po n Bruce Taylor. ig titn J a e race and beautY. The cbild there's pe py oor.Mogemseton. et The map a? Austria la likewise had flunoe a cushion an the marbieBreQar r ea WhVjeet, Fail, Quart - Loreine Zinnias . Evelyn Harris, Rosa- >puzzling, for it seenis ta include steiD and had dropped down upon Where storma neyer camne ta bring Eunlce Leask, Merle Oke, Ray Tink, Douglas Harris, Hans Geis- Bragg, Arthur Clemence, Audrey states aiso included in the mep it. The wind caugbt up ber ruf fies, sadness or gloom, Devey, Keith Davey, Fay Gilroy. egr-DrsBloMr es rehm ienAln et o? Germany. The Austrian Em- sa that she seemed ta float in a Where breekers o! care neyer Potatees, Daoley - Ketah.din- berger, Drok son, Mary Gels- reenham, Eileen Alun, Bettyong pire, as it la celled, which includes claud. beet; Johln Trimble, Helen Miller, Don berger, BroksaPearc. Welker. You'fl lvoAn Iteschon0- BHena, iMorueisilesi a eli- ne drapgeesabo u eher "ilv a hxnelHepburn, Rae Pascoe. Oats, Quart - Douglas Shackel- FrenchMarigold - Betty Tay- fryu-ep epyu ft Bohrni, oraiaSiesi, Gli inf raprie aouther " loe here no aclapoor and Potitoes, Irish Cobbler, Warba ton, Keith Sheckeltan, K e ih lor, Beetrice Quinney, G w en gh n dfo yo -sela emep uetc ciaan oieTrl m-tewn.dntYu teespet oe. - Mrgrt rsct, onl Pe-.-ino, imSaitnEelnBrooks, Lawrençe Shortt, Joan btiv Ce t mnd yor mme.trY C- ad Loie, yrai,Claon- hdantyu"tee' lnyt ct agrtMunday, Joyce Shortt. baryIlyraCroti, laona, Adelaide did nat lave the wind. It ctt MrayDrsonaMl res Sarits, Jim Steiton.vlnt,.~* ,r o Dalatacotta BaatManrrePy P rkeot, Rynna Haris, JyShortt. ycAfrican Marigold - John Stacey. DalataStyie Bnat a drumpied ber hair. She feit spite- But where la thet land for which Shantz, PhyRyD- BreSe?-KyLctt. Phlox - Ellen Abernethy, Mur- Transylvania. I so Cngrke, iNoria, Piedmt ian, Lpom a- f"It is ay ty," hur ae s fera Whcre heppiness reigns 50 coin- Ensilage Corn, Golden Glow - Berley, Quart- Ruth Rabbins, ray Osborne, Gwen O sb or nc, dina, iemon, Mla, Lm- "Itis pty, se sidafer - plete?. Ethel Gilbert, Rod Simpson, Ross Douglas Sheckclton, Dalay Gib- Eerlc Brown, Doreen Belson, bardy. These states -barder on pause, "that Ricky can't dine yiith If I find it I'11 tel it ail over the Ashton, June Brunt, Bruce Tey- son, Walter Tlnk, Arthur Cicm- Phyllis Adams. ______________ France, Switzerland, The Tyrol US." land, lor, George Gilroy. ece, Evelyn Harris. Pinks - Bert Snowe.. Rosa and Austria. Jane agreed. "Mr. Towne always Whcre no anc is poor end Sweet Corn - Margaret Hep- Potatoes, Daolcy - Katahdin - Wilson, Wilhelnilna Walker, Ruth pRrT Jseems ta be a very bus:v nerson." thcre's picnty ta et. humn, Harvey Partncr, Orville Grant Brooks, Keith Sheckelton, Bragg, Rosa Prout, Shirley Mer- - JC K Adelaide carried a littie gauze Ca.DseDrsSees as tn Rusi i Eroe asasit fn it ooi-lacquered sticks. When Ah well, now I know where that Hindman, Ralph His, Mary Cry- Chs ily oi tvnDes elada-HrySodn, GET SOME TODAYI Weser n aEropetho s ordfrn s h osekpleree dn hpp adledernian, Donald Plein. Gibson, Douglas Cator. Gilri ar nw Western sates -Mangels rdrinBoydesAyrehArthurhePotatees, hapryshndClbbserdWarba AEddieP Colles srish______________Eddi________ on the Beltic Sea - Finland, Es- the fan. "Do you elways cel hlm WceteKn-o-i-asbsReynolds, Bobby Craig, Dorathy - Douglas Sheckeiton, Bert Bcck- Scabiosa - Reta Cann, J o hn_______________ toia, staes oirdern o naurk Mr"0f orse." It's lyineamlan suh glad- Wright, Ralph Lamb, Kathleen cIl, Audrey Phair, Hilda Scorgie, Pearce, Douglas Burdett, Joaen Isares ala d iniaPolia and "Bfuratse." you'reaîomly ns als, suTink. Harald Stevens, Douglas Burdett. Lewins, Joan White, Josephine Colisa, Hilda Scorgie, Kay Lycett, Besaaba.Tha apoRussie a n fluhd"YsIdoWh Where no anc la poor and Turnips - Darothy Hardy, Keith SetCr aodSees orie aedYug l ear a mhide u p ofsi roer, n ?" d."es Id. there's plenty ta cet. Peters, Fay Giiroy, Jean' Rey- Ruth Bragg,. Joan Munday, Glenn Helichrysumn - Eleanor Hinds, Dog - Vivian Snider, Christena Te Gad pofDuch sosiand ter "ut, vdar tlas er o--RALPH GORDON. nolds, Audrey Kcrsey, L 1la y d Reynolds, Stanley S n o w dce n, Brooks Pearce, Barbare Burdett, Cempbell, Virginia Brown, Bel- KieGngd uo? Pofd, and, the a -Bal. Andeuare ing o arfry 2 rwodS. aat. Skinner. .Christian Campbell. Daphne Burrus, Douglas Wilson. fard Panke, Stella Gray, Willme Kingdor of Poand, ad the au- ma. And vu are zoinizto Parsn628sra- MargaretTrontoscartt Ensilage Cornesco-t Laselgeen-r -nepdregenn n-pDoris -Stevsensvens cargie.e cesian Provinces. hlm." Allen Werry, Lloyd Kersey, Dan found, Sim Penlotdnd, Ruth Rab- Howard Brown, Virginia Brown, Ct-Ja rgt ileCx Poland la quite a small country. "He said that he had told You.î" Perbaus in bis presence ber doubts Pascoe, Helen Rogers, Evelyn bina, Bert Bcckell, Hans Gels- Joyce Abernethy, Joyce Lowe: e onWihBleCx Turkey in Europe has a map "Ricky tells me everytbing. We would vanish. It Rrew dark and Tayior. berger, Keith Stainten. Stanley Snowden. Joye Shartt, Henry Hees, Scy- ail ta itacif, and its composition are very aild friends. you know." darker. Jane shut ber eyçs and at Beets - Orville Hlndman, Roy Mengels - Douglas Harris, Mur- Cockercl, Barred P 1 y m o u t h mour Sweet, Kay Lycett. la indicatcd ta be Turkish Pro- Jane said notbingz. There was, lest sbe fell asleep. Werry, Anna Johns, Jimmy Pt ray Osborne, Doris Stevens, Gien- Rock - Gran't Brooks, Reta Cennu Feathered Pet - Douglas Sheck- vines TrkahProinesunerindeed, nothinz ta say. She wyas not She was waked by Towne's voice. ter, Dorothy Skinner, Vivien ne Morgn, BllRniMide elPicEey ara b lo, Domealan, RosKathle Turkish and Russan protection, in the least jealous of Adelaide. She He was on the porch. "Where is Cowling. Allin. Ella, George Osborne. ' CmroHdaDchRosW- dher Teuklh an usenrotuc- wotidered, of, course, why Towne everybody ?" Carrats - Alfred Garrard, Carl Turnips - Shirley Martin, Don Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock son, Catharine Campbell. derTuris an Rssin rotc-should have overlooked this lovely It was Adelaide who answered Brunt, Joyce McGill, Or v i le Richards, Evelyn Harrla, Law- - Jean White, Grant Brooks, Gail Cal!, Dairy Helfer - John Mor- tian. lady ta choase a shabby child. But hlm. "Tbev have motored inta Alex- Hindmnan, Glen Thampson, Keith rence Martin, Mary Gelaberger, Price, Belford Panke, Loryne tan. Bardering on Austria-Hurigary he had chosen the cbiî&. and that andria ta the movies. Eloise Wauîd Devey. Jack Mundey. White, Reta Cann. Market Lamb - Douglas Shack- arevthe stae C oa e, olaia, settîed it as fer as Mrs. Laramore bave lt. But I stayed-waitingz for Onions- Rae Pascoe, Merlynn Parsnips - Howard Euls, Gwcn Hen, Barred Plymouth Rock - lectotoon.n HgTal Bodein n ueAditi aewas conçerned. you, Ricky." Shantz, Kenneth IMcEwen, Kath- Osborne, Eaml Brown, Harry Reta Cenn, Howard Brown, Doug- Collecti Oo rnd1HogDTnian Hreoia otngoadA- But it did not settie it for Ade- "Wbere's Jane?" leen Tink. Florence Rundlc, Don~- Snowden Edna Snowden, Daisy les Sheckelton, Jack C Mrmy shmn 1, una bania. laide. "I tbink it is distinctl.y amus- "She went up-stairs eariy. Like aId Prescott. Gibson. Ah. EUls, Joyce-Cmro.Phillips 11, Douglas Burdett 10, Bordering on the Grecien Ing for you ta cali bim 'Mr. Towne,' a sleepy child." Pic Pumpkins - Hembie Creig, teets- William Bragg, Jean Cockemel, White Leghorn - Rosa Robert Pierson 9. Arhielgoare Thessalay andPorRcvIYu usnthdhl Jnebadisau."Seaa Evelyn Parrinder, Shirley Pingle, ameran, Fay Faund, Arthur Grhme, Bert Beckeli, K e it h ________ Roumdlia. Above Rouneia and et arm' lenRth." cild-a darlinz cbild." Donald Taylor, Dorothy Fergu- CeecCli rgHlnSanoYon ad ae bordering on the Black Sea la ::Why flot ?" Then in the darkness Adelaide son, Helen Miler. Osborne. Staintan, Gwen Brooks. The lezier a man la the more Well, none of the rest of us said. "Don't, Ricky." Squash - James Woodley, Editiff Carrots - Robert Pierson, Brian Pullet, White Leghorn - Doug- hope he cen genemate. Bulgarie. have," said Adelaide, deliberately. "'Wuy nat ?" Woodlcy, Marlon Joncs, Murmel Barnett, Clarence Higgins, How- las Hamris, Leonard Glover, John Womds arc memely the blossoma, J C K Jane looked up et ber. "The rest "Do you remember that once Smith, Leo Ovegian, Ronald Ash- ard Brown, Dorothy Snowden, Marton, Keith Staintan, Gwen. but deeda are the fruit. tan. Bobby Lockhart. Brooks, James Stainton. There arc tumes when cvery Turning ta the mep a? Asie, it of vou? Whet do you mean. Mrs. unan a time you called me--a der- Spy Apples - Beth Miller, Mer- Onions - Harry Rogers, Robert Hen, White Leghorn - B e r t man is a deep-dyed villain in bis sos lu re in Acipaga; er- "LraOtewnte t Ricky bas "Dd ? Wlpebp ouwr.garet His, Keilu Peters, Ronald Vinson, Phyllis Adamis, Lloyd Beckell, Yvonne Wood, John Mor- thoughts.1 on the Gecian Arhipelago Per- "O, the woen that icky basshtenI? Rosa pAshpsn, Ralph. Ashon, RHayestonnnleh Glaver, HDonaldi tanloLeonDrdalGloveroBIîlGlRundiBillOurdlideOuode e ofaestart ungngmma sa, Tartary, and Thibet, The loved," lightly. You are certainly a very cherming Snow Apples - Dorothy Skin- Young. Christene -Canmpbell. is anc who aucceeda in taming Rusaian Empire, end the Chinese The winds fluttered the ribbons of woman." ne, Rowland Coombea, A 11i e n Pie Pumpkins - Damothy Shomtt, Rebbit- Horace Vetzal, Ernie bis wiidoats. Empire, Nippan, Arabie, Afghan- Jane's frock, f luttered ber ruffles. Jane istened breathlessly, assured Werry, Bessie Hila, Ralph Hilis, istan, Beloochisten, Hindoosten, The peacock on the Iawn uttered a herself that of course be was volite. Miidred His. Burme, Anam, Malaye. Farmosa, discordant note. Jane subcon- He bcd ta be. Mclntosh Apples - Keith Peters, the Phillipines, and the East Ini- siously aware of a knship between Adelaide was speaking. "Sa you Beth Miller, Don Pascoe, Marie dien Islands - Bomnea, Sumetra, Adelaide and the burnisbed bird. are ooinz ta announce it tomorrow ?" Ashton, Rac Pascoe, Rowland Java, and athema. She svoke of the neacack. "Who told yoI?" Coombes. The Chinese Empire shaws "What a disagreeable voice he- "Editb." Tometees - Orville Hindmean, Mongolie streching from TartarY bas." "Well, it seemed best, * Adelalde. Domothy Stainton, Freyn Johns, on the West, ta the Se of Jepan. Adelaide stared. "Who ?" The weddnz day isn't fer off-and Anna Johns, Murray Prescott, The region marked "Chine" is "The peecock," saîd Jane. the world will baye ta know it." Donald Prcscott. soulu o! Mongolea, with Thibet Then Eloise and Edith came in. A huabed momentilen, "Oh, Asters - Shirley Pingle, Ronald as its western neighbar. Neither and presently the men, and Lucy Ricky. Ricky 1" Ashton, Keith Peters, Jini Gre- thle Chinese Empire nar Jepan is and Del f rom a trip ta the small "Adelaide 1 Don't talce it like thet." hem, Donald Prescott, L o r n e given e separate mep in. hi porkers and Adelaide going out with "I can't beip it. You are going Rahm. 90-year aid atlas, yet Russieini Del to dnner *as uncomfortabiy out of mv life. And you've always Zinnias - Orville Hi n dm an, Asie bas its owii map. aware that Jane had either artlessly been so strong, and big, agçl brave. Clifford Miller, Donald Taylor, J C K or artfullv refused ta discuss witb No othçr man will ever match ygu." Merle Oke, ClilTord MiUS, Donald. .,* , I quite recognize that this ec- ber the women who had been ioved When he spoke, bis voice hed a Dudley. count o? variaus mepa, and o? by Frederick Townc I new and softer note. "I didn't dreani Verbene - Florence R un dl1e, the countries nemed in connec- The dinner was deliclous. "'Our it would burt yau." Frayn Johns, Lloyd Preston, Bob- tion with eech mep, is likely ta farmn praducts," Delafield boasted. "You miRht have known." bic Burr, Fay Mountjay, Ceelle be bewildering. It will have been Even lue f ish, it seemed, be bcd The iahtniniz flickerinz elonz the Petit. seen thet lue countries o? Asie cauRbt that morniniz. motoring over horizon sbowed Adelaide standing French Marigold - Stanley Mil- o! 100 yearp or soaega are thase ta the river and bnlnging them back beside Towne's chair, son, Lloyd Kersey, Besaie Hiles,. o! todey - yvilu acarccly any ta be solit and broiled and servcd "Ricky" - the whispered words Glen Thampsan, Belu Miler, .. change, unless in regard te Tur- witli little new potatoes. There was reacbed Jane - "'kiss me once - ta Joyce McGiII. key in Asia. But it- la quite cbicken and asparagus, smaîî creamn sav 'goo'i-by'." Phlox - Ruth Presten, Anna otherwise in respect o? Europe - cheeses in a Royal Worcester bowl, Johns, Audrey Kerscy, Donalde thet la tesaey, those portions o? roses froni the garden. '"All home- (<itiudnx ek) Glfn o aeMic Europe rcfermed te - Russie, Gem- *zrowit" said the proud new bus- Kenuch. many, Austrie-Hungary, It al1y, band. In e tete-e-tete e women speaks Pinks - Helen Rogers, Je ean Turkey in Europe, and those jane ae with littIe appetite. She in e laud tone ta lue man she i Reynolds, Stuart Preston, Caral countries bordeing on lue Adri- bad refusd ta discuss witb Adelaide indifferent to, in a îow tone to PCrri. Wlec rfnBbi atic and lue Grecien Archipelego. the former beart effairs of ber be- lue one she begins ta lave, and Pfairigl Eat es A century ega Alsace and Lor- trothed, but the words rang in ber keeps ilent with the anc she ArcnMrgl wr es reine belanged te France. Then, cars. "The wamen thet Riclg h as loves. - Rochebrune. Domaluy Pingle, Jean Montgom- in lue war waged by Gemmany îoved." If e man la unebie to boast o! ery. egaiztFrace n Bamacks day, Jane was vouna. And ta youth, whet bis encestars accomplished, fedGilard Dvidyn Talo, Ar- ~'. ~ S luese twa countries went ta Gem- love is for the eternities.Th it's up ta hlm ta do something fhr eyolad, DaidsCrse, A- many. la lue Great War of 20- tbouRbt of herself as one of a Thethu Renols, lads Krse, 25 yarsago Aluc- ndworrane cwinl.a a o mksJean Anthistie. 25 cas ga Asee ndLoranecession of Dulcineas wes degradinR. Ocaoel bdbymks Heichrysum, - Ethel Gilbert, were restorcd te France. She was restiesa and unhappy. It good. enFruaRt-enls . _Jean___________RuthReynolds, In lue course o! lue years Itaiy was useless ta assure herseif that Evelyn Parinder, Charlie Lang- ~ geined Tyrol, Lombardy and Il Towne had chosen ber above ail the miEiaehBdcy lyrie; and Greece got Thesselay. rcst. She was nat sopisticated mei liabethonBud ite Mar New States arase - Servie, Rau- eog to assume that it is, per- ioc eisa - Danrld ie Mer-r a r d mowinuge reet adr, Pol'a aps. better ta be a man's lest love Bruce Taylor, Herry Joncs, Helen azec wases nicreae and i possible for any waman ta spcak3 Snapdragan - Helen Lnmid sewsgrvnce o th d haribsfrtTa on c ud 3 3/%/ le.Lagad vsa h,- qasrinvenaes ehlue ee - mb as Adelaide spoke, seemed Allen Presten, Lloyd Skinner, _ Aiter a time the rein stopped, On* o te o- - Gea Lmb Showmenship - Boy d service to that end. Par. telephone people want to stal Raint th oi)l brizhtess f Lie- Isurace Istittion., Buce aylo, Evlyn aylo. tiulaserveis you.iservurouviewpointoin LRegular Price the western sky. The peacock came . . Ddfo S oBbbi Burir, Domaluy hrfeislctnou ,ot oi bis hiding-place, and dragged r *niÉî, H ady. h ri t er co s a t C n r . g f ore$1 .0ereforeeoindsehoectilgaroascry AyreisltheiryrconstydnSk nnenern. heav.v tail aven the sodden lawn. eev c n S c r t ' t - Ree Paacoe, Eunice Lea sk, Frank W H a s ry Ceanig Co Ud It was cool and the air was sweet. ic18. î Don Pascoe, Babby Cmig, Cari W alFradDler Jane 1ev with ber head against a Brunt, Jean Montgomery.* Manager. 1 rand wished that Towue would came. -Domothy Staintan, Boyd Ayre, RayL iÉN 1 'I r ~ -- ----r- 3 -

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