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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1939, p. 12

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14TIL 1939 pan>' with Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball tenanted by Principal Thos. A. and party. Major Dudley return- Rodger of the public school and ed from his visit to Trenton and Mrs.Rodger. Mr. John Griéve, The N ow aste I dep nd ntLloyd Stephenson and Doug dro Electric Commission through jPBONIR CLARKE 1114 Walton are gradually getting th its purchase now has a place of its - ______________________________________skating rink at Buckley's in shape own where it can keep its supply Conratlatonsto r. nd rs. Rev R.E. ortn ad eghtfor the first real good freeze-up. of poles and any other heavy oratulatoso anthe biRth faBo R.mEMr oatt nd e t Men and boys and a teain have equipment. M01O De . losi tt o aBoridmeetig of te ds-expended considreable work on it. _________ son n declia.. Alns thrCicheeig fEiders at Trinity Mrs. A. S. Houston, Toronto, Magr.havMn e h a scare ee r T Bowmanville, Dec. 8th. was here looking over the sub- daghes av adscretfee ToNewcastle ocotogenarian stantial addition to her suminer SÈlm but are convalescing. ladies, lirs. Geo. Eilbeck and lira. cottage at the lake. It is now no Mir. and Mrs. Saxon Graham Geo. Riekard, celebrated their longer a cottage, but has assumed "The Advent of Christ", .a h are closing' their home for the. birthdays on Tuesddy, Dec. 12th. the proportions and solid appear- therne of Rev A., W. Marcli's mr- wlinter and going to Florida., Mr. Carter is teller in the local ance of an attractive permanent mon at 'the 'evetnh1 service, taken A number of Toronto people Bank of Commerce, succeeding home.4 f rom the text, 'I arn corne that ye attended the big dance in the Mr. Sutherland wbo after taing Mir. W. J. Eilbeck has had car- migzht have light." ,9 cosumunit>' hall Frida>' evening. his holidays resigned hua position. penter J. McKellar enlarging bis Y.P.U. meeting for Dec. 6th was Newcastle Beef Ring is holding Mr. Pat Kenefick continues swximer cottage and building Mo- witbdrawn. an oyaer aupper and social even- quite poorly since he reoeived in- dern conveniences in the kitchen. Fia'eeig e.8b a> lig iae community hall De- juries sustamned in a fal. Man>' Another of Newcastle's carpe sa e eig e.8h in cemabell ith. friends have called to see him. trs W.Henig hs e n neighbours and friends gath-s Mxr. W. T. Lake motored to Mrs. Fred Burley is assisting Miss ing and fitting up a hen house for e.Cred et th e h ei r. aad is. Toronto witb Mr. Geo. A. Walton, Kenefick as nurse. te r.aniMs.E.Gan ne Bat to se.ebis mother, Mrs. W. C. Lake lirs. H. W. Dudley' returned Ivn .Ctorto ndvr.E. Car ~ inhe s e ini St. Michael's hospital. from Toronto on Sunday in coin- Kenneth Hall, of Brock Ave. rice Cator'>. Mr. F. Blackburn called _______________________________________________public school, Toronto, is the new the gathering to order and the. pro- president of the Public School Irmbgnwt tmrsiedn Athletic Association, the. organi- bgrar began withalrn ous ralingW zation of teachers which organizes bv Mrs. L. &jair: rnB ohat dr , and supervises gamnes in the c ty MseSi.nby ater B. L-cald on t. schols Hs ftOronA.os. Hlrea a nicel>' composed address to is a resident of Oon.Mr. and Mrs. Cain, and Mrs. F. Newcastle Orchestra, under the Blackburn and Miss M. Collacutt u leadership of Chas. Clemence, presented the bride -and zo with S E RS Theld their weekly rehal on a walnut end table and ifilvr flower ea Frîday evening, Dec. 8th, at the bolder, on, behaif of the. col ac home of Roy Ashton, violinist gTe.Zrom made a ver>' fitting re- RADIO ~~~Shaw's. Roy's mother, Mrs. W. C. pl f thanks and extended a eryh -- C £LAshton, served refreshinents aeniatio tothse prsento déit - SE l l I ail enjoyed a pleasant social time t'emat their home in the near w *S e e h e* U w WWalter practioe. future. The bride also expres8d er 2 Tii. marriage was solemnlzed thanks and repeated the in-VItatin.M, at Bloomfield United church Of The program continued with a- s8eh AI Elizabeth Margaret (Betty) Mont- f rom Rev. Mardi an4 lirs.- .C 1 9 4 0 ra d io s gomery, daughter o! lMr. and lirs. Squair; phort reading, Mrs. E: J Jame Sctt ontgmer OfDoide; out orgn slecionby thi WiiI Ibrili cand Amacz. You Bloomfield, to Ronald Burr Bax- Mr.B. Darch. The remaindfer of the 0W R D P R C SI ter of Port Hope, son of lMr. and evenn was spent in games and mrs. amesEdwin Baxter of social intercourse witb a b.QuntifulIh AT EW .LOW RED PRI ESI Bloomfield. Rev. J. T. E.'Blan- luncheon served by the ladies. As t.he utmtc"Pual-Buttof Tuning -complete Worldwide chard offlciated. They will live in cmaywr ath evMs Auooaic.Port Hope. The. bride is a gradu- Caopian.' weretl csng lav, rs S odai.S -l or $49.95when you buy a ate of Queen's university, and th.eCatrsin a w well hsrenwods, De tnew 1940Comodm model radio! The ,com, groom a graduate of Qagoode exrsegertak o h red , typical of De Forest offerings for 1940-exta Hall. Mers H. Gaknd s nTo B rout. W( advantages plot.e, but noofetra price..(On the contrarrie Newcastle niominations for the ____H. ________in __ro un the. new De Forest's arc the Iowes in De Foreat history. Torn Coundil, Board of Education andto ii yu od aionw ndgt bgtrd-i alwace itu Hydro Electriè Commission will upkuo inyu l io ouwsh. Get ayigurademi a modaem wit be held Dec. 29th, and 'elections, B r eAn'h >' aai o ih ieyorfml oenrdoo if an>' are required, Tan. 1, 1940. Ad__ which they can b. proud. SSe us toda>'. Both days are unsuitable for any Recent Visitors: Mr. W. N. Hos- the such purposes. Nomination night kmn witb bis neg'hew, Mr. Nelson- will confliet with a number -Of Bregg et Lindsay, who is ver>' ill. Christmnas tree events, and it is He elso called on Mr. and Mrs.- often inconvenient and impracti- Chas. Woodley and Mr. and Mrs. TI cable for man>' to go and vote On Dave Stephens. . Mr. and Mrs. New Year's Day, a- day of mu ch Meloy and Jimmy Quinn, St. -visiting and many gatherings of Catbarines, with Mr. and Mrs. E.- friends and relatives. Cuhl.-.M.adMs .Dv The trets wre inedFriay' ison, Oshawa, with Mr. and birs. B,- evening with mars o! patrons of Hubbard. .. Mr. and Mrs7A. SharpHI the Management C ommi t t ee Enniskillen, witb Mrs. C. *Sanderson. dance irb the' communit>' halMlao. iso ib r n Considerably over 200 guests presnt. usi waspftidedb>'Mrs. A. Wilson.. . Miss Anna Marie on. o! Romnanellis 8 piece orches-HoknHaoy, itMss or tras and lunch was served b>' otiv Hoskin... Mr. A. S. Mc- Newcastle Memorial Librar>' Aid. Kechnie, Winnipeg, Man., with bis Board o! Stewards for the event sister, Mrs. T. G. Breck. Mrs. wereC. . Crveh, . M CowilBreckes mother, Mrs. M. McKechnie,w Fred Couch Sr., and W. F. Rick: eundt-izie ihhm ard, M.P., and patronesses were, Mr. McKechnie, Mrs. Breck and lia CAWOOR....7wb ~Mrs. I. M. Colwill, Mrs. Fred Wallece spent Sunde>' with Mr. andi UnCM MODREr- tuepfi t>rea Couch, Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. R. Mrs. T. G. Wilson, Pontypool.. km gumeRom tbe Ful roaen W. Gibson,*Mrs. P. F. Hare, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barrett, HI ioem 535 to 1730 kes. Autmoatic Turnng C. R. Carveth, Mrs. W. F. Rickard, ton, N.Y., at Mr. and Mrs . - of4 rwlcedsttSs-ufy et WMrs. H. J. Toma. Mof fatt's. 944 10' V ONLY.... Reoent real estate transactions Miss Phyllis Strutt is under the in Newcastle include the purchase Doctor's care. EASYTER S $ 9 95o! the. Kenefick lot between Church and Baldwin Sts., on the north side of Caroline St., b>' the Zion Newcastle Hydro Electric Com- W . J Bag ellmission, and the purchase of the Grieve house and lot on George Recent Visitors: Mr. andi Mrs., Telephone 419 Bw nvile St. by Mrs. Eric Wicks, Toronto, Stenley Coverley, and Lloyd, Eben- and her sister, Mrs. Norman Gart- ezer, Mr. and Mrs. Morley' Flintof f shore, Pickering. This property is and Joan, Maple -Grove, at Mr. Wes. f ________________________Cameron,'.. . Miss jean Cameron c accompemied Mrs. Ted Chant~, Gary _ 1:11É112116111à I Iland Carol to Bowmanville on Satur- dav. to see Santa Claus.. Mr. jas. McMaster, Misses jean McMaster- Foo F r T'i CkismasFe stand Elsie Irr, Toronto, Mr. B. RA Broderick, Oshawa, at Mr. J. W. Balson and fimily at, Mr. Harvey' Hegerman's, Oshawa. .. Mr. and Puddig Pu pkinMrs. A. T. Stainton an4. Eileen with Miu Bernice Stainton et Peterboro. Pudding P mpkin.:. Mr. and Mrs. AIf Ayre and fam- L( Twoc-ulr ises.iesil>' et Mr. Harold Paige's, Uxbridge. c soc -$IL.SaId, Toronto, et Mr. Tom Martin's. P *wu f ' EacM nid Fruit Calke ~. ..Mrs. Jas. Stainton andi Grace et- Md . id tu Idividual 6 for 25e Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pterkins end the .= 4v.amm styleMargaret et Mr. Walter Hulatt's, a Oshawa. Mr. end Mrs. A.«T. Stainton and for Fer Yow Treefamil>', Mr. and Mrs. AIf Ayre and Fri OrOkrs -------- 50 - 5e -$1.. ~family attended the 2th wedding 7 - $1.00anniverserv of Mr. and Mrs. HansenW. Ga4Canes ' e - 50-l10 Richards, Oshawa, on Dec. Illt off: ut&"y Vamities ef Unusual NoveltisR.hmbr Mr. AIf Ayre attended the Chicago« EnbS.Fair. tors C» COL TIES 50 IboMiss Marion Gibson entertained ita cERy CAU C OlionCake agiow Sml OMM cheries, I SHORT BREAD IMie w0tb rleh 11gh grade 1WHIPPED CREAM DAINTIES Plai butter . 25 Chocolate Eclalrs - Creain Puifs Decratel- ----e81 Creain Rolse - Creasu Tarte Cherry --p - ot ri --40e lbM. CAUM'O M11180,- 10 VAITIES twm Dalftti. - Ffle O'Cloch - Wholo Wboat p- Beau - 8»*tUSmgk - Vltasulueral - Vieuna op Ssa4wle - fflmes Double - Potato Loaf t!91IOON TW&AiATCAETEr'S TF,& ROOM rr Dar - Drop lia while eyu ame uptown 9hopping. You'l findI lt refreohlug. * SPECIAL BAKING Wo are prparel aud oquippol te fill ->' of Yoms isqidrosucta. Cholea uu.- Fecan Ings- Date anulNul LoaE 4eS- Fm# N ould - Bath Duns - t e» IbDuSm-En Buls - Humbugi IMhm rdmZ«b woEnsue Dolivor>' vin" s- Cligarebles - luSpeelal CHRISTMAS CANDIES Large assortment of cl favorites. INEPE---5---e - -- 2Se -350 FRUIT BREAD, lBcf fruit------------- Loaf 12e CHRISTMAS PLrTfT FORS WIU adI that Dalnt>' Touch - - - Cocoanut Macaroons - Almond Macaroons - Lady Flugers NEILSON'S 10E CREAM To top off your Christmias Dessert la Bricks..»«-------- Ea----- --------£eh 250 Bulk -------- ------- -------«..........Put, 25e T Th:e Crte Family - lione s55s »Mom For Tue Generatles omnvll wqw~w - .w ~~-r - - r -- -~ - v v ~ TISSUE PAPER .Red, Green, Whilte Phone 651 COMING EVENTS BIRTH Providence Chista Tree and CAMERON - Mr. and Mrs. Ra>.' Concert, Thurada>', December 21st, et Cameron, Hampton, Ontario, an- 8 p.rn. Adnmission isc. - '50-1 nounce di' ria fabb u ter iur iliczTnu, ,A Rvcl,rln' lep 1 ltb, 1939, et Osaca, Ontario. PS.-Port Hope paper please copy LOWRY - In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Monday, Dec. 1 Idi, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowry.. c a son. PARADISE - In Bowrnenville Hospital, on Saturda>', De. 9th, 1939, to Mn. and Mrs. F. Paredise, t a son, Edward. DEATHS WOLFE - At bis home, 59 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, December 7tb, 1939, Herbert Alexander (Alex) Wolfe, beloved busband cf Ras- alind Snow, in bis 65th year. Pro- prietor cf "Dahlia Dell," Cadrnus. Me4GREGOR - In Bowrnanville, December 12tb, 1939, John Adam McGregor (former>' o 1 East Whitby), beloveti busband -of Ar- villa Lee, in bis 87thye*r. Funeral fromfi the home cf bis diuhtr Mrs. W. H. Birks, Wellington St., Bowrnanville, on FridaY, Dec. 15. Service et 2.30. Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. A Correction BUTLER - Ellen Ainley--Widow of the late R. P. Butleýr,. passed peacefull>' away et lber home, New- castle, Dec. lst, 1939, in. ler gOth year, dean>' beloved modier of E. Roy' Butler, Toronto, and Dr. J. Ainsby Butler, Mrs. Stella Ander- son, George and. Core Butler, Newcastle. Card Of Thanks Sbaw's Sebool Chiristmnas Concert on Tuesday, December l9th, 7.30 p.m. shatu. Admission 20c. Proceeds for Red Cross. 50-l* Enniakillen Sundar> School Çhrist- mas Conucert will b. held in Ot.age Hall, Thursday, December 2lst. Ad- mission: Aduits 25c, Ciildren l'Sc. Base Lin. No. 3 Christmas Concert srill b. held etthde'sehool cou Thurs- la>', Dec. 21st et 8 p.m. Admission Aiduits 20c, Cbildren 10c. 50-1* On Saturda>', Dec. 23rd, and Set- urda>', Dec. 3Oth, in S.Q.E. Hall, Straight Eucbne, 6 fowl fQt'prizes each night. Everybody welcorne. 25c admission. 50-l* The Annual Meetipz cf the Dur- eam, Count>' Shortborn AssociationI will b. held Saturda>', D%. l6th, et 2P.m. et tie of fice of the Depart- ment cf Agriculure,. Bowmenville. >l itçested in Shorthos aare cordiell>' invited to .b. present. John Howden, S. Chas. Allun, President. Secreta>' 50-1* Meple Grove Pubflc Sciiooi will hold their annuel Winter Fair, Wed., Dec. 2Oth, at 8 p.m. in the Sunda>' School basement. A programn of sngs, demo4astrations ,etc. will b. eiven; elso an' exhibiticn cf school 'cri. Don't miss seeing the play', 'Resurrection Day Dawns cn Hîs- ory" crigineted and Dut on b>' the )upils. Sente will b. tbenç te unload he Christmas Tree. Admission: duIts 20c, Children 10c. Childreui of he section f ree. Readlngs EA CUP AND CARDS eROM 3 v.m. to 10 pari. Danci's Tobacco Store. 50-4* Hllep Wanted IELP WANTED - MJIDDLE aged wcmen wented as compenion and belp for elderl>' couple. Light work Appi>' immedietel>', Mrs. H. E. Tini., Hamptcn, Phone 2232. 50-1 Weekly Feed Special VEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Ccrn Chop, $1.65 per cwt. 0f fer good until Dec. 2lst. Phone 777. F. C. Vanstone. . 50-1 Boar Service ýEGISTERED YO0R KS HI RE Boar, O.A.C., 227T-205403. His sire, Imc>onted Boar Goger Higlend' Je>', 13-183575. His advanced re- ister>' No. 137. His Dem, O.A.C., 129R-1193595. Hier advanced re- istrv Nc. 1349. His Dam s ire ()t- tawa Bele, 118N-179739. His ad- vanced registry No. 133. Bred by Agricultural College, Gneipb, and bougbht direct frcm diere. Ternis for service, $1.010 cash. W. T. Synions, Phone 2251. 50-l* .Radios Servlced 'DIO SALES AND SERVICE- Guaranteed Repeins, Useti Radios, Parts. Knigbt Building, Kingz St. EL, Bowmanville. Phone 367 49-tf Lost .ST - KEYS IN LEATHER case, on Division Street between King and Queen Sts. Will finder' pleese leave et Statesman Office. 50-1 ieC.G.I.T. girls et ber hcme on ,turdav. Mrs. A. T. Stainton bad a quilting )r the Youngz Ladies' Bible Class on rida>'. 6 Mrs. J. Sbackeltcn entertained the I.A. et ber home on Thursdaye The ficers were re-elected. Miss Isobel Cruickshanks bad ber nsils removed in Bcwmanville Hos- ta on Monda>'. SPECIALSI ma 12 SHEETS 5C Mr. F. W. Murreli wishes te thank ail diose wbo were se0 ibd to bim duriniz bis sojourn in bcsiuital and for the man>' inquiries'about bis welfare. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - .10 PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. AppI>' H. C. Pedwell, New- castle, Phcne Clarke 3823. 50-1* FOR SALE - 14 YOUNG PIGS, 6 weeks old. Appi>' Luther malin, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Phcne 2434. 50-1 FOR SALE-SHORTHORN COW, due te f reshen i e middle of Dec- ember. Phone Clarke 1631. 50-1 FOR SALE - GOOD MILK COW, due te f reshen, now.- Phone 241&. 50-1 FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- sbire piRs; aiso Quebec cook steve. AppI>' R. Olesen, Burketon. 50-1 STOCK FOR SALIZ - 20 YORK- sbire pigs, 2 months old. Wanted -Good Holstein ccw «cr heifer. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darligton. 50-l* FOR SALE - SHORTHORN bulîs, f rcm Champion Sires, dank red and roans, smooth, thjic and blocky, witb gcod heads, around serviceable agzes. For sale et .rea- s9nable prices. C. Hr. Murnford, Hampton. 49-2* Real Estate For Sale -BOUSE FOR SALE - SIX-I rocmed frame lieuse, situated an Newtonville, latel>' occupied b>' Mrs. Ed. Millson. Enqu'>res shpnld be made on or before januar>' lst, 1940, te Rev. Thiomas Wallace, Greenbank, Ont. 50-2 For Sale FOR SALE - OIL BURNER suitable for ccci steve, complet. with copper coul, etc. Apply te George C. Wright, Nevréastle, Ont. 50-1* FOR SALE - TALMAN SWEET apples, $1.00 per barrel; Dool.>' potatoes, lc a IL Earl Stephenson, Haydon, R.R. 6. Bowmanville. 50-1 FOR SALE-TURKEYS, QHiOICE bronze gobblers and bens. Phone 2449. -50-1 FOR SALE - NUJ-TYPE ALAD- din lamp. Beatty Gasoline Wasb-' inir Machine; 5-tub. Philco Bat- ter>' Radio, f ulI>' reconditioned; soane flber coverings -, a band wringe, iuractically new. Mrs. J. T. Brown, Kingston Rd. E. 50-2* FOR SALE - 12 CORDS1 DRY niixed w00od, 12" long, 4 tiers te ccird; 15 cords dry cordwood. AppI>' Levi McGill, Nestieton. FOR SALE -- THREE C.QLLIE pups, -maIe, six weeks old. Price $2.00 each. From izgojd stockç. Appi>' M. W. Blackbnrn, Orono. 50-1 FOR SALE - CHICKERING Square Piano and ladies' f un coat. size 42, and Coleman lamp witb beadti timming. AppI>' 476, King St. West, Oshawa. 50-2e FOR SALE - STACK STRAW. AppI>' Bert Rice, R.R. 1. Tyrone,. half Mile. nordi cf Sanît Church. 49-2 Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Nonby Fori Farn. Tvrone. Phone 2415.. 34-tf Radio Service, GOOIP RADIO SERVICE FOR yen et die black-on-yellow sign F. Crowe, -Elgin St., BoWiienvllIe. 50-1* Bowmanville Room end Board BOARD AND ROOM- IN pnivate home. Phone 625. 49-2 Agents SELL WHAT EVERY HOUSE- hold needtI Yon will ern more than a decent living if von loinn '<Famailex." Quick and sure sales- big profits-repeat orders. Begin- ners cen earn good moley f rom stant. Get facts and catalogue te- day. Familex Pnoducts, 570 St. Clernent, Montreal. 50-1 Personl MENI WANT VIM? TRY RAW Oyster Tonic, Ostrex Tablets, to pep np whole body' quick 1 If net deligbted widi results first pack- age, maker refunds its low pn. Yen ddn't risk a penny. Call, write Jury & Levell and al gooti druggists. 50-1 MilLK TuHATIS BAVER! When you buy Maple Grove Dairy ifk, you receive a produot which bas paused cfty inispeotion standards, yet you pay no more for this extra protection. Hardwood Floors' A NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR or kitchen cupboard for Cbristmnas would be appreciated b>' your wife. Estirnates on al workc C. L. Warren, Ijampton. .49-4* RADIO' -SERVICE Eleotrianld Battory S" TUBESTeT FUPI Phone 575 R. QUINN, King st. Bowmanvlflo ] W. are the only dairy distributing in Bowman- vile which has-its milk and oream tested by authorlued 1inspectors every week. MAPLE GROVE DAJRY TIK BRaOW, Proprietor Phone 2165 Bowmanivile L.W~... ~ Fine Gift Selections LoveI's Drug GENUINE CJ.LL. BBUSH, C0MB AND MIRROR SETS In new and. unusUal designs.u....-..$.4.95 - $5.05 - $7.08 - $10.50 WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS Se. 111e Militar>' Set with upoclal casea.----------- -Oui>' 15.0 SMILES 'N CRUCKLES CHOCOLATES Fineat qualit>' -- % lb. 1 lb. 2 lb. 5 lb. Boxe. Spoclally Wrapped -.--- ---- ---- ------- 50 lb. CAMERAS - $1.25 up fEastman Kodak atm and mcvi. Casuora, Projoctors and Film Mako thls a Photographie Christumas. FRANK MEDICO FILTERED PIPES You eau't botter thesu au>where for$1. MANICURE SETS By Revion, La Crosse or Cutox------------ - -- M 80e 40 MARE-UP SETS AN» BATH SETS B>' Harrlot Hlubbard Ayer or Elzabeth Arden - - 75ce 10$5.00 BEAUTIFUL COMPACTS from .. .-u----- ----5h 0o 8 5.6 TMEN'S TOHLET SETS -Colgate'. - Woolbury's- Yardley's - Jamiule - Wliam' Bachelor - Gardeula ...--«------------ *-- --------2. 50 t. 87.0 CIGARS - CIGARETTES - TODACCOS - PMES - LIGHTERS lu Christmas Gif t Wrapplnt. SUBSCRIPTONS TO ALL MAGAZINES Whou W. Tetst>Bru It la Dous Propori>' RAZORS FOIR MEN Roll@ Rasors ------ - $86.95 Schlck Elootrie -$13.00 GMette wlth 10 Dindes-------...590 - $5.0 WUiuon Raser ....-$3.00 Autoafrep Raxor - M e-$. Speclal Miltai>' sots 0...~.. 3.00 Up Wsrdonla Rasr ..... PERSONAL Use Tour Owu Negaivuc Tako the pleture yenu mont admire. Seul u bhe nega- bivo aud we'fl uake Feu Chrlasua Cards, Calculais anul Follers that ne oue cl» eau obtal. Carla, blackanud Carda, ooloured, do.$1.,. Calculais, 15oeso. - 2 for 35e ENLARGZMENTS FOR CISBTKAS JURY f0 LOVELL Phono 778 newmuni ('146 CH!RSMA! ARY8VPp$ iC EACH CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS Llghta, Tinsel, Belle, Wroaths, Snow - omplete Line of ChU itmaa Orackeru TOYS * Giibe for Free BOOKS i aLâ' Delivery JOIINSTON'S BOOK STORE' 1 s s s, 5s e . 1 . ýIREÀ&Dri/î dilSE WANIT@APS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE9 ONTARIO THURS-DAY, DECEMBER 14IC11, * 1939 1

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