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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1939, p. 8

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0 Music is Necessity Hints For Homebodios ------ ont ,4fs O~F Interest ToQILeTeces Wltnfr.Whtsew ivI# ~ ÂrkIAre Tfemd JESIE ALLEN BROWN Fashion Flashes !AA ______ Haste Slowly Y 0Women are so anious ohl aa 10 la a renowned British baritone, are impatient with the Red Cross, it's a wool season -~ they are ------ authar, adjudicator, Professor of as they feel they are slow lni get- even using woal for-veils, and Reading and Public Speaklng at ting into action. Have patience. d W edýUngs the izroom's sister, Mrs. Roy Brown beart neckline and bustle back. A Wyciffe Coilege, Toronto, and It is apt to be a long war. Before snoods who was dressed in blue crevé. jean coronet of white satin beld ber f in- Extension Lecturer - i English much cari be done, ail the work Hohl-arlsncharminoe flower girl. The Içsttmari and wore the o'ft of the groom, a Toronto, gave a highly entertali- and volunteer workers trained ta Necklace Charm: ____ Bon noelw sjksae ert el Secrie al tle DcinanapehUlealyoro raiialnha ab fnse was Mr. Roy fBrown. izold locket. ing addresa on "Music in the get things started. Most of the Massive bib necklaces, the The marriage of Miss Hope L. After the recevtion the bride and Miss Kathleen Suera was brides- Côiriunity" beforé the Peterboro women who want ta help remem- heavier and more barbaric Harisn olvdauhtr o Ms. rom litforCagar fromwbre ai drssd ii ilkfallesht ith Music Teachers' Association. Sorne ber the end of laaldig, the better. existence. Neyer in their history gie omadnrtc t fnc James Cransteun of Airdrie, ta Mr. thev went ta Edmontôn bv lnO oe fgotobo lrtadsle f his commenta as reported in the last war have hospitals possessed the ciuality esaq ihm fe John GrdonHkin, younzest son their return thev will resicTe near She carried Rapture roses and bu the Examiner are wrh of con- and the way and quantity of scientifiec are of 1bivettthprigsan of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hoskin of Carstairs, Alta. vardia. Uttle Beverly Brtleman, sbefore has heheer Cnflsence leenn 50 present ta nie the hphavixrtunity ta brstdes home N o la e. T Me in a f rock of the saine shade as the Sound More Subtie . funect i o n e d Wool jersey, for bath daytime extesiv ei n fluwiespanc e er nio v otta swrhwie Car fcatai dAt., okplc t h atherly-Bradley bridesmaid's, and carryinoe a nosegay Proving that sound is more sub- e thebtmfor- and evening, often with twa orbfarhvetvpaydsimoanhfadtatnlucsseknt, Cueofcae.of roses and lilies of the valley, getndmreaidn the snstok t get three calaur combinations. bfr aete lyds motn The bride wore a f loor lçpgth The United Church, Lopgi Branch, was flower girl. Mr. Jim Stuart was Mr. Canipbeil-McI n n es use d g a ni zed at a t i he sotl is oofn tr the eradicated. aown of white satin and her niother's was the setting f or a pretty wed- best man and the ushers were Messrs many iThretrg utr ohoafia ssaeasm itta s th ooin i tv rtaer rodadjalu fm wedding veil. She was attended by ding Oct. 28th, wben Anna Reta William Franks and Lawrv Stuart. proveltha t"earatiodng we fre .mde andeosEel:serveits public wth a maxuium of ______________________BradleLy became the bride of Frank A receDtion was held for about i'cty each aurb te5edg gwe ensae Bouandn servr ~hih effien lcyfortha maiublc m o if a hn ndd.Iar ru Hatherly, formerly of Tyrone. The gzuests at the Corner House. make." He agrees with the theory b e e n learned favaur. Skirts may be of black more willing ta co-operate. Yester-ofm cunvadit vtfla bride is the daughter of Mr. and For travelling the bride wore a af the ancienit Greeka, %Who were and it is much faille or velvet with blouse O? day, the patient approached the hos- fuue Mrs. Robert E. Bradley. Mr, Hath- wool creoe dress with sable iacket. very particular about speech anid bettelr ta make hie red or gold, or silver pital with reluctance, apprehension, araCadin-(AhaU- PA S erly's parents, are Mr. and Mrs. On their return f rom a tri,, through sound, believing that vaice anid h a ste slawly. Jessie Allen . metallic material. an, a fdab oay ~ nealnw) C RcadHtel.evA.EMa-the States Mr. and Mrs. will music disclosed the whole persan- There will be Brown wligy ihcniec n it __sý iri shall officiated and the church was reside at 71 Wellington St. South, ahity o? the mndividual. work for ail arid if? your turn ihas howifliyfihcnieceadet _______________ adorned with mums, ferns and nalms. Hamilton. With the camirig o? book knOW- not came yet, rest assured it wiil. Shades of Evenlng: N hrs. Weskwood presided at thle_________ ledge, he said, we have lost sasse- To live aur normal lives seems ta White anid gold, with a star dust 1 AM A CANA 6IAN VDhUI organ and Miss Marion Dudley, thirig because we have nlot kept be about the bést thirig we can do o? sequins, la a]iast if not ____ J. R<PTIL A N Bowmanville, sang "I Love You SILVER WEDDING up the sensitive appeal that the at present. If we cut down on aur equaily asp good thia seasan as araCndi. KEIK'A vy" and "0Promise Me_." Miss vocJe ha toth a n.Gee hi spending too drasticailyv.te wil lac n ,,. <rdnig I amive aiacntrhbyn Dde oeapink rsetaffeta bacyadgdf r dsnco? gow *thcosae f edcanaio s LntNov. the aomeasant. Revrnthey learned through their earu; disaster which affecta al o? us. white net resuit lnevitoly in computation .în its natural wealth, ilf ,ts w y and red roses. Given in marriage bv a pn ttehoeo r ue' their learning wasalal oral Mr. Graduaily business wiil change that dewy look. unsurpassed in its beauty, and un- her bothe, WiliamBradey, he Byrs, lacktock whe thesilvr CambellMcInes fels hat u- an we ill evalledeenin itsrivhealtihytsh andhy inviinior- bride warc an ivory broade gawn, weddingr anxiversary of Mr. and sic is the greatest learning Ofail, but it must corne littie by little. ating climate. f live under a stable stvled in Victorian mode. The shir- Mrs. Henr~y Graham (nec May and expresaed admiration for the Ariother thinrg we can da, l ta A.dEvn oa. form of gzovernment which neither red basque bodice was accented at Mountjoy), Toronto, was ccîebrated. Greeks because they reaized that buy British. Find out the source AnhInt or sta: the passions of the many, nor the the back with a bustle bow, f rom Thie immediate relatives werc ore- music la the greatest learnung O? o? every article you bùyWieo.bak oo vnn whims of the fcw may destroy - C) ore rubbing and scrub- whichfIl og rcflsit This sent. ahI - a learning that stands out Y coata with gold scrola Or frog where justice knows neither inf lu- and bard wîch ch a long, graceful skîrt. Led CrosWoiatnntae ah neno ataiv N bing to get greasen ad was tornied bv a litle f itted baIera. During the cvening Mr. Ray Gra- clearly in later years when ab- fatninlaeftg ec o ariliy Her fingcrtip length veil was caught ham ablv acted as chairman for the aorbed as a child. Th taw rr1ho1ZeBd iae it ml shaulders, 1 am. f ree ta think, 'and ta' do. I bkd fiodr off pots and Pans ta ber head with a caronet of seed follawing program: vocal duet by "The reason why music tas suh Cross la a hive of industry. I visit- fitted walat and flared. skirt. arn protccted in my, rights and en- GillttS LYe bus right thr.ough vearl embroidrv. Her bouquet ws Yvonne Jackson and Grace Graham; a great thing in the community,," cd their headquarters yèsterday, couraged ta exlore and give effect dirt o any ind 1of rases, bouvardia and maiden har mouthi organ sélections, Bruçe Gib- he said, "la simply because we and you mray be interested ti ta mv possibiiis. 1 ma hgj truc dirt ofGodo anyn, hemt- sn:rakng Mrtd Gaam ta-cnntmv hot tiAath eaig bot .Ttanguee HwTepu andUi: omypworshipu, n wrsi Use GIlett'a Lye, tSa, ta ket.M ron of honor, was in turquoise bloc test led bv Mrs. Norman Mountiov. laws, aur ethics, aur churchea, are granted the use o? two old hanses, Mid-seasan shawings are over as mv conscience impels. I may say, drans ea tda, the Rown bing Victorian At this point Mrs. Russell Mount- founded an what we do with the which have been thrawn inta one, in Parlsanard naw they are or write, whatsaeyer 1 think, so long dran C'n ad run'n ft&y-style. Miss Evelyn Pearce wore the iav read an addrcss ta the bride and human vaice. Everything that we for the duratian of tie war. Every dreaxning up ensembles for as I do nat plot the overthrow by Doesnt harm enamel or Plurnb- same style f rock, in rose taffeta. gzroom and Alma Graham presented hold goad la founded on the priai- room was accupied and I wauhd spring, white we shiveringly force of the government under which sng. Kep a tinlimndy.Their f lowers werc pink carnations them with a handsome purse. The ciphes a? music. It la simple, or- judge there were from thfrty ta ucou hudr giitm cdmprit.Ianpoetl and roses-with f er. Harry Hatherly address was signed by Lulu Grahami, dnr hng htmkeu i orty women there, aill h oin itr again t fbeeodilv ht am nd n> ec ci attended his brithhr, and the guests Margaret Mountjoy and Gertrude artof music, and ha a iswy t i hr. hew a oa r - in mv worldlv goods. Na-ane can v-iIlh/i FEEBOIT-Mn.011M,4 Lye wcrc ushercd bv Clarence Hatherly, Bvers. such a prafourid anid important ing roam and there was a ton- " flooklttelêhowtblspmwSfiackmae another brother, and Gardon Cowl- The bridegroom made a suitable thing intheUc canmunuty." tinual stream o? women gettingsmrasUcnsshhachsnjue i, tk my od wa b~agd dratu ...bouP Ot ing. At the recption in the home of rcplv and al îoincd heartiv in sing- Necesshty of Lite fo gtrfo theiMaycouor lbGirls lare twearg -adthso do Uic nd me, Wdue aroc o lu nat w th. oam of tho cSft... how it the bride's parents, Mrs. Bradley re- ingr "For Thev Are Jolly Good Fel- Mr. Campbelh-Mclnries, c o n - were doing Uic cufttng for dis mothers like ta wear what la Uic If I am accused of wrong ddnrz, temUm dumk of tùks. Gond for à civcd, wearing a navy sheer drees lows." Messrs Henry Mountjoy, chuding bis remarks, definemutrbio. tngapswere style for them.' A teen-age girl twelve oý mv peers, reasonablç qnd ft- -M t Libo with corsage of roses, bouvardiia and Norman Mountioy and RupertByr sic as a necessity a? ife, a food getting out literature and answer- slhould kilaw what she-wanta in without interest, wilr judge of my . . . look. - maiden hair fern. The groom's made short speeches. The remainder which, cleanses Uic mmnd and for- ing etters. Theref was a room for clothas and unlesa it la very un- gzuilt or innocence. I arn held blame- mothrr, who also received, wore of the eveningr was suent in social tifias Uic spiit. Like good food, teaching Firat Aid, and there are suitable shouhd be ailowed to less until I arn proved respônsible. brocaded black silk with corsage of chat and zamsaftci' which a beau-' he, it must be varied, and three classes a day, monng, a.. choose for hersel?. To feel suit- I arnf ree tao secure %p .educat*o-, white carnations, red rases and fern. tiful three-storev cake, decorated in taken often; it must taste good ta ternoon, anid niglat. In Uic pack- ably dressed gîves anyone a feel- merelv. by seeking it, and the mca- Aftcr a wcdding trip ta Niagara white and silver, was cut by the Uic car and be able ta stand Uic ing roam thcy were getting fin ing a? confidence and satisfaction. sure of it depends upan my own Falls, N.Y., the bridal couple will bride. A deiciaus lunch wgs served. severe test o? repetition. We must isbcd supplies packed ta scnd to Canned Foode diligence. I have unrestricted op'iar- live in Long Bratich. not blame the wholcsome food hcadquartcrs in Toronto. Thla 15 There arc still some womcen tunitv ta work. Opoortunitv awaits Re woew atwthialsla Hampton w. * ~and good music simply because what Uiey sent out this week: who feel guilty if Uicy use canned for me with the ising sun, anew inlsbihetgmadmIIt Stuart-FranksHa po W.L we happen ta have a poor appe- 44½ doz. pilow cases; 17 doz. îoods. Many intelligent womcn each mon, - what 1 shal do wi.h ~Ihni~,~'OIu p HoIds nterstlng tite ourselves. Good music la iWt Hampton bcd pads; 34 doz. bcd use them extensively flot because the day is for me, atone, to say. ~ lvrdvtmlo at Chrysanthemunis in colorful array ay amystery, and ita appeal la uni- pada; 147 alings; 52% doz. bind- o? their nvtecbubcus If I become afflicted, those ab-utrobeafutcipcimhaty decarted Frst nitedChurc, inv~ufl UUUUBMayversal. To repeat it often la ta ings; 10% doz. nightgawna; 38 doz. o? their higher vitamnr content. me wilh care for me. I canilive with YosgcebaCb. Hamilton, on Noveniher 2, for the know it; ta know it ta ta love it. pncumonia jackets, and 28 doz. Home canming destroys more mv familv and neiRbbors; in peace,. marriage of Marion Aura, only There was an attendance o? pairs o? socks. I understarid Uic vitamins in fruitsanard vegetables if I choose, and in sufficièncy, if 1 a j ,u d~~a daughter of Mn. and Mrs. . forty-eight at Hampton Womcn's During Uic îast year, mernbers Red Cross la sending a shipmept than commercial carig. The will. hImv business dealincts I dfan Cma7Lt -~Franks, ta Mr. Jack Stuart, anly Institute meeting on Thursday a?- o? Uic Junior Rcd Cross in Uic o? haspital supplias ta France as commercial carniers ressaye thc make a iust contract, and na pc)wer son of r. andMrs. J K. Sturt. tenoon. uring te busmess scools efCforda.oSpaniteh re suoreesrestelemed edaiteoflaicontactte wathy UiclForofaIll thiset-i I Ceôgslcv Hunter.'lMn. Harrv J At- paintcd delegate ta Uic Provincial uo o i opt~ina There la a variety o? work ta be air which destroys vitamin C. We cept a sacre tax pittance. AIl this isL EU len was at the organ. The bride, W. I. convention at Uic Royal handicappte hoild, ohyfo donc. ail take pride i otr fuil shelves f nec ta me, a Canadian. ~W g;Wdfl-1 nà h iven n marriage -hefaerYokHtl Toronto. . ohaiaped i e ,msl o Let Them Choose o? fruits and jelies, and if wc Good and truc men and wamen a us of th 13U <enf homute. am r. warc whitc silk embossed benratine A motion was also taken in otoeecss One a? thc hardest lessons moat serve plenty o? fresh things we hefore I came prepared the way for1 made in Grecian style with sweet- favour o? sharing with Uic W.M.S. mathers have ta leaýrnislata let need riat worry about Uic vitamin me thraugh hardship, sacrifice and R 4 Y 1~ ____________________in _________________the_ Bowmanvillc L their adolescent cbildrcn choase destruction. On Uic other hand de'hi - ta freedoni, liberty, oppzr- Ratarians banquet. ta * be hcld at Qu ain frteaîe.Ntriyte when we use foods canned pro- tunitv and stable gavernmcnt. Even Hamto Fida, ecmbe lt.cannot do al Uic deciding but Vf perly by equtpped canneries we if I would, I cannot lepay them'i I «E PMI HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS SO A commlttcc was appointed ta Anid teen-age chihdrcn arc not allowed cari recagnize Uic ?act that wc are can only safeguard,_ conserve, faste, ~ o>VNIEI.arrange saine.r .. to choose for themselves bowever getting somcthing extra for aur and honor that whzch thev have «YAND NM W. 1 SPREAD A Uicexhiton, candwsugesions, o? fcenyae h going ta learri. The other maney. _____________________________ UTaLEON MY L yLy My AND thenexpibtnsiv nd sugetmsGifs,fBy day ti a store a, girl o? fifteen or Seailoped Tuna Fiais PA94ED LOOR AMDEY RY D "Iexpnsiv Chistms Gi fT a" maybe sixteen was trying on 1 7-oz. can tima ?lah GLLAM IN 20 MINUJTES. flIS SWL. ¶wbîch prompted many useful C0..UCm sweaters and akirta. She had on 1 tablespoan lemon juice POLIUMG OU AI9JWl Mris. WIodc ru lae ztxenst a. green akit with a roay-red 2 slIced bard cooked eggs o? he orh gou codutodansweater, dear only knows what %k cup cookcd pesa- of: itertgprograrcn. cthe lca Eye.çfght color Uiey cal it Uhil year. It was 2 tableapoons butter 0 oneBuyansipr"rs . eWca- Secialist quite bccomirig, youtbful a nd 2 tablespoons flour C~>. ren, spokie an "Cottons," and an Disney Bldg. smnart, and she was obviaushy 1 cup milk lricratiigdisusiononcotanpicased with it. Her mother said: 1/4½ teaspoan saît faberîca filowdcussoln s"n wiil n oppP .) ' yau can have what you like, but -Speck o? pepper be bier tapic at Uic Decemnber N br17pcrsonaily I Uink it la tri very %.' cup grated Canadian cheese meeing Mr. Cthmir la0d7 poor taste.' 'Why, Mothr" 'Be- 1 cup bread crumbs (fresh) ______________________________Meeting.__________atid a etn Hlig akToalse hscause o? Uieccntrastirig lohors.' 1 tablespoon butter __________________________piano number,ananitrsig HligBo oCoe:Ts 'Oh, Mother, evcryonc la moixing Drain Uic tuna flab aid add Uic pape on"Caada wa gien y hbitdoc na usail inicae Uem.' 'Thcy may be, but it is in lernon juice. Arrange fisb, eggs ______________________________________Mrs. L. Goodmi, Tyrone. "Cur- near sightedncss, but it does much better taste ta blend cal- and peas in layera in a baklig rent Eventa"' were read by Mrs. mean that the cyca are sertoushy ors.' The girl ?mnaily baught a da.Mk rassuewt A. E. Brnlett. Miss M. Werry and defective. The work la hcld chose brown akit with a matching ic 6utt cr ormlIksac ith id6l Mrs. R. Glaspeil, who accampai- ini an effort ta get a larger vicw sweater. It was vcy9tcbthpeppuer, hen add i chese. Pour W Uyied Mrs. Goodman an her visit and this means addcd cycatraîn. certaly was not as yuthful or this over Uic f isb nmixture.*Mcltle m u . at ta Hampton, favored wlit a vocal Pour Readers: Many cbtldrcn Uic tablespoan butter and stir in "dao4 duet, accompanicd by Miss N. with refractive errors arc poor the fresh crurnbs and Put this On £Sk th se L w riorn. Mrs. Arthur Allin gave a readers and miost poor readersto.Bk namdreavn? bumros cadng Aguessing have refractive errors which wiil 375 degrees- about 30 minutes. contest oniý a basket o? apples was not permit them to sec Uihe tordsUILT There bave been cals for supper won by Mrs. A. Clemens aid Mrs. properhy aid certainly not rapid- gl À 'N i Ii Ndae hi ot,5sIantyn for Sight-Savhg T. Salter as tics, and Mrs. C. A. ly. ih'tsmohoIamryn Johns as Uic srnallest guess, prizea Poar Distant Vision: This apeaks za8 W W ta g, >'eet r at Pew. EDISONM IA'Vft bemng given. An apple coniteat for itaelf, indication that the cycaSwc 1>uf EIM& M foilowed when Uic compariy was are out o? focus. 2 cups mashed sweet potataes forne ina raus.Nervousness, Irritability: Eye- e~N .a~ a a nlted butter LAMPS strain l rqetcueateeB 3bbt s a vry Mmple, i/4 , wehîbeate M IS It NO AN *0* before an inspector calis upon whit you need. PeIrelitrgt to wark 0'ca ytuayo7u uay fAnd, wheu.sheeofhm lef ae theotbrwseuindrthe i he 11- -brn îfulbcit. 'IbIs U ic eldndlugwood beghna ta burn, Years of experimients, af scienii ableta roseutintuner ic h sav- Uîat amoke atarta comlung out discaveries and of public enligzhten- BRtti r gct o r licVnse f o r reifaents at08 Urougti the creite &rounid therment have been necessary ta aid in a Radio Act o 1938." «. ffl l tal el vig fens P trnace doora. Thts le due t theUcbneaking dawn the barniens af ixnor- Rager Bird at Town Hall before igeeteeprsy e ad r~ that the. chhaney belng Iod, ance and oreludice go that hospitals an inspectar hands youdm surn- ocfl mnd nocif mUUU mana ta tell Uic police umagistrate tta.Nait = »- d..notprTodut1 mou drf mizht attain the higrh position they U " whyyo falc tage yor icstae.ton't watt tfor a tocarry off the amoke. Ths con- hold todav. _________________ our lcen eld dition eau b. qulckly rernadied b Evenv event, cverv discovery, every sotoet ead rtopnig wide thé slde Iu the fr avnemnt which bnouzht this dôooy-.or by partlally or onitroly bot, shouhd be a matten for con- "Men are f reest whcn Uiev are the slee r §oosiî Uc atpî dmpr. bga to n ntepr farsa most uncansciaus of fneedom. The Va-tro-uoi belpa IS a cis to ?Ui .eaIn, sechtksotnlaei ELECTRUC ~~~~ ~~~LIl> shoot is the rattlinw fcan a-hPB0kmiOs-- *ays vss."-D. H. Lawrence d*kui4 Y 1U O reducingz the hazards of prcsent-daa' -'"'y- -E9 m M, ffl 0 .. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT

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