THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1939 man: centre, Nickeraon. inaides, straielht victory on Wednecay iast, Stars faiied to show un in Hanover Grant and Hutchinson: Midd!es, and several of the Players have ai- for the third and decidinir Raine on m mHoar and Davison: ends, Darcb and readv sent in orders for largor bats. Saturday with Meaford... Have Scott, Venton, R. Rundie a.nd Welsh. are aireadv Playing Oshawa (in a defauit or ne.o. Hagernxille oust- S . R T _ N E WS tH rrs o RE_10 TO 12 , Uderill T y l h eaueisatbc, nd had o de isa s wethri SEN ORStheir sinds). For théir benefit. wc ed Galt for the "B" ti in three SB.H.S.SE IR migbt point out that thcy were a bit Raines after beinir trimmed in first DEF AT LIDS Y uckv to take Cobourg here and can Raine 17 to 2. .. Second caine in JUMORS COME satisfied with this and wentthSC R 10 O 12 Wdeav ouhtwnihlfszofB - RO B HU D lengthi of the field for a second _____. By Seonad o F» M BE IN . major. A long ferward started the Bowinanville High Scbool Sciýior The local Juniors have a gQeod teàa McIlveen helped O.A.C. stav unde- TrO TAKE CAME drives and after a few lune fflaya. gridders bit the jackpot on Saturday but net outatandinir. They have a featcd on Saturday. .. Higbh Scbeol ____Siemon f licked a forward over the whentle haîided the Lindsay Coi- biR weil-balanced frontwalt, 1*4 by Seniors play in Oshawa Satu-rday. . Bowinanviiie High Scboei- Juniors liue to the waitiuw arus of Jack- ýegiate Institute a 19 to 12 defeat bioe 'Hutcb' Hutchinson who bp.d a Tuniors in Cobourg next Wcducaday vere faia, tbeir firat defeal: cf the mnan. rioet in tbeir own backyard. After a f ift'i yard plunire in the last M~me. . . . Anyone desiriug information mason her e ysterday before tbev Bowmanville bad taken a one-point disastrous start when Lindsay walk- SnaDbackNicicerson is sending out about Young Men's Club sec Hub put on a rousingz last period raiiy te Iead in the f irst quarter and increas- cd down the field for six points ncrfect ovals te bis baclfielders and Hooner or this scribe... S'all for dewn St. Peter's School of PCter- ed it to 8 to 0 before the visitors before the Bowmanville te&im bad the tearn bas a nice variety of' piava. now. boro 19 to 12 in an exhibition tussie. Rot sterted. The locals blockcd a kick touched tbe bail, the vsiting Souith- Tbev have posibilities, but se have The visitin, rugrbyists were lcading and then threw thc recoverînr St. erners went te work and ran un a the Seniors. They stili pmv off on 12 to 8 before thc locais staged two Peters man back over the line for a substantial lead before thc homoeters results. , Burketon drives te taire Uhc verdict in spe£tac- saftv toucb. Jackman broke loose for added te their total.Panjcnnhda edda ular fashion. St. Petes capitaiized 60 Yards and an unconverted major A blocked kick led te the first enJcm ha aeU dy on a Bowmanville f umble te take te Rive Uhc B.H.S boys a bioe lead. Bownianvilie toucbdown and Brown laranto uthe eerotehall, ut ust hrpcend iie Miss wn eone the lead at thc start cf thecIsat Howcver, thc northern boys began tied tbe score witb a sinirle before aciean bi braldito bissoni- Shrpnt ithMs.saGwe n c .om. neried andi thon brougzht about their te anplv the pressure andi twc. long h4lf time. Bowmauvilie scored two a baoful cf forWard nasa Piays which Mr'. and Mrs. L. Vanvclkenburg, undoingt bv kicling poorly, thc B. acriai Urusts enabled Roacb te touchdowns in the third quarter. one Reerly woricc thoR h ii asaa ihMr n r.J H.S. suuad gettinz possession iust plunkre over for a converteti try. Tust of whicb was converteti and Brown nSt era itbough R ithe iit- oshaw.. ait r.d rs J.h 25 Yards out. An end rmn and a as Uic final quarter starteti, Bow- kicked two singles. The thce L in St. etme haancdacinands u on arld Wilnto, Oha- plunre faiied te gain yards but Cap- manvilie balted a Peterbomo drive on say toucbdown came in thUiflnal donrnn. *- a M.and DnadMounA.tjo Ha tain Gib. McIlveen launcbcd a for- the two vard hune but fumbicd o , arer i* donth akws he. t. wrd. and ll A.WOsnwa, ward vasa over thec une where Siemon the first play and Sullivan grabbed A forward pass, Dcyell te Ncsbitt i.noeecf om c e.w as Toconto tcm. Missrd ahil, Osaw olucked it frein the ozone for f ive Uic logc bail and steppeti over Uic f rom a fake placement format ion gc o ec yTrnea hm...Ms ainOee points Sid Rndle cnverte from ine fo anothr six oints.whiMarlborovlls ejuiaid rrAbobeçkJunortAahç.eywith. Mr. Mr. dndMrs. R. DDavey.. peits.SidRudieconerd fom ne oranohersi pents wble Bowanvil enoy thUe Mo Breslin. bis manager fer the last Mr. andi Mrs. R. Oke, Mr. and placement te nut Bowmanville ahcad Uine-up: Bewinanville - flyieg scenery, gave Lindsay a maor whlch toyas n er ri ett r.E ehaeadGoga bvtc ont.wing, S. Runde; balves, McIlveen, was converted in thc earlv inues Ravina Rink with Tom on Thuradaty Mr. and Mrs. E. Adiams'. . . Mr. Hewever, Uic Juniors werc net Seinen andi Allin: quarter, Jack- of thc conteat. A Lindsay fumeweuMrbos elitirntal rnkW brFrAdyad ______________________________________________Rave B.H.S. the bail on theLisa workeut untier Uic direction cf Coach Bill, with Mir. and Mrs. George 30 yard line but Brown Rot away Harold "Baidy" Cotten. About 22 or Rahml. . . Miss Almna Clements eue of is infrequent noor kicks aud 23 players attendeti the practice but and frlcnd, Oshawa, with Mr. arnd Lindsay were stoppeti on their f ive Tom was ieft on Uic ice .for the fult Mms. D. McTaggart... MMl Law- yard strin.u. rence, Clumbus, Miss Ella Hos- However, Casbouru broke tbrougbheu. * * ki, Bowmanville, Water Davis, 1 Use SHELL Gas For Uic Lindsay line and biocked the kick tc ttee en- k n's. ..Mr. aChester Hs and McIlveen foilowed un fast te -Kedrontat Mr.onanlooMis.thW. Hos- fIal oEUi bal fr atocbdow. cd Breslin if Teïi habd ever playeti Toronte . .. Mr- ad Mrs.S. Mof- SH LL~ Good Perform ance It a a fine çffort by the husky defnce and linon reevni eg-ft with Miss M.lL aughlin.i,: Cao u placement 1w Lind- bIne hune artist andponl o ndi Mrs. D. Gatcheil wlth Mr. Drie ou cr l fr n gnii: tueup sav atr Bowmanville funibleti on D bandi Mis.C. Stephenson, Bethany. and ie radyfor he col oral-& aterBrown ran a Lindsavyikick bc u-ftwe signed, aithough oei saa r n r.T be adhUirtvYyards. A quick plav moved player was there from Uxbridge and Brn yOshaa .. .an t ,inMrs-T Are Yeur Bae ae , the vardstics and Brown iioed the two frein Uic champion Aurora teani. Bailcy, .Or.t anti RubyA. ils-n tvinzoin just before bal i ie Whiie net promising te play Tom in Oshawa. . . Mr'. anti Mrs. W. W. Can ak Them ld The tbird quarter was ail Bow- every Rame lie was assureti that lie Hoskin anti Dcrotby with Mr. anti _________manville. Brown intercepteti a for- would lbc playingz severai andi with Mrs. R. Wood, Orene. ward on bis own 25 anti totedthe Uic Ui Yearscf junior hockey stili Glati toeesonMr. W. Heskin oval seventv Yards un thc f iell toaheati cf biinlbe bas nething te about again alter a nasty t al B" t.4 UicStton& gaa e h Lindsay ten. Fagan then poliibed werry about. don thc cellar stairs. of f a series of gzrcund niays by Sympathies cf thc community piluning over for tbe try, which was Depcw Rot bis start lne cl8 are extend ticit Mr. anti Mis. A. 'Kin ýt Ba% BwmaninePliiie2626 notconertd. I wa a ago toChurcb League nlaying for St. Paul'a Dean l ic ebogs cf their infant Ceiville f orward that movedthUichail tcam for Uirce vears anti innin son Gordon. un where Brown couid kick a single. the vahuable player awa.rd twioe. W. A. helti a quiltir& bon anti ____________________________________________ A short Lindsay kick anti anotiier Wben cclv fifteen. heie jiu.ed -Me. with thc vcry gencrous hclp cf Magou te Calvitie acrial tbmust left Bmcain's Redi Raiders andj aftcr several other ladies, Uic qufit was Uic bal nine Yards eut frein wbre t arin onever a prolm mnfiih Brown wcut witie aroundtihte endi been sarrnree since. Twc vears Mrs. S. Yelland has returnedt t w~a~Iafor another major with Faean atit- aÉo, Jack Sinclair. manager cf MarI- ber home in Ingersoll aftcr visit- , E S N IN EA TlunfthUi extra point from placement. bores, Vickcd eut Depew as a comer ing frientis here. A long nasa Iroin Deyell te Wat- and at the practice last week. sàiti son put play on the Bewmanville two Tom looked ike Drummonti the first vardliue anti Sharpe pflungedrti er * i tc that pflayer came out for n)raç- Camus toucbdown with Kiriey conveting. tc. Drummoti la the star defence- Another Lindsay march was threat- mn boqpaeifr saahs ening the Reti anti Black uine but vear anti is with Goodycars this aca- W. A. anti W. M. S. met at the t so.home cf Mrs. J. E. Elliett Wedncs- cc the attackers were stoppeti on the 20 *s*n* day, with Presitient Mrs. Cecil anti Brown Rot awav a mammoth Bowmauvihhe may have two repre- Fergusen hi charge. Mrs. Mc- tl boit wich rolleti over the .Lindsayvi ine for the final point. Uine-uns: seutatives in Toronto hockeyr ranks Quatie readthUic113t Psaln. Mrs. di Lindsay - fîvinz wing, Kennedy; thia vear as «Feathier" Bird mav gzo Ferguson gave a splendid paper- haives, Deyell, Kirley, Begiey; quar- te St. Michael's. Wbihe final ar- on Thanksgiving. Roll cail was ter. Sharpe; auap, Brenusu: inaicies, rangzements have not been complec%, answered by "aomething we have Cjrsswell anti Maxim; mitities, Hill, Bobbv mav enter this weekend. If he to be Uiankful for." Accounts i Balfur: utsdesL~esitt.Jov e tiec e wiil try out for tbe teaIn. connection with Uic roast geose _u,B roks'ipe 1LeiJoye; nt blebslakc1wih î.ysupper werce rticreti paiti anti a .8 woo$ -~ ait nd holt hum sack o t eirta i ccsurplus remaincti. A qitn wod hFetcher, SkthWltnthl iown, lei lS e gwfi be helti at Mrs. Fred Dayes' Here's hwLoangcten te catchUic buziers. *on Oct. 3lst. Pregram was im A cold o kill den: avs ovie - fyingwn, FMer- Here anti there - Big gaie of charge f Mrs. Ellitt anti her A cold o kqutie baive s avite. BronFain- thie vear for Cobourg Inteniediate, group anti consisteti et Psabn 33 Drarter Crawfrd: miid s athis Satumtiay wbeu they meet andti nsgving message, tol- CadsbounF ihCafrd outidlea, Duntias in Cobourg. . .Shapes as loectby readinga by Mis. Gai- Tilth cldil nil Csbur, icar; utidsMc- besa eo eradwudb braith on "October", anti by Mis. Ilveen, Grabam: auba. Rice, P art- sweil chance for locah fans te sec C. Ferguson on "Thankfulness" A. ietdefciet i vtamns suaîy owes itge. Bagniehl, Colvilte. Ceurtice ant iKm- Mrs. G. Stinssn gave a reading de eiinnvte Gsusle lk rsbic, alh of Bowmacvihie, lu action. . entiticti "The Busy House Wifc's resistanceet infections. Bln ac i We boect. . Chathamn CoIgLed AAU- Lament", anti Mrs. E1lhett a read- suppiesneeetivitaine mieras an pr- Dirie tmil n.moeml g "Gratitude." A ddlicicus lunch supisnee iais ieasadpo rc sInIu u ets~L was serveti by Mrs. Eliiett antihe teins to build aound health. Drink thre BYNELONANBONEYOU M Mr . . hilp brath'ondn glasses daily. DYNELON BRONE elrs, MW . . albraiU aeetnti MR. SINCLAIR! at Mrs. Gordon Stinson's. Surpising Uice Lintisayites with a The community was satitencti oowerfui attack, the Senior B.H.S. Maypolinti ecfsei on Suntiay mornlng on héaring cf G LEN R A E D A IR Y ruRbyiats gained their f irst wiu of andti Uouzbtlessness just forget te Uic home ef his daughter, Mis. Phone $665 DowrmnvMle the season aud tbcd wit shawa and uet'epesrhu nl ade-Gordion Brown, Toronto. Just Lindsav fer second phace. Peterboro couragzing word. But net se witb R. Uirce wonks ago Uicetieceaseti Rang kept rollinz ahongr its untiefeat- icar Branchi Managzer cf Aiis- wcnt te Toronto for treatment. cd way by, trouncing Oshiawa L9nti Chialmers Limiteti, Tomante, who sent The sympathy et Uic whole neigh- 2. Oshawa tock Bowmianie ik - the fellowing hletter te Wm. J. Chah- borhooti gea eut te Uic bercaveti gay hammered Oshawa anti Bowman-. lis, ecenthy appointeti Alis-Chal- eues. vill e stil bavLiadsaky feelingie-mers agent frDaricgtoc, Clarke *Mr'. anti Mrs. Taylor anti Mrs. hat wsilave accnd ayfeliong anti Hope Townships. Thie letter Joncs, Mitilanti, anti Miss Mar- otep ofUic an igudht now if reads: jerie Pryci', Claremont, visiteti at bac! been seions about it. "Dear M. Chahis: Mrs. Merediith Falls'. * *In thc Octeber 19th issue of thc Miss Hlelen Fewler was iTe- Howcver, the teain clicked on Canadian Statesman, vour Bowman- rente. Satrda an j»ybethivs illlievihle publication, we notice your Mr. anti Mis. J. E. Eiliott spent Satuerdaent mabero.This atr-a wijhmet o hebeme . Sunday with Mrs. Atidie Trewin diffteenire yin e Oshia ran n onementulte vUni amer. . of Haytien. da UcSeirspavî Ohwaani Wccngauhtdvuena. We lîke Mrs. Cecil Ferguscn lis attend- then have tW.o home gaines te finish it. The anneuncement is arrestînz ing Uic Woen's Institute Ceurse thc scheduhe.- Peterbero wiih icvade but brief. It ia net weighed tiewu by at Hampten. Lindsay anti if the home te4m n reading matter anti wc believe it will __________ ring.i un a win. BowmanviUc s5tiU ha do a womld of gcooti, stir up enthus- Wceugratulate you on haviug Nestieton Leadinz the way ou Saturday was sehti vaur first Aiis-Chainirs trac- ba nint1Bi -,.Bm wcNt tom. Nesticten W. A. anti M. S. met conition doesn't tire. ~J ~ DM.- Emerson, Gladys anti Irene, W " W in Port Perry. . . Mr', Laureuce Lindsay la pot te be censidereti Malcolm spent twc tinys ln APPLS DALYI ightiv. Minus two of their beat Guelph jutigiug. . . Mr'. Charlie A 0 loavers anti with anothier one pilaving O TEHenry, Enfielti, witb Mr'. and Mra. N his f irst ganie, thev were n_-t at t» T. Henry. .. Mm. Robt. Campbell ý0uSEVEstrenzth anti thev wiih hie vcrv tough at Mi'. anti Mrs. D. Black'a. .. Mr'. Ilwhen at thieim peak. We hope they anti Mrs. John Greaves anti tam- reachi thiat point this Saturdav. Linti- ily in Oshawa. aav teani hati ne heu than eigzht suba. Mr'. Robt. MeCoil bas secureti Mv hMvylZàmies ltuCan d uthe u.s.-RÉeguist werk lu Toronto. * * * »d n.w, large B-conomy uizq. asi Mr. Rosa Suggitt la working for The Juniors came un with a third - bis uncle, Mr'. Wallace Marlow. ELECTRICAL TRADE-I N BARGAIN lIME AT .DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC To make spacein our hcp for uew 1940 mod*Jg* mrrlvngdsiy, we are anl trade-in and 1939 sock at low than mila prime. 10 ELECTER EFRIGERTORS- mncluding Heston, Norgei, Westlughousà, General Eleotrie, PopuJar ises, smre with Brand New Guarateed mscbanlsm. Prices from 39.00 - To - 129.00 TRSUP TO 24 MONTHS 10E BOXES - Upwardm from ................. 295 SAVE 20%/ - on llmited quantity cf 1938 Kodel, Bralnd New General Eleotria 59.0011 1 AYwFRCopper Tub................... 1@5 1 ADWABHER -1and. 3.95 W ringer ......................... Washors P rm ........................... clearing out DON -CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 simoce st. N. - OSHAWA open ]Evemugs Phone 84 - 744 The art of bcing happy la net Que kinti et a hero la a man You tien't have te be a high taught in any coilege or by any who tells bis wife Uic truth tirst, flyci' te demenstrate that riches correspendeuce acheal. . at anti always.1 take unto theniselves wings. Whcn a young man tells a girl All Uic average man wants is A wise physician sometmes tat he'll lové ber for ever, ne tair play- with himseit as uni- flattera a man by telflng bini he .oubt he bélievea it. pire, bas brain tag. Everywhere to Serve YOU!f No matter where you are, you are neyer far from a gasoline station.: distribution js the basis of that business. It is a fundamental too, in the telephone business. The telephone is availgble almoat Always Readyl everywhere, a constant dependable service More ia 9,700 men sud women are at amail coat. reaponsiblo for yeur telephone service eensidered Uic finest in the world. Day 0f more than five million conversations on and cight the service carrnes on without Interruption, manneti by a group of Bell Telephone Uines daily, thousandsa aa trslned, experieneed telephoce people ae-a>iht who kaow tbeir jebsansd do thein WM made0on impulse-a quick ws otai immediately to, someone in the next street, ini another town, or on another continent. We don't know when or to what point you may next, want to talk-nor do you, perhaps. luiBut it js comforti»ig to tbink that it doesn't PrRAN WILIA . Mo matter, really, ince you can place a cail MI1anager. wherever you are, whenever you choose. 1 OHESTEEPMIELD SUIT - usdo es1 FUXED OAK UPPR!GT PIANO - muo89l pioes, popular design and Nice tone, goodinl colr. as$115.00. 5 0 ) finish ............. ............. 49 0 To clear at ...................... 5 -0 e XAHOGAEY PIANO- 4~lt -show 10cm Sample. )fff upright, good Scoudi45o00J.UU ew, $75,00. saie ............390 MODEL KITCHEN OUPSOARDS - for waIl and ficor - Hi Prias ELECTEIC FIXTUREB - anl styles, mhightly used. - Bargains 1 0OPTIDWASHER- Gyrator style, trade-in . 12.00O 1 PRIN0ES8 PAT COOK STOVEI - anl enamel Quebee, Ivoey. Wau $89-00. Slightly used. 5.D sale .............................. 9 O 1I FINDLAY CO0K STOVE Quebea, ivory enamel, slightly used. 3 0 Wua $70.00. .sale ............ 9O VACUUM OLEANERS- Rebuilt and Demonstrator, Ploor aud OyUnder Model Lus Than Hfaif Prias 3 ELECTEIR ONRS -. 12.95 pw ds frm .............. 1 THURSDAY,'OCTOBER 26TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATF-SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1