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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1939, p. 12

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1, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE~ ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH~ 1939 Reeve C. R. Carvethi attcnded Campbellfard fair an Wednesday. 'Mr. and Mre. Roy Douglas and Patey, Haileybury, visited hile mc- ther, Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Mn. Ailan Leavitt of Ash's gar- age returncd from a trip te New York and Uic World's Fair. Sunday visitons with M rs. Douglas and Mns. Ed. Brittalu were Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Brittain and Mn. and Mme. Cunningham, Tarante. Mme. S. T. and Mise Chritina Conneil and Mrs. Moyen, Orne- mec, wcrc weekend gueste et Misses E. M. and Catherine Black- burn. Miss Aresta Matin lu cempany wiUi two car leads etfiende frem Toronto spent the weekcnd with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Pamna- by Martin. Mrs. Jne. Middleton bas eold hem place at Mludcn and chie and hier son, Mr. Elvin Middieten, have movcd out ta Newcastle. They are stayiug for thc present with Mr. and Mns. Frank Branton on Uic Mme. T. M. Gibson farm. At Uic last meeting et the Lib- ramy Board, Uic Secretary, Miss Naami Horrocks wai intructed te write a letter cf thanke and apprecintion te Mmc. M. Brown for Uic tlowers which chie places in Uic libramy weckly as a mcm- anial ta those wha faught and died lu Uic great war cf 1914-18. An intenmediate war appeal commlttec, afllliated with Uic Red Crase Society, hias been organizcd in Newcastle wita Mrc. Veraj, O'Ncil as president. The com- xittee meeting once a wcek te knit and sew largely tan childmen and athere who have hiad te evacuate their homes lu London and other Englieh cities and find refuge l intecocuntry. The dam- mittce muet tixid ail its own mn- tenlal with which te work. Owixig te Uic press et other wark and duties, Stanley Rickard, teachier at Uic Boys' Training Schiocl, Bowmanviile, bai resign- cd ai teacher cf Uic Young Mcn's Claie cf Uic U. C. Sunday Scbool and aise as leader ef Uic Orches- tra wbich hie orgnnizcd lu con- nection wita Uic Sunday Schiool. Chias. Clemence le naw leader et thc orchestra and bai hcld twe succestul practices; but n teacher for Uiecldîns has net yet been xiamed. Mies Marlon Rickard, B.A., wha teak n tive weeks' short course lu music durlug Uic cummer vaca- tien peried, completixig hier Uird1 yea, wai cuccestul lu obtaining1 hier specialist's oertiticate ton teachilug vocal and instrumental music lu High Schoole and Cal- legiate Institutes. Mr. Stanley Rickard wbo alec teck a music course at Uic came time obtaincd DENTIST DL R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langman's Store, Newcas- tle. Office heure: Saturday only, 9 .rn. te 9 p.m. Phone A1222. PEACH ES 1an elementary ccrtificate for teaching vocal and instrumental music lu public ichoole. Mme. Jnc. Tuif, Mr. Percy Tuif and Misses Hilda and Mary Tuif, Toronto, accompanied -by Mrs. Stacey, Las Angeles, Calif., wcre Sunday gueste of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Branton. Mn. Branten ih 1stiil quite etiff and cane trcm Uic cifecte cf Uic falfrorn hiebarn roof on Sept. 1Ota, but neventhe- less matored te East Whiitby on Monday ofthtis weck te attend the tunerai service for bis bro- ther John Wesley Branton who was kilcd lu a faîl from a straw stack on Uic tarm cf Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., Oshawa. L Now tjat Mme. Jesse Baiken- ville bai got nicely scttled lu hier home on Baldwin St. Nolta, and hier sister Mmc. Wm. Smnith living with hem, thc ladies et "Our Street" thought it would ha a nicc Uiing ta cail on hem lu a body and pay their neighibcrly respecte. Whiich Uicy did on Friday even- ing, Sept. 22nd. Thcy teck tacir refrcshmcnte with thcm and hiad a nice social time together. One cf the main objectives ofthUi cal wae reached whcn Mis. Baiker- ville's grandniece, Miss Margaret Toms, rend and presentcd hier wita a compliméýntary addrces and Uic lady gueste prcscnted tacir neigbborly goedwiil gitt, a kitchen dock. ALL CHURCHES WELL ATIENDED A great many people hicard Uic back-te-church calltram thc pul- day, Sept. 24. Mmiy members et thc local cengregations took their visitors te church with taem, toc. At Uic United Church tac young peaple'c chair of twcnty- five members led lu Uic service Qt sang and ai an offertary Bert Jarvis and Miss Paulinc*Dliie sang a duet, "The Stranger cf Gal- ilce." The chair under thc leader- ship cf W. J. S. Rickard sang antheme morning and evenlug. In Uic morning Rev. R. E. Mon- tcn's cuhject was "Why Go To Church?" and hie took for bis text Heb. 10-25, Net tarsaking Uic as- sembling of curcelves together ai thc maxiner of corne le; but cx- herting anc anether; and s0 much thc more ai ye sec thc day ap- prcachlug. In thc evening hie preached on "T'he Gospel ton To- day." The gladioli tat deccmnted thc church were arranged by Mr. and Mns. J. H. Jose. FINE EXHIBUT AT ORONO FAIR One oatheic rost cutetanding exhibite at thc Dumhamn Central Faim at Onono wai Uic display of f arm producte by Mmc. Wellington Farrow and Wylrna, Newcastle, R. R. 2. Reterence le made te it lu Uic puhlished prize list thus -. m25c BASKET No. 1 Peaches - 6 qt. basket Campbel'u New Pack Tomato Soup .............. 3 tins 25e 1 lb. Hawes' Wax- 4 oz. bottle Lemon Oil Both For ---45e Aurora Beil Bread Flour............... cwt. $3.15 e hone 596 E. LUNN GROCER Bowmanville WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT A. COAT THIS WINTER? We don't know precisely what klnd of coat you'Il want, nom how much you'II sec fit te, spend on IL, But we do know titis: A coat le the meut Important single invest- ment you'1l make thus Wlnter. You want every penny you upend on that coat te refleet tihe utmost in quality, in vaiue. Buly your coat at Walker Stores now. Get the pick ofthei.f ur catch now, the. careful unhurrled workmanshlp yon want, now; tic very ipeclal vainusyen long fer - - now! SMA T NEW MODELS $1 9,95 'Othçe Priced At....... $1 4.95 - $24.95 loiw4 STORES, -ED Bowmanvlfle x The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLAMKE 1114 WESLEY BRANTON KILLED IN FAUL FRON I AIN STACK Bnrled at Neweastle A tuncral service for thc late J.Wesley Branton, for many 'cars a resident of Newcastle, was held lu Uic United Church at 3o'clack Manday atternoon, Sept. 25h. Rev. R. E. Monton conduct- cd thc service, and deccaicd'c pas- Lr, Rev. P. L. Juil, B.A., Brook- Jn, President et Uic Bay of Quinte enference, delivered thc funeral iddreec. Mrc. E. C. Fisher, cousin )f deceaied, wai at thc pipe ergan ind playcd fto Ui sging ef thc iymns, O God Our Help lu Ages 'ast, and, Nearer My Gcd te bhee, and tac Dead March inl nul. Many ald fniends cf Mr. mranton and fnmily were lu at- ýndance lu addition to Uic rela- Jves and fricnds wha accampan- ed Uiecocrtege fronm thc home ot cceascd's son, Mr. Chas. Bran- on, East Whithy, wîth whom he iad been living lu recent yearc. %number of relatives, the Bry- ons and Saverys, tmom Kendai, ;tarkviile and Newtonville, weme lse present. Mr. Laurence Sav- wy, principal et Ne wto n ville chcol and a nephcw et deccased, ,osed hie schocl at 2.30 and came ip wita Mrs. Saveny and others. ntemment was made lu Bond Eead cemetery. Many lcvely flor- il affeminge bore testimony to Uic xteern et relatives and friends. Mr. Branten was killed an Fni- lay, Sept. 22nd, on Uth armcf dr. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., about 've miles northwest et Oshawa. e had been belping on the mawctack whicbhihad heen tep- id off and hie was about ta dimh lwn an extension ladder whien LfeU te cground. A service, cenducted by Rev. L. Juil, was hield at Uic home b is son Charles an Monday temnoon, prior to thc service in rwcastlc. Mn. W. E. N. Sinclair, ihome tarm adjoins the Brantcn's, ras one af Uic palU heamers. Besidec hie son Chiarles whcse te wai thc fermer Miss Flossie rbbc, Newtonviile, and their imily cf fiVe sons and dnughters, ie late Mn. Branton is sumvived b is second son Frank, of New- astie, a veteran ofthei Great 7a, whose wife wns the former ictewia Middleten, and their tam-k yof thiree sans and one daugh-E S.Mr. ThoasneFrank Branton,t -councillon of Newcastle, le a other.c Brown's Congratulations te Mies Betty Stephenson wbo wanseccand and third prizes an hier pony eat Orona Fair. Congratulations to Miss Wyima Farrow whio won sevemal pnizes and Uic cUlver rose howl for the hcct tarm praduet displny at Or- ono Fair. Visitons: Mr. an~d Mme. Welling- ton Ferra wand Wylma witb Mr. and Mme. Fred Neshitt, Newton- ville. . . Mme. W. Wonxiacatt and Jean, Mr. and Mme. Tom Wood- lock and Douglas, and Mise Jean Perrin and Mr. Bill Morley wita Mmm. J. Brown and Archie. .. Mn. and Mme. Roy Branch hiad visitons tram Tomanto Sunday... Mr. and Mme. Wm. Huggins, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mmm. Roht. Graham... Mn. and Mmm. C. Turner and Sam wîta Mn. and Mme. Jack Turner, Croaked Creek. Miss Jean Perrin, Miss Wylnia Farrow, Miss Hazel Brown, Mr. and Mmm. Walter Farrow, Messrs. Bill Morley, Ray Brawn and Sid Brown attended the sbower ton Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Clycdale lu Ncwtonvilie Fniday cvening. "Fidclity tinde ite mcward andE ite etrength in exalted purpece." -Mary Baker Eddy. "Exhibit Garden or Farm Pro- ducte: Trcphy, Wylrna Farrow." This le truc, but it doesn't convey miy Idea cf Uic cize et Uic cx- hibit, Uic great varicty ot pro- ducts ccmpasing It or Uic art dis- played in their arrangement. We daubt if ahyUhilg quite s0 cern- prehencive or se attractively ar- ranged wai ever seen lu any f arm exhibite section at any fair, big or littie, lu Ontario'. There bac neyer been anythlng ta compare wiUi it at the C.N.E. The multi- tude of garden, orchard, field and woodland preducts that ceuld be grewn lu one ceasen on one small Ontario tarm and shawn lu choice quality at anc two-day county fair wai astonishlug even ta nat- ives et Uic section. The number of varictie efexhibite of fruite, vegetables, grains, seeds, forage plante, fungi, and peultry, apiary and dairy producte would run in- to Uic hundreds. Former Newcastle Merchant Burl.d .At St. George's The remaine of Uic late Mr. J. E. Matchett, for many years a resident cf Newcastle and pro- prictor cf Uic corner store, wcre brought fram Toronto for buriai lu St. George's Cemctcry on Mon- day afternoon, September- 25Ui. The burial rites wcrc conducted by Rcv. D. R. Dcwdney, Rector of St. George's Church. The late Mr. Matchctt is sur- vived by hie widow who whilc in Newcastle wai active lu United Church work, Uic Horticultural Society and varieus community enterprises; alsô twc sons, Mr. Harvey Matchctt, Oshawa, and Mr. Reginald Matchett, Tarante, and two daughterc, Mise Jean Matchett and Mrs. C o chr an e (Gladys), Taronte. Mr. Matchctt wai a member cf Uic Anglican Church, wai a church wardcn for come time and alec secnvd St. George's ai a lay delegate te Synod. He alec scrvcd Ncwcastlc fer came ycars lu a public capacîty as a member et thc Board of Education. ty sale with a vengeance whèn cearned we werc assigned te thc iptain's lifeboat - the anc whlch uld be Uic very lait te leaveI te VanDyke when in traublel h, dearl I honestly telt I caulcj' irvivc iti But I muet tell you about one thc retugees. He was cenced- MIss.d Athenla .(Contlnued from page. 1) an Monday nlght wc were bx twcen twe U-boate; but ail da Uic sca wai rough, and durmr such severe gales submarlnes car net; came te Uic surface. Perhali Uiat's one reaien wc escape Uicm. i I was teld that at Uc'ver, moment when Uic Athenté wa sunk, Uic VanDyke wae * ýrii forty-two miles et the spot! j gives anc a qucer kind ô& insa tion te have te go ta bced witl Uic Uiought cf flot knowlng ex actly i whiat state yoU ma awaken. I kncw I did some vivig *thinking about U-boats anid thai, who run Uicm. "Before Uic twclvc days Uiati teck us ta neach New York, th Vanflyke did corne pecullar nav gatlug, and we ail had many laugh. Once clearcd et Uic dange zone, Uic cea calmcd dowxi, th, paisengers laughcd (ycs, motuail, laughed) at Uic recent gale, ant wc went lu for deck gaines qucits, table tennis, and thc like We even crackcd Uic odd joký about such things ai "prôpagandi pamphlets", and talcs et how ou captalu had only lait ycar irescue( ail hmids frorn a sinking freightei whilc cther ship-crews ctaod bi with none whc wculd voluntcee in Uic awtul ceai that wcrc run ning. I imaglued how he mus have telt while guiding Uic un armed VanDyke pait Uic distressi niddcn Athenia, and unable ta gc to hem reecue. On Uic Vanflyke, toc, we hai many retugees: Polish Jewe, Ger. man Jews, Czechs, Austnimis, and others, wha stumblcd about Uit dccks mumbling over Exigiel words lu Uic little books Uicy' car- rîcd. It amazed me how quickl3 corneetofUiem caught an tao o lluga. First Uicy'd be rushmng around looking for core nenc t explain a word or pronounce itý then Uiey'd be talking away li mixture of varicgatcd accents an< hand wavlug. The more I saw cf thern Uic more closely I ctuck tc Uic email crowd of Canadians ta I knéw, and te those et Uic ship's crew that wc met an board. In tact, I never knew what a treat it was te hear good English until atter a tcw dnys spent among re. fugees. Goad English, Uiaugh, seemc ta affect cerne people dit. tcrently. One wcmmi - an Amer- ican - when che heard Uic ship's band lead off lu hem natian's an- theni, cxclaimcd 'Thmik: geodneess thcy're singlug that tune et last.- I'm sick and tircd of havixig tc stand up ta Gad Save The King. "And that," said Evelyn with flashlug cyes, '«on board a British boat, manncd by a British crew warking on peace time pay and kecping us clear of danger. "Belug lu complete black-outs ýnightly, neccssitated our dancing only an thc upper dcck till dark. Atter that we wcnt lu for bridge, or etrelled about ehip; not darlug ta lîght a cigarette. In, tirne cpec- ulation ýturned te who was who on board until wc even began ta suspect Uic presence cf spies among us. Scarcely anytr1g could ha mentioned withiout sxes bcing taken. What happencd, ta Uic Bremen, wai a touchy subject which braught out plenty of live- iy partizanship - bath pro and anti British. I happcned ta men- tion Uic name cf a well-known warship ai having poeeibly cap- tured Uic German lier. At once, I was pounced upon, reminded that names cf such warehips wai nat; suppoeed ta ha spoken, even heard myself referrcd te as a pos- sible spy. Rcally a nuisance," observed Evelyn dryly. "But such is thc result of rectraint and panic caused by over-wrought nerves or confinement." As haurs and days went by wc could ccc Uic radio operater steadily at his post; listening, is- tenlug, but neyer giving out s0 nuch ai a cingle word until each message had been ceneored by Uic captain, and then cnly poeted an lccks ench evcnlug time. No won- der suspicions grcw apace and rumars ran rampant. Sometimes t made me fairly bou, but ail wc could do wai put up with it. "The meet panicky ot ail, I thought," said Evelyn, "were a bunch cf American business men. E'hey tramped the VanDykc's tecks Uirough night and day; rnany sleeping and spmawling about lu tacir wrinklcd suite, and as near ai Uiey could get ta Uic Litc honte. Some trcd to liquidate their fears at Uic chip'e bar, whilc thers muttered ip hoilow-eyed roupe along Uic railing, looking nxicrusly eut over the inipene- LOedly tic best looking anc on ti 1ship. I do flot mean te be thi a least bit critical cf Uhc manxi hm Id self; but mercly wlsh te lndicatA Df what scemed te me a pretty gemx L) joke on someone cIsc. The maz Rt I mcm iladnet long possesec 's hjs tiret American citizen papers :n and was rcturning trom abroad oz at thc VanDyke. He was standini il amidst a small, mixed crowd c: >us when asked concerning him. àself. "I was hem i Egypt," hi explaiaed gcniaily. "But I'm no, British. My father wae an Amer. sican, my'mother was Swiss, and I- have lived lu Holland most ci smy life - -"' Just there Uic smE woman wha hait rcjoiced aver the iship's ochestra playing their na- tional anthem a bit carlier, eut ini hquickly, "Why, cf course, lie cari hbe nothing 1cms than a one-hun- vdred-per-cent Amie r i c a n." 1 d thought that was pretty gcod,' said Evelyn. ;s That even the strenucus ordeal c f dodging submarines may have cits lighter side, cmi be gathered e, tram Miss Goddard's recital ai gmeeting an unknown ship. "The Vanflyke had- been zig-zagging oabout Uic ocemi under double *guard at all times, in complete * black-out during night time, and gwearing near-luvisible c a ni o u- *flage throughout daylight heurs. *At Uic merest sight or repart ot ,another ship our captain would instantly change course, alter dsI>eed, and use evcry endeavozr to ayid .a meeting. One day aur rilokout sang down tram. Uie mast- head, 'A ship! Dead. ahcad, Siri' aAt Uic cail we ail rushed toward Uich Vanflyke's bow mid pecrcd s ver Uic drab-looking sea. Sure i enough, a tlny grcy spcck came moving up over Uic horizon. Quickly, our course was changed. -The VanDyke swung over to star- 1board and churned away, full tspecd. Gradually we begmi ta circle back ente the course again. Atter perhaps Uircc hburs, I heard murmure cf hilarity, then suddcn autburste cf laughter cern- ing trom, Uic affcers' cabin. Shartly anc cf Uic captain's staff told 'me that Uic VanDyke wah meeting hcad-on again wiUi Uic self-came ship we had juat tried se dcspcrately te avoid. This cpi- code did more ta lighten Uic spirite et all on board than any- thing else Uiroughout Uic whole trip. "'Our arrival at New York wac near thing ta a final chack. We came completely unhcmalded. Ev- en Uic Cunard office did not knew wc wcre lu harbor for an heur or marc. And tor once in my lite I was lu an uncontrellable hurry. Whcn Uic customs official asIkcd me hcw long T was staying, I told him bricfly - 'Just as soon as the tiret train leaves for -Cmiada.' He scemcd a bit put out for a second, and said it wouldn't sound quite so bad if I agrced ta take Uice ncxt train nerth; which left but fitteen minutes later. I *still lnsistediat Uth inst train was plcnty late enaugh. And Uiat's Uiceone I teck as soon ai my hand-baggage wai cleared. I neyer imaglued I'd be ce near a World's Fair and net go an inch to scc it. U-baatc, braad oceans and wans have ne lure fer me. Canada seemes much better. Cards of Thanks Mn. John H. Munday and Wal- lace wish# te, express their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral offenines and sympathy. Mn. and Mrs. Harny Allin andi familv are deeply appreciative of thc kindness of f niends, neighbouns and relatives and wish them ta know that thein tbougbtfulness was a great comfort durink their meent benreave- ment. Reeadlngs TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Danch's Tobacco Store. 39.4* Loat LOST - BETWEEN EVERSON Whitc's. Bethesda. and B.9wman- ville, via Manvers Rd., anc lamb. Whetber it is dead or alive please' notify E. A. Werry, Ennialdîllen. BIRTIl APPLE MARKET PROVIDED FOR BY RKGULATIONS News cf interest to loc4 apple Roeres is contained in a nelease dealiniz with the apple market in Canada. The government bas announcçd a plan te purchase thç sur2im e f Can- adian apples which will risult foai- lowingz the falliniz off of the British market. A zoningt' svstem bhas been oerfected and basic price set. Ontario and Quebec are ta have the maior share cf the home. imar- ket ini Central Canada, Nova Scoia will have the Maritime provinces, and British Columbia the western provinces. Prices in British ColUmbia have been set at $1.05 for a maximum i c 500,000 boxes- whiîe Nova Scotia izrowers will receive $1.47 a barrel for No. 1 large, based an a maxi- mum cof 1,00000 barrels. Ontario and Quebec growers wilI be pnotected f rom possible" dumpingz of the surnl"iqes fromn Briti5h Col- umbia and Nova Scotia by zoning restrictions which tend to preserve the Central Canada market for izrowers in that zone. The plan alec provides for stiff- -ening cf grading regulations in the domestic market. and a natioal-wide advertisinir campaign ta incyease consurnition in Canada. id IN MEMORIAM ý9EDWARDS - In lovinig memory cf f Bonnie. who passed away, Sept. 23rd, 1938: In our hom she is fondly t- remembered. > Sweet memories dling ta her namne, d Those who loved ber in if e )f sincerev .e Still love ber in deatb iu5t the .esame. 1- -Sadlv missed by daughiters, Viala n and Ethel. Coming Events Saturdav nigzht euchres start Sat., ilOctober 7th. 1939. in S.O.E. Hall. eStraigbht cuchre. 4 Series Prizes. cEverybady Welcome. Admission 25c. if 39-1* On December 2nd a bazaan will lie hcld unden the auspices of St. Jaseph's Cburch at thc home cf Mrs. Lea Gaulah, Churcli-St. 39-1 The Women'i Institute wilj hold a Euchre Party and Draw in Council Chamber on Fniday. Sept. 29th. 0Prizes include a Gent's" Gladstone Bair and six other prizes. Straigbht cuchre will be played, 10 games. No lunch. Admission 25c. Event begins at 8 D.m. 39-1 Toll Brothers Travelogue will be Riven in Trinitv United Chunch on Wednesday, November lSth, ai 87..m. under auspices cf Y.P.U. Admission 25c. 39-1 Salvation Army will bold a Tag Day on Saturday, Sept. 3th. Pro- ceeds will be used for war service work. On September 28th at &.00 pi.m. pictures cf thc Royal Tour will be shown at the Opera House. Bow- manville. under the -auspices cf Uic Women's Guiild cf St. Jobn's Church. Admission 25c. 37-3 For Sale BARN FOR SALE - 16 x 30. Apply A. S. Baker, Box 451, Bowmanville. or Phone 2644. 39-1* FOR SALE - FOXHOUND DOG puppies, two montbs old, fnom excellent huntinky stock. Geo. C. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 39-1* FOR SALE - APPLE LADDERS Aoplv A. F. Abennetby. Maple Grove, Phone Bowmanville 2681. 39-1* FOR SALE - BRASS BED, iprini and mattress, oak dresser, extension table. Apply Mns. R. D. Davidson, Dinniwell A-partments, Silver Street. 39-1* FOR SALE - 2 USED CROWN gzangz plows, 1 National 8, 1 Disc Harrow. 14 blade; 1 Renfrew truck scale. Apply O. Hyland, Burketon. R.R. 3. 39-1* FOR SALE-NEW APPLE BAR- nets. Apply D. S. Milligan, New- castle. Phone Clarke 1 Ir. 39-3 FOR, SALE - BEACH RANGE, in good condition, witb wanming closet and water front. Apply E. Hennings, Divusian St. 39-1 FOR SALE - CREAM SEPAR- aton. capacity 500 Ibo per heur; also bouse furnace. R. B. LeGres- ly, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1130. 39-1 FOR SALE - SUPREME RANGE with warming aoven and bot watér tank, good condition, neal bargain for immediate sale. N. E. Wright, Enniskillen. Phone 2525. 39-tfl LADDERS FOR SALE -APPLY H. Wilcox. Hampton. 38-2 Romn and Board ROOM AND BOARD - FOR one or twe gentlçnx haome dam- forte. Phone 2193. 39-1* :,,Muasi 1VIOLIN CLASS LESSONS Class instruction for beginners ln Violin. New claie now starting. Fees $1.50 per month. APPlY FRANCIS SUTTON, Mns.Dac.., A.T.C.M., Etc. Phone 742 - Eowmnanville. 36-tf Liveàtock For -Sale FOR SALE - 8 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. AODIy Michael Burigs, Bow- manville. Phone 2159. 39-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG PIGS. Apply H. G.ý Macklin, Phone 2412, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 39-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - il Vigs. about two months old; one. jersey-Durham cow, due now; one tbree-year-old and ane twd,-year- aId colt. Also rubber-tired, covered buggzy. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8. Darlington. . 39-1 H.ORSES FOR SALE - ONE 3 yrs. aId, 5 yrs. 6 yrs., il yrs. and 12 yrs. old, at S. Glasier's f arrn, formerlv Nichols' farm. one mile South of Courtice. . 39-1 FOR SALE - PURE, BRED Yorkshire sows. 8 mogths aId, bred in Augzust. Werry Bros., R. R. 1, Hamptoii Phone Bowman- ville 2471. 39-1 To Rent OSBORNE - In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Satùrday, Sept. 23, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne, a son. RICHARDS - In B-Qwmanville Hospital. on Sunday,' Sept. 24th, 1939, ta Mr. and Mng. Ros Richards (nec Ada Beecb). a son, Maurice Grant. DEATIHS DENNIS - On Sept. 22. 1939, at St. Joseph's HospitaL Toronto, Walter C., busband of the late Ethel Upthegrove . and beloved f ather of Virginia (Billie) Devitt, in his 57th vear. late of 12A High Park Avenue. GLOVER - At Newtonville, Sept. 26th. 1939, Elsie. Aiberta KImbaîl, wif e af Stanley J. Glover, in ber 62nd year. Interment lZewtonville Cemeterv. MATCHETT - At Toronto. Sept. 23rd, James Edward MatÇhett, age 70 years. beloved husband cf Ann Jane Herdman. Interment in St. George's Cemetery, Ne ct e. (MUNDAY - In Darlington, on Satulcley, Sept. 23rd, 1939, John H. H. Munday. dearly beloved husband cf Charlotte Wilkins and father of Wallace Munday. PARSONS - In DarlinKtan, on Monday. Sept. 25th, 193R Mary Ann Hoskin, beloved wifç af Mr.-' John Lewis Parions. in ber 8th year. Funeral from the residence cf ber son, Mr. Cedric Parions, Broken Front,, Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. -Interment Bowmanville Cern- etery. TO RENT - SIX - ROOMED cement block bouse, one' block north cf the C. P. R. station, al conveniences, lgarage; available October Ist. Apply Mns. V. M. Turner, 98 Elgin St. E., Oshawa, on local real estate aet-q. 39.1* TO RENT - TWO OR THREE rooms on K-ingr Street from Oct. lSth. Phone Maude Elîiott, 2371. '39-tf FOR RENT-OCTOBER TO MAY The Manor. H-igbway No. 2, in Bowmanville, partly furnisbed hpuse includinx staves etc., $15.00. AppIy ta owner an premises or Phone 352. 39-1 HeIp Wanted WANTED - MAN TO WORK- on farm. capable of working banss non imoker preferred. reasonable wages. Apply by letter ta, H.M. cdo SaemnOffice. 39-1* POSITION WANTED- MAR- ried man capable cf running farm, seParate bouse. Apply 'G.J.' cla Slatesman Office. 39-tf Wanted GRAIN WANTED - Wj¶EAT, oats. barley or mixed grrain. A. H. Cleniens. Poultry Farm. R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2433. 38-tf WANTED - OLD CHINA. BIS- que' dolîs. old iran banks, and vases. Write 'P.C.,' Drivn . Bowmanville. .39-1l WANTED-OLD HORSES -AND cattie for fax meat. Norbv Fur Farm. Tvrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf Weekly Feed Speclal WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL -' Vànstone's Eggz Mash.- $2.15 per cwt. Best for real economical pro- duction. 0f fer gzood until Oct. 5. F. C. Vanstane. Phone 777 39-1 Mortgage Money Available HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Specla attention ta National Houîing Act Loans. Inuuire Bradley Brai. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Notice To Creditors Levi J. Jamiesan Estate Al daims cf creditani againit the above deceased. who died'in Darling- ton. on January 22, 1938, must be f iled with L. C. Mason. Barrister. Bowmanvilîe. Administratar. on or before October 22. 1939. after which date distribution will take place and dlaims not f iled will be barred. Dated at Bowmanvilîe, September 2lst. 1939. Lawr'ence C. Mason, Bowmanville, Ont.. Administrator. 38-3 Notice To Creditors SAnd Others IN THE ESTATE 0F JAMES H. MATTHEWS. DECEASED AIl p)ensons havingz claiw, againt the Estate of James H. Matthews. Gentleman, late cf the Town of Bowmanvilîe. County cf Durhanm and Province. cf Ontario. wha dled an or about the 22nd day cf Auxust. 1939. are recuested ta forward fual particulars cf same. duly verified. ta, the unde *iRed. on or before the 2nd day c7IgOctober. 1939. after which date the assets cf the Estate wi Il be- distributed. having regard ouly Io the dlaims then received and ignor- ini aIl others. Dated this 7th day cf September, 1939. Nina E. Ne;kds and Geolim A. Knight. Bowmanville. Ontario. Exe- cutors cf the Estate. 37-3 Veterinaulan D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Se. Dowmanvlle Suceesr to Dr. T. F. Tighe Office: King St. Eat, at Tlghe lesident - PHONE 843 Farms Wanted Foilowlng extensive alver- tlulng from osi% Çoa we have buyer wta 11f1Z larms and zUmai areaes List With Tfla Company For 'Action - Oshawa Real Estate Company OSHAWA 41 Ontario Street (Juet North cf Bond) Why Let Winter Colds Sap Your Energy? USE VITAMIN PRODUCTS For Glowing Health and Sturdy Bodies Vitain A, B, D and IG Capsules Box of 25 - - $1.00' - BOX Of 100-- $3.25 Cod Liver Oil - ,. - 8 oz. bottia 50c. - 16 os. $1,00 Brewer's Yeu t TUblets - - - bottu, of 100 60o Cod Liver 011 Concentrate Tableti 50 for 65o Halibut Lier OU Capsules - - - 50 for 900 Multiple Vitamin capsules -- - 50 doses $1.60 Wheat Germ Oil Capsules -- pkg. of 50 $1,00 Yeast and fron Tablets -- bottie of 100 79a Neo-Chemical Food --- 50 capsules $1.25* - -100 capsules $2.25 24 Day Sise $1,15 - 72 Day Bise $2.45 Nfova-Kelp- - 79o - $1.39 - $2.79 Xepler's Cod Liver OUl and Malt - - - 75o - $1.25 4wqdrOree (iivIq iu the BR ? OnIy if your gShumes aitted 'with TILLYER Lensesue :hey dolng AIU for yonr oye. that science cmn do. W. fit Tillyer leese t ne hlgJser pris. thau other good louses. Botter Photos May b. obtaied b>' hav- Ing Four developlnt and Pritint done b>' Unique Art. Studios. prices ane reasonable and work la Uic fiest Be mure te une Éoiak flms aMd o gras, We ou upblyIrtlUm to'yen. U. JURY C LOV ELLO When We Test Eyes It Io Pone Properly Phono 778 Prompt ']>*UV"r --1 i FOR RENT - SMALL HOUSE, water and lights, $8.00 a monz Apply T. Lymer, Queen St., Bow manville. 39-1* i j v - 1 . 1 1 1 1 car R DCiý-olirdi u S E z1le WA N ýTmA os THURSI) AY, SEPTEMBER 2ST9 1939. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO 7.77, ,l

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