~tte*fu WIth Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville -News,.ïthe Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News NEWCASTLE NEWS On Page 6 O]RONO NEWS On Page 9 VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., TErgÇ , NOVEMBER 3Oth, 1939NMBR4 RED CROSSNEES ADDTIONAL AID TO REACH_$4, 000 AUough returris are icom- îleté, Bowmanville's Red Cross Caipln hai lrady paised Uic h ~fway ark adi lahopcd to reach Uic objective of $4,000 by thé end of ncxt week. Those who have not made contribution arc urgently rcqucstcd ta do so at Uic eg~lit opportunity s0 that Uic ganvass may. be completeq. Al- ready many cities and towns have reportcd campletion af their cazi- vasses wlihreceiptd f ar in'excess Cf ,Uhir objective. Sa muchl so, that Uic Canadian Nation1 ob- $dctive has nearly been rechd ytft canvass. whcre cash and zldgeswcrc rcceived for $l,000 *Wh will be supplcmcnted by lm additlonal $1,000 from Uic tiUcmeantime, Uie Work Corirlttec of Uice Bowmanvillc Ried Cross la goig right ahead with its efforts. A flrst shipinent of soldier. comforts and supplies has been shippcd and another, larger -shipinent wfll' be made early ncxt wcck, 1 tI detailing Uic sùccesa af Uic Goodyear canvass, Superinten- dent A. M. Hardy wrotc Uiatai- ready 14 Goodyear employccs have johied Uic active services, deleen heicarmy, two, hi Uic navy and one inUie air force. They are: James Geddca, Hector Gould, Albert Boustead, Wlliam Wright, A. V. Damant, J. Snowell, L. Wseman, James Kimble, R. J. !Haopcr, Richard J. Woodward, George M. Hart in the Army, Herbert Henry Hunt and Robert Davies in Uic Navy, and John Honcyman in Uic Air Force. In comnicnting on Uic. 14 cm- ployeca who arc with Uic active forces, Mr. Hardy stated: "The employccs in Uic plant who have contributed thc above amaunt, are especially intcrested in Uic welfare of Uic young men wIho have- offercd their services for Kig and Country and wc wlsh for Uicm every comfort that can a upplied ta henuntil tc ýhonorab ydlscargcd andar béekin.UictGhedeaaPlant again, which wc e wlll not be too far isat. Sveal* others have of- térdtboir services and are watt- I ¶tSOCETY PLANS POULTRY SALE A commendable venture of wide N Imortace la beingiauguratcd. by Dhba Central Agricuitural Society. Ta bring buyer and.sel-: cm tagether hin amutual and co- operative effort n "Paultry and Farin Produce Sale" la beig held at Orono Town Hall on Tueaday, Dcc. 19th, cc>mrncng at 11 n.m. Farmers, this la Uic opporbunity you have been wanting for ycars. Sa plan now bo have your Chisat- mai poultry ready for this big event. Ib la beig dvcrbised cx- bcnsiveiy toanttrmcb substantial buyems from Uiý clty ai wcll as private citizens Who> wisb ta buy Christmai poultry under ideal conditions. Kccp this event in mind- and wntch nekt wcek's Statesman for marc particulars. PUPILSDREUSWINDOWS About 17 art students ai Uic second form 11gb Scbaal, under thc supervision ai teacher Miss Marlon Wagar, undertaok quite a pmoject this wcek when bbcy dcc- orated Uic windows ai Wmlkem Stare and Uic Big- 20 and mmdc, quite a job af it. Bath poprietorà kindiy agmced ta allow bbc yaung- abers ta use any equipmenb Uicy could fid in the store and offered advisc and caunsci whemc neces- sry. They began opeations an Wednesday affenaon at Wlker's. OZZECE RElFUGBES FMND EW HOME IN DUEHAM Two new Canadians wbo arc members of a farnlly now farming near Ncwtonville are picturcd above and deplat Uic type af Czecho-Slovakian rcfugee wbo la settling on farmai Durham Caunty. The goad lookig girl is Alice limas, dreueed i a native costume which la benutiful ta behold. They cxplaincd that such costumes 'are ail made by band and take about six months to complete. She was a public scbool teacher i suthern Czecha- Slovakia prior ta Uic annexation by Gcrmany. lier brother, George, was a Lieutenant in Uic Czcch army and wai at Uic front ail ready ta fight lait year wben Uic discussions at Munich werc taklng place. :In addition tq bclng an able saldier, he la a graduate af agricultural dble~fe*d i civil 111e wai foreman of a 2,000 acre mam. Ile brlùksta Canada an up-ta-date knawlcdgc ai farming. Typical oi Uic people wha arc buying farma i Durham, memnbers afi Us famlly are alcrt, hospitable, and cager ta become good Canadian citizens. Aiter much persecution, Uiey -arc hope- fui tiat at last Uicyr have found freedom i Canada., Aie ýCulrd& and Educated Eager to be Woithy Subjects. By John M. James It is difficuit ta undcrstand Uic attitude of some supposedly broadmindcd 1Dersons, taward u new Canadian citizens, anat- tude which if -gencral would have these people watchcd and pester- cd uunmcrclfully until they would be afraid ta move. Such an attitude la espcclly difficult to understand aftcr visit- ing Uic homes in Durham County of some of these citizens who have came ta us from Eurapean lands, and after finding Uicre, familles extremely happy in their ncw surraundings, more loyal ta Can- ada and its freedam than many Anglo-Saxons, filled wi fricnd- liness and hospitality and sa ap- preciative of any acta of kindness1 Uiat anc is almoat cmbarraised. We might be able ta campre- hcnd Uic situation better if we could for a marnent imagine aur- selves ai citlzcns in Czecho-Slo- vakia, Austria or Hungary wherc our families have lived for gen- erations as peaceful farmers. Gradually aur f arris have been bufit up until wc have as many ai 2,000 acres under cultivation. District MEuh Producers Convene At Royal York Hotel on Thusday The annuel meeting ai Uic Ta- routa Milk Praducers' Association, co>nprlsing fibteen District ongan- izations, wiii be hcld ut tUic Klng Edwurd Hobel on Tbursday ncxt, Decemben 7Ui, antI ut a meeting oi Uic Milk Producers ai D'strlcb No. 2, hcld in Uic Agricuturai Representative's office, Bowman- vile, on Nov. 8Ui, Uic follawig ton delegates werc appainted ta attend Uic larger meeting i To- onta: Harvey S. Barrie, Nei Mduttan, Wm. Bickle, Stev;e Jef- frcy, Walter Rcynolds, Hilton Peters, Harold Sultan, J. H. Jase, Prof. C. B. Sissons, Howard Mil- sari. DwçT. B. Reynolds ai Durham Ca abs the distinction af being president ai the Toronto Milk rodueralAssociation, à position ta whlch ho bus been e- electod ion sevemal years i suc- ession andI ho la eligîble for Uic postio byvirtue of bie beig the ocalorgunizatlon'a ýoMfciai nomirice ta the Toronto -»oard. The local assocation on Nov. 8 again named Dr. Recynolds us lb, representative on the Toronto Bourd ai Directora. The meeting wus conducted by bn. J. H. Jose, President since Mr. A. L. Puscac's retirement frain r 1 office. Mm. Walter Recynolds oome, asec'y-trfasurex, r e aà *hc >minutes and' presentad bbc einanclekl report wbich showcd a subatantial balance on bard. Dm. Reynolds by equcat, pre- slded for thc election ai offfcena. Mr. Neil Mutan, Bowmianvilllc, was elected president; Mm. Wm. Blckle, Cantan, vice president;, and Mm. Walter Reynolds, Wel- came, secrctry-rcaiurcr. Prof. C. B. Sissons, Onano, and Mn. Ceccli'Jcffery, Maple Grave, were elected dirctora on thc executive, and Mr. Gordon Kellogg and Mr. Wm. Chestnut, Wclcome, auditans. Mr. Jas. Darlingtan af York Courity and Dr. Hodwyn ai Uic National Research Council, To- ronta, wene prescrit and spoke on thc diseuses ai animais, especiai- ly Bang's diseuse antI mastitisanurd bold wbat had been donc by thé voluntamy co-operation ai thc farmnera hIyoarn put t a kc Uic Schomberg district, North York, a Bang's diseuse froc amen. At Mn. Darlington's rcqucst thc meeting pasod 'à résolution e- comniendingthat thc goverment re-establish Uic Schomberg dis- trict as an area froc ai Bang'. diseuse or contaglous abortion, wbere buycrs ai dulry cattie could go wlth absolute assurance that their purchuses bmd no tait ai this diseuse. A. committee was namcd ta Coenthnued on page 8) One man, nw i Darllngton, managcd a 2,000 acre farm. in Czecho-Slovakia and others in Durham had 600, 700 acres and larger farrns. Weý were happy and contented iitl suddenly aur Caoty a fodd with propa- ganda rthaein Ucvilencss of al Jw n i superiorlty of Uiosc whosc familles had neyer been of Jewish faith. We cannot understand what it is ail about because for. hundrcds of ycars we have lived withaut any Uiought of anti-semitism. Wc have caten together wiUi Gentiles and en- jayed cammunity activities wiUi friençis who did not attend aur synagogues and we have Uiought nohing of it. Suddenly, because aur. religion is Jewish, we have been trcated ai scum. German soldiers came and inf lame aur neighbours against us. Our farms are takcn away from us or taxes became sa hcavy Uiat wc cannot pay Uiern, even if we arc allowed ta sell'aur produce. The men arc taken away at night and neve>, heard of, until anc day wc receive a coffin, nailed down, which la supposed ta be the body (Continued on page 8) HOLD-UP FEARED BY STORE CLERKS Archie Wood and Lawmy Cry- derman ab Cauch, Jabriston, & Crydcrman's bad quite a scare Urawn ito them carly Uiis wcek wben bbmee strange men came i. ta Uic atome and began nasing about. One stod at bbc door, a second leaned an bbc courber, whiic a Uird cngagcd Mm. Wood i conversation about a new aven- coat. Gradualiy be cdged bbc samesman toward the rear ai thc stome and Uic cash negister wli thc second man iollowing along behind him. Forbunately, Mr. Crydemman was at thc bookkecp- ing dcsk and kept bis eycs pcelcd for anything unusual. AUl ai bbc men wcrc well dressed and bbc man wbo aikcêd for Uic avercoat hmd anc on that looked ai thougb lb wus ncw. Eventuaily, they leit the store and went cait ta Mn. Chartrnn's, but by this time police had been natif led and watcbed Uiem clasely when Uicy ict there.1 No attempt wus made ut a hold-i up, but there wcrc a fcw arixiaus1 moments that wlll nat be forgot- tan for some Urne, The Hobby Show commlttee of1 the Lions Club bas campletcd ts1 season's pnize liat and ru les andj negulations for thc show ta be1 beld hi thc spig ai 1940. At thc club meeting. Monday nlg h t,i Chaimman Geo. L. Davldge ex-i plalned the progress thut had been madIe.1 I.H.S Tk;Se o Weil Program Put è ?hree Nfights To AccommI Be ig Crowd Crowds attendig Bowmanvilie High School Commencement Etx- ercises this year wcre s0 large that ta accommodate those whoé had purchascd tickets, it wai ne-' ccssary ta hold Uic performance a Uird turne, instcad af twice au planned. The original schcdulc called for' the exercises on Thursday and, Friday night, but Uic complt program, with Uic exception ai nwards, wai pcrforrncd agaiCl Monday before a third packed house. A few ycars aga, a program sucb ai wai prcsented wouid have been an impossible undertakng for Higb School studente, but.' citizens have lcarned that Uieyý cap expect much when Uicy at- tend a prescrit day commence- ment - and Uiey receivcd lb thii ycar. Ib wai a progrnm whlch forf varicty of entertaininent woul have donc credit toan professial company af artiste. To begi* wlthT Uic large orchestra welcoed* audience with its excellent music,, .*olowe babrief message fMW' Bonnycasie wbo promptly at 'S o'clock stepped through Uic cur-, tains and startcd -proéecdings. j The presentatiofti afprizes .w-asI not n draggcd out afiair, but was fitting for Uic occasion, and, MANY PROBLENS IN EVACIJATION OF LONDON CHULDRN BY bagie Clark fBen If .we are ta avoid tiresome and" aednntic repetition of these vathetic, staries ai the failure ta carry out- sucsesfully one oi the best laid schemes ever devised by men, we must sacrifice, ta a grent extent, the. loazical order of e*nts ta convenience,i and confine ourselves ta varied hap-! neninxs leading ta the unfo rtunateý situations that arase, after the great-ý er Part of tbe work wasanccom-' uphshcd.hI n ffectiniz this unsystem-, atic approach, we truist that we shalf nat ton greatly prejudiçe ou>, un- derst"aiidiofpithe rmi order of those momentous happenings, Qr alowý ourselves ta. pass aver tao tnany' crucial%matters ai profound impor- tance. In order ta explain the. course of events with conciseness and char- îty, it wiIh be nccessary,- ta dent, sometimes with a field ai work, sometimes with a izeneral "weighing up," and sometimes witb descriptans of diifficulties that frequently, and ta a gzreat extent unnecessarily, con- fronted arganizers, foster parents, teachers and children alike. Talcino for zranted te coihossal task ai canveyina the seetuingzly un- endinir "hunuan crocodiles" f rom the conscested areas of the cities of Enz- land and Scabhand ta sheltered rural districts, let us camne ta the point where the childjen werc depo.sibed in "distribution camps"' priar ta bciniz housed and homeçi. Sa f ar the exacu- atian sciteme had been a revelation - everythinz had f lowed smoothly accordinir to book - but here, per- bans it might be said, the first break occurred. The izreat sçhemc had ta becacrried aloniz by other zroups af people, wha movcd and thouirht in entirelv dii fer&nt f ashian - and this, we belie#e, was the be- oinninz ai uncertainty and ultirnate misunderstanding. Montits previously in aqnticipation af future happenings the, British izovernmcnt had sent aut aorups ai insDectors ta collect names ai re- sidents in the country districe, who were willinz ta receive fronu anc ta 50 cvacuated children. These lists bad been carefully drawn up and handcd over ta district wardens. The wardens. always efficient and active, had in their turn, passed iin thie lists ta local committees who wvere after- wards gRiven thc power ta "place" the children. At this cràcial point, much ai the idcalism ai ihe echeme went "agýey," and we might be tempted ta criticize bath the man- (Continued on Page 3) BAND CONCERT TO BE HELD SUNDAY, IN AID RED CROSS - Bowmanvillc Legion Band will make its first concert appearance 4" tasPâai o the season next Sunday night, December 3rd, at Uic Royal The- hbilhed Nfext Week atre, whcn they will present a full pragram with prooecds in aid of Uic Red Cross Fund. The annual Christmas Shop- It will be remcmbercd that last Plnt Edition of The Canadian wmnter, Uic band prescnted scv- 9tatesman willi be published ecml concerts which drew large Imext week, Dec. 7th. Mer- crowds and gave those attending chants are urged to have thehr a picture of the progrcss the band advertlslng copy I thus office bas made and Uic type af music Siot later than Monday at 6 thcy arc capable of producing 1 »-m., and carlier If possible. well. cf cannot tuarantee iser- The band hai been practising '»on of any adVertlslng recelv- faithfully for some time and be- ulaf ber that day. New ad- lieve thcy will be able ta even 41etsers should phane 663 If better'their laet year's performn- ;hey wlsh a representatIve ta ances. ÇMs1. Several assistig artiste will provide varicty and entertairiment etackly despatched sa that Uic by way of vocal and instrumental selections. The program will be- aimost famous A Cappella Chair gin sharp at 8.15 p.m. and admis- codipd quickly take its place and sian la by collection. ýpvide eies af difflcult, but Chairman will be W. R. Strike W#11 sung numbers. Many clUi- who is President aofUih loca Emfin af the town and district arc branch of Uic Red Cross Society. ~L1talking about that choral per- There la an urgent nccd for a fOtace and arc quite frnnk in Piano for Uic occasion and if any- .1ting that if their chlldren anc hai such an instrument avail- loimned nothing cisc at thc school, able, J. H. Abemnthy la Uic man '1-" choir wa rk would make at- ta contact. tettdance there worth whilc. The band plans ta give Uic fol- Uicg tecvcning, the pro- lowing, program: "O Canada",E was varicd with colorful march "Tenth Reginient", over-r eswhicb must have taken turc '<Lustspeil", selection "Ham-c rs af training ta produoe. The town Minstrels", march "'The Ma-E tch Dance brought ta bbc stage pic City", selection "'Bobemiant ýroue in pacturesque costumes Girl", idyl "The Glow Worm",c 'of old Holland, who with grace- waltz selectian "Blue DanubeE iâý smootb stcps wcnb through an Waltzcs", march "The Commnand-8 iruua aum wtou futer",bhymn sclccted, and God Saver ~ZI% 'girls wcrc Mary Wilkins, thc King. ~once Kimble, Ruth Cryder- As Uic entime procccds will bc ,pM~n, Noma Fagan, Barbara Rcb- turncd aver ta UicelRed Cross caf-t tId* and Jean lice. The modern fers, citizens arc aiked flot onlya ce ws o a uch.chagedto came out and hear aur fines cewamo fta mub angcstle and, but ta contribute gencrous- c, ardcatr balletostyle ly wbcn Uiey pas Uiccollection ~~as termmd a study in mave- plate. jit and Patricia Emmett, Liur- *a~Slccp, Patricia Dustan anid SAT us OMN IryEmniett wcre Uic dancers. SNACASCIN Uic scene wai altercd con- ably for a third danice Inter Thcrc la everi' inàication that .thiepr>rm caled Uic Shadow good aid Santa Claus wiil becamoi- ceb*performers Margaret mng ta Bowmanvilc na wcck from we oax, Georgina Gib- Saturdny (Dec. MU) and will looper, Shirley Chal.. bring with hlmi a great assortinentà Wil- of candies and takens for kciddies Hele -Snierfoid.pour 0>1 the towfl and district.Dtai Ôuîi~stérh wcre d -'é1ae t the W j~~h4~~I whité fibac rmulg hlc have not been coîpIeted ta ddte,' but will bc pu4l>ished i our nexti <Continued on page 6) issue. t minimster Finds Warning to Canada ln Background of European 'Es' fb- An appeal for action in making 1Uth people ai Canada bappy, con- tented and unitcd so that none ai the tbrec "lama", nom any other "iarn", could make inmaads in this country, wai given by 1ev. W. P. Rogers in an cnlightcnlng and impressive addrcss at Rotary Club Fnlday noan. Mr. Rogers oublincd Uic history ai Nuzism, Communism, and Fus- diam, told what. brougbt them about and aiked ifthbc anme con- ditions which preceded their es- tabliabhment were not prescrit in Canada. The worid bai neyer scen sucb regîrnentation and ensiavement ai peopîca asitlb ai in Uic pait fcw ycars, he began. Twenty-two ycars mgo Uic Bol- sbcvlk movement deveiaped i lussin in thc intemests ai the pro- ictariat, wbose only capital wai bis children. lb promiscd bbat in a short time, lussia would domin- ate UiehIndustrial worid and thus bbc adoption af bbc "fivc-ycar plan" came about, Uic destruction ai the Royal family and bbc adop- tion af Marxian Communism as a meuns ta that end. That le stili, bbc political, social and cconomic systcm In lussia. Russia is de- finitcly anti-capital with propcrby absorbed by thcebate for thc use ofal li. b aanti-royaliet and anti- religiaus. lb bai notbing in cern- mon wihCbristianity. By 1919, lb bad spread ta Italyà Northein Ontario's Highlights Outlinedat Duham Club Meeting Durham County Club ai To- onta met ut Sherboumne Hause, 439 Sherbourne Street, on Thurs- day evcning, November 23rd. The members andt inrds wore Uic guoste ai Mra. John Squam, wlfe ai the lute Professon John Squmir ai Uic French Departnient ai thc University, und ai hàm taugbtcr and son-in-law, Mn. andI Mrs. Huriber. tI bis address af, welcomxe - the president, Dr. L. 'B. Wilas drcw thc attention of the Club ta the icreasod membership whlcb was evinced ln Uic unusumlly large number pregient. Dr. Williams cuiled upon Dm. Frank C. Trebllcock, friend ai Uic late Prof. Squalm, ta express Uic great estocin which members ai Uic Club icît for thc proiesson and misa their upprociablon af Uic gra- clous bosplbaliby oLt Mra. Squair andI hon ailiy. Dr. Trcbllcock cmiphasized Prof. Squmlr's whlm- sîcal erse of humour. Among ather Instances be rcfcrred ta Uic occasion ai Uic banging ai Prof. Squuir's pictùre in Uic "raund" moom of University College wlien bbe professor joculariy qucnicd: "Do you Uink yau abouid bang a squame pictune in a round oom?" Some ycars ugo Prof. Squp&r wai Uic oniy Englishman ta sbeak in French ut Uic meeting ai the Banne Entente Club ut Biahopa' Collego, Lawrencevillc. Tht isb lb hd thcspeciic purpose ai. promotig iniendly relations between Ontario andI Qucbec. 0f specJli gnificance ta Durham Club members and ta those stil ,lInheicCaunty la, bowever, Joh Squalr's book, "The Town- ships ai Darliqiton and Clarke," a roui labour ai love on Uic part ai Uic professor. On Uic tamb- atone ai one, Grenville, i'St. Mary's, Warwick, is an inscrip- tion: "Servant ta Queen Elizabeth, coundillor ta King James, friend ai Sir Pbllp Sidney." To have lb 1 Oontinued on pee ) and wai spmcading rapidly when Mussolini, then n newspaper edi- bar, became alarmcd and arganiz- cd bis Faicisti tafiIgbb againsb lb. Ris battle cxbendcd inta Spain and even ta China ançi by 1922 Faicismi became Uic National politic-t party wiUi 100,000 black shirts marchig on lame and ai- ber proclaiming Uceir ioyalty ta King Victar Emmanuel, Uiey de- manded contrai ai Uic govern- ment. They promiacd m-estab- iisbmcnt ai Uic Italian Empire <Contlnued on page 4) ARN IN SLING US BAD FOR BUSINESS Ernest Lurn,' groccmy store owncm, bai nancmm aill ed up this week due ta an infection wbicb ccntrcd in bis elbow and bai disablcd Uic entire mmm. Wc hope that be wiil soon be well, because there la plcnty ai Christ- mai work ta be donc and anc mmm is nat so gaod for answcming thc pbone and writing orders at thc came bime. BADMINTON CLUB HOIPDS FINALS Ncxt Wcdncsday, Bowmanvillc Badminton Club will hold Uich fin- als af thc handicap taumnarnent land ai a special icature bai been fartunate in abtaining thc ser- vices ai lad Phelan, Dominion Singles Champion, Ho wlanu Smith, Toronto and District Dou bles Champion, Jack Staney, Qn- tario Singles Champ, and Jim Snyder, Dominion Doubles Champ. They will give.demon- strations ai thc proper technique of Uic game and wli pub on an exhibition ta show Uic local play- era just bow lb sbould be donc. OIRONO FARWMHAND QETS'SIX MONTHS A. H. Hoffman, Orano farm- band, wai aentenced ta six montha hic hefourty Juil ut Cobourg when be ppearcd befone Magis- tubte F. S. Ebb i police court an Monday, ta answen a charge un- dem bbc Doience ai Canada legu- lations. Wbilc awaiting trial, ho bud staged an unsuccesaful hun- gem struinhieicjuil, but bad fina]iy auccumnbed ta thc pangs ai hunger and outen n few sand- wiches. l.C.M.P. C. Lockwood, Cobourg, who prosecuted. stated that lioffman was accusod ai maklng statemnents which mldght cause disaffection bowards lis Mujesty. lb wus laid that be prascd Hibler. Seidom hai such an mnbcresig address on an historical subject been presented at Lions Club ai that.which was given on Monday Irish by birth, Ivm. Smyth for thc pait few ycnms bas been anc of Uic grcntesb students aifIrish history in Uic province and neyer seems ta tire himsclf or bis listen- crs by addrcssing Uicm on Uic subjcb. For a wblle, bis balis presented details ofaintrip he took to frciand, but now, he bai chang- ed and la dealing with Uic politi- cal bistory af Uic country. Sa wombhwhile wai bis addrcss at Lions that wc rcfused ta pub- iish Uic little that cauld be con- bained in a news story, but after much plcading, persuadcd Uic speaker ta write out a copy 50 that wc mlght; prescrit it in ful for aur meaders, many af whom, we feci certain know ai littlc about Irish hist4ry ai wc did. Due ta a necessary conservation ai space this wcek Uic article will be publishcd in full in aur ncxt issue. We earncstly advise hisbory students ta rend lb Uionaughly. Lions Club had a most intercsb- ing meeting due ta reports ai committees. Chairman Joc O'Neill announccd that he hnd sampies of belts and suspenders wbicb hnd been made by a local waman wbo, had bast ber sigbt and that arders would be taken fram members wbo, wisbed ta obtain ncw "trou- ser-haider-uppers". He had littie trouble in obtaining orders sufil- cient ta kccp this lady in work Durham County Girl Oratoe Wius CovetedHonors in District Contest will probably foUlow. Wbab waa so interesting wai Uic quality af thc workmansbip on Uic producta, membema aioUic lub t alz that the: bad played a part in heiping anc persan ta become an aiset ta ber- home and ta cstab- lish hem independence. Other reports sbowed that sight wark wai being carried on ex- tensively and that assistance was being given nat only ta childrcn, but misa ta adulte, that clothes, wcre beig provlded for needy familles, safety book covers have been distributed, a hobby show for next spig la aiready organiz- cd, donations have been pravldcd for community work, and that Uie program oommittec bai ite meet- ings arganizcd fram naw until ncxt suriner. The reporte wcrc mosb gratfyig and showed cîcar- ly that Uic' club was far from in- active. Enterbannent ai Uic evening was providcd by Gea. L. Davidge, club pianlat, wbo rcndered two vocal solos wlihStanley Rickard as accompanisb. President D. Alex McGrcgar was in charge, but later turncd thc pragram over ta Vice Presi- dent T. M. Chant who heard Uic balance af Uic reparte and askcd E. W. Crawford ta introduce tbc speaker, Rev. SmyUi, ta Uic club. Joc O'Neill mavcd Uic vote ai Uianks ta Uic speaker. Orono Red Cross have so fer Betty Smales, 12 year aid stu- dent af Bradlcy's School, Darlig- tanTownship, wai dcclared wi- ner ai Uie district oatorical, con- test bcld et Brighttan Fniday âitht. She gave a descriptive talk on tbc manufacture ai paper aimilar ta bbc speech she delivered recenbly at Orono whcn bbc Durbam Caun- ty finals wcrc held. She carncd thc righbta oenter Uic district con- Lest at Brighton by winning Uic Orano cantest. Second place was won by Don- nld Baxter ai Coibonne, repre- s e nt ing Northumberland, and third prize by Louise Weavcr ai Allen Schooi, lodden Township, reprcsenblng Belleville district. The Northumberland Trustees' and Rutepayers' Association cup went totaheiimat pmlzc winner, prescnted b7y Dr. L. B. Willrns, president of the Toronto Durham Club. The Fraser cup went ta Donald Baxter, bbe presentation beig made by R. Dawson, presi- dent af Uic Northumiberland Trus- tees' antI latepayqrs' Association. The Carr cup wenbtat Louise Weaver and was prescnted by Harold Woods of Campbelliord. The points ttallcd for each contestant were vcry close. Misa Sinaica bld the hlstary ai paper from 100 B.C., which nddress wus publiched i fuli lait wpek's Statesmnan. Donald Baxter spoke an th ife ic aitiler. Louise Wea- ver spoke on modemn farmlng. BR. Romof a Brighton wa chair- IMPROVES STORE WITH OWN IDEAS One ai thc ublest store proprie- tors ai thc tawn la A. K. Chitty af Walkcr Stares who combines bis managenlul efforts with a fondness for carpentry, painting and itricate dcslgnlng. Aimost evory wcok custamens cai sec sometbing new cither hi thc win- dows or n he cintenriUith store whlch eflect bis abllity. -A couple ai bis Christmnaifeatures iclude n Dollar Section ut thc rear ai thc store and a Hankie boobb, boUi ai wbich areilumin- abed andI draw your attention. This week bis windows featumcd two mrraws pointing taward the iterlor ai thc store, wlbb Inscrip- tion wblch uuggcsbed that there was only anc wmy ta Christmas shopping andI that wus bhraugh thc Waiker Store door whcre qumllty good amwmlbcd. man, and uddresses were given by R. Dawson, A. A. Martin, lan Mc- LeotI, Russell Osborne and othons. Contributars ta Uic musical pro- gram werc a quartette afilghtan ladies composed ai Mrs. G. Solo- mon, Miss B. Solomon, Mrs. J. Anderson andI Misa L. Adams; Clair Wright,. voauit; Lawaon Settlement Scbool Chorus; Misa Betty Bruce, violinuat; and Ruth Qulck, pianlat. . 1 L - - 1, U- v b ti s c S' 0 e e Nfine Candidates fer Couucil Mlayor,RIeeveDeputy-Reeve Re-elected by Acclamation VALEDICTORIAK Mayor R. 0. Jones, Reeve G. A. .Edmondstone and Deputy-Reevc C. G. Morris were returncd ta - office this wcek when no ane cise qualified for the positions. Coun- cil faces an clection with nine men running to fMI six seats, and the newly formcd Board of. Edu- cation goes i by acclamatkhi, consisting of two of last year's High School Board members, * threc from the Public School Board, and two men who have not held civic office here belore. Mayor Joncs camne closc ta causing another nomination meet- mg whcn he falcd to appear at Sthe qualifying office until only a Sfew seconds remained ta closing trne. Councillors who had plcdg- cd themselves to run again this ycar i vicw of thc salary bylaw were quite obviously worried over their mayor's absence and werc undccided if thcy would stand for clection unless he join- cd thcm. Relief was apparent whcn thc Mayor rushcd imb Utc Russell Short room at thc last minute and sign- Son of Mr. and Mrs. Blakc Short, cd thc qualifying papers. Hie stat- c d that he had been invcstlgating Port Bowmanvillc, who establish- some statements which had been ed an enviable record at Bow- made against coundil and had manville High School this ycar by found thcm to be without founda- obtainmng first class honors on tion. cvcry subjcct he tried. His record Those 'who qualMfld for coun- Uiroughout Uic school is a storY cil include al of last ycar's coun- of high marks, although he also cil, W. J. Chala, B. B. Furber, entcrcd imto sports and other J. H. Abcrnethy, Sidney Little, scholaitic activities. At Com- Gea. B. Bickle, Jno. A. Gunn, and mencement exercises lait week he thrce ncw men, Wm. J. Bagneil, gave Uic valedictory address ini E. C. Evans and Chai. D. Searle. an able manner. Russel haiscen- Four more had been nomlnated tered Jury & Lovcll's Drug Store at Uic meeting Monday, includlng ai an apprentice. Due ta lack of C. G. Morris, W. J. Martyn, W. L space, full text of his address wfll be published ncxt wcck. <CoflttiuOd on Page 7) StoryF*lreland's 3, Parliamet Mlaies Interesting Addr.s at Lion,