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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Oct 1939, p. 9

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TuEOROONw Miss Ruth Logan bas been 111. greetigs came over CFRB. eMiss Marlon Banion at home. Mr'. and Mrs. J. E. Richards .Miss Marion McKelvie at home. were on holidays this week. MissDor Grham t hme. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond MissDor Graam t bone. and Alec enjoyed a weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yonker and Mier's Bay, Haliburton. Fred, Preston, witb relatives. M.Gog oe a ntw MissMargretRoy, Guelph,. at on Tuesday and presented Orme home. Gamsby witb a bunch of ripe red Mr. James Logan wltb bis bro- raspberries, a second crop. ther, Mr. R. E. Logan. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Dr. Leslie, Toronto, with fri- Mrs. Chas. Lowden were Miss ends. Ruth Lowden, Toronto, and Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter, Cones- Doris Lowden, R.N, Orillia. togo, at W. E. Davey's. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Petterson Miss Theima Myles, Whitbly, at and Jim and Mrs. Richard Morton home. at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brima- Miss Muriel Morton, Whitby, combe's. with Mr. and Mrs. George Morton. Rev. S. Littlewood conducted Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, service for Rev. W. C. Smith, at home. Courtice, Sunday p.m., wbile Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caleton, Snith took the Kirby anniversary Trout Creek, witb relatives, service. Miss Bernice Giloms, formerly Miss Helen Orr, Ciarkson, and on staff o! O.C.S., with friends. Messrs. Vernon Saunders and Ar- Miss Lois Wood, Port Perry, aI thur Smith, Toronto, ,at Mr. and borne. Mrs. Artbur Saunders. Mr. Harry Hall at Mr. and Mrs. Misses Eileen Riddell and Bea- Leamnan's. trice Hamnm were in Milibrook aI- Mr. Gerald Cornish, Toronto, at tendig the course aI which Miss home. Hamm was officiai delegale of the, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour Orono Women's Institute. visited i Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth daxnsby Mrs. W. B. Hoar hs visitig ber and famiiy aîtended the 401h aunt wbo is in. weddig anniversary of ber par- Mr. W. W. Sberwin, Veeriary ents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Col- college, Guelph, at home, borne. Mr. LeRpy Brown, Guelph, aI Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, son home. Don and daughter Audrey, and Miss Ruth Logan, Bowmanville, Mrs. Mary Henry, Toronto, witb with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan.' Mr5. M. Cooper and Mrs. E. Mrs. W. J. Cowan is visiting In Searle. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwi, Mi- mico, Mr. and Mrs. Havey Win- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett at ter, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. Havey Witer'r cottage.. Lycett and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. W. C. Lynch wiil visit li N. Winter, Oshawa, aI Mrs. I. Sault Ste. Marie. Witer's. Mrs. H. Lycett and Miss Alla Manley Littlewood was i bed Muir visited in Trenton. for a few days with a strained .Dr. Mine bas rented the Mar- back secured wbile piaying foot- lin Lilon bouse. bail. Roy Forrester Jr. aiso re- Mr. James Tamblyn bas rented ceived slight injuries. The two the Green bouse. boys piayed i O.C.S. team which Oron sodies wee hme verlost te Port Perry 5-2. t rhe sdir we re omeove Orono branch of the Bible Soc- they weekend.eUnitedChurch Mr. Ernest Annabelle, Toronto, Parsonage Friday evening and with friends. elected these offilcers: President, Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry and John Thompson; Sec.-Treasurer, niece, Hamilton, wîlh friends. E. R. Rainey. Colleclors were also Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamilton, appointed.- Rev. S. Littlewood aI home. presided. Miss #dna StuIt, Graflon, at Miss M. Johnston, R.N, Mr. Ar- bomne. th Iur W. Jobnston, Evanston, Ill., Scouts will in future meet on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keane and Fridays. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. George Keane Mrs.J. C Gamy isvisiin and Frances, Mervyn, and John Mrs.J. C Gaey i vistin Keane, Toronto, aI Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. A. H. Keane's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr Jm iksni ehgkp Dooley on tbe birlh o! a daugtr in the Toronto General Hospital Roadmen were in town Friday for some time as a resuit of bis tarring cracks i the bighway. examiation by the specialist. His Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough daughter Marlon,. who remained and daughter in Peterboro. in Toronto wbile he was examin- Mr. and Mrs. S. Payne and ed, bas returned te ber scbool, Beverley in Lakefield. ibut Mrs. Dckson is remainmng Mr. O. W. Scott witb Mr. and there. Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Peterboro. Thanksgivig was featured at Mrs. J. R. Cooper is judge at Park SI. Churcb Sunday morn- Roseneab fair witb hymns, sermon, music Rosneah fir.and decorations brigig the The Graham family bave MOV- tbought of thankfulness and ha- ed ito the Mrs. R. Morton house. vest before a large congregation. Mrs. George Seymour visited The churcb was artistically decor- Mrs. Gerry, Oshawa. ated with fruit, flowers, vege- Miss Babara Roiph is the proud tables and grai. Rev. S. Little- possessor of a littie pony. wood chose as text, "It is good te .Miss Marion Dickson visited in give thanks unte tee Lord." Orono and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour COMING EVENT visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sey- mour. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mclsaac, Bud- dy and Alice, Toonto, spent the weekend at teeir cottage. Mr. W. J. Watson attended the funeral o! bis brother, Mr. Thos. Watson, at Peterboro. Mr. F. J. Siade, Registrar o! Norteumberland County, visiled Mr. Orme Gamsby. Miss Isabelle Aluin, Qsbawa, and Miss Bernice Grooms, B.A., spent Thanksgivîng bere. Mr. and Mrs. George Fligg and baby, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Gamnsby. Miss Margaret West, Toronto, bas returned home after a pheas- ahI visit at ber brother Albert's home. Norma Ransberry's b irlb da y Park St. W. A., Orono, special services Sunday, Oct. 22. Speak- er - Mrs. T. H. Greenaway, Pro- vincial World's Canadian Mission- amy Superintendenl. 1w. GENEROSITY "Generosity is more charitable than wealt."-Josepb Roux. "He who is afraid o! being 100 genemous bas hst tee power o! being. magnanimous."-Mary Ba- ker Eddy. "One can love any man that is generous."-Leigh Hunt. "lI Ibis worhd, it is not what we taice up, but wbat we give up, Ibat makes us ric."-Beecber. "Tbe truly generous is the truhy wise; And he wbo loves 001 ote- ers, lives unbest."-Horace. Quantity of Mon.y Stolen From MIII Thursday some persan or per- sons broke the lock on Orono Flour Mills door and secured a quantity o! money, aU change. Some o! tee money had been re- moved the day before s0 if thee telef bad been a day earlier lie would bave secured more for bis trouble. The teeft was first dis- covered when thee wner went te work and found tee door 'open, the lock broken, and the money gone. Gasoline Company Presents Fre. Show The Sheli Gasaie Company put on a free movie Satumday night te the keen pleasure o! a large crowd - chiefly o!thee younger generation. Two comics, two educalional, one spart, and one of tee visil o! the Kig and Queen ta Canada were shown. Ail were enjoyed a great deal al- tbough tee wèather was a little cool for standig around. The pictures were terown on the wall o! tee 5 la 1.00 store. KirbY Church Annlversary Services Large congregations !locked la Kirby anniversary services Sun-J1 day. The church was beautifully decoraîed wite fruit, vegetables, etc., appropriate ta tee occasion. Rev. W. C. Site, Courlice, preacbed two excellent sermons. At the afternoon session Kirby1 choir rendered Iwo antheems and Mr. Arthur Bell favored wite a vocal solo. In tee evenig Rev. Smite spoke on "The Church o! Christ," emphasizig tee fact that al- teougb tee churcb seemed 10 be goig backward il was just thee faulI o! the members as teey con- stituted the churcb. He expressed bis faite that it would shortly go forward in no uncertain ternis, and issued a challenge 10 young and old te help tee cause. Orano Park St. Choir rendered two ap- propiriate antbems. Mr. R. E. Lo- gan favomed wite a vocal solo. Interesting Dimi And Distant Item In our lasI issue appeared a personal regarding tee intcrest- ing relic o! the lasI war owned by Mr. L. A. Dent - narmely, a lisI o! tee ships which convcyed the first Canadian contigent over- seas jusl exactly 25 years aga tels monte. The personal alsà men- lioned tee facIteat one was thee Ateenla. Il hs pretty certain that teis was the samne one recently terpedoed. Thiking Ihat il would be iteresig - especially ta teose wha were itee lasI war - we secured froim Mr. Dent the list o! namnes wbich we now reprit in full: Megantie, Ruteenia, Ber- mudian, Alarunia, Ivemnia, Scan- dinavian, Sicilian, Montezumia, Lapland, Cassandra, Thouzel, Ar- cadian, Athenia, Royal Edward, Franconia, Canada, Mamoute, Minitoci, Syrolia, Turisean, La- vantic, Scotian, Carribean, Zea-« land, Corinthian, Virginian, An- danian, Lakonic, Montreal, and Royal George. They were con- voyed by H.M.S. Calipse, Diana, and Charader and followed up by H.MS. Glory and H.M.S. Talbot. As we sat writing them down, witb Herb Murray an interested spectator, we were informed by tee aforesaid gentleman Ibatlihe went across on tee Scandinavian, and hie added teat tels was the biggest number o! shlps and troops ever te cross aI one time, and tee largest teat ever would be. As we walked toward home we teought teat il would be a good tbing if teis propbecy would be fui! illed, and thal the wa would cease so teere would be no need o! transportation o! men for teat purpose. We bave written tbis story feeling that tee veter- ans would be interested in il and be able ta pick ouI the namne o! the sbip on wbicb they sailed. Obituary Thomas Watson The deatb o! Thomas Watson occurred October 3rd in Nicholîs H o s p i I a 1, Peterboro, afler a monte's illness. He had been li the grocery business in Peterbomo for seventeen years, coming Ihere from Norwood. Si.rviving besides bis wlfe, are IFIRE PREVENTIONI WEEK OCT. 8m14'"1 News of Clarke Township Clarke Union Mrs. Sandy Watson celebrated ber birthday Tuesday eveninir by iziviniz a diraner to a number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. H J.. Souch, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Bailey and Mrs. Wat son were at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Power and Katherine visited ber mother, Mrs. Ida Stark, Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watso 'n, Mrs. BaiIey and Miss Eileen Souch and Mrs. Lorna Clark motored to King- ston Saturday to vieil their son, Archie wbo returned witb thean for the holiday. We extend sympalby to Mr: llOd Mrs. Carl Billings and Audrey on the death of their daughter and sis- ter. Cowanville W. A. met at tee parsonagei Newcastle, wite sixteen ladies present. Plans for tee anniver- sary services and goose supper were discussed, and committees formed to look alter tee buying o! geese, program, etc. First Y. P. U. meetig was held at tee home o! Mr. T. J. Simpson and teese officers were elected: Presidenî, James Simpson; Sec.- Treasurer, Robert Hughes; Pro- gram Committee is on a sliding scale, three were elected, Miss M. Sinmpson, Messrs. John Moffat and Jack Barnes. At each meetig one wiil be dropped and a new mem- ber elected, so teat everyone will bave an opportunîty te serve for three weeks. Mrs. S. C. Hughes and young son are home fromn Bowmanvilie Hospital - both doing splendidly. Miss Violet Hollingsworth is home from Weston. Mrs. Todd and Mr. A. Graham, Oshawa, visited Mr. T. J. Simp- son and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs., Erwin Farrow spent a week at Welland witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waterson. Mrs. B. Striger and Mr. and TAKESOFF GRIME WITHOUT SCOURING. N 0O1need for liard rubbing and scrubbing when you use a solution of Gillett's Pure F'laice Lye. It cuts riglit through grease, dlemr clogged drains, keeps out- houses sanitary and odoriesa,i sSeurs pots and pans, takes the liard work out of heavy cleaning. Keep a tin always handy. PRMIS OOKLB - Tb@. OtIetta Lye Doolelet telle hew thue PoweM ucloasen cers clgged drain ... . l eet- houa..clown and odorlum by destro 0n2 the content* of the. codot . .. bow ist perfore desdans. of ta*e. o,.nd for a cytaStandard Brandi Ltd., Fri v.and Liberty Strict, Toronto, Ont. Mm. George Barcbamd met witb an accident when he feli from a son for an boum. He suffemed painful back injuries. Holiday Visitors: Miss Lotîle McLaughlln, Orihlia, and Mm. Er- nest Annable, Toronto, wlte Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Mahey... Mr. Roy Patton with friende ln Trnt.. . Mm. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen with !riends li Toronto.. Mm. and Mms. J. W. Linehan and Miss Helen Murphy, Ottawa, and Mm. and Mrs. E. B. Steckdale and Miss Radclffe, Toronto, wite Mm. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen. Mrs. Romeo Legare, Kirkland Lake, bave returned home afer visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. IStringer. Crooked Creek Sunday Scbool service was beld witb good attendance wbicb is very encouraging to tbose in charge. Tbe bydro power was turned on here Saturday evening bringig Crooked Creek up to the minute i modern ligbling. Corn cutling and silo filling have been going on in the neigb- borbood. Holiday Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Cliflon Robb, Miss Carol and Master Noel Brooks, Westminster, wiîb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer... Mr'. Raymond Hughes, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hughes. ..Mrs. Arthur Tubb with ber sis- ter, Mrs. J. Clysdale. .. Mr. Gor- don Clysdale, Oshawa, was home over the holiday. .. Mr. Hurban, Toronto, witb John Budicky. L ake Shore, Clarke Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. James Tamblyn on Ibeir recent marriage. Visîters: Mr. John Hendry, Guelph, and Miss Annabelle Hen- dry, Pontypool, witb Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bone, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Longears, Eiizabetbville, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaynes... Mrs. Wm. Jaynes with Miss Aud- rey Jaynes, Tweed... Mrs. L. Ai- lin, Mrs. R. Alidred and Lois, Mrs. C. Brown, Ross and Marg- aret, with Mrs. L. Alldred, Mapie Grove. . . Mrs. W. Holmes with friends in Toronto. . . Miss Elta Holmes, Osbawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. Miss Hilda Rowland was taken by surprise on Friday evening wben about tbirty o! ber girl friends visited ber borne and sbowered ber witb miscellaneous gifîs. Miss Helen Lycett and Mrs. Geo. Wallon were in charge of tbe arrangements. The bride-lo- be teanked tbe girls for their lovely gifts, afler wbicb refresb- ments were served and a social lime was spent. BABY FRETFUL?. FRET1?ULNESS la not naturel. It le a sigo of trouble. A wazns ln liite which yen must quickly reeiond. Ihaifouod Eahy'e W Thes e=hiu when ni>ybby getsirritable and =pe. I gîve hi. on. otwo tablets and ln a etoho je relleved anddueps se ondly." And Mm ..=Stwar ME-ebe -.sye When rn b ee rfellegiva ler Baby'eOwn Tableswhlch change her ta a Igoodbabl, Eaby'a rOin Taets ase bring quiclo relief fron dlrhoea, ccUptsetsh Ie croup, colde, censtipatie, tthýnu troube, sumnmer complaint and sinmple lever. Quiclo lure and saele n their action. re frein opates and tupefingdus naa l>t' ertIficateleee>be.Gtetoa. Siclon.usseoten etrikes b. the night. 25 cents. Money baclo If yeu are onet eatisfied. "WORM OUT" AND WORRIEI DragghîngarSuud ma" day, unabi. te de hesaweh - Cranky wiIh thme idrm- feeling niserahle. *amhi itorn "mima"I whenm fihe. bide m hde -W1m i eh.Iyimmu m el. givng mte a Chance te res =l118 anduegy. Esy totalà& Sain. 116 Dodd'sKidny Pils Plautlng of BuIbs Discus»d During Hortîcultural Meet Bulb Planîing was tee Horti- cultural question discussed and demonstrated aItee Horticullural Saciety Tuesday nigbt aI O.C.S. .Mrs. M. H. Staples led ln the gateerig of information, reading bits from an article itee Chate- laine, and had varlous members read certain phases o! tee ques- tion. Mrs. R. Forrester read an article on planting bulbs by the pebble and water method, which was demonstrated by Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, who planted paper white narcissi. Elsie Rowe read information about the planting in plant fibre, and Mrs. E. J. Hamm about the planting in loam and sand. A lime table was read by Mrs. Thos. Lewis. Forcig in the bouse was the article read by Mrs. A. A. Dummond, wbile Mrs. Staples read information on how to bave a succession o! blooms. Miss Mabel Davy read an article regarding tee keeping o! bulbs in a dark, cool place. Thtis complet- ed information on indoor plant- ing. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn read an article on outdoor planting, deal- ing particularly with tulips wbich sbould be planted deeply, and narcissi wblch should be planted more sballow. Delicious chocolates were pass- ed as a treat at tee close o! the meeting. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of October S, 1914 A dressmakig parlar bas been opened by Miss E. Rowe aI ber residence, Mai street south. Mrs. David Scott wbo lives wite ber sister, Miss Carr, had anoteer stroke. Robt. Reid, wbo bas tenanted tbe Hooper farm, west o! the vil- lage, bas taken a lease o! tee Mrs. Mercer f arm, and expects to move tbere sbortly ta make way for thee new owner o! the Hooper place, Capt. Eber. Mrs. Jennie Jaynes, Lindsay, visited friends bere. Miss Belsy Miller, Toronto, is visitig ber niece, Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong. Miss Elva Ashton, Toronto, vis- ited ber uncle, Mr. I. Winter. Mr. A. T. Gamsby, Toronto, was guest o! bis brother, Mr. Len Gamsby. John Somers, wbo aI one lime was tee owner o! tee Harry Hamm farm, Clake Union, is dead, in bis 841h yea. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McPberson of Orillia, Mrs. A. A. Tucker, Fort Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Brisbio! Edmonton, motored down from Orillia Sunday. Mrs. Brisbi and Mrs. Tucker visited Leskard, te place o! their birth. Mr. George Aluin found out teat bis cousin Willîam's hens were ahl that was claimed for tbem, and be came down from Whitby and bougbt the wboie bunch. George, allbougb president o! tee Whitby Tightwads, is a young member, and failed ta realize that tee fun- damental priciple o! tbe Wads is tbeir strict regard for tee trute. .Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. J. Wade wite ber sister, Mrs. Chas. Bebee, Omono. ..Mr. Arnold Wade wite friends in Toronto. .. Mr. Jack Wade and Mm. Roy Berry, Orona, witb Mrs. J. Wade. .. Mrs. Weston, Hamil- ton, with Mrs. John Coucb. Miss Pearl Jomy and Mm. Cyrîl Maxim, Barrie, wite Mrs. Thos. Stapleton. . . Mm. and Mrs. Willl Lord, Bailieboro, wite Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Stapletan Sr. witb Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope. . . Mrs. Detler, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Leana, Coîbomne, wite Mm. and Mrs. W. C. Lane. .. Mm. and Mms. J. C. Moore and Howard, Scot- land, Ont., witb Mr. and Mms. Thos. Burkell and Mm. and Mrs. Cleland Lane. Master Billy Lane bas returned wilb teem for a visit. ..Miss Bertba Tbompson witb friends in Toronto. .. Miss Olive Jobnstan, Petembora, witb Mr. Tupper Jobnston. .. Misses Annie and Allie Nesbitt, Tomonto, at home. . . Mm. Bill Hoskin and parly at Niagara. .. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Stone, Toronto, wite Mrs. Arnoîl. .. Mrs. Henry Jones witb Mrs. Budd, Dale. . . Mm. Waler Sanders, Toronto, wilb Mm. S. R. Jones. Mr. Sanders was a resi- dent bere in bis youtb and visit- ed tee schoal. . . Mm. and Mms. W. Langstaff, Toronto, witb Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. W. I. meeting bas been changed to Oct. 19lb. A lawyem bas been secured 10 give a talk on "Legis- lation." The meeting will be aI Miss Jennie Thompson's. Miss Betty Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane atlended tbe Imperial Oil Show aI Bow- manville. Sunday, October 8tb, the Pres- byterian Cburcb behd ils Tbanks- giving Services witeout the usual supper. AI 2.30 p.m. Rev. Foote, Pomt Hope, addressed tee congre- galion and Mm. Bey. George, Port Hope, delighted ahl present witb two beauliful solos. At 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. G. Blake took charge o! the service, assisted by Rev. Mc- Lachhan. A rare musical treat was enjoyed wben Garden Hill Male Quartette rendered two sehections. Elocution may be a odtig Ibut il doesn't go fa enough. Il Imerely teaches us baw to ak not when. LATE F. T. GUY WAS ACTIVE ON CHURCH EFFORTS The recent passing of Mr. F. T. Guy removed a familiar and a much beioved figure from Osh- awa. In bis eariy days, Mr. Guy labored diligentiy as superintend- ent of a rural Sunday schooi in South Darlington. For twenty- one years he instructed and guid- ed the children and youth of that community, where to this day he is lovingly remembered. Although an agriculturist, bis expert black- board work in the schooi room was exceptional. During recent years he has re- sided in Oshawa, where he fiiied the office of eider in St. Andrew's United Church in an efficient manner. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson who con- ducted his funeral service spoke briefly of his fine Christian char- acter and noble service. Rev. R. J. Maxwell, Toronto, a former pastor, referred to Mr. Guy's loy- alty and devotion to Jesus Christ and His Church, of his trust and confidence i sunshine and i shade, and of his faithfui witness- ing for the preciousness of the Gospel. Recognized everywhere as an earnest God-fearing man Mr. Guy was rich in friends who revered him because of the lîfe that he iived and the geniai, kindly man that he was. Many friends assembied at bis daughter's home to participate i the Iast service that love could render to the friend who had passed on. "Servant of God, well done, Thy glorlous warfare passed, The battie fought, the victory won And thou art crowned at last. LOOKIN' BACKWARDS When the moonbeams are a- beamin', And the evening eaves do drip. When the streamiets are a- streamin', And the chipmonks ail do chip; When the turtie doves do turtie, And the cooig pigeons coo, When the hurtling crowds do burtie, And the mooing cows do moo; Then my heart turns with a shiver' To a little red canoe, Drifting on a northern river, When the blamed thing held just two. But the years have kept on flow- ing, And have borne our youth away, We are older, older growing, Sice those Junes of yesterday, And I must have been sorne yeller, In that red canoe o! birch, For she married t'other feller And she left me in the lurch. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. The difference between iuck and piuck is the difference be- tween our own success and that of our neighbors. Those wbo lhave a yen for Ulumi- nated founlais may now bave one for tee home. Heme is anc with a praclical use as il displaces tie less aesthelic punch bowl. With what- ever speeldcsired, il automatically mixes all kinds o! beverages, Ibus reeping Iheir ingredients o! uniformn consistency, and wilb colored light accompaniment. The upper part mnay be subslituled for other types Df fIxtures thus giving vaiations to the foL;iLain's top. THE STONE PICLE There's an old stony field at te front of our farm, I admire with unstinted pride, For it tells of my grandfatber s labor and tfi, And of grandmother, Ihen his Young bride. It is many long years sice they left their home shore, And friends, fa away o'er te seas, And sailed for this land, where teey'd carve theem a home, 'Mid theehills and tee forest's tan trees. In a sure, sulent way how that stony old field, Tells a stery of pioneer days, Tells o! bardsbips and loil teat my grandparents knew, In such trymng and beartbreak- mng ways. Il tells of that firat early settier stock, Who labored in simple faite strong, Who knew no defeal 'gainst un- speakable odds, Toiling on, ever singing hope's Song. Every stone heap Ibat lies ini that old stony field, Is a cairn, a cenotaph grand, To my grandfateer's worte, for he gateered teose stones Witb bis strong, honest, smnewy band. And ail over tels land similar mounltains lie, Loudiy speaklng teer mute praise o! worth Of teose men, who in travail and labor and pain, Struggled on with Ibis Young country's birth. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. The heart of moral force is con- science - a fait unextinguishable flame - wbose ligbt we cail duty and its beat love.-Amie1. "Friendship is a sheltering tree."ý-Coleridge. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Friday - Saturday OCT. 13 - 14 'MJy Fïfth Avenue Girl' Starrlng Ginger Rogers and TImHBoit Added - Popeye Cartoon Ghosts 19 The Bunk REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. "The Dawn Patrol" wlth Errol Flynn - David NIven Monday - Tuesday OCT. 16 - 17 - Lionel Barrymxore - Sir Cedrie Hardwlcke "On Borrowed Time" wlth Beulah Bondi - Uns Merkel Nat Pendieton. FOUR DAYS Wednes. - Thoraday Friday - Saturday OCT. 18 - 21 Darryl F. Zanuck's Production "The Rains Came" Starring Myrna Loy - Tyrone Power George Brent Does Love Remove Ail Barriers Can It Overcome Ail Obstacles "'How about a night cap?»» "Make mine a cap." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The puueit form in which obacco casa b. snnked.'> . THURSDAY, OCTOBEli 12TH, 1939 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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