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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1939, p. 2

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7,7777 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TU, 193 mit new issues to be redeemed at a later time whei# the rate is iower than thait pro- va#lig dI*iig war time. Wc fanoy ,tliat whiie most municipalities like BowmaiiVMS e re endeavoring to avoid ziew debenture i»Useo, they wiil welcoane tbe fpl»tuatyif .*ey do have to issue them, 0o tù. ,redemptiozi Ijasures to save the money of the. taxpayOrU .Establisheil 1854 AN INDEPENDeNT NEWSPAPER Wîth whlch are Incorperateil The Dowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 7mars continuns service to the Town of BoWmanville ad Durham Couaty. MEMBER Cadilan Weekly Niewspapers Association- ad Clan A Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIMTON RATES 12.*0 aYear, strictiy ln ailvance. $2M5 a Year in the Unitedl States. GEO. W. JAMES, Buitor. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1939 Eastern Ontario Destined to be Great Industrial Centre In the last three decades Western Ontario has forged far ahead of Eastern Ontario with its industrialized areas. The primary reason has been available electrie power at a low cost and proximity to several bighly industialized areas ini the United States. To those who have been losely follow- ing the electric power trends in this country recently, there is a growing conviction that for practically the same reason Eastern Ontario is now on the threshold of very ex- tensive developments. The sources of developed and potential power are now on the Ottawa and St. Law- rence rivers. The triangle bounded by thesc rivers is Eastern Ontario. Electric power and energy is always the cheapest and most satisfactory at its source. If the St. Law- rence power development is proceeded with it seems a foregone conclusion that the vast affmount of power capable of'being de- veloped in this area will attract industries like flies to honey. The apparent natural consequences of ail this is that the areas on both si des of the 8tL, Lawr«nee betwe(en Ki%-ston and Montreal and along the north shore of Lake Ontario wilI become great industrial areas. The Eastern Ontario system uses and is sct Up for 60 cycle power which for most mnanu- facturing, and i fact ahl other uses, is more satisfactory than 25 cycle with which Western 0Otari'o, and including Toronto, is equipped. Canada is f ast assuming a large place in the British Empire. We have the area, the resources and the natural economic positiau for such a raie and Baste rn Ontario may very well becoime one of the most important factors i that development. Colonel Lindbergh is Shallow, There bas lieen a lot of talk over radio and private conversation, as well as many columns published in reference to Col. Lind- 1bergh's broadeast criticising Canada%' en- try into the war. Most of the comments, including those in American publications have been decidedly infavorable to the Lone Eagle 's outburst. 0f ail the commuen~te we have read Prof. George M. Wrong, in a let- ter to the Globe and Mail, tops this case off best in his size up of Lindbergh and his utterances when he writes- "gOne is at first puzzled to understand how Colonel Lindbergh'could possibly have made his rash and, as now we see, bis self- rcvealing speech. By a single striking feat, not really greater than that of others in the sarne field, he Rnade a national reputatian. When his ftme led to a domestie tragedy wide sympathy was added to appreeiation of bis capacity as an airman. Later we- thought rather admirable bis effort to es- cape from unweleome publicity, though, on the other hand, we thouglit too that at times lie seeîmed rather to court it. Now we have the measure of hie mentality. .4part from flying he is a man of mediocre intelligence, especially in the political field. Linked with this is not only atrociaus bad taste but shal- low insight., He bas ruined any political career at wbich lie may bave been aiming. No polit- ical party would eboose for higli office a man wbo bas revealed sucb limitations of f ion and responsibility of briuging distin- guihed speakers bore te diseuss tapies and i conditions pertaining ta our great Demi- I ion. This policy bas been the means of not a oniy interesting the ladies but enlightening a them on the problems of the day aud thus It becoming btter Canadiaus. Membership is 80 open te ail ladies in West Durhiam desirous P' fo ,oaf fulfilling, ta a larger degree, their citi- th zenship as loyal Oanadiaus. e Deservlng Tributes to Falthful Teachers We always like ta sec the services of sehool teachers recognized, not just by giv- ing them a good salary, but by words and acts of appreciation. Too off en this impor- ant public service in education and char%- acter building is taken for granted. It was therefore a pleasure and satisfaction to note that in the news columne of this week's Statesman two teachers wbom we know and higbly respect were given appropriate recognition on their retiremeut. Our Newcastle correspondent in repart- ing a community presentation to Mrs. James Tamblyn, uee Hilda Rowland, wbo taught for ieveral years with sucb ou t- standing success at Lakie Shore sebool, makes this well deserved comment: "Gar,. don Martin read an address expressing the section 's deep appreciation of their former teacher 's wise and constructive leadership in ail phases of community life. Tbrough many channeis of service she had ma de the littie aid red sehool bouse a kind of section university that toucbed magically ail tli homes within ifs influence and undoubtedly raised the standards of thinking and living within these homes."1 Then in another column we read of the retirement of a Bowmanville boy,, W. J. Trenouth, who was Principal cf Napanee Public Sehool for 22 years. In presenting him with a gold watcb and chain the Chair'. man of the Board of Educatian "rcferred ta Mr. Trenouth 's many years of faithful service, bis personality wbich bad made a deep impression upon the mnany pupils wlio had passed tbrougb bis bhande, and ta the fact that durinig the 22 years the sebool had maintained a higli level and unsullied re- cord." Canada Expects Every Man to do lus Duty Following are some of the things that Canada expects of the Canadian people whiie the country is at war with Germany. Canada experts every taxpayer ta cheer- f ully shoulder the burden of added taxes imposed by the governimeait ta save the world from Hitlerism. Canada expects every business man ta refrain froni profiteering or any transaction intended for personal aggrandisement. from the war situation. Canada expects every citizen ta make an equal sacrifice without complaining. Canada expects that ifs citizeus will re- frain f roon any disloyal or unpatriotic ut- terances tbrougbout the war. Canada experts of its politicians and statesmen a truce from political warfare and an armistice on partisanship for the weal of al. Canada expects the men and women of this country ta leave the running of the war ta thase best qualified te do it. Canada does not want, or need, arnichair generals. Canada expects tolerance towards those of our citizens wbo were formerly citizens of countries witb wbom we are now at war. If they are loyal Canadians tbey are entiti- ed ta equal rigits. Canada experts cf citizens of foreign birth loyalty and devotion ta the country i which bas given theni haven and wbicb 1 provides them witb a living.E Canada experts the mien of this country ta heed the eau ta active service as and when their services are required. Canada expects every man, waman, boy and girl wba is able to render faithful and willing service in the interest of the sur- vival cf aur great democratic institutions.à Canada expects the cheers that greeted aur King and Queen last summer to bc now transformed into loyal service to those ideals wbich the royal family symbolizes. Canada, in short, expects, as Lard Nelson. expected, that every anan will do his duty. -God Save the King!l Observations and Opinions Why not include apples on the rations tn be fed soldiers now in training in Canada? 1 An apple contains bath food and medicine.à Many adults who attended the Amateur Show in the Opera Hanse, Thursday niglit, blusbed with shame and embarrassment at the discourteous and rude behaviour of s0 mny local ichildresn. Ttt is tabhonped par-1 By The Old Box Steve D'y HIRAM Baek on thec 7th Concession Once agalu I have ta came iii above wster sud starf fa kickt Perliapa if's bccomlug s habit ai cise it's just pure cussedness or my part because I limven't enougl ta do fa kecp my mnd galni straiglit. Howevcr wlien the urgc cames ta kickt, kick if must bè, st here gacs. I was reading su article flic other day about fie uew madei of cars for 1940. One af flic bu feafures aifitese new modela L~ whaf ficy cmii beam liglifs, whicl will spresd--ovcr thc whole roai sud readli a great deal furtli ahesd of tac car. kn orden ta dc tais fiere will have ta be mart jpawerfui lghts installed. Thc article goca on ta amy fiai if wil be up ta tac drivers tc lowen tac liglifs when mectini ather cars. That's just tac catch Many lead liglifs on cars are toc powerful even now sud create i dangeraus hazard whcn meetini other cars. I have travelled tac raad quife a lot sud there isu'i anc in fwenty-five will lawc, tacir ligîfs uaw. If, taon, tac ligîfs are mmdc more powcrful fie danger la going ta be ever, greater. We publiali articles, give radlc addrestes, have instructior acola, pleading faraie driving yef whcn wc sllow cars ta bE msuacfurcd we leave out fie human element, sud taat's fi veny fhing fiat falls down, ninet ies ouf af a hundred. When I was a boy we lad ar aid ram on flic fanm whidh wE youngsters taoa sddiglit in fea. ing. We would stand'againsf fiE wall sud fease tac aid fel1ovu and whcn ho nushed in we wauid move ta anc aide sud ho wauld bit thaf wall wlta a bang. Thai wcnf on for sane ie Urnud flic tac aId fcllaw flgured if all oui for when the boy who waa. al] et for hlm moved over tac ran misa moved aven sud ncaily klicd lis tarmenton. We quit feasing hlm miter thaf. Somctimce I thluh wita al aur boasted wisdom. we havcn't as much sense as fiai rani. If we lad wc wauld make if as difficuit as passible for. fie human element fa go wrong when driving cars. BOTH HAVE IFT HARD (Smith Falls Record) Someone las raised flic question as ta thc dificulties af s clcrgy- man's occupation. Some still seeni ta think fIat thc mon 0f taec dota have a prctty fime of if. Notliing could be funther fnom flic trufi as auyone wlo las lad close as- sociat ions with tac clengy will agrce. He la callcd upon ta do a thousand sud anc fhinga. He la if fie becit and eall of eveny church gaen. He las a hundred and anc different types af people to demi wifh and lie must at -the sane time be au infellectuai su- perior. Easy? Iu aur opinion nexf to edlting a weekly newspaper th m'nisteblas about flic faugl- est finie. Prosperity C ornes Toi The Corners By Scribe G A few weeks aga an editormi appeared i The Canadian States- man suggesting that instead of tightening our purse-strings in war ie and thus strangling trade and commerce weshauld step up our spending and thus stimulate business in Our maidst. You may be intcrestcd ta know that te Financial Post re-pub- lishcd Mr. James' article as the best Canadian ediarial of the week. Juat by way of sequence we are glad ta congratulate a feilow citi- zen whose response in exemplary. As we have tald yau before. aur clasest centre of trade and commerce is Tharntan's Corners which reposes, and sonietimes ~-gme dead aslcep, bctwecn two cemeteries. . ., Mount Lam on the west and Unon on thii as. Beyond thic Union is the city of Oshawa and wcst of Mount awn lies -the historic tawn of Whltby. The commerce af Thornton's Corners, if you disregard the cern- eteries, is dlvided between Wil- liamis' Grocery and Gregg Boddy's Garage. Without wlshing M6 de- tract fram Williamrn i any way, we have always thaught of Grcgg as the centre's capitalist. lie per- sonifies the profit system from its lowliest manifestation (4 nig- ger licorice babies for a cent) right up ta opulence. And great credit attaches itself ta any man who can fiiger every octave on such a wide key-board. As we have told yau on pre- viaus occasions Gregg can do a good job as cheap as any mani and when it gets into big figures he can hold his own. He eau faite a sliver out of your fhumb or by flexing his biceps a littie he can bucitie your bumper with the palm of Mis hands. The ailier day a gent drove in with a 1938 Packard roadster and said ta Grcgg who was fifllng her up, III wish I could buy a- new Buick, it would hclp employment iu Oshawa and the 1940 is a dan- dy." Gregg said: "W.hat would have ta happen before yau could buy a new Buicit?" - and ftic man answered, "Scîl this bus." -Sa right there and then Grcgg peelcd off enaugli legitimnate pelf ta pay for the 2nd hand purchase and back- cd if ini thi stail where flic 1922 Hup was bcdded. Gregg made thic nman take an oath thaf he wouid go ta town and buy a new Buicit and drove Mim dawn that f ar. We went over on Sunday ta sec thec Grey Packard and if sure looks swcll. Gregg has given lier a simanize job. He swears he hasn't got a girl on flic string and he says that sccmng we did so mudli kidding lat year about the aid Hup hc is going ta faite us i witli flic Packard this winter. Sa wc teed prefty gaod about th4t. VFWY YEAES AGO From The Cnda statesman, October 16, 1889 T. H. Mean lias comnienced an auctianeer business in town. Ed Colgate lias secured a posi- ftion i Bll's factary, Guelph. Gea. Wright lias taken a posi- tion in tac Mmssey Works, Tor- onto. Chas. McCullough, Hamniltaon Business Coliege, visifed hene. Barues and Harry MeGil arc affcnding Tninity Meical College, Toronto. Thc new Centrai Scliool was formaily dcdicated Tliursday. Mrs. Keita, mother of Charmes Keith, campietéd lier 91sf ycar tac ofien day. Misses Georgie sud Allie Mc- Gfi have taken positions in tac chair of Jarvis St. Baptiat Churdli, Toronto. Master Frankt Lyic la takiug a course 5f lHamilton Business Coi- lege. Burketan: Neanly 100 loada of barley are bclug f aken in daily at tac clevatar. Hiampton: John Avery sald fwa Dominion pianos af Blackstack Fair, Fridsy. .Courtice: Ebenezer Y.P.C.A. ai- tficers are: Han. Pres. - Irvin J. Liddy; Pres. - W. H. Tonkin; Vice - C. B. Lifflejolin; Organiat - D. M. P. Squires; Treas. - W. R. Courtice. Tyrane: Who taok tac iadder frani tac churcli? . .. John Moore lias blassonis on Ms snaw appie trec..-. Jas. Hmwkcy lias aý yield. of 25 busheis per acre of wheat... Titus Branton sud John liellyer, tawn, were here on Sunday. Prize wincrs af Bownianville Rtifle Association matches at tac Rauges lucluded J. liarscy, W. S. Russell, J. B. Mitchell, Thos. Mit- chell, J. H. Morris, W. C. King, Chas. Wludatf, Major S. Hughes, Lindsay. Cartwright Fair was a big suc- ceas under tac direction of: Pres. T. A. Wright; Vice - Robert Philp; Treas. - J. H. Devlff; Sec. - J. Parr; Dinectors - Nelson Marlow, Gea. Marlaw, T. Whi«Ield, Anson Tay- lor, Jas. Campbell, John McKee, Jas. Comtes sud T. Swain Jr.- What Others Say r SLEEPING IN CHURCH (Kingston Whig-Standard) We have long iooked for, s franit sud detailed discussion fronithfli iulterisl point ai view ai of ht Suuday morning pastime, :sleeping in durci, sud at last we have found if. Gea. W. James, editan of Thc Csusdisu States- -man ai Bowmsuvilce, bas just epublishcd a notable "Go-fa- 7Church-Day" issue ai lis ncws- Lpaper. A icatune ai tac issue la ï thc editanial page, writfeu entire- Sly by tac membens ai thc Baw- 1 mauville Miniatenial Association, suad a Meature aifie editanlal page 1la a discussion ai cougnegationai tsleeping. 1 There anc appancntly twa aides 1 fa tac mat fer ai sleepingi 1churdli. Horetafare tac reficence aio tac clergy ou tac subjcct las tleft fie lslty ta belleve - well, fItat fie clergy's nef icence was tonly fa be cxpccted. Thc brave Bowmsuvillc clergyman who tsckled tac probleni docs nat minimize flic ahane ai reapansi- bility fiat must be accepfcd by lhe mnister, but le la nof 50 embannsssed by fhIs aspect that lie fails ta, point ouf severai dci-1 inite ways In whlch membera af' tac cougnegatian can svoid som- Snolence. Hie tacitîca fie pulpif n esponsib:litîca firat. Thc ministen may be unlutel-1 1ligible on uuinteresting. He may .read lis sermons "sud flua fail fat keep lis lilteners awake wifi flice roving îypnaflc cye." Or le1 immy pause faa long befwecu phrases, "flhua allowing sanie] wemk brother ta taddle off luta fie1 arma ai Morpîcus." Wc partic-( umariy like tac ncxf posaibilif y1 mentioned, namciy fIat fie min-1 ister may be a "whi.spcring croon-i er wli a eaunof be liard,oran a fihundcring bassa prof unda wha producea congregatianal dcaiucsa Tom Duncan strolled inta my study, sat down in an easy chair and thrcw bis leg over thec an of if. "I tell you," he sid, "I'm up against if."1 "lUp aginst what?" I asked. "lWel, you sec, f's flua way. Our flrmn neyer givea a fellow a chance." "Pardon me," I sald, "but what arc you up against?" "Weil, yau sec it's this way. With the present state of tac wonld tacre is no liape for suy- anc wha tries fa do riglit. "Pardan me," I interrupfed, "but whaf are you up againsf?" He starfcd off lu the sanie wsy againu' aud tais finie I let hlm talt. lHc went frani bis fin ta socicty -in gencral, condemning evcnythiug froni capifalism ta communlsm, and then ta Creation itseif, dcenouncing the weather, tac crapsansd tac whole scheme of thinga lun general. Hie gave ufferauce ta, opinions that have been lield by vcry leanned, if not wlse, mnuof tac past. In hMs opin- ion sociefyo and nature were bota nionsfena fiat werc seeklug fa crush tac lite ouf of man. I toid hirm I was beginning* fa undersfaud. lie was up against flic Universe ifacif. "lWdl, maybc I ami," he admit- TWENTY-FIIVE YEAES AGO From The Canadian Statesman, October 15, 1914 Bowmauvilllc Methodist Church will re-apen next Suriday mter fie luterion lias been rnovated and painted sud a new Brusseis carpet puf on tlic floor, a ncw furnace installed, etc.*Renv. H. B. Kenny will preacli. Darliugten f amers arc joining wifh ofier Ont aria farmers in making a froe offer ta tac British Goverrument of fruits, vegetables sud f arni praduce. ' In tac B.H.S. field day, Lloyd Rice was Senior Champion sud Lawrence Miugeaud was Junioi Champion. Sami Glanville la building a pretty residence an Elgin Street. George sud John Varcoe are building sanie residences in tac nortacru part of tawn. The apple evaparatar la hum- miug lively. Miss Carie Martyn lias return- cd frani a visit wi Miss Warth, Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Thos. Brown, Port Granby postmasfen, sud Mrs. W. BailVy, Newfonville, were marnied Oct. 7. Annie Stapies, Blacksfack, lias entéred suit against tflic catfcof Arche Staliter ta necover $1,335 in wages. Indications are fiat tliausands af bushels of apples wl rat in orcliards. Parmers would prefer giving fieni away far tac picking irather flan sec theni rot ou trees. Marricd: White - Robbins - On Thsuksgiviug Day, Octoben 12, at Hampton, by Rey. S. G. Brown, Aimante, uncle of tac bride, Ger- trude May Rabbins, anly daugli- fer af Mr. sud Mns. I. L. Brown, sud Mn. Wmn. C. White af Dan- lingiard, Man. Dicd: -Maning - In Bownian- ville, Oct. 8, Perey I. Manning, eldest son ai Mn. sud Mrs. Albert Manning, age 20 ycars. J. J. Lattimor,' native ai Black- stockt, dled in Toronto, Oct. 8ta.' Mr. sud Mrs. C. Cooper,,.lay- don, cclebrafed their golden wed- ding when members of taeèon- gregatian made theni s presenta- flan. flinougli concussion of flic car drunia." "If ho la none aiflese," fie writer continues, 1"perlapa lic lasi sucça a homely face fiat tac peo- pic listen wita thein cyca shuf, sud as a result drift inta flic land ai uod. What wc arc trying ta amy la fiat before fihe minlater paurs thc vials ai Mis wnath on tac peaple's heads for sleeping in dhurci lie shauld finst sec if sny cause for sucli à performance lies in himaclf." Ounflic othen aide, howcver, there anc a number ai posaibili- tics. Thc sleepers may have anis- en aniy a scent ten minutes be- fore fie haur ai service and dash- cd 'ta durci before pnoperly awake. "In afier words,- dean bretaren, let us wake up befone galng to cdurci." A heavy meal just before churc imini l practi- caliy a guanantee ai alumber. Sextans wlo da nof, open Win- dows when neceasany i summer and who fi ta contrai furuaces properly lu wlufer are an indirect cause for sleeping ini durci. An- afler lies in thc cushions wlit whicli fie pews ai sanie dhurches are upliolatered. "If wc canuat have marc tactful pijipifs, let us have mare tackfuli pews," says tac wrlter. PRESS ASSOCIATIONS BEILPPUL (Huntsville Forester) Thc annual meietings af Press Associations held i variaus parts af tac province, have an inferOit broader flan flic relaflonship fley bea ta tac weekiy press .ifself. Thc intimate part piayed by weekly ncwspapers lu inte social and ecanomio lite aifie commun- lfy in which taey circulate, adda an immedlate intereatfofr flic public in discussions whidh fend ta improve tac services tliey ren- der, aud in flic developmeut ai their efllcieucy as an essentiai part aifie pragrani ai develap- meutthfraugli which canimuni- tics enlarge tacir aphone ai influ- ence, sud wldeu their services ta ficir difizens. The "Main Street"+ ý Market ua your major market! 'ted. "But what la a fellow ta do about if? " "Go farmlrng,"1 I replied. "«Farmiug be hanged, tha's tac lat job on carta." "Sh," I cautioned. "Don'* get violent." "The farmer," I1 centluued, "works i c-operafion with nat- ure. Every succeastul f a r m e r knows thaf ca-operatian wita naf. ure praduces tac foad fiat sus- talus thc race. A few yearsata fihat work wauld feadli yau fiat tac Universe is on aur side sud tam ifs farces work tagefier for gaod fa fiose wha praperly corn- prelicnd fieni sud co-aperate wita thcm."l "I'm not sa sure," lie drolled. "Stop sud taink for a manient. If tac Universe wcre nat friendly how long wauld human lite sur- vive? Nat for an instant. Thiuk deepiy enaugli, ry boy, sud you wiil sec fiat mter mil if la nat a badworld ta live in. The secret ai succcss and happiness lies i aur capmcify sud wilugness ta adjust aurselves ta those forces that are creative, life-glving sud constructive. Trom scrafcled bis liead sud moved towards tac door. As he stcppcd outaide le said, «Weil, Mr. Caunselor, perliapa y o ur riglit." c . v.CHARTERS Managing Director BRAMPTON, Ont. "'-What do. you think of this, Bill "When-I retire l'Il take out nearly four dollars* each month for every. dollar 1 put In now .. . Helen and 1 cain really enjoy life while we're still young, because now 1 don't have to save as much as 1 hadt igured . . I've no investment worries ..take no risk ... and what'a. more, If 1 don't live to start on this income, Helen gets one instead. She and the'youngsters will be well looked after no matter what happens." Today's Canada 'Life retirement contracte combine 111e Insurance with guaranteed Income ,. . the Iiind of protection best suited to the needs of the average man. Have you looked Into tlese modern, two-pur- pose plans yet? It wiUl pay you to investigate. Abaolutely no obligation of any kind la Involved. *Baad on age 25. The. Cana& Lite AisurmSceCompany. 330 Universty Ave., Toronto. Ont. Withautabligation an mypart pleuafe me howl:can ~~ge a guarated Caa Lite Incare *050* 100 [ $ME] $*M000amoathatag E]58WEI00WC] Nane ......................................1........... Canada's O014 Addreus.............. Bor.............. Day . .. ..f -est Life Assurance- Company T1 HEPPALORD&IL KIg A~LUB5LCOMPANYK Li>. Kigstreet Dwm umoe. te un5e shadew'ý-*vefv Wed., Comm, ,"J.O p.,. Uvevy s«. Cao, 6»J- p. PAGE TWO The Counsellor B7, RINALDO WMLIM AIMSTRONG IN. THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI MROUMMESTATESMAN FIES U 1 . . 1 11 CJANJ%1)1,,-ýN WF'À.IÏJKIIY NEWSI,',,-,-ýVERS jýSSil)CIATION The buylug power of "Main Street" la not a novelist'. dreani, but a vibrant merchandisiug nealitY. Cont- centraf cd lu tawns sud villages acrass the Dominion, if la responsible for 69% of netail sales in fie whole of Canada. By advcrtising in Cauada's Weekly Newspapers you tap tac fuil foi-ce of that buyiug power wlfh a restait- fui precision impassible ta achieve fliraugli any eflier medium. Why?Beccause tac predominant luteresta etffthc people who live lu taase tawnsansd village; are absoiutely local. Because tac Weekly Newspaperm sioe cater toansd stlmu]ate tabac lacalized interesta. And because your praduet advertlsed In flic Wcckly- Newspapers assumes an intimate, Iealhed signifi- cance ta taese who possessansd exercise fiat 69% buyiug power at point of sale. Cauada's "Main Street" Market la your major market. And Canada's Weekly Newspapers are your most econoinical, most direct, moat effective, means of reaching it.

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