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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1939, p. 7

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~~*r- Mirs. V. A. Edger visited in Toronto with friends. MrE Wm. Cully is visiting her dsughter, Mrs. W. Watsan, Ham- ilton. Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Ta- -ronto, visited his sister, Miss B. (H. Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Lapp, Brackville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Joncs, Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller last weekend. MissHelen Masan, Ottawa, was home aver the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason. WHIT ING'$ nVFSE & CHIPSU W£ DEUlVER FIEE f'rom 11 a.m.toilp.m 4 pm to630 pm. 8 p.m. ta il p.m. PLEASE ORDER EARLY Single Orders l5c - 2 for 25e Party Orders, 5 or more, 10e per order. Our supplies are freshly cooked te your taste. You eau buy with confidence. Café Open il a.m. tW 12 p.m, r4eet Your Friends Here Nexit t te Bowman House BOWMANVELLE Phone 596 SOCIAL AND PERSON.L. PHNE663 IMr. and Mrs. James -Bennett, Part Hope, spent Sunçlay with h ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bel]. Mr. T. Wesley Cawkcr has been running his Orona shop this week awing ta the illness af Charles Shaw. ttMr. F. W. Murreil is in Vic- toria Memorial Hospital, Toronto, where hie underwent an operation an his eyes. Mrs. John Bartan, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton and fam- ily, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and sMrs. Russel Barton, Uxbridgc. r Mrs.'J. B. E. Staples, Mrs. C. LH. Haddy and son Jack, Toronto, visited here Friday night and at- tcnded 'the High School Com- mencement. Corbett's Bakery, awned and operated for the past 18 years by W. P. Corbett, voluntarily closed its doors Tuesday night and went out of business. Dr. Raymond Rogers and Mrs. Rogers, New York, spent their Thanksgiving holiday wîth his parents, Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Ro- gers,1 Centre St. Miss Harriet Bartlett, Dr. and Mrs. Gea. S. Patterson, Mrs. Fred Bartlett and Rasemary, Toronto, were weekend gucsts af Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Mrs. Sarah Jane Coucli, 73, widow of the late Rev. Isaac Couch, died Nov. 25, at Toronto Gencral *hospital. Her husband was a native of. Darlington Town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Calver, Ralph, Eleanor and Marjorie, and Uncle Harry Robinson motorcd aver from Rochester, N.Y., aver the U. S. Thanksgiving holiday ta visit Mrs. George Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller, Miss Joyce Early, Mrs. James Early and Mrs. John Fenston, Toronto, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway and attended the funeral of the late Rager Fish- leigh. Rev. W. A. Bunner informs us that Rev. Fred W. Crowle, age 83, who died in Hamilton Nov. 25th, is a son af Dr. Edward Crawle wha was principal of the Union IF_ School here back in the 70S and early 80s. 121/2 e 29C 23e Ilc 23e 19e 22e 2sc lSc loc 25e Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ail stores in Bowmanville will remain open Wednesday aiter- noons nexi week and fallawing weeks until Cliristmas. f Next Sunday morning Rev. Merrill Ferguson will preacl inl St. Paul's United Church and at the Sunday Schaol will show sldes ai sclenes in Africa. Mr. George Thampsan, Brook- lin, annaunces Uic engagement ai lis daughter, Edna May, ta Robert Orr Vcnning, son ai Uic late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Venning ai Black- stock. The marriage ta take place in December. Mrs. W. L. Law, Albert Street, Oshawa, wlio observed her eigh- tictl i brthday last week, was hon- ored by some aoflier Oshawa fr1- ends an Saturday night who ar- rangcd a social evening at her home. Don't forget the St. John Am- bulance Corps training course which opens to-night ai Uie Town Hall under direction ai Dr. H. B. Rundle. Anyone interested la able ta take the course for payment ai a nominal ice. Mr. and Mrs.. B. Furber, Baw- manville, Mrs. H. Wttan and Wilma, and Mr. Bert Ferguson, Enniskiflen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Burkcton,i wcre Sunday guests ai Mrs. Elias Strutt, Tyrone. Mr. Whiting ai thc Fish and Chip Shop ai the West End* 15 enjoying s0 much business that lie bas decided ta operate a de- livery system. Thase who have sampled his "Old Engliali" pro- ducts dlaim Uiey arceliard ta beat. Miss Myrtle Audrey Lamb, Bowmanvîlle, is amang Uic list ai nurses ta receive a certificate in Public Healtli Nursing ai Uic University ai Toronto School ai Nursing graduation exercises at Convocation Hall to-mor r ow night.. Misses Barbara Stakes, Janet Montgomery-Moore and Ru th James, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, came down Friday ta at- tend Uic B.H.S. Commnenc'ement Exercises and Entertaiament and spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Messrs. Paddy and Raymond Welsh and Leonard Somerscales were in Toronto Thursday night wlien Uic Cheeria Club under Uic capable direction ai Mis. Elcanor' Durno prescnted a variety pro- gramn ai the Coliseum for Uic members ai thc Air Farce and Engincers stationed ai Exhibition Park. Dont forget that in Uic pleasure yau receive from Uic perusal ai The Statestnlan ecd week that it casta a lot ai money ta publish this paper-and thai your $2.00 paid promptly in advance. helpa a whale lot in keeping things runnmng smoothly. Sa loak ai Uic lile yellow label and sec how yaur subacription stands.' Lasi Wednesday evening, re- presentatives froin service clubs in Oshiawa, Whitby andi Port Hope met with those fromn local clubs for the purpose aifarming a ser- vice club council ta assistinl war efforts, sucli as supplying forces in training in this locality with cornions and suitable entertain- ment. The secretaries ai Uic clubs will, form the council and will wai'k tagether. Thougli W. J. (Biji) Bagnellisl quite busy these days witli Uic forth-coming election, lie saya lie stii lias time ta show customers Uic fine quaiity ai Rogers, DeFar- est or Stramberg-Carlson radios. Travellers say that Bill keepa lis stock radias in better condition than any mercliant thcy ever ran into. We found oui juat haw par- ticular lie was this week when we happened ta set a paper an top ai onc and received a acold- ing. Bill Uinks a lot ai lis radias, mamnly because lie knaws Uiey are good. .During Uic month af December anly, Uic Post Office wiil be open an Wednesday aiternoan. Poat- master C. B. .Kent and lis staff are gaing ta considerable effort ta specd up Uic sale ai siampa and willlconveri Uic office ai Uic leit as you enter Uic front door, inta a stamp bureau. No stamps will be sold ai Uic Package wicket and those wlio came ta the office wlthout their keys may Urough necessity receive -a palie refusai if iliey wish their boxes opened. The staff ask for tlie coaperatian ai thc public in mailing parcels and greetinga early. Additianal liclp will be taken on for the Christmas rush. On Tuesday, Nov. 2lst, mcm- bers ai Beehive Rebekali Ladge were lionored with a visit fram Mis. Betty Dundas, London, Vice President ai Uic Rebekali Assem- bly ai Ontario. In Uic aiternaon a Sdhool ai Instruction was held with Uic lodges in Uiis district taking part under Uic leadership ai Mrs. W. Hackney, District De- puty President. A banquet was scrved ai 6 a'clock wlien about sixty werc present, including visi- tors from Whiby and Oshawa lodges. At the ladgc session in the cvcning twa candidates wcre in- latcd by Uic degree ieam aof Baw- manvile' lodge. Refre hinme nts8 wcrc servcd ai ilie close. C.G.1.Tr. NEWS C. G. I. T. meeting was licld in Uic Trinity Churdli on Nov. 22nd. Aiter a bni business pcniad in individual groupa, Uicy asscmblcd tagether for Uic remaining pari ai Uic evcning. President Ada Dusenbury prcsidcd aven Uic busi- ness meeting with Uic aid of Sec- reiary Joyce Richards. M isa s Robbs' group, Uic "Semper Fl- delis" had charge ai Uic deva- iipnal service. Fallowing Uic cal te worship by Elsie Geddes, Uic scriptune lesson was rcad by Eve- lyn Woodward. Eunice Jackman and Lais Burgess rcad Uic third cliapter ai Uic study book, "Tales oi India.'" Thc exciting talc was callcd "Fighting for Health." There wene several readinga by Evelyn Woodward, Elsie Geddcs and Louise Hircock. A sang and a gaine wcrc led by Jean Caci- rane and Muriel McDanald. Miss Habbs led a slng-song and taps cnded Uic meeting. ELECTORS ATTENTION! Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce will have cars avallable on Monday for citi- zens who wlsh to be driven to the polis to vote for Town Councilors. PHONE 589 stating when ani where you wish a car to cali to go to vote. The Chamber of Commerce wish it distlnctly understood, that as a body, they are not supporting any Idividual candidates, but are Interested' in gettlng the people out to vote. This advt. la Inserted and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. E. P. Bradt and f amily wish ta express their heartfelt thanks to their friends and neigh- bars for their mnany kind expres- sions of sympathy during their recent bereavemnent. Haydon Recent Visitors: M,. and M,,. Bill Dobson, Toronto, witbl Mr. John Wright. .. Mr. Douglas Fontaine, Miss Ruthi McNeil, Toranto, witli Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil. .. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hall, Clinton and Beryl, Mrs. Harrv Campbell, Oshawa, 3yith Mrs. D. Grahami. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Waollinus, Mr. and Mrs.- Wm. Lumbers, Toronta, with Mr,. and Mrs. Henry Ashton. .. Mr. Bill Louis, Miss Lamna Thonipson, Toroýnto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thommosn.-' Mr. Ben Haiglit, Solina, with Mn. and Mrs. T. Cowling... Mr. and Mrs. Will Maf fat, Orono, witli Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountioy.. . Mrs. H. Werrv witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Or- miston. Enniskillen.. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham and family with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashion, Burketon. - . Mr. and Mrs. . Sanderson, Mr. Rchard Sanderson nd Mrs. Phillins with Mr. and Mrs. Will Sanderson, Janetville. ..Mr. M. Slemon, Lloyd and Gar- don, Mrs. R. Slemon with Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Bawmanville. .. Mr. Aithur Beech with Mr. and r, Austin' Larmer, Burketon. Congratulations ta Mr. Frank Carter and his bride, nec Viola Bradburn, on'their marriage. AGCIFI FOR TOUR- h SELF NEW BEAUTY! Treat Yourselff'- Relax aud Be Lovely at Christmsas Voulve been thinklng about gift for everyone aise - now, 140W about yourself? You want ta look your boit during Christ. mas, so why flot came in for a permanent? SPECIALS FOR TUE MONTU 0F >ECEMBER 10.00 7.50 550 on Permanents on Permanents onl Permanents 5.00 3.50 Is50 ]Phone BMS. HOWARD BICKLE ESTELLE Beau:? Liberty St. - Bowmanville At The 1131020"'1 Theres reai picasure iu being able to get Juht the right gift at thc right price. Our stock of Chriutmas mercbandise is larger than ever before, Including China and Glaaaware Books and Statiouery NJoturus and Mottoea Dolls andIDameus Handkerobiefs and J4nenu ChIristmDas Ords Calendars and Gift Wrappings We Invite you to visit aur store and sec for yourscit. J. W. JoweII Phone 556 Bowmauvile ELECTIONCARDS To the Electars: Having served as a Cauncillar for the past two years I have again consented ta offer my ser- vice for the coming ycar and salicit your vote and influence. J. H. Abernethy. Ladies and Gentlemen: After having been in business in Bowmanville for the past 30 years and being interested in thc wclfare ai thc tawn, I have affer- cd my services as a candidate for Town Council and solicit your vote at the election on Monday. W. J. Bagncîl. Ta the Electars oi Bowmanvile: I salicit your vating influence on my behaîf on Dec. 4th for the office af Councillor. Having had six years' experience on the coun- cil, 1 feel I am well qualified ta serve the tawn's bcst interest. 1Wishing yau the compliments ai the season, I remain Sincerely, Sidney Little. Ladies and Gentlemen: Having consented ta my name being placed on the ballot for Uic year 1940, 1 bcg ta assure you that if elected I will serve you canscientiously and will exercise my best judgment and reasan in dealing with your affairs. I trust, ladies and gentlemen, that you will consider me warthy ai your *support. Yours faithiully, Evan (Wallie) Evans. Ladies and Gentlemen: During Uic past twa years it lias been my privilege and lionor- ta be a member ai Bowmanville's Town Council. I feel iliat caun- cils, during tliat tîme, have iunc- tioned, with sincerity and in Uic besi interest oi the town and uts ratepayers. Taxes have been lowered considerably, although there lias been no neglect ai town improvements. In view ai efforts whicli we have undertaken but have not completed, I have again aflawed my namne ta stand as a candidate this ycar. If clccted, I shail endeavour ta continue work- lng with Uic purpose in mind ai making Bowmanville a better place in whicli ta live. Geo. B. Bickle. To thc Citizens ai Uic Town ai Bowmanvillc: 'Maving offered my services as Councillor for anather termi, I promise if elected ta introduce and support such measures as I am convinced arc for Uic better- ment ai the mai arity ai the ciii- zens, sucli as tax neduction, and improvemeni ai roada and streets i the outskirts ai Uic town. I arnm not and neyer have been ia favor ai cutting salaries, acîthen am I in favor ai bonuses being given salari les.Ifyu ecefit tg argec aeyueefivinglrge me ai Uic coming electian I pro- miseyu I shahl stand iirmly for that which is for Uic gaod ai Uic pi(blic. I Uiank yau. Wmn. J. Cliallia. NOMINATIONS (Continiued from page 1) Elliait and W. H. Carruthens, but Uiey iailed ta qualify. Fan Board ai Education, anly seven qualificd oui ai 16 nomin- aied. Those wha will be in charge ai Uic higliand public achoal op- erations for nexi year are: Dr. G. C. Bonnycasile and A. M. Har- dy fromn the 1939 Higli Schaol Board, W. A. Edger, Fred H. Cry- derman and H. L. Goddard framn Uic Public School Board, and Rcv. W. F. Banisten and W. L. Pater- son. Othens who were nomninated worc: W. P. Carbeit, R. J. Dilling, F. Knox, T. W. Cawker, Dr. J. C. Dcviii, M. G. V. Gauld, Rev. H. Foley, F. C. Vanstane and J. J. Brown. W. Ross Strîke was given an acclamation as Public Utilities Conixissionen. Unfortunaicly, space is preciaus this weck sa we have been forccd ta do away with Uic speeches those who were nomma- atcd for positions on council and board ai education. It might be weli ta give a bni histoi!y af the new candidates in orden that clectors may know who Uiey are and what Uiey do. Aiter two years in office, Uic 1939 coun- cil needs no introduction. W. J. Bagncîl, better knowa as "Bill'", 15 praprictor ai the con- fectioncny store ai Uic west end ai thc town. Hie alsa sels radias as a sideline. Buili as lived liene al aifh hi e, excepi for hunting trips for whidli le lias an affinity, but when lie said ai nomination meeting thai lie liad lived liene for 70 ycars, it was a light exag- geratian. Heie la amember ai Uic Lions Club. Evan C. Evans, as sucli, may be unknown here but whdn you men- tion "Waily" Evans, recognition is immediately apparent. Hec las been a valued Bowmanville Foun- dry employee for a number ai ycars, served overacas in Uic Great War, plays in Uic Legion Band mnd St. Johin's S. S. orches- tra, and lives an Carlisle Avenue. Charlcs D. Searler is a depari- ment manager ai .the Goodyear. lic came ta Bowmanville nearly 15 ycars ago and lias always taken an active part in local affaira. He is a memben ai Uic interclub coam- miitee ai the Lions Club and a former secretary. Duiing the pasi year lic las been ane oi Uie mca wonking on a acheme ta provide yaung peopha's organizatians in town wi a permanent place for meetings mnd necreation. He re- ccntly puncliased the Manning propcnty on Concession street and lias camplctcly nemodcllcd it. It might be mcntioned that al.thre ai these mca arc prapcnty awners. Complete nominations were as follows: For Mayonr R. O. Joncs and W. F. Ward. For Reeve- G. Alex Edmond- atone, acclamation. For Deputy Reeve - W. H. Car- ruthers, C. G. Morris, W. L. El- liott. For Council - W. J. Challis, B. B. Furber, J. H. Abcrnethy, Evan C. Evans, Sidney Little, Gea. B.. Bickle, C. G. Morris, W. J. Bag- neil, Jno. A. Gunn, W. J. Martyn, W. L. Elliatt, W. H. Carruthers, Chas. D. Searle. For Board ai Education - Dr. Q. C. Bonnycastle, W. A. Edger, W. P. Corbett, Ray J. Dilling, Fred Knox, T. W. Cawker, W. L. Paterson, Dr. J. C. Devitt, J. J.* Brown, Rev. W. F. Banister, H. L. Goddard, M. G. V. Gould, F. C. Vanstone, Rcv. H. Foley, A. M. Hardy, Fred Cryderman. Public Utilities Commissianer- W. Ross Strike, acclamation. Brown's The Red Cross Committec ai Brown's Section met at Mrs. Freeman Eddy's Nov. 22nd. Com- mittcc decîded ta have a card party ta raise funds. Mrs. Walter Farrow, Mrs. C. Turner and Miss Audrey Webber were ane com- mittee named, and Miss Jean Perrin, Mrs. R. Graham and Mrs. J. Brown the other anc for the prizes, cards and card tables, etc., and anc for the lunch. Mrs. J. Brown invited the committee ta meet at her home for a quilting bec on Dec. lst. Mrs. Eddy served a mucli enjoyed lunch. Visitors: Several ai the ladies af this section attcndcd a tea at Mrs. Gea. Honey's. .. Mrs. J. Hil- liard, Mr. Gea. Stephenson and Bobby in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham with Mr. and Mrs. B. Crossley, Cowanville. .. Mr. Ar- chie Morley, Haliburton, with Mr. Bill Morley . .. Miss Hazel Brown in Toronto . .. Mrs. R. Branch and Russcll*with lier sister n Toronto. ..Misses Audrey and Fern Web- ber, Mr. F. Wcbber and Billy at PAGE SEVEN IýeO LIFTM DULOVA "$Dean"p $24.73 la levais.. Smart nev styl. ing . . . curv.d to fit the wrist. BULOUV "Lorma" $29.75 Ne.w heauty of designi 17 j.v- eh. Accuratel An unexcelled value. DIJLOU OLOUV "Mass Amrlu"' "Wlm'stou $337.5 $29.75 Sturdyl A Dainty, modern vatch unequal- .unerring 17 led for value. levai Bulova Faisais 15 1ev- movement. Ex- el Bulova ceptional value. inovement. Mair's-Jewelry. Phone 463 Bowvlc u. ~~mumsimiuom Enniskillen. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ton Farrow with Mr. and Mrs. Coucli witli Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fred Neabiti, Newtanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham, Mrs. J. Woodliam, Toronto. . . Mr. and Brown and Mr. A. Brown with Mrs. Chas. Osborne and family, Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. Bill Ebenezer, Misses Joan Reid and Morley. Ellen Alldred, Oshiawa, Mr. and _________ Mrs. Jack Turner and family, Crooked 'Creek, with Mr. and Now is Uic time ta renew yaur Mrs. C. Turner. .. Mrs. Welling- subacription. CHRISIMAS v New SILK r NECKW EAR i 50C Patterns lie'd choose himself, in Tics made from silks which us- ually go into the mak- ing of mucli higher i. priccd lunes. Attrac- _*&k tively' baxed for Christmas. FOR MEN GIFT SCARVES These light-weiglit Reef er______ Mufflers af Spun Rayon are in .0 exclusive patterns will appeal ______ ta many a masculine eye. EXTRA SPECIAL cmr, HOSE 75c FuHil Fahioned 2 Pair - - - $1.25 Evcry pair First Quality Real Silk in the papular Walking Sheer Weight. Four smnart shades.. Roselite . . Apres Midi. . Holiday.. Hawaii. Think haw your friends wauld love these as giits, and don'tfarget a few pairs for yourself. FESTIVAL' N« ( Menla Smart WOOL HOSE F soc Pair You can't make a mis- take an these. Pat- Sterns careiully select- cd ta suit the taste of bath aider and young- er men. Smartly de- ,Éigned with dlocks, stripes, checks or plaids. Sizes 10 ta 11%. MEN~S English Flannelette Pyjamas Any Man's Git - these mas- culine Engliali Flannelette Py- jamas, generously cut, and superbly tailored in the notcli- cd collar, button front style $1 .98 evcry man likes. Contrasting _____ plain color Collar and Cuifs. Sizes: B, C and D. JACQUARD VELOUR Bed Jackets $1.00 Dainty iemunc-laok- ing garments taste- contrasting color cm- broidered edgc and ribbon tic. S oit as fleecy waol. Chic as any anc could wish efor. Colors: White, Pink, Blue. Medium size. Shop during our 'Christmas festival' Nov. 3Oth te Dec. Oth inclusive leisurely andi comfort, thuâ avoiding the rush and bustle of last minute Holiday Buying. Watch for our large circuler in the mail thia week. 'WALKER STORES, fjMITBD King fit., ]Bowmanvile Phone MI1 THURSDAY,.NOVEMBER 30TEZ 1939 NOVEMBER 30TH TO DECEMBER 9TH GET YOUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES NDW From Lunn's Grooery Lemon or Orange Peel................... .1-b. Re-cleaued Crants ................... 2 lbs. New Cooking Figs.............. 2 lbs. Gxlaeed Cherries................. 1-4 lb. Walnuts................... 1/2lb. 'Catelli Spaghetti, 1I"as............. 2 tins White Iloney .... 4-lb. tin 39C- 2-lb. tin ~Ioiled Oats.,.................... 5 Iba. Creams ................... per lb. Lynn Valley Dessert Pears ................ tin Kraft Cheese...................... lb- e *LUNN GROVER Order Baker y Items Early Avold Last Minute DIsaPpolntmnefts! Many af aur regular customerl came uin Uiheday before Christmas lut year and expected te bu>' anything Uic>' waated. Thcy were dlsappointed. Wc mat sut fMI ordora whcn we do not know hqw many we wHIflnced -, so it la aur advlce te you that you order carl>' and bc sure! We specialize nCristmas Cake and Pudding *eclal Baklng Orders for AUl Occasions Daily variety of Cookies, Cream GOOda, Doughnuto, Cakes, Pies, Buns, Rollo, Pastry, Etc. Let us MIl your needi. Drop i for lunch when you're uptown shopping 'TUE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations DOWMaiui'l1 Phone 8855 CREPE CHÂLE CENILLE CHINESE SLIPS HOUSERadMe TeMiss e $1 COATS Lace Table Cloths captivated by $ .$57 x9 a Gift of anc 5 9 29 of thee Slip; fa i fCrepe Cliale, a Caurtaulds "Quality-can- You'll be as winsome Mather would adore having one trol" Fabric. Smartly embroider- as yau're warm in ane af these Hand-made Clotho, so cd, straight cut, and wlth adjust- ao these chic new Che-. rich-laokixig, in thc Natural Linen able shaulder straps. An out- nlle Hau s e Co a ts. shade, and in such handsame de- standing value. Colors: Tea Rase Choice of a number ai signs. Limited quantity, so better and White. Sizes: 32 ta 44. lusciaus colora. be here earl y for yours. COLOURFUL Ascot Scarves "A toucli ai color," a bito rame apetty ta it a brigtess .0 face. Every womnan would adore anc ai these gorgeous Sill< Ascot Scarves in assorted calor floral designs. lmported Handbags Copied in New York fram mucli higher-priced Bags, and correct ta the last fashion de- tail. Made irom siniulated leat- thers in navelty grains as well as smooth Calf grains. Choose irom al thc seasons newcst styles in the most popular colrs. $19 $1-9 m

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