PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, 0COE 2T,13 proceedings was Miss Langler, lantern is no new acquaintance. now an active worker in Clarke Rather is it an old picture throw- Mr. Seldon struck f#rst a, pat- The N w cas le I depe dent the late Richard Langler of New- riotic note by showing somére PHONE CLARKE 1114 castle who was killed by a train splendid pictures of King George on the tracks east of Newcastle and Queen Elizabeth and Prin- station. Miss Langler, with hier cesses Elizabeth and Margaret Reeve and Mrs. C. R. Carveth Bloomfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. father, Mr. Henry Langler, a for- Rose. Then followed picturds of____ attended Warkworth fair Friday. W. H. Cooke. mer Newcastle boy, and hier mo- Muskoka and Caledonia (Mr. Sel- Mr.andMrs R W.Walon Mis Mri& Rckad, .A of ther and other members of the don's boyhood town); theQrand M.adMsR.W a To rontisCard of ThankardaB.A., An easterf tdnto ui Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. An- Whitby, and Miss Helen Rickrd, family are living in a new house River, pictures o! Hon. VMhcent Cr o hnsR aig icvr son Walton. Trno holidayed with Mr. and they buiît in the third concession Massey's, Prof. Chas. T. Currel- a Song at Twilight." 'The topic______________ Mr. J. A. Gray, Oshawa, spent Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. north of Brown's school. Miss ley's and Mrw: 5prçiït's " es- for discuqsion was "A ourPAN.CRSFO be made onteFrnhon.S musical talent, is a niece of the taken in Newcastle on difterent Ta43.,.Mr. F. J. Groat, who chose Audrev wish to express their apprec- 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Da9-h'*Tobaco mu hraeeingta uron Mrs. Robt. Gray. Clifford Phillips and Miss, Pearl formerMs ora Langler, for occasions,- at the strawberry soc- his oWh subjec, "My flrst delight lation for the many acts of kindtitsi Store. A. Y. P. A. of the St. George's Abar, Toronto, were guests of. Mr. some years employed as a type- ial at Mrs. J. Douglas', t Mr.. and in poetry" recited and analyzed and expressions of sYmnPathir and Bat utr iie. Church will hold t opening and Mrs. E. Thackray. .iint setter on The Newcastle Indepen- Mrs. A. O. Parker's when the Old the poem "The Deserted Village" condoleftce, aiso the beautif nI floral Bat utr Every cloudhsaslvrlnn meigOct.1t . Douglas Gordon, iint dent by Editor L. B. Davidson. Album pantomime cast was en- iby Oliver Goldsmith, making ap- offerings extended by their f riends tta ss Mrs. W. H. Pearce visited Mr. tdnTrno a us fD.tertained, and again at Mr. and plications to "Community Life." and neighbours, als r. mt ndT EBsR ATE o Oct. R A o nNI-f bu tant imalcnotinwe and Mrs. Norman Williams and and Mrs. Walton-Ball and Miss Mrs. Parker's in August et the In his closing remarks he paid the nurses in Bowmanville Hospital, ersar$7.5rom Octh oe ndofyoscnotse trogvte lod Mrs. Jno. Hall, Gaît.Eleanor at "Harris Lodge." THE LATE WESLEY OUGH A afternoon tea on the occasion of honorable tribute to, the Women's duriniz trieir recent sqçl bereavement. mnt,$50 acnees av, Mrs. Jn. Hall Galt.Miss Edith Campbell, Toronto, FORMER NEWCASTLE BOY Mr. Seldon's 80th birthday. A féw Institute in helping to mlake a$35;3.0vae,19;ed Y.P . !UitdCurh~ and Miss Ruth Honey, Victoria comics appealed to the-humorous fursquare c$3.50; $3.S0 wavessales.;41nd opening the season with a social College, Toronto, spent the week- Fren in Newcastle îearned makeup of the gatherlng's men- The song "Long Long Ago#' was- Phone 2601. 4_ . am W ne evening Friday evening. end with Mr. and Mrs. G. e. with sro ftedahi o aiy sung, and a reading, "The Poor" Thursday, October 9th - Mr. VOUFHIDESIG AO W. A. of United Church meets Mr. and Mrs. Harnwell, Mr. and ronto of J. Wesley Ough, former Some of the younger ladies and was given by Mrs. George Farn- Al. Richards, Lot 16, Con. 91 Dar- VOndEAR DReESSaNaGmet.ALOkNds Floigetnie Tornt, ad atrl ergan onth Toono M Crl iser ssste Ms.A. comnb. lington ( one and one-quarter miles of hidesn, facials and rnaili- tisîng fromCreiaCra group will be in charge. Miss Emma Seldon, Caledonia, police force and officer of the 0. Parker and her cousin MRiss November meeting will be in nrh, erI n mile east of En- hidesn Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hiltz and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. chief coroner's court. He lived Emma Seldon o! Caledon', in charge of the North group and niskillen) wili selI bv public auction Mrie Bzteaty alon. Te.hose e ave ndaai cegs LeGrly visi.tadratives a kr. . .taherisn ro heatBod ea, or oMewasriepr oeuphery ots f ercoalongac.vtis.cuin a eaonbl pics.Roe ehae uyrswtai o famlyandMr an Ms. . . Prkr.for many years in Newcastle or serving refreshments. Before' h il et a week later owing to his farm stock, implements, hay 358. D. Graham, Operator. 40-tf Coerllgwoo d. reatir t ernE.Lntarjero nn srctaeatndHedNepatl ewcpublc ty bke'u eryvtso thercoflictn ci tegrain, etc. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Ternis List WithTiopn Colnwod oten nai aft itrc n atn erwcaslepubned thanks and appreciation were cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. oieT rdtr oeAto Misses Frances Toms and Annie and Mrs. Marjerrison and daugh- school. He atrad ere tendered Mr. Seldon for the pic-BIT S 41-2 NoieT rdt s Huculac, Montreal, were guests of ters, Bowmanville, visited hier the blacksmithing and practised tures, for bis poetry, philosophy, ___________________ H Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Robt. Gray. the trade with Wm. Pickard and stories and wit, and to Mr. and VNTN tKthee- Ra eForý Sale ALL PERSONS having any dlail Harold Toms. M.Jh celr carpenter, we well remember him as a good Mrs. Parker for once agamn so WaterlooHospital,____________ aoanst the EstateRo thedlaon~ Oshawa elEtt Rev. and Mrs. Jas. T. E. Blan- is makîng a number of alterations horseshoer and smithy. He max- kindly opening their home for an- C.atOrlooLHospital, OctobHErBEst, chard and Mr. and Mrs. East, to his bouse and shop on King ried Miss Hannah Beal, bal! sis- oer entertairiment. 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Jabez C.FRSL1939-OM, EBR OWR h id nCma» ______________________St. and giving the premises a ter of Mr. E. J. Hawke, Leskard. __________ Vanstone, a daughter. brick cottage on Queen St., good or about the 20th day of JulY,19, mr. mnders. HudsoncSe. and h e usbi nstrngt ECSL .M .HAS WRG-I ec ieAbra garden, garage. Apply Mrs K. at the Township of Darilngtofl, in OH NECSL more modem apearance. Altougb be Raseig andbetra, Wood, Bowmanville, Phone 2506. the Countv of Durhaini are required 41 OtroSre * famlly s~pent the weekend at their domineer over otbers as some do. - ADDRESS ON POLAND on Saturday, September 30, 1939, 41-2"' to file the sanie with pofteef(utNrho od BUDeDv cottage at Newcastle-on-the-Lake. He was of a kindly and genial to Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Wragg, a FO AithAR ONE- the uaende arsi n olicitorfo BleBird Beut Mr. and Mrs. Stowe had returned disposition, one wbo always help- United Church W. M. S. met daughter. FRSL AMCNE-teEtt ltltrta oeie Pa l rfrom a week spent in Quebec. ed to make the world around him October 6th, with President M rs. ____________g nd_____loe_______19 9,___r hih d te th PalrMr. Fred Dempsey and Miss a friendly and bappy one. Some N. Allin occupying the chair. The school, church, highway, rural mail Estate will be distributed and al le now featurlng a Speelal Minnie Pearce, Toronto, Mr. Ken- of bis school mates still living in ladies of the W. A. of the Angli- MARRIAGES delivery, hydro in front gf gate, dlaims of which notice has not been ... ~5.uu Inelees 0 neth Pearce, Oakville, and Miss Newcastle who retain pleasant can Church were invited andwereOcto7t,2199, B.Ne -., or arnticulars. -41.1* Daed wat Bownanve athins th W T S G H Machinele 5 Myrtle Patterson, Leskard, were memomies of tbose days wben Wes. received 1»' Mrs. J. A. Butler and TAM BLYN - ROWLAND - On ship. Apply J. L. Parsons, R.R. 2, the said Adniinistrator. a l and sH. Gibson, J. E. Rincli, Murray Eil- Miss A. Drummond led the de- catl aroagbyRv.,. ._________M OI______ 01 Permanent 5 Owing to Harvest Home ser- beck, Hanlan Parker, Herb Toms votions. Mms. R. E. Morton an- Morton, Hilda Jane. daughter of day of Octeia. . . . oberl, 9. *J.UU ~or $2. vices at St. Saviour's Churcli, Or- and H. R. Pearce. His father was nounced that Mrs. Geo. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Howell - Rowland, ________________ Ont., Solicitor for L. R. Power,: $5.00 fr $2.50 ono, Oct. l5th, Evensong will be a section man on the G.T.R. and assisted by Mme. I. Colville would Newcastle, to Mr. James Coram WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Administrator. 4- 1 MR&. F. J. COLE beld in St. George's Church at some of bis fellow workems weme take charge of the C.G.I.T. for the Tamblyn, son of Mr. A. J. Tam- Shur-Gainý 41% Hogz Concen- M N 395 o'clock thus permitting all wbo Jacob Ogden, Mm. Gorwîll, Mr. balance of the year. Mme. C. Han- blyn and the late Mrs..Taniblyn, trate, $2.85 per cwt. Offer good Mortgage Sale Phone39 wish to attend the 7 o'clock ser- Witheridge wbo came down' frorn cock, Mms. Geo. Honey, Mrs. Jerry of Orono. until Oct. I9th. F. C. Vanstone, 111 vice at St. Saviour's. Bowmanville, and George Singer. Brown and Mrs. W. H. Cooke Poe77 omnil. 4- ____________________ High Scbool beld its field day were appointed delegates to the WELSH - LANCASTER - At the Pon77,owanie. 4- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of on October 4th, followed by lunch Blackstock Sectional Rally, Nov. United Church Parsonage, Green- ch oerta ogae hch waille prno- in the community hall kitchen in THANKSGIVING SUNDAY AT 2nd. bank, by Rev. Thos. Wallace, on For Sale cetai Por f aehcontin e inoa the evening. It was postponed THE UNITED CHURCH Quartets were sung by Mrs. H. Saturday, October 7th, 1939, Win- ueatheimofslhr wl ~ N.because of Inspector Gray's visit Allin, Mms. H. R. Pearce, Mrs. nifred Annie, youngest daughter FOR SALE-NEW APPLE BAR- duceed f heto f sale, hee xl m m M to the school in Sept. Wednesday On Sunday,' October 8th, Rev. Chas. Cowan and Mme. C. R. Car- of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, rels. Apply D. S. Milligan, Nw Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer ** J lwas a much finer day for the R. E. Morton of the United Church veth, accompanied by Mrs. Laura Clarke, to Charles Henry Wèlsh, castle. Phone Clarke îîsî. 41-2 at event too. . delivered a "Cheer up" sermon at Fisher. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Welsh, FOR SALE - SUPREME RANGE PUBLIC AUCTION -* tMm. and Mms. . E. Beman and the morning service. Despite the Impressive thoughts on Temp- Bowmanville. with warming oven and bot water on Wednesdav. the 25th day pf Oct- REA their niece, Miss Iene Rinch, took war (wbicb really doesn't bear on erance were given by Rev. R. E. ________________ tank, gond condition, real bargain ober. 1939, at tbe hour of one-tbirty tnp hmoub th Martime andthe people of Ontario very heav- Morton, saying that Iast year Can-ATfoimeatsl.N.EWrgococinbeatnontthfn StHAT E atrt o Maine Marthingetatdy) this should be a time of optim- ada speiit $173,143,765 on intoxi- ______________for___ Eniskien. sahoe 2.. E 39-igtf of JOcki heB AKtronte, aR . BOWMA VILL Stes ofcialyinte.estedthem were i sm rather than pessimism. He cating liquors, leaving the thought -priklen hn.225. .3-fo JOHty . LAKy.R 1 thpecapleorchrso edh w rns gave the following easons for wîtb us "What did we get for our CLAYTON - At Xeston Sanitar- FOR SAE -500FE FHamipton, Ontario, the following wick and Nova Scotia and the this conviction: Thinge are mov- monýey?" imn, Oct. 7th, Stephen Clayton of inch lumber and scantling, and a ALADSNUA htdm Thus.- F. Sa. ishngindsty o Nva coi ng in the wold; there is mucb Mrs. G. Honey întroduced Mmc. Bowmanville, aged 46 vears. AuantANy of mixed cord cord Thur. - ri. Sat fising ndusry o Nov Scoia. tionand hereis awayshopeEfflck, shaw, wh is he Pes- uantttainmixnarcelwod.orintract of tact andla andn OCT. 12 - 13 - 14 M. and Mrs. Ernest Walton,acinadteeialasheEfecsawhostePe- FLINT - In Bowmianville Hos- Phone 2504. Mns. E. Strutt, Ty- premises, situate, lyingr and being in Gormley, visited Mr. and Mrs. n movement. There is a notice- byterial Peace Secretary, who ptlOc.7hFrnJ.Fit, oe 41-1 the Townsbip of Darlington, in the Anson Walton, M. and Mme. E.A. able demand everywhere for a spoke on the events leading u ptal, Octa. C7th, FoanDurha. Fnint, rone.m Cagney Rds..Sot,.il! Wlo and M. and Mms. Geo. A. Ther standard of mi o r a 1 i t y.. to the present war. She told bow agd5oyas Rent Countv of Du ha oio ndof teing om- 1____ Walton on Sunday. M . and Mrs. hee is in evidence a better spirit Poland was unjustly and cruelly MITCHELL - At Caesarea, on -______ofLot_______inthe______ !____IErnest Walton and a number o of sportsmanship in the higbest destroyed by Germany, Russia Whursda3', October 12th, 1939 TO RENT - GARAGE O N haCfns ot bizrth in the foimrt their Newcastle relatives also vis- sense. People are seeing in Jesus and Austria in 1772-1795, each Charles George Mitchell, beloved Geo rge Street. Phone 384. 41-1 adian Nortbern Railwav. containing ited Mm. and Mms. O. J. Luxton, Christ and in bis life, teaching country taking one third. Aftem husband of Lillian H. Mitchell and ___ rvdneand womk the real values of life the Great War, Poland was e- f ather of Mrs. J. C. Burdett, HOUSE TO RENT - IN THE bv admeasurernent sixty-tbree acres, Mm. and Mrs. Harry Comnish, for to-day. This is not a time for established and now after 21 Proidence e 65 years. Funeral Village of Hampton, bydro, gar- which la1d8is described iculurtal Victria B.., wo hve eenmorbidness or downheartedness. years of independence this brave f rom residence Caesarea, on Sat- age, bard and soft water. Appîy Dnutuper 38tBord. grcutua !Victori, B. ithishdistrict The choir rendered a thanks- and determined, people hied to urday, Oct. l4th. Service 3 pani. to Mrs. W G. Doidge, Hamipton,DelonntBa. visimig reatives in themdistric, ON the said farm there is said to left for home Tuesday. Their gvîng nhm I Will Praise the again submait toi domination by ItemntNsteonJUNIOR MOD255EL- e rctda wlln hue ih ut nepbew, Reeve C. R. Carveth, and Name of the Lord, with Mrs. H. Germany and Russia. a.~... eteo eeey on 55 ~ Ible frecte deing ose ih ut Mme. Carveth went to Toronto to R., Pearce takmng an alto solo and A very hearty vote of thanks VAN NEST - Suddenly, as the TO RENT - TWO OR THREEabefn uidgs see them off. They also called on Mss Isobel Clemence andi Mm. W. was tendered Mrs. Effleck for hiem result of an accident, on Tuesday, noonis on King Street Inn n Oct. THE lands will be sold siblect to He i i Dr. Annie Higbee who was us J S. Rickard singing different higbly informative talk. October 10, 1939, at Toronto East î5tb. Phone Maude Eîîiott, 2371. a Reserve Bid. J . lscngfoma sei u tp-obîigat3pars.f TERMS 0F SALE: Twee enraiHositl, ty-fiven 39fwitingstah eraion In the evening Rev. Morton Mme. Awde, Miss Blackburn andi widow of the late Jordan Van percent nf the purchase money' to be keybord-- Mr.. . os i mkig on- for bis sermon theme, Pro- Rev. Morton. Net n eoe ite D r. R o n or aid down at the tume *of the sale, lt ieal mrvmnst i iigfor one's own family. Walter Naylor, 12 Second Ave.; _______bock_______ teblne ob euedb ot-$i cs SOPRE URIf ROSEMARTIE eifaitigt . .APIT Louis, of Oshawa; John, Andnew ROOM AND BOARD - FOR - aewomneeeta fu erctl aMM3».luteisapaacan ofr. M.WALTER SELDON RED CROSS COMMITTEE and Rbr IAbna nbr oeo w eteehm oi FOR Iurther panticulars and con- MS b M sM se" u . am W tsd b h ouse will ENTRTANS IT vear. Resting at the chapel forts. Phone 2193. 41-1* dtosn aeapyt £enlStyb dw .%m ndWl W tuce n h veranda enclos- LANTERN SLIIDES Hampton Wnmen's Ins ti t u'te home nf the Mack Bunial Com- The Conimissioner nI Agricul-SaeA ed ndmot f heolti windows met on Thursday afternoon in the pany, 2173 Gerrard Street east, for P sto atdtrlLas Excellent Additional Featuresar en replaceti by new ones. M. and Mrs. A. O. Parker anid Sunday School room. A commit- service, Friday, Octoben l3tb, at East Block,ý Panliament BlcJgs., States a Ofc Tecapentry womk is being tione Mm. anti Mr,. Walter Seldon ob- tee of Miss L. Reynolds anti Mme. 2 1)- Interment Mount Lawn WANTED - COUNTRY GIRL Toronto, Ontario. Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m.bM. Blake Stevens, Solina. served Thanksgiving evening by W. Doitige was appointedti t look Cemetery, Oshawa. desines bousework, fond nI child- Dated at Toronto, tbis twenty- Svrlcars were piled up n a inviting a houseful of friende to after Redi Cross work which ev- ren. Apply Box C.N., Drawer B., eighth day nI September, 1939. traffic accident on Wright's bill see some lantera slities prepareti entually will be carrieti on thro' Livestock For Sale Bowmanville. 4-*4- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. about chumch time Suntiay mmmi- by Mm. Seldon. Mm. Seldon, who the mediium of the Women's In- ____________________________ OC.1 -1 8 ing anti three occupants of cars bas much slimaess of body but stitute. FOR SALE - REGISTERED POSITION WANTED - MAR- OCT.16 17 18 involved were taken to Dr. J. A. ntimness of mind or intellect, Mrs. H. Salter coatiucted the Shonthonn Bull, "Master Record" ied man capable nf running fanm, Butler, but n one was seriously initoduced the projecting laatern program which was in charge of 236214, two and half years oId, sepanate bouse. Apply 'G.J. cloru cause of the trouble was one car He had used it for 65 years and the sang "Some Folks Do. Cur- Phone Bownianville 2456. 41-1* Hî atdV l e ROMANCE! stopping euddenly to avoid hitting had made some improvements to ent Eveats were reati by Mss L. HepW ne ctoDer D u a a edstin hows mosigth 'r o Newcastle folk this fineHo.Mm..Peesan JutFRSL -YORKSHIRE SOW raonthe hill __________________________ with 10 yolung pigs. W. T. Sy- HELP WANTED - BOY WITHA V Mme. Pemcy niw' ndMs ons, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone bicycle to deliver. Apply C. W., A t Yo r' ex l R. . uterfrds roue ! he2251. 41-1* Dnawen B., Bownanville. 41-1 W. A. o! United Church presented their play, "Lena Rivere", at Cad- FOR SALE - BROOD SOWS, WANTED - REFINED CAP- mus Church fowl supper on Mon- bred, also shoats; Leice.ster rani able gzirl or wnnian to asýist with Lyonles Tooth Powder - - - 24 39 day evening. Rev. anti Mms E. lambs and yearling ranis. Wni. houework in gond country home. Morton also dove back taking a ' Hayes, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 41-2 R.S. dlo Statesman, Bowmanville. Lavonse Mouth Wash£ Gargie 23 41 79 number of entertainers. Misses 41-1 Reita Cooke anti Margaret Pearce , - FOR SALE - SIX YORKSHIRE anti M. Laurence Morton proviti- E XCELSIOR pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply W. G. Wanted Mecca Ointment - - 23- c eti piano tiuets andi solos. Wenny, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, 0Sunday moning, after t h e IASA III FL U 24 Lb. Bag 5'90 Phomne 2253. 41-1 WANTED - RIDING SADDLE. Bovril - - - - 23 39- c «I - church service, the members of!1 r.1WOOD rnn -a - bottAie -IGFORSALE- 6WEKS Phone Bowmanville 2456. 411; adHet-a@- . 30-9c11 CC.............................0.b...t5înWlowAre"DETI CEsritno LEael ...1-21lb. tn23HEEaRY ..........3fr2cYRSHRDR. R. O. DICKSON p Aortl ipne ToxHat ...........3fo 5,YRSIE (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ot Films Quickly Developed and rne Toell o P ............. 3 cakes l6c TOKAY VALENCIADon Over Langmnan's Store, Newcas- mu* rps- 2 Ibo. 19e Oranges e 5 Registered Letters tle. Office boums: Saturday only, s.ldaig Powdcr .......... 16 oz. tin 13C GOLDEN RIPE CALIF'ORNIA "DXM"- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone A1222., JR10 >- FMUMI N EEAlb.S Bananas 3 Ib. 25C1 Grapefruit, 5 - 25e Breedîng Stock Veteinarlan 'D 9*........................................................ ib 19 D C. DAVEY, V.S., E.V.Se. "WMlow Aces" Faim Bowm 3V 0'. When we test your eyes it aoie p >w1 90] NNSucceasor ta o "' .tlhe Ul omnüePhone 2456 - Bowmanvilie Office: Kint St. Eunt, ai Tithe BOWMANVILLEPH I '1 TOPS -LIMTE Resident - PHONE 848 p I 4< I.