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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1939, p. 9

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PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY,- OCTOBER STH., 1939 SOCIAL AND PÉRSONAL PHONE 40rlO Mr. UUA Dm. R. Bcst bast a velueble1 Miss Laura Allin spent a few ' days in Toronto.r Mr. Stanley Bruton Is visitingt here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch, Wes-8 ton, spent the weekend here. P Miss Betty Rowe is visiting ine Toranto and Hamilton.s Mr. Gordon Dent, Toronto, isa vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. Mrs. Gibson, Springville, is vis- r Iing Mrs. Robert Fuller. Orona L.O.L. met M on da y night. Mr.,Hesper Dean bas purchased the property prcviously owned by Dr. Kerslake.c St. Savîour's Churcli had a con- gregational meeting Tu e sday .night. Misses Jo Armstrong and Earl- ine Grady were guests of Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. The clectric storm Friday didn't result ini much damage here, other1 than resultant inconvenience. Miss Marion Dickson, B.A., of1 Campbcllford, visited Mr. and1 Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mrs. W. W. Sherwin and sister, Mrs.. Reed, are visiting relatives1 et Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeLine, To- ronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorriman, Toronto, visited Mr. J. F. Larri-J man. Messrs, John and Mervyn Keane, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. Maynax!d Clough, Barrie- field, was home on leave this weekend.# Miss Dorothy Tapson, nurse i training at Bawmanville Haspi-1 tel, visited her parents. There was a grand display afi northern lights two nights run- nlng lest week. Mrs. Annie Sturgess, U.S.A., returned home aiter visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel Cutteil. Mrs. E. Hammond, Peterbaro, returned home aiter visitingM. R. Fairbairn. Mrs. M. Cooper, who was con-1 fincd to her bed, is mucli im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Heard and Eý, Enniskillen, spent Sat- urdaeVt Mr. R. H. Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whbite, \ Ellzabethville, visited Mrs. M. Cooper and Mrs. E. Searle. Mrs. Jackson, Newtanville, is now a resident on Park Street, Orana. Mr. and Mrs. T. Madili, Cavan- ville, visited - Mr. and Mrs. R. Fuller. Miss Edith Dent, R.N, has fol- lowed the lead of her twa bra- thers Ernie and George, and has signed up for war service. Mr. James Dickson went to To- cialist. His daughter Marion acnoMna oc utase-- campanied him. Mr. Thomas Cowan, wha is now at home, is progressing sa rapidly that his nurse bas returned to Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lintan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton and Florence, Marmora, spent the *weekend with relatives here. Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronta, and Miss Enid Cobblcdick, Whit- by, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Cob- *bledick. Mrs. J. Wnight, Blackstbck, Mrs. F. M. Reesor, Port Perry, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Phedran, Toronto, were visitars at the pensonage. Mr. W. W. Sherwin, who bas been in Ottawa, spent the week- end at home and left for Guelph where lie entered his last year at the Veterinary college. Mrs. Rossiter, L ud d ing t on, Midi., visited her brother, Mr. W. J. Watson, Orono, and another brother at Peterboro who is quite iM. The funerel took place Mon- day, with interment at Orono Ccmetery, of Jas. W. Ough, To- nonto, brothcr-mn-law af Mr. E. J. Hawke, Leskard. M.and Mrs. J. Eaglesan were dinrand supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eaglesan and Mr. and Mrs. E. *Mephemns, Osh- awa. Drastic change is being rapidiY maede in the building accupied by *Mr. end Mrs. Walter Carleton- Whncampleted, the lower flat will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carleton and femily. 1. DUN AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News et Octoben 1, 1914 Died - In Clarke, Sept. 26th, John Smith, eged 75 years. Milton Tucker is in charge ai Osaca station, relieving thc agent wh'o is on hic honcymaaii. Fred Long ict Fiday fan Ver- million, Alte., aiter sending the summen witi bis littlc son Car- man and parents icre. Wm. Purvis, Columbus, eccre- tany ai tic Maple Leaf Insurance Company, and hic brother fram Michigan wcrc in tawn Tueday in company with Mn. John Davcy. Mn. and Mns. I. Giffin, Kansas* City, Mo., and Mns. W. Davideon, Coin, Iowa, a daugiter ai Albert Griffin formcrly ai Leskard, wic have been visiting hene, have ne- turncd home. Mns. W. Riddelh bappenc& witli a .paimful accident wiile bafling cggs for breakfast. Mns. T. Smith visitcd Mms. Dnew, Oshawa. Mns. A. R. Gemsby, Las An- geles, Cal., is visiting ' relatives here., Harold Rickaby is attendlng University of Toronto, wbcre be enters bis four-yeii' course; Park tt.W.M.S. Hear Mrs. Beamani Sn Fine Addrss Mrs. W. E. Beeman, Newcastle, was guet speaker et Park St. W.M .S. Tucsday aitennoon and brougit e message fnom tic train- ing sciool iehd et Wbitby. Sic deelt perticularly witi thc dram- etizatian ai parts ai thc study bock. To ulustrete this a little play, cxpleined by Mne. Beeman, was pneentcd by littie Chistina' Aldnreed wio rcpnesentcd e little girl fram India and Mns. Mlaow wio nepesented a meciant. Mrs. S. Littlcwood, Mns. L. Fra- lick and Mns. Howard Walshi werc appaited a committec ta arrange fan tic study bock synopdizing ecdimanth. Mention was made ofai a nhy et Bheckstock on Nov. 2nd, and ofai emeeting et Newcastle this Fridey. Mns. M. H. Stephes gave e report an thc pictures ai Uic King and Queen, siown lest wcck in Bcwmanville, with the purpose ai gtting thern hene unden W.M. S. auspices. Tuis wes leit ta the finance commttce. Thce criptune wes nead, and Mns. Howard Walsh gave e reed- ing. Mns. A. A. Drummcnd fav- aned with a vocal solo, wltli Mrs. R. Smlihet Utc piano. Mns. J. J. Mehion closed Uic meeting witi p neyer, aiten whlch tee and cook- le s wcnc scnvcd and social hle- houn cnjoycd. DARD 0F THANKS Mn. Robent Keane wishcs ta Uiank ail bis friends and neigi- bours for ilawens, fruit, and klnd messages oainhqulny during bis penlod i he Ui lispitel. THO(RONO NEWS Orono $coutmast.r Directs Course For Scouts and Leaders Tiere were 36 present et Uic Scout meeting Mandey nigbt. Several promotions werc made. Ran Petterson was eppointed Asst. Scout leader, LeRoy Myles traop leader, Glen Temblyn 2nd patral leader, Dan Staples patral leader, end Bruce Cbapman 2nd patrol leader. Patrols 1 and 4 practised. scaut pace end Patrols 2 and 3 had a coptitian in burdle racing. October 4Ui, patral leaders and scout masters started a training caurse under direction ai Mn. J. J. Melon. Tbis course includes cleven lectures and an examina- tion and will take thrce manths. Qulte e fiunny was caused i Uie south ward last Wednesday when Uic fire engine was seen recig toward Uic sauth end ai Uic tawn. Howcver, it turned out ta be anly a practice. Considerable road wark, con- sisting ai grading, widening, and putting in ai culvents, ncw bridges etc., is being carnied out on Uic scvcnth lime ai Clanke Township, about twa miles east ai Kendal. This wili be a wclcamc imprave- ment whcn complcted.' Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. L. Carscaddcn ai Rouyen, Que- bec, on the arrivai ai a young deugiter hast Saturday et Bow- menville baspitai. Mns. Carsced- den and son have been spending the summer with ber parents-i- lew, Mn. and Mns. Dean Carscad- den, Orono. In Uic Canadien Countrymen ai Sept. 3MU we noticcd Uic name ai W. J. Rowland, Newcastle, wha was anc ai Uic Ontario Breeders quehifymng sows in Uic Advanced Rcgietryý for May, and elso, Ray McLaugblin, Oshawe, wbo ncccnt- iy said cattie ta Howard Alihi, Jr., Pawling, N.Y. Among tic souvenirs ai Uic Great War 25 years ega prized by L. A. Dent is e list ai Uic nemes ai tic vessels teking ecross Uic firet contingent ai Canadien sol- diers. Wc do mat know if Uic Atienia mcntianed is Uic' same anc sunk reccntly ornont but it ccrtainiy is a ncmarkable coinci- dence. At Park St. Chunci Sunday morning Rcv. Littiewood brougit up Uic point that people aiten wandcrcd wby goad people lied ta suifer illness and othen trouble whulc, as Uic Bible writcr puts it, thc wickcd seemed ta prosper. Thc choir sciectian was "4Praise thc Lord." Rev. W. Miflson, Wci- came, wbosce nniversary services Rcv. S. Litticwaad was taking, occupiccl Park St. churci pulpit Sundey cvcning and delivcrcd an intcrcsting end mucb-apprccieted message on Uic fect thet God bas a plan for evcrythig He dace, and a purpose for every persan He put inta Uhic worid. Mrs. R. Smiti and Mrs. A. A. Drummond tooli Uie duet in Uic anthcm, and Mrs. A. A. Drummond Uic obli- geto solo. vear. Thomias Henry was a frequent visiter te Durham County. especially duinz the vears when uis brother-mn- law, John Elliott, was principal of the Bownianville Higzh ScUool. He leaves one daugbter. Mrs. Melvin J. Irwin oi Kinlsse, and twa grand-.' cbildren. Mr. J. Ross Stutt of Bow- nianville je a relative. Obituary Edea tBlilinge, Orono The canimunity was shaçked ta bear Fridav cf tic deatb cf Edna Billings, aged 15, eider daugbter cf Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billinz:. Orono, wha îtassed away in Bownianville Haspital after only a few days' ill- ness. Her lufe was despaired af lmost f rm wben she was f mest taken ill, but ber rally et 2.30> that afterneon brought renewed hope. This hope proved f aIse. bawever, and she pass- ed away later in the afternoan. Only two weeks agzo sic tcok part in tic square dancingr contest et Orona Fair. and was et school the Friday before she was stricken ill. The suddenness cf ber demise and her youth miade her death more regretted still. Edna had a hast cf f riends, won by ber kindne3s and pfleasing persan- ality. She tpak an active part in en- tertainings. bath drame and niu5ical. She acted parts in plays with case and naturaîness and played the piano with a leasingr touch. Surviving ta maurn ber loss are her parents and ane yaupger sister, Audrey. The service. which was atteilded by hundreds of relatives and f iends. was conducted by Rev. S. Little- .Waad, pastor of Park St. United. Cburcb, assisted by Mr. J. J. Meller. Bath nien braugbt a comfortinz mnessageta thase bercaved. The profusion ai floral tributes. wiich nunibered over sevenkty and which were carried bv bath boys and girls, testified ta the sympathy for the bereaved, and the estecin in which deceased was held. Internient teck place in Orono Cemeterv wbere Bob Keane, Bill Bairetan, Everett Stapleton, Mervyn Keane. Harold Cabbledick and Mil- tan Cornisb bore ber ta her lest rçst- ingz place. Here, tee, gatiered still niore f iends te pav their tribute and lest respects ta anc Who hed "gone on befare." PARK ST. CHOIR ELECTS OFFICERS (Hcld over from lest wcck) Following choir practice lest1 wcck tic members ai Park St. ' Chair clcctcd tiese officers: Chair-i man - Neil F. Porter (3rd tcrm); Sec.-Trcas. - Myrtie Temblyn; Leader ai sopranos - Laure Allin; Leader ai altos - Mrs. Rowland Smith; Leader ai tenons - W . J. Riddeli; Lcader ai basscs - Wyven Reid; Floral Secretery - Elîcen Riddel; Librarian - Elsie Rowc <4Ui terni); Gawn Committcc FPour leaders ai sections. A wclcome was cxtcnded toaa ncw member, Miss Jean Logan, and toae visiter, Mns. Redmond. It wes decided ta accept Kirby's invitation ta, take charge ai Uic music et their annivcrsary ser- vice. It wes dccided ta continue col- lection aifialwcr moncy. Appreciatian wes cxprcsscd ta tic organist, Mms. O. W. Sander- cack, for lien work. NATIVE 0F CLARKE DUES AT KINLOS Thomias Henry a native cf Clarke Township. died at bis home an tic 2nd Cork cf Kinlose, Countv of Bruce, Sent. 27th, in bis 77th year. He was the last cf the second Rem- eration cf a vioneer faniilv. His par- ents. James Henry and Agnçs John- stan were early settlers f rom the north cf Ireland, in the townsbip of Clarke. north cf Orono. Here they reared a large famulv. Sanie cf their descendants are in Durhami County, others -after ffrowinsg ta manhood in Clarke located in the County cf Bruce. Thonias, the subject cf this sketch, was the youngest cf the faniuly. An alcien brother, Alexander, died at Riplcy. Bruce Caunty, this t Toronto. Oct. 2 - Witb letter to shareholders enclasinir quarterlv div- idend checues. President A. G. Part- ridzc steted: "«At the end cf this period the sales cf youn Comipany show an increase over the Previaus vear al- thoui due ta varyinz conditions tic net carning& while exceeding al dividend requirements are down in comnneison with tic sanie period lest veer. "Registrations cf ncw motor veh- idles, pessenger cars and trucks in Canada for 1939, show a reduction between 15% and 20% as conipared ta 1938. At Present wen congltians are ai fectinir aur export markets and the Canipany, in cammon with niast industries, is faciniz new problenis due ta exchikxge restrictions and in- creased cast cf many c2Mmodities whicb muet be Purchased outaide cf the Dominion." NEW UNIFORI! Comiant and case ai movement is tic keynate ai Uic new uni- iorm whici wili be Issued ta Uic Canadien Active Service force. Consisting af e roomy wide- sicevcd blouse and a peir cf hoose-ittîng trausers, tic new uniionm somewiat resemrbles a ski suit. Tic heedgeer cen be ad- justcd ta meet veniaus weather conditions. OUR VOLUNTEERS JDur sans have heard Uic bugle cal, Fnom Enghand's distant land, And cagcnly tiey volunteen, STo 'neati lier banners stand. For Britein's honaur is aur own, And her renown aur pride; Our sires have fouglit for lier bei are, And for lien glory died. Yau'nc going ta tic front, lads, Off ta wer to-day; And Canada is proud cf yau, As you merci eway. Tic foc shahl lean tic lions strcngti, Scvcnly et ticir cast, And leern a truth Uicy ncckoncd net, -Wben their lest gun is hast. Tic lions Wielpe, from distant lande, Are camning ta her aid, With courage, trcngth and sup- plenes, In eye and limb displayed. You go ta tic figit for Enghand Her prestige ta retain, And Canada expccts caci one, Her hanaur ta maintemn. Entrustcd with tic honour bigit, 0f Canada, tUicfrcc; You'll guard it welh, until egai, To home we wcicomc tiee. Wc'il proudly watch you et tic front, Whcneven you may be; And may the "God ai batties" shichd, And crown with victory. You'ne geing ta the front, lads, Off ta wer ta-day, And Canada will pray fnyu While yau anc fan awaY. -T. A. Brown. 12-1-1900 HAPPINESS "Expenience should be tic sciool ai vintue, and humai liap- pines siouid pnoceed fnom man's higiet nature." - Mary Baker Eddy. "&Happiness is ef lective, luke tic liglit ai heaven."1-Washing- ton Irving. Cive Thanks On, Thanksglvlng Day Next Manday is Thanksglving Day - a day which should be used for thinking af aur many blesu- ings. Yet how many wlll use it for tiet purpase? When eating fowl witb ehl the other gaod tbings, including pumpkin pie with whipped cneamn - yum! yumi I'm bugry - haw many wll be thenkful their menu isn't bard teck? Wben speeding around the country jay riding, baw many wMf be tbankful they are nat in the front trenches in danger frorn bombs and bullets? When tbe family are getliered about the festive board, how many will think ai the soldiers - some oi wliom may neyer came back? Let us, as Canadians, as long as God wills the war ta last, use eecb Thenksgiving day as a day ai tbanksgiving and flot just as an ardinary holiday. In spite ai trouble and bard times and wen, we stili have plenty for wbicb ta be tbankful. Let eci day be a Thanksgiving day, et least as far as grateful hearts are concerncd. Wedding Glbbs--Staeey A quiet wedding was salemniz- ed in Brecebridge United Church Personage, September 15tb, wben Danathy, daughter ai Mr. end Mrs. Roy Stecey, Newtanville, was united in marriege witb Ray- mond, son ai Mr. end Mns. Fred Gibbs ai Newtanvillc, by Rev. R. E. Fairbairn. The bride laoked lovely in a ligbt navy setin-back taifeta gown witli white accessar- ics and cernicd rcd roses and lily ai Uic vallcy. She was attcnded by Miss Margaret Gibbs, sister af the groom, wbo was gowncd in a mclady blue baiera suit with matcbing accessories end worc a corsage ai rases andIlly ai Uic valley. The groom was attended by Mn. Kcnneth Wnoe, Part Carl- ing. Mr. Bey. Jaynes' ncw building is now complcted. Thc pige and liens will surely be coniforteble tues wintcr. A poor dcmentcd "knigit" ceused much fear and enxiety wien pessing tinaugi on tic Base Line. Residents wene muci re- lievcd wicn Mn. Garrod teck him away. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell motorcd ta Niagara Falls. Recent Visitors: Mn. and Mns. Harry Wadc and Bullie, Part Grenby, witi Mn. and Mns. Bey. Jayncs... Mr. John Hendry, wbo bas spent tic summer in Michi- gan, visitcd bis parents Sunday before retunning ta college. He was accompenicd by came fniende from Michigan. . . Mn. Jas. R. Hendersan, Portsmouth, witb Mn. and Mns. John Hendry Monday afternoan. Alex Hcndry retunned witi iim ta Portsmouth. . . Mn. and Mrs. A. V. Rowland, Toronto, witi Mn. and Mrs. H. Rowland... Mn. and Mrs. B. Patterson, Sixti Line, witi Mn. end Mrs. C. Brown. ..Mns. N. Gartshore, Pickering, and Mre. E. Wicke, Toronto, witi Mre. S. Powell. Exccutive of Home and Scioci Association met et Mn. end Mrs. John Hcndry's. Hallowc'en Mas- querade wili be ield Oct. 3lst. Tic conveners sclected thein cam- mittees. A social bour wae epent and ddlicious lunch scrved by Mns. Hendry. Messrs. W. Holmes, Bfi Lake .and Jack Holmes motaned te To- renta ta sec Mn. Gea. Grey in Christie Strcet Hospital. Mrs. Hcndny entcrtaincd tic Executive ai tic Home and Scicol Association and tic parents et ber home Tiursday evcnlng. A very enjoyable time was spent. Crooked Creek Crookcd Creek Sunday Scioci begen tic new quarter with e good attendance. Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer taok thc Bible Chese and delivered an intcresting telk. A dlace for alder baye wes crgenized under aur teacher Mn. A. Little and ahi teen ege boys wilh be wcl- came. Home and Scicol Club met on Tiunsday evening and re-organ- ized. Tiese afficers were clected: President, A. Little; Vice Presi- dent, Cecii Payne; Secnctany- Treesurer, Edme Clarke. Mr. Douglas Ogden and family have movcd ta Bowmanviile whcne he has e job in tic Good- year. Sunday Visitons: Mn. and Mns. S. Moffett, Newcastle, with Mrs. J. Chysdahc. . . Mn. and Mns. F. Gilmen with W. Smith's, Newton- ville... Mn. and Mns. L. Clysdale, Mn. Hugi Stapîcton and Mise Meda Hellowell, witi Miss Lena Kimbaîl, Pont Granby... Mrs. Bihl Reid witi her mother et Caearea. ..Mn. Leslie Reid, Toronto, hec been viciting in tic neigibcnicod. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Sid. Hughes on tic biti cf e son on Tiunsday. Newtonville Visitons: Mn. and Mns. J. A. Barrie and Murray with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Qucit, Welcome, and Peterboro iniends. .. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Wehsh and Mn. and Mns. Fred Gibbs Jr., Oshawa, witi Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs Sr. .. Mrs. Ada Fletcher has rcturned ta Hamilton. . . Mn. J. T. Peerce, Canleton Place, et home. .. Miss Betty Stapleton witi Mn. and Mns. Alvin Jone, Pont Hope. . . Mn. and Mrs. Dick Gunneli and iam- ily, Hamilton, with Mn. and Mns. J. H. Couci. . . Misses Evelyn Belemy, Gloria Halmen and Bet- ty Jeffery, nurses in training et Oshiawa Hospital, with Mn. and Mrs. Laitue Belhamy. .. Mns. Jen- nie Hfooey, Orono, wti lien sis- ter, Mrs. Laitue Bcllamy. .. Mrs. G. W. Jones, Mn. Melville James, Misses Mary Lame and Elsie Wal- lace, with Mn. and Mns. Henb. Alexander, Merkiam. .. Mn. Mur- ray Ncwbigging, Toronto, witi Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Milligen... Mrs. Coniey and son, Welcomc, with Miss Jennie Symame. .. Mns. Rutherford and Mrs. Hessen wiUi fricnds in Toronto. . . Mrs. J. Stark and Donna witi lier par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Moore, Cestle- ton... Mns. Hoskin witi ber nia- ther, Mns. Liggctt, Garden Hil... Mn. and Mns. Arthur Rcdknepp and Alfred and Mrs. Wm. Wbit- telsen wlihMn. and Mms. Wmi. Chester, Oshaew... Mn. and Mns. News of Clarke Township Brown's Don't forget Home and Scbool Club Tucsdey, Oct. lti. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. R. Brandi and iemidly and Mr. Bill Clark in Oshawa. . . Mn. Gea. Stephenson in Sudbury. . . Miss Eva Clark with Miss A. Clark, Newcastle.. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Wylma and Miss Jean Perrin at Greenbank. .. Mrs. Wm. Hug- gins with Mr. and Mns. R. Gra- liam. . . Mr. and Mre. Les. All- dread and Doreen with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Coucli. .. Mn. M. Gra- hiam in Oshawa . .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner witi Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Lockiart's. .. Mn. G. Barrabaîl, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gimblett, Maple Grave, witli fricnds here. Lake Shore, Clarke Township Council1 CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council met Tucsdey with ail members precent. Tic fixing ai a cnossing an tic broken front et C.N.R. and C.P.R. was leit until funther word was receivcd fnom tic Dept. ai Higi- weys. Néeu Ponter addrcsscd thc coun- cil ne tic aid cemetery in Onono. Referred ta Board ai Heati. Clarence Allin addnesed thc council ne tic Durham Ccunty Plougiing Association. $10 was gnanted. Requet by tic railweys te ne- mave cattie guards et crossinge was mat granted. Mn. Hait, rcprcsenting Roofing Supply Company, pnescnted thcir lime ai fence poste and road signe. Roed Supt. wes eutiorizcd ta purchitse present nccds frcm hic ccmpany. A recolution cf sympathy wac extended ta Councillar Patton an tic deti of hic fathen. Councul, minus Reeve Reid, in- spected the building owned by Dominion Cannere as a sielten ion township maciinery during noan necesand neponted back ta coun- cil nequectimg tic clenk ta acccpt tic effen. Chas. F. Awde made tic tex collectar's repart and tunned aven tic calecton's money ta trcasuny. A bylaw was passed r espccting speed limits thnougi tic village ai Newtonville and thc police vil- lage ai Onono. Tic treesuner reponted hie wank ne township tex arreers and wes Science Us Ne.ld Te 5.11 Apple$ Suggesta That Growers Do Borne Advertlslng Sir - In the Telegram i p Sept. llth there was a report f ram Mea- ford that the apple growers were due for a loss. Let nme make a few suggestians on the xnaLketing of apples. Sanie zxns aRo a f riend in Calgary wrote borne ta Collingwood: "Brinx us twa bar- rels of apples in your car when vou corne." Tbey like aur Ontarioa ai> pIes in the West. and especially GeorRian Bay apples. The Oregon apple growers origin- ated that slogan, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."_ It is a laugh on the doctors but spelîs health for the consumer, and the slogan helped a lot. Growers cati. sel! *heir apples at home, as we. oftcn hear. "Ail the zood apples are sbipped out. al we only get the culîs." Thiis year it is the housewife's turn. Again we suRgest that the - growers secure several copies (by way of in- spiration) of a booklet entitled "Seer. Saint and Scientist." by J. H. Humter. 366 Bay Street. Toronto. This tells the story of what- science avplied. under Dr. _G. W. Carver, Tuskegee, Algbama, "The Miracle Mani," bas donc for the soutl3ern Rrowers in the realm of ufanuts and sweet potatoes. Why not apply science ta the apple? We need this faIt and winter a good evaporated apple as neyer be- fore, for military camps, as apples camps and lumber camps, as apples spel'bcalth in a word ta the mcen. Printers ink vision, brains and an intelligent advertising cf the value of the apffle in aur diet wjhl pve the crop and increase the rçsistance af the consumer ta diseasc. -Henry O'Brien, Collingwood. Mme for ordinary sors throst. Or for aches and pain', orenew o tfessim usceJoint ai tire fet. Dndrfftoa, yields ta Minard's, the rubbing Uini-. ment that's been famous for aLVi ver 60 yearm. Get a boulee at e c&u;wtotoday; keep il MINARD'S LINIMENT 1 ýj jý came, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Peerce. .. Mms. Chargrues, Belle- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chatter- ton, Onono, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. S. R. Joncs ettended the funerel ai George Ramsden, Port Hope. Miss Jennie Symons, formerly ai Welcomc, cclebratcd lier 88th birtiday at tbe home of Mrs. Wm. Milligan lest week. Among those who celied ta cangratulate lier werc Mrs. Muriel Symons end Miss Vivien Bunner, Bowman-- ville. Mn. and Mre. Raymond Gibbs were charivaricd Tliursday even- ing. Mrs. Stanley Glover passed away on Tuesday aiter a linger- ing illness. Sincere sympatby is extended ta Mr. Glover and Jack. Miss Marian Semis is on duty i Bawmanville Haspital again. Friends bere wcre sbocked ta licar ai tic deati ai Traffic Officer P'red Bluclier ai Uic Cobourg di- vision, wbo was side-swipcd by a car and died in baspital. Mr. Ross Gibbs liad bis car bedly smasicd in a moton acci- dent between Part Hope and Ca- bourg Saturday cvcning but the occupants escapcd uninjured. Friday evening, Sept. 22nd, Uic Cammunity Hall was jammed and' some stood outside wbcn a mis- cellaeous sbawcr was hcld in hanor ai Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale, fanmerly Miss Lena Far- row. Mr. Wm. Laing presided for Uiis program: Violin salas by Ronald Burley, accompanicd by Margaret Denault; vocal solos, Wanda McKay, accampanied by Margaret Deneult; readinçs, Meda Hallowell; accordeon and ierp duet, Misses Annie Wragg and Marian Bruce. Miss Lena Kimbal read an addrcss wbich cxprcssed the bigi regard in whici bath Uic bride and groom arc beld. The address was signeti by Uic "Girls' Soitball Tcam" of wbich the bride was a velucd member. Bath Uic bride and groom expressed ticir appreciation for tic unusually large array ai lovely and expen- sîve gifts. They iilled a large table running almost tic full lcngth ai tic platiorm nd n4over- flowed anto Uic pletiorni. Rcv. J. McLachlan spake brieily. Mrs. J. Stark, captain of tic girls' team, and Earl Walkey, manager ai the girls' team, elso spake. Aiter tbe gifts wene duly admir- cd, lunch was served and dancing was indulged in for a time. Sympathy is extcnded ta Mnr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton upon Uic death Manday ai littie 3 ycar aid Gcrald who was kîcked by a horse. Park St. Union Tic Union meeting Monday nigit was i charge af Neii Wood and Olive Brown, devotional con- veners, Uic latter prcsiding. Neil Wood taak thc tapic, givig e rcading bascd on Uic prodigel son, and pointing out tiet God'e lave ta bumanity is simla ta thet ai thc fathen in tic stany ai hie two sons. God's Kingdom wes cani- parcd ta a family circle and it was intimated tiat all mcn arc bro- thers, inasmucli as we arc aUl God's cbihdrcn. Gardon Leamen rcad Uic scrlp- turc leeson - thc stony of Uic pro-. digal son. Miss Stella Beet favon- cd witli a vocal solo %pcd Miss Jean Logan with a pienff solo. It was dccidcd te cancel thc meeting next Monday mgit since -it wihh be Tienksgiving. Tic Mis- sionery group wil be in charge Oct. 15Ui. Tic president made annaunce- ment regerding tic Young Pea- ple's Rally et Bleckstock, Oct. 28- 29, and elsc et Peterbane, Oct. 13-15. All wio cen go arc assured ai e real good time. Obituary J. Wesley Ough A well-known citizen ai Toron- ta passcd awey Sept. 2MU in tic persan ai Wesley Ougi, brother- in-haw ai E. J. Hewke ai Leskard. Mn. Ougi, a former patral eerg- cant, iad been an Uic staff of Uic Tarante police fonce for over thinty years, and for twclvc yeers prion ta bis netirement i1936 be wae officer in Uic coroner's court and a famillar figure et Uic city morgue. Hie phiiosopby was ta get bis daîly work donceand tien ta forget it as muci as passible. "If you don't," lic aiten said, "yau'li drive yaursecf crezy."1 Born in Cobourg be lived fan meny yemr in Toronto, wierc lie was a member ai Alpha Lodge, A. F. & A. M., tic Orange Orden, an-d tic Royal Black Prccptony. He attcndcd Yonge Street United- Chunci ai whiici e was an eider. Surviving are hie widaw Han- ai Ougi, and twa sons, Ernest and Vine. Followimg service in Tarante on Mondey thecocrtege proceeded ta Oromo where interment took place. Friends in tuis district gaticned ta - pay their respects ta tic decesed, and ta show thein sympethy for those bereavcd cf a laved anc. GOODYEAR SALES SHOW INCREASE. ordered ta continue collection af came. These bis wenc ardcncd paid: C. F. Awdc, tex collecter $325,00 Mns. E. J. Randali, R. vs F. 40.00 W.Carleton, painting town - hall ------ -----22.40 J. J. Melon, 3rd quarter saiary -- --- - -_ _ 125.00 J. J. Cornisi, relief ----- 15.99 Chas. F. Awde, collection ai arnears ------- - -- 25.00 Orano Meat Market, relief 26.38 Dean's Bakcry, relief-------. . 9.44 E. L. McNaciten, 50% - Wm. McDonald -------- 5.25 R. Bostock ------------- 11.38 Municipal World office acct. 1.60 R. H. Wood, careteker 6.75 J. J. Mellon, office inciden- tais, 3 montis------18.68 Orano Telephone Ca. nent-_ 10.18 Orono Times, printing 12.50 W. E. Daey, B.O.H- 4.50 W. C. Lane, relief-------- 14.05 Chas. Tyrreli ------- - 8.32 Clinton Farrow, relief 3.60 Mrs. J. Clydesdale, relief_- 12.14 Gea. fHenderson, relief -- 2.25 Wm. Wannan, 1 sheep kill. 10.00 Clarcnce J. Afin, valua- tor's iee --- --------------- 2.50 O. W. Rolpi, peint and supplies for tawn hal-- 15.20 J. C. Gaey, tax colcctor's bond premium-------- 22.50 Roed Voucher Na. 10 990.33 Caundil adjounned te meet No- vember 7th.

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