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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1939, p. 8

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fl Ar.f tiplI"T-ECNDA TTSA.BO MNIL.OTRO-TUSA, OEER3T,13 r~L .P Doud, Staff and Mie Winners AÀt High SoheolComenement - HIGE SCHOOL BOARD Dr. G. C. Bonnycatie, Chairmen Or. J. C. Devitt Mr. M. G. V. Gould Mr. F. Knox M~r. A. M. Hardy M. C . H. Mason, Secretary TEACHING STAFF Mr. L. W. Dippeli, B.A. - Principal and Teachor of Science. Mr. R. M. Ainaie, B..A. - Teacher of Commercial 4ubjecte. Mr. G. 'W. Colmer, B.A. - Teacher of ýPhycltrralning, Physica andLower Schooi1ubjct. Miss D. jeffery, B.A. - Teacher of English. M. M . F. Longworth, Bl.A. - Teacher of French and German. Mr. L. Lucas, B.A. - Teacher of Mathematica. Mis* . Matthews, B.A. - Teacher of Physicai Training andi Lower School Subjects. Mr. K. S. P. Soanea, B.A. - Teacher of Latin and reek. Misa E. M. Saper, B.A. - Teacher of Englilh and Lcwer School Subjects. Miss M. Wagar, B.A. - Teacher of History and Lower- Schoi Subjects. Mr. Francia Sutton, Mu.Bac., F.C.C.O. - Directe.- of Muslc. TUE BANK 0F MONTREAL CUP For speed aid accuiacy in Typewriting. Winner - Carol Marfyn. TUE BANK 0F 'COMERCE PRIZE To Uic student obtaining Uic higliet standing inte ienior Commercial Fcrm. $5.00 in cash. Winner - Grace Hall. ATELETIC PRIZES Boys' Senior Championship - - - William Buown Boys' Intermiediatc Champianship - Douglas Jackmai Beys' Junior Chenipionship - - - - Murray Grant Girls' Senior Champienship - - - Grace Mitchell aid MamianMacdonald Girls' Junior Championship - -Dorethy Dowiney Girls' Juvenile Chanipicnsdhip - - - Shirley Challis ]INTER-SCHOOL TRACK MEET Whifby, Pot Ferry, Uxbridge and Bownianville Senior Beys' Champion - - - - William Buown Junior Boys' -runner Up - - - - Murray Grant Junior Girls' runnen Up - - - Catherine Spencer DAVIS CUP Donatcd by Mr. Jamèés W Davis te Uic contributed most te flic Junior Uugby Teani. Winner - Gilbert Mcdiveen. student wlio las RUGBY NMEDAL Donated by Mi. W. L. Paterson to Uic student who lias contributcd nmost te Uic Senior Rugby Teain: 40% rugby, 60% academic. Wnner - Owen Fagan, who is aise winner ef Uic Strathcona Medal for Marksmanship. UEN'S CNADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIMES Awardcd tote students in Form ImIobtaining Uic higlicst standing in Canadien Histery. Doner: Tac Mcn's Canadiai Club, Bowunanviflc. $1.50 ecd. W-iners - Girls, Donalda Creasser; Boys, Donald Venten. COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Marion Crago, Jean Davey, Alice Eckermai, Grace Hall, Lucy Lyle, Elsic Lymer. Jean Psrtridge, Boy Swindells. TME GIPLLANPRE Tac Gilfflan Prize in memory of Uic late Principal James Gilfillan, for thc highcst standing in the Middle School examina- tions. $10.00 in books- Winner - Ernest Ward. THE BARTON PRIZE For higliet standing in Englisli Litenature on Uic Upper Sehool exeniinations. $5.00 in bocks. Doilor: Mi. Douglas D. Barton. Winner - Patricia Pearce. DR. BONNYCASTLE PEIZE For higliet standing in Upper Scliool Biology. $5.00 in cash. Winner - Dorothy Jone. Mac odencr cf a special prize in Uic Junior Oraterical Contest te Catherine Thompson aid Winnifred Smith who ticd for third prize. UPPER SOHOOL CHEPdISTRY AND PHYSICS PRIZE For thc higliet standing in these subjectsa e i midaummer examinations. $5.00 in cash. Donor: L. W. Dippeil. Winner - Russeil Short. TUE FAIRBAIRN PRIZES Tac Fairbairn Gencrai Proficiency Prizes aie awarded te students obtaining thc bigliet standing in Forma I aid 11. $10.00 in books. Donors: Mi. T. M. Fairbain aid Mi. Shirley Denison, K.C., in memcry cf Uic late J. B. Fairbairn, Esq. Winners - Fonm I, Roberta Caluni; Foru II, Catherine Spencer. THE MeGREGOR PRIME Te Uic best student in Clsssics W ic Upper Schoel. $10.00 in cash. Donors: Miss Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex McGrcgor. No award this ycai. THE LIEUTENANT REGINAL» HEBER JOLLIFFE PRIZE hImcmony cf Uic late Lieutenant Rcginald Jolliffe, lfillcd dt Vimy Ridge; awarded te Uie students writing Uic best essys on a tepic of imperial interet. Income froni $300.00. Donon: Tac late Mis. Elvira A. Jolliffe. Winncus - lat, Katherine O'Neil; 2nd, Margaret Pearce. THE GALBRAITH PRIZE Thc Galbraith Pise for Public Speaking in Forma I, II aid 111. $15.00 in bocks. Denor: D. G. M. Galbraith, Esq., Toronto. Winners - let, Patricia Clarke; 2nd, Margaret Campbell. THE HOSKIN PRIZE Tac Hoekin Prize fou Uic higliet standing on Uic Upper Scicol examinations. $5.00 in bocks. Donou: Tac late John Hookin, Esq., LL.D. inr-RselSot THE SQUAIR PRIZE Tac Squair Prize for Uic best student in French. $5.00 in W» Net Eye Glasses for AIied Chriumas Opticiaus Aàt E.egex'is Dreg Store, Duwmmvile ( MONDAYS 12 TO 2 P.M. Telephone Dowmnvle 792 fcr Appontment Complete Optical Service ,..,ieduedPrices During December - FLOOR KGLOSS 50 MT. 1 SPREAD A LINOLEUMS AND ;d TME DRY AND -~ IT IS SELF. Bricks and Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE Intended for last week) For Uhc second straigt yý Bowmanvile High School1 won a grotùp title. This time is thc Juniors who have tak Uic laurels. hI1938, the Seni( cdged out a wmn over Peterbc only to bow to Belleville in next round. Last Saturday, Uic Junic showcd their class by overcomi an 8 point margin in a dari second period drive that nett ail of Uic winners 12 poin Nothing more exciting lias be seen on Uic local gridiron1 several ycars than thc aer bombaidment staged by Uic Ju iors in that chukkcr. WiUi Gib Mdflvecn throwi four and Siemon one, thc tei completed five straiglit passes1 two touchdowns. Siemon kici wliat turned out te be Uic rot winning point later in thc qi ter. Slemon plucked thecff tlirce forwards out of Uic airmr, Tamblyn and Allin bcing on1 rccciving end of Uic fourth a fifth. The five passes netted1 teain about 150 yards whichL lot of yardagc. Gib Mcflvcen was Uic spai plug of Uic team. He was ini 75 per cent of Uic tackles, har ling Uic centre secondary spot perfection besides plunging valuable yards and flicking ni of Uic acrial bombs. Gib possa e ail the fire cf lits big bi Tony and is destincd t e hi other Mclveen star. Thured night, hie worth was recogni whcn lie was prescnted witli1 Jamcs Davis Cup as thc m valuable member cf thc Jun teani. Congratulations Gib. At Uic sanie tme, Owen «BL Fagai was presentcd with thc L. Paterson award as Uic n valuable member cf fthc Sentc This award is made on thc ba cf 40 per oent rugby and 60] cent acadcmic, aid tic likei Bun is a popular winner. Fa did yeoman servioe for thc te this year. Long aid lbase, lie' Uic downfield tackling bAlj besides being one cf thc b ground gainers on thc squad. deserves lits prize. Kcith Slemon aise earned'p:ý dits for his fine work on Set day. Fcw of the-spectaters km that Uic Bewmanvilc kickery suffcring fromn a heavy cold,1 in spite cf that, lie kicked % aid did lits share of the plung besides forming thc second l of that important Mdflveen Siemon pase duo. .Mainstay of thc teani dur Uic laet quarter, wlien Osha wcre pt'ssng liard for that ty point, was Uic stalwart play cf Uic front line. Tme andagi Denseni, Welsh aid Hutchuxý breke threugli Uic Oshawa sai troops aid downcd thc Osha passer before lic could get ri Uic bail. That te a large cxtt kept Bowmanvinin teclesé Bits: Peterboro Seniors dclE cd Belleviile af Port Hope Saturday toeacrn thc right meet Uic Western winner. 'Twas a two point victery Belleville battling ail Uic way. Lookcd grcat te sec ciglit subi; thc Bowmanviile benci on f ur...... Scotty Nickerson .du hcap of gcod work from his1 sie down position on Saturd ..Becausc cf your swel taci Scotty, wc won 't mentiont one badl snap of ycurs. .. Rur lias it that Bowmanviilc z have two representatives in Orone Uiud aid bluncer leaw this ....e... Have you noti Uie way Uic Higli Schocl hil been lcvelled off? . . If aid w It is sodded, if iil be a big books. Donor: The late John Squsir, Esq., M.A., Professor of French, University of Toronto. Winner - Olive Ward. TUE COUCU PRJZES Thc Coucli Writing Prizes for competition in Fan I1. $5.00 i books. Ini memcry of the late W. B. Coucli; Doner: lis daugliter, Mis. C. W. B. MeaUi. Winners - Girls, H-elen Nelles; Boys, Kenneth Nickerson. ROTARY CLUB PRIZE To Uic student with-Uic highgst standing in Upper School subj ects, wlio in addition lias won Uie echool crest for athletics aid first class honours in at least six, subjecti. $25.0 in cash. In Uic event of Uic crest net havig beeli won by-the student with Uic higliet standing, $ 15.00 is awarded te Uic student aid thc remaining $1000 te thc Athietie socleties Winner . Russell Short, $15.00 i cash. T13E TAMBLYN PRIZE Tac Tamblyn Prize for Public SPeakig in Forme IV, V aid Commercial. $15.00 in books. Donor: Tac late W. W. Tamblyn, Esq., .A. ,Winner - Ronald Hall. TE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For highest standing i Upper School Mathemâtics. $5.00 in cash. Donor: Thc Lions Club, Bowmanviile. winner - Russeil Short. LITERAEY SOCIETY Honorary President -Miss D. Jeffery; President -B y ron Crawford; Vice President Donalda Creasser; Treasurer -Isabel Taompson; Secretary - Lindsay Mtchell; Pianlat - Bita Cooke; Faim Representatives: lA -Margaret Rowc, James Southey; lB . Georgina Gibson, Jack Childs; 2A -Macy Emmctt, Bill Bd- ger; 2B -Violet Barrett, Howard Quinney; 3rd -Esther Barnett, Trevor Davison; 4U - Jean Pattinson, Gilbert Mdilveen; 5Ui - Evelyn Haînden, Donald Mllveen; Comm. -Helen Tiglie, Regi- nald Rackham. GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President - Helen Wilia; Secretary-Treasurer - Patricia Emmctt; Ferm Representativcs: lA - »ernice Kimble; lB - Mli- dicd Luxten; 2A - Lurana Sleep; 23 - Maàrgaret McDonal.d; 3rd - Mary Wilkins; 4th - Shirley Campbell; 5Ui - ICathleen Storey; Comm. - Frances Rowe. BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President - Brenten Rlckard; Secretary-Ti'easuirci - William; Brown; Representatives: lA - William Harrison; 1B - William Nichols; 2A - Douglas Harndcn; 2B - Raipli Simipson; 3rd - John Wylie; 4Ui - KeiUi Slemon; 5Ui - William James; Comm. - Donald Mason. GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Kathleen Baker, Evelyn Bell*niy, Byron Crawford, Ruth Crydermai, Betty Edger, Owen Pagan, Evelyn Haunden, Dorothy Harndcn, William James, Margaret McCready, Donald Mcllveen, Doris Mose, Katherine O'Neill, Edth Rackham, Nornia Searle, Dorothy Smale, KCathleen Storey. ^Tac Indians' Unwriften Law" was given by Audrey McQuade, aid a Bible questionnaire on Uic New Testament concluded Uic meeting. Mr. aid Mis. Smith Feugusen aid Collette vtsited at Mis. A. E. McGill's on Sunday., Mr. and Mis. Gordon Brovrn, Boss aid KeiUi, Toronto, spent Uic weekcnd with Mis. Isaac Whlfticld. Mis. Whitticld ne- compaiied lien dauglifer te To- ronto aid wiil spend th i tec there. Thc communify was shocked fa licar of Uic suddcn passteg ef Mits. George Fallas on Sundey merning. Mis. Falles was visittej. lier fricnd, Mis. Andrew Devifi et Bowmanviile aid Saturday evening compleined of nef feeling wèll aid despite ail thet medical aid could do passed awgy Sunday moring. She was one et Uic old- et aid meut hlghiy , respected residenta etfts cemmunify aid bas madcelier home with lier scn Meredith. Tac sympnthy cf the neigliborheod goe ouf te the bereavcd fnmily. lira. Bd. Banne klndly offercc lier home for Uic entertainnieni of Uic W. A. aid W. M. S. of Ced- mnus Tuesdey. Tac ýmeeting ws opndby Uic president, wiffi sghgaid prayer, atten which Bey. D. M. Sisan conducted the worship service, basteg lits re- marks an "Bear ye one aiother's burdens aid se fulitheUi law ai Christ", aid stressed Uic tact Unit hielpfulness brings happines. The pregram.which was e missionary rone consisfed et an interesflng rc- pout of Uic W .M.S. Rally held at Blacksteck,, given by Mie. J. E. Elliott; n reading on Temperance by Miss A. Maunfjay; aid n rend- Wng on Bcd Cross Work by lira K. Galbraithi. A centeef was con- ducted by Mus. Galbrali wifl Boy., Stinson Uic prize winner. An appetlzing meal was served by Mis. Ellott aid lier assistants, Mn.. Galbraith aid Mis. W. Pliilp. f t i jr I ##No man xi free who i net mauter icf himself."ý-Epictetus Salein Press Club Honors Mr. Albert Cator, Toronto, wes AutI1orof 'Champlaini knocked of f his bicycle wlile zk to work and was talken to Et.' rerMichael's Hospital where 14 s"sItchea d if ba er eqiedt coe capwound ____ e tand 6 stitches to close a fasb ini hîs (Globe and, Mail) ken knee. He is the second imn of Mr. lors and Mrs. F. Cator. Franklin Davey McDoweil, )ro Y.P.U. imeetinoe Nov. 22nd 'ws atXIof hestricalnol, "Clihm- the onened by President W. Taylor. Pro- adanhsoclnve,"am &,rani in charze of Miss WL efacutt. plain Road," 'and Mrs. McDowell Bible references, Mm& F. lcbr were guste cf honor at a -large Lostopfic, L. Squair; vocal solo, Dapline and dellÉhtful tee given by the loBurris: reading, L. Co<ojes, i oot brandi, Canadian Wo- ing menso PresClub. ing solo. Mrs. S. Buttery-; mut orianm tte solo, B. Darch; readng. 14M .E. Authors, pubLishers, historians, lis Doicige. An interestima g tet con literary crltics, vistng actors, lo- eff ducted by the leader brouglit a cal playw~irglts and newsr>aper for inz to aclose Attendance I8& Auin- people w e r e rial vitation was received from Tyrone ail among run-Y-PU. o viit hem en hurdavthose present eveiz inU t iitte o ethe over- e*nng. SstoM. W mflow gather- Conmatultioo toMr. i~d in tribute ling Gain (nee Beatrice Cator) on thSr to a popular Bi mnarriaae. coileague who for Many neighbours and bien& a at- had scaled udtendcd the funeral service of Oscar the hights of mdr Conlin at the Morris Funeral Parier-. literary suc- rrton Thursday when Rev. A. W. ces. A charn- vihMarch conducted the servie Inmd- Ing air of thr st smah M m oteb-comrades Ihi p adreaved fanili. adifoml the . D.MDWl as guests sat is a provement to the groundsa nd around - many of tliem crcuched the bail field. .. Are thcs. flags on the floor for lack of chairs - on the foui Unes going to be 0f t and listencd witli evident pride to irk- up ail wintcr? tributes paid the author. ion I ________ ind-I- Representing Hugli Eayrs, pre- tto' sident of the Macrniilan Company, for, Zion which published the bock, Mr. F. _____ A. Upjohn refcnred te the out- m em- n standing contribution to Canadian an_ Knapp, North Oshawa, with Mie! this saga of Huronia, thc first ;day Annie Killen. .. MUs. J. W. Bal- thing cf its kind te be published. __e son and Jean, Mm- J. MeNab and He cailed it a, «great" bock, and thc Audrey, Mms Wes. Cameron, Mrs. a «"îastffg one.' He read a humor- R. ELSbti, Mms Robt. iLUIen at ous message from Mr. Bayrs re- Mis. M Delbert Flintoîrs Kedron, at If erring te the long association be- a quilting. . . Mms W. Glaspel at tween author and publisher. Mr- George Hlts, Oshawa- -.-. -q Mr. McDoweil, acknowledging un"1 Peer (WeiL tw*fcd, hm ee the ovation given hlm, modcstly eW. visiting relatives and friends -ait gave credit for lits success te Zit oni and Csh5wU- 5h. FtuIlI8 toee who had assisted hi and iors. homme on iSatuidoy. . Mne encouraged him - Hugh Eayrs, PemaisJa LadSom , tfor Uic intereet taken throughout; prMr. NOuman Leadis...Mm .Alce William Arthur Deacon, who had able Claiuiy, Odsa, vUIted lMi.J. W. frst turned hmt thouglits mntc ___n MeMaster and boffi atended the Canadien channels, and to several e Institute banquet at . members cf the Jesuit Order led VebDia BaISON mle' i whom lie named for valuable as- gade home for a couple of weeks. . siance in Uic collection cf lits- betMiss BEv Gordon. Osawa, at Mi- torical data. He referred humor- He J. W. Mclmater's. . . MÉ. and Ms.~ ously te the preparation cf lits Chas. GemU, Messs. CILl n dce book, and the candid criticism and Robt Mnroe., Wwaw=, Sask-. help given by bis wife, and as- 1au- MssEtel WlMdns, (Oiawa, at sistance of Miss Margaret Law- Ltur.. Mr. J. W. Baloi's. . Mr. Alex rence, in reviewing. new. Mease- mJ. W. McMaster A distinguislied guet who made IVM intil rs.Chas. Naylor and Mr. myfiriends was Uic Arcliduke btJ. W. McMaster at East General Felix cf Austria, a shy blond well HospitaL. Mr. McMaster is mucli mnwo mrdcdb gingbettr. . M. ad Ifrs-Tracv- young mnwo nrdcdb haf latter. .M~and Ms. B . à-President Miss Mfilma Tait, spoke ~~~~~~~~~~ GselM. dMi.FB.Galbricfly appeling for sympethe- Laigmnaid'rs. W Olspau ]r. . apitic understandinig cf smal demo- Langud&s Oshwa..Mr. alphcratic States of Europe. Rev. Fa- ormiston at Mr. Edwinm di-ther McGirven, arcbivist cf Uic Mg ens, BoChraygeSo. . . Mi. aSociety cf Jcsus, was also intro- Lawa Mi. Hm isner, Torcntc.Pte- -du<ette cmeeting. Mrs. Angus CrmteToote i.ghi .Campbell thanked Uic speakers. . Walter Hulatt and Victor, Mis. Table decorations featured Ca- in G.Ca»e.Ms .Iewijt nadiana.. Cynosure cf ail eyes was âk Clcmenoe and Phyllis, Oshawa, «t Uic cake, in thc form cf an open Lawa Mi.R.Perkins'.. Mis Ruth book, with thc title, Champlain d cf Colwiil, Hampte, 'with M i s s Road" and thc author's namne let- ten Audrey Ayre for Uic weckend... tered in brown. It was eut with d. Capt. and Mis. Archer, Braoe- a paper knife bcaring an Indian's d. bridge, Mrs. Ross Lee, Dianne and head. Candles were in thc shape cnat- Brian, at Mr. A. T. Staintons... cf miniature northern pmee. -Mns. on Mr. aid Mis. A. T. Staiiiteii t Campbell, Miss Kay Pointon and to Dr. E. Garfatt's, Coîborne. .. Mr. Mis. H. M. Puser poured tes. and Mis. H. Colins aid Doreesi ývUi at Mi. Fred Camneron's. . ligliest gentleman, Mr. Jesse Ar- y. . Misse Ruth Colwill, Audrcy nott; lowest gentl[eman, Mr. M. ,s on Ayre and Elleen Stainten atend- Morgan; gentleman's 2nd prize Sat- ed thc hockey game at Maple was won by Miss Norma Glaspel id a Leaf Gardens, Toronto, On Satur- who played as a gentleman te up- day night. fil out thc table. ,day. Thc Balson Quartet sang at kles, Pereumans school Cc miinmu n i t-y that Club on Tliursday niglit- le Cadmus mnor C.G.IT .. girls met at Miss Elee may Staintcn's home on Saturday. the The. Adult Bible Class held a Young Pecple's Union met igue Progressive Lost Heur party at Thursday nigit with Mr. S. Mc- ticed Mr. A. T. Stainten's on Friiday Roberts, newly elected president, libas niglit. Higliet lady, Mis. C. Pas-. vhen ccS; Znd lady, Mis. Anson Balson; In thc chair. Worship service was im- lowest lady, Mis. Newton Edgar; in charge cf Miss Helen Fowler, with Bible study subi cct "Enle- REFUGEES S <Contlnued from page 1) of oui father or brother. - If muet be burlcd unopcned. Wc hear talcs of concentratien cam p s wherc oui people haire been taken aid beaten aid killiahe i viletet brutality. We sit in fear of wliatc will happen ncxt, unable te do l anything to protect ourselves. r Tacre is oniy anc thing te do-a get ouf cf Uic country te somet place whcrc there is _Iredom- Af- ter mnuch i dffculty'we are able te leave, forsaking mnoneèy, laid aidI homes; liepeful thaf somehcw wc may be able te get thc money,t Uic clothes azd furniture later.t Thougli we werc cadi only ashow- d ta bing $3.50 te money witht us, there are friende te Holland on some othen point who wil lielp. Wc come fo Canada aid flnd ar mosf wcndeiful country whcre1 pecple are happy aid prosperqu aid whcnc we can agate seUle9 on a fan aind work paccfly We begin te live ag *ateadtu te forget Uiceliard«ships et the past. Tant is Uic story cf Uic 43 Buropeai refugees who have set- ticd te Durhiam Counfy on 10 ferma.. We have dclefed Uic most sordid experiences they went Uirough in concentration camps. We haven't teld how anc mainlied boUi arma broken by clubs, non how another was puslicd onte a raft aid shoved ouf on Uic Dan- ube te, find haven wliere lie was best able on f0 die if lie couldn't. These werc terrifying expeniences whidi wc in pence would find if liard te comprchend. Ail ef these peeple aid thehr familles arc cuiturcd, educnted, aid intelligent farmers. Maiy are univcrsity graduates, sdhool tee- chers, sarmy officens who, though young, have suftcned more, thai we i Canada do in a lifetime. Need Uicy lie watdlied ton fear Uicy mighf say somcthing favor- able te Hitler or, tUic Nazi party? Affer experiences sudh as Uicy have undergone Uicy can eniy feel deep pain in their hearts thaf their countrie have f allen under has power aid bitternees againsf Hitler whidi amounts almeet te passion. Tacy know whnt Bitler- tsi means. Wc cniy rend about if. Taey have came lieue itecx- pectation of n new, better lite, aid wil eager]y fit teto Canadian living if Uiey are permittcd te do so. Taey have clcaned up their. farms, some cf Uiem-nun-down, aid within a fcw years wiil be among Uic prominent citizens of Durham. Taey arc good farmers, business people aid are cxceP- tionally falentcd. The part Anglo-Saxon Duirham- ites cen play in wclcoming Uicm is a big one. Bey. C. E. Silcox toucd on if et a recent meeting« cf Uic Women's Candiai Club. when lie said that oniy by as- sirnilafing with these peeple cai wc hope for a unifcd Canada. By trying te Understand their problema, we cai make good Ca- nadiens ouf of theni. By net try- ing te make Uicm welcome, wc can force them nitt liffle groupe of their own which wiil scorr the, English language aid customs. Wc cen make Uiem Canadiens ou wc cen make therni emain Czedlio-Slovaks.6 Neiglibors nmust make Uiem- selves ncquaintcd, aid appreci- afe, net scof at their Europcai dress aid cuetemas. On Sundny wc visited one home near Newton- ville aid teck pictue efthei fnmily in native attire anitei Czech army unifrm. Neyer have we seen such beautitul iand wônk as was portraycd W ic h coiouful dressesl. Wc sliculd. envy thcm their art, nof scof. Whic tiere, thc women wcrc asking our guide, Maurice Bres- lin, wlien lic was going te bning instructions te Germai so thaf Uiey mugit begin knitting socks aid sweaters for Uic Rcd Cross. Taey aie cager te liclp. Many neigibons are deteg flicir part wondcrfuily* by teviting them f0 homes aid commnunity activities wliere, althougli Uiey don'f undeustand e word thet is being sald, Uicy sec Uic people aid make new friends aid gen- crafly have a wondeiful finie, be- cause Uiey teed tint Uiey are welcome. wud wl Mendiants ouddo wnte Drive luanad fil your tank wIith t. aew improved gasolne. We feel sure yenu will be pîcee With M9. splendid performance. Dartlett's Sheil Stationi & Gamae King st. But, Bo'wsnnville Phono 2626 p DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS - DRESSES . SUITS 75c each or 2 for $1.00 White Flannels At Regular Price Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. Phono 419 Wo Cafl Tor and Doliver Ten Yearshence WILL YOUR automobile insuranco com- pan business tn years from now? WYI it'bo ready thon to, defend you hina suit brought against you becauseocf an ac- cident that may happon today? Consider carefufly the financial standing and record of the company i which you buy your Automobile Insurance. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS - Don Chrîstîan's Store Enflargement Sale Our Showrooms, No. 38 Slmcoe, -St. Northu, are .niarg.d te nclude. No. 40 and constructIon wo'k- makes stock clearance necessary. 150 Goodl RebulIt Radios AUl Makes, Styles, Electrie nadi _ 9 Battery, upwarS& tram .-....... Empire Cook Stoves Pte-War At leu than ----- ------------------- Pue Bulbe tr9 B u NI wý Goal $89.00 Value - AU white iff »>ýeantub -690 EfctieRefrIgerators3 Clenlng upwardu freux -.39o 50 Floor Lampe o Good $8.0value - E ch- - ----- 5 9 AND SAVE Our comiplete stock of trade-In stoves, washers, heaters, etc. at clear out prices.. FIXTURES - 20% DISCOUNT DURINO SALE Hundreds of small appliances - irons,'Toasters, llotplates Specially Rcduced DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC' ]Phonoe.01»pn 84 ai 744Oshawang PAUL ElUkIT b. Have You Tried The New - 1s nelLL Sheli Winfer Gas ? ' a 2f=22ý-- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO show thein every assistance aid -lamites welcome. He aid hi; kindness during their shopping, congrees are doing a woiideiful because they wil be a part et work and Durliam Ccunty should, Uic large farming country whlch be botter fer If. helpe te support Bowmanillc aid Uic surrounding villages aid their buying power cannot be under- 'w estimated. Remember, Uiey wll cherieli n favor shewn, but Uiey Don'f M wll nof soon forget a snub or rebuif. Taey are net asking for sympathy or plty. They are proud, S L D brave people wli a ncw lease on ' A à D A life, and we, as Anglo-Saxons, have mucli t e larnfroni' Uiem. STAM P CLUDS Let us play oui part,- te maklng Uiem, welceme aid we feel cer- gg ama fST M S tain that Uicy will more thai do IDUM O VIASII theirs. I closing, we must psy tribute lmNsDT te Mi. Breslin, propnietor cf Tac meA 9T u Arcade Store te Bowmanvllle,Ai who lias found faims for these refugees and is one friend-who lias been a Godsend te theni.F R gress lielias been tremendously active in maklng these new Dur-lo =ý7 . TMASDAY, NOVEMBER 30TII, 1M Bowmauffle phone 1 681

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