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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1939, p. 8

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r.-,. ~ r... ~ s,.. .~.4fls~9 pr r ~,r»nr%<J'. ~ 5* '*,m.-..,... tsi. a ?%n n.r.n,.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR16 r*%'L n.IJn I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5THI, 1939 4MkDIM LANTE RN I-By TEMPWLE BAILEY 'Younz Baldwin Barnes, on Satur-s day morning, ate breakfast alone int tihe littie bouse. He read is papert and drank bis coffee. But tbe savor1 of things was gone. He mi ssedf jane. Her engaging cbattcr, the sp)irited challenge. even tbe small ir- i ritations. 'Sbe is such a darling-u dear." was is bomiesick ireditation. Ob. a man necded a womnan onc the other side of the table. And when Jane was married, wbt tben?e Edith!c Ob, if be migbt I If Pbilomnel migbt singz for ber!1 Toast and poacbedi eggs 1 Nectar and umbrosia! His little bouse a castle!1 "But it isn't mine own," tbe young poet reminded imslf; «"there is still tbe mortgug.' He camne downV to eurtb. cleared tbe table. fed theV pussy-cats. Tben be went down toe -tbe post-box to gel the mail. t Tbe Barnes' mail was rarely vo- luminous. rurely interestinz. A bill or two, a letter f rom Judy - somer futile advertisiniz stuff. Tbis morning, however, there wasç a long 'envelop)e. In one corner was' the nume of the magazine to whicb. nearlv six montbs before, Baldy bad Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351* Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanvifle. W. R. STRIK.E Barrlster, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor 'for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan.- Phono 791. Bowmanille, Ontario.. J.C. MASON, B.A. Bariter- - Solicitor Xotary Public --Etc. Law in aill its branches. Offce imimediately east*of Royal 1hne: Theatre. Phoes: ce& 688; Home 55M. Dental DR. J. C. DEV=T Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental, Col- loge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phono 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipmont i Office. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Servie, any hout, any day. F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am-' bulance- and Invalid Car. 'Cal Phono, 480 or 734, Assistant. 573. Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Licensed Auctioneer Hampton, Ont. Specializing in Fanm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Ternis and Date to: Bowmanville 2428. "Lest We Forget" A.H. BOUNSALL Designer and Deaer in Monuments, Tablets, Marker*, etc. in Granite and Marbis. flowmanville, Ont. ENTERTAINER Beoure ERAT HGORDON, the w.nderfuily versatile e n ter- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. sent bis ponze cover dcsi.yn. The tbing hud almnost gone ont of bis n tiongbts. He had long ceased to t hope. Money did not rniracnlonslv faîl into one's lap. a He tore open the envelope. Witb- c in wus a closelv typed lqtter and a paie pink check.- r The check was for two tbousand dlollars. He hud won the Drnze! Breathhess witb the tbotught of it, rleprived of strengtb, be sut down un tic terrace stepi. Mernymaid t and the kitten camne down gnd an- gîed for attention, but Baldv oven- Iooltcd tlicm utterîv. The letton t was ustoundine. Tic magzazine hud& riot onlv given bim the pnize but t'iev i wunted more of bis w o _ç. Ticv t wonld puy weUj for it - and if be 1 would corne to New York ut their( expeflse, the art editon would lite tu t taît it over!1 Baldy. lootinie np frorn the preg- riant phrases and catcbiniz Merry- maid's eve upon bim. demunded. 'Now, wbat do you thint of that? SiaIllI resign f nom tbe office? l'Il tell th-- world, j wilI." Oh, the tbing migbt even malte it possible for bim, to, majrrv Editb. He could ut least puy for the boney- moon - preteni'C somc se.n'e of Der- tonal independence wbihe he worltcd towards fuame. if she wonld only sec it..Tbut hbe must ast ber tor live for a tirne - in the little bouse. He'd malte tbingzs easy for ber - oh, well the tbîng could be donc - it conld be donc. He f lew un the steps on the wings ôf bis deligbt. He would ride lite the wind to Virginia-find Editb in a rose-garden. f Iing bimself ut ber fecet. Declure bis good fortune! And he would tee ber eves!1 Pacling bis bag. be 4ecidcd to, stop) in Washington, and nerpetrate a few extravagances. Somethinie for Editb. Somethinie for Jane. Some- tbiniz for bimself. There would be no bunm in lookinie bis best.., He arnived ut Grass Hills in time for lunch. His little flivvcr camne up tic drive us proudly as a limou- sine. And Baldy descending was a zav and gyallant figure. There was no one in sigbt but the servants wbo toot uis baie. and . drove bis car around to tic garage. A .maid in rose linen suid thut Mr. and Mns. Simmns wcre ut tic stables. Miss Towne was on the links witb the other guests, and wonld return f rom the Countrv Club in tirne for lunch ut two o'dlock. Miss Bannes was np-stuins. Her bead bud achcd. and she bad bud ber breakfast in bcd. "lWill von let ber know that I arn bere ?" rThe rnaid wcnt un and came down tsav tbat Miss Bannes was in the second gallery - and would be go rigbht up. Tic second gullcry lootcd ont% over the river. Jane luv in a long chair. She was pale. and thene were shadows under hem eves. , "Oh, loot beme, janey," Buldy blurted ont. "is- it as bad as this?" "I'm iust-lazv." She sat up and ltissed hlm. Tien bnnîcd ber face in bis cout and wept silently. "For hcuven's sate, Jane," be put- ted her shonîder, "wbut's the mut- ter?" "I wunt to, go borne." He Iooted blunt. "Home?" "Yes." Sic stopped crying. "Baldy, somethinie bas bappencd - and I've ieot to tel1 you." Tensely. wit1Ë ber bands clusped about ber knces. she rchcursed for birn tic scene between Adeluide ami Frederick Towne. Anrd wben she finisbed she said, "I cun't marrv him." "0f course not. A girl lite von. You'd be miserable. And tiut's the end of it." "Utterly mriserable-" Sic stuned before ber. Tien prescntly sbe went on. "I stavcd np-stuims al hti mrn- 2ie. Lucy and Edith bave been perfect dears. I think Editi Iavs it to the announdement of mv engage- ment toniiebt. That I was dneud- ingz it. 0f course it mustn't be un- nonnceed, Baldy." He stood up, stemnhy enonncing bis dreams. "Get your tbings on. Jane. and PUIltake yon borne. Von can't stav bere. of coursr. We cun decide later wiat it is best to do." "I don't tee bow I dan break it like, von. lune. Tiev said so.'" He had driven on steudilv for q lime, and had tign said, "I neyei wanted von to marrv iim." "Why flot, Bahdy ?" He turncd bis ligbted-np evns upoiî ber. "Jancv-I wanted ygn to bavt vour--drearns-" She had laid ber band on bis arni BOBBY PORTER PICKS A WINNER Passes vuable tip dos e Somer ilngthe headlleisntbuawfo bb Portr. ad ittina otf.nelwih"out sud uow wth Sr a.s Cle s speb 5.1mw neacb footballple.«sta hockey plyrfr Mai. homos d otber tema, ho so00 f tbebetdbest Uiked sUl-round athIètes lu spr.Here h bis rule for aepi fit. "Il tale Kru 1. sSgtel of f. He's donc so much for us. I an't ever-pav-bimn-e" In Baldy's pocket was the Pink liD. He toQk it ont and handed it te bis sister. "Jane, .I got the prize. Two tbonsand doIlar.ý," "Baîdy 1" Her tone was mncredu- lous. He had no loy in the announce- ment. The tbiniz had ceased te mean reedom -it bad ceased to mean - Edith. It meant only one tbing ut the moment, to f rec Lune from bond- gze. He gzave Jane the letier and she read it. "It is your great oppor- tunitv." "*Yes." He refnsed te discuts that aspect of it. '«And it corngs in the nidt of time for You. old dean." Thiinf ligbht wus a A note for Lucy and one for Townc. Snote for Edith 1 Jane was not well was the reason ziven their bostets The note to rowne said more thart that. An the note te Editb was-renunciaton. Editb coming borne -toluncheon found the note i ber rootp. Al the morniiz she bad been filled witb elorions anticipation. Baldv wonld arrive in a f ew hours.. Together bhey wonld walk down that tnelised Dath to the fountain. thcv would sit on the marble coping. Sbe would trail ber band tbnougb the wuter. Further thun that she would net let r imagination carr bec. It wus enougbh thut she would se bim in that magic place wîth bis air of golden voutb. But she was not to sec birn, for the note said : "Belovcd-1 mate no excuse for callingr vou that becuuse I spv it alwuvs in nry beut-June bas made up ber mind that she cunnot marrv vour uncle. So we une leaving ut once. "I can't tell vou wbat thse tbougbht of these two days witb von meant to me. And now I must Rive tbern no. Perhaps I must gzivt yvou up. I don't know. I came witb bigb boires. I gzo away witbont unv hope ut ulI. But I love von." Editb rcad the note twicc, thenr p)ut it to ber lips. She bandlv darcd admit to herself the keenness of ber disappointment. She stood f or a longz tim-e ut the window looking out. Whv bad Jane decidcd net toernarv Unclc Fred- erick? Wbat h ad bappened since vestendav afternoon? From Edith's window she could sec the sonth lawn. The servants were arranging a buffet luncheon. Little tables wcre set anonnd - and wickcr chairs. Adelaide, taîl and f air, in ber favorite bIne and a broad black bat stood by one of the littît tables. Sic was feedini thse peu- cock witi bits of bread She made a picture. and Towne'% windovs f accd that way. "I wonder-"2 Editb said, andI stopped. Sic remcmbered comninR in from the movies the nigit lie. fore and findingz Adelaide and Townc on the porcb. And wbcre wus Jane? Towne did not eut lunch. He pleuded important business. and bac bis car brougbt around. But cvcry- bodv knew thut be was f ollowinR luane. Mystcnv wus in the air. Ado- îlaide was restless. Only Editb knew the tnutb. P Aften lunch, she told Lucy. "Jane isn't goinz to marry Uncle Fred.1 tdon't tnow wbv. But I qrn afraic that it le breating no your bouse p)artv." "I hope it is," said Lucy, cahmly. "Delufield is bored to dcatb. Ht wunts to get bacl teto is pigzs anc 1roses. I arn speakini f ranklv ti 1von becanse 1 know yon undcrstand, I want ont- lives to be bigger anc broader than tbev would bave beci if we badn't met. And as for von" - ber voice shoot a little- "You'Il ulwavs be a sort of goddess bletss ingz our beurth." Editb bent and kissed ber. emo- tien fgnippink, ber. "Your bcartb i. blessed witbout me." she said. "but l'il ulwavs be glad te, corne." Towne, ridig lite mad along the Virginia roads bcbind the com-pe- tent Briggs, neread Jane's letter.. "I was fiot up-stairs flast nigit wbcn von came. I was asîeepir i ,the window-set of the living-room, inst off tic porci. And vour voict 1wated me and I beard wbat You tsaid. ami Mrs. Laramore. And1 .can't marrv von. I know bowý mucl ,vou've donc for me - and I sbull tneyer fonget vour goodness. Baldy wilI take me borne." Enclosed was a pink cbeck. Towne blamed Adehaide f urions- lv. 0f course it was ber f auît. Sudt ,foolisbness. And sentîmentality. Ani he bad been wcat enough .-to fuI for it. Vet. as be cooled a .jL -te wa. 1 hzad that Jane iad sbowe.d ber ne- scýntment._. It was in keeffinie witl bi conepio 1o br.He inoen Hcre's to junior; A healthy lad. He drinks his milk And obeys his dad. Milk la our nearly most perfect food. 0f course, junior doesn't worry about vitamins and thinga - ail he knows lu that Glen Rae rMIk tastes better! Order today. GLEN RAE OAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmanviile O e o t e W rdsGe Life Insurne Isiuin; "eowe tegh erfect order. and laid ont on the lotter was the writing ouper with ie golden crest, and the box of Ilden seuls. And be bad laughed b er! He remembered with a. a pni ut thev wonld ney;er agzain Iangb rether. He was alone. He, wondered wby sncb bap- ned. Was aIl of life as sinister m 1 leu MUUMUCVU111111l. î----- ý thaï [KUSEU TO ALLh lumag, luisbifforaur of tbe orduuy fl !htrsi rom faudty domiatlin of poson. H'v and waste.1lv Krusben contalns lmerai blEbir refiued minerai erv ilalUo important to the wel.belng of mal"d. I d. These &s inl combination, promote resularand " proper functionflaof the or tso inton leepthebiodn ampreand bad lmprt that prlncu eeing Of bavc a abunding vigour and fituess Tastelesa in tea or enflée o; tof lui a glt of water. Bote ut a .'. n ' off DA7IYw al Anc TIIATDe r IT kind on, shai vo" in a swift caress. "You're a dar- H ling-" and after a wbile, "Nothing vou can take us f rom eacb otber, ever. noti Baldv." 1 Neyer had tbeY drawn closer in H spirit than at this moment. But and thev said very little about it. When ýY thev came to the bouse. Bajcldy went let at once to the garage. "F'il answer that letter, and put in a gqLod ater- of noon lookink, over my skçz.ches" He ofi did not tell her how gray the day ti stretched aiead of him-that golden woIl day wbich had started with bigh aloi hopes. like tbar jane changed to a lose straiglht aboi f rock of orange cotton, and* without me, a bat, feeling actual pbvsical f ree- pla' dom in tbe breaking of ber bonds, it's sbe swung, along tbe patb to the little E gzrove. It was aromatic with tbe abri warm scent of the pines. and tbere bacl as a cool sbadgi the heart. of it.mi »Tane bad brb)ugbt a baz of stock- ings to mend. anid' sat dowyn to ber a homelv task, smilinR a little as sbe si 1tbouRbt of tbe contrast between tbis o afternoon and yesterday, wbeil she bad sat on the rim Of the fountain s and watcbed Adelaide and tbe pea- le cock. Sbe bad no feeling of rancor bac aoainst Adelaide. She ivas aware H only of a great tbankfulness. b ad * Se was, indeed. aithte nmoment, esteeped in divine content. Here was a1 vtbe place wbere she belonged. She bIs bad a sense of blissful escape. bei J Merrymaid came down tbe patb, ker b er tail a Plume Tbe kitten fol- 5 *lowed. A bronze butterfly f loated ic across their vision, and tbcy leaped bal for it-but it went above temn-iov- the eouslv. towards the open blue of the the d skv Tbe two cats gazed after it, Shi - then composed tbemselves carefully tur zlike a pair of miniature, lions-tbeir phi - aws in front of them. sleepy-eved f Abut alert for more butterflies, or for tht Tane's busv tbread. MIR And it was tbus that Towne fotind SI ber. Convinced that tbe bouse was Ot dempty, b e bad started towards ai Bald's studio. Then down tbe vis- anq ta of the pine grove. bis eye %ad been caugbt by a spot of golden rai ecolor. He bad followed it. aIt d She laid down ber work and look- hai 0 cd up) at bim 'You sbouldn't have pal 1. corne." re2 d "Mv dear cbild, wby not? Janle, mi nvou are making mounitains of mole- Om "I'm not." i He sat dovyn beside ber. The little cai cats drew away. doubtful. "It was 0vg it do ie A Lessen In Heaith! k i nf raI that you sioudhave rescrit- ai it. And a thing like thut isn't ed yfor a man to expluin. Without ha iinr a--cad --" P'. * Ai There isn't anythiniz to explain." th' But there is. I have made yotl hi ippy. and I'rn sorry." du rie shook ber head, and spoke e îghtfnllv. 'Il think I am-bappy. 1Towne. vour world isn't my Id. I like simple things. and w asant things, and honest things. A i I like a One-Woman main, Mr. ot .le tried to laugh. Scuar ea-t ;?, hi 'No." she said, quietlY, 5:t isnt cb ut lthough men like vou tbink s. A woman wbo has self -re- h zt must know ber husbund has. b -respect Her heart must rest ti him."b le spoke slowly. "1,11 admit tbat ul ephilandered a lot. But I've nev- v( wanted to marry unyone but vou. -n promise vou rny f utiLeÇ." S I'm sorrv. But even i f l.ast night Jneyer been-I tbink I sbould ve-given you up. 1 bad begun Si feel that I didn't love vou. Tbat n tthere in Chicago you swept me ff imv f eet. Mr. Towne, I arn sorry. id I amn grateful. For ail vour SI idess-" She f lushed and went . "You know, of course,. tbat 1 0o i't be happy uptil-I don't owe a nything. . I" A He laid bis band on liens.'Il wish tI uwouldn't speak, of it. It was ti thng." "It was a great deal." a fit looked down ait ber. slender il ivoung uand infinitelv desirable. ,u needn't think I arn going to E vou go," he said. I'm ufruid-you nmust-" He flamed suddenly. 'I'm moue a On1e-Woman man than viou v nk. If you won't marLv me. I ri't have anvone eIse. ll go ona )ie. As for Adelaide-A womanj :that doesn't expect much more d an I grave. Tbat's aIl I can say out her. She means >nothing to ýseriously. and neyer will. SheR as the Rame, and so do - I. but h onlv a gzame."a le looked tired and old. "IlIl goc oad tomorrow. Wben I corner :k. 'perhaps you'll change voun ind." 'I I shaîl neyer change it," she l id "nieyer." C -le stood up. "Jaine, I could malte 1 iu bappy." He beld ber band' as e stood beside him. i She looked at'him' and knew thate c ould not. Her drearns hud cornee ck to ber-of Gxalabud-of Robin1 ood . . . the world of romance1 id agin iýf lung wide its gates... After Towne bad grone she sat for lontz time thinkinz it over. Sbe amcd berself. Sbe bad- broken !r promise. Yet. be, too bad bro- !n a promise. She f inisbed mending the stock-i Ss and rolled tbern into conpact lls. Tbe little cats were asleep- isbadows were stnetcbed out and isun slunted tbrongb the pines. he bad dinner to get, f or ber re- irn bad been unexpected, and So- kv bad not been notified. She migbht have brought to the ouizbt of ber tasks some fujnt feel-i li.of regret. But she bad none. ir was gzlad to gzo i-to malte an mrelette-and creum the pçtatoes-i nd bave bot biscuits and bernies- .d bonev. Planningr thus, competenrtly. sbeq iscd ber eves - to sce coming lig the patb tbe two b.ovs wbo1 ad of late been Evans' close com-1 anions. She spoke to them as tbev eacbcd ber. "Can't yon stay a lute? l'Il malte von sorne lem- nde." Tbev stoepd and looie at ber 1a wav that startlcd ber. IWe1 an't," Artbur said; "we're going1 ver .to tbe Follettes. We tbougbt le migbt help." Sbe stared at tbcm. "Heln? What o von mean?' Sandv gasped. "Oh, didn't you now? Mrs. Follette dicd this morn-1 Evans hud found bis motber at oon. lvingz on the coucb ait the foot b er bcd. He bad stayed at home ithe morning to belp ber, and ait m o'clock she bad gone up-stair,5 to st a bit before lunch. Old Mary ad. called ber. and she bad not nswercd. So Evans bad entercd er room to find tbat she had slinoed c'uv peucefullv from the world in ehidi she exaggerated ber own im- iortance. It would Ro on without r. She bad not been neigbbourly ut the neiglibours wonld ail cçnme id sympathize witb ber son. And hey would miss ber, becanse she ad addcd to the community tome casure of ýstate-liness. whicb 'tbcv lmired even as tiev nesentesj ht. Evans bad tried to zet Baldy on Borrowing to. keep your farm in good working condition should be profitable; it is a constructive use of credit. Our local brandi managers are familiar with the needs of fariner. in cd localiy. Thcy welcome applications for Joans having a constructive purpose. -BANK 0F MONTREAL Bowmanville Branch: F. . O. McILVEEN, Manager athis? Must one arways find trag- dy ut every turn of the road? He id lost bis youth, had lost Jane. ,nd how bis mother. Was ev.ery- higi to be taken away? Would there )enothine left but stnengt to on-- lare? Well, God helpine him, he would ridure to the end... He closed the desk genthy and went ont- ixto the darlcrned hall. s be followed its length, a door rened ut the end. Black against he brightness beyond ho saw the vo lads. Tiev came forwurd witb sme hesitation but when they saw is tired face. tbey f orgot self- cnsciotisneiss. "We iust beard. And we want to dp." Sandy was spokestpun. Ar- tur was speechîcas. But lie caught old of Evans' sîceve and looked pi ut bim. His eves said wbat bis voice refused. Evans, with bis arms across their shoul*rà, dr*w the liOys to bim. "It was good of You toecpme." "Miss Barnes said," ugain it was Sandv wbo spoke, "that perbaDs we riigbt get some pine f rom the little nove. That your mother liked it." "Miss Barnes? ]Is she back? Does he know?" "We told ber. She is coming rigbt over." Baldy drove Jane in bis little car. As she entercd she serned te bring the ligbt in with ber. Sbe illnrnined the bouse like a- torch. She wulked swiftly towarils Ev- ans. and held ont ber band. "'Mv leur. I arn so sorry." III thonglit you were ut Grass Iills." "We came back unexpecte4dly." 'II arn so glad-you curne." I-je was huvine a bad time witb bis roice. He could not go on.. Jane spoke to the boys. Did yon ask bim ubout the pine branches? Iust those, and roses f rom tie gur- den, Evans." "Yeu ulwuvs tbink of things-" "Baldy will take the boys to the frove, and do any errands vou may have for him!' She was ber céalm and. competent self-lettine bim iget :ontrol of bis motion wbile she di- rected others. Baldy, coming in. wrnng Evans' riund. "The boys and I iiill Wg the pine, and Editb Towne is coming out to belo. I cullcd ber up to tell lier-"2 Buldy stoppcd ut that. He conld net spcak bere of the glo 'ry that encompassed birn. He bad sivid, "If deutb sbould corne te ns, Editb? Docs anvthing cIsc count ?" And she iud said, "Nothing." And now she was coming and tbev would pick roses togzether in the, garden. And love and if e would minister to a greater m.vstery... Wben Baldy and the boys bad L'one. Jane and Evans opciîcd the windows and pulled up the shades. The bouse was f illed witb clear ligbt, and was cool in tIgc breeze. When tbcv had finisbed. Jane suid, "That's aIl, I thinli We can rest a bit. And prescntlv it will be iime f or dinner." III don't want uny dinner." Ticv were in the library. Out- side wus an ametbyst twilight, witb a Young moon 10w in the skv. Evans and Jane stood by the window, look- ing out. ami June asked in a bnsbed voice, "Yeu don't wuant anv dinner because she won't be ut' the other end of the table?" "Yes." His face was turned f rom ber. His hands were clincbjd. His throat was dry. For a moment be wishcd be were alone that he migbt weeo) for bis mother. And thon Jane suid. "Let me sit ut the other end of vour table." He turned back te ber, and saw ber eves, and wbut be saw made him reacli ont blindlv for ber band Better Light... NWOL 0 Better Sight EDI SON MAZDA CANADUAN GENERAL ELECTRIC LUCMITUD -syrnpatbv. tendernets - a wornanly broodinir tendernets. "Oi. Evans, Evans," sic said, "I am not goinie to manny *Fnederick Towne." "Wby not ?" thickly. "I don't love bim."> "Do vou love,*mc, Jane ?" She nodded and could not speat. Ticy clunie togetbcn. He wept and wus not asbapied of it. And standing tiene. witi bis head agaiflst ber. bneast, Jane knew that she bad found the bcst. Maniage was not a tiing of luxnry and soft living. of f laming moments of wild ernotion. -It wus a thing of bard- nets shared, of spirit meetinjg spirit, of dream rnatcbing drearn. Jane, that, afternoon. had caught ber breath as she had 'corne into the dankened hall, and had seen Evans stau 1 diirbetween those stender lads. So tome day. penbaps, in this old honte-bis tons I THE END ]Burketon (Rcceived too late for last week) Vsitors: Mrs. S. Moffatt and Mrs. S. Yeluand with Mr. and Mns. Brunt, Janetville, also ut Litte Britain and Lindsay. .. Mr. and Mrs. Glon Wanamnaker, Seagrave, Mrs. H. Craig and, Miss Jessie Byens, Ottàwa, at Mrs. C. Sander- son's.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin and boys, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hos- kin and Joan, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Hoskin. The heart o! a pretty girl may be as chilly as a dog's nose. Everyone INeedï Good Light Have you enough lght ln enough places ta protect *yes from strain? If flot, aisk your dealer about the proper sizes of sîght-sa'vlng Edison Mazda Lamps. QOO -. FARMERS nseeding money to finance improvements whicfi good business judgment approves, are invited to consùlt with OU! iear- est branihmanager. The Bank of Montreal recognizes the need of farmers to keep their properties from becoming run- down and their equipment from becoming obsolete. via 78rw MADE lm CANADA

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