V AG SI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAYNVME 2R,13 s iCci lmo..Mr Ms ng what inspection means. It la do God's wil." Motta "Love cen H y oF.PboMr. Paul Stephens, Miss aSalemrm 1Ply hsTw ormepui vrlo fatma oeo Ursul McNeil, Toronto, with Mr. ib *0 PEA Vh A'l oo0k at the fingernails, clothes, oust"MisRenldhAIinPayr Recent Visitars: Mr. an Mrs, ~~~and Mrs. A. MNeil. Mr. and Rev. A. W. March deliyered a Ehands and hair of the ather é us. iaR>nod e n1rYr W V Reee that they are andailsdensnd rs.GeCOBa'nINGentd tis ra Tootwith Mr. adMr.Jh t r.A. ....... Mr. Dave Sunday. Sorry ta learn that aur ..K<pSMgFM p p - idy. grain: a splendid repart of Provin- Sanderson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tardif f, Bowmanville, Mr.. Harold pastor's littie girls are il. ,u 1-.SN"__________cial W.C.T.U. Convention in GaitAn Se v sY Slemoià, Mrs. C. Briggs, Toronto, Wilson, Burketon, at Mrs. lE. Mount-O Y. P. U. meeting Nov. 15th was àm OwS calsouoS FM@-n a nd orepared by Miss Wright, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis, En- joy'...Mr. and Mrs. N. Ha, opened by the president. Mr.E.YOhm »I P. mm é 1Uout J.Lie 1-d waReynl onegt a ssd Wrists Wuati tates l t qu hty , y utyeadpi niskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Herrv Clintan end Ber3l, Oshawa, with Doidge, missionery vice, took Renodsownr o is rihts Siltiinft,..»Hy Brooking and sans, Weslevvilflr, Miss Mrs. D. Grahami.. . Mr. and Mrs. charge of tue pragrem. Woshp I CIi8dU NIh W aRcn iatr:M.unevoideble absence:, piano solo bv SparRo, Mrs. Kenrgeth Wood and Clarence Bradley and baby, Enfield, periaci was talcen by Mrs. P. Rem iios r Albert Nid- Mrs. C. J. Kerslake; the clip sheetA tfez lclo oghl son, Bowmanville, with Mr and with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley., . Cann, foflawed by e one-act mis- tiret brlns g dmam dery and Mt. Eric Smithi, Toronto, entitled "Wbat is the W.C.T.U. ?" h _______________Mr. and Mrs. Rov Thonipson, Misses sionary play entitled "Clinging ta :ieliaewan nt his cottaRe. Mr. and Mrs. H. brought out many strong noints show- 9" MgI. l Audrev Thonipsbn and Veda Purdy, a Thread," with seven charecters, cranmngamt Smith and farnlbr t Bobcavgeon. . ing whet the W.C.T.U. is doine and Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. mastiy ail executive, members. 7 E U u Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Smith, Neil, whv it should be carried on. and was Certified Antifreeze Throees 974 Thoh pon..Mr.oredAdmaMMssG.Symnsaby oo Adahemst Missin G.onldimd le e Mr .Smths.nichateofMr. . olkil ad thega. $Mtt enil - 15 - Mrs. Alfred Randie, Hampton, wîth second chapter in the mission Kuhufe oum Mrs. Fred Smith and Lloyd with Mrs. B. Ferguson; piano solo, Mise i Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephenson.. Mr. study book. Mrs. Burris rendered lii~ ~ er sister, Mrs. Percy J.elnmaid, Nora Horn and a reedinir bv Miss Non4lsstsu, re=adelPie - --255 1 -~and Mrs. H. Siemon, Mrs. C. Briggs. an apprapriate solo. Short rend- b Ohaa Ktee. Aor tua.olonevpoaio. a U I R L Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Annis, mnga were given by Hilde Darch, ebr fYPt.aeivtdt Wheels." Next meeting at Miss Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mrs. L. Richards, Mr. E. Doidge MiEPS ME FEELING Rev. H. H. Lackey's Fridav night Reynolds', Dec. l2th. You can select your Christmnas rfCI O ro ag YuzmnPontypool, with Mrs. and Mrs. L. Squair. Attendance . yO'NB or' Mr. and Mrs. M. Semis and fam- Y.P.U. met Friday. Mr. FaulknerstcofMhq tya TH E A T R E Sila# Trewîn. .. Mrs. A. E. Power, 31. AN ru1, ,u tSlm took charge of the worship service ____________________________ DOWMANVaILLEm Mrs. T. Power, Mrs. C. Ailin, Bow- Mrs. and Miss Moody and lLUIa bale~m dM Fed it whicb opened with piano music bv uwhruwm. manville, with Mrs. E. Ormiston.. FHrt, Toronto, visited 1: fr ne* ~minm Jt Oneforem etmmlaonzteivMadlyn Wilcox: Jack Cowling gaveFO HM FOR HE Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson, Mr. 1S .Gu.o. cda omo mcm ' mn h nied euests ta view thearadfgM.Fulnrre e Richard Sanderson, Mrs, Phillips mmoter "idthie kidneys wo eliminata uioaom exhibition of chrysanthemuma and bible lesson. The pragrani wa in EzuryBnsh Sets13 Thurs. - Fri.- Sat. with Mrs. C. Virtue, Enniskillen. Miss J. Newman, Town, apent athhdbeipofmgyhe bloodotrea-endu... have tea et Prkwood"' the home charge cf AIf. Rendle: Mariante and $L.98 $7.50 ts-$25 180 Nedwman. f. Jr Cyouise Bf maw tr rO Uttie lin, Oshawa, Saturdey. duet: Wilfrid Smeale gave a reading: 115Iur . --*.5 Tie St 5-85 ville.. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Crossman Dr. Davey stil cantinues to 1 1 & d ollarsi Botties, 2 e 48c Mrs. L. C. Pascoe attended the the topic "The Alternative ta Wer" Wilknson Rau«r --$8.(0 oiz es - 5$4 and Jean with Mrs. D. Hall, En- visit aur community as thera 1sd1dat missionarv rellv et Oshawa lest week. wes presented bv Mr. Creig. Eileen WaemnP s-$12$6 Prue -- 5$.0 f1i1d.seemns ta be an epidemic of trou- ail drug Wrev and dith Reckem favort Mr. Chas. Garrard attended the ble among tue live stock. ~ ~ A L D S J with a vocal duet: Medlvn Wilcox *havii« Soto - - e3.75 Bathl t 1022 IW P~ 136th Battelion banqunet, in Toronto SYIfPathY la extended tO Mr. m . nHam pton rv ueosraig __________________________ on Remembrance Day. and Mrs. O. Hertzberg in the _____________________ 1nad ei ao 9 Mr.HnyAho t heddte death cf her brother-ln-law.linadYu b.60 MsHer cosn, Mrs eeI Mrs. Burris has beau qilite III. the Leadership Training School et Receait Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. I_82 fineTlohrnt o usnz.Nwl Deepest sympathy la extended Bowmanville. Geo. White, Saline, et M.an Mrs. W.c so k- 2 in, oroA o. o Mr an Mrs co Un a d M . an Mrs Ros Perce ud Carece T nlCysteaz.*-. -s. . e-7ex3 e-$40...à LOUS A . RDSympathv ia extended ta relatives fmily mn ted Mn. of hr snd Mirand Mtrs. GRosg a rce atW. Horn with Mr. and Mrs. Milton KA UIO of the lete Wmn. Trewin, Bowmen- Oscar whopase daatcftei onu-turend rs Ger ieorPerc e C-i Avey, Buffalo, N.Y.. Mr. and Réenet Visitera: Mr. ad Mrs. 'Halbut Liver Caps -' 59e SI U A Nville. day wha asdaa nT 'ne hwrgvnfrMn Cn t Westan Sazitarium ShortIY neth Pearce and fiancee, Miss Caw- Mrs. ea. Ferncomb with relatives las. Forder and family with Mr. and 8e ota---59 JONATHA HALE Curch o* Sunda at 3 ).T.rofeto.ei..aMr.teand Mrs. Mrs Mrs..PRutledw-ein Broncroftr...nMr.s.8_ MrNozutledg, Bancrft.SMr Chrc n uda e pm atr eagadlte.lret Mns.Wm. eve cea, ew Holtbv and son, Manchester, with afid Mrs. HervVincent, Toronta, foi6eBtls-29 i ~~Several fermera fromn here wene Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williamsan on Mra. Robt. Archer with Mr. and tWaeBtte -29 byS tM&Podeà on EmuskIllen amonff those entertained by Osaw ThursdaY. . Miss Vers. Baker, Mrs. Chas. Smith. .. Miss Olive 6 Galette 13us1 Blado.e CO a ______Rotanins Oba Saline, wt Mrs. J. D. Hgmrtk.. Van Camp and Miss Jessie Knox ______ tht Geven n oaHte Mr. and Mrs. Will White and sons, with Mn. and Mra. Arthur Bailey. JorKon's Lotion 25-4"-9 m ULSION - "Ad « Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Recent Visitons: Mr. îT . MGrif- MndeA.J.eve i n te ininutu e Clarkohon, iss ladrys hen, TontowithMr.and Mrs. W e leyr Stan Coverly and Lloyd, Ebetn-zer, fin andiMiss Vera Griffin. Wes ns. Acuiv o . . ev i een te r-ClaJoehn.io wladvs ber mot n, rs. o n.o, id Mr. ae rebuen, Palmolive Oream aidC ROMAICE ... et Mn. Wes. Cameons. Mrs. las. Mr. andi Mr.. L. Grif fin and Jean. xctv c ...Tese fe-Bw manvil, et Wmin. a's Bradburm Miss Mehel Van Camp, ~,5..9 IE q EISantan and Grace et Mn. Chas. Purple Hill, Mr. and Mnm.C. Rahm11mon. Mn. and Mns. Hennir Cowlijg and Toronto, with Mn. aid Mra. Wmn. chiek Raser - .49o III DWdTRs, Oshewa. .. Misses Kath- and f mmiii', Union, with Mr. arPd baby, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Van Camp... Mrs. Gnif fin and leen and Jean Cemenon et Mn. Ted Mn. W. Rahm.. . Mr. N. E TAKE NOTICE Jno. 'Cowling.. Mn. 'Morley Bnim-sit Mrs. as. - Manlow.. Mher. CREOPHOS là a tanie and asto uh £dthS Chant's, Hampton... Mrs. Refond Wnlght, Hampton, eit Mr. WMi.___ acomb with Mn. and Mrs S. Wil- itrMs.J.Malw r. ' mo o.Cameron et Mn. Arnold Vennen's, Wrihe& . .. Mn. G. Stevensanad liams... Mis% Elsie Hadcfrn et her Arthur Williamson, Oniemee, with Resulta Wuaranteed. D.ttle 1101~ Caledonia. .. Mn. Elwood Shecicel- Mn. r. Picliard with friendsai~t ',es-1 Will aur rural connespondentsanad home in Uxbride.. . Mn aid Mns. Mn. end Mrs. Wallace Marlow. .. ol dlton, Whitby, et Mn. John Sheckel- ton. -Mn.. A. Weann with ber others sendine in *news kindlv bear C. W. Souch with Miss Eva Souch Mn. and Mrs. Fred Beile>' with Mn. ]Phone ifW I e D m aI abl voettons.. .Mn.Ja. MMateret om dagherMn.E.Panot, <~<in mind that al advance notices of et Enniskillen. ..Mns. Elmma Johns and Mns. Naysmith Henry, Janet- 695 P. R. COW LINGs.e on Sunday. .. Rev. Munrav A. Mc- Lake..*Mn. and Mm. Telfer, To- cocrs hita reetn anu nd Mr. and Mns. W. White aid ville. ..M.Rbn ilnat Kitnik, rad Vlly, t n. rnt, a M. A Wanns pd itiements, stippens or other Coming sons, Donald aid Douglas with Mn. Miss' Jeffery, Toronto, with Mns. W. MrcMestrand sally, Miss 1Bernic Heen ar.otA.etuneds aine ith vente where an admission féeaor edlia e.Wie aie. Winl. Stetît. . Mn. and Mn.. Ivn ____________________________ Chapman et Beaverton... Mns..1. then fan a visit. .. Mn..mand Mrs. collection i$ taken (whethen men- Mn. and Mns. Gea. Crowther, New- Shook, 'Toronto, with Mn.. John -_______________________________ Shackeuton andi sons, Mrs. Fred Ceam- Graham, Mns.. Wicks, Oshawa, Mn. tioned in notice arnont) is considered castle. with Mn. andi Mrs, L TrllllIMarlow... Mn.. Robent Bruce aid eronet onono.. Mns T.W. Bl- . PoterwithMn. Bav. > etvertising. Ini other wortis we Mn. and Mra. Wes. Traylor and Miss May King with Mn. and Mns. ini. Lunch and g ames addléd enioy- . Mr. dMr.FeSito- son and Genelti et Mn. Stanlev DPixýs.at n. .MGi at one ange whenF.you charge. When , fmily, Tyrnte, Mn. Clarkce Stev- Gardon Stnonir. . Miss Ruth Mer-iitttauemtn. nvlwthM.FSmtL.Mn PfflMa içI Little Bitei..MLodSain- aoto.ihMn i Ms~M~ sendinir in such notices mark tue ens, Enniskillen, iVith Mr. anti Mn.. low, Toronto, with Mns. Jgs. Merlow. The Girls' Club met ini tue Orange and Mia lnneBede iibb tonetTonnt. . M. LFred SCam- TGintli... M r E . adso Jholiay-item "ativt." aid stete if vou wish Bert Steveas. Mra. Fred Willan. i. hoie fnom Hall Tbursday for their third utet-Morris, Enaclewt n tnaToot. M.FeCan i.. r.FC.Aho oia the edvt. inserted untien Coiping TakOfeig ettespce osia adipovn fcl. m. Attçndene was goad. Mns. RbntSs XatIie Uatuday 2.30 p.m. ern et Toronto... Mn. aid Mn.. mui witu bier daughters, MMs S. god- Events headinz an under voun con- hnOfeizat hescaloptladimrvgnil. Rev. R. G. Carnuthers aid Mn.. On Wense'vniuM.at CseL eane shawa, n. andM.. R.s-Ton, ota. ...Mn.and Mra. . ayernespandence, elso give adtiness te' church .services a week ago realized -Mr. Semnuel Jeffry anti Mn. H. Canruthens cf Kintiensley, Sask., a Mrs. HF. Wodetreieimn Kllen. Delmer, Johnr. ani Ma .riLottosh.a.Weaet M. W alt Oerswhom the bill should be dent, othen- aven $330. Mountioy ere bath'an tht -sick list. former pastar of aur United Chunch, of theiriensat egbuswt FOUiDYSet n. JohnKno', oh nd Maiee. .. MisawaMenue Mr. saittv e ek-wise tue item will not be Publishei. Mn. Stuart Hogarth who bas been 1St. John's W.A. met et Mns. Robt. called on frienda hene lest week. e adance ]POU DA S a Mr Joh Knx's Noth shaw. .. Mss erl Okesnet te wek-wonking in Toronto was operateti on Penn's Thursday evening with aven Mn. aid Mrs. Hans Geisbergen end in Toronto and saw the Sentea for appendicitis in Bowmenvijfr Hos- 30 ladies onesent. This progrein wes MAonday - Tuedy v aiye n . iie',Caspnd. ensa ietwt ital lest Mondav aid is nognessingi enioveti: Mrs. J. A. McArthunsaveSaulAH.HfmnOon -Thornton's Corners. . Mns. C. Selbv, Y.P.U. met Wensa iztwt yrone favorablv. a neadinz an "Remembrance 'Day:-"LoSa Wednes. -Thursdiay Oshawa, et Mn. AIf. Aye's... Mn. a rcod ettentience. Devotional perioti Lono etae sudrteMs.Rb.Hmlo araii Bg ,ault farmhai, eate o Thepiem'eyouve oon and Mns. Russell Rabbins andi Ruth wes teken as fallaws: quiet music bv Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Wmn. tocton's cane. Sense ;" Miss Eva Penn a mailing week whnhipere nplc Th ileYTLebe tMrs. H. Allin's, Bowmanville.. Mns. E. Wright; acripitune reading, Virtue et Mn. W. Cochnane's,. Miss Keterson presitiet et W.C. "My Finat Knitting." A sale cf courtanM taychreiwh Want gte use. Mr. anti Mns. J. E. Gnaybill, Clifton BilIl ohnstan; stany, Mns. N. Wright Kirby. . . Mr. and Mns.. Byron T.U. meeting helti Nov. 16th. Meet- bazaan gooda anti lunch completeti Recent Visitons: Mn. andi Mna. a violio unlrteDasao Springs, N.Y., Mn. and Mrs. Hector of Hempton: vocal solo. 'Mn,. H. Moone, Mr. and Mns. Luther muz openeti with a prayer "for tume tht evening. Elmer Farrell aid Misa Mildned Cnd Pamr-anti family, Whitby, Mr. Stevens: closinu paoem bv Keith Goodman with Mn. and Mrs Har- of wen", by Miss Katenson; Mns. Mr Bob Spne Peterbo!:a pre- Farnell, Toronto, wth Mn. t nd)r. ta cgu ein.H e a "PatclyPefc! elie Hoskin anti George, Thorn- Onnliston. Remaintien cf meeting was vey Curtis, Orono. . . Mn. and J. G. Buns conductedth te devotional sented slities cf his visit tao the Amn- D. B. Farrell. .. Miss Marion Fras- plcout e UeCourhre ton's Corners, et Mn. Ray Camnenon's. in charge of Citizeznship convenen, Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Bnooklin, etpeioti; prayen tapic wes that "Ne- stendani Convention ta a large cnowti en anti Mn. Stan Bail witu Mnr. andi or drink twl aeu2 oistehhsreueia t Mrs. Jas. Stainton and Grace et Mrs. E. Wright. Piano solo by Mrs. Mn. H. Skinner's. .. Miss Wimnie Ltions anti Govcmnment mey be led to in the Unitedi Church Friday even- Mn.. Walter 'Murphy, Bowmanville., trial onni yov2tu M.Chas. Lander's, Osh2wa. M. Stainton: reading by Mis. E. 1 Brooks et Mn. Fred Brooks', Ca- Congratulations te Mn. aid Mrs. Wright: vocal solo bv Mns. N. bourg. . . Miss Nina Hodgson in HaringRae Trito. Mn . i antu Mn. fine baby girl et East General Ijos- an intentsting imper. Virtue, Mn. and Mrs. M.sirtue Mn. Tracy Glaspeu ha. the flu. T. Fintiley's, Thornhiil... Mn. J. Miss Shirley Martin has quinsv. E e e e orsnadMs .Mceze Toronto, et Mn. Willis Stewart's. Miss Bervl Guaspel ententaineti tht Mn. and Mns. Norman Woodley C.GI.T. girls et lhen home on Satur- Services wene weul attentiet Sun- at Mn. R. Stephens', Garnie, and TI f dav., day with the paston in charge cf Mn. D. Hicks', Harniston. . . Mr. Messrs Art Stainton, AIf Avre, morninst service anti in the eveninu and Mns. Win. MacDonald et Ca- 110 W AID Teck Cruickshanlcs and Etigar Horn, Rev. J. V. McNeeuy, King Stneet bourg.. Master Peter Bounsali, Hampton, went deer huntinu again Church, Oshawa. Music was pro- Bowmenville, with Bille and O 0 lest week anti brougzht hoine a couple vitietiby the choir with e double DonaldDutiley.. Mr. and Mns.0 FOD c[RN D V f fine deer. quartette number presenteti in tht Wesley Paoey, Mns. Braituwaxte, 1 Mns. . W. Balson entertaineti eveninu 1w Misses, June anti Flan- 1Mn.. Radley anti son Paul, Rose- S £ a snielades et a uuiting. ahelle Marshall, Eileen Pickel anti neatu, with Mn. anti Mns. Willis PY M A I N "Mn.."T. W. McMaster and Alex Elsie Oke anti Messrs Alan andi Stewart. .. Mns. Levi Warti, Osh- visiteti Mr. McMasten et East Gen- Lloyd Down, Harny Wonden and awa, with Mns. F. Jones. . . Mr. HILE"1ASN eral Hospital. He is impnoingz Walter Rundue. anti Mns. Stan Beckett anti Joan, )fRAD slowl. Suntiavmorning, Nov. 26 W.M.S. Bowmanville, et Mn.. Leuna Vir- W.A. ladies heti a ciuilting at Mns. wilu take charge witli spciker, Mn.. tue'... Mn. anti Mns. Thomas . Shackelton's Tuesdav aftennoon. W. Adiams anti soloist, l1fiss Ruby Goodman anti grandson, Brook- UE J Several of tue men ettended Graigen, Oshawa, assistiniu. lin, at Mn. anti Mns. L. J. Gooti- Fareros Nialit at Oshaw.a Rotary Y.P.U. met Monday nieht. The ma'.... Mn. anti Mn.. W. Taylor Matne. in y 4 p.m. Club Mantiav nigzht. devotional tapic was taken bv Ada anti femily et Mn. W. E. Stevens', 2.0Annis anti pneyen by Rev. W. C., Hamptoni.. . Mn. anti Mrs. E. A. '39 BUICK SPeclal Sedan ...... $1050.00 '38 CADILLAC .60'. S1pi. Seda 8 4 50 Wednssday 20pr Mn. anti Mns. George Allen, Mn. Smith: neadinurs by Eilten Pickeil! Virtue wituhane father, Mn. Gea. fllak paint. Smal mileage. CaferDie.NwCrCniin anti Mn.. Chas. Allen anti son and Meniorv Down; vocal solo, Vel-1 Carn, Gilford.Chuf r rvnNe CaCod 900111aO»ouiPaiYing PrO.8T8I McKenzie, Lindsay, wene Suntiey me Peance: sing-sonu canducteti bir Mn. anti Mn.. Arthur Spicer ~ E .Sd oc. . . . . .2 .0 '4 P N ICSeilC ah. . .3 50 for above piture.. guesta of Mn. anti Mn.. HarveY Elsie Oke anti reneation Perioti in anti femiy have movedti t Bow- '38 CHE .Sd Coc ...... 2 o P4 ON IC pe a oc Joint, when a brthtiay party was charge cf Alice Arnolti. Next week manville fan tue winter. Duiilopillo front sent. 6 Wbeel, wlth trunli. Thoroughly rni tna halt ini honor of tueir son Stuant'. the meeting will be withtinawn.toi Deputy Reeve A. W. Annis la 5th binthtiay. allow as manv as possible ta attend, attentiîng Caunty Council et Ca- 135 CHEV. Master Coach ......... 415.00 '37 BUICI< 44 Seriez Coach. . .7 0 0 bourg. A value buv. Raio ndReser M-1o pa-- 4______________________ esting andi contains much infar- l efc odto.NwPit aodtoe metion.. Grade 7 anti 8 are In e c odto.Nw an.Ieodtoe ~~183RESE -neet uhades, orepes and woelu, celor- writing e ply qutltled '.,Drama 16PNIC fil oc .. U0 L Da pclCah- ful patterns aMd attractive styles. Greatly reduoed. ýNew k nel abut P ein. SPeect. l fch o' d Vae.lC>c....sso mani calleti Hollinger who>duscov-Net neaio. erc. creti a mine i Northern Ontario. -__________________________ $4.(*eachPosslbly next week we will print $4.0 ac acaeofo u play.. cl I-ring This Advt. With You . It Is Good For 5 Gallons of Gasolino on Any UsdCrB1h -Buy Sieveral at these Low Prices- day ta plant for winten blooms. We are nat too sure of tua kinda ;àAlterations Extra but we are loaklng farwardti t fodils ant ilhles whcn tuay bloom. n t r oMt r Sl s Lu Phono he ' E lyn Sfio p ar ~r ~h ~Cerner Kluag and Mary StreetsOSHA W ATepheoo Phone 59 3rp1 OUfford atones, a piano solo, as well as CaVery aur regular health Inspection. Maybe soeaof you are wonder- Ir