4 THU1RSDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN TmE ORONO NEWS Social and Personal 1'EONE 40r16 Mrs. Thorne, Kendal, was guest of Mi. MoKenna. Lbrary Board lias purchased sorne new books. SMn. Demaray vlsited friends here. Mr. D. Myles lias returned home for the wlnter. ,Miss Jean Logan vlsited friends in Toronto.1 Mvrs. George Seymour is visit- ing Mr..and Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Mr. Bob Keane, Toronto, was home. .Mrs. W. Patterson was guest of Mir. R. Fairbairn. .Mrs. Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson. The O.C.S. have engaged an orchestra from Havelock for the music for their Christmas dance. The cookmng left from Friday at the W.M.S. sale was offered for sale Saturday afternoon. Mr. and'Mrs. Graham and son and Miss Freeda Wilson, Toronto, vlsted ,Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffatt. Mn-U. J'ack Cobbledick, Toronto, vWsted Mr. *and Mn. Newton Cob- bledlck. Mrs. :Fed Duncan rcturned, home -from Montreal- Sunday niglit. Mrn. Phoebe Gordon lias re- turned home alter visiting in the Sunny South. Miss Betty Stapleton and littie brother visited Mr. and Mn,. John Morris. Mn. and Mrs. M. A. Caleton and~ faznily are settled i,their ne% bode. .OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 101i Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. DEC. 7.-9 The BigFan and Music Film sensation 'Babes in Arms' wlâth Mc y Rooney- Judy Garland Woharles Winger - Guy Kibbee_ Added: Color Cartoon "'One- Mother's Famfly"' REVIVAL Frlday at 10.45 p.m. 'Theré's AIways a Woman' Starring -Joan fliondeil - MelvS'n Dougflas. Monday - Tuesday DEC.'1il- 12 Two Great Features 'Dark Journey' with Conrad Veldt -. Vivlan Lelgh and «'Bridai Suite' with Annabella - Robert Young. Wednes. - Thuraday Frlday - Saturdày DEC. 13 - 16 lu Glonlous Technicolor 'Drums Along the Mohawk' Starring -Claudette Colbert- Henry Fonda Edua May Oliver Eddie ColUna. Give Theatre Tickets For Cbnistpiàs - An Ideal Gif t la Attractive Envelopes. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bosborough and baby spent Uic weekend i Peterboro. Miss Marlon Dickson, B.A., of Campbellford, visited Mrs. J. Dickson. Mn. John Millson, B.Sc., Wel- land, viited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milison. Master Robent Demaray return- cd home wlihlis mother after vislting relatives here. Marclimont and Cowling fanins have been purchascd for the pur- pose of growing tobacco. Scliool Christmas examinations begin in. .C.S. to-day (Thurs- day). Mr. and Mrs. Glen DahI, Al- berta, Miss Freeda Grey and Mn. Bob Calvent, Lindsay, werc Sun- day visitors at Neil F. Porter's. The Anglican Churcli catcrcd to the I.O.O.F. banquet held in Or- ono town hall last'night (Wed- nesday 6tl.).q Mn. Vernon Saunders, Miss Helen Orr, Mr. William Brass, Mn. and Mrs, Holman, Mns. E. Richi- ardson, Toronto, werc guests of Mr. and Mn,. A. Saunders. Miss Elizabeth Gailoway, New Toronto, according hi the Toronto Star, is joining the staff of Uic Brampton Higli School in Janu- ary. Plans have been made for sev- eral carloads of Oronoitcs hi go to Bowmanville to-morrow niglit to attend a district meeting of chuncli officials. Mn. W. H. Brown, M.A., left Friday for Hamiltoin where ie lias sccurcd a position as chcmst for Uic Appleford Paper Products compan>'. Mn. J. J. Mellor was in FaliMs Line Nov. 30th addressing Uic cornmunity at Uic annual gather- ing of the Fallis Line Orange Lodge. Mn. J. J. Mellor was guest speaker et the turkey supper and banquet of Uic East Whtby Township MiIk Pioduccrs' Asso- ciation in Centre St. Churcli, Osh- awa, on Dec. 5Ui. About 140 at- tended. Mn. and Mns. Luther Pascoe, Hampton, Misses Ama and -Flor- ence Bundle, Mr. Albert Rundle, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. George Crowther, Newcastle, spent Sun- day at Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wood's. The Young People have pre- parcd a missionary play under Uic direction of Miss Margaret Miilson whicli Uic>'will present in lieu of a topic at the Union meeting ncxt Monday niglit. Al arc urged to corne out to hear it- as Uic>' have put a lot of work on its preparatioli. The new liglits i Park St. Churcli will be dedlcated next Sunday niglit if Uic installation la. complete. The trustees are hi be congratulated on their enterpnise and Uic ladies of Uic W. A. are hi be Uianked for their splendid fi- nancial co-operatioti. Executive and conimittees Of Bcd Cross met at Uic home of. Major, J. C. Gamcy Monday niglit. Arrangements were made for buying of wool and other businessý Committee is anxlous to secure names of enlisted men of Orono and vicinity with Uic objcct of sending Uicm a Christ- mas box. When interviewed regarding Uic higli Hydro bills tliis month Jas. E. Richards rcfused hi take the blame. "Blame Uic weather for having to turn on Uic liglits at 4.30 p.m., blame Hitler for People kceping on Uic radio until after 11 p.m. in order to licar Uic latest war news, and blanie Uic govern- ment for Uic 8 % tax,"I sald Jini, "but don't blame me." Crooked Creek Crookcd Creck Home a n d Scliool Club lield a euchre Part>' Thunsda>'. There was s good at- tendance. Ladies' prises wenc won b>' Mn,. V. Farrow and Mns. ,Wes- toi Stringer,' men's pruzes b>' V. Farrow and Laurence Gilmer. Mr. and Mns. Wlfred- Wood celebrated their wedding ansi- versar>' on Sunda>'. Mn. and Mn,. W. Ogdcn licld s dance Fnida>' and evcrybod>' lad an enjoyabie evening. Mr. and #Mrs. F. Gilmer and »~mily spent Sunda>' at .Niagara. Mn. Bob Hughes and Mn,. C. F.ý Hughes.visited fricnds in Oshiawa. Mn. Gordon Clysdsie and boy fricnd from Belleville with liS. mother.,Mn,. J. Clysdale. M. J. J. Mellor, Onono, at Mn. Swsin's. Mns. G. Clarke has becs on the sick list. Uv. and Loam Club Té Serve Té& At Institut@ Meeting Mns. James Tamblyn was host- cas to Uic Live and L.earn Club November 2MU, over which Presi- dent Jean Logan presldcd. 1Plans were made hi, serve tes àt Uic Institute meeting Dec. 14Ui. Trhe work covered, under thc general lieading of "Sliaring Fam- lly Meais", dealt with suggestions for meal planning, table setting and -service, table etiquette asd good conversation. A demonstra- tioxn was given of setting Uic table for one. Covers were set for ciglit later and the correct way of scrv- ing was shown by two girls, with eight others taking the part of Uic host, hoestess, guest of honor and guests. The menu was-cream- cd peas'on toast, an assortment of cookies, and tea, and was cnjoyed b>' the 24 girls present. The sext meeting was settlcd for Wcdnesday, Dec. fth, at Uic home of Mns. O. W. Rolph, when Uic general topic will be "Enter- taining at Tea." Christmas Tom S.rved At Women's Misslonary Society A delightf u! Christmas tes was held Fnida>' afternoon in Park St. Sunda>' Scliool.room under aus- pices of Uic W .M.S. Bcd ropig, bells, wreaths, poinsettas and greener>' wcrc used in decorationa and Uic tes table was graced with red candles i silver holders and two silver services from whicli Mrs. H. Walsh and Mns. S. Little- wood poured tea. Following a sale of home cooking, eggs, head- cliçese, canned fruit, etc., Rey. S. Llttlewood presidcd over Uic fol- lowing program: TwÔ vocal trios by Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Miss L. Ailin and Mns..-B. Smith; piano solo, Jean Logan; vocal duet, Mrs. SmIi and Mn,. Drummond; piano duet, Mns. Lynchi and Miss Jean Logan; reading, Mns. Jim Tamb- lyn; and piano solo, Mns.,Lyncli. Christmas carols and a few ap- propriate rcmarks b>' Bey. Little- wood wcre alsoenjoyed. Dellc- ious refrcsliments wcrc scrved. DIM AND DISTANT 'HAPPENINGS From flic Orono News of Decomber 3, 1914 Dicd: Carscadden - In Orono, Nov. 27, 1914, A. F. Carscadden. Mn. Florne>' of Atlanta, Georgia, cailed on Peter Galbraith and others negotiatingUic purchase of Southern States Portland Cernent Co. stock. Mn. B. S. Fitzgerald, Chathiam,- a former teiler of Uic Standard Bank, will be manager here until thc arrival of Mn. Beid's successor, Mn. C. J. Fox. Mn,. Falls, Osaca, is negotiating thec purcliase of Howard Mc- Comb's residence, north ward. Mn Fa=l died last wcek in Port Hpe ositalfrom 'typhoid fever. Mn. W. S. Stinson is visiting friends in Coîborne. 1 Coulson Quinncy lias had jaundice. 1Frank iSall's new residence, south Cliurch street, is now ready for occupancy. John Buickley celcbrated lis 79Ui brthday Dec. ist. Besides Uic members of the famil>' there wcere present e. ndMn Hll, Tyrone, Mn.an s.Wsley GrreyPontpoM.adMns. Pal* St. Union Young People', Urmon ws hleld Moilda> nigit, in charge o; Olive' 1Brown and Neil Wood. Scnipturc was read b>' Gloria Richardson. Mn R. E. Logan and Mn,. Cliarles iWood rendencd a splendid vocal duet witli-Miss Myrtie Smith at Uic piano. Miss Margaret .Millson gave a 'Chistmas reading. This was followed b>' s rcading:.'en- titied "FuIfilling the Propliecy" (whicli hiok Uic place of s topic) Lb>' Clifford Joncs. Miss. Elleen LRiddell favored with a piano solo, after whic liabout fifteen minutes iwss spent in singing Christmas canols. Park St. W.Ma.S -Newly elected officers of P ark St. W. M. S. are: President - Miss M. Day; 1,t Vice Pres. - Mn,. S. Littiewood; 2nd Vice Pres. - Mr,. M. H. Stapies; 3rd Vice Pres. - Mn,. R. Raine>'; Bccording Sec'>'. - Mn,. Chas. Wood; Corrcsponding Sec'>'. - Mns. Fraiick; Treasurer - Mn,. B. E. Logan; Sec'>'. Chrnistian Stewardship and Finance - Mrs., A. A. Drummond; Communit>' Fricndshi - Mns. J. J. Mellor; Suppi>'. Sec>'. - Mn,. H. Bowc; Missionar>' M1onUil>' Sec'>'. - Mn, W. Seymour; Temperance & Citi- zenship - Mmi. H. Walsh; Press Sec'>'. - Miss F. Cobbledick; Baby Band Sec'>',. . Miss Myrtle Tam- blyn, Miss Myntie Smith; Pianists - Mns. RowlandSmitli and Mn,. R. H. Brown; Mission Baqd Supt. - Mrs. S. Littiewood; Financial Committee - Mn,. A. A. Drum- mond, Mn,. M. H. Staples, Mn,. B. E. Logan, Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Mrs. B. H. Brown. Meeting opened wli carols. Tneasumen's report was given. Of- ficens wlll be installed at Uic ncxt meeting. Scrlpture was mead b>' Mrs. S. I4ttlewood who also gave a short reading.- Miss Laura AllUn fgv'oned wli a neading, aften .whlch Mn.. A. A. Drumniond repdered a delightfui vocal solo. a readlng b>'Mrs. M. H. Staples followed, after whldh Miss M. Day gave a reading. PLOSSY RETUIRNS PROU TEE WOR.D 'S PAR Cedar Dale Rag Apple Flossy, one of the Canadian cows cliosen to represent the Holstein breed in the Borden Company's Daîry World of Tomnorrow at the New York World's Fair, who rccently returned to ber home at Orono on the dairy farmn of A. J. Tamblyn. Entertaining Program Presented AtI Commencement and Literary Nighti The assembly room- of O. C. S. was crowded Thursday niglit for the combined Commencement Ex- ercises and first Literary meeting, which provided three hours of entcrtainmeflt. Ron Patterson, President of the Literary Society, preslded over tie first part of tic program which rncludcd Uie minutes read by Secretary Carol Staples; vocal solo by Miss Kathleen Simpson with Jim Powers at the piano; and the reading of the OsaCiS by Editor Gilbert Dent. This issue was excellent and showed wit and cleverness in the poems and write-ups which may later corne to be of use to the author when cntering the realm of newspaper- land. A. J. -Tamblyn, chairman for Uic Commencement part, opcned lis share of thé program with a few humorous reminiscences of lis school days, congratulating thc teachers, caretaker and music supervisor on their excellent worlc and extending a welcomc. The Valcdictory address was given by Adele Morton, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton, who lias Uic unique record of only failing in one test since attcnding the school and always peming well in examinations. In hler sa- drcss she intimatcd that Uic gra- duating class lef t with mingled joy and regret hi enter Uic life of Uic worM wiUi its dificultics and opportunities, having obtained a sound knowledgc and character- building ideas from thec, teachers, and gained- many friendships among the students. She closed with a fcw words of ardvîcc hi Uic students., Miss Meda Williams prcscnted Helen Harncss with Uic Prof. Squair French prize for proficien- cinFrenchi. Mr.D. Robb, music instruct- rcss, spoke bricfly rcgarding thc work which la an innovation in Uic O.C.S. in Uic first two grades. Mrs. A. A. Drummond present- cd Donald Staples wiUi a prize for music, stating Uiat she was glad Uiat music was now, being taught in the Higli school and Uiat Uic pupils ouglit hi be grateful for Uic opportunity which had been denlcd hi hundreds of Uieir pre- decessors. Mii. O. W. Rolph presented the prize hi Glen Tamblyn who tied with Donail, and intimated that Uic teaching of music in Uic higli- er forns would have far reaching effects. Following a sacred vocal duet, "Alone" - by Gwen and Muriel STOP BABYS COLD - EFORE UT GUTS WoRsE DONT LET your baby's littie cold deve1 inta somethinz worse. Let Mia. pea. mc5Bride of Sarorugh teUlyou what ta do. '«My baby Of 26 Ointbs a cut a nasty cold, so I trled B±cyeOWn Tabets ud abe tbrew tbiscoIdaof qucer than ever belore. I certain>' am for Bby's Own Tablets tram now on.,, Baby', Own Tablets are same and sure In their action. They correct the cause of bab' trouble. Effective la cieurlng op teething troubles, constipation, simple fever,, dlarrhaea, upset stomach, col c and aummer complaint litbity, Imle croup and other of « aa aliments. et tey are uttefly treoopas osturefYing drugs. An mnays amreprteAs 8iven I n each psckase. Cta&p"agtodair. SUnesa so often strikes lanthe nigt. 25 cnt& Your mooey back if you %re ot satisffed. BACKACHE? Why go on suffering witl4 siuggish, ciogged up ktidneys? Gin Pilla heip relieve the condition that gîves you 1those stabbing back pains. In the United States ask for "Gino Pilla". à dam la canaanmd the U.S.-E4&uwa and aew, lugte Dsousy dam sel Relief Recipionts To Benefit From Proceeds of Dance 150 or thercabouts attended the dance in Orono town. hall Friday evening and either danced the light fantastic to the strains of music provided by the Rhythmers Orchestra of Oshawa or playcd cards in the council cliamber. AUl varicties of music wcre provided, lncluding even that for the old- fashioned square dances. Refresh- mciits could be purchased down- stairs from Stan Payne and assist- ant. The proceeds are to be ap- plied to relief purposes, and the comn-ittcc have rcccived addi- tional donations to help out from people who werc either unable to corne or cisc do not dance. A. W. CARVETH DIES AT VICTORIA Born at Port Hope - Operated Orono Flour MiDa - Came to the Grande Prairie District Over the Edson Trail in 1911 (Grande Prairie, Alberta Herald- Tmes) Arthur William Carveth, aged 77, a pioneer of the Grande Prairie dis- trict, passed away at bis residence on Maplewood Road, Victoria, B.C., Nov. 8th. on receipt of the distressing news, the sons, Gerald and Rupert of the East-end, Ieft. b>' plane for Victoria. The f uneral service was held, Nov. llth, at the McCall Bros.' Funeral Home. Rev. Huizh A. McLeod of- ficiated. Cremation took place atthe Royal Oak Crematoriumi. Mn. Carveth is survived by his widow, one daughter, Rita Mary, at home; three sons, Cecil R., New- castle, Ont., Rupert H. and Gerald V., living east of Grande Prairie; also one sister, Dr. Annie Higbee, Toronto. The late Mr. Carveth was born at Port Hope. Nov. 19, 1861. He moved to Leskard, with his, parents, where in his earlv twenties, he conducted a store and operateci a f lour nijîl. Here he married Elizabeth "Cornisît Lifton, Devonshire, England, Dec. 4, 1890. Thein four children wcre born there. In 1897. be moved to Qrono, where he purchased the Orono Flour Milis. In 1911, he made hjy f irst trip over the Edson Trail to Grande Prairiei and later helped tQ fonni the finst municipalitv in the Peace River country, of wbhi e was the f irst Reeve. This was the Granide Prairie Municinality No. 739. Mn. Carvcth netired from farming activities and left Grande Prairie in januar>', 1930, for Victoria, B.C. Hewas a life-long member of the Methodist Church, later joining the United Church of Canada. He also was a life member of the Sons of EnRIand Lodge. A man of the highcst character, Mr Carveth was highly respected by bis host of f iends in this countrv. In bis nassinz the Grande Prairie dis- trict lost one who left bis stanj.p) on the development of the country, mat- Tennant, with Carol Staples at eilyand sJiritually. Uic piano, J. J. Gilfilian prescntcd Th followinig were the pallbearens Kathleen Ard with Uic Masonic - F. Lukey, Geo. Cas.son, T. Stran_-, Thie Treil enatcrandPofSciencanon. leJ lnia n .C prhe Tforelathem atics and cien-c o. leT nia n .Cn c>' Shield was won b>' Gwcn Ten- nant whose record was outlined Br by Uic donor in presenting the Br vm s shield to Uic winner. ____ Mn. B. C. Rosborougli thanked Mn. A. Hunter lias becs helpmng *à udience for their atte ndance Mn. A. Brown, Port Granby,. cut and Uic dosons for, their pises, wood. and outlinedt Uic new course of Miss Pcggy Stephenson had lien study. He also gave Uic glad tid- - head cut with a rock and Uic doc- ings Uiat there would be no more ton was called to dress Uic wound. Middle School examinations. He The Bcd Cross Committce of presented Intermediate c c r t i f i- Brows's section held a succcssful -cates hi Enid Bowen, Margaret card and -crokinolc party Nov. 29.1 Flintoif, Jean Forresten, Ruth Those winning prises were Mn,. Lunn, Lorcen Manning, Jean Mer- C. Brown, Lakce Shore, Alfred cen, Dick Morton, Kathleen Simp- Graham, Newcastle, who won lst son, Donald Staples, Glen Tam- prises in cards, and Mrs. W. blyn. Stringer, Orono, and A. Brown, Glen Tamblyn favored with a Brown's, consolation pnizes. Miss cornet solo with Jira Powens at Wyima Farrow and S. Brown won the piano. Uic first prises in crokinole, and Mn. S. R. Widdîs presented AUi- Mn,. A. Hlunter and A. Bedwin, lctic medals as follows: Jr. Girls, consolation prises. Prises were Carol Staples; Int. Girls, Jean donated b>' members of Commît- Mercer; Sr. Gis, Eunice Middle- tee. ton; Jr. Boys, Bruce Cliapman* Bcd Cross Committee quiltcd Int. Boys, Dîck Mortos; Sr. Boys: two quit, given by Mesdames Jim Pwers.Walter Farrop~ and Welington Powcrs. Farrow at tMe home of Mns. J. P. M. Lunn prcsentcd liSshil Brown, Frida>' afternoon. for Agriculture to Grant Moffatt, son of Mr. and Mn,. Wm. S. Mof: Visiton,: fatt, wlio scems hi be following Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Aluin, Lake in his father's footstepa as fan as Shore, with Mn. and Mn,. Walter agicultunal pursuits arc concers- Farrow. cd. Misses Jean Perrin and Wyinia Olive Brown, Audrey' Cooper, Farrow and Mn. W. Morley, in Marlon Cooper, Wdlfred Froste Bowmanville. and Ronald Pattenson received Mn,. G. Arnold in Osliawa. Graduation diplomas, pncsented Mr. Truman Clark i Toronto. b>' Bey. S. Littlewood who told Mn,. Tom Woodlock snd Doug- the students wlio werc graduating las wihMn,. J. Brown. from sdhool into Uic scliool of Uic Mr. and Mn,. C. Turner and world that Uic>' must lears to face San' with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Os- and do disagnecable tliings no bonne, Ebenezer. matter in what position the>' de- Miss Ethel Simpson with Mis cide to seek a cancer, that the>' Ruth Simpson, Bowmanville. should taclile these and sot anti- Mn,. Wattam, Venons, with lier cipate, and final>' that t h e>' daugliten, Mn,. B. Branch. should tny to love their tasks. Dick Morton, convenen of Gnoup N wt 1, took oven Uic chairmanship for Ne t nville the nest of the pnognam which _____ consisted of an instrumental trio 1Mn,. Whittaker lias returned b>' Boy Forrester, Dick Mortn~~fo iiigle ageM, and Jim Powers; two spiend Wfrm Cistn e ater, Osha piano accordion solos by Miss , m hseOhwa. Doris Whyte; piano solo b>' .im' Mn,. Wm. Milligan undenwent Powens; speech of appreciation an operation in Oshiawa Hospital. and expianation b>' President Bon She iS progressing favorably. Pattenson wlio outlined Uic for- Newtonvillc Y. P. U. visited Uic mation and work of the Literlary Elizabethville Union Nov. 28tli, Societ>'; a short sing-song led b>' and spent a delightful evening. Mn. M. H. Staples; and last but Mr. and Ms,. S. B. Joncs, Mns. sot ieast Uic pis>', "The Bisliop's Henr>' Joncs, and Mr. Melville Candiesticks," wîi this cast of Joncs attended the fuserai of Mn. cliaracters: Marie - June Goode; LeiUi Laidle>' at Omemee, Thurs- Pensome - Lillian Fowlcr; The day. Bisliop - Jim Powers; Convict - Visitons: Dick Morton; Sengeant - Roy For- Mn,. Hassen with friends in rester. Chathiam. June Goode was excellent in Mns. Tone Langstaff, Mn,. An- her noie of servant, as was Lillian thur Bedknapp, Mrs. Boy Smithi Fowlen as the Bisliop's sisten wlio and Mns. Willis Joncs witli Mn,. scolded at lien brother selling the J. G. Jackson, Orono. saît ceilans to get mone>' for Uic Mn. and Mn,. Harry Lane and poon and yct obeyed hlm as the Leona, Coiborne, witll, Mn. and Blshop whom she adoned. Jim Mn,. W. C. Lane. Powqrs as Uic kind and under- Mn,. Mary Armstrong, Toronto, standing Blaliop wlio aid, ail in with Mn. and Mn,. S. B. Joncs. trouble was marvdllous and lis Mn. and Mrs. Cccii Walkey in acting lcft nothing to be desired. Oshiawa, Frida>'. Dick Morton as Uic convict, cap- Mr. and Mns. Cccii Walkey with turcd Uic interest of Uic audience Mn. 'and Mns. Will Gnccnwood, and desenves Uic titie of the best Kendal, on Sunda>'. açtor in Uic pis>'. Hi, acting was Mn. and.Mrs. Rorabeck and Mn,. second in recent years onl>' hi Woods, Cobourg, witli Mn. and that of Ros Patterson as Disraeli. Mrs. D. Kaufman. The pis>' was followcd b>' a Bey. and Mn,. J. McLachlan, bnass quartette selection b>' Man- Mn,. WiWs Joncs and Mns. Laur- le>' Littlcwood, Boy Forrester, ence Saver>' In Toronto. Jlm Powcns and Dick Mortoni. Mn. and Mn,. Gco. SmlUih, Stark- This brouglit to a close ose of Uic ville, and Mn. and Mnr. Arthur best attended and most enjoyable Bell, Bowmanville, wlihMn. and commencements lield i ecent Mrq. Geo. J. Stapleton and Mn,. years. Thos. Stapleton. Starkville Shiloli W. A. met at Mrs. Lamne Todd's on Tuesday. This was Uic annual meeting at whidh officers were appointed. Mrs. Sidney Lockliart, Newton- ville, called on Mrs. John MeKay. Mn. and Mns. Victor Farrow wcre in Millbrook and Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. Gco. McMullen and daugliters, Bownianviile, Mn. and Mn,. Laurence Savery and famil>', Newtonville, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Saver>'. Miss Meda Hallowell and Miss Ruth Saver>', Newcastle, spent Sunda>' at home. Mn. Geo. McMuilen and Mr. L. Saver>' called on Mn. David Mc- Mullen. . Mn. Ross Hallowell lias another nice new car. Miss Edna Farrow, Millbrook, la home. Bey. Beaton, Toronto, preachcd in Shiol on Sunday. Our Young Pcople's League was held in Shiloli Churcli Monday evehlng. This Sunday Bey. J. McLachlan will preacli on temperance i Shiloli. Mr. Gordon Clysdale, Oshawa, spent Sunday wlihMii. J. Clys- dale. Mr. Ross Hallowell la iavmng thc clcctric liglits installed in lis barn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finnie, Zion, have moved into'Uic Ruth- yen house. "Ail Truth is from inspiration and revelation, - f rom Spirit, flot from flesh."-Mary Baker Eddy *'The giow of inspiraton w arms us: this hoiy rapture springs fromn the seeds of the Divine mind sown in mnan.ý-Ovid "No mian was ever Rreat without divine inspiration."ý-Cicero "There is a deitv within us who breathes that divine fire b>' which we are animated."-Ovid N orthe rn Electrmc .RADIOS Appeal t. Eye, Enan ad Pochet The new mirrophonle radios are "Supreme ln Bonm" makiug friends wherever they go. They feature - sparkllng performance wlth flue furniture. No Bother With Aerlals The new triple loop built-in antennae, dons awby with unuightly wtres. You just plug into the neareut outiet and the stations pour in. Push-button control, automatic volume control, ovef- 9size speakers and beautiful cabinets. $18m95 $1S See them at Wu. J. Chall-is, -Northern gelecthic Radio Dealer- Phone 26U3 Bowmanville - .J M PHONE ees' The Canadian Statesman is now compiling a lassffied "Who's Who" Business Direotory page, inolud- ing manufacturent, business conoumn and profeosional people i the Bow- nlanville dâstrict. Listings and classifications will b. alphabeticaily arrang.d, no partiality being shown as to position. No outs or. dispiays wiil b. included, each firm beimg represented on equsi terms. If your name doeo not appoar in the Telephone Book as a business, phone The Oanadian Statesman - M6. The co-operation of every business con- cern âs essential in making this a repre- sentative directory. They're priced upwards from ---- -------