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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1939, p. 9

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1i6TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE ___ ODRODNONBEws__ froni Tarante, Edna and fniend frani*Milbrook, Lavcrn i r aoni Kendal, Raymond. from Wesley- ville, and Mn. and Mns. K. Stephi- enson fram Part Hope. Young People's League ai Shi- loi wlll meet Manday evenigs i Uic future. Mrs. Ralpli Bougen and iamily attcnded a goose dinner with fnl- ends an Sunday. Shiloli W. A. held a neal spic- cbasful meeting at Mms. S. G. Hallowell's Tuesday.. Visitera: Mn. and Mms. H. B. Gilmen in Cameron. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Davies, Toronto, Mms. William Rutherford, Newtonville, with Mnr.and Mrs. Jacob Hallo- weil. . . Mng. Silven with Mms. Bert ....... Mn. and Mns. Boss Hailowell at Mm. and Mms. Laur- ence White'a, Maple Grave. .. Mr. and Mns. Gea. Morton, SlxUi Line, Inspector and Mrs. A. A. Martin, Brighiton, Mn. and Mms. H-. Bar- rowclougli, Wesleyville, at Mrs. J. McKay's. . . Mns. Sidney Halo- well and Helen with Mrs. H. Busk, Port Hope. Clarke Twp. News Lake Shore, Clarke Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone and Mrs. Wni. Dey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown... Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aldre, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ail- dred. . . Mr. F. Adsett, Torgnto, at their cottage.. . Miss Joyce- Pollard with Mrs. W. Holmes... Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. . . Miss Evelyn Br.Qwn, Toronto, at home... Mr. Leonard Buckler vith Mr. and Mrs. J. Pat- Ion, Kendàl. .. Stanley Powell, 'Newcastle, with, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. Whit- neY, Port Granby, with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams.. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas, Oshawa, with Mms' T.- Powell. .. Mr. J. R. Henderson, President of the International Plougli- ingf Match, and his bride, Ports- mouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hedry. Lakeshore Home and School Club will meet Nov. 23rd with Mrs. G. Martin in charge/iof prograni. Miss IsoWe Stevenson will be the zuest soeaker. -Mrs. W. Jaynes bias acceted a vosition with the J. Anderson Smith Co., Newcastle. Brown's Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson on the arrivai ofiaa baby girl.. Misse Vivian Duck and Wylnia Farrw, Mr. Freemnan Eddy and Master Russel 13ranch won prizes atthe Lake Shore masquerade. .BIH Morley, Robt. Graham, Fred Couch and Clarence Turner attended the L.OL. at Kendal on Wednesday. -I We welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. Billiard, Bracebridge, ta our com'- munlty. They are stopping with their daughter, Mrs. Gea. Steph- enson. Visitors: Miss June.Brown, Tweed, was home.. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter and Mary with Mr.. and Mra. W. Faro.... Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone and family, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrow. ..Mr. Tom'Slmpson, Cowanvllle, wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham... Mr. Alfred Graham, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson, Sheila and Terrance, wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. Tun. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Erunt and family, Lockhart's, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown. ..Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner' and Sam wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Neil,àbphawa. .1 eladtes af thée ieghborhood met at the home af Mrs. C. Tur- ner te organize a Red Cross com- mlttee, wlth these officers: Mrm. fWellington Farrow, pre s i d e nt; Mis. G. Arnold, vice . president; Mrs. R. Branch, secretary; Mrs. Water Farrow, treasurer. Mrs. J. Brown~ and Mrs. R. Branch donated two qufit tops. Mrs. R. Branch lnvited the ladies te her home te quilt thema. Geo. and Ken. Stephenson spent a week at Haliburton huntlng. Starkville Cadmius Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. David Dnvidson, Cacirca, Mn. and Mrs. John Dickey at Mr. Menwin Mountioy's.. - Mn. and Mr». Rey- 1nolds, Mn. aarny Cinpman of Pef- ferlaw, Mn. an Mrs. Russell Mount- joy, Blackstock,,Mn. and Mnu. N. C. Manlaw, Nestleton, at Mn. Memwin. Mountjoy's. .. Audrey Stinsan and Manjonie Galbraith, Mn. and Mrs. Campbell, Jean, Miss Prouse and tic Bickel Bras. at Cecil Ferizuon's.,.. Miss Girace Goody at Mns. W, H. Pallis'. . . Miss Birdie Gibgon, To- ronto, at E. Gibson's. .. Mn. and Mn. B. Gibson, Gladys and Glenn Mn. and Mns. Gordoni Strong, Ralpi and Phyllis at Geoi Fowlen's.. Birdie Falis and Frank Walters at C. H. Palli'... Mn. and Mrs. T. Samelîs at W. D. Ferguson's... Mn. nnd Mrs. Ed. Lnwson Mrs. Marwood McKe... Mns. John Mc- Kce, Blackstock, with Mrs. Oscar McQuade. . Mrs. R. Bruce and Misç Mac King, Blackstock, with Mrs. J. E. Elliott. . . Mns. Margqret, Fallis, Nestlçtion, visited Mrs. W. Fallis.. Miss Anie Mountjoy, Hnydon, with Mrs. J. .E. Elliott.' Annual ThoLik-Offerinz services wcre held on Sunday, Nov. 12th, with services conducted bv Bey. Clarence Ferguson af Bethany, who took as lis thenie in Uiceniorning, "I will lift un mine eves ufita tiec lIs," and in tic evenins lic dealt wîth, "Tic Higbwmys ai Pence." Mns. Camp- bell aifNewtonville, presided at the ongan, and tic followinir artists de- liàhed tht audience in solo, duet and Quartette, Miss Jean Campbell, Miss Prouse, and thec Bickle B.r.s The chunci was f illed ta capaàcify and i thaink-offernig was qulite catis ial- tony. Kendal Recent Visitons: Mrs. G. Quantnill.' with Mrs. Ira Thompson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thenteli and Donna with f niends in Wiitby... Mrs. W. Pattenson with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson, Toronto. . . Mns. George Thompson and Gwynnc are home f rom Welcome and Port Hop... Mrs. Harrv Farrow and Shirley, BowmanvilIe, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Thertell. .. 'Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Doreen Perrett at. thein homes. . . Mn. and Mrs. Carman gell, Jean and John, Campbclicrait, with Mr. and Mns. L. . Bell... Mrs. Kenneti Saper with Mn. and Mrs. Roy I<eenc, Brantford. . . Mrs. Arthur Bell, Bowmanvjlle, lias e- turned home aiter visitinir Mn. and John Stak la divlng a. fine new car. Bosas Hallowell'a sick hanse lias rccavered. Mr. and Mre. Vcter Farrow celebrated their cliver weddlng on Saturday, wien al their f am- ily wenc home for the occasion, hncluding Marjory and, Marlon, 0 "'Mm dine bas cone for a change", said Mr. John R. Lucas, independent candidate for Essex Centre, "Jva. beea ssmoking it long enoghr "What do you mean, change?" demsanded Mr. Picobac.- "Do ou nowan>' other tabacco with a flaveur and a frarane betr tiam Picobac? Don't yeu kssow diat Picbacla iepi&k of Cana'& Burley crop, matured for thre.. yeaes ln thse wood?" 6"Pîcobmc's my idea of a mild. . cpol . . . reet mioke, mid Mr. Lucma Wfhau what meu you ealking about?" dernande. Ma. Ploebac. "14>' pipe", mid Mr. Luas. . "inmgolng te give my' old pipe a rut. No feue, I wouidn't change feons Picobac for love or money» "lIt DOES teste good in à pipe!".- HONOEED BY IMSN Adhere to Principles of Masonry PBI IIE O .~- ' ~ 'isonic D.D.G.M. Tells Brethren - M aÀ,__________________ I I ~. Sam Cuttel Former Editen ai Tue Onano News wlio was pnesented witli a 50- year Jewel by ils Masonic breth- ren as a token ai lis hall century af membership in Orono Maaonic Ladge. Pmam* St. WUM.S. Park St. W. M. S. met Tuesday. .Miss M. D avy, president, wha was in Uic chairbrouglit thauglita fran Uic W. S. convention at Blackstock. A Christmas tea will be held. A naminating commit- tee was appointed as iallows: Mns. J. J. Melon, Mns. M. H. Staples, Mns. Hl. Walsli, Mms. L. FÉalick, Mrs. Chas. Wood. A bale ai bcd- ding and clothing wifl be sent te Uic West. Mns. M. H. Staples gave a fiandiai report. Mns. L. Fralick took change ai Uic opening dliapter ai Uic study book "Moving Millions." Short neadings giving iacts about India werc given by Mns. F. Kelly, Mrs. R. Sutton, Mms. W. M. Stutt, Mns. E. Searle, Mna., Wm. Seymour, Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mns. Fred Blackburn, Miss M. Davy, Miss Myrtie Smith, Mns. R. Smi, Mrà. H. 'Walsh and Elsie Rawc. Mns. Fralick continued Uic synopsizing of thi ecliapter, dealing with Uic Indian villages,. limate, living conditions, language, castes, cus- toms, religions, improve ni e n t s, etc. A reading was given by Mms. H. Walshi who described n village which la Christian, and Uic difier- ence between Christian and nit6- Chiristian villages. Mrs. L. D. Bell.. Misses Pearl atnd Vivian Mencer With thein grand- imothei,-IMrs. Gedrge Mercer. . X"; V. Palmer, Miss Jean Palmer and Mr. Bristow at Mrs. Jac Martinell's. ..Mrs. Wm. Patterson and Mrs. Wm. Wnnnan, Mn. and Mrs. Milton Robinson in Toronto. .. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Martineli and Ray are on a short visit at Mr. E. Luxon's cottare near Minden. . . Miss Mar- iorv Patton at home... Mrs. Gea. ThomDson home f nom Port Hope. . Mr. Harold Ranch and Mrs. Roaci, Part Hope, with Mrs. J. Mantinell. ..Mn. Greig, Ernie and Gilbert, Mr. Hilditch and sons in thc city.- Miss Beatrice Thompson, Toronto. with f riends. . . Mn. Don Little,. Oshawa, was home. . . Mn. ]Bob Vannatto with Mrà. A. Jackson lac Martinell and Reg Eltiott are deer huntinsz. Rev. J. Littlewood organized a Bcd Cross Society in Kendal to work as an auxiliary ta Onono Red Cross. Endli brandi maise theirown f unds. Officers are: Pres., Mns. Francis Stoker: Vice-Pneu., Mrs. Wm. Mçn- cen: Sec., Miss K. Stewart, Treas., Mru. Reg. Elliott: Finance Com- mittce, Mrs. . A. Jackson, Mrs. M. Robinson Mrs. -Gilroy (with power ta add two more members) ; In- spection Committee, Mrs. M. SpPer, Mdrs. Thonne, Mrs. R. Mercer. A numben of neiRibours held a olouzhingr bee Tuesdav for Mn. C. Glanville who bas purciased tic Billy Henry fanm. Kendal W.I. met Nov. 8th in thc librarv. The rail caîl was "How can we heIn aour school." Miss K Stewart is ta attend convention in Toronto, Nov. 22-24th. As suci a busv time is apvnoachinz it was decided ta leave the banquet until Iter. The thrce grauos. were namned f nom Uic colours of the flIa: Mns. Patton's group, mcd, and Miss K. Stewamt's, group wene white, Mrs. Martinell's blue. Mns. Pattenson usina n mal) of Europe explained in part the Eutr- apean situation. Mrs. F. Stoker nead an interesting biography af Mns. George Black, M.P. for Yokon, who althouah 70 still cardes on. "What we can do with aur old sqcks and stockings," was demît with by Mms. Wm. Mercer. Mrs. L. Martinel supplied a contest af whidh Miss KL Stewart was winner. Mrs. L. Martin- ell's straup served a tastv lunch and a social half houn was enioyed. Fnom Port Granby ta Uic east, and Kirby ta. the west, a large pumber af fniends and well-w:shers af Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Ried came together in tic Sunday School room on Mon- day eveninr ad showed thein hiRi estecm for Dortiv an4 Lm. bv the mann benutiful and useful presents griven. A program cotojstinx af musical numbers by Miss Wilma Carson and Reg. Bolton; reçitations bv Mrs. Lowerv and Miss M. Hallo- well: solos iv Miss Gwen Gilmore and Mn. Swanbrick and numerous speeches were muci. enioved. Our best wishes for manv yea.n af bnp- uiness and Prosperitv are extended ta this voun couple. Pupils of McLean's sixth line and Kendal schoals went ta Oronq, on Sturdav ta get thein second treat- ment for dipitienia from Dr. Mc- Kenzie. D.D.G.M. Harry Mitchell, Part Hope, paid an officiai. visit te Uic Masanic ladge lene Frlday night, and pnesented Sain Cuttell wlth a jcwel on uis behng a Mason for fiity years. Thomas Smith was nat present but was sent a jewel signlfying that lic had been a Past Master fiity years aga. About sixty were present, wi Port Hope, Osliawa and Bowman- ville lodges being rcpncscnted. Fallowing Uic meeting Uic mcm- bers adjaurned te Uic L.O.L. roorn wlicre the ladies liad pnepaed a banquet, although Uic men served. SAiten Uic banquet Uic usuni toasts were given, inciuding that te Uic Grand Lodge, proposed by O. W. Baipli and neplied ta by D.D.G.M. Mitchell who spoke an "The Mission af Masonry" duning which lic urged Uic brethren ta adhcnc ote cprincipies af masan- ry as tley have neyer donc be- fore. "A great many men are neglecting their duty ta their lodgc and churci," ic hespeaker said, "landtAo be better men and better citizens we must pay strict attention te bath. It la very easy, te get out af Uic habit ai not at- tending lodge and not attending churcli and by this neglect wc are missing a tremendaWs amount ai 1e.Tue work of Uic evening was iniUic second degrce and foi- lowing Uic exemplification ai Uic degree Uic distinguished visiton paid higli tribute to Uic afficens ai Ono lodgc. He thankeç ich brtren ion tu ning out in sucli a large number and exprcssed is gratitude ta those brethren wlio jounneyed ta Onono inoni Bow- manville, Newcastle and Oshiawa ta be with hlm on his1 inst officiai visit since taking aven Uic office. Thc toast ta Vislting Brethren was pnoposed by Nanman Winten and neplied to by Worshipfui Masters ai visiting lodges; and ta Uic Ladies proposcd by Lawrence Allin and replicd te by Mrs. O. W. Bolph. Sevenai selections were given by a vocal quartette compriscd ai Mms. Rowland Smith, Mns. A. A. Drummond, Mm. B. Sutten and Mn. Milton Tamblyn. Tue eve nig was gneatly enjoy- cd by ail, and a hiappy feeling ai camradeship prevailed. Mr. F. B. Wiyte, Worshipful Master ai Or- aona Lodge, presided. Red Cross Plans Drive for Funds Will Also Hold Christmais Bazaar McRae's imniortal poemn, 'In Flanders Fields', is recited wiUi meaning eveny Nov. lltli, but neyer with deeper effect than this ycar, when eanadians again are planning te assist Uic mother cauntry in is fight against ag- gression. Orono Red Cross executive met Monday niglit and made plans foi, a drive for iunds whicli will be stagcd next week. Tue wholc comniunity is expected te assist ta thc utmost. It is îhe least anc Weddings Wannan-ienngs A prektty wcdding was held at St. John's Anglican Churcli, Bow- manville, on Friday evenlng, Nov. l0Ui, when Freda Jennings, Bow- manville, became Uic bride af James Wannan, Orona. The bride wore a floor length white crepe dress .and carried pink roses, whilc lier bridesmaid, Miss Bessie Patterson, Enterprise, -wore N4- cia taffeta wiUi floral hcaddress. Mr. Ernest Allin,' Oronp0, was groomsman. Following sdpper at thc bride's home, Uic happy couple leit for Barrie. Bey. Canon C. R. Spencer offiiated. Mr. and Mrs. Wannan will reside in Orono. TYrrel-Stark A picturesque fal house wed- ding was held Saturday aitennoon, November 11th, at ;,thc Orono home of Mr. and Mrs. William James Stark, when their daugli- ter, Ethel Margare;t Stark, be- came Uic bride ai Chiarles Berson Tyrrdil. Rcv. S. Llttlewood, pas- tor af Park St. United Cliurch, afficiatcd agalnst a background of Pink and white 'mumns. Miss Jean Logan played Uic wedding music and Mrs. A. A. Drunmond sang during Uic sigplng of Uic register. Tue bride, given i marriage by her father, worc e col~gw af blue mist corded ille, clow pointed basque falllng into grace-1 fui folds and Uic skcirt sweeping inta a slight train. She wore a matchlng finger Uip veil held with astricli tips and carled pink briarcliff rases. Miss Larcen Coop- er ai Oshawa attended hier in a gown ai Amenican beauty corded silk, fashioned like Uiat ai Uic bride. She warc a matching liead- dress in rose, design and canried creamy Johanna EHill roses. Dr. Jack Leslie, Toronto, was best man. A reception followed, with the bridai table beautiiully decorated and centred with a Uiree tiered cake, ecdiUer supported by col- umns. Tue cake decoration was a masterpiece af intricate design. Tue 'lhappy couple wiIV' honey- moan in Quebec City and castern Points. Tue bridc's travelling cos- tume was a modish roscberry wine ensemble wli black acces- sanies. On their rcturn Mn. and Mrs. Tyrrell will reside in Orono. Bol Kupt AwmkmAil Niht hi RAID COURH Siepi Liku a Top Altur One flou. of Buklois frbà Mothers, follow tliiu lady'& exemple and usé Buckley's Mixture wh.n any member ôf your family ham a cough, C014 gim, bronciti or whooping cough iays-"Lest night my aasd11, wau coushln errltly coald motgam tue e". 1 gav* hl Oof Bk~e'Mixture with honey Md ho lp the alge hrough. This moraehi& c.ugh la quit. Iooe"Ms B. joues, Verdun, P.Q. Your e«parie= ewllI b.ju.t a.start.s factor>'. Bucley's Minte i. the standby ln 3 out of .3 Canadien home&. le «eaeh.cousît airait ia- stnd, sofemt phiogai, soothesl raw arpassages, helps correct aver- ddy-rlevee Fou of coughs and colds in record dmn. 24 OVUR 10 KuNILONUTTLse SOLO 1 tcan do wlicn soldiers ai Uic Em- Spire, ai which we arc a part, anc tiighting ion ircedom and Clinis- ;tianity. Let cnch do lis or lier bpart. Finance committec lias also made plans ion a Christmas ba- zaar. This will provide an oppar- ttunity for ecd and ah ta kili two birds with anc stene - by ehelping the Rcd Cross and at Uic eane tume answen Uic yearly tquestion, "Wliat will I get for-- -for Christmas?" ORONO FIREMIEN DISTURBED EARLY SUNDAY MORNING Flames rcficcting on n neigli- bour's bedrooni window led te Uic *discovery about 4.15 S un da y moning Uiat Mme. Tuas. Mc- Comb's barn was on fine. Fine- men aroused by Uic fine bell lias- ýened te Uic scene. Uni ortunate- Ir, the straw, etc. in tic barn Med 'in the'spreàd* ai Uic ilames' and befone tic firemen got thereý Uich barn was burnt ta Uic frame- work, which la ail tiat naw ne- mains. It la thouglit Uiat sanie transient iad been sleeping in Uic barn and may have set fine by a ligited cigarette. Jean Logan Eiected Prsldent OGil'Club Organized Friday Twenty-two members ai Uic newly fanmed club met with ticir leaders, Misses Éileen Biddcll and Beatrice Hammi, Friday at Park St. Churci, and began their course. Jean Logan was clected preuidesit, and Olive Brown, sec- retary-treasuren. Literature wai distributed ta ech girl and Uic firat two phases ai Uic wark, i.e. "Hospitality" and "Home la a place ta entertain" wcrc studied. Tic iirst includcd liow ta make Uic hall, living roani and gucet rooni attractive and in- viting; and thc second, arrange- ment ai flowers, wlint Uic gucet noonsliould have in it. A dem- onstration was given, and practis- ed by all, in measuring vaniaus ingredients of whatcvcn anc was cookhng. Fruit punch was made and servcd ta the girls. Requirements oai cdimemben were outlincd, and tic naine ai tic club was lcft oven, althaugli several wcrc submitted. Next meeting will be Friday in- tic Sunday echool noom froni 4 ta 6 and Uic topic will be "Enter- taining tic House Gucat." .Park St. Union Park St. Union Manday was in charge ai Uic Missionary conven- ers, Uic main feature being a re- pont ai conventionat Biackstock, given by Manley Littlewood and Glen Hancock. Manicy deait witi tic Satunday programi whlcli inciuded address- es, group discussions, banquet, and a sliowing ai Uic Rayai Tour pictunes and twa C.N.R. filmns. He also outlined the variaus sugges- tions affcncd ta Uic Cultural con- venens as ta pragnani, i.e., debates, impromptu speaking, hobby show, book ncvlews, etc. Gien dcalt with Uice Saturday discussions i his group - Citizeni- ship - i whidli debatea and i- promptu spcaking wcrc advocat- cd, as wcli as Bcd Cross work. He misa outlIIned Uic Sunday ser- vices, and Uic nesolutians adapted by Uic young people. Topîc was taken by Miss Lil- lian Fowler wlia synopsized Uic second ciapten of Uic study book "Mavng illons" which deait wi thUcquestiofaihUicUntouci- ables.Scnpturc was rend by Gloria Riciarden, and a reading was given by Miss Hazeli Whter. Misn Elleen Blddell iavaured wi a plana solo, Mr. B. E. Logan wli a vocal solo, and JIm Powcns wli a piano solo. 0. A. Gamsby Once agai we pay tribute taO0. A. Gamsby wlio on Friday will pass another milestene, his 76Ui. Orme, anc ai Orano's most avid boosters, la sil in excellent health and lis voice can stilI be heard froni anc end of thc tawn ta Uic other. A fniend of eveny- one, without an cncmy, leic l as mucli a part oaiheUic fe of Orno as the tewn. hall and post office. May le long continue ta cnjoy good liealth. Newcastle Minister Speclal Speaker at Armistice Service Bey. B. E. Morten, Newcastle, was speaker at Uic Aximistioe ser- vice beld Satunday monning in Ornoatawn hall. Following thc panade ta thec hall af Boy Scouts and Onono Brase Band, Uic gathcring was called ta orden by tic chairman, Mn. J. J. Mellon. Calas Tamblyn played Uic Lait Post, and iollow- lng Uic twa minutes' silence, Re- veille, thus opening Uic service. Mm. and Mns. Rowland Smith rendcred a beautiful vocal duet, with Mrs. B. H. Brown at the piano. Prayer by Mn. Mellon was followed by Uic hynin "My Faiti Looks Up te Tue"' and acripture rend by Uiec cliiman, iallowed by a selection by Uic band led by A. J. Knox. Bey. Morton in is addrcss pointed out that we should ne- member, (1) those wia did flot came back, (2) those wlia dd couic back but broken hin ind and body, (3) those wio, althaugh, aged and inuinni, are still living ta mourn Uic loss af their hus- bands and sons killcd in Uic war tint was suppased toecnd war, and (4) Gad. Tuis war was iarc- cd on us, and we must kcep up aur courage, avoid undue excite- ment, use balanced judgmcnt and assume Christian citizenship. Tue address was iollowed by Uic singing af Onward Chistian Soldiers, Uic prnnuncing af Uic benedîction by Bey. Morton, and Uic National Antheni led by Uic band. Thei service seemcd mare Im- pressive tliis year as we are in thc midst ai anather wa toecnd - or try te end - aggrcssion. Pau* St, Church Sunday morning at Park St. Cliurcli Bey. S. Littlcwood out- lined Uic formation and wonk ai Uic Rcd Cross in lieu ai Uic usual sermon. Bev. W. Backliam, Hampton, pneadlied at Uic evening service, and delivered an excellent ser- mon on "Clirist's Way of Lufe." He outlined thc variaus phases of life passed through by Christ and closed with Uic mcaning ai Uie neal courage anc must display in lufe. Courage does nat always mean not being afraid, but some- times means doing a tliing that la right no matter whethen anc is afnaid or not. Clarke Union Leslie Tuanipson, Tyrone, la iinishing Uireshing in Uic neigli- bonliood. Mn. Albert Clark and iamily are moving te Bowmanviiie wlierc Mr. Clark wil work in Uic Goodyear. Mm. and Mms. Colin Smith en- tertalncd some neiglibors ta din- nen Monday evening. Mns. George Fogg la on the slck lilt. Miss Ada Hollingworth visited lier parents at Clarke. Mr. and Mms. Swinford, Bob and Dorathy, Toronto, visitcd at Mn. S. D. Soucli's. Dme'# Mins STAMP CLUB lDRmAOf STAMPSI" CFRB Social and Personal PHONE «rie Court was held Manday. Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent the weekend here. Mr. Mervyn Keane, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Sadie Brown, R.N, is waitmng on Mrs. E. R. Rainey. Several from here attended the rugby game and dance at Guelph. Mr. W. W. Sherwln, O.V.C., Guelph, was home. Miss Thelma Myles, Whitby, visited here. Mrs. J. C .Gamey and Mrs. Harry Lycett visitcd in Toronto. Miss Laura Allun is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, visited relatives here Thursday. Misses Rosaline and Helen Gamsby spent Monday in Orono. Miss Betty Rowe spent the weekend in Guelph. Canvassers for Poppy Day had successful results. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hall an the birth of a son. The Neales enjoyed a visit from Marjorie and her son. Mrs. D. Found, Torante, spent Monday at W. E. Davey's. Mrs. W. M. Stutt visited in Osh- awa. Rev. S. Llttlewood preached at Hampton Harvest Home services Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. James Wannan an their mar- niage Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arche McDonald, Hornby, are holidaying in Orono and Bowmanville. Messrs. Vernon Saunders and Art Smith, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronte, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowden. Mrs. Bragg, Bowmanville, is guest af Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick. Messrs. Lawrence Beal and Cyril French and fasmilles vislted Mrs. Tuas. McComb. Miss Marion Dickson and friend from Campbelliord visited Mrs. James Dicksan. W. M. S. are sendlng canned fruit te Toronto as in farmner years. Miss Allie Wood spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. George Armourls, Hampton. vi5iting her. son Norman in Ham- -ilten.MsRoetFle a ei Miss Margaret Roy, McDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the weckend i Tarante. Two trucks coilided on Main St. Tuesday afternoon. Fortunate- ly no damage was done. Mr. R. H. Brown is constructing a pig Pen at the rear af isi resi- denoe. Mr. and Mrs. Crozier, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby. About $300 was taken in Uic goose *dinner reported in last issue. Mrs. R. Best is home from thc hospîtal fallawing a successful operation. Miss Enld Cobbledlck, nurse in training at Whitby haspital, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cabble- dick. Miss Ethel Davidson and Mr. Wili Davidson, Markham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stark. Oronaites regret thc sudden death af Mr. Arthur Carveth, fa- ther af Reeve Cecil Carveth af Newcastle. Mr. J. J. Gilfillan has been as- ssiting in the drug store while Uic proprietor was on his honey- moon. St. Saviour's Anglican Church held a successful sale oi iancy gaads and a bountiful hot supper November 15th. Mrs. Wi S. Roy will be attend- mng Women's Institute convention at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, next week. Ex-Mayor Ross Stnike, Bow- manville, wili address the Wo- men's Institute meeting to-mon- row (Friday). Mrs. J. D. Brown underwent1 an aperation in Oshawa hospital.j Her daughter Miss Marlon Brown,1 R.N., is ini attendance. Mrs. Wallace Thursten an d t(J~ [ gr hs' lbiu. riti tuion ben ca 09-uti ae Uv bF -@I u « von .*, hr mai coi-M dUvoitUm "What Do Yo u M ea n? " Demanded Mrobac HMDYRAL.TnwpoucH.llo iii-Le. $$LC)K.TOP$e TIN . 6w ého pockW in Pocket Tins cock and Berry are ta be thanked for their free labour. Tue whale comniunity joins i wlshing Uic genial ,druggist, C. B. Tyrrell, and hiii charmlng wife, nec Ethel Stark, a long- and happy wedded 111e. Pnior ta Uic big event Uic bride was Uic recipient af many gits and was honaured at shawers-held i Orono, at Mrs. Hodgkln's, Tarante, and. at MnÈ. P. Caoper's, Oshawa. Tue groom *as misa honaned with a presen- tation. Wc Uiought we had heard Uic last about Disraeli - thc play put on by O.C.S. students. This weck- end, liawcver, we heard that pu- pls liad been billed fon Uic Royal- ty, whicli apparentiy was anc point ovenlooked when Uic pro- duction was planned. This wfl mean a icw iess hamburgers and botties of pop for some af Uic students. Negatiations are underway ion Uic sale ai Orono mill. Tue mili lias been operated by H. R. Rowe for nearly 30 years, and Uic new ownen wiil be Gardon Lockwood, Pickering, son af D. N. Lockwaod who farnierly aperated a mlii at Leskard. Mn. Rowe purchased Uie mlii fram Uic late Arthur Car- veth. It la expected Uic transac- tion willi be completed this week. A numben ai movigs are plan- ned for this month. Stantons anc movmng huato e house now oc- cupicd by Mme. G. L. Flintoif; Mme. Flintoif wil live in Uic hanse vacated by Hesper Dean; Mr. and Mns. Bailey are moving hite Uic roonis occupied by Uic Phascy iamily; Mr. and Mns. Boy Winter and daughter are moving hua Uice Eva Patterson hause. Mns. Phaacy has flot yet dcclded her new abode, but will likely occupy Uic hanse fonxnerly tenanted by Boy Winters. Out ai tawn guests at the Tyrrell-Stark weddmng included Miss A. Morrison, Miss E. Marri- son, Mr. and Mns. O. Hodgklns, Mrs. J. A. Mrron, Mns. Thomas Jelly, Mn. and Mns. W. M. Tyrdl, Mn. and Mns. J. Marks, Miss Bar bars Ann Marks, Mns. J. A. Me- Millan, Miss Margaret McMullan, Mr. Peers Wilson, Miss Marlon Fawcett, Dr. Leslie, Mns. J. Rab- ertson, Miss Hazel Robertson, Mn. and Mns. James Hamilton, ail of Tarante; Miss Ethel M. -Davidson and Mr. WiUl Davldson, Mrbm Mr. and Mns. G. A.AnrsnM. and Mns. K. J. Candy, Hamilton; Mn. John M. James, Bowmanvhfle; Mr. and Mns. Harold Barrow- clougli, Wesieyville; Mr. and Mns. Sydney Lockhart, Newcastle; Mn. and Mms. George Morton, Kehdal; Mn. and Mns. Percy Cooper and Loreen, Ohsawa; Miss Thelniu Myles and Miss Enld Cobbiedick,' Whitby. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS« From The Orono News et November 12, 1914 Dr. John Tuompson, Omemee, visited lis brother, Mm. William Tuonipson. Mr. Tuas. Doncaster is recover- ing from a severe shaldng Up lie gat by ialllng fram a trec while plcking apples. Mn. and Mns. R. C.- Clemence and Mn. Arthur Clemence, Klnby, attended Uic funeral ai their aunt, Mms. Robent Clemence, Port Hope. Mn. A. Lcggltt, Parry Sound, who succeeds Mr. Gearge as night pperatar at C.N.R., will occupy part ai Mns. Andrus residence. Miss Florence Hunter, daugli- ter of* Mr. James Hunten ai this tewn, who let Toronte as a nurse with Uic iirst contingent, lias ar- rived in France. Mm. and Mns. Hugli Ard, Kirby, wene married 25 years ago Wed. and Uic occasion was iittingly ob- served by thein friends in Uic nature of a surprise party. Mn. William Waddell, Standard Bank, Ottawa, is home. Bey. Canon Walsh, Brampton, visited lis sister, Mns. Ed. Cobble- dick and Mns. D. F. Walsh. Paik St. W.A. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday with Miss M. Davy acting ion Uic president, and Mms. J. J. Mellon taklng Uic secrctany's place. Let- ters ai thanks wcre rcad ion fruit and ilowers sent te shut-Ins. Thc trcasuner's report was read. This naminatlng cmItpwu1 poited: Mns. W. Hoar, Miss Y Cobblcdlck, Mns. F. Keflly and Mn,. N. P. Porter. Lon 1

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