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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1939 Ennfiskcillen Pcd Cross mects en Tueaday and Thursday af next week. Any- one caring te glve a donation of dry wood weuld be very accept- able. A numnber ai our yeung people a tt en dced Uic Young People's Training Course la Bowmanvillc and Maple Greve. Misses Myrtie Page, Rut Stevenson, Alice Ash- ton and Messrs. Ailan Wcax'n and Howard Bradlecy came home with certificates, having completed the course in Uic Specializatibn Lead- crship Curriculum; Material and Methadà of Young People's wark. SMonday cvcning, Nov. 27Ui, a presentatien was held at tic clsurch li henor ai Mr'. and Mns. W. J. Stainten who have moved te Orone. The pregx'am opened with a hymn and prayer. After Uiec claix'man's addx'ess, some men favered wiUi' a chorus; readings by Mns. Werx'y and Mx's. Hobbs. "Blcst be Uic tic Uiat binda" was sung, aiftex' which Mr. M. Heard gave a reading, and a chox'us by Uic men. A vex'y fittlng address was read ta Mr. and Mx'.. Stain- tan and a beautful tri-lite floox' îamp was presented teo Uiem. Speeches werc made wishing Mx'. and Mx's. Stainten iealth and px'seity in Uieix' new home, and Mx'. ad Mx's. E. Brooks wcre wel- comcd te eux' midat. A soçial time was spent and a beuntiful lunch served. Visitera: Mx'. and Mns. W. Ralin attend- cd a fowl suppex' in honor of Mr'. and Mrs. H. Ralim, Bux'ketan, who celebx'ated Uhir 5lst wedding an- nivcrsax'y on Saturday. Misses Elsie Oke and Mildred Gillroy, Toronto, Mx'. and Mx'.. F. Dorland, Mr'. and Mrs. Wesley Oke with Mx. and Mi'.. S. Turner, Oshawa. Mr'. and Mx's. J. Oke and Max'- jonce, Mr'. W. Fairlicad, Clarke I MuusuuiUUWU'E~ WHI1TIN G'Q IOld Santa Knows FISEm & eCHliPS When H-e Says IPHONE 411. mE DELIRIMI Mrom 11a.m. tolpm. 4 P.m. te .30 P.m. SP.M. to 11Pa. PU&BmORDE EAIL! Single Orders l5c - 2 for 25e Party Orders, 5 or more, l0c per order. Our supplies are fresbly c.oked te your faste. You esn buy wltis confidence. Caf. Open il a.m. to 12 p.m. Meet Your Priends Here Next ta fihe Dowman Houam BOIWNANVHLLE I' m Going te Berry's To Buy j Fancy China Latest Fiction Tos and Ganses Christmas Crackers Christmas Serviettes Bibles - Hymn Books Mouth-organs, Quitars Chldren's Books, aU ages Boxed Statlouery ai quality Pancy IChrlstmas Wrappings Tagn, Seas, Rlbbon, Card A Good Variety Christmas Carda boxed or otberwlse SPECIAJL NUMBER 10 Carda wltis Envelapes boxed for lOc Deuy'sDo<ik store Phone 807 Bowmnanvllle Il- Pineapple Rings.............. lb. Seedles Raisins.................... 2 lb. Currants ...................2 lb. Citron Peel............... ... lb. Onut Mixed Peel ................... lb. walnuts..................... lb. Bleached Suitanas Ladis Raisins ..................... 2 lb. Orange and Lemon Caps ........ lb. Whole Mixed Peel ................... lb. MAmonds ..................... lb. Giaced Cherries..................... lb. soc 25e 25é s5c 25c 40e 20C 30C 30C 30C soc 40e Very Finest Poultry for Christmas Trade Christe's Christnmas Puddings .........2 lb. 25e Cakes ...................... lb. 35e Ginger 44c stoned Dates....................... lb. 15c Cooklng Flgs ........................ lb. 15e Figs ...................... pkg. 10e Cigare -Cigarettes -Tobaccos lu Oristmaa Wrapping FIS1I-H OyImter ................................................................jar 35o Bmoked FMets .................................................... lb. M0 Freah FMets ......................... ..... . 18e Salm on, slIom . ............d............................. lb. 200 Cod Fiai 20e and 25o PM~H FRUITS AND VEGETABLES rarmers - If you have the Boit Poultry - Se. Us À NUTS Utl»d Plut. - Diansond 1u14Wahsuta - Br&"il Hilert -Abnands CANDY Chitnmas Hard Mixed Candies Assarted Chocolates Ass'ted Creams & Jeles For Gifta - Christmaa Boxed Chocolates HARRY ALUIN 1b03b80?'8S Bowmanvie Union, Mx'. and Mrs. W. Bryan and Miss Hazel Perkins, Osliawa, at Mr. Walter Oke's. Miss Marie Oke and Mx'. Bruce Ashton wlihMr. and Mrs. J. Henderahot, Beaverton. Mx's. R. Griflin, Union, at Mx'. E. C. Ashton's. Clarke Union The tebacce firni has purchascd two or Uix'ec hundred acres and have started te bulld theix' green- houses. They have bougit the Marchmcnt and Cowling places. Mrs. Alex Watson entcxtained a number af neiglibors te dinnex' anc evcning. Mrs. H. J. Souch, Mns. Alex Watson and Mr'. and Mx's. Harx'y Bailey visited frienda in Taronte. Miss Eileen Souci entextaincd Uic teaching staff of Harmany school ta dinner Tuesday cvening, at her faUier's, Mx'. H. J. Souch. Mx'. Ed Graham la visiting lis broUici', Mx'. Roy Grahami, at Cookstewîn. Mx'. Mdrton, Millbx'ook, and Miss Leona Curtis, Pontypool, visited frienda liere. Mr'. and Mns. S. D. Saucli visit- ed fricnds li Uic city. Townmship Council CLARKE'COUNCIL Clarke Council met Tuesday wiUi all members present and Reeve T. A. Reid pxesiding. lI response te Uic lettcç from tic Dept. ai Higiways Uic Road Supt. and Treas. wcre ordcned te attend Uic meeting iCobourg Dec. 13th, wiere Uiey are te be instructed in a ncw set-up in Uic business management of naads. Commiunication from tic Dept. of Hlighwaya xegarding remaval of snow an railroad creasigs was referred te Uic clex'k. Resolutions fx'àm Uie Ratcpay- crs Association werc ordex'ed filed. The spced liniit by-law Uixough Newtonville and Orono was ap- px'oved by tic dcpaxtmcnt in Te- ronta and Uic Road Supt. ardex'ed ta ex'cct Uic necessary signs. These bis werc ardered paid: Jr. Farmer' Association $ 10.00 Fence Viewcrs 16.00 J. J. Melon, expensca municipal sciaal 14.95 Mrs. E. J. Randall, R v F 40.00 Gea. Buttera, weed in- specter's salany --- 50.00 C. B. Tyrmdil, office sup. 5.75 2nd Division Court, J. W. Bradley - 24.00 R. H. Wood, caretaken.-- 17.50 Geo. Richiards - _ 0.00 Town Hall, ligits 7.01 Onono Times . ___ 10.50 0. Cewan, 1 sheep kiled 10.00 R. S. Little, 2 sieep ---- 12.00 E. Wliyte, 1 sheep killed. 10.00 Valuer's fees-------__ 10.00 R. E. Logan, tewn hial repairs -- --------- -- 12.20 Relief Supplies:- J. J. Cornisi ------- 14.78 Syd Hughes .2.00 Dean's Bakery 6.64 W. C. Lane 9.71 Wm. Stapleton 10.*0o Orona Coal & Lunmber. 9.75 C. G. Armstx'ong ---.- 5.30 Mns. E. Underwood 16.00 Wm. Mercex' 3.00 Mns. J. Clydsdale '~.15.07 Harx'y Bailey 24.00 Geo. Hendcx'sen 3.25 Road Voucher' Ne. 12 1,615.39 W. E. Davey, B.0.H. . 2.25 Dr'. Wilson, B.O.H. 9.00 Councli adjourncd te meet Dec. 15Ui at 9 a.m. Tyrone wiUi Mns. R. McCuilough and Mrs.. Wm. Huglison. Mx'. and Mns. George Grahani and babe, Bowmsnville, wlth Mr'. and Mns. Les. Thenipsen. Mx'. and Mns. Jas. Aldread Ixd Mx'. Lloyd Aldx'ead wlIthMx', and Mrs. Har'vey Stx'ong, Salemn., Mr'. and Mns. Russell Wright, DoroUiy and Marlon, wth Mr'. and Mns. Lamne McCoy, Braoklin. Mr'. and Mns. Benjamin Stewart and Mx'. Russell Stewart, Çenitrc- ten, wihMr'. and Mii., Willis Stewart. Mx'. John Thompson,, Mn., Jas. Bail, Mx'. and Mns. Wrn. Cochrane and Reed, Kix'by, with Mx'. and Mns. Wm. Virtue. Mx'. and Mns. Tios. Richards, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey, Mr. and Mx's. Clinten Blgelow, Miss Lamna Hoapen, Mr'. Arthur Rich- ards, at Mx'. Howard Findley's, Unionville., TYRONE S SROOL NEWS By Bilii Dudley and Lloyd Shinner Here wc arc again reporting seme ai Uic happenings ai thc week fer aur achool. Monday marning wecoelebrated Joyce Hcndrick's blthday whe was 8 years old Nov. 2tli. We sang aur birthday sang te lier and gave a hcax'ty handsliake. . Last week aur Christmas tests wcre ield *and wc have receivcd aur repart cax'ds. We do nat mc- ceive aur marks but we are grad- cd according te Uic piogness we are making. Thus tUic anc that receives 'A' grade may not have made Uic. iighcst marks but is showing much pragres i lii.or her wox'k. 'A meana good pro- gress. 'B' la satisfactory, but we ail wiah te mmprave an Uis, while 'C' means not satisfactex'y. Grades 1 and 2 had ne tests but- have been graded by aur teacier an their cvcryday wox'k. -Here are our gradings: Grade S - Douglas Barr A, Shirley Park B plus, M ari e Thonipsen B. Grade 7 - Charlie Campbell A, Breta Cailacott A. Grade 5 - Stanley Hall A, Lloyd Skinner B pluh, Bille Dudley B. Grade 4 -. Gregor Freund - A, Arnold mcKenzie M minus, Glenn Breaks B, Donald Dudley B min- us, Marion Joucs C. Grade 2 - Fay Mardi A, Jean Dudley A, Helen Hall B, Joyce Hcndx'icks B,' Harvey, Joncs B, Allyn Taylor B minus. Grade 1 - Bruce MacDonald A, Dorothy Skinner A, Marion Ray- wood A, VeIna Coliacott B plus, marie, Taylor B, Bille Hall B min- us, Muriel Burgess B minus, Stu- a#t Hall C. we Uink Breta Cllacett has a vcry fine recard mxispelling Uiis years, because 50 far sic hasnont had anc mistake. This includes hen everydy wox'k and lier Chiristmnas test. We are ail iaping that sic will go the~ full year without a mistake although that will be a ve'y liard thing ta. do. Hene are seme strange acts We have found this wek t - vels 186,0030 miles or abof s-b tlxnes areund Uic woxld i ne second. .. Matches wcnc invcnt6d by John Walkcr in 1827 cailing Uhip friction sticks.. Haydon ,Recent. Visitons: Mrs. &. Woodi and Teddy, Bov.4- manville, Mn. and Mn.. R. Wright and fathily, Bethesda, with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Sienion Mm. and Mrs,. Frank Carter, Eben- ezen.'with Mrs. Silas Tncwin. %L -an.àMlx--r 16-iAn.muuip Mr'. and Mrs.- R. B. Scott at- and Marlene, Miss Viola Bradley, tended the funeral Of their aunt,~ Toronto, with Mr'. and Mrs. E. Mrs. Isaac Couch, li Toronte. Br-adley. Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, Mes,,s Paul Stephens, Douglas preached a very intercsting ser- Fontaine and Keith Wilson, Misses mon~ ~ ~ ýL n Cud mrig hhoix' Ursul and Ruth McNeil, Toronto, rendered two fine nmeS. wt r n r.A cel Wamen's Institute wl i eet it M' n r.A cel vestry Dec. l3th at 2 a'clock. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riçhards and cai tabe nswredby v.uteMaurice, Bowmanville, witb Mr. giit. There will aise be a Christ- and Mrs. E. Stephenson. mas pragramWm. Lieut. and Mrs. Gordon Cowling, Mr.andMrs MaDonldTorante, calledl'o friends here. and, Miss Catherine AMalnd Miss Ad'yTapo ihM' attended the wedding af their mnd Mrs. Roy Thompson, Bowman- niece, Miss Mary MacDonalId, at ville. Cobourg Satux'day. Mrs. E. Bradley with Mr. and Salem Young Peaple's Union Mrs. A. Mergan, Oshawa. , vsitcd aur Young People Thun-r Mrs. Henry Werry with Msis. day cvenmng. Mx'. Lorne Motsn Milton Werry, Oshawa. president af the Tyrone society,, Mr. A. Beech witb Mr. and Mi's. opened the meeting and welcam: Aylmer Beech, Enniskillen. ed the Salem young people,, and Mr'. and Mrs. R. McNeil with Mr'. cslled on Mr. Taylor of Salem t anad Mrs. L. Disney, 0sbq~Wa, sud tale charge af the program wiiicli Mr. and Mrs. C. Soper, Harmony.ý was as iallows: The seripture was Mr. Gea Cowlinx with iÀeut. and read by Mrs. F. Blackburn; Mns. Mns. Gordon Cowlinx, TorontQ.* L. Squaix' gave a splendid talk on Glad to hear Mrs. W. Thompsan her trip te the Maritimes; mouth- is improag organ music by Mr. C. Callacutt, The Adt&l Bible alass met at the accampanicd by Miss Marie Cal- home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Asb- lacutt at tic piano; xeading by toni, Tiiesday evciiing. 0f ficers elecd- Mrs.'S. Buttery, "«The Preacher at cd were: President , H. Ashton; the Hackey Match"; plane duet Vice-Pres., Mrs. T. Mountjoy; Tes- by Mrs. Burrus and littie Miss 'cher, E. Stephenson; Asat. Ticher, Daphne Burrus; a rcading, Mn.. C. Sicinan; Sec., Mrs. E . Stephen- H. Barrie, "An Indian's Chxistmias son: Treas., Mrs. E. Briçley, after Gilt"; piano sélection, Miss Marie which an enjayable evening was Collacutt; mouthorgan selection spent and lunch was served. by B. Darch; vacal solos, "Reain- W.A. next week at Mrs. Hen0y. ing li Uic Gloaming " and 1I Love Ashten's. a Lassie" were sung by Mr'. Bur- Church on Sunday at 3 na.. rus, accempanied by Mrs. Burrus at Uic piano; vocal solo, Miss D. Burrus. This fine prograni was gxeatly enjoyed and appreciatcd. oân Mr'. Mortson then took charge of thc recreatien period when thx'ee Recent Visitors: entcrtalning and amusing con-' Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Oshawa,' tests were cnjoyed, aiter which with Mr'. and Mrs. N. C. Yellow- lunch was scx'ved. lees. Viitors: Mr. and Mrs. P~ . Yellowlees Mrs. E. Wght wiUi relatives in and Neil visited Mr. and Mrs. Auis- Oshawa. tin Franln. Port Penny, on Sutpday. Mx's. Matilda Chapman wiUi Mn. R, T. McKessock wi±h Mis&- her sister, Mlrs..Wm. Virtue. Lulu Reynolds, Hampton. Miss FlarencO Gardiner, Oshi- Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and awa, at Mr'. B. F. Gardlner's. Barbara jean, Nestleton, with Mr. Mx'. and Mx'.. S. Souch, Clarke and Mrs. R. C.. Scott and Mr. and Unibn, with Mx'. and Mx's. Albert Mrs. B. G. Stevens. Hawkey. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlae Mr'. E. B. Huglison, Taranto, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, visited is mothex', Mx's. Wm. Whittix. Hughson. C.G.I.T . members and their lead- Mr'. and Mrs. Hannali and son, ens attended* tbe Rqlly at Oshawa on Baltimore, with Mr'. and Mx'.. Wm. Sundav. MacDonald. Mrs. Maurice Baker's group cf the Mx'. and Mvrs. Thea Down and Women's Institute sponsored a lmst Bille wiUi Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Heir party at thc Hall an Tburscla* Bowmanvilllc. . . nikht. Prizes for -the higheqt sort Mns. Albert Johnson, Toronto, were' won by Mrs. R. J. McKessoclç and Mr. Sam Dewell. Mr. J. H. Smith received the consolation award. Lunch was served and ail enjoyed a pleasant evenin«. Y.P.U. met Mondav nicht with Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Fellowsbip Ccmvener, in charge of th~e urogram.j Devotional stan' was iiven bv Pearl Leach. "Building a Christian Nation"' as the theme chosen for tbe address by Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Musical numbers included a piano - trio by Helen Langmaid, Ruth Reynolds and Dorotby Hardy; piano duet ,y jea= Leach and Ileen Raison; readings by Gladys Yellowlees and Mrq.. Wes. Yellowlees were enjoyed. Recreation was in thec form of relays.- Football Club held a successful pie social and dance on Tuesday nigzht. Mrs. Marie Clark Bell and Ian, Mr-. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and William were Thursday evening din- ner Ruests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A Werry, En- niskillen, at Mr. A. L. Pascocs. Several f rom here were gueas of Uic Bowmanville Rotary Club at Hampton, Friday night and er mucb Pleased *itb the supper, en- tertainment and good fellowsbip. Do"'t forget the Brothierhood meeting at Zion Churcb, Wednesday nfioht. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Graham, Claremont. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter ByaY, Pickering, at A. L. Pascoe's. "Reat is the fitting cf self ta its se)here-'ýJohn Dwight 's Bethesda BeUiesda Home and S&fbolMb lield Its second meeting af Uic year with Uic President J. Cook tonducting Uic business. It was decidcd ta hold a social evenlng an Frlday, Dec. 8tb, starting at 7 pan. Mrs. R. Wrght teok charge bi Uic devotional. Thc followng .progx'am was presented: Coml munity slng-seng led by G. White. Mr'. Alex MoGregor, Bowman- ville, xendered two splendid solos, accompanied by Miss Helen Wil- liams at Uic piano. The achool pupils favored wi a selection. Miss Florence Rundie gave a talk on Mohandas Gandhi. Mx'. E. A. Surumers, Bownianville, present- ced his alides on "Home Beautifi- cation," shawing homes acress Canada. Mrs. Pooley and Mns. Brent favored with a piano duet. A conteat was conducted by Mx'. H. Smale, altex' which lunch was scrved and social time enjoycd. .RANGER NEWS rie Rangers met Nov. 2gUi. Mns. Cunninghamn gave eut the second class badges and compli- mcntcd each girl on her work. The company declded te begin waork on Uic Ranger Star and Uicn wox' fo prilclncybades. Miss Marlon Wagar gave Uic Guides a drill and some games. Helen Cet- ton cntentalned thc company for half on heur with an engrossn truc or false game. Ncxt *e Esther Bàrimett la te take this hall houx'. Meeting clased wli tapa. Candy is always a welcolme gift' On Christmas, as on any other occason, .eandy ls the perfect g9t. EverYbodY Mies ifs delicloas flUvor and If lia dcri it e nutritlonl vaoue. We feattire Hfunt',, Ganongle, Lowney's and Moire, made irons pureat ln"meiets. Every- fhlng for .the kildies a weli as tse growis-ups. CIGAItS, CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ANDI PIPES AND SUNDRIES z 'Barey Sutar Sticks ,au Jar Crackers .Tust rlgbt for yoe~ celebration. 25c doz. Up Ice Cream Bricks &Novefties ORDRR EARLT v R TABLE MODEL -tube f ive band superlioterodyne Speciai heavy duty ô6inchiMagiôavox SPeaker, 6 automatia tuning buttons and compatcbinet, 2UY211 wide> 50" higli and 15" deeedap. SL19050 Head Your List With a' Westinghouse Radio Eloctric or Battery Set - or - Westinghouse 'Appliances Extra qualittu, extra refipements, extra advancements and extra veue, bufit into oach Wetinghouse receiver give actual- substance.te tthe statement that 'You get MORE ini a Westinghouse.' 0 More beauty of apperance... cabinets of rich and dsig4hdde- sign, created of the rareat, mont costly woods known -to the'cabinetmaker's art 1 More vivid reaism of tone -.. mors brillant 1 uerfoirnanoe, to wblch Weutilag- house radio engineeirs bave made. their mont notable achievements I Whether your ohoice is the. saiallest o! portable modela or the beautiful de- luxe consoles, your oi judgmient will confiim the. opinion o! radio experts, 11You gat more in a Westinghouse wbat- ever thie price you pay." Good Trade-in Value on Your OId Recelver Appliances Superior Westinghouse Appliances inilude the new Adjuatomatia Router, the Ecconomy Iron, :Perool4tors, Vacuum Oleaners, Waffle Irons,, Toasters, Warm- ing Pads, Food Oraftero, etc. 6-tube two band superiolterodyne Covera the Standard Broadoast and Firat Police Banda, and smrneInter- national broadcast ranges. Latent Westinghouse auperheterodyne circuit with automatia volume control on two tubes. Latest beam power output tube and Magnavox moulded con.sopeaker assure unidlstorted volume. Slm 1if le worid wide station aciector dMal. with worid wide atationai lited. Only TABLE MODEL 6-tube two band superheterodyne With 5 Inch mouided cons dynamia speaker end compact cabinet 10 minces hlgh, 15!/g inclies wide and 7V/4Inolis deep. $444095 Tubes Tested Fe W ~. J. C h a I$ * eoi U hl a ai zi Wosthnghonse Dealer àD osi il odw . & » Phono 2653 King st. Bowmanvlle 4., CONSOLE MODEL TABLE MODEL 7-tube f iv. bond auperliaterodyne Sîmilar te modal aboya, with speciai 611 moulded cons speaker and compact cabinet, aise 20" long, 15%"1 h1oh anil 1/'deep. $94050 A 6-tubs two band superlieterodyne With 5Y, I nch moulded cons speaker and compact cabinet Si/s Inchea êp 18 inciesalong, and hi/amaieshia h J. BAGNELL BowmmvlHels Oldest ConfecUoners sud Tobamon" Phone 419 L THURSDAY, DEICEMBER YTH, l9à PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO q a il 'l

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