PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1M3 The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE 1114 Mra. Hamney, Toronto, is vislt-~ TORPEDO WHIZZES ing Mr. anid Mrs. J. H. Jase. ___ Mrs. C. A. Cowan vlsited her (Continued from page 1) brother,9 Mr. Herb. Gilmer, Stark- ville. the Athenia on board, as weil as Golden Rule Mission Band will a large nulTber of families leav- meet Saturday aiternoon n the mng their homes in England and S. S. hall. Scotland ta find safe homes in Mrs Fewlc ha reurnd ~ Canada. More than one persan ter visiting relatives and friends sx om,"nwyIantak i Toronto. fui that noa friends or relatives Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and were ailowed on the docks ta say Jack spent the weekend at tlieir goadbye. I for one could flot have lakefront cottage. hl stood it."1 Trail Rangersael their first Saturday was a long day. We Camp meeting in the caniiunity wvatched shipping manoeuvreing hall Monday evening. in the river. We peered at the Miss Helen Riekard, Toranto, barrage balloons floatmng over the was guest of her parents, Mr. and city ànd the harbour. We listened Mrs.- W. J. S. Rickard. ta news broadcasts and looked at Miss Jean Rickard, Oakviile, one another and away again. visited at "The Grange" witli iMr. Tallcing was flot much fun. N'ot and Mrs. W. P. Rickard. the%~ Mr. and Mrs. George Beer, who That evening in the lounge, have been over from California with windows closed and painted visiting friends, called an Mr. and black and every door carefuily Mrs. N. L. Rickard. shut against the passibility of a Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray and gleam of light showing outside, son have taken up their residence the atmaosphere soon became s0 i Mr. Wm. Ueil's house just smoke-laden that hardened smok- south of the C.N.R. ers took ta the black decks forg Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan, Port a breath of air. Between tan( Arthur, Texas, and Mrs. Mathews o'clock and midnight a littiet and son, Cobourg, called on Miss group of us, whohad somehowi Ballagh an Monday. drifted together, stood by the Mrs. Merkley Clark's group of rail hazarding guesses as to whyj W. A. of Unitad Church entertain- and for how long this waiting i ed at a chicken pbie supper in the the river would go on. Suddenlyt S. S. hall Tuesday evenung. through the gloom the diii blackr Weekend guests with Miss Mar- silhouette of a battleship sped t lon Allin were Miss Margaret past us at what seemed a terrific McKinnon, Toronto, and Miss speed. A second; then a third.a Flora McRoberts, B.A., Oshawa. We staod, speechless with excite- c Owing ta anniversary services ment, each of us with aur own i at Clarke next Sunday, the even- secret racing thoughts. 'IGood t ung service in the Newcastle 'Un- luck, boys," said sameone in a i ited C hurch will be withdrawn. voice scarcely above a whisper Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay and and with the quiet intensity of ad fanuily, Toronto, and Mrs. Win. prayer. Quigg, spent the weekend at the The failowing day, Sunday, i, Hay cottage, Newcastle on the about twelve o'clock, we heaved b: Lake. Mr. John Quigg, Toronto, anchor and were soan speeding tc was alsa down. out ta sea, zig-zagging all the t( After attending the silver wed- way. Another liner had sailed a 0] ding celebration on Saturday ev- few hours earlier; but we could IN ening, Mrs. Armstrong, Brighton, nat have been far behind that si stayed aver for a weekend visit night when the German U-Boat tl with her son and daughtar-in-law, crept ta the surface and sent a 01 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare, and at- tarpeda shoating at us through i, tended church service with themn the sea. Apparently the U-Boat a, on Sunday znorning. Other rela- had hoped ta get at least one Of A tives present at the celebration us, for the torpedo eut the water st Were Mr. Hare's brother-mn-law just ahead of the bow of aur and-sistar, Mr. and Mrs. Prouse boat, and somewhere behind the di and their son Gerald, Cobourg. stern of the other boat. Mr. George Meadows, ta the No Passenger on board was p regret of his many custamers, is aware of this adventure until the C giving up the baking business the last day of the journey, and I s end of this week and taking a learned it by accident. di y position in the J. Anderson Smith cai ntebwIhdfIt cer- Ca. factory. His decision ta close tain that I had heard guns; but d the bakery places ail his satisfied it was not the thing ta do ta seek customers in a predicament and confirmation of such supci. ai housewives who have depended There was anuwit lon a on his tri-weekly deliveries are board that unwridtt e re o now faced with the question of geeal emdt eahnist 7T wheter o d thir wn akig gnelllYobserved that talk was n wheter a dother ow baingto be of cheerful happy subjects, Or being under the necessity of with 1501itics sternly cast o ut. t buying autside bakeshop products. Profaund sympathy was feit ani HARD 0F HEARING CANADIAN PRAUSES AURUNE EAR BALSAN A simple hame treatment which. la bringing new hope and happi-' nesa ta sufferers everywhere. H. E. Blakslee of New Brunswick, writas: "Have used one bottie o! 'AURINE EAR BALSAM' and it bas been a wonderful help ta me, for some months I have not been able ta hear plainly, family talk at the table was a jumble ta me, and had ta have repeats sa oftan that I feared I would neyer hear Plainly again, have nat heard the dlock strike for manths, the radio was a thing o! the past. Now after using ane bottle a! AURINE EAR BALSAM 1 can canverse with the faniily as in the gaod old days, hear the dlocks striking and listen in on the programmes presented over the air and beginning ta en- joy mfe as i the past. Would highly recommend AU1ýIND EAR BALSAM ta anyone who is hard o! hearing for I know il will do them good." Befare you invest in expensive hearing devices try anc botle of AURINE EAR BAL- SAM. See if il daemn't help you too. If you are hard of hearing, have ringing and buzzing in the ear-Gel AURINE EAR BALSAM today. Relief la quick. Costs anly a few cents a day. Money back if it does not help you. For sale and recommended by Alex MeGr.gor, Drugs Phone 792 - Bowmanville Bine Bird Beauty Parler lu now fftturlng a Speclal $5.0 eulfe u$250 and on 0lPermaent$250 MR&. F. J. COLE Phsone 339 CHESTERFKLDS 0OR OMESTERIEL» CHAIRS RE-COVEIRED j«r rie.of materlals oaly ln auatwlai bought from me- mI&$M yard Up. F R E E avo y. faa PU ta 30.00 g.' il$e Loai u tadate ~.h.Vah ff.. Tisoffer c Nov. lai J. A. V1 S~~ ~w -Phno48 aven thc boaI for the Athenia survivors, wbose pale strained faces tld a stary o! buman en- durance that was ainiast at break- ing point. Throughout the terrible alarma we struck in mid-Atlantic these unhappy people, many o! thcm veny 111, sat fully dresscd, with gas-masks and life-beils, through the long nights, ini Uic lounges. Thtey could have been 1in!initaly marc com!artabie down Lbelow in Ihein cabins; but lhey prcferred la slay high in the ship, nean the life-boal stations. Act- uaily, wbile the storms raged we wenc much saler from the danger o! submarine attack; but thé wiid- ness o! the wind and the noisy vibration a! the nacing engines, added ta the cnashing a! gigantic wavcs, seemcd ta create an at- mosphene idéal for the enaction o! lragedy. *We knew thal we were in no wirelcss communication with cithen England on Canada; and we felI like beings apart, as ne- mole from 'Uic rest o!fUiche Id as Uiougb we had been slip- wnecked aI Uic North Pale, Uic difference that Uic North Ple might have been a littie steadien! This feeling o! being cu .of from the warld pcrsisted until thal un- fongettabie marning whcn Uic cold white coasî a! Labrador said "Wclcomne Home." At Uic beginning o! Uic voyage, befone we cntered Uic North Sea, every passenger reccived a slip o! paper with Uic Procédure For Passengers In "Emergency", which summarizcd as foflows: i . Submarinc . . Aiarm: "S" on Klaxon Horns. <a) Proceed ta Loungea and awail instructions. <b) If "sbdlling" starta, iay down an Uic floons. 2. Acroplane Attach k Alarm: "«P" an Klaxon Horns. <a) Pro- cced ta Dining Roonis and awail instructions. (b) Put on ga s masks. 3. Abandon Ship.. Alarin: Blasts on the steamh whistle, sup- plcmented by Uic sounding o! Kjaxon Horns. (a) Proceed dir- ect 10 Musten Stations and await instructions. (b) Put on lifebelts and sec that Uic tapes are praper- ly tied. 4. Fire. (a) If a munor lire oc- cura in any cabin, please try ta amother same yourself, also ring for youn steward. (b) If unable ta do so, please break glasso! Uic neareat fire alarni. At Ail Times During thc Pre- sent Crisis. - Passengera going on deck, whethcr by day or nlght, should carry their lifebelti and gas masks with them until clear o! the "Danger Zone," and keep important personal article andior paper on themscîves. Papers are belter in a watartlgbt covcring. AI night lime they must refrain tram striking matches and smok- ing on dech. This bai been for- bidden hinUieiteresti o! safcty. Be very careful ta move slowly i thc darkncss, and nat ta trip over doarsteps and Uic llke, and close doons quichly aller opening thcm. If an "Emergency Signal" bas been soundcd and later Il 15 faund thal Uic particular I"state of affairs" bas passed, an "'Ail j Clear" signal will be given on the guided ta the scene o! the cele- Klaxon Hors. bration by their son Jack, medical Following the distribution o! student at Queen's Ulv.ersty, this grini litîle pamphlet came Mrs. E. C. Fisher began paying the short blasts o! the letter "S" the bridai chorus from g1chn on the Klaxon Horns. And ai- grin" and their entry was the iig- though this was merely lifeboat nal for everyone 10 rise ln a joy- drill, with gas masks and lilebelts, aus gesture o! welcome. it was tao close ta realit3r ta be E. W. Fisher, a member of .the amusing. A woman Athenia sur- commitîce,. then read and pre- vivor stood in front o! me as we senled ta, the bride and grooni o! lined up beside the lifeboats; and 25 years, a complimentary ad- from the way in which she dress, which made apprec,4 ev trembled I thought that she would reference ta Mr. Ha"e aûa h 1surely collapse before the drill ergetic and always *teus sta- wa aver. lion master, expreaIýaagent -and telegnaph aperator at the C.N.R. One woman told, a story o! re- station, and ta bath o! thein as tunning ta Scotland ta close her good neighbors and dependable mother's estate, and o! beautiful friends. The address pointed out family treasures o! old linen, afi- that their friends were deeply ver and furniture, quita irreplac- cansciaus of ail Mn. and Mrs. able, going ta the battom of the Hare's commendable qualities and ses in the Athenia. Although we o! their active and beneficent-life felt sympathy at her loss, I be- as revealed throughout the year lieve we were ail consciaus o! a in their contacts and associations strange new sense o! the unim- with people in church, social and partance o! matenial possessions. civlc circles and varlous organi- The ship's nursery was full o! zations of either a public or fra- ile playing children who must ternal characler. somehow be got safely ta Canada., Mn. Haire la a member and past Warshipful. Master o! Durham Sometimes at nighl we wauld Lodge A. F. & A. M., a meýûber feel aur way in the darkriess ta of the Men's Bowling Clubiand the stecm and lean an the rail an ex-member o! Board of Edu- watching the dancing light o! cation, Newcastle. Mrs. Hare is phosphorescence on the white a membet and past president o! zig-zagging wake. Whethen by ac- the United Church W. A., an o!- cident or not there was always ficer o! the W.M.S., a member o! one officer or more who just seem- the Camxnunily Hall Managemient1 cd ta be wherc he could hear Canimittce, an elocutionist, dira-1 whatever we said. matic artist and play direclor, a( Life seltlcd inta 11111e routines- member o! Ladies' Bowling Club,'ir as thaugh we had always been a direclor and past president of and always would be on board Harticullural Society, and direc- that ship. But I bdlieve people tor o! the Children Shelter, Port read vcny littie (I, flot at ail> and Hope. there was not the usual endîcas At the beginning o! the ad- shîp-board bridge. There was,,a dreas, liltle Hazel May -Fisher good deal of dninking, but no presented Mrs. Hare wlth a large d drunkenness. On Sunday morn- bouquet of chrysanthemums and c ing at Service held by the Cap- Mary Margaret Bonathan gave tai I noliced a number a! the Mr. Hare a rose as a boutiiere. bar's staunchest supportera. At its conclusion, Mrs. George A. With the exception o! the chil- Wallon and Mrs. J. S. Aines î< lren's nursery, preciaus steamn made the presentation o! the an- weas nol wasted intoo much heat- niversary gif ta, a sterling silver ing, but was added ta the force tray, a large silver floral centre- tI bchind every extra knot of speed piece bowl and a Waterman's pen F. to be attained. There was'no at-' and pencil sel, espccially for Mfr. 0, tempt at dressing for dinner. For Hare. one thing the saloons and lounges The recipienta in tunn graciaus- -n were i00 cold for women's bare ly expressed their thanks and E shoulders; and for another, I appreciation for the kundly senti- t( think no anc cared for the idea ments expressed in the address E f possibly taking ta the lifeboats and for the beautiful gifts. E in three-inch heeled satin pumps W. J. S. Rickard struck. up, and a backless evening dress! "They Are Jolly Good Fellows" e And as for puiling an oar in a and evenyone joined i heartlly. ai tiff shirt . .. well! H. R. Pearce was chairman for p Ail during the two or three the program that followed. The T ays o! bad starma, whlle the ship leading number was a vocal solo ~ itched and ralled, we neyer in lwo parts by Miss Ruth Honey. C) ýeased la zig-zag. At times the The words and the music were ff« ;nsation was something like arranged by Mrs. Geo. A. Honey, et Irpping suddenly in an elevatar especially in honor o! Percy and 01 ind bcing whirled like a top at Clara, for this occasion. Instru- ti, he same lime. Cupboards in the mental numbers were a piano ai jning saloon opened and dishes duel by Misses Reita Cooke and Iq id glasses cascaded forth with- Margaret Pearce and a piano polo M Lcrash thal gave thic childnen -by Laurence Morton. Intervening fi omething la talk about alI day. these were speeches, some af M [lie old craick about there being them o! a pleasantly reminiscent ea othing like an ocean voyage for lurn, eulogizing and cangratulat- zi hrawing people logether certain- ing Mr. and Mro. Hare on their1<di yhad somelhing there. arrlval at this silver landmark gnr their matrimonial journey. Thgsem speaklng wcne: Mns. Normais M1. PERCY HANRE lin, President W.M.S.; Mrs. J. I. Jase, Preaident W.A.; Rev. W. P. SI (Oontlnued fromn page 1) Rogers, offlciating clergyman co! 25 years ago; Rev. R. E. Mortan, t ress a 11111e aven lwa months and present pastar o! the contraclediar he Trentan Courier, reporting parties; J. E. W. Philp, Mfr. Hare's O0 he wcdding, records a military predecessor at the station; Mrs. bc uch la the bnide's travelling W. H. Cooke who spoke fan Mn. nsemblage. The war, aller a luil Coake, formerly o! the C.P.R.; bn ,f21 yeara, ba 's again broken out W. F. Rickard, M.P., F. W. Bow- Sc nd il was inevitable thal some en; Dr. H. C. Rundle, BriÈhlon; efenences should be made ta il H. J. Toms, Dr. J. A. Butler, and t tthe 25th anniversary o! Mr,. W. J. S. Richard who at- the close t nd Mra. Hare's wedding, which o! bis remarks led in an enjay- tr ras celebrated Saturday evening, able sing sang with Mrs. E. C. ). 2lst, aI Newcastle United Fisher at the piano. The anches-, %urch Sundhay School hall. tra then favored with same mare M Sa large was * the attandance seleclions. 'W aI the whole o! the auditorium Aller singing grice the com- af Ld the boys' classanoama were mittee, with lots o! volunteer as- H Iled la capaclty, with an over- sistance, senved refreshments. The ce w o! frienda in the gallery. bride and groom o! 25 years, with no îundance' o! autumn fioNVors, their son Jack, were sealcd in a M ahias, asters and even gla0li, place o! honon 'at a prettily laid m ikecl tefare the froste got them, and dccoraled table on the plat- th orned the scene,- making a farm. and with themn were Mr. cii eautiful garden-like setling for Hlare's mother, Mrs. Armstrong, te event. Wliile the people were Brighton, and Rev. W. P. and Mns. H. ;scmbling the Newcastle Orches- Rogers. Above the table hung a pr a, under the leadership o! Chas. white bnidal bell and reaching w lemence, played a number o! from il 10 the four corners of th ýleclions. the table w ere white ribbons. bc On the approach o! Mr. and Centening the table was thc three-- ta Irs. Hare who had been tiacl!uily lien, silver wedding cake made by ve Pay thé regular price for -ont aride cid gel enothmr ont iu es a lfor onlY ONE CENT $1000 BOle REXNALL, 008 LIVERl CIL EMULS1OU 2 for$1 One cent a word cash, caeh Solina insertion (minimum charge 35e). Charge of. 25o extra la Recent, Visitons: Mn. F. Z. Short- made when adverisemeni la ridgfe with bis nieçS. Mrs. Erseat moi pald smem week asinser- Debarr, Columbus. . . Mr. and Mn. ion. Extra charge or 100 when Gea. Taylor, Mn. and Mrs. Chas,. ele r drcc't Taylor, Pontypool, Mn. anid Mn. E. rpisaedrce't Larmer, Blackstock, -Mrs. Bail, Qsh- S tat esa na box mumber. awa, at Mn. W. T. Taylar's, Friday Birihs, demiba and marriages and hielped hini celebrate liis 8lst 500 each. lu Memnorlas, 50c birthday... Mrs. A. L. Pascoe with for notice plus 10o per Unac for fnienda at Clareinont and Pickering. verse. Chaiifici siverise- S.Mn. and Mn. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at Mn. H. A. Pascoes. .. menti mccpted up until 6 Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevejis at Mr. pan. Wedaesday. Harry Jose's, Newcastle.. . Mrs. _______________ Delrnage, Mns. Charleton McBride, Burton and Mary, Peterboro, Mn. _______________ and Mns. AFlank White, CbMr. Mn. GODDARD - At BnwUmanviile mdMr hs. Fanh iso nfy, M . d Hospital, an Oct 17th, 1939, ta and Mns.- Archie McDanald, Oshawa, M.adMs arneGdad Mvfr. â.nd' Mn. Clarence Tink and a son. famiiy, Hamptan, at Mr. George, GLENNEY- At Bownmviile' White 's. . . Mn. and Mns. H. E. Hospital, on Wednesday, Oct. 18, r7ink, Miss Mary Hogarth, and Mrs. 1939, ta Mn. and Mn. A. W. R. Pascoe at Mn. Percy Deweli's, Glcnnev <nec Lillian Ciamence) a Wbitby. . . Mn. and Mns. Chas. son, (NViUliam Edward). ..annick, Toronto, aI Mn. jack Rey- nolds'... Mr. and Mns. Harny VAN NEST - To Mn. and Mn.- GJrooms. and Mary, Toronto, at Mn. John Arnat Van Nest (net Mary S. E. Wennv's. Smallman) the %rift of a son on There was a good attendance at Octaben 6th, 1939, in St. Joseph's Young Peofflç'j meeting on Monday Hospital, Sudbury. evening. Miss Ileen Baison, Presi- dent, opened the meeting and con- DEATHS, Lucted the business and then cailed ________________ on Miss Pearl Leach who read a GILFILLAN - At bis home, 153 ncelv wonded address ta Miss R.uth Welland Avenue, Toronto, Oct. McKessock and Miss Kathleen Baker 21, 1939, George Eliot Qilfillan, vresented ber, on behaîf .of the D.D.S., beaved husband of Mitniel lague, witb a beautiful casserole set Vicars, and brather of j. J. and in silver. Although taken complete- Miss Viola Gilfilian of Orouto. Iv bv surprise Ruth neplied thankingz tem for- thein gzif t and zood wishes. HARRIS - In Clarke, Oct. 21st, Harvev Yellowlees then toolç charge 1939, Charles Thomas Harris, aged f the Pragran. Devotional story, 57. Miss Pearl Leach; mouth qngzan music, 'Francis Watten; Walter McMURTRY - At Whitby, Oct. Blackburn presented an igteresting 19, 1939, Gertrude Fothergirl Mc- tîprc: piano solo, Miss eatbiei Murtry, beloved daughter of the Baker: reading, Miss Verna Millson. late W. J. McMurtry and Louisa .ecreation was then enjoyed. F. McMurtry, and siste of Mrs. Horticutural Society met Thursdav Mns. J. A. Page, Tononto, and vin tMnMoh akrs. Mn. Mns. E. T. Lewis and Mr&. T. E. dMs.Hr"v Jose and Mr, Hanrv A. Hall of Whittier, Califernia. Pearce, Newcastle, were present. Mn. [se who is an expert on grawinR Interment Bowmanviile Cemetcry. ladioli and has won nrires ail over WHITFIELD - At the homre of )ntanio, Rave an instructive taik on bis daughten, Mns. Gordon Bî:own, he cane of bulbs, planting, culture, Toronto, Oct. 22, 1939, Isaac Whit- c. He brought a couple of baskets field of Cadmus, bel'oved husband )f ladioli and distributed thepi ta of Helen Mimne, hi bis 76th vean. ie membens and showed how. ta Intenment St. John's Cemetery, rranze .a basket for show purpose. Biackstock. Ens. John Baker sang a solo and En. A. L. Pascoe gave a neading. A lower conitest foiiowed in which' Card of Thanks- nrs. Baker and Mrs. Roy Lannaid ach won a nice Package of buibs Mn. and Mrs. Robt Morton and yven bv Mn. Jase whiie Mn. Pearce f amilv wish ta express t-hçir sincete htnibuted zladioli buibs ta the othen thancs and deep avpreciatiau the nembens. Mrs. J. R. Kiveill pesided. mmv relatives, friends and neigh- Several bnethren f nom bene attend- bons. fan the acts of kindness, ex- d the Masonic service at Enpiscillen Dressions Of symýpathy' and floral >ndav. tributes extended durinq theixrnecent Ex-Rieeve A.' L. Pascoe attended sad beneavement. he annual meeting of the Tempen- nce Fedenation of Durhami at Articles For Sale 1 )rano. We cangratulati hini. on ________________ eing eiected Pnesident. FOR SALE - 1 IRON BED AND Master Glen Williams feli and springs; 1 breakfast set; table and oke bis ieft anm whiie plaYing at 4 chairs: 1 amaîl table'and other booj Friday. household articles. Phone 2677. A lot o! radio annauncera, if 43-1* e war goca on much longer, are FOR SA4E - KITCHEN RANGE mig 10 have sare Ibroats. - De- in irood condition, water front andc rit Free Press. tank also available if desired. Apply Moffley Vgnstc*le, Bow- caedames F. B. Lovekin and H. mnanvilie, Phone 777 on 751. 43-1* V.Dudley, and adornlng the top FOR SALE -197CER ET ,fit wene 25 candies which Mra. c13 HVOE [are lit anc by anc. Flankung the coupe, prîvateiv owned, low mile- entrepiece werc vases o! Pin age. Phone 555. 43-1* Oses fresh from. Octaben gardeits. FOR SALE - SMOOTH HAIR- In. Hare put the knife inta the ed Fox Terrien pups, black and luch admircd cake and it was white, 3 montbs, maie $5,00, fe- en cul up and a piece given ta maie $2.00. T. W. Buttenv, Scugog E veryonc "present. SreBwavle hn 10 During the cvening Mesdames 4reBwaniiPoe290 1.W. Dudley and H. R. Pearce 4- resided aI a registration table FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, rhere upwards a! 150 pensons lefI sundnies, etc., maiied postpaiil in cmi autographa in a suitable plain, seaied wnapper. 80% lesa Ok which was aftenwards given than retail. Write for mail-order )Mn. and Mns. Hare as a sou- catalogue. Nov-Rubben Ca., Box enir af the 'evenl. 91, Hamilton, Ont. 42-3 Fait Livestoék For Sale FOR SALE - TWO AYRSHIRE heifers, 1 Guernsey heifer, due Feb. lst, also 1 Jersey and Hol- stein cow, due Marci 18. Gardon Martin, Haydon. .43-1 FOR SALE - ONE HORSE, 4- Year-old, and two colts; aise or- ders taken for roasting chickens. W. E. Lymer. Phone 2164. 43-1 FOR SALE - SHORTHORN cow, due ta freshen; bleSk team Percheron colts, matched, 5 mes. aid, halter broken: gaod mare, guaranteed good warkcçr. Phone Bowmanvilie 2234. 43-1' FOR SALE-PERCHERON HOR- ses, Izrey mare, 7-year-old, weight about 1300; izrey gelding, 4'-year- aid, about 1300; also 9-year-old gelding, about 100. J. T. Brown, -Kingston Rd., East, Bawmanville, 43-1 FOR SALE - PURE BRED Shropshire ram and ewe lambs. Thas. Baker, Hampton. Phase 2472. 43-1* FOR SALE - TWO REGISTER- ed Shortharn cows, calf at foot-, alsa a few barreis ai Taimon Sweet aoples. J. L. Paysans, R.R. 2, Bowmanvile, .43-1 PIGS FOR SALE '- 6-WEEKS aid. At what was formerly Mar- tin Farrow farm, now in possess- ion of Mrs. M, Chesebro, New- castle, R.R. 2, 3rd Con., Clarke Township. 41-3* Room ahd Boar d ROOM AND BOARD-FOR ONE or two sientlemen, no other board- ers, home comfarts. Phone 2193. 43-1* Foir Sale, FOR SALE - GOOD EATING Potatoes. Apply Ed. Doidge. Phone 2255. 43-2 To Rent APARTMENT TO RENT - 5 raams and bath, vacant for Nov. lst Apiilv Mrs. Dinniwell, Sjilver St.>- Bowmssxille, Phase 784. 43-1* FOR RENT- FURNISHED rooms, heated, hot water, ail cou- veniences, central. Arnitlv Ms. Booth, Kinz St., Bowmanville. 43-1* TO RENT - HOUSE IX HAMP-, tan, 2 acres cf land, hard and' eçft water. Appiy Mrs. M. Langmaid, Hampton, Phone 2451. 42-2 TO RIENT - TWO OR THREE roams an Kiniz StreetIram Oct. ISth. Phase Maude Elliott, 2371. 39-tf Weekly Feed Speclal WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL- Vanstones Open Formula L-aying Mash C(O.A.C. Formula), $2.25 oer cwt. 0f fer izaad until Nov. 2nd. F. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. 43-1 Christian Agents SELL- SUNSH-INE LINE 0F Christmas and everyday'GreetinK Cards, Plaques, Mottoes, Bible Story Books, Bibles. Ail vear pro- vosition. Stant immediately for Christmas busg*ss. Rýit-O-Sun- shine Studio, 23 Scatt Street, To- ronta. 43-2 Alteriations BRING YOUR LAST YER'S clothes*up-to-date bv havinx them altered ta 1939 styles. The Eyiyn Sho») maintains a special depart- mnent, fuily equipped to handie vour aitenatian needs, wbetber lhey are lange on small. Wby be aid- fashioned. Have those, stili gaood, but out-af-style gzarments brouizbt up-to-date. Phone 594. 42-tf Wlnter ~.ALEAT THE ~I DRUG STORIC~ WEI.. THIR.. FRI.. SAT.- NOVEMBER .lst *2nd a 3rd -Prepare For W91iter GET READY FOR COLD WEA- ther - Have yaur windows f ixed ta stol) the draught with' ail-meta 1 weather stripping. We. aiso mace storm windows mny si=e.Pnices reasonabie. W. M. Allun Carnil- ter and Builder. Shap, Kine St. IL Residence Church and Ontario St.,' Bowmanville. 42-4 Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattie for fox~ meat. Nbrbl' Fur Farm. Tv.-ose. Phone 2415., 34-tf Readlngs- TEA CUP AND CARDS FROII 3 pan. ta 10 p.m. Darehs Tobacc Store. 39-4e Beauty Culture VOGUE HAIRDRESSING SALON under new management Ail krindu of hairdressing, faciais and mazi- curnIur at reasanable prices. Rose Marie Beauty Salon. Telephoas 358. D. Graham, Operatar. 40-tf DENTIST DR. IL 0. DIOKSON (Toronto) and'Newcaste, ont. Over Langmnan's Store, Newcas- le. Office hours: Saturday orily, 9 a.m. ta 9 Phone A1222. Veterinarlait D. C. DAVEY, V.S., DV.So. Bowmaavlile Succemsr t. Dr. T. F. Tlghe Office: Kifng st. EH ast Tigie Reident - PHONE 8"à OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs. - F01. - Sat. OCT. 26 - 28 ra Gloroats Teehnicolor, 'IlllyoodÇavalcado' Starln -AIE FATE - DON AMCHE STUAIT iERWI BUS=]R&KEAON Added - Cartoon: GoldtbaWest REViVAL Frlday at 10.45 p.un. "Trade Winds" wlth FREDEJO MAOR TOAN, BENNE!? Monday - Tuesday Wednés. - Thursday OCT., 30 - NOV. 2 ,The Wonien" Starrlng NORMA SHEAIRER JOAN CRAWFORD ROSALIND RUsSL Peu eh# - .eauler pria, for ena eai ma gdenchar dm jui lukt ü<tf«o il ONE CENT SSc TU. TOOTH POWDER 2.fr360c -4th Regular Mercmandise at Pre.War-Prices BOWXBAEMILE g' PHONE 778 JUR 1 LOVEL JJR ýtciUSE WANT@AD57 1 lm à P. -m-m-am!m PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO