PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC~MBER 7TH, 1939 2qw~Îxn~mt Establlsbed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Wtb whlch are ncorporated The Dowmanvllle News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 years continuns service te tie Town of flowmanville ad Durham County. MEMBEE Canadian Weekly, Newspapers Association and Clama A Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTON RATES $2.00 a Vear, strlctly ln advanee. $2.50 a Year ln Uic United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Christmas Shopping Guide These are busy days for everybody and as Christmnas approaehes fhey get busier than ever. t sems there are not enough days ini the week to gef haîf done what anc plans ta do. With such a predicament, as anc approaches the happy Christmas season, more than the usual amount of planning must be done ta save tiine and money. As an aid ta every member of the family fa d., their Christmxas shopping in comfort and with satisfaction wc suggest you peruse tlioughtfu'lly this issue of The Stafesman 's "Christ mas Shopping Guide." This is a eooperative-effort for the mufual inferesfs and benefit of the busy shopper and the progressive .xnerclanf. If brings right into your home in a pleasing, compact and effective way, f lrougli your hame-town paper, hundreds of suggestions which you wiu find helpful in solving that problein uppermost in the xinds of most folks these days, of what ta give and whcre te fimd if. Then froin the local mercliant's stand- point if makes a most canvenient, thorougli and direct means of getfing his important and intercsting store news inta the haines of thousanda of people wifhiu flic purchas- .ing area of Bowmanville. Shop early and shap with ihe merchants who invite you, flirougli their adverfisc- ments, to make their store your Christmnas hcadquarters. The People Have Spoken Yes, the electors of Bowmanville have spaken. If wasn't very loud, in facf, it niglt be tcrmed only a mild whisocr wlien yau consider there are over two thousand veters and less than eighf liundred uscd their franchise at the municipal elections an Monday. The weafher was fine; flic dcc- tions were put on a monfli carlier ta avoid thec Christmnas rush; there was plent y of publicity and f alk about municipal affaira. Yet thli pajorify of flic itizens didn 't vote. Why?1 Just happy-go-lucky, careless indif- ference, wc would say. Sa we would sug- gest fa those who didn 't f hink if worth- while ta vote, ta not criticise tee sey-erely flic actions of yaur 1940 council. Witli the defeat of Caiinillors Furber and Biekle, flic last of flic plafforin speak- crs of the short-livcd Ratepayers' Associa- tion lias been eliminaf cd. We believe flua organization started ouf with gaod inten- tions but they were fao revolutionary in their actions te lasf in a conservafive- minded comxnunity. Mr. Furber, althougli a gead and wiliing worker spoiled his commendable deeds wif h his bombastie Billy Sunday public utter- ances and gesticulations. As for Mr. Bickie lie always appcarcd sincere and conscien- tioeus, but his constant desire ta de things lis way and upset csfablislied custems in flic naine of progress had mare fa do witli lima defeat f han lie may realize. However, we give credifta bofli of fliese men for fliir willingness to serve in public office when se many others, equally and better qualificd, will neither serve nor vote. Wc have every confidence fli cocuncil for 1940, wnder the careful guidance of Mayor R. 0. Joncs, wiil continue ifs pro- grainofe conomy se well established dur- ing flic fenure of office of Ex-Mayor W. B. Strike. This policy cambined wifh flic retireinent of several substantial debenfures in flic next few years sliould mean a f ur- ther reduction in flic t«x rate whicli is ai. -ways welconie ncws te flic electors.! Credif is duceflic newly organized Chamn- ber of Commerce for flic active part fliey took in flic leefions, parficularly for f liir efforts in flic new Board of Educatiopi. The C. of C. can be of great assistance ta flic lected bodies of flic municipality in their e oapratian and sensing public opinion. SheuId List Be Publshed? * There appeare fa be a difference of opin- ion as ta whef ler or nef fheli sf of con. tributors te flic cause of the Red Cross Society should be published. The Statesmai asne hesifafion in saying fliat it believèÎ tthefi list shauld bc publislicd so fliat ooutributors will gef credif for their cou- tr4butions. Xn l00king over a number of Ontario newapm, bath daily and weekly, we m#ee*àOnwhere flic liste have been pub- &p oo a ther places. Whilc fliere arc some don f care ta have flicir naine inacnnectian wifh donations Àkev ,It lias to be acknowledged thaf ti.~i~$y ef pea ple. like te be given I'OW Casadimai Are Hýodwlnked By Aflertean Ptiblcatons 'Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth," was a plea"for doing good by stealth. It was neyer offered as an excuse for hypoerliey and dauble-deal- ing. "Liberty" Magazine has an editorial policy which 'seems te us unadulterated hypocrisy and that cames very close ta double-dealing. Not many people know that "'Liberty" gets ent two editions. The first is for Amer' jean consumption. The other is for the Canadian reader. The American edition is bitterly oppesed te the war and la, moreover, dietinctly anti-British. It pleads witli the American people ta keep eut of this war; it warns them not to let Britain and France poison the minds of American people with their propaganda; it presents Britain as a de- faulter, able te pay its debts but unwilling ta do so. It lias jeered at Chamberlain and questianed whether Britain is even a de- mocracy. Week by week it warns the Amer- jean people nat ta be victimized by the British lion. Obviously "Liberty" would flot seli many copies in Canada if it published such mater- ial here. Sa it gets out a Canadian edition. Allich anti-British articles are dropped. In their places are swect exhortations ta the Canadian people ta go farward and face their duty; ta accept the challenge laid doW'n by Hitler; ta join in the strugglc te free the world froin the bandage of fear. "Canadian" editorials present the war as a fight for liberty, a figlit ta save democ- racy. "Liberty" in Canada is willing that every Canadian should lay down his life e save the world from Naziism. "Liberty" across tlic ine does not want a single .Ameriican boy or dollar ta be sacrificed on the altar of British ambition. We were amazcd in looking over some recent editions of the American and Can- adian editions of "Liberty." Neyer have we seen such insufferable hypocrisý' openly displaycd. "Liberty" also sells saine advertising ini its Canadian edition ta Canadian firins. We doubt if any of these firme would sup- port sucli a publication if they. appreciated haw their dollars are being used ta under- mine British prestige in the United States; ta misrepresent the Allied case; ta create suspicion and distrust about Britain's motives. We actuallysaw a Canadian Governinent advcrtisement in anc issue of "Lib;erty." Thus even the taxpayers' money is used ta subsidize a most insidious anti-British cain- paign in the United States. Rather tougfl on Canadian taxpayers! We understand that the "Canadian" cdi- tian of "Liberty" is printcd ini Canada. But most of fthc editorial amaterial with thle exception of ifs leading editarial each week and an occasion Canadian article, is pre- pared in flic States. Proofs or plates are sent over and p t on Canadian presses andi the magazines aïe run off. "Liberty" buys Oanadian paper and hires a few workers here. It disburses in Canada mare than an enfirely .S.-produced paper like Saturday Evening Post. But what it pays ouf la only a fraction of what a genuinely Canadiau, magazine wauld disburse. Canada has sopue ýrulY finie Canadýan magazines - periodicals like Maclean's, Na- tional Home Monthly, Chatelaine and Can- adian Home Journal. They struggle under the most serions handicaps. Comp etitive American papers like the Saturday Evening Post - just as anti-Britiali as the Americau edition of "Liberty" - and others came into this cou.ntry enffrely free of duty. They spend their money for American art- icles, Amierican arfwark, American paper and American engravings, and enter the countty withouf contribufling a cent ta the Canadian treasury. Their collmns carry the advertising messages of American com- mercial concerns goods. The Canadian magazines buy Canadian paper, Canadian articles and art, Canadian engravings and employ Canadianq- ta pub- lish their editions. They ither pay duty ou their raw mat erials or pay the Canadian prices which are usually the American prices plus dufy. rs if not about time we woke up te flic fact that the minds of young Canadians are being paisoned by anti-British propa- ganda pouring in by the ton from the United States whiie aur own mass of periodical literature is able ta survive only because of flic sfubbarn public spirit of a handful of Canadian publisherst We have net forgot- ten, ither, that only a few months ago that grand old publication, The Canadian Maga- zine, fell by the wayside because if couldn 't keep up the paee with such unfair cern- petifian. We presume it 'is only because these ather publishers have interests in other business and teclinical publications that they are able ta indulge in the luxury THNY'LL DO 1? IVUET T By The OId Box Stove BY UMAX Dack on thc 7th Conession I suppose it's the case wlth al of us that if we could se aur- selves as others sec us-we would have te be introduced te aur- selves, and perhaps it's best the way it is. Even if ne ance elebas a good opinion of us we still have Our awnm and we arc happy and more contented because cf it. That may satisfy us as individuals but in the opinion of thc gang it's ne good when -applicd te athers. A certain individual has cut into aur existence just lately and he is one of those smal picyune type, ready ta burst with his awn conceit, but actually amail enough ta crawl inta a hale and pull thc hale in after him. I knaw there is risk that we wil be accused of thc "haller than thau" attitude, but if you only knew Uic gang yau wauld have te laugh for I dan't suppose if yau searchcd Uic wh'ale county aver ymu cauld get a bunch sa far removed from laaking like saints, yct we bn't like this crature. He is sinai in body, mmid and soul. He daes -nat knaw Uic real jeY Of living and he is net geing te let anyone cisc have Uic pleasure cither. When he has finishcd tell- ing of his own geedness there is nathing lcft on Uic good side ta say se he begins slandering every- one far and near. Hie was raI*»çl frain childhoodinte cfoidwj certain palitical stripe and'j' body wha docs nat vote as he vates is beyand Uic power af sal- vation. He will argue about Èe- .= t bq irngnaout, lu tii Most wie aiwrrsnty ovor cffered ..and backsd by 85 ye*r* lategrity. Plumber Phone 2684 nt lInT ET ligien, politics, science, Uic con- duct of Uic war - yet he knows notliing about any efthUem. Hie is a pest of tU itrst order. lis worst tMature is hlm sncaky way et tdlng halt-truths about bis neiglibors and te spite of Uic tact that we know him wcll lic dees harin te innacent folks and saine- ies the harmn cannet be undone. Areund aur lieuse wc have had pesta and we have willingly spent money te buy spray %and with it killed flics, etc., se Uic gang is praying that samebody will. dis- cover a spray ta be used on bu- man pesta which will remove thein or improve thein and se inake this world a better place in which te live. GoodLord, deliver us frein Uic buman' put. Missionary Addresa At St. Peuai'. Clurch One of Uic mest painted and iptcresting missionary sermons ever preachcd te St. Paul's United Churcli was Uiat delivered by Uic Rev. Mcrrill Ferguson Sunday morning, The speaker painted a word picture et African life -as if is livcd in Angola whcrc flic United Churcb maintains a strangi mission. In succession h. descr*b-1 ed Uic hlstery et Uic church inte Angola, Uic customns etfflicna-, tives, Uic obstacles te missionary work and Uic methads umcd by1 Uic missianaries and their Alrican - helpers. Glowingtributc was paidi ta Uic medical staff for Uic min-1 istry of healing if was carrying. on ong those wbose'lives wcrc affllcted by malaria and leprasy.t The speaker described Uic rapidj growth et Uic African cdurci and1 Uic courageous way in whicb con- gregations are assuming tinancial responsibility for their native ministers. Mr. Ferguson conclud- cd by predicting a great future for Christianify te Angola, anid urting bis hearers te continue supporting Uic missienary work et Uic churcli. In Uic aternoan Mr. Ferguson showed saides ta Uic Suydfay Scheol, depicfteg Atrican scenes and missionary activities. Court of Revision .On Assessment The Court et Revisien, compas- cd et Uic toleowing members et Town Council. Sid Little, chair- man, Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris, J. A. Gunn, J. H. Abernethy and B. B. Furber, met Navember 24Ui. This court is held following Uic annuai assessinentt made by Uic Tawn Assesser. If any property ewncr thlnks bis preperty is as- sesscd tee higli - or tee low - lie lias Uic privilege et bringfnig *hi case betere this body. If lie is nat safistied with Uic decision efthUs court lie may make a turther ap- peal betore Uic County Judge. This year only nune appeals, ail et a miner nature, werc made and flirce werc given a slight lowcr- lng at assessment, amounting te $600 in ail. Tbey are: Imnperial OÙl Ce. $200; Miss Beatrice Fair- baira $300; and John Goodal $100. An adjustinent in measure- ment et frontage et Harry Hooey's properfy wrnl be made. Other appeals made but net allewed tecluded Cahadian Pat- ent Leather Ce., Wm. Allite, J. W. Alexander Estafe, Beliman Es-' tate, and Florence Charlton. * Éxtra MEAT I "*Extra LIF9 i * Extra SAIlIS The. extra values you get lnaa Car. HECLA furcace are néai. tisa mocre "f catures." Every 'on. of these cxcZusive superolrtIleis of vital importance te you. Combincd, theyasaueyu fte XR eat, EXTRA long 1f. andEXR savings wblcb make Car. HECLA your -best, maut profitable furnace lnve.tment 9"Save. 1 ton ia 7" in not ealy a elalen-I#. factl With the increase la fuel coati, this one advantage sioe.wMf influence thousands cf buyers te choose a Clare HECLA-theo ulj furnace that give. you tiese three extram. Let your Clare HECLA dealer explain juet what they mean te you. PROTECT YOURELFAhIIT INCREASEI PUES la Uic face cff lcraslag coste, w. cannat guarantec present prices for any lcngtb cf tinte. Save by pl#clng your ardur Dewl King St., Dowmanvill i TM£ IDUILflftSOF TUE NOTH Bold wielders of conquest, on bastlofled Laurentiâml, Who burrow the mountifla God first brought to b&Wt Whase keeri blades carie fortune froin foreats primv Whose echolng blows ring round the listening earth; Who, by day, sec your tail pines, tempest-swept, proudlv waving, %Their trackless depths bathed in iminovable cairn, W;ho, fromn flickcring camp-fires, look tp flaming auroras, Mystlc lure of the lone trail, glcaim of promise to man. Bow ye not, sans of battie, te man-made traditions, 0f greatness by plunder, that sap by their sway, But yield ye alone, to these God-fashioned visions That crown you by night, and that gird you by day. And build ye a race, toil-bred sons of the Northland, As your stately pines straight, as your granite hbis strong, Thew-knit, supple-sinewed, soul and body puissant, Britain's vanguard in right, and her bulwark 'gtinat wrong., -J. B. MacDougall. IT PAYS TODUT ~ G uaranteei. Produots Every Item In This Advt. FulIy Guaranteed' Your Money Back If It Does Not IIeIp Vou Prescriptions Our Speclalty L 1 of Rheumatice in 48 Hours Oh, what joy awa).ts the suf- ferer from rheumatic or neu- ritis pain who uses this simple inexpensive home recipe. Just get a package of the Rtl-EX PRESCRIPTION from y o ur druggist. Mix it with a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at ail and pleasant. You need only 2 tablespoon- fuis two times a day. Often within 48, hours - sometimes overnight - pain icaves, stifi Joints are limbered. Try this prescription. 'Peel good, years younger, enjoy life again. Costs anly a few cents daily. IMoney back if it does flot help yeu. Bronchida - -49e For Tlghtaid Cbesty Colis Idasal Tablets 5 grain IJnexcellei for colis, grippe, f lu and beadaches. Als. ln 25e aize. AIka-Seltzer 29c-57c I.D.A. Kldney Pilla, 50 5 - - 29C Cystex 35c-75c-1.50 C...Tablets, - 25e Hard of Heoiing Canadiau Puais. Aurin. EuBaisané A simple home trestmont whloh le bringing new hope and happi. nos. to sufferers everywhere. H. E. *lakslee of New Brunswick, writes: "Have ueed one bottie cf 'AURINE EAR BALSAM' and it has been a wonderfui holp to m%~ for Sorne monthu 1 have flot beon able to hear piainly, tàmily tali< at the table was a jumble to me, and had to have repeats 80 often that i feared 1 wouid neyer hoar plainiy again, have flot heard the ciock strilce for months, the radio was a thing of the psst. Now after uslng one bottie of AURINE BAR *ALSAM 1 can converse wlth the, amiiy as ln the gooI old dayse hoar the ciocks etrikIng and lilten In on the programmes presented fovor the air and beglnnlng te en- joy life as ln the past. Wcuid highly recommend AURINE EAR BALSAM to anyono who la hard of hearing for i know It wIii do them good."y Before you Inveat ln expensîvo hearlng devIcoe try one bottie of AURINE BAR 9 SAM. See If It doesn't heip you 01. if you are hard of hearlng, havé, ringing and bùxzIng ln the *ar - Get AURINE BAR BAL.SAM te. day. àeifef la quick. Coste oniy a few cents a day. Monoy back If It dcs nt holp you. ALEX McGREGOR* Phono 792 .DRUGS W. Deilver TUE ROYALTY 0F RADIO PHONOLA The possessor of a modern PHONOLA instrument bas at bis Instant comm6and, the full treasure house of music. From the masterpicces ef the immortals te the best of modern artists, reproinced wltb the. exactness of thc original performance. Features that make "Phonola" Outstanding Evcry machine is Precision Built with blgb quaiity matorlal and werkmanship. Tbey are nctei fer cx- tresse scnsltlvity and scleetlvity, supcrb foeigu re- ceptien, and ton. qnallty, autematic tunlng, automatie volume control, and dozens et other features te com- picte a wonierful recelver. wl J.CIiallis - -- PEONOLA RADIO DECALER Dert Parlker 5AV S0 0N1e U=WW4ýý THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEWBER 7TH, 1939 PAGE TWO